I love working with people who... Unfinished Sentences - Joseph Sachs Test

The "unfinished sentence" method

Projective psychological techniques refer to complementary techniques, and specifically additive techniques, one of the types of projective techniques. The technique includes 60 unfinished sentences, which are divided into 15 groups, characterizing to one degree or another the system of relations of the subject to the family, to representatives of the same or opposite sex, to sexual relations, to superiors and subordinates. Some groups of sentences relate to the fears and concerns a person experiences, to his sense of awareness of his own guilt, indicate his attitude towards the past and future, affect relationships with parents and friends, and his own life goals.

For each group of sentences, a characteristic is derived that defines this system of relations as positive, negative or indifferent. Such a quantitative assessment facilitates the identification of a disharmonious system of relationships in the subject. But more important, of course, is a qualitative study of additional proposals.

In Soviet pathopsychology, the technique was tested by G.G. Rumyantsev (1969), who showed its importance for carrying out rehabilitation measures.

The Sacks sentence completion test (SSCT) was developed by Joseph M. Sacks in 1950. The test was created as follows: 20 clinical psychologists were asked to submit three items for consideration to complete sentences aimed at identifying significant attitudes for each of the specified categories. These were supplemented with items selected from the sentence completion literature. Thus, 280 points were obtained. They were distributed in numbers from 14 to 28 per category. For example, 19 items belonged to the category of attitudes towards the mother, 22 - to the category of attitudes towards the father, and so on. The 20 psychologists were then asked to select the four items in each category that they thought were best suited to identify significant attitudes in that category. The most frequently selected items were included in the test.

The "unfinished sentence" technique is a variation of the word association technique. SSCT has achieved that it reduces the number of associations evoked by a single word, allows for better context detection, insight into tone, quality of attitudes and specific objects or areas of attention, it allows greater freedom for the individual and greater variability in responses and reflects large area behavioral world of the respondent.

The technique can be used individually and in groups, as well as in oral and written forms. When carrying out the technique in writing, the initial parts of sentences can be presented either on special forms or on separate cards. In the written version, the test taker receives a piece of paper and a pen or a completed form with unfinished sentences. When using a card or oral version of presenting the beginning of sentences, the subject writes down on a piece of paper only the final part of the sentence - his answer; when using a form, the answer is written directly on the form under the corresponding beginning of the sentence.

In the oral version of the study, the test subject's answers are recorded either in writing by the experimenter or using a tape recorder.

Testing (without processing) takes from 20 minutes to several hours (depending on the personality of the subject).


Here is a list of unfinished sentences. You are invited to complete each sentence with one or more words, putting into it content that is characteristic of you. Get the job done as quickly as possible. Complete the beginning of a sentence without thinking, with the first thing that comes to mind.

Offer groups

Task no.

Relationship to father

Attitude towards yourself

Unrealized opportunities

Attitude towards subordinates

Attitude to the future

Relationship to superiors

Fears and concerns

Attitude towards friends

Attitude to your past

Attitudes towards people of the opposite sex

Sexual attitude

Relationships with family

Attitude towards employees

Attitude towards mother


Quantitative analysis involves preliminary expert assessment emotional intensity of each sentence. The following scale is proposed to evaluate the subject’s answers:

  • "+2" - maximum, clearly expressed, strongly positive attitude towards the object or subject about which we're talking about in a sentence;
  • "+1" - positive attitude;
  • “0” - neutral attitude towards what is being discussed, lack of expression of any emotions;
  • "-1" - negative attitude;
  • “-2” is the maximum, clearly expressed, strongly negative attitude towards the object or subject discussed in the sentence.”

The quantitative indicator is calculated for each area separately in the form of an overall summary assessment of each of the 4 proposals included in it. Its value ranges from “+8” to “-8”, and can be zero. There are 15 such indicators in total, in accordance with the number of spheres.

Example. Attitude towards family - statements 12, 26, 42, 57.

Subject's answers and their expert assessment:

  • (12) Compared to most other families, my family ... is quite strong (score +2 - positive emotional stress).
  • (26) My family treats me like ... an adult quite often (score +1 - more positive than negative emotional stress).
  • (42) Most families I know ... often limit the freedom of their children (score -1 - rather negative than positive emotional stress).
  • (57) When I was a child, my family ... listened to my opinion (score +1 - more positive than negative).

Thus, the sum of points on the “Attitude towards family” scale will be: +2+1-1+1=+3

As a result of testing, areas in which positive attitudes predominate (positive experience, positive perceptions, positive expectations) and areas in which attitudes close to negative or negative predominate (negative experience, negative perceptions, negative expectations).

Research using the open-ended sentence method must be preceded by establishing contact with the subject to obtain sincere, natural responses. But even if the test taker views the study as an undesirable procedure and, trying to hide the world of his deep experiences, gives formal, conditional answers, experienced psychologist can extract a wealth of information reflecting the system personal relationships.

METHOD “UNFINISHED SENTENCES” - attitude towards someone, something

The method of unfinished sentences has been used in experimental psychological practice for a long time.

There are many variations of it.
You are offered a version of this method developed by L, Sachs and V. Levy. It includes 60 unfinished sentences, which can be divided into 15 groups, characterizing to one degree or another the system of relations of the subject to the family, to representatives of the same or opposite sex, to sexual relations, to superiors in official position and subordinates.

Some groups of sentences relate to the fears and concerns a person experiences, to his sense of awareness of his own guilt, indicate his attitude towards the past and future, affect relationships with parents and friends, and his own life goals.

Testing (without processing) takes from 20 minutes to several hours (depending on the personality of the subject). (Your Personality)

Instructions for the unfinished sentence method
“The test form requires you to complete the sentences with one or more words.”

