The best question for a girl. Proper communication with a girl. What questions to ask

“How many good girls, how many affectionate names ... But only one of them worries when you are in love!”. An old song performed by a romantic singer reminds of love... So you sit and think about your favorite name of your beloved girl. Or about a housemate. Or just about a friend. Girls are mysterious creatures, especially for guys. One of the frequently asked questions that worries young people is: “What can I ask a girl?”. And if you also fell head over heels in love, and even for the first time, and don’t know how to talk to her, then this is generally a disaster! But situations are different. Depending on them, questions to the beautiful half of humanity can be completely different. The task of the stronger sex is to choose the right words and express your thoughts.

Questions to the girl: we determine the situation

First, decide on the familiar girls who surround you - what do you want to achieve from them. These can be girls-neighbors, girls at school / work, a