How to attract what you want with the power of thought. The power of human thought is the law of attraction

Effective visualization for every sane person
In the list of one of the best motivating films that can change lives for the better is the film The Secret, released in 2006. He quickly became popular. And no wonder: the authors of the film promise to reveal the secret that has been kept for thousands of years from "mere mortals". Those who comprehended it became successful and almost omnipotent. Having heard such promises from the creators of the film, few people will not watch it: everyone wants the fulfillment of their cherished desires.

So what do we learn from this movie? At the very beginning, the authors already share the main knowledge about the law of attraction. They claim that this law is the very secret that not many people know. “What we think about is what we attract,” they say.

According to the authors and participants of this film, thoughts create things. Therefore, if you just imagine that you live in abundance, then with the help of the law of attraction you receive all the benefits that you thought about all the time. At the same time, you need to think about positive, positive things. If you are negative in your thoughts, tension, you will attract trouble. Since the Universe doesn't care if you think good or bad for yourself, it simply materializes your thoughts.

Participants of the film share their stories about how they learned the secret and managed to change their lives for the better, make your dreams come true and become rich, successful and happy. After listening to them, I want to believe that in fact the power of thought can work wonders. However, skeptics and so-called realists believe that this secret revealed by the authors is not a guarantee of a successful future. People are trying to expose the filmmakers in lies by posting various materials about them. But, nevertheless, there are those who already confirm that after watching the film and changing their way of thinking, their life has changed, they have become happy, successful and rich. Therefore, it is still worth trying to take the advice of the authors of the film. What if it helps?

So, the film says, what thoughts dominate, then it happens. People are like magnets that attract everything around them. Therefore, do not think about the bad. Hearing such advice, many are frightened: it turns out, having begun to analyze, listen to the course of their thoughts, they come to the conclusion that they have a lot of negative thoughts in their heads. But the authors reassure by saying that positive thoughts are hundreds of times stronger than negative ones. You just need to learn to think positively. And gradually life will begin to change.

Every Human- the creator of your life, they say in the film. And he creates it with his thoughts. Therefore, what you complain about, you have attracted yourself.

Of course, it is difficult to constantly control your thoughts. Because there are so many thoughts running through the mind. And they are all divided into 2 types: good and bad. The authors argue that you just need to change negative emotions to positive ones, and your whole life will change. The universe will hear your thoughts. That eats thinking and feeling people create their lives.

Thoughts can be changed. And by changing your consciousness, you change your Universe.

The filmmakers tell the audience that our life can be incredible, it should be if the knowledge they shared is applied. After all, the number of desires is not limited. The universe, like a genie, grants wishes. You just need to take a step - ask for what you want with the help of your thoughts and images. The authors advise you to write on a piece of paper everything that you want to receive. And the Universe will do everything for you.

It is very important to set yourself up for what do you want to get. You should feel the anticipation of joy, thinking about what you want. It is important to be in harmony with what you want. You must imagine that you already have what you want.

Do not doubt, postpone, you need to act, say the participants in the film "The Secret". You can draw what you want. At the same time, the speed of fulfillment of a desire depends on how much you are in harmony with the Universe.

Who a person is at the moment depends on their past thoughts, the film claims. Do not think about the past, about who you are now. Be grateful for what you have. The authors advise you to write on a piece of paper, for which you are grateful. At the same time, gratitude must be carried through your heart. The state of gratitude is a very important feeling.

An important role in approaching the goal is played, according to the creators of the film,. You need to be able to visualize the end result. At the same time, there must be faith in success. Believe that everything is possible. You have to trust the universe. And work on your thoughts, images should not become a routine. It should bring genuine joy. Enjoy the process for real.

How to create a positive atmosphere at home

Almost everyone wants and longs to have a favorable and positive atmosphere in their home. It is one thing to wish, but another thing is to take responsibility for it and take certain steps in this direction. Perhaps the whole secret is to start doing something, and not just passively expect what you want.

