Positive thinking is a better life. Training "The Art of Positive Thinking"

positive thinking - this is a type of mental activity in which, in solving absolutely all life issues and tasks, an individual sees mainly virtues, successes, good luck, life experience, opportunities, own desires and resources for their implementation, and not shortcomings, failures, failure, obstacles, needs, etc.

This is a positive (positive) attitude of the individual to himself, to life in general, to specific ongoing circumstances in particular, which will have to happen. These are good thoughts of the individual, images that are the source of personal growth and success in life. However, not every individual is capable of positive anticipation, and not everyone accepts the principles of positive thinking.

The Power of Positive Thinking N. Peel

Peel Norman Vincent and his work on the power of positive thinking among similar works is not the last. Author this work was not only a successful writer, but also a clergyman. His practice of positive thinking is based on the close interweaving of psychology, psychotherapy and religion. The book The Power of Positive Thinking by Peel is the basis for the rest of the practices on the power of thought.

Peel's philosophy is to believe in yourself and your thoughts, to trust in your own abilities given by God. He believed that self-confidence always leads to success. He also believed that the great importance of prayer lies in the ability to generate creative thoughts and ideas. Sleeping in the human spirit are all the sources of strength that are necessary for the development of a successful life.

Throughout life, people are defeated day by day in the struggle with life circumstances. They strive all their lives to the top, while constantly complaining, always with a feeling of persistent discontent, invariably complaining about everyone and everything. Of course, in some sense, in life there is such a thing as bad luck, but along with this there is a morale and strength that a person can control and anticipate such bad luck. And people, in general, simply retreat before life circumstances and difficulties, without having any reason for this. Of course, this does not mean that there are no difficult trials and even tragedies in life. Just don't let them take over.

Individuals have two life paths. One is to allow one's own mind, obstacles and difficulties to be controlled until they become the prevailing factors in individual thinking. However, having learned to get rid of the negative from his thoughts, refusing at the level of the mind to contribute to it and passing the power of the spirit through all thoughts, a person is able to overcome the obstacles that usually force him to retreat.

The effective methods and principles described in the book, as Peel said, are not his invention. They are given by the greatest Teacher of mankind - God. Peel's book teaches practical application of Christian doctrine.

The first and most important principle of positive thinking, described in the work of N. Peel, is based on faith in oneself and one's talents. Without a conscious belief in one's abilities, a person cannot become a successful person. Feelings of inadequacy and inferiority interfere with the realization of plans, desires and hopes. A feeling of confidence in one's own abilities and in oneself, on the contrary, leads to personal growth, self-realization and successful achievement of goals.

It is necessary to develop in oneself creative self-confidence and self-confidence, which must be based on a solid foundation. In order to change your thinking in the direction of faith, you must change your inner position.

Peale recommends in his book that you use mind clearing technology at least twice a day. It is necessary to clear your mind of the fears, hopelessness, failures, regrets, hatred, resentment, guilt that have accumulated there. The very fact of a conscious effort to purify the mind already gives positive results and some relief.

However, clearing the mind alone is not enough. As soon as it is cleared of something, it will immediately be filled with something else. He can not long time stay empty. A person cannot live with an empty mind. Therefore, it should be filled with something, otherwise the thoughts that a person got rid of will come back. Therefore, you need to fill the mind with healthy, positive and creative thoughts.

During the day, as recommended by Peel in his writings, one should practice carefully selected calming thoughts. You can remember the pictures of the past creative and positive attitude, for example, the glitter of the sea in the moonlight. Such soothing pictures and thoughts will act on the personality as a healing balm. You can supplement soothing thoughts with the help of articulation. After all, the word has a significant power of suggestion. Each word can contain both healing and, conversely, illness. You can use the word "calm". It should be repeated several times. given word is one of the most melodic and beautiful. Therefore, by saying it out loud, a person can cause a state of inner peace.

Also, it is important to read prayers or passages from Holy Scripture. Words from the Bible have an extraordinary healing power. They are one of the most effective methods for acquiring peace of mind.

It is necessary to control your internal state in order not to lose vital energy. A person begins to lose energy in those cases when the mind begins to get bored, i.e. tired of doing nothing. A person should not be tired. To do this, you should be carried away by something, some activity, immerse yourself in it entirely. A person who is constantly doing something does not feel tired.

If life has no pleasant events, then the individual is destroyed and degenerates. The more the subject is immersed in any type of activity that is significant for him, the more energy will be. There simply will not be time to get bogged down in emotional turmoil. In order for an individual's life to be filled with energy, emotional errors must be corrected. Constant exposure to feelings of guilt, fear, resentment “eats up” energy.

There is a simple formula for overcoming difficulties and solving problems through prayer, which consists of prayers (reading prayers), positive ideas (painting) and realization.

The first component of the formula is the daily reading of constructive prayers. The second component is painting. An individual who expects success is already set to achieve success. Conversely, an individual who assumes failure is likely to fail. Therefore, one should mentally depict success in any undertaking, and then success will always accompany.

The third component is implementation. To guarantee the realization of something significant, you must first pray to God about it. Then imagine the picture as an event already taking place, trying to clearly keep this image in mind. It is necessary, as it were, to transfer the solution of such a problem into God's hands.

Peel also believed that many people create their own misfortunes. And the habit of being happy is developed by training individual thinking. You should make a list of joyful thoughts in your mind, then you need to pass them through your mind a number of times daily. Any wandering negative thought should be immediately stopped and consciously crossed out, replacing it with another, joyful one.

Positive mindset

The modern life of an individual is filled with stressful situations, anxiety and depressive states. Emotional loads are so high that not everyone is able to cope with them. In such situations, almost the only way to resolve is a positive way of thinking. Such thinking is the best method of maintaining inner peace and harmony.

The first thing to do in order to master positive thinking is to understand one important thing - each person creates his own happiness. No one will help until the person himself starts to act. Each subject himself forms an individual way of thinking and chooses a life path.

The first principle of a positive mindset is to listen to your inner voice. It is necessary to deal with all the problems that gnaw in order to think positively.

The next principle is to set goals and prioritize. The goal must be presented clearly, so that the future seems simple and clear. And then you need to mentally model the future in great detail. Visualization is ideal remedy helping to achieve goals.

The third principle is to smile. After all, not without reason, it has long been known that it is laughter that prolongs life.

The fourth principle is to love the difficulties encountered on the path of life. Difficulties were, are and will always be. Despite everything, you need to learn to enjoy life, to enjoy it.

The fifth principle is the ability to live here and now. You need to appreciate every fraction of a second of life and enjoy the current moment. After all, there will never be another moment like this.

The sixth principle is to learn to be an optimist. An optimist is not a person who sees only the good. An optimist is a person who is confident in himself and his abilities.

