By positive thinking. Positive Thinking: The Powerful Power of Positive Thinking

Department of Education of the Irkutsk Region

Regional state educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care, Orphanage"Harmony"


Training "Formation positive thinking»

educational psychologist:

Papenko S.I.


No one is responsible for the problem

But everyone is responsible for the decision.

  1. The problem of forming positive thinking ( introduction psychologist).
  2. Watching an excerpt from the movie "The Secret".
  3. Exercise "Fresh thoughts" (art therapy).

We divide the sheet into two halves. With a subdominant hand, draw a faded bouquet of flowers on the left half of the sheet.

We close our eyes, imagine what this bouquet symbolizes for us.

Without opening our eyes, we imagine that we are swimming in clean water(we swim in the river, stand in the shower, etc.).

We open our eyes to right side sheet with a subdominant hand, draw a revived bouquet, refreshed with water, updated.

Fresh water refreshes flowers, fresh thoughts refresh our life. We draw a conclusion for ourselves - what needs to be updated in ourselves. The subdominant hand (untrained) is connected with the soul, with the heart, brings out the unconscious.

  1. Exercise "Who am I?"

(This technique is used when working with unmotivated clients).

On each of the eight pieces of paper we write the answer to the question: “Who am I?”.

We arrange them from top to bottom - from the most important to the secondary.

The psychologist gives one minute for the participants, looking at each piece of paper, starting from the bottom, to reflect on what this part of their personality is for them and what would happen if they lost it.

If after that there was a desire to shift the leaves, then we shift.

Why did they change?

  1. Exercise "Positive Future".

(This is a very subtle psychotherapeutic technique).

Participants are randomly divided into groups, the main condition is high level empathy in each subgroup. It doesn't matter if they know each other or not.

Task: imagine (“see”) a positive future for any member of the subgroup.

Free expression in the circle of members of subgroups about the presented ("seen") positive future of each of the subgroups. The one about whom they are talking should not comment on what was said, but simply thank.

  1. Exercise "The image of my happy future."

The exercise is free-form.


a) draw in the form of a map, or a crossroads, or in a free abstract form, in the form of an image (art therapy);

b) make a "visualization board" (see the film "Secret");

c) write a draft future life. Indicate those areas of your life where you would like to improve: - what we have on this moment; - what we want; - our resources (we focus on them; what we cannot change - we accept as is);

d) write a letter “I am in ... years”;

e) imagine that your life is a novel in which the next chapter is happy; write this chapter;

e) start notebook or a notebook in which we will write down poetic quotes that help us in our lives, inspire us, help us to realize our plans.

Remember: the written word is amplified many times over.

  1. Exercise "Situation Assessment Scale".

This exercise is from cognitive psychotherapy, but in it we go from the opposite to the positive.

100 points 0 +100 points

A school where at -100 points we imagine the worst thing that can happen to a person (but he is still alive). Then, without changing the situation, we reduce the “horrors” we invented by half (-50 points).

Let's evaluate our situation on this scale.

  1. Exercise "Drawing a conflict" (art therapy).

Choosing a real conflict situation with a specific person.

On one sheet we draw schematically, with lines, our conflict. Draw with both hands at the same time right hand- this is "I", the left one is "my opponent". The sheet was put aside and turned over.

On another sheet - change hands, and again draw the same conflict.

We read this biography in the first person.

If after that there was a desire to change the picture, we change it.

On a new sheet, we draw a symbol - how we would like this situation to be resolved, how the conflict would end - always on a positive note.

This is our social training. Conclusion: in the conflict it is necessary to show tolerance, indulgence.

  1. Exercise "Question to the heart" (art therapy).

We relaxed, asked the question that worries us the most at this time, to ourselves. We address it to our mind.

Let's draw or write the received answer (with a subdominant hand).

We address the same question to our hearts. Let us turn to our heart as a source of wisdom.

Draw or write the answer on another piece of paper.

We prescribe the phrase with a subdominant hand: “I accept myself as (such), what (what) I am!”

The heart has its own brain. The signals received from the heart are many times stronger than those from the mind.