Test form for attitude towards someone, something, unfinished sentences:

1. I think that my father rarely ______________
2. If everything is against me, then _______________
3. I always wanted _______________________
4. If I held a leadership position ______
5. The future seems to me _________________
6. My boss ______________________
7. I know it’s stupid, but I’m afraid ______________
8. I think that a true friend _____________
9. When I was a child _________________
10. The ideal woman (man) for me is
lies ________________________________
11. When I see a woman next to a man
12. Compared to most other families
my family ______________________________
13. I work best with ___________
14. My mother and I _______________________
15. I would do anything to forget _____________
16. If only my father wanted to _________
17. I think that I am capable enough to ___
18. I could be very happy if __
19. If anyone works under my leadership -
20. I hope for ________________________
21. At school my teachers _________________
22. Most of my comrades don’t know that
I'm afraid _______________________________
23. I don’t like people who _____________
24. Once upon a time __________________________
25. I think that most boys (girls)
26. Married life seems ________ to me
27. My family treats me like _____
28. The people I work with ___________
29. My mother __________________________
30. My biggest mistake was ______
31. I would like my father to _____________
32. My greatest weakness is
33. My hidden desire in life is _______
34. My subordinates ___________________
35. The day will come when ______________
36. When my boss approaches me _
37. I wish I could stop being afraid of _______
38. Most of all I love those people who
39. If I were young again ___________
40. I believe that most women (men)
41. If I had normal sex
life ________________________________
42. Most families I know _______
43. I like to work with people who ______
44. I think that most mothers _______
45. When I was young, I felt guilty
46. ​​I think that my father _________________
47. When I'm unlucky, I _________________
48. Most of all in life I would like to __________
49. When I give instructions to others __________
50. When I'm old ___________________
51. People who are superior to themselves
I admit _____________________________
52. My fears have more than once made me ______
53. When I’m not there, my friends _____________
54. My most vivid childhood memory
is _______________________________
55. I really don’t like it when women
(men) _____________________________
56. Mine sex life __________________
57. When I was a child, my family ________
58. People who work with me _________
59. I love my mother, but ________________
60. The worst thing I ever did was
This ___________________________________

For each group of sentences, a characteristic is derived that defines this system of relations as positive, negative or indifferent.

Examples of sentences and answer options with rating:

Most of the families I know:
1) unhappy, unfriendly……………….. - 2;
2) nervous, not very friendly…………….. - 1;
3) everyone is the same………………………………….. 0.

The future seems to me:
1) gloomy, bad, strange……………. - 2;
2) foggy, unsightly………………… - 1;
3) unclear, unknown…………………….. 0.

Key to the unfinished sentence method:

Such a quantitative assessment facilitates the identification of a disharmonious system of relationships in the subject. But more important, of course, is the qualitative study of the supplemented proposals.

Research using the open-ended sentence method must be preceded by establishing contact with the subject to obtain sincere, natural responses. But even if the test taker
considers research as an undesirable procedure and, trying to hide the world of his deep experiences, gives formal, conditional answers, an experienced psychologist can extract a lot of information reflecting the system of personal relationships.

Item no.
1 Relationship to father: 1 16 31 46
2 Attitude towards yourself: 2 17 32 47
3 Unrealized opportunities: 3 18 33 48
4 Attitude towards subordinates: 4 19 34 49
5 Attitude to the future: 5 20 35 50
6 Relationship to superiors: 6 21 36 51
7 Fears and concerns: 7 22 37 52
8 Relationships with friends: 8 23 38 53
9 Attitude to the past: 9 24 39 54
10 Attitude to opposite sex: 10 25 40 55
11 Sexual relationships: 11 26 41 56
12 Attitude to family: 12 27 42 57
13 Attitude towards employees: 13 28 43 58
14 Attitude towards mother: 14 29 44 59
15 Guilt: 15 30 45 60

Help from a psychoanalyst: Consultation, Questions

FAQ Question answer

Lots of personality tests in the section:

Once upon a time, the Joseph Sachs test impressed me with its ability to structure my chaotic ideas about the world around me, about myself and others.

The technique includes 60 unfinished sentences, conditionally divided into 15 groups that characterize your attitude towards:


Representatives of the same and opposite sex;

Sexual relationships;

Authority and Subordination;

Past and future.

Some groups of sentences also address fears and concerns that affect your life, indicate unlived guilt, and also shed light on life goals.

Without processing, testing takes 20 minutes or more.

Instructions: On the test form you must complete the sentences with one or more words.

Test form

1. I think that my father rarely...

2. If everything is against me, then...

3. I always wanted/wanted...

4. If I held a leadership position...

5. The future seems to me...

6. My boss...

7. I know it’s stupid, but I’m afraid...

8. I think that a true friend...

9. When I was/was a child...

10. The ideal woman (man) for me is...

11. When I see a woman next to a man...

12. Compared to most other families, my family...

13. I work best with...

14. My mother and I...

15. I would/would do everything to forget...

16. If only my father wanted...

17. I think that I am capable enough to...

18. I could/could be very happy if...

19. If anyone works under my leadership...

20. I hope for...

21. At school my teachers...

22. Most of my friends don’t know that I’m afraid...

23. I don’t like people who...

24. Once upon a time...

25. I think that most boys (girls)…

26. Married life seems to me...

27. My family treats me like...

28. The people I work with...

29. My mother...

30. My biggest mistake was...

31. I would like/would like my father...

32. My greatest weakness is...

33. My hidden desire in life...

34. My subordinates...

35. The day will come when...

36. When my boss approaches me...

37. I wish I could stop being afraid...

38. Most of all I love those people who...

39. If I were/became young again...

40. I think that most women (men)…

41. If I had a normal sex life...

42. Most of the families I know...

43. I like to work with people who...

44. I think that most mothers...

45. When I was/was young, I felt/felt guilty if...

46. ​​I think that my father...