Today, there are a huge number of methods, recommendations for achieving positive thinking. However, the most effective is the training of positive thinking, which allows you to learn in practice self-control, a better understanding of others. Positive thinking training helps to acquire such meaningful quality personality, like cordiality, helps to learn to look at life more positively.

Psychology of positive thinking

Every day, all people experience different emotions and feelings, they think about something. Each thought does not pass without a trace, it affects the body.

Scientists have proven that the intensity of thoughts of different emotional coloring, a change in the mood of individuals can change chemical composition blood, affect the speed and other signs of the work of organs.

In the course of numerous studies, it was recorded that negative thoughts reduce the efficiency of the human body.

Aggressive emotions, feelings that cause irritability and discontent have a detrimental effect on the body. Very often people mistakenly think that in order to be happy they just need to solve everything. pressing problems. And they try to solve them, being under the influence of negative emotions or even in depressive states. And, of course, problems are almost never solved.

As practice shows, in reality everything happens the other way around. In order to effectively address problems, you must first achieve a sustainable positive emotional state and attitude, and then overcome obstacles and solve problems.

When a person is under the influence of negative emotions, his consciousness resides in the area of ​​the brain responsible for the negative experience experienced by the individual and the negative experience experienced by all his ancestors. In this zone, there simply cannot be answers to questions and solutions to problems. There is only hopelessness, despair and dead end. And the longer the person's consciousness stays in this zone, the more the individual thinks about the bad, the deeper he gets bogged down in the quagmire of negativism. The result of this will be a hopeless situation, a problem that cannot be solved, a dead end.

For a positive resolution of problems, it is necessary to transfer consciousness to the zone that is responsible for the positive experienced individual experience and the experience of ancestors. It's called the joy zone.

One of the ways to transfer consciousness to the zone of joy are positive statements, i.e. affirmations such as: I am happy, everything is going well, etc. And you can come up with a statement that will fit the individual preferences of the individual.

If from day to day try to stay constantly in positive attitude, then after a while the body itself will rebuild itself for recovery, find ways to solve problems.

Intense and persistent positive emotions include human body programs aimed at self-healing, health improvement, correct work all organs and systems, a healthy and happy life.

One way to train yourself to think positively is to keep a diary, in which you should write down all the positive things that happened during the day.

You can also use the practice of N. Pravdina in the formation of positive thinking, based on the power of the word. Pravdina considers positive thinking as a source of success, prosperity, love, happiness. In her book, The ABC of Positive Thinking, she tells how you can permanently free yourself from the fears lurking in your mind.

Pravdin's positive thinking is such an attitude of an individual towards himself, in which he does not force himself to be a victim, does not reproach himself for his mistakes, does not constantly fray past failures or traumatic situations, communicates with others without conflicts. This attitude leads the individual to a healthy and happy life. And the book "The ABC of Positive Thinking" helps the subjects to realize all the greatness and beauty of life without negativity, to fill life with inspiration and joy. After all, the way of thinking determines the quality of life. Pravdina proposes in her writings to take responsibility for one's own life. Such a transformation should begin with the words that people utter.

The main thing is to understand that a good attitude towards oneself and love generates similar vibrations in the Universe. Those. if an individual thinks of himself scornfully, then his whole life will be like that.

The Art of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is a kind of art that can give each individual a mentally harmonious and healthy state, as well as peace of mind. The power of thought is the most greatest power on the planet. A person becomes what he thinks about. By giving direction thought process towards the positive, the individual is able to evolve to crazy heights. The reverse trend will be seen if the individual's thinking is directed in a negative direction, i.e. such a person may not follow the path of progress, but the path of degradation. Positive thinking is when the mind is not affected by angry states, the influence of hatred, greed and greed or other negative thoughts.

The art of positive thinking in Tibet is based on people's perception of themselves as material, as creatures of blood and flesh, but in fact they are consciousness used human body for self-expression, satisfaction of mental and physiological needs. Each subject reacts completely differently to the environment and circumstances. It is this reaction that is the basis of the future. That is, it depends only on each individual what awaits him - problems or happiness, joy or tears, health or illness.

In the Tibetan art of positive thinking, there are several basic concepts of positive thinking. Tibetan positive thinking is based on three main concepts such as energy metabolism, mental defilements, and body-mind interconnection.

The concept of energy exchange implies that absolutely every emotion leaves a trace in the subtle body of the individual, which subsequently affects the further direction of human thoughts. Therefore, emotions are divided into those that give energy and those that take it away. In order to minimize the emotional impact and acquire harmony, you should plunge into the state of meditation and invite your mind to transform them into positive ones. So, for example, to make mercy out of anger, and gratitude out of sadness.

It is impossible to completely eliminate all negative thoughts, but it is possible to transform them into positive ones. Tibetans believed that negative emotions pollute the brain. These include greed, envy, anger, arrogance, jealousy, lust, selfishness and imprudent actions, thoughts. It is from them that you should get rid of in the first place. Since all pollution affects a person in terms of mental, physical, spiritual health. All human experiences affect the individual in particular and the surrounding world as a whole. Therefore, it should be taken as an axiom that the human body and brain are quite closely interconnected. In this connection, a completely new reality is born.

In the art of Tibetan positive thinking, there is a twenty-eight day practice of increasing the power of thoughts. 28 days is enough to develop the internal potential that allows you to attract the desired changes. The author of this technique recommends starting the practice on Thursday. This is due to the fact that, in accordance with the teachings of Bon, this day is considered a day of well-being. And the practice should end on Wednesday, since Wednesday is considered the day the actions began.

The essence of the practice is immersion in a meditative state. To do this, you need to carefully relax in sitting position on a chair or floor, then focus on your problem situation and imagine destroying it. Those. the individual who practices presents his problem and imagines destroying it. During meditation, the problem can be burned, torn, broken. This needs to be presented as clearly and vividly as possible. After the individual destroys the problem, many negative emotions that are associated with it will pop up in his brain, but you should not pay attention to them. The main thing is the destruction of the problem.

We are glad to welcome you, dear readers! Positive thinking is a way of life when a person feels happy and able to work. He is looking for opportunities, not restrictions, which is why he usually succeeds and realizes his goals. Such people are called lucky ones who were born and were "kissed by fortune." But in fact, each of us is capable of becoming a darling of fate. You just need to change the course of your thoughts a little, and today we will look at what exercises can be used to do this.

What is it and how does it work?

The instincts of self-preservation work in such a way that, having narrowed the consciousness of the individual, they concentrate it on one thing - an attempt to survive. There is a so-called tunnel thinking.

To make it clearer, let me give you an example. Imagine that you have noticed a wild boar in the distance in the forest. What will be the first reaction? Of course, run away if you are not a hunter and this is the first time you have found yourself in such a situation. So, you will run as fast as you can, without especially noticing anything around.

Although, if you think about it, you could climb a tree, call the rescuers on mobile phone and so on, which, in fact, will be more effective. But due to the limited consciousness due to fear, you are not able to look for options.