  1. Algorithm for positive thinking.

1). A useful name for the situation (possibly with humor; a quote; a metaphor - anything. The main condition: the name must be positive.)

2). A useful explanation of the situation: we find out the causes of our problem. Any explanation is fine, even the most improbable ones.

This stage may or may not exist.

3). "Memories from the Future".

Let's pretend there is no problem. What will you feel about it?

4). Identification of resources.

What helped well in such or similar situations? What resources, qualities, etc. do we have for this?

Write them down in a column.

5). The problem is as a teacher.

For example, you are already old. How would you tell your grandchildren about this situation. What did she teach you?

6). Gratitude.

Let's imagine that our situation was successfully resolved. On this occasion, we arrange a holiday (you can think of a name for it). We invite everyone who had anything to do with our situation to the holiday, seat everyone at the set tables and sincerely thank each of them for something (we need to find something for which we can thank those who were the “negative hero” in our situation) ). We sincerely wish everyone health, happiness, etc.

Positive thinking is a human feature, thanks to which a person turns into a kind of magnet for others.

This is easily explained. After all, such people are always easy to communicate with, they give a good mood to others. In addition, people who think positively usually achieve great heights in life, they have excellent relationships in the family and at work.

A positive person is, first of all, someone who is able to cope with their negative thoughts, turn them into a positive mood, despite the presence of difficulties and failures in life. Such individuals are always attractive to society. They charge others with their strength, give a positive attitude.

From the outside it seems that such lightness of life is a gift. However, each person is able to create himself. One has only to ask oneself the question: how to set yourself up for positive, and it will be possible to say that the first step towards change will be taken.

Optimistic people never complain about their lives, problems for them are a way of self-improvement.

The meaning of positive thinking

Positive thinking is a stage in the development of the thought process, based on the perception of the surrounding world in the most favorable light for oneself.

positive attitude allows you to experiment, learn new aspects of life, open up opportunities for your own growth.

Due to focusing only on positive side subject, even in moments of failure, they remain the winner.

A positive attitude allows people to win where, it would seem, there is no way out.

Positive thinking helps people make discoveries. The movement of mankind forward to the full extent depends on individuals who have a positive attitude.

How to learn to think positively

Before you begin to change your way of thinking, you should first understand what psychological type you belong:

  • - personalities are closed on their own self. Their emotional background smooth, no gaps. These people will never look for noisy companies. Loneliness is a familiar and beloved environment for them. A positive attitude for such people is an elusive goal.
  • Extroverts are open loving fellowship People. In most cases, this type of personality is characteristic of people who tend to view life's difficulties as a way of self-improvement. Extroverts rarely face the question: how to set yourself up for positive. Usually these are the people who charge others with their love of life.

Features of extroverts

The power of positive thinking is fully revealed in a number of traits inherent in extroverts:

  • Interest in exploring new unexplored frontiers, craving for knowledge;
  • The desire to make your life better;
  • Planning your actions;
  • Ability to work in order to achieve the set goals;
  • Positive or neutral attitude towards others;
  • A careful analysis of the lives of successful people. Accounting for their knowledge and experience in their activities;
  • Equal attitude to their victories;
  • Reasonable attitude to material values;
  • Emotional generosity within reason.

It is conditionally possible to combine the concepts of extrovert and positive thinking, and introvert with negative thinking. However, this classification is very simplified. Talk about what certain type character is exclusively positive or negative features are not necessary.

How to form positive thinking

How to set yourself up for positive when there are too many problems and difficulties around, people seem callous, work is boring, and there are constant quarrels in the family?

Positive thinking develops if you repeat positive attitudes to yourself every day and communicate only with optimistic people. Modern man it is extremely difficult to acquire such an approach to life, since, unfortunately, his upbringing does not allow him to do this.

What is a positive outlook on problems, for most open question. From the early childhood negative attitudes are imposed on children, from which not everyone is able to get rid of in the future.

That is why, in order for the younger generation to have positive thinking, one should talk to children as often as possible, explain to them that they should not be afraid, they should believe in themselves and strive for success.