Just a few practical tips will help everyone create a pleasant atmosphere and improve relationships in their home:

  • Take care of your physical health. Taking care of the physical condition of not only yourself, but also each member of your family, you can feel more proactive and happy. Enough sleep, proper nutrition and basic exercise will naturally generate more strength and energy in order to do some things around the house. On the contrary, lack of sleep, poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle will contribute to inactivity and apathy. In this state, all desire to do anything disappears.
  • Positive attitude. One of the most important points in building a favorable atmosphere in the house is the ability to think positively. To a greater extent, this applies to mental activity. It is important to analyze your thoughts every hour and every minute and learn to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Consider any current situation from a positive side and not allow negative thoughts to creep into your mind.
  • Create cleanliness and comfort in the house. When there is cleanliness, order and a pleasant smell around, this will undoubtedly affect the mood and make you feel cheerful.

The house should be a place, not only of relaxation and rest, but also a place where a person receives a boost of energy and motivation to achieve their goals.

Set yourself high goals. For example, earn a hundred thousand dollars a year. Visualize the target. Draw 100 thousand dollars and the lifestyle of your dreams. And ideas will certainly come to you, with the help of which you can achieve your goal. And when ideas come, you need to believe in them and act.

Think about prosperity, tell yourself that money comes often and easily. Many people think that this is not so, that money is not easy. But this attitude towards money may change.

Life should be abundant in every way. Happiness is everything together. The totality of all good things. Not only money. Therefore, first of all, you need to strive for harmony and joy. Draw yourself a happy life. Learn to love yourself. So until you are in harmony with yourself, until you love yourself and are happy, others will feel bad for you. Ask yourself the question: “Am I treating myself the way I want to be treated?” Solve your problems, fill yourself until you are full so that you can give to others.

Love yourself and the world around you will love you! Love yourself and you will love others!

Learn to focus on the positive qualities of loved ones. Write down these qualities. When you are satisfied with yourself, you will not want to change others and remake the world for yourself.

The authors of the film also argue that our body is a product of our thoughts. The mind plays an important role in healing. And all diseases arise due to internal imbalance, overstrain and stress. Illness is a signal that our body gives us. One of the participants in the film shares how she managed to recover from cancer. She watched comedies, laughed, did not let stress into her life, did not think about the disease, as if it was not there, and after 3 months the doctors were surprised by the result. The cancer was gone. But nevertheless, the authors of the film, and many sane people still advise to consult doctors for healing from serious illnesses.

The nature of the self-healing of the body, the film says. A disease cannot exist in a body saturated with positivity, positive emotions. You need to imagine your body is absolutely healthy. Because you become what you think about. And by resisting the negative, increase it. If you are against war, be for peace. You need to focus on what you want.

There is enough in the world for everyone. Besides, everyone wants something different. Choose what you need, let it in, make it your reality. If you don't like something, ignore it. Think only positive and desirable.

Everything in the universe is energy, the film claims. People are not limited to the physical body. People are an energy field, a field of potentialities. Everything is possible! Live and create life. All the possibilities are in your head!

"Self-Fulfilling" Desires
How do successful people think?

Turn dreams into goals!

Today, I would like to raise such a popular and at the same time "annoying" topic - "Do not dream, but set goals!"
How many times have I had to listen to the instructions of teachers and parents that dreaming is, of course, not harmful. But dreams may never come true, and if you want a decent life, set goals and achieve them.
How many articles, books, opinions I have read on how to set goals correctly! Yes - yes, there is even a technology for correctly writing your goal. And here I understand “GOD!”. You understand that today the world literally forces us to do EVERYTHING by the rules! People, let's stop listening to the thoughts of smart people and let's dream at the time when we ourselves want. And if necessary, then set yourself the “right” goals and achieve them?!

Ecology of consciousness. When a person says "my thoughts", a paradoxical thing happens: a series of thoughts "claims" to own other thoughts.

is one of the central facets of our life. This article will discuss how the power of thought creates reality, events, people and all, all phenomena.

The power of thought and "I"

There are manifestations of "I". But there is no "I". Manifestations of "I" exist by themselves. They seem to talk about "I", as a separate entity, manifestations of which they are. But this essence does not exist. There is only a bunch of these manifestations. The “I” is created by the power of thought. Thoughts revolve around a dummy that a person does not see, but believes that this is where his “I” is located. When a person says "my thoughts", a paradoxical thing happens: a series of thoughts "claims" to own other thoughts.

The power of thought and experience

Fears have no real objects. Fears, just like thoughts, exist on their own. When it seems that fear has a real object (the cause of fear), this is an illusion. Fear exists as an independent phenomenon without a real "object" to be feared. The object of fear is created by the power of thought. When it seems that the cause of fear is an event - this is an illusion. "Events" release fear that sits in the unconscious layers of the psyche, as a subtle "conscious" energy that a person is not yet able to digest at this moment in life. The same goes for other experiences, both pleasant and unpleasant.