In the same way, you are unable to look for opportunities when you think only of the negative. The brain just shuts down outside world by drawing your attention inward. Now imagine if athletes, for example, boxers, were afraid during the fight and thought that they would definitely lose? Could they assess the situation and think through tactics, focusing on the current situation? I doubt, as well as that they would have been successful in their careers.

Research scientists

Barbara Fredrickson, Ph.D. from Stanford, after numerous studies that she conducted over the course of 20 years, came to the conclusion that while a person experiences pleasant emotions, such as joy, tenderness, peace, happiness, etc., he is able not only to notice a lot of opportunities provided, but also develops, acquires skills.

A person, on the contrary, who is pessimistic, is unlikely to try something new, experiment and follow his own interest. And then her life will seem gray, monotonous and boring. And this leads to apathy, depression and various diseases. Such is human psychology, the body reacts sensitively to any experiences, and the excess of any of them can violate its integrity.

So, from retained anger, teeth crumble, and your head hurts, from understatement - your throat worries, your shoulders - when there is too much responsibility ... You can learn more about pessimists from the article.

It will allow you to concentrate on something pleasant, to feel satisfaction, relaxation, saturation and harmony. With constant practice, health improves, thoughts return to normal if there was chaos before. There is also inspiration to create and change your life for the better.

Yoga, in addition to peace of mind will benefit your figure, strength, flexibility and endurance are unlikely to be superfluous. You can learn the basics thanks to the recommendations indicated in.

2. Limit your TV and news viewing

It seems to sound strange, because modern man should "keep abreast" and be aware of all the events taking place in the world. But tell me, what will information give you that a maniac was caught in some country or a terrible accident occurred, someone was killed or raped? If these circumstances do not concern you personally, by the nature of your service, for example, then why should you plunge into negativity?

About something that you will definitely need to know, other people will tell you, believe me, the important will not pass by. If you try to stop watching the news for at least a few days, you will notice that there is more and less time to think about how cruel and unfair the world is.

3. Refuse "NOT"

Stop using the “not” part of the conversation and, in general, build sentences using negatively colored words. Remember from the article that thoughts are material? Therefore, what we think and say is attracted. So, instead of the usual “I’m a failure” or “I won’t succeed,” tell yourself that you will definitely cope with the problem, and everything will work out.

4. Environment

Tell me, how to be happy or happy, if there are people around who do not know how to appreciate life, enjoy it and only do what they condemn? We are social beings, and society, no matter how much we want, leaves its mark on the worldview, character and interests of a person.

5. Gratitude works wonders

If you learn to find reasons why you can boldly say thank you, at least to yourself, even to your enemies, then you can say that you have finally gained the ability to think positively. In this life, no one owes us anything, and we need to be able to take care and kindness not for granted, but with gratitude.

For example, a child who was left by his mother after birth grew up feeling hatred towards her for this act, because she deprived him of her love and attention. And he lives, especially not trusting anyone, embittered and thirsting for revenge. And in memory he constantly keeps the image of a terrible mother, who takes away energy.

Tell me, what good does it give him? What helps? If he thought that he was grateful that she gave him life, although she could then just have an abortion, then he would be freed from accumulated feelings, he would become freer and happier. It is difficult, I do not argue, but it is quite possible. Forgiveness and the ability to appreciate even the smallest things make life much easier, filling it with new colors.

6. Book

Louise Hay has written a ton of books that have helped change the lives of millions of people. And today I want to recommend one bestseller "Live positive", it consists not only of theory, but also practical tasks, by following which step by step, you will be able to overcome the barriers that interfere with your happiness.

7. Future orientation

All the events in our lives, pleasant and not very, give us the opportunity to gain experience, which is why it is important not to devalue them, but to take them into account. The problem arises when a person, as it were, gets bogged down in it, brings it into reality, ignoring it. Well, for example, after the betrayal of a loved one, you can decide that all men are unfaithful, not noticing the truly honest and worthy in their environment, believing that they will never find female happiness again.

The essence of this exercise is that you should look for at least a few resources that you have acquired, despite the tragedy of the situation, and let it go, concentrating on how you see your future. Stop giving energy to the past, dream and fantasize as often as possible, enjoy the present and what you are doing.

8. Advantages

This method takes two weeks to complete. You need to keep a small notebook where every day you will write down 10 of your qualities that you like, or at least resourceful and help in some way. At the end of the term, you will have a characteristic in your hands, consisting of 140 points, most of which you will find in yourself during the implementation process.

Because the personality is actually multifaceted, and if you think that you are cowardly, there must have been situations in your history where you showed courage, but for some reason did not appropriate it as a quality.

9. Diary

Start keeping a diary, but it’s worth describing not just your every day, but the cases and situations that made you feel good. The result will be an autobiographical book that you can reread in difficult moments, or when you realize that you are already forgetting some stories. And the process itself will quietly turn you into a joyful person.

10. Black and white

Imagine someone who annoys you, causes disgust, anger, hatred, and so on. Represented? And now the most difficult thing - name at least 5 qualities of this vile individual that he possesses, and you like it, or cause respect, recognition.

The essence of this exercise is to show that sometimes we judge one-sidedly, dividing the world into white and black, and such categoricalness can make us unhappy. So you can look at him in a completely different way, and perhaps even begin to cooperate with him.

For example, as a friend, he may not be very good, he gives out secrets and may well betray, but as a specialist in some field he is considered the best. So why focus only on the negative when you can consider resources and build on them?

Attend various trainings. Of course, they have disadvantages - this is a short-term motivation. But there are many more advantages. I attend various trainings every year, both online and offline. Many tools taken from these trainings help in everyday life.

Of course, information can be found for free, but the value is lost and the material is not absorbed as effectively. Another thing is when paid training, and even one that takes you out of your comfort zone, then the information from it is taken to the maximum and consolidated by practice, you can say it is written to the “subcortex”.

For women, I would advise you to look these trainings. In general, there are many of them now, look on the Internet and choose to your taste.


Being happy is a whole art that is not so difficult to master. Let a little humor into your life, and perhaps you will become easier to relate to everything. Start small and gradually grow into an optimistic person. Finally, I want to recommend the article, suddenly it will be useful. Inspiration and joy to you!

The material was prepared by Alina Zhuravina.

Positive thinking helps solve problems and improves the quality of life. But not the best circumstances that arise in life make you immediately forget about this wonderful method. How to think positively in any difficulties?

There is only one answer: only by making it your habit. Help with this special exercises applied both in training and independently.

Positive thinking is the most important success factor. How to learn to enjoy life and see the positive? Your brain needs to be trained to be dominated by positive thoughts. A person must be conscious and constantly monitor not only what his body is doing, but also what his brain is doing. All emerging negative thoughts must be immediately replaced with positive ones. Over time, this will happen automatically.