Methods for developing positive thinking

Positive thinking can be acquired through a number of practices. Exercises should be performed regularly, at any time in life. Only under this condition can one know what the power of positive thinking is.

  • liquidation

In Hansard's book, detailed recommendation How to set yourself up for positive. It is recommended to start the exercise early on Thursday morning. According to military rules, this day is the time to remove all obstacles. The exercise should be performed for at least 24 minutes.

The practice algorithm is as follows:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position;
  2. Mentally plunge into the problem;
  3. Imagine that the obstacle from the impact crumbled to dust or burned down;
  4. You should give free rein to negative thoughts that are hidden under troubles. By all means continue to think that all the negativity that comes out is immediately destroyed by external forces.

After completing the exercise, you just need to sit quietly.
Practice should be done for as long as possible. The longer it will be, the greater will be the power of positive thinking.

  • Positive thinking instead of negative

How to tune in to the positive when there is a difficult unpleasant question? Undoubtedly, before every person, optimist or pessimist, sooner or later there is an obstacle on the path of life that must be overcome. The only difference between people is that some people know how to set themselves up for positive, while others do not.

In order to learn how to overcome obstacles with the help of thought, you first need to understand what caused the problem, how long it lasts. In addition, one should note for oneself the reaction of others to it: do they believe in its successful resolution, how long will the effect last after its resolution, what the results may be.

After they are received true results, you can start the exercise:

  1. Borrow comfortable position. Imagine that a fire is burning in front of you, and a magnificent fragrance is spreading from it;
  2. Imagine that the causes of the problem, falling into the fire, melt;
  3. Imagine that everything negative that is happening at the present time is turning into useful, positive;
  4. As the situation changes, the mental fire changes outwardly: once an orange pillar of fire turns into an unusually blue, blinding one. A new flame passes through the spine, spreads through the body, entering the head and heart.

After completing this exercise, a positive mood appears almost immediately. All problems are easier to solve.

  • Luck

How to tune in to positive in order to help your loved ones find work, friends? Before doing the practice, you need to honestly answer yourself the question: do I use positive thinking only for the benefit of my loved ones, and not for myself?

If you wholeheartedly believe that your actions are disinterested, then you can proceed to perform the technique:

  1. In the beginning, you need to mentally direct all your positive attitude and energy to the person who needs your help;
  2. At the next stage, you need to clearly imagine how all difficulties are eliminated under the influence of thoughts;
  3. Then send to the heart area dear person a white energy ray that has a positive attitude, thanks to which luck is attracted. Thus, there is a stimulation of human vital resources.

After the end of the practice, you need to make 7 claps.
You should start doing the exercise for a positive attitude from Sunday.

Everything a person thinks about a long period will happen sooner or later. It doesn't matter if he wants it to happen or, on the contrary, seeks to avoid it. If the same thoughts are constantly repeated, then they will certainly come true.

Positive thinking can be developed. Proponents of Feng Shui advise special exercises for this:

  1. In thoughts and words, use only affirmative words: I have, I win. Completely exclude the use of particles;
  2. Believe that everything will work out. A positive attitude will help accomplish even the most unrealistic plans;
  3. Don't give up on change. Most people are terribly afraid to change their established life, well-established way of life, understandable work. Sometimes this desire for a quiet cozy harbor can develop into uncontrollable phobias. It becomes very difficult to think positively in such cases. It is categorically impossible to concentrate on your fear of the unknown. It is necessary to paint in bright colors the opportunities that will be opened during the transition from the zone of personal comfort to new realities;
  4. Start the day with a smile. Positive mood arises from the very morning, if you smile at the first rays of the sun, enjoy the events that are happening around. A positive attitude will make a person play the world bright colors.

The power of positive thinking has been known to Tibetan monks for a long time. Christopher Hansard wrote a book based on the Tibetan doctrine of thought processes. The book says that positive thinking makes it possible to change not only the person himself, but also his environment. The individual sometimes does not understand what limitless possibilities are hidden in him.

The future is shaped by random thoughts. The ancient inhabitants of Tibet tried to develop the power of thought on the basis of spiritual knowledge, they knew what an energy mental message was. Today, positive thinking exercises are effectively applied in practice.