47. When I'm unlucky, I...

48. Most of all in life I would like/would like...

49. When I give instructions to others...

50. When I’m old/old...

51. People whose superiority over myself I recognize...

52. My fears have more than once forced me...

53. When I’m not there, my friends...

54. My most vivid childhood memory is...

55. I really don’t like it when women (men)…

56. My sex life...

57. When I was/was a child, my family...

58. People who work with me...

59. I love my mother, but...

60. The worst thing that happened to me was...

Processing and interpretation of results

For each group of sentences, a characteristic is displayed that defines this system of relations as positive (1), negative (2) or indifferent (0).

For example, The future seems to me:

1) gloomy, bad, strange (2)

2) interesting, intriguing (1)

3) unclear, unknown (0)

Such a quantitative assessment makes it easier to identify a disharmonious system of relationships. But more important, of course, is the qualitative study of completed sentences.


1 group. Relation to father 1, 16, 31, 46.
2nd group. Attitude towards oneself 2, 17, 32, 47.
3 group. Unrealized opportunities 3, 18, 33, 48.
4 group. Attitude towards subordinates 4, 19, 34, 49.
5 group. Attitude to the future 5, 20, 35, 50.
6 group. Attitude to superiors 6, 21, 36, 51.
7 group. Fears and concerns 7, 22, 37, 52.
8 group. Attitude towards friends 8, 23, 38, 53.
9 group. Attitude to your past 9, 24, 39, 54.
10th group. Attitudes towards people of the opposite sex 10, 25, 40, 55.
11 group. Sexual relations 11, 26, 41, 56.
12 group. Relationships with family 12, 27, 42, 57.
13 group. Attitude towards employees 13, 28, 43, 58.
14 group. Attitude towards mother 14, 29, 44, 59.
15th group. Guilt 15, 30, 45, 60.

The “Unfinished Sentences” technique has been used in experimental psychological practice for a long time. However, it is available not only to professionals. This test can be used as a starting point in studying yourself and your attitude towards others and the world in general. If the results upset you, do not rush to become despondent: discuss them with a psychologist or a person you trust. One way or another, each group of the test requires separate discussion and awareness, as well as additional confirmation by other methods.

The method of “unfinished sentences” has been used in experimental psychological practice for a long time.
A variant of this method, developed by Sachs and Levy, includes 60 unfinished sentences, which can be divided into 15 groups, characterizing to varying degrees the system of relations of the subject to the family, to representatives of the same or opposite sex, to sexual relations, to superiors in official position and subordinates. Some groups of sentences relate to the fears and concerns a person experiences, to his sense of awareness of his own guilt, indicate his attitude towards the past and future, affect relationships with parents and friends, and his own life goals.



Unfinished sentences

FULL NAME_______________________________________



Research Date_______________________________


  1. I think my father rarely
  2. If everything is against me, then
  3. I always wanted (wanted)
  4. If I held (held) a leadership position
  5. The future seems to me
  6. My boss
  7. I know it's stupid, but I'm afraid
  8. I think I'm a true friend
  9. When I was (was) a child
  10. The ideal woman (man) for me is
  11. When I see a woman with a man
  12. Compared to most other families, my family
  13. I work best with
  14. My mother
  15. I would do (would) do anything to forget
  16. If only my father wanted
  17. I think that I am capable enough (capable) to
  18. I could (could) be very happy (happy) if
  19. If anyone is working under my direction
  20. Hope for
  21. My teachers are at school
  22. Most of my comrades don't know that I'm afraid
  23. I don't like people who
  24. Once upon a time I
  25. I think that most girls (boys)
  26. Married life seems to me
  27. My family treats me like
  28. People I work with
  29. My mother and me
  30. My biggest mistake was
  31. I would like (wish) my father
  32. My greatest weakness is
  33. My hidden desire in life
  34. My subordinates
  35. The day will come when
  36. When my boss approaches me
  37. I wish I could stop being afraid
  38. Most of all I love people who
  39. If I became (became) young again (young),
  40. I believe that most men (women)
  41. If I had a normal sex life
  42. Most of the families I know
  43. I love working with people who
  44. I believe that most mothers
  45. When I was (was) younger, I felt (felt) guilty if
  46. I think my father
  47. When I start to feel unlucky, I
  48. Most of all I would like (would like) in life
  49. When I give instructions to others
  50. When I'm old (old)
  51. People whose superiority over myself I recognize
  52. My fears have made me more than once
  53. When I'm not there my friends
  54. I really don't like it when men (women)
  55. My most vivid childhood memory is
  56. My sex life
  57. When I was (was) a child, my family
  58. People who work with me
  59. I love my mother but

60. The worst thing I ever did was


(1) Relationship to father

  1. I think my father rarely

16. If only my father wanted

31. I would like (wish) my father

46. ​​I think that my father


(2) Attitude towards yourself

2. If everything is against me, then

17. I think that I am capable enough to

32. My greatest weakness is

47. When I start to feel unlucky, I


(3) Life goals

3. I always wanted (wanted)

18. I could (could) be very happy (happy) if

33. My hidden desire in life

48. Most of all I would like (would like) in life


(4) Relationships with subordinates

4. If I held (held) a leadership position

19. If anyone works under my direction

34. My subordinates

49. When I give instructions to others


(5) Attitude to the future

5. The future seems to me

20. I hope for

35. The day will come when

50. When I'm old (old)


(6) Attitude towards superiors at work and at school towards teachers

6. My boss

21. My teachers are at school

36. When my boss approaches me

51. People whose superiority over myself I recognize


(7) Fears and concerns

7. I know it's stupid, but I'm afraid

22. Most of my comrades don’t know that I’m afraid

37. I wish I could stop being afraid

52. My fears have forced me more than once


(8) Attitude towards friends and acquaintances

8. I think I'm a true friend

23. I don’t like people who

38. Most of all I love people who

53. When I'm not there, my friends


(9) Attitude to the past

9. When I was (was) a child

24. Once upon a time I

39. If I were young again (became young)

55. My most vivid childhood memory is


(10) Attitude towards men (women)