Thinking in positive categories does not mean being a frivolous optimist or indifferent. A positive-minded person understands the realism of what is happening around, but concentrates not on problems, but on ways to solve them. If there is no solution or it does not suit you, you should calmly accept it, draw a conclusion for the future and move on. There are many more good things ahead.

How to learn to think positively and live? In order not to be disappointed, one should not have high expectations. It is better to evaluate yourself realistically. You can also take a chance, enjoying this game, regardless of the outcome.

But the very first thing to do is to assess whether anything depends on you personally. If it does not depend, then, conditionally speaking, an earthquake and its consequences in the other half of the globe should be taken simply as information. But the rain outside the window should lead you to the idea that you need to take an umbrella with you. Then you will avoid damage to clothes, bad mood and colds.

Techniques to Help Develop Positive Thinking

  1. Surround yourself with the same positive people . Two individuals, in contact, inevitably experience mutual influence. If you constantly listen to complaints and negative monologues about how hard life is, it will be difficult to tune in to the positive. By the way, you can read ""
  2. Spend less time watching bad shows on TV about catastrophes, crises, criminal offenses. There is always good and bad going on in the world. Of course, it is necessary to be aware of ongoing events, but you should not concentrate too much on them. Watch comedies, read good books.
  3. Write down all your little joys. Re-reading, try to re-experience the same emotions and high spirits. Review your family album more often. After all, the best moments of your life are captured there.
  4. Smile! A person begins to smile when he feels good. But it also works in reverse side. If you smile first, then a good mood will follow.
  5. Practice meditation. This promotes awareness. And with this quality, a person is able to control his life.
  6. Say affirmations. You can even create small posters with affirmative sayings and hang them on the wall.
  7. Visualize. The article "" was written about this. Imagine yourself as a winner in every situation. You can create in your imagination a picture or a small video with yourself in the lead role.
  8. Be more grateful for all the good things what's going on in your life.
  9. Listen to pleasant music more often.

You can add to this list of ways to start thinking positively.

Accept what can't be changed

How to learn to think positively and live if not all dreams come true? Understand that not everything can be changed. You cannot choose other parents, change your current age, your height. If this is not accepted, then you will have to suffer every day from the presence of these factors, and this is a direct path to neurosis.

In addition, you need to accept and love yourself. Love even in failure. Try to do only what you like. Do not pay attention to criticism of other people, even those closest to you. Not always remarks are made out of good intentions. Sometimes it's just a drain of negativity or elementary envy.

Complex"nasty duckling"

Often parents, fearing to spoil their children, never praise them, but not a single mistake is left unattended. It is possible that they were also raised by their own parents.

How to start thinking positively in this case? You should analyze your life, look at yourself with your own eyes, and not be guided by the statements of your parents and teachers. Maybe you will see a completely successful, positive person who deserves quite flattering characteristics. By the way, remember if you have a habit of responding to compliments with denial. Get rid of this complex, and attribute compliments to your list of positive qualities.

gaining spiritual rest

How to learn to think positively and stop fighting with life? To do this, it is necessary to stop dividing events into “bad” and “good”. A logical attitude to life events is not always beneficial. Losing a job, which seems like a catastrophe, can turn into a career take-off in a new place and gaining financial prosperity. Divorce will allow you to meet true love.

Finding positive moments in every event is the answer to the question: “How to learn to think positively?” The world must be accepted as it is. Don't fight life, it will win anyway.

revision rules

Most stress is generated by rules that we ourselves have come up with or heard in kindergarten. Don't set boundaries for yourself and then suffer because of it. Many settings are outdated and require revision. From grandchildren, we ourselves have turned into grandparents, and, without realizing this, we continue to behave as before. This gives rise to internal conflict and neurosis. How to think positively in such a situation? You'll have to work on yourself.

Positive thinking needs to be developed. Exercises specially designed for this will help you do it in an interesting, playful way.

Positive mindset exercises

  1. Exercise "Calling different emotions." Sit in front of a mirror and take a close look at your face. You should have the feeling that you are seeing it for the first time. Try alternately depicting different emotions. Accompany this with appropriate cues, observing the changes in the sound of your voice. Track your inner feelings.
  2. Exercise "Change of emotions." Call in yourself negative emotion. Feeling in myself discomfort. Change negative emotion to positive. Listen again to your feelings. Learn how to think positively.
  3. Exercise "Replacement of expectations". Imagine that you have a test in which you will not look the best. in the best way. Replace this picture with another one where you will be the main winner. This exercise is an exercise in learning to think positively.
  4. Exercise "Get to know your hand." Performing this exercise trains the ability to observe your sensations. Concentrate your attention on your right hand. Feel its weight, temperature. Is it dry or wet. Is there a slight vibration. Is there a feeling of crawling. Repeat this exercise with the other hand.
  5. Exercise "Feel the taste of food." It consists in not eating mechanically, but enjoying delicious food. When eating, distract from extraneous thoughts. Concentrate on taste sensations. Eat slowly, take your time, try to feel each ingredient. Chew food thoroughly, savor it. Become a gourmet and taster. The skill of getting pleasure from any business that you do is acquired.
  6. Exercise "Fantasy without limits." This exercise helps to emancipate the mind. Choose a part of the body, for example, ring finger on the right hand. If you want to get married or get married, imagine how you put on this finger wedding ring. Feel the chill of the metal, feel your heart beat faster. Add ambient sounds pleasant smells. Remember these feelings. To make a habit of positive thinking, these exercises must be repeated regularly.
  7. Relaxation exercise. Sit comfortably with your eyes closed. Focus on inner feelings. Start clenching and unclenching your fists quickly. Raise your arms to shoulder level and continue the exercise. When you feel that your hands are tired and there is no strength to continue, put the rivers on your knees and relax. Work on your feelings for a while. Remember the state of pleasant relaxation. Now, in stressful situations you can remember these sensations and reduce tension.
  8. Exercise "Awareness of your positive x qualities. This exercise teaches you how to start thinking positively. When we think about our achievements, it gives us confidence. But often we forget about past successes that we could rely on. You need to learn to constantly remind yourself how significant, successful you are. Take a piece of paper and a pencil. Divide it into three parts and title them: “My virtues”, “What am I strong in”, “My achievements”. Complete these columns. Try to remember them. It won't work the first time, so re-read it regularly. Now, in moments of uncertainty and doubt, imagine it before your eyes. Straighten your shoulders and raise your head - you can do everything!
  9. Exercise "Developing faith in future achievements." Repeat the previous exercise, but make a list of those qualities that you are just going to develop in yourself.
  10. Exercise "Imagining Financial Achievement" X". The concept of success is an indispensable component of financial stability. It is difficult for a person who lives "from payday to payday" to maintain self-confidence. Article on the topic: "". For this, it is necessary to have positive thinking, exercises for development, which are developed by psychologists, must be put into practice. Imagine being successful and financially independent and the benefits that come with it. You can imagine the purchases you can make now, the trendy resorts, the charity work. Of course, do not go beyond reality, after all, few become oligarchs.
  11. Exercise "Advice from smart people." Let's say you have to make some important decision. You hesitate, because there are pluses and minuses. Imagine yourself in the company of people you respect. These may be people you know or people you have only heard about or read about. Socrates may be next to your smart colleague. Bring your problem to them, and then carefully “listen” to their advice.