Sometimes one negative thought is enough for a huge number of negative ideas to grow on top of it like a snowball. If a person wants to acquire positive thinking, then he must begin to change with himself.

Hansard believed that the world is thought. One of the first steps on the way to using its energy resources is to understand the impact of negative attitudes on life. The second step is to eliminate harmful ideas. If you do not eliminate them as soon as possible, you can lose positive thinking forever.

The negative spheres of being are always disguised as something complex, overly rational. Only positive thinking will help to cope with them. However, in order to master it, you should make an effort.

negative thinking

Psychologists divide the process of thinking into positive and negative. The ability to think is the tool of every individual. Depending on the level at which a person owns it, her life is also built.

Negative thinking is based on individual qualities, experience, the world around. Is an indicator low level brain capabilities.

People with this mindset tend to accumulate negative emotions with age. At the same time, a person often completely denies all the facts that are unpleasant for her.

Thinking about traumatic situations, a person tries to find everything possible options to help him avoid it happening again. Unfortunately, such thoughts only lead to the fact that the person completely switches to the negative, without seeing the positive aspects.

Sooner or later, the individual ceases to see his life in bright colors. Before him appear only gray difficult everyday life, which he is no longer able to cope with.

Features of a negative thinking person

Concentrating all his attention on the negative aspects, a person is constantly looking for the cause and the guilty ones. At the same time, the individual does not notice the possibilities for changing the situation. This is due to the fact that in every solution he still finds flaws. This often results in lost opportunities.

The basic properties of a person who finds it difficult to think positively include:

  1. Unwillingness to change lifestyle;
  2. Search in new negative sides;
  3. Unwillingness to learn, gain new knowledge;
  4. Frequent nostalgia;
  5. Waiting for hard times careful preparation to them;
  6. The desire to do nothing, but to get what you want;
  7. Negative attitude towards people around;
  8. Inability to think positively. Constant explanation of the difficult circumstances of life;
  9. Stinginess in all spheres of life.

negative thinking person unable to clearly articulate their desires. He seeks to make his life easier, but does not know how to do it.

Can they positive thoughts reflect on us with something more than just a smile on your face? Yes. This is convinced Barbara Fredrickson (Barbara Fredrickson) - holder of a Ph.D. from Stanford University. Fredrickson is one of the world's leading scientists studying social psychology. Her work has been widely circulated and has been awarded honorary awards. In her 20 years of scientific activity, Barbara has conducted a number of studies aimed at studying the influence of emotions on human life in the future. What conclusions did she come to? Let's find out.

How negative thoughts affect the brain

Let's imagine that you are walking through the forest and suddenly meet a wolf on your way. In such a situation, your brain registers a negative emotion - fear.

Scientists have long known that negative emotions program convolutions to perform certain actions. For example, when crossing with a wolf, you start to run away from him. The rest of the world ceases to exist. You focus solely on the beast, the fear, and the desire to get away as soon as possible.

In other words, negative emotions narrow thinking and limit thoughts. Looking objectively at the situation, you could try to climb a tree or defend yourself with a stick, but the brain ignores the options available. There is no other way out for convolutions when the eyes of a predator are looking at you.

Of course, millions of years ago, the self-preservation instinct inherent in our ancestors helped them survive and procreate. But in our modern society no need to worry about an unexpected meeting with a dangerous representative wildlife. The problem is that your brain is still programmed to respond to negative emotions in the same way - by disconnecting from the outside world and deflecting alternatives actions.

Why composure and the ability to restrain one's emotions are almost the most important qualities good boxer? Because anger and emotions in battle narrow mental capacity and do not allow to show tactical thinking. Looking at your to-do list for the day, find it not very realistic and can't get started? Yes, you have been paralyzed by the horror of contemplating a long list of tasks. Do you feel bad about not taking care of your health? Now all your thoughts come down to how weak, lazy and loafers you are.

In every similar situation, the brain shuts down from outside world and focuses on negative emotions: fear, anger or stress. Negative emotions keep your head from looking around for the alternatives and opportunities that surround you. It's just a survival instinct.