If you free yourself from bad experiences, you should remember that their exposure by the methods of developing consciousness also leads to the exposure of worldly joys. If the power of thought is deprived of its negative charge, its positive charge is also quickly burned out, which leads to non-duality and enlightenment of consciousness.

The power of thought and events

There are manifestations of events. But there are no events. Manifestations of events exist autonomously, by themselves. There are no events beyond thoughts. Everything about which a thought narrates occurs within the framework of its manifestation. Any event in general has only a mental coloring. Beyond thoughts is an indescribable reality that has a wave nature beyond the mental description.

The power of thought and physical experiences

Physical experiences cause pain or pleasure due to the habit of responding to them mentally and emotionally. Without mental evaluation, something goes beyond description. Life is the movement of particles against the background of consciousness (the feeling "I am"). However, the movement of the particles that make up life is also created by the power of thought. Beyond thought, life is beyond expression.

The power of thought and the law of attraction

The connection between physical sensations (which are projected in consciousness with the help of the power of thought) and our thoughts is direct, so we can talk about the law of attraction (of events to thoughts) in practical application. As a rule, a person believes that thoughts are the result of events. However, this is an illusion. The occurring "events", as already mentioned above, are created by the power of thought. A person separates “thought-event” and “thought-reaction”. A person considers a “thought-event” to be something absolutely real, which is supported by the corresponding energy of thought, which carries a serious mood. This is due to the fact that the "thought-event" arises as a reflection of physical reality.

The bottom line is that the physical reality adjusts for each specific person in such a way as to correspond to his “thought-events”. The power of thought draws into life what we think about. If a person is able to perceive his own "thought-events" as illusions, he can influence his life. The visualization of the desired contributes to the implementation. The power of thought attracts the physical embodiment of what a person thinks about. That is why you should not pay attention to bad thoughts. It is worth paying attention to your thoughts. The equation with the answer "life" is added relative to the charge of your state. This is how the laws of karma work. There are a number of articles on this topic on under the tag “karma”.

Autonomous thought power

Everything that happens in this life is thoughts about thoughts. The current thought appears after the previous one, because one told about the other. This is an endless series of images that bring sleep to consciousness. When I talk about the illusory nature of thought, I want to emphasize that the main illusion is a person's delusion about the nature of thought. The very nature of thought and the nature of what is happening can be conditionally called real. Real energy creates mirages - unreal objects, events and relationships. Any assessments occur at the level of thoughts. The power of thought creates what we know. Beyond thoughts is a non-dual reality that defies any description. published

The fact that the power of human thought exists is no longer news, many people know about it, but only a few use it. If you want to join the wizards who can transform your life, read this article. From it you will learn all the subtleties of using the law of attraction with the energy of your thought.

Why is the power of thought not working?

In order to materialize your desire with the power of thought, you need to:

1. Have a high level of energy.

The energy of mental radiation cannot be used effectively if your vital energy is not at a low level. More precisely, the process of transforming the mental image into reality will take a rather long time, and maybe nothing will work out at all if your desire is big enough.

Read about how to increase energy.

2. Fears, doubts and other restrictions

The power of a person’s thought is destroyed by negative emotions, thoughts and feelings that need to be disposed of.

The most destructive of them are fears, guilt and resentment. Drive them away from your inner world.

You attract what is within you. If you are afraid, you attract your object of fear. If you feel guilty, you are punished. If you are offended, you clog your emotional body with clumps of resentment and attract more offenders to you.

How to use the power of thought

1. Decide what you want to create. What you will spend your energy of thought on. This must be your true purpose. When you choose other people's goals, you meet too many obstacles in your path and do not experience pleasure.

2. Constantly think of your desire as already achieved. it, feel the possession of it, feel the positive emotions.

Return to this step as often as possible. At least 1-2 times a day.

3. Control your thoughts, noticing that negative beliefs cling to you, switch. Don't fight them, just switch. Read the article about . There are effective ways.

What techniques to use

Visualize the end result, if you do not like mental visualization, then pay attention to. There you will see all the images in front of you, and embody them.