Developing the ability to think positively is essential for a successful life. To do this, you need to study the tips “how to start thinking positively” and do not forget to perform the special exercises developed for this.

Man is the product of his thinking, what he thinks is what he becomes.

Mahatma Gandhi.

I often hear such phrases from those around me: “be positive”, “you need to think positively” and others. But do people really understand the meaning and essence of what how to think positively and why? Putting on the mask of a positive "superman" and being one are completely different things. Looking around, you can see the faces of people who express various emotions, for example: concern and joy, sadness and happiness, anger and peacefulness, boredom and interest ... But seeing sincere happiness or satisfaction in the eyes is a rare occurrence. “Be positive” is now in trend. And few people want to communicate with a negatively minded person or a dull crybaby. And yet everyone under the positive understands something of their own. Many can put a smile on their face, but not everyone can put a smile, happiness and positivity in their heart. You can put on a positive mask as much as you like, if at the same time “cats scratch at your soul”, and you are engaged in self-flagellation or self-abasement, then the mask will forever remain a mask and sooner or later will subside. All this is just different ways deception, we can successfully deceive others or even ourselves, but this will not change the fact that positive thinking and quality internal and external changes it is best to come through self-awareness and deep inner work.

Let's figure out how to think positively, how positive thinking can affect your life and why, if you think positively, thoughts materialize.

How to think positively and achieve peace of mind

How often do you hear the phrase “thoughts are material”? And indeed it is. Many of you must have noticed that when the mood is “on the rise”, then life becomes easy, simple and pleasant. All problems are solved as if by themselves, there are positive-minded people who are ready to help and support, everyone around is friendly and nice, and the world seems to be smiling at you. And vice versa, when the mood and thoughts leave much to be desired, then life is not a joy, the space around seems to confirm your sad thoughts and contributes to their realization. That is why it is so important to think positively! Positive thinking helps change your life in better side to achieve inner peace and harmony.

Recently, I had to talk with a large number of negatively minded people, I really wanted to help them and make it clear that sometimes their troubles and suffering stem and materialize from their own own head. Trying to convey the idea of ​​positive thinking and looking at people, I saw the following: some people say: “Yes, everything is bad with me, but Vaska’s neighbor is still worse and this makes me feel good (it’s easier), because my problems are not so terrible compared to the problems of others - you can live.”

Others say: “Everything is bad with me and I don’t give a damn about bad or good for others, I only care about my own life, my problems and my experiences.”

Still others say: “Everything is bad with me and it won’t get better, all the good things have already been chopped off by those rich people who are mad with fat, or those sectarians who are out of their minds, or those with higher salaries, or those whose grass on the lawn is greener, and so on.

And there are also those who understand the power of positive thinking, but cannot control their thoughts, saying something like this: “Yes, you need to think positively in order to change your life, but I don’t know how, because I have a lot of problems; I don’t know where to start, or I don’t know how to remake myself, break it, or where to find time to work on myself; yes, you need to think positively, because Katya thinks positively, and she succeeds and everything is fine with her, which means I can too, but what can I do for this? Is there anything else that needs to be done to do this? And I’m too lazy (it’s difficult, scary, there’s no time) ”... Did you recognize yourself somewhere?

And now, based on the categories described, let's figure it out, how to think positively to change your life.

So, let's start ... We found out that people can plunge into negativity in different ways, some begin to elevate themselves above those who are worse off than themselves, others envy those who are better off, others are generally indifferent to everything and everyone except their own person. Shantideva's words immediately come to mind:

« All the happiness that exists in the world comes from wanting happiness for others. All the suffering that exists in the world comes from the desire for happiness for oneself.»

Based on these words, we can conclude that the more you wish and do good to others disinterestedly, the more good then returns to you, and in the end everyone is happy and everyone wins. But for this it is necessary to say goodbye to such obscurations as envy, anger, pride, laziness, fear, and bring more altruism, compassion and awareness into your life.

An analytical and evaluative approach to the current situation also helps to achieve peace of mind, sincere faith to the best and awareness of the law of Karma. I know that when negative events happen to me, it just boils away negative karma. This process can be accelerated or slowed down, but karma will still have to be exhausted. And when positive events occur in life, I understand that this is a reward for my good deeds and actions. This helps to let go of any feelings and move on, working on yourself.

Of course, sometimes awareness is not enough to sensibly assess the situation and draw the right conclusions from the lessons that have happened. Then I switch to "standby mode". I just do what I have to do, what I need to do, block out negative thoughts (just don’t let them get into my head) and do practices that can ease the internal state - this can be hatha yoga, taking a hot bath or listening to lectures on yoga and a healthy lifestyle, reading spiritual and developmental literature. Gradually, inner heaviness and fatigue subside, it becomes easier physically and energetically, there is a desire to do something for the good and strength for awareness and conclusions.

Sometimes this phrase inspires me: “If there is a goal - go to it, if you can’t walk, crawl, if you can’t crawl, lie down and lie in the direction of the goal.” The main thing is not to give up, difficulties are always temporary, and if you give up and give yourself an indulgence or 100 indulgences, it will not get easier, you just have to go through these lessons and this path again, because every indulgence, weakness or negative thought is a step back from the goal, from a sense of inner happiness and integrity. This does not mean that you should not relax and rest. But even rest can be chosen such that it will please and reinforce a positive attitude towards life, and at the same time bring good.

All this helps to shift the focus of concentration from one's own suffering and experiences to actions to change and process the current situation. When you realize that everything that happens to you is the result of your actions and deeds in the past, then the question no longer arises: “WHAT FOR ME?” Now you can stop and understand WHY this situation has come to you, and draw the appropriate conclusions. With the realization of these simple things comes peace of mind and balance, because everything happens as it should, but there are always ways to change your life, karma and thoughts for the better, redirecting your actions in a more benevolent direction.

How to start thinking positively

In fact, to start thinking positively, you just need to start! Start celebrating positive moments in life: celebrating what makes you happy, instead of celebrating what makes you sad; focus on what you have, instead of wishing for endless blessings and experiencing envy; it is important to praise yourself for successes, even for the smallest, but also to perceive adequately constructive criticism in order to change the negative points! You can also make a list of positive thoughts that support and inspire you. Getting started can be difficult, but anything is possible! Try to start the day with a smile and gratitude for precious birth, and in the evening before going to bed, remember what good things happened in your life today and what good things you did. Gradually, you will learn to celebrate the positive without even thinking about it, you will see the good in people or see in their actions an example of how to behave and how not to behave, to learn lessons even from unpleasant situations. Feelings of guilt in front of this world, other people and yourself will be replaced by awareness of your causality and calmness. And if think positively, thoughts materialize in a positive way, and life in general will become easier and more enjoyable.