How positive thoughts affect the brain

Fredrickson studied the effect of positive thoughts on the brain during a small experiment. She divided her test subjects into groups of five and showed each company a different video.

The first two groups were shown clips that evoke positive emotions. Group 1 was filled with a sense of joy. The second five watched frames that create a feeling of pleasure.

The third company looked at images that were neutral or did not contain significant emotions in terms of their emotional richness.

The last two groups “enjoyed” the video that generated negative emotions. The fourth five absorbed the feeling of fear, and the final five absorbed the feeling of anger.

After that, each participant was asked to imagine themselves in a situation where such feelings could arise, and write down what they would do. Each subject was given a sheet of paper with 20 blank lines that began with the phrase "I would like to ...".

Participants who watched videos of fear and anger wrote the fewest responses. And the subjects who admired the images of joy and pleasure completed a significantly larger number of lines, even in comparison with the neutral group.

Thus, when you experience positive emotions, such as joy, pleasure, love, you pay attention to more opportunities in your life. These findings were among the first to really prove that positive experiences increase one's sense of one's own strength and open up new possibilities of thinking.

But this is only the beginning. The most interesting impact of positive thinking comes later...

How Positive Thinking Develops Skills and Abilities

The benefits of positive emotions are not limited to a few minutes of pleasant sensations. Positive impressions help to acquire skills and develop resources for use in later life.

Let's consider a real example.

A child running down the street, jumping in puddles, waving a branch and playing with friends develops athletics (physical skills), communication skills (social skills) and the ability to discover new things and explore the world around him (creative skills). Thus, positive emotions from play and joy bring up in the child skills that will be useful throughout his life.

Acquired skills live much longer than the emotions that initiated them. Years later, a solid foundation physical form can grow a real athlete, and communication skills - to show the world a competent manager. Happiness, which gave the base to the skills, has long passed and forgotten, but the skills themselves are not lost.

Fredrickson calls this feature the theory of expansion of boundaries and development. Because positive emotions increase a sense of one's own strength and give rise to thoughts, which in turn develops new skills that will certainly come in handy in other areas of life.

As noted earlier, negative emotions have the opposite effect. It is they that hinder the construction of new skills due to the existence of a threat or danger.

In conclusion of the above, a completely logical question arises: if positive emotions are so useful for our future, how to become positive?

How to get positive thinking

So how do you increase the amount of positive emotions in your life and apply the effect of the theory of expansion and development on yourself?

Any spark of joy, satisfaction and love will certainly do its job. But only you know exactly what works for you. Maybe it will be playing the guitar, taking a walk with a loved one, or carving a wooden gnome for your favorite flower garden.

Nevertheless, it is worth paying attention to some activities that are suitable for many earthlings.

Meditation. A recent study by Fredrickson found that people who meditate daily experience more positive emotions than those who do not practice meditation. As expected, meditating had a positive effect on long-term skills. For example, three months after the end of the experiment, daily meditators had increased attention and purposefulness, and their health improved.

Letter. The study, published in the Journal of Research in Personality, looked at two groups of 45 students. The first group during three days wrote about strong positive feelings. The other one is on a regular topic.

Three months later, members of the first team noted better mood, they were less likely to get sick and seek medical help. Just three days of writing about positive things affected the improvement of health.

A game. Fit playing sports into your life schedule. You plan meetings, negotiations, events and various duties, putting them on your calendar, but why don't you find time for amateur sports?

When in last time did you indulge in experimentation and discover new things for yourself? When was the last time you planned entertainment? Is happiness less important than a meeting on Tuesdays?

Give yourself permission to smile and enjoy the benefits of positive emotions. Plan a futsal game with your friends or a little adventure with your significant other. Thus, you will experience satisfaction and joy, as well as learn and develop new skills for yourself.

What comes first: happiness or success?

There is no doubt that happiness is manifested as a result of achieving success. For example, winning a championship, moving to a new high-paying job, meeting a loved one will surely bring joy and satisfaction to your life. But do not mistakenly believe that happiness is ALWAYS preceded by success. Have you ever thought: “As soon as I get (achieve) something, I will immediately be in seventh heaven with happiness”? In fact, there is no need to postpone your happiness until a certain event occurs. Be happy here and now.