10. The ideal woman (man) for me is

25. I think that most girls (boys)

40. I believe that most men (women)

54. I really don’t like it when men (women)


(11) Attitude towards sex life

11. When I see a woman with a man

26. Married life seems to me

41. If I had a normal sex life

56. My sex life


(12) Attitude towards family

12. Compared to most other families, my family

27. My family treats me like

42. Most families I know

57. When I was (was) a child, my family


(13) Treatment of employees

13. I work best with

28. People I work with

43. I like to work with people who

58. People who work with me


(14) Attitude towards mother

14. My mother

29. My mother and me

44. I think that most mothers

59. I love my mother, but


(15) Consciousness of guilt

15. I would do (would do) everything to forget

30. My biggest mistake was

45. When I was (was) younger, I felt (felt) guilty if

  1. The worst thing I had to do was


Relationship to father

Attitude towards yourself

Life goals

Relationships with subordinates

Attitude to the future

Attitude towards superiors at work and at school towards teachers

Fears and concerns

Attitude towards friends and acquaintances

Relation to the past

Attitude towards men

Attitude towards women

Attitude towards sex life

Attitude to family

Attitude towards employees

Attitude towards mother

Consciousness of guilt

This test allows you to identify a person’s conscious and unconscious attitudes, shows his attitude towards parents, family, and representatives of his own and the opposite sex.

The technique (method) of unfinished sentences allows you to identify conscious and unconscious attitudes of a person, shows his attitude towards his parents, family, towards representatives of his own and the opposite sex, towards his superiors and subordinates, towards his fears and concerns, towards feelings of guilt, towards the past and future, towards life goals.

Sachs Levy Test Unfinished Sentences

All test sentences can be combined into several groups , reflecting the attitude of the individual to the family, interpersonal relationships, relationships between men and women and self-perception.

The test was developed by Joseph M. Sachs and S. Levy in the 1950s (Sacks sentence completion test, SSCT), refers to projective diagnostics, is a variation of the word association technique. The technique was tested by G.G. Rumyantsev (1969), who showed its effectiveness for carrying out rehabilitation measures.

The test taker is offered 60 unfinished sentences, which he must complete at his own discretion. . SSCT can be administered individually or in groups and takes 20 to 40 minutes and subjects range in age from 20 to 60 years.

Sachs Levy Test Unfinished Sentences:


On the test form, you must complete the sentences with one or more words, at your discretion.

Sachs Levy's unfinished sentences:

1. I think that my father rarely __

2. If everything is against me, then _____________________________________________

3. I always wanted ______________________________________________________________

4. If I held a leadership position ___________________________________

5. The future seems to me ________________________________________________

6. My boss _____________________________________________________

7. I know it’s stupid, but I’m afraid _____________________________________________

8. I think that a true friend is _____________________________________________________

9. When I was a child _________________________________________________

10. The ideal woman (man) for me is __________________________

11. When I see a woman next to a man ________________________________

12. Compared to most others, my family is __________________________

13. I work best with __________________________________________

14. My mother and I ____________________________________________________________

15. I would do anything to forget __________________________________________

16. If only my father wanted ________________________________________________

17. I think that I am capable enough to ________________________________

18. I could be very happy if ______________________________

19. If anyone works under my leadership _________________________

20. I hope for __________________________________________________________

21. At school my teachers _________________________________________________

22. Most of my friends don’t know that I’m afraid of _______________________

23. I don’t like people who _____________________________________________________

24. Once upon a time _________________________________________________________________

25. I think that most boys (girls) _____________________________

26. Married life seems to me ________________________________________________

27. My family treats me like ___________________________________

28. People I work with __________________________________________

29. My mother _________________________________________________________________

30. My biggest mistake was _____________________________________


32. My greatest weakness is _____________________________

33. My hidden desire in life is ______________________________

34. My subordinates ___________________________________________________

35. The day will come when _____________________________________________

36. When my boss approaches me ______________________________

37. I wish I could stop being afraid of _____________________________________________

38. Most of all I love those people who ___________________________________

39. If I were young again __________________________________________

40. I believe that most women (men) ______________________________

41. If I had a normal sex life ___________________________

42. Most of the families I know are _______________________________________

43. I like to work with people who _____________________________________________

44. I think that most mothers ________________________________________________

45. When I was young, I felt guilty if ___________________________

46. ​​I think that my father ___________________________________________________

47. When I start to feel unlucky, I __________________________________________

48. What I would like most in life is ________________________________________

49. When I give instructions to others _________________________________________________

50. When I'm old _____________________________________________________

51. People whose superiority over myself I recognize _________________________

52. My fears have more than once forced me to _____________________________________


54. My most vivid childhood memory is ________________________

55. I really don’t like it when women (men) __________________________

56. My sex life _____________________________________________________



59. I love my mother, but _________________________________________________

60. The worst thing that happened to me was ___________________________

Key to the Sachs Levy test Unfinished sentences. Dough processing. Interpretation.

The methodology is based on the proposition that, responding to an initial ambiguous and uncertain stimulus, the subject gives information relating to his own personality , that is, he projects himself into his answers.