Very important point in positive thinking - do not draw bright pictures for yourself, how everything is fine with you and how wonderful you are, how wonderful everyone is around and how you love everyone, and they love you. To think in pictures means to leave your energy and part of yourself in the imagination. In fact, when our attention is stuck in what is no longer there (the past), in what is not yet there (the future), or simply in the non-existent present (imagination), then the energy simply flows away, and there is no sense in these visualizations, but there is harm. For our mind, it does not matter in which reality you will be happy, in the real or in the imaginary, and it will happily fantasize everything for you! And when you return to real reality (I apologize for the tautology), it will be painful to realize the discrepancy between the imaginary and the real, sad from the useless waste of time and psychic energy. Approach visualization consciously and meditate. To really start changing your life, raise your consciousness to a different, qualitatively new level, stop running away from reality, accept it as it is and start acting! Any action starts in the head, allow yourself to think positively. The world will not collapse if you become a little happier! Define a goal, create a plan to achieve that goal, and start thinking positively as you achieve it! Start small and move on to bigger. Feel small positive feelings within yourself and big positive thoughts will arise. Then you will understand how to think positively in any difficulties. In this practice of positive thinking, as in many other activities, experience and practice are important. After all, if you want to pump up the press, then you will perform exercises to strengthen it and make great efforts to achieve your goal, so in this specific case It takes hard practice to learn to think positively and do it right.

How to force yourself to think positively

Our life is sometimes unpredictable, and sometimes it is not possible to predict when and where the next lesson will lie in wait for you. How to think positively in any difficulties? Start small, because "a journey of 1,000 miles begins with one step."

  1. Learning to let go of negativity. The practice of yoga and concentration will help you with this. When we do asanas on the mat, it increases our awareness and releases hidden energy resources. Redirect your energy in a good direction - learn how to perform concentration on an object, a candle flame, water ... The practice of concentration helps you to be more collected and teaches you to control your attention. Thus, you will learn how to quickly and painlessly switch to positive thinking.
  2. Learn to accept the positive. The problem with some people with a lack of positive thinking is that they consider themselves unworthy of better. Therefore, it is extremely important to accept yourself as you are without undue self-flagellation. Try to evaluate yourself in terms of positive qualities and qualities that need to be worked on. Highlight the main thing and start working on yourself, praise yourself for your successes - this will help to form the habit of positive thinking and save you from a number of unnecessary complexes. Accept the positive and change the negative. There is such Eastern wisdom: "If you don't like the situation, change it, if you can't change it, then change your attitude towards it." And indeed, if you are not able to change something, then what is the point of lamenting about this?
  3. Learning to ask the right questions to ourselves. Listen to people who complain about life... What are they talking about? Of course, about YOUR unhappy life, about YOURSELF! Do you think these people have nothing more to say? Of course have! Try asking this person a question: “What good thing happened to you today?” And the person immediately switches his attention to the positive. You need to ask yourself this question more often. If the answer is not satisfactory, then ask another question: “What can I do to change the situation? What lessons have I learned today? What conclusions can be drawn? What can I do to be happier? What is true happiness for me? What can I do for family, friends, the world to experience happiness?” By answering these or similar questions, you will realize many interesting things about yourself.
  4. We learn to rest. Inner work, as well as external activities, can be tiring, so take care of providing yourself with quality rest. Do yoga, take a walk in nature, chat with like-minded people. At the same time, rest is not lying on the couch in front of the TV, various parties with the use of intoxicating and intoxicating substances, as well as communication with people who lead you to degradation and even greater immersion in negative thoughts. If you want to have more energy and a higher quality of life, rest properly.
  5. Learn to do well for yourself. Do the things that benefit you. This is where asking the right questions can help. For example: eating 5 chocolates may be delicious, but how good is it for your body? Eat right, get enough sleep, do exercises that energize you. Try to associate with sane, positive-minded people who have a positive influence on you.
  6. We learn to praise ourselves, to celebrate the good in ourselves. Celebrate positive events in your life more often and your good deeds that have benefited other living beings. This will guarantee your good mood and inner uplift. Over time, you will find that it will be difficult for external factors to influence your mood in a negative way.
  7. Learning to be good to others(selflessly). Try to just smile at people. Studies have shown that when we meet a smiling person, we involuntarily begin to smile ourselves, as if we are “infected” with his good mood. I am always pleased to see a smile in return, and at the same time my own happiness does not become less if I share it, but it becomes very pleasant in my soul from the realization that it has become easier for someone, and he better mood will go into the world and, perhaps, also “infect” someone with happiness. Over time, you will want to do good things for other people more and more often.
  8. Learn to celebrate the good in others. To make the world brighter, kinder and more pleasant, try to notice in the people around you their good qualities, thus you give them the opportunity to express themselves from the best side.
  9. Recharging in nature. For me, yoga and nature are the best recharge and inexhaustible sources of energy. With the help of yoga, you can change your inner energy and raise it up, and in nature you seem to be saturated with the energy of the sea, forest, ocean, mountains, rivers, earth and clear sky ...

I hope this story will be useful for you and help you start thinking positively through self-awareness. Get Started! And you will understand for yourself how to think positively and live to the fullest.

What good thing happened in your life today?

Positive thinking is the most highest level the formation of thinking, which is based on obtaining advantages in everything that surrounds a person. The slogan of an optimist sounds like this: "every failure is a step towards victory."

A person develops regularly, and no fears hold him back. Since the focus is on the positive, including in failures, a person sees advantages for himself and analyzes what he managed to learn because of the defeat.

Luck, positive thinking and perseverance are three interrelated components that can improve his existence.

You need to look for ways to build your well-being and add positive emotions to reality.

Positive thinking - how to develop

In order to develop positive thinking, you should learn to fully monitor your thoughts and emotions, and change negative to positive. For those who are used to negative thinking, this will be enough laborious process but the effect is worth it.

It is also necessary to understand that when working on your thinking, there is no need to strive for a specific goal - you will waste time in vain, and there is nothing to it.

Tracking your mind is a systematic, lifelong journey!

There is no ideal in it, but there is continuous growth, the purpose of which is to acquire the most harmonious well-being in general, both inside oneself - in thoughts, emotions and feelings, and outside - in everyday life. Therefore, be prepared that with the new mindset, your life will begin to change as well.

So, what should be done in order to have a positive mindset?

1. Write a list of regular negative expressions.

Then, for each such phrase, come up with the opposite positive thought. This kind of brainstorming will increasingly have an impact on your positive thinking, step by step transforming it.