Happiness is both the precursor to success and its result!

Life happy people similar to an upward spiral. They enjoy everything that surrounds them. Thus, they develop themselves and their skills that help to achieve success, and success itself saturates a person with even greater joy. And so round after round.

So what's now

Positive thinking is not just a bland and fluffy term. wellness. Yes, it's great to just be happy. But moments of joy also have importance for your mind, helping it push boundaries and acquire skills that will become valuable in other areas of your life.

You need to look for ways to build your happiness and bring positive emotions into your life. Meditation, writing, playing and whatever - it's not just a momentary reduction in stress and a few smiles. Do interesting things, chase the ball, rush into experiments. Your brain will do the rest for you.

The essence of positive thinking is that you do not need to blame life for your failures and look for any shortcomings in it. The main rule is to perceive obstacles as solvable problems.

It is important to rely on your own strength and not rely on others. Belief in oneself induces a person to action, and then he will not consider that everyone owes him.

Very often there are people who are pursued by a chain of failures. They tend to give up often and stop pursuing their goals. The disadvantage of such people is that they perceive failures as constancy and do not dare to resume actions that will lead them to success.

Such obstacles should only temper the character and train a person to quickly solve problems that have arisen.

To set yourself up in a positive way, you need to conduct daily introspection and throw thoughts of failures, failures, regrets and fears out of your head. By depriving yourself of such negative emotions, a sense of self-control and relief quickly comes.

Evening meditation on positive thinking or relaxing with eyes closed during which you need to imagine pleasant images. Examples of such images are ideas about a calm forest or water surface.

After unloading the mind, it will be much easier to start the next day. The started business will go uphill, and obstacles and negative impacts will not unsettle.

The Benefits of Positive Thinking

A person's thinking can affect the quality of his life in different ways. The development of positive thinking improves many indicators human life. This kind of thinking affects not only personal life but also on other processes and actions.

By changing your thinking to a positive one, there is a great chance to make your life better. Achieve material success and build relationships with people who are surrounded.

Also a big plus is a positive story on human health. WITH good mood a person is much easier to perceive difficult situations. Such people are unusual depression, they have a milder reaction to stressful situations.

Speaking about the advantages of positive thinking, 10 points can be noted that will improve the quality of human life.

  1. Health. People who think positively simply have no time to think about various diseases. Everyone knows that self-hypnosis is a huge power that can control. If a person does not think about the disease or, if he is already ill, is in a positive mood, then the disease quickly recedes. Psychological condition has a great influence on the patient's condition.
  2. Immunity. A lot of research has been done on the subject of controlling immunity with the help of thinking. Subsequently, people who thought positively showed increased the immune system. And patients with negative thoughts were prone to diseases, and their immunity was completely weakened.
  3. Concentration. Positive thoughts allow a person to concentrate on achieving his goal and not be distracted by groundless troubles. It is easier for such people to work effectively, while spending less effort.
  4. Self control. To achieve the result as quickly as possible, it is important not to deviate from the task. Positive thinking is an integral factor that helps a person to work without deviating from business.
  5. The attraction of the positive. As many people say, a person is accompanied by the same emotions and circumstances with which he himself approaches life. With positive thinking, the right things flow into life. Even if a person has no idea about the law of attraction, this does not exempt him from the accompanying failures. But the facts show that positive thoughts allow you to achieve and receive a lot. quick result, and negative thoughts contribute to deplorable circumstances.
  6. Expanding horizons. When a person has some kind of failure in work, then in most cases he gets hung up on this and spends a lot of nerves and strength to resolve the situation. Positive thinking helps to see the problem from the other side. From this point of view, it becomes clear that this problem is not the end of the world and we need to continue what we started. These failures only temper focus and self-confidence.
  7. Feeling better. Thoughts determine the state of health and help you quickly put yourself in order. It is noted that positive people tolerate diseases more easily without exposing their body to nervous breakdowns. They understand that if they set themselves up for the worst, then they will soon not be able to recover. Optimists are attentive to their condition and do not allow illness to overcome them.
  8. Self-esteem. Positive thinking allows a person to maintain their level of self-esteem. Such people respect the opinions of others, but also treat such opinions with caution. They respect their own opinion and respect themselves and their loved ones. They want to live with dignity, and they do everything possible for this.
  9. Rejection of bad habits. There is an erroneous opinion that positive thinking does not change life, improving its quality, but only makes a person treat his life better. People with bad habits fail to improve their lives because they spend too much time on these habits. Optimists begin to think about the consequences and begin to rid themselves of the influence of bad habits.
  10. Reducing stress. Stressful situations always unsettle a person. But only the attitude to such situations can change the situation radically. Those who think positively will identify useful things for themselves from the obstacles that have arisen and will continue to work. negative person will spend a lot of energy and nerves on the trouble that has arisen and, as a result, will remain in the negative. Positive increases stress resistance in various issues.