The Sachs Levy technique allows you to identify signs of intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts , a violation of personal relationships, the nature of which can then be clarified in an individual conversation.

For each group of proposals, a characteristic is derived that defines this system of relations as positive, negative or indifferent.

1. Relationship to father

1. I think that my father rarely

16. If only my father wanted

31. I wish my father

46. ​​I think that my father

2. Attitude towards yourself

2. If everything is against me, then

17. I think that I am capable enough to

32. My greatest weakness is

47. When I start to feel unlucky, I

3. Unrealized opportunities

3. I always wanted

18. I could be very happy if

33. My hidden desire in life is

48. More than anything I would like in life

4. Attitude towards subordinates

4. If I were in a leadership position

19. If anyone works under my direction

34. My subordinates

49. When I give instructions to others

5. Attitude to the future

5. The future seems to me.

20. I hope for

35. The day will come when

50. When I'm old

6. Attitude towards superiors

6. The future seems to me

21. My teachers are at school

36. When my boss approaches me

51. People whose superiority over myself I recognize

7. Fears and concerns

7. I know it's stupid, but I'm afraid

22.Most of my comrades don’t know that I’m afraid

37. I wish I could stop being afraid

52. My fears have forced me more than once

8. Attitude towards friends

8. I think I'm a true friend

23. I don’t like people who

38. Most of all I love those people who

53. When I'm not there, my friends

9. Attitude to your past

9. When I was a child

24. Once upon a time

39. If I were young again

54. My most vivid childhood memory is

10. Attitude towards people of the opposite sex

10. The ideal woman (man) for me is

25. I think that most boys (girls)

40. I believe that most women (men)

55. I really don’t like it when women (men)

11. Personal life

11. When I see a woman next to a man

26. Married life seems to me

41. If I had a normal sex life

56. My personal life

12. Relationships with family

12. Compared to most others, my family

27. My family treats me like...

42.Most of the families I know

13. Attitude towards employees

13. I work best with

28. People I work with

43. I like to work with people who

58. People who work with me

14. Attitude towards mother

14. My mother and me

29. My mother

44. I think that most mothers

59. I love my mother, but

15. Guilt

15. I would do anything to forget

30. My biggest mistake was

45. When I was young, I felt guilty if

60. The worst thing I ever did was


Although the standard method of application implies that the subject must perceive the stimulus and respond to it in written form, for an anxious person It will be more useful to conduct the survey orally and write down the answers yourself.

This process makes it possible to relieve tension. Such test takers often use SSCT as a stimulus to respond and then report that they “feel much better.”

The verbal method also provides an opportunity to note specific topics on which the respondent is blocked by observing reaction times, blood flow, facial expressions, changes in tone or timbre of voice, and general behavior.

Examples of processing and interpretation of Sachs Levy's technique Unfinished sentences. Examples of assessing test results (clinical cases from the practice of psychologists)

The scoring sheet developed for the SSCT brings together, for each setting, the four stimulus items and the respondent's responses to them.

For example:

Relationship to father



16. If only my father got better.

31. I want my father died.

bad person.

Words in italics are the respondent's answers. These four answers are considered together in a conclusion which is made to clarify clinical picture the respondent's attitudes in this area. In this case, the conclusion reads: “Extreme hostility and contempt combined with a death wish.”

Then the degree of disorder among respondents in this area is assessed, according to the following scale:

    2 points. Serious disorders. The help of a psychotherapist is required to work on emotional conflict in this area.

    1 point. Minor upsets. There is an emotional conflict in this area, but it is possible to eliminate it without the help of a psychotherapist.

    0 points. There is no noticeable impairment in this area.

    X. Unknown. Insufficient information.

This method of ranking the four responses differs from the procedure used by Tendler, Rotter and Willerman and others who have worked on sentence completion techniques.

The traditional method evaluates individual responses and arrives at a final adaptation score by adding up individual estimates.

It seems to the SSCT authors that it is more appropriate to simply identify areas of distress and define them by collecting responses. The validity of the assessment, of course, depends on the clinical background and intelligence of the experimenter, as well as on the material provided by the respondent.

1. Statements from those areas in which the respondent showed the most obvious violations of attitudes. They can provide the therapist with the necessary keys.

2. Description of the interdependence between settings in relation to content. Often illuminates the dynamic factors of a given case.

For example, respondent 1 described her mother as “too nervous” and “petty.” He believes that most mothers “love their children too much and spoil them.” He claims that his family is "normal" but they treat him "like a little kid."

He is very hostile towards women, whom he views as "deceitful people who cannot be trusted." He is cautious about marriage: “Marriage is good if everything is discussed in advance.”

He considers his father a good man, but would like him to “stop being stubborn.” He is contemptuous of management. He doesn't like petty people. His most vivid memory of childhood: “I was treated wrong.”

He fears for himself, and when circumstances are against him, he gives up. He also believes that he has the ability to ‘do something’. His attitude towards the future is superficial and almost unrealistically optimistic. One day he expects to “make a million.”

Examples of test results evaluation.

1. Attitude towards mother

Case No. 2 Rating: 2


14. My mother - grumpy.

29. My mother and I'm very different from each other.

too dependent on their ownchildren.

I do not like her.

Final interpretation: Completely rejects and condemns his mother, whom he considers too demanding.

Case No. 23 Rating: 1


14. My mother thrifty.

29. My mother and I - Good friends with different positions.

44. I believe that most mothers they destroy with their loveyour own arguments.

59. I like my mother, but there are no "buts".

Final interpretation: He sees his mother’s mistakes, but accepts them and allows for differences in views.