In addition to visualizing the end result, you can imagine the process of achieving the goal, as well as use other techniques, for example, or meditation on.

The main subtleties when working with the power of thought

1. Be sure to work with sensations. With the help of feelings, you fill your thought with power.

2. In the process of visualization - you do not just look at the pictures, but stay in them.

3. Regular training is the key to your success.

4. Be patient. Be aware of the delay in the fulfillment of desires. It takes time to get an image.

5. Don't get attached to the goal. Just radiate the right vibrations, knowing that at the right time everything will come true.

And finally, I would like to recall one simple but important detail. In addition to mental exercises, act.

Do you have the power of thought?

The power of human thought knows no bounds and extends to everything around us. Are you aware of the significance of this phenomenon? Do you use the power of the creative Power of thought in your daily life? If not, then you just need to read the content of the article.

You have probably heard from other people "We are what we think." Is there any great truth in this saying? Can our thoughts really have such a huge impact on our lives?

Over the past ten years, the world of science has changed tremendously. In the press and scientific literature, more and more signs of a new era can be traced - the era of subconscious thinking. This way of thinking will give you whatever you want. You have a priceless treasure and you must use it. Perhaps even the fulfillment of desires by the power of thought.

Each person is able to make his life happy with the help of the power of thought. Each person is the creator of his own world, and with the right use of his subconscious, he can fulfill any of his desires and achieve success in all his endeavors. And you, too, are able to control the power of thought and create miracles large and small.

By directing the thought process towards what is positive, a person can evolve to incredible heights. And, on the contrary, if a person’s mind is directed towards the negative, then such a person can degrade to the most miserable state.

We create reality ourselves: what we imagine about ourselves, what we dream about, often becomes a reality thanks to the psychic energy that we put into these thoughts.

Photolaboratories, in the West and in Russia, have already learned how to take pictures of thoughts, in color mode. They determined that every thought has its own shape and color. Negative thoughts have ugly forms and dark colors, while positively charged thoughts are endowed with an attractive and harmonious form, light, bright tones. This proves the existence of finer matter than what we can see with our own eyes.

By the way, modern scientific theories that thoughts materialize are reflected in ancient myths and folk tales. In the East, this is the “Lamp of Aladdin” with its genie from a bottle that fulfills any desire: you just need to clearly articulate and voice what you want.

In Russian folklore, this is a fairy tale about Emelya and Pike, who promised: "Just say:" By the command of the pike, according to my desire "- and everything will come true." That's it - "according to my desire"! You just need to think about what you want, and not about what you DO NOT want, and you will see: gradually what you want will become possible, the law of attraction and the power of thought will do their job.

The power of thought and visualization

One of the methods of using the power of human thought is visualization. This is when you mentally create a movie of your dreams - imagine your most secret dreams and fantasies. When you see this with your mind's eye, your desires are already partly materializing - after all, according to scientists who have studied brain cells, the human mind absolutely does not distinguish an invented picture from a real one. This is the power of thought.

As Albert Einstein said: "Imagination is a display of the upcoming events of life."

Visualization encourages positive thoughts (through your imagination) to bring about the changes you want to achieve.

Scientists have found that about 80 percent of information comes to us through sight, about 15 percent - through hearing, the rest - through smell, taste, touch. No wonder they say: it is better to see once than to hear 100 times. Thus, presenting pictures of your happy life, you can significantly speed up the process of reprogramming your subconscious mind to a new, successful scenario.

You can read more about what visualization is and how it works, about the rules for conducting visualization, what should be avoided during visualization, and much more on this topic you can read on the pages of this site.
The power of thought and affirmations

Also, one of the methods of using the power of human thought by influencing the consciousness and subconsciousness are affirmations. An affirmation is a verbal formula that helps us believe in ourselves and get rid of problems.

The word is an important element of human culture. In all religions of the world, the word is given a special place of honor. The gospel says that initially "the word was with God, the word was God." The ancients believed that a particular sequence of syllables could itself have miraculous powers.

There is no doubt about the exceptional influence of words on the human psyche. Man communicates in words, man often thinks in words. Thought generates emotions and images that directly interfere with our behavior. A serious part of research in psychology is devoted to the influence of words on a person. Some psychotechnologies, for example, auto-training, are completely built on working with the word.

What is the mechanism of verbal programming? Frequent repetition of any verbal formula over time leads to its strong fixation not only in consciousness, but also in the subconscious. Gradually, she occupies a dominant position.

We will talk in more detail about the rules and methods of affirmations.

Our mind has unlimited capacity for learning new things. We only use 10% of our abilities, the other 90% are simply not explored. The most important step to discovering your latent abilities is to establish contacts with these abilities. We have the power to step out of this mass consciousness and choose our life beliefs.

We must program our subconscious to be positive. Remember, what we sow in our subconscious, we will reap in the material world. Our mind can be our enemy or our ally. If you tell yourself that we can do something, we will certainly succeed. Our subconscious will immediately find reasons to duplicate this statement. The main thing is to believe that the force of attraction of thought is a reality!

Every thought that has arisen in us sends vibrational waves from itself that affect the world around us.

Thoughts are things which, moreover, are capable of very powerful action. Having understood the nature of this amazing force and the laws that govern it, we will be able to subjugate it to ourselves and make it our tool and helper.

Every thought that arises in us, whether it be weak or strong, good or bad, healthy or sick, sends out oscillatory waves from itself, affecting to a greater or lesser extent all those with whom we come into contact or who find themselves in the circle of oscillatory waves of our thoughts.

On the other hand, our thoughts, acting on others, affect ourselves not only from time to time, but constantly. In the thoughts inherent in a person, his "I" is manifested; consequently, the biblical expression - "what a man thinks in his heart, that he is in reality" should be taken literally. We are all products of our spiritual creation. A thought systematically directed at one and the same object can be seen not only in the character, but even in the appearance of a person. This is a proven fact: you just have to look around you to be convinced of it. You have probably already noticed how a person's occupation is reflected in his appearance and in his general character. If ever you changed your activities, then your general character, as well as your appearance, followed the same change. Your new occupation brought with it a new series of thoughts, and the latter were reflected in matter.

Attractive power of thought

Another very important manifestation of thought is its attractive power. The attractive property of thought operates on the basis of the law: "like attracts like." Having certain definite thoughts constantly in your mind, you attract to yourself thoughts and convictions of the same kind from the vast environment of thoughts surrounding you, though elusive, but powerful: good thoughts attract other good thoughts, bad ones - bad ones; cheerful thoughts are like them; gloomy thoughts and thoughts of doubt follow the same rule, and so it is with all your thoughts.

This property is one of the greatest in nature, which, properly applied, will draw help from sources quite unexpected. Thoughts are "substantial realities" that have the property of attracting other thought waves of the same vibration and quality.

Thought is not a dynamic force, it is a very real thing, like some material object. Thought is a subtle form of matter, or a rather crude form of spirit, you may rightly regard it as both. Matter is the gross form of spirit, and spirit is the subtle form of matter. Everything in our Universe consists of one type of matter, which manifests itself in various forms, starting with material forms and ending with the most subtle form of spirit.

When we think, we spread around ourselves the vibrations of the finest ethereal substance, which is just as real as a thin vapor or gas, liquids and solids. We do not see thought, but we also cannot see subtle vapor or gas. We cannot smell and taste thought, nor can we smell and taste clean air.

The nature of the mental vibrations emanating from us is determined by the essence of the thought itself. People with superpowers who can see thoughts say that thoughts have a certain color. Our fearful and bad thoughts hang over the earth itself in the form of dark heavy clouds; but clear, cheerful, happy and confident thoughts are visible in the form of light cirrus, gaseous clouds, quickly rushing and mixing with others of their kind, forming cirrus cloud chains, high above heaps of dense, suffocating, disgusting vapors formed from timid and envious thoughts.

The distance the thought waves move away from us is of no importance; but they always have a connection with you and always have some effect both on you and on others. It is not easy for you to free yourself from the influence of these manifestations of your spirit. If you spread bad thoughts, then you become the main target for them, and your only hope to neutralize and render harmless them is to spread new strong positive thought waves.

The definition "like attracts like" very well reflects the aspirations of thought waves; the manifestation of this property of thought is one of the most striking signs in a series of psychic phenomena. Your thought attracts to itself the corresponding thoughts of others and thereby increases your supply of this kind of thoughts.

Fearful or unpleasant thoughts attract to themselves all other thoughts of the same kind and unite with them. The more insistently you think about it, the greater the influx of such unwanted thoughts will be. The result will be that you will not only suffer from the thoughts created by your mind, but also from the thoughts of others, so that a difficult situation is formed. And the more you think like that, the more difficult your situation will be. But think: "I'm not afraid," and every bold thought in your environment, like an arrow, will rush at you and help you. If you have bright, cheerful and happy thoughts, then you will attract others like them to you and you will feel more cheerful, joyful and happier as a result of their combined action. Try it!

In the world of thought, you get everything you give back with a good percentage. If you send only good thoughts, then good thoughts will return to you with a significant increase, and you will feel good in the company of well-placed, friendly people, thanks to this you will only win. Even from a personal point of view, it is better to have good thoughts.

To achieve your goals, you must constantly maintain in yourself and spread around you a firm, confident, fearless thought wave: "I can", which will attract to you similar thought waves of others; such waves will have a good effect on you, strengthen your strength and help you fulfill your aspirations.

If you try to practice thinking in this way, even for one month, you will soon notice a tremendous change in your life, a tremendous change in yourself. You will become disgusted with the former unworthy, bad mental activity and you will not agree to return to it under any conditions and at any price. Before a month has passed, you will already notice the beneficial power of the thought waves returning, and your whole life will change completely. Try it. You will never regret it!

How to Succeed with Attractive Thinking

It is considered a certain fact that all successful people have achieved it thanks to their powerful, strict, full of strength, concentrated waves of thought. They directed their mind to a specific goal and used the help of the will to give thought a certain direction. This direction of thought contributes to the development of their character, and thanks to this they go straight to the goal that they have chosen for themselves from the very beginning. Others had the same goal in front of them, but did not achieve it, because they did not give due perseverance and concentration to their thoughts.

To successfully achieve a mentally planned ideal, it is necessary: ​​firstly, an irresistible desire, secondly, complete faith in one's ability to fulfill one's desire (and not a timid assumption), thirdly, a firm decision to achieve one's goal (and not a simple intention: "I will try").

These qualities of thoughts certainly guarantee success if they are accurately executed. They will develop character and develop the ability to achieve the goal, as "thoughts are expressed in action"; they will give you a firm strength to influence circumstances; they will set in motion thought-waves that will attract others of the same kind to your aid.

If you have the thought, "I can't," then you are spreading vibrations that will make you feel like you really can't. The sense of self-preservation makes other people distrustful of such persons and avoid them. No man feels attracted to someone who thinks "I can't"; this form of thinking creates conditions that repel rather than attract.

When you have thoughts: "I want and I can," then the oscillating waves begin to move, producing an exciting effect; everyone will feel attracted to you and everything will be done according to your desire. Strong people will feel sympathy for you and will gladly be ready to work with you; weak people, aware of your strength and needing it, will feel attracted to you and unconsciously submit to your influence.

This is an example of the attractive property of thought. Try to experience!

The attractive power of thought can also accomplish much more. It can attract people to you who are interested in the same thing, just like you. The latter will feel attracted to you, and you to them, and each of you will help the other - to mutual benefit. This power will attract people to you who can help you and promote your interests. It will also attract to you those who need your services or help; they will benefit from you to your advantage. Of course, you had to feel affection for such a person and help him. Surely you have experienced similar situations. Why? Why do you willingly patronize one and distrust another who is no worse than him? Thanks to the power of mental vibrations. This is the whole secret. The same quality of thought attracts you to those whose vibrations are of equal length to yours, so that you will instinctively find those who can do you a favor and help you.

It must also be said that the degree of your success is determined by your belief in your own strength. A shaky, wavering faith will bring you incomplete success, but a firm, determined, complete faith that you can control your will and power of thought creates results that border on miraculous. Try to develop such faith in yourself and always combine it with a firm mental demand for what you need: then you will always be successful. "Ask and it will be given to you, knock and it will be opened"; however, be sure to accompany your demands with firm faith and an expectation of success.

But this does not mean at all that all problems can be solved and everything can be achieved only by the power of thought. A person who is seized by his aspiration and has concentrated thought impulses should never sit back and wait for something. Thoughts are expressed in actions; the more persistent the thought, the stronger the action. You can aim for some very unattainable goal and be quite sure that you will achieve it; you will always make it happen. All that you will firmly and confidently desire will be yours, think about it. Try everything. Try it seriously and you will be successful. All this is based on the operation of a mighty law.

Based on the book by William Atkinson - The Power of Thought.