Positive Thinking Exercises

A person with positive thinking is always easy to distinguish from the crowd. His actions are calm and confident, he looks healthy and with good mood, he does not feel difficulties with making new acquaintances and is easy to communicate with, he is always drawn to him.

The secret of such successful people lies in positive thinking, with the help of which everyone can reach heights.

To achieve positive results need to develop positive thinking. This will help special exercises.

  1. You need to fill your mind with good thoughts. To achieve results in this exercise, you need to look for positive thoughts daily, then there will be no time for Negative influence and a person will change his attitude to himself and to his environment.
  2. Work on the power of your own mind. The human mind is important enough strong tool. With its help, a person makes important decisions and plans his own later life. The mind is able to instill self-confidence in a person and give strength for effective and efficient work. Therefore, do not underestimate the power of your mind.
  3. Daily practice. One of the main criteria is constant practice, and the mood for good thoughts. You need to plan your day in advance and set aside time to work on yourself.
  4. Law of attraction. positive people are able to attract only positive emotions, and they are not afraid of failure, because they approach them wisely quick decision. Negativity, in turn, attracts only negative influences.
  5. Discipline. This heavy exercise should be followed in any situation. Only discipline will allow you to soberly assess the situation and quickly make an important decision. This exercise will help a person to be concentrated and focused on working on himself.
  6. Expanding horizons. To solve the set important tasks it is not enough to have certain knowledge. Sometimes for custom solution you need to go beyond the usual and develop your own thoughts.
  7. Pursuit. Setting priorities and goals always helps to quickly and clearly achieve what you want. Even if initially there are no goals, it is worth starting with planning your own development.
  8. Celebration. To stay positive, it's important to take small breaks and celebrate your accomplishments. By sharing success with a loved one, the mind is unloaded and stress is relieved.
  9. Communication with like-minded people. Communication with people who are more successful will help a person stay afloat and set new goals for himself.
  10. Various sources. Do not get hung up on a certain treasure of knowledge. We need to develop and look for ways to solve and new information in different sources. This will help you develop more and reach greater heights.

Positive thinking development training

“Joy and happiness are like a seed thrown into the ground. It is necessary to water it abundantly before the sprout sprouts, and work tirelessly so that this sprout does not wither, but grows and bears fruit.

The tasks of this training can be used as a whole block or included in the crisis prevention training for adolescents as a fragment.

Purpose of the training- open, put into action, automate positively colored reactions to various, including stressful situations in the life of adolescents.

Training objective- to teach adolescents to independently find and use reserves of positive emotions, positive verbal and effective forms of communication in difficult moments life; teach some self-regulation techniques emotional states.

Stage 1 - acquaintance. For target positive training it is proposed to come up with a training name for yourself, containing some positive characteristic, for example, “Veselyak” or “Entertainer”. Further, during the entire training, address each other in this way.

Stage 2 - exercises.

"Dictionary of Good Qualities". In a circle, recall and name all the synonyms and shades of the qualities “good” and “beautiful” (or “joyful”). To what life phenomena are these qualities applicable? Try to find as many objects as possible to use these synonyms. Reflection: what feelings, associations, memories arise when pronouncing the words “magnificent”, “charming”, “charming”, etc. How does this dictionary affect the mood and state of mind?