Case No. 56 Rating: 0


14. My mother - wonderful woman.

29. My mother and me - great friends.

44. I believe that most mothers - significant persons.

59. I like my mother, but my father is okay too.

Final interpretation: Expresses only positive feelings towards his mother.

2. Attitude towards father

Case No. 52 Rating: 2


1. It seems to me that my father rarely works.

16. If only my father got better.

31. I wish my father died.

46. ​​It seems to me that my father bad person.

Final interpretation: Extreme hostility and contempt with a clear desire for death.

Case No. 71 Rating: 1


1. It seems to me that my father rarely speaks to me like father and son.

16. If only my father listened.

31. I would like my father (no answer).

important person.

Final interpretation: Admires his father, but wants their relationship to become closer.

Case No. 14 Rating: 0


1. It seems to me that my father rarely lacks a sense of humor.

16. If only my father took a vacation.

31. I wish my father remained the same as it is now.

46. ​​It seems to me that my father is a very good person.

Final interpretation: Expresses complete satisfaction with his father's personality.

3. Attitude towards family members

Case No. 12 Rating: 2


are rarely together.

to someone else's, but does not show it.

42. Most families I know sufferers in their own way.

57. When I was a child, my family quarreled and we didn't get alongwith a friend.

Final interpretation: Feels rejected by a family in which there has always been a lack of solidarity and where there have always been problems.

Case No. 10 Rating: 1


in order.

27. My family treats me like to the little boy.

42. Most families I know are like mine.

57. When I was a child, my family treated me well.

Final interpretation: He is worried that his family does not perceive him as a mature person, but does not feel any difficulties in communicating with her.

Case No. 16 Rating: 0


12. Compared to most families, my family the best.

27. My family treats me like to a close friend.

42. Most families I know are not bad people.

57. When I was a child, my family moved a lot.

Final interpretation: Frequent change place of residence had only a slight effect on his wonderful attitude towards his family.

4. Attitude towards women.

Case No. 1 Rating: 2


- no such thing.

25. I believe that most girls can't be trusted.


55. What I like least about women is that they are of the opposite sex.

Final interpretation: Extremely distrustful. There may be a tendency towards same-sex relationships.

Case No. 26 Rating: 1


10. I imagine a perfect woman as understanding and beautiful.


40. I believe that most women good.

55. What I like least about women is their makeup.

Final interpretation: High ideals, but ambivalent feelings.

Happening № 31 Rating: 0


10. I imagine a perfect woman as ideal.

25. I believe that most girls lovely.

40. I believe that most women attractive.

55. What I like least about women is long skirts.

Final interpretation: Only minor and superficial criticism.

Case No. 25 Rating: 1


11. When I see a man and a woman together , I wonder how they get along.

it might be nice, if both partnersmeet each other halfway.

I would be more satisfied.

56. My sex life wasn't very interesting.

Final interpretation: Wants to have a personal life, but doubts his ability to get married.

Case No. 70 Rating: 0


I like it.

26. I think about married life, What this is amazing.

41. If I had a personal life , but I have them.

56. My sex life - I'm happy with her.

Final interpretation: Indicates satisfaction in this area.

6. Attitude towards friends and acquaintances

Case No. 83 Rating: 2


helps you survive.

staring at me.

38. Most of all I like people - there are few of them.

53. When I'm not there, my friends - I don't really believe in my friends.

Final interpretation: Distrustful and obviously lonely.

Case No. 22 Rating: 1


8. It seems to me that a true friend - is the one who is sincere.

23. I don't like people who lie.

38. Most of all I like people who I like you.

53. When I'm not there, my friends sometimes they talk about me.

Final interpretation: Probably waits for approval from others before expressing himself emotionally.

Case No. 76 Rating: 0


8. It seems to me that a true friend will help me.

23. I don't like people who speak loudly.

38. Most of all I like people who close to me.

53. When I'm not there, my friends looking for me.

Final interpretation: Expresses good mutual feelings between friends and himself.

7. Attitude towards superiors at work and at school

Happening № 48 Rating: 2


6. My boss often unfair.

21. My teachers are at school too domineering.

I lower my head.

I'm afraidtheir.

Final interpretation: He is offended by his superiors and is afraid of them.

Case No. 45 Rating: 1


6. My superiors - normal people.

21. My teachers are at school were mostly good people.

36. When I see the boss coming in, I'm getting a little tense.

51. People whom I consider superior to me in position - I'm so toI relate to him.

Final interpretation: Slight difficulties in recognizing authority.

Case No. 98 Rating: 0


6. My boss loves me.

21. At school my teachers were not bad people.

36. When I see the boss coming in, I I keep doing what what did you do.

51. People whom I consider superior to me in position - these are my parents.

Final interpretation: Expresses a lack of conflict with authoritarian persons. Feels that they also perceive him appropriately.

8. Attitude towards subordinates

Case no. 55 Rating: 2


would be stricter.

19. If people worked under my leadership , I would be a bad boss.

should regret it.

(no answer).

Final interpretation: Feels that he would be unable to control his hostility when managing other people.

Case No. 22 Rating: 1


4. If I held a responsible position, I I would see that all the good things have already been done.

19. If people worked under my leadership, I would treat them well.

34. People who work under my leadership happy.

48. When giving orders to other people, I sometimes I feel difficult.

Final interpretation: Feels capable of doing good leadership work, but has some reservations about using authority.

Case No. 79 Rating: 0


4.If I held a responsible position, I would did my best.

19. If people worked under my leadership, I would be nice to them.

34. People who work under my leadership think that I'm a good boss.

48. Giving orders to other people, I do it ok.

Final interpretation: Feels at ease and is well perceived by his subordinates.