2. Affirmations

Read affirmations - formed in a positive message, thereby modeling the traits you need in yourself. For example, you are used to reacting and “negative” for every reason, write the phrase: “I am always calm and balanced. I accept any situations easily and with dignity. There are probably many such phrases, they can refer to one or another area of ​​\u200b\u200byour personality.

3. Remember that only you are responsible for your thoughts.

It depends solely on you how you react to external stimuli (events, situations, people) and how you think. Learn to control your emotions and control your thoughts. When you get your positive thinking under control, nothing can piss you off.

4. Take inventory of your words.

Eliminate phrases such as "It's impossible," "It won't work," "I can't," and any words with "not" in your vocabulary. Words are the expression of thoughts. Think before you speak, avoid unconscious speech.

5. Filter your social circle

Do not keep up the conversation of people who regularly complain about something. In general, people with negative energy, This " energy vampires". After such communication, you feel overwhelmed. Conversely, positively minded people have a great impact on others and contribute to the development of positive thinking. Decide for yourself...

6. Every day, note what you are grateful for.

It may be gratitude for what you already have; gratitude for the morning, for the fact that you have loved ones, for the fact that today will be even better than yesterday, etc. It is necessary, always to appreciate what is already there, because with the help of this, positive energy, well-being improves and, of course, positive thinking develops.

7. Start meditating.

Meditation helps to get rid of useless thoughts, relax, improve emotional well-being, understand yourself more, in addition, it develops self-control, the ability to see the essence of things and think only in a positive direction. At least 20 minutes of meditation a day will have a positive effect on your well-being.

8. Read mostly positive and educational books.

Apply the knowledge of positive thinking and a variety of self-development methods. The study of thematic literature, and today, by the way, it is enough, perfectly contributes to the transformation of thinking and is oriented in a new direction. In addition, you will regularly begin to study interesting information, expand your knowledge, be a fascinating conversationalist and a multifaceted educated person.

9. Start exercising.

It has already been proven by scientists from a long time ago that constant exercise has a good effect on the physical condition, but also on the emotional and psychological state person. Buy a membership to the gym, swimming pool or work out at home, run in the park. After a while, you will see that your thinking will be different.

10. Visualize your accomplishments

First, before you move on to action, take some time to imagine the successful completion of what you started. Visualize your achievements, imagine it in all its details and believe in getting the result. Based on this, the released energy will be directed to action.

The power of positive thinking

The power of positive thinking is very strong, you can become very resourceful in any, even in the most difficult situation where many give up and retreat. It's funny how, by changing the perception of life, there is a transformation in the outside world.

The power of positive thinking is expressed at any moment in a person's life, if you orient your thoughts in the right direction. With the power of positive thinking, it is possible to completely change your life, to learn to accept reality in a different way.

In any person there is a hidden inner potential that opens like a flower through faith and a positive understanding of life. The power of positive thinking contributes to the realization of fairy tales in life, to include important changes.

The power of positive thinking will not come out without knowledge to restore inner strength. Often there is a feeling - everything is not right, life has failed, nothing succeeds. What's the matter? Who is guilty? Such thoughts appear as a result of fatigue - physical, emotional.

There are laws of positive thinking, which of course is not a secret, in the past, people noted the power of actions, thoughts in their lives:

  • law of attraction
  • Give first, then receive
  • The power of positive thinking

Despite the misconceptions, thinking positively does not mean putting on pink glasses or be deceived into thinking that everything is super when in reality there is absolute chaos.

A positively filled person sees things as they are, but with the difference that in any difficult situation, he maintains an attitude towards improvement and well-being. So to speak, he remains calm and at the same time, deep down, he is convinced that everything will work out, despite the difficulties.

How to make a wish map

Most are curious about how to fulfill a wish with the power of positive thinking? We recommend that you turn to an easy, but quite effective technique.

The Wish Map is a quick way to visualize your desires, the most rosy and strong tool fulfillment of individual goals.

In psychology, there is such a belief that if a person who writes down goals and visualizes them is about 2 times more likely to achieve them. The wish map realizes all dreams within 3 years, this happens due to the concentration of intention and clear knowledge of what you want to achieve.

But besides the card itself, you should also work on yourself, your beliefs and blocks, raise your energy level, in this case your desires will be fulfilled surprisingly quickly!

I suggest making a wish card on the growing moon - this is the most favorable period for this. So:

STEP 1. Decide which wish card to make

There are two ways to create a wishlist:

  1. Live - with the help of drawing paper, a magazine, pictures, scissors and glue;
  2. Online - using special constructors (for example, fototalisman.com) or look for another one on the Internet.

STEP 2. Understand what you want

Now think for a second... what do you want? The wish map covers all areas of our life: money, fame, love, career, travel, knowledge, children, family. Think about what you really want, these should be realistic desires and they should depend only on you.

Thought? Now we choose pictures in a magazine or the Internet. The peculiarity of the Wish Map is the manifestation of the desired in the form of a picture. The more it appeals to you, the faster your desire will come true in life.

When selecting pictures, follow a few rules: choose pictures where the faces of other people are not visible. For example, do you dream of beautiful figure, select a picture with the desired figure and paste your face there.

STEP 3. We formulate and write down our desires

We write the text above or below the picture, but in no case not on it. We write everything in the present tense, not without a particle.

Write down your desires as specifically as possible. For example, “I have a monthly income of more than 100 thousand rubles”, “I am the owner of a 3-room apartment in the center of Moscow”, “I live in my cottage by the sea”, “I drive my own BMW X5 car”. etc.

STEP 4. Activate the wish card

After your wish card is ready, you need to activate it. To do this, we add a wish that we can fulfill in the near future. This small wish is needed to activate the card, so that its fulfillment will pull the others along with it and the magic process will go faster.

STEP 5. Looking for a place for a wish card

The best place for your wish card is the place where it will always be in front of your eyes. In the bedroom, at your desk, or on your computer desktop, or in a special folder if you made the card online.

It is important that you look at it every day and rejoice, feel a sense of complete satisfaction. As if your desires have already been fulfilled. Expand your images, immerse yourself in the picture. And believe me, it actually works! You will be pleasantly surprised…

In any case, take care of your card from prying eyes, if guests come to you, it is advisable to remove the card. When your wishes come true, be sure to say thank you to your magical card.

The main thing is perseverance and perseverance in your endeavors! Someday you will be able to experience firsthand how the power of positive thinking works!

Positive Thinking - Books

Psychology books teach us effective planning, good habits and even change of mind. We offer TOP-5 books about positive thinking.

1. "It's not who you are, but who you want to be." Paul Arden

A book about how to be successful. A pocket Bible for the talented but timid to help make the impossible possible. Global advertising guru Paul Arden offers his wise advice for the most different topics- problem solving, communication and everything else that is needed in modern realities.

An excellent selection of quotes, wisdom, facts and illustrations in this book is combined with the incredible energy of the author, which will charge you with creativity and motivation for new achievements! If you want to succeed in life and business, this book is for you!

2. Morning Magic by Hal Elrod

Some books change our attitude towards life. And only rare of them change our way of life and behavior. Hal Elrod's book does both - and faster than you can imagine. From it you will learn how the first hour after waking up determines the success of the whole day and helps you reach your potential.

Following the author's advice, tens of thousands of people improved their health, positive thinking, began to earn more, learned to focus on key tasks and, most importantly, became happier. This book is for anyone who wants to change their lives, starting small - from the first hour of the morning. Published in Russian for the first time.

3. "Depression Canceled" by Richard O'Conor

Depression depends on many interrelated factors: genetic, biochemical, external (environmental factors). This book deals with one very important factor that we often overlook: our own habits.

We can hide depression, fight it (and even successfully), but this struggle requires a lot of strength from us, taking away from us the opportunity to fully enjoy life and experience positive emotions.

This book will help you replace the behaviors that contribute to depression with more effective ones. The systems approach described in the book is based on the results of the best research on the topic of depression - with its help, anyone suffering from this ailment can start a new life.

4. "Key" Joe Vitale

We all strive for happiness and harmony. We want to find the love of our life, to be healthy and successful in everything, to earn more money. But often we run into obstacles and the world seems to refuse to support our dreams. Rhonda Byrne in her book "The Secret" told the whole world about the laws of attraction of what is desired.

But this law does not work for everyone ... What is the reason? You need to know the key to the secret in order to correctly send your thoughts about what you want to the Universe. Co-author of the book The Secret, a participant in the famous film The Secret and an unsurpassed master of discovering hidden possibilities Joe Vitale gives you this key.

Turn the key and take the first step towards realization cherished desires! You will be surprised when wonderful things begin to happen to you every day. They are already happening to those who have read this book.

5. "Light the Fire" by Daniella Laporte

After reading this book, you will get rid of many illusions:

  • Being competent in everything is far from being as useful as it is believed. You achieve mastery when you focus on developing your strengths and do what makes you happy.
  • Life balance is a myth, and the struggle for it causes even more stress than the very pursuit of it.
  • You don't have to work hard to achieve everything. It is wiser to choose the path of quality lightness, doing what gives strength. Starting with easy tasks feeds your optimism. You have less stress and more energy. You are capable of doing more. Ease is your criterion for success.
  • Trying not to be afraid is like trying not to be curious. Fear is inevitable and natural. It is better to look into his eyes and find your “vitamins for the soul” that can console you.
  • Principles can break your life. Send them away, at least some of them.
  • "No" clears the path to the dream. If you are lousy, do not tolerate and do not look for excuses. Just stop doing what makes you uncomfortable. Choose the path that suits your soul.
  • Leave your ambition. A clear understanding of how you want to feel at work and in life is more important than setting goals. Clarity gives you a sense of satisfaction and release.
  • Each of us is capable of being a creator. Being a creator means doing something with your soul. When you put all your soul into preparing a family dinner or a party for friends, you create poetry.
  • Giving is not bad at all. Be generous. generosity - driving force spiritual development. By giving, you make friends, become richer and healthier, love more, shine brighter, and live life to the fullest.

Daniella Laporte, a popular blogger and motivational speaker in the USA, will show you through her own history of loss and achievement and the inspiration of other people how to light your life with new light, take a step towards your dream and be who you are.

Development thinking

The development of thinking is mental activity, which has a goal, motive, action and result. The better a person's thinking is developed, the more effectively he can interact with the outside world and other people, study and learn, understand phenomena and truths.

There are many classifications of thinking. Below we consider three of the most important kind mental activity:

  1. Creative thinking;
  2. Critical thinking;
  3. Logical thinking.

Development of creative thinking

In today's society, the creativity of a person and his ability to think creatively is of particular importance and appreciated by others. After all, such people are able to find a non-standard way out of situations, generate hundreds of ideas and can implement them.

1. Good stimulation creative thinking are the solutions to various puzzles. These are not just tasks that have special formulas for solutions, puzzles require the inclusion of a person's mental potential. The difference between puzzles and tasks lies in mental work, to solve problems you need knowledge, to solve puzzles you need thinking. Puzzles teach you to look for non-standard ways to solve a problem, thereby developing positive thinking.

2. A great way to develop creative thinking is to look for associations. For example, open any book, close your eyes and point your finger at two words. Then take a pen and Blank sheet to record your thoughts. Write down all the associations that come to mind. Compare words, look for points of contact, analyze. You can even come up with the reason for the connection between these two words, just let your imagination run wild.

3. With the help of creativity, a person actively promotes his positive thinking. Draw more, transfer to paper what you see and feel. There is also an exercise in this regard, for which you need to draw six crosses horizontally and vertically. After that, you need to turn the crosses into sketches, the more interesting and unusual they are, the better!

4. From the French "burime" is translated as a poem to given rhymes. That is, a person is given a rhyme that cannot be rearranged and changed. You need to connect it with meaningful text. For example, "winter-at home".

5. Working in a group is always a serious impetus for creative development, particularly when work is being done on a single problem. To do this, in many companies, employees often gather for brainstorming to come up with as many ideas as possible to solve the issue. Of the many proposals, some will still come in handy, so the problem will be solved.

Technology for the development of critical thinking

The Critical Thinking Development technology was developed by the International Reading Association of the University of Northern Iowa and Hobard and William Smith Colleges. The authors of the program are Charles Temple, Jeannie Steele, Kurt Meredith.

This technology is a system of strategies and methodological techniques designed for use in various subject areas, types and forms of work.

It allows you to achieve the following results:

  • Ability to work with an increasing and constantly updated information flow in different areas knowledge;
  • The ability to express one's thoughts (orally and in writing) clearly, confidently and correctly in relation to others;
  • The ability to develop one's own opinion on the basis of comprehension of various experiences, ideas and ideas;
  • Ability to solve problems;
  • The ability to independently engage in their own learning (academic mobility);
  • Ability to cooperate and work in a group;
  • The ability to build constructive relationships with others.

Three phases of critical thinking development technology:

I phase. Challenge - the awakening of existing knowledge of interest in obtaining new information;
II phase. Comprehension of the content - obtaining new information;
III phase. Reflection is comprehension, the birth of new knowledge.

Development of logical thinking

Every day one encounters many life problems to be solved logically. This can include properly building a work schedule, official moments and even personal life.

As if everything is quite simple: cross out unimportant details, focus on important aspects, thus prioritizing properly. Yet in reality the situation requires some effort.

by the most effective ways achieving the desired are considered puzzles aimed at the manifestation of logic.

In turn, games, a set of exercises for objective thinking, reading scientific and fiction, learning foreign languages.