Exercises on motor activity. You can use any outdoor game, such as "Engine", "Confusion" or the like.

Rationale. One of the most effective ways self-defense - "removal" of stress through muscle channels. At a minimum, during a period of neuropsychological overstrain, it is necessary to look for various reasons to increase physical activity: running, sports, refusal of transport, various games. Besides, therapeutic effect games, for example, increases from the presence in them of a communicative component that trains interaction skills.

"Unfinished Proposals".

First step: we start one or two sentences in a circle, and they become overgrown snowball offers. Second step: several sentences (4-5) on leaflets are distributed to the participants of the training for completion in writing. Then the facilitator collects options unfinished sentences(positive induction):

I came up with a great idea...

What I like about myself is that I...

I want to bring joy...

Any weather is grace, even today on the street ...

I get the most pleasure from…

My heart warms when I think about...

Helps me a lot in life...

When I'm in trouble, I console myself with the thought of...

To please my parents, I could...

"Calm down Birbal." An Indian legend tells of Birbal, a negligent adviser to King Akbar, who once was late for the king by as much as 3 hours - overslept. To justify himself before the king, Birbal said that he could not calm the child in any way. Akbar did not believe that the child could not be calmed faster. Then Birbal invited the king to act as a comforter, and he "cried", depicting inconsolable grief. After an hour of fruitless attempts, Akbar gave in and forgave his adviser.

The participants of the training choose "Birbal", whom they try to calm down in turn, using various ways consolations: a word, a touch, any incentives. Birbal then chooses whose consolation was the most convincing and effective.

"Portrait in Pink". It is proposed to remember the person to whom you experience hostility. You need to try to write his verbal portrait using only positive vocabulary, that is, leaving negative qualities “in mind”, write only about those that can be assessed as positive. You can slightly change the task by offering to write a portrait of an unpleasant person from the position of those who love him.

For younger teenagers, it is proposed to choose a movie hero or a literary character as an object, and also write his “portrait”. Discuss whether the attitude towards a person changes after such an essay.

"Chain". An exercise aimed at training the non-verbal transmission of emotionally positive information. Everyone is built in a column, at the back of each other's head. The host shows the last one written on a piece of paper sweet Nothing(“bunny”), or the phrase (“I like you”). He turns to himself standing in front of him and gestures and facial expressions trying to convey the meaning of what was written. The chain of non-verbal information is transmitted to the end. The last one in the column must say what the previous players conveyed to him.

"We'll get through this inconvenience...". Some unpleasant situation is chosen, which happens, as a rule, suddenly. For example, a vase broke, the keys disappeared, you stumbled. Usually in such a situation, we unconsciously use not quite normative statements, in best case curse. In the presence of strangers, these words of ours can really let us down. Therefore, it is necessary to practice responding to sudden troubles in a different way, using positive verbal formulas. For example: "Great, let's see what we can do ...", or "Just think, what is the importance of ...", or "That's the trick ...". Participants themselves come up with options for reactions. Of course, these formulations sound with an intonation of annoyance, ironically, even annoyed, but here a chain of dependence is turned on: a word - an action - a state that reconfigures from an experience to a search for a way out.

"Mirror". The same chain of dependence is activated when we consciously give our face one expression or another. Rehearse a relaxed smile in front of the mirror, establish yourself in it, get used to it. Imagine you are posing for a magazine cover photo. Then, while controlling your smile, remember some unpleasant situation that happened to you. "Keep a smile." Drop the memory, switch to something good. Reflection: is it difficult to control facial expressions if they contradict your thoughts; Did external goodness affect the perception and evaluation of past trouble?

"Desert Island". You are on a deserted island. Who will be most looking forward to your return home? Who will you worry about the most? What is the job that no one else can complete except for you? Imagine that you have trained carrier pigeons at your disposal. To which of the training participants would you write a letter asking for help? Why?

The final stage dedicated to discussing their impressions of the training. The exercise "Compliments" completes communication. Ask if their training name affected the well-being of the guys.