9. Attitude towards colleagues at work and at school

Case No. 9 Rating: 2


with no one.

28. Those with whom I work are - bad people.


58. My colleagues usually don't love me.

Final interpretation: Feels rejected by colleagues and judges them.

Case No. 39 Rating: 1


13. I get along best at work. with my colleagues.

28. Those I work with they help me a lot.

43. I like working with people who happy.

58. My colleagues usually they think I'm not entirely competent.

Final interpretation: There are minor difficulties at work; the respondent is dependent on the help of his colleagues. Trusts them.

Case No. 2 Rating: 0


13. I get along best at work. with almost everyone.

28. Those I work with mostly nice people.

43. I like working with people who pleasant.

58. My colleagues usually love me.

Final interpretation: Expresses mutual good feelings.

10. Fears

Happening № 40 Rating: 2


7. I know this is stupid, but I'm afraid to go to bed.

22. Most of my friends don't know that I'm afraid of heights.

37. I would like to get rid of afraid to go to bed.

worry and I don't know what I need to do to overcome them.

Final interpretation: Disturbances in the areas of apparent fears of loss of identity or consciousness and possibly impulse control.

Case No. 68 Rating: 1


some people.

22. Most of my friends don't know that I'm afraid ( no answer).

37. I would like to get rid of my fear speak in front of people.

52. Sometimes my fears make me retreat.

Final interpretation: Fear of self-affirmation, which often arises and does not progress.

Case No. 84 Rating: 0


7. I know it's stupid, but I'm afraid - I'm not afraid of anything.

22. Most of my friends don’t know that I’m afraid - I'm not afraid of anyone.

37. I would like to get rid of fear - I can't remember any.

52. Sometimes my fears make me (I have no fears).

Final interpretation: Expresses the absence of clearly expressed fears.

11. Guilt

Case No. 74 Rating: 2


15. I would give anything to forget the time when I did all sorts of stupid things.

retreat and adapt.

due to masturbation.

I lost faith in God.

Final interpretation : Disorders are associated with mental failures and physical desires.

Case No. 13 Rating: 1


15. I would give anything to forget that time when I had childhood problems.

30. My greatest mistake was run away from difficulties.

45. When I was younger, I felt guilty. for sexual desire.

60. The most disgusting thing I've ever done is joined the army.

Final interpretation: There are regrets about the past and mild frustration about failures in the fight against difficulties.

Case No. 72 Rating: 0


15. I would give anything to forget that time , when I - Don't know.

30. My greatest mistake was - quit the army, I think.

45. When I was younger, I felt guilty about - for no reason.

60. The most disgusting thing I've ever done is learned to think too much.

Final interpretation: Apparently not bothered by guilt.

12. Attitude towards your own abilities

Case No. 89 Rating: 2


this is bad.

To do nothing.

32. My biggest weakness - it's a disease.

I'm upset.

Final interpretation: Feels completely incompetent and helpless.

Case No. 19 Rating: 1


2. When circumstances are against me , I continue in the same spirit.

17. I believe that I have the ability learn.

it's fear.

47. When luck turns away from me , I feel disgusted.

Final interpretation: Feels that he has certain abilities and perseverance, but has difficulties with fears.

Case No. 98 Rating: O


2. When circumstances are against me, I work harder.

17. I believe that I have the ability overcome circumstances.

32. My biggest weakness is is to lend.

47. When luck turns away from me, I try even harder.

Final interpretation: Confident in your ability to overcome circumstances. They inspire him to try harder.

13. Attitude to the past

Case No. 33 Rating: 2


9. When I was a child, I had to decide everything myself.

24. Before the war I served in the army.

I wish my mom was alive.

it's a feeling thatI don't mean anything.

Final interpretation: He acutely feels the absence of his mother, rejection, and is emotionally lonely.

Case No. 11 Rating: 1


9. When I was a child, I I thought a lot.

24. Before the war I went to school.

39. If I were young again, I would I would have done everything the same way I did.

54. My most vivid memory from childhood - how my father beats me.

Final interpretation: Has unpleasant memories, but does not appear to be severely traumatized by them.

Case No. 82. Rating: 0


9. When I was a child, everything seemed important.

24. Before the war I lived alone.

39. If I were young again, I would work hard.

54. My most vivid memory from childhood is graduation.

Final interpretation: Feels free. Positive feelings. Memories of achievements.

14. Attitude to the future

Case No. 33 Rating: 2


5. I see the future in black colors.

20. I hope for cure.

35. One day I will on horseback.

50. When I get older, I I'll become even more stupid.

Final interpretation: Pessimist. There is no hope in your own sources of happiness or success.

Case No. 48 Rating: 1


5.I see the future vague.

20. I hope for graduation.

35. One day I I'll be better.

50. When I get older, I I hope to buy a good house.

Final interpretation: Unsure of himself, but generally optimistic.

Case No. 64 Rating: 0


5.I see the future light.

20. I hope for work.

35. One day I I'll have money.

50. When I get older, I will be a better person.

Final interpretation: Seems confident in achieving his material goals.

15. Goals

Case No. 9 Rating: 2


3. I always wanted kill someone.

if I were alone.

33. My secret dream in life - become famous.


Final interpretation: Direct expression of hostility. Rejected by society. Extravagant, unrealistic.

Case No. 19 Rating: 1


3. I always wanted be an actor.

18. I would be absolutely happy if would be rich.

33. My secret dream in life is to be rich.

49. What I want most from life is happiness.

Final interpretation: Apparently identifies happiness with material success.

Case No. 79 Rating: 0


3. I always wanted to be happy.

18. I would be absolutely happy if I made enough money to support my family well..

33. My secret dream in life - achieve something in life.

49. What I want most from life is good health.

Final interpretation: wishes material wealth for the family as well as for yourself. Sees the importance of health for a happy life.

Illustrative case.

The following responses, final interpretations and independent clinical views of the psychiatrists who saw the respondent were obtained from: experimental study SSCT Sachs.

Respondent No. 6 Male 19 years old

Diagnosis: severe mixed psychoneurosis.


14. My mother bothered me.

29. My mother and me strongly attached to each other.

44. I believe that most mothers love their children.

59. I like my mother, but she bothered me a lot.

Final interpretation: Very concerned emotional relationships with the mother and problems relating to this relationship.

(Clinical impression: Ambivalent dependence with incestuous desires and hostility.)


1. It seems to me that my father rarely showed his affection for me.

16. If only my father behaved like a father.

31. I wish my father acted like a man.

46. ​​It seems to me that my father doesn't act like a real man.

Final interpretation: Shows the need for a relationship with an adequate father figure. Feels that his own father is not suitable for this role.

(Clinical impression: The father is not a strong personality. Doesn't want to identify with him.)


12. Compared to most families, my family more strict and more European.

27. My family treats me like to a smart person.

42. Most of the families I know happy.

57. When I was a child, my family didn't pay enough attention to me.

Final interpretation: Feels that his family rejected him as a child, but now they respect him. Feels that he has been harmed by the rigid attitudes of his parents and the adult world.

(Clinical impression: Compulsive loyalty based on addiction.)


10. I imagine a perfect woman how beautiful and attractive.

25. I believe that most girls looking for husbands.

40. I believe that most women have good qualities.

55. What I like least about women ( no answer).

Final interpretation: Okay, but timidly.

(Clinical impression: Extreme libidinal impulses that frighten him.)


11. When I see a man and a woman together, I envy them.

26. I think about married life that this is amazing.

41. If I had a personal life, I don't know exactly how I would react.

56. My sex life makes me feel guilty.

Final interpretation: Lack of confidence in your skills personal life or the ability to form relationships. Added to the feeling of guilt.

(Clinical impression: Strict superego. Tough upbringing.)


8. It seems to me that a real friend - I would become attached to him.

23. I don't like people who are tall and huge.

38. Most of all, I like people who like me.

53. When I'm not there, my friends talk about me.

Final interpretation: Dependent and passive.

(Clinical impression: Well socialized. Well received.)


6. My bosses are responsible people.

21. At school, my teachers loved me.

36. When I see the boss come in, I continue studying.

current affairs.

51. People whom I consider superior to me in position must be more charming than me.

Final interpretation: Respects his superiors and is well received by them.

(Clinical impression: Well controlled addiction.)


4. If I held a responsible position, I would do everything to become a good leader.

19. If people worked under my leadership, I would let them go too easily.

34. The people who work for me don’t like me.

48. When I give orders to other people, I feel their hostility towards me.

Final interpretation: Afraid that he will not be able to contain the hostility that has arisen due to power.

(Clinical impression: Unknown.)


13. At work I get along best with everyone.

28. Those with whom I work are good people.

43. I like working with people who work and fulfill their obligations.

58. My co-workers usually like me.

Final interpretation: Feels that his colleagues treat him well and are on the same team with him.

(Clinical impression: Attentive, good employee.)


1. I know this is stupid, but I'm afraid of standing out and being rejected.

22. Most of my friends don't know that I'm afraid of being rejected and standing out.

37. I would like to get rid of the fear of giving myself free rein.

52. Sometimes my fears make me withdraw into myself and even throw up.

Final interpretation: Fear that any achievement withaspects of him are rejected by others, cause him to withdraw ormanifests itself in digestive symptoms.

(Clinical impression: Libidinal impulses, hostility, temptations.)


2. When circumstances are against me, I feel sad.

17. I believe that I have the ability to do whatever I see fit.

32. My biggest weakness is fear.

47. When luck turns away from me, I wait for it to return to me.

Final interpretation: Feels that he has great potential, but becomes depressed when faced with circumstances. Passive and depressed when dealing with them.

(Clinical impression: Too much ambition in terms of ability. I wish I could be more brilliant.)


5. I see the future as bright.

20. I hope for a time when I will be better.

35. One day I will truly be happy.

50. When I get older, I will be wiser.

Final interpretation: An optimistic outlook regarding health, happiness and intellectual growth.

(Clinical impression: There are no conflicts. Feels able to do what he wants.)


3. I always wanted to stand out.

18. I would be absolutely happy if I were smarter.

33. My secret dream in life is to be famous.

49. What I want most from life is a little intelligence, then I can get the rest.

Final interpretation: Wants to be famous and stand out, despite the fears mentioned above. The goals are somewhat vague.

(Clinical impression: Wife, family, middle class life.)


1. Major areas of conflict and frustration: Mother, father, family members, relationships between men and women, subordinates, fears and guilt.

2. Relationships between installations: The problem of a close emotional relationship with the mother, the absence of a father figure and strict upbringing led to timidity towards women, lack of confidence in skills in personal life. Feelings of rejection as a child and an inadequate father figure left him fearful of not being able to cope with hostility in leadership positions.

3. Personality structure:

(a) degree of response- reacts primarily to internal impulses (X and XI);

(b) emotional adaptation- emotionally constrained (37);

(c) maturity- self-centered goals and lack of adaptation to personal life reflect moderate immaturity;

(d) level of reality- there is a tendency to overestimate one’s potential capabilities (17);

(e) in what manner conflicts are expressed- the need for recognition and acceptance (VI, VIII, IX), conflicts with fear of hostility and rejection by others (X). Conflict is expressed through withdrawal, passive dependence and digestive disorders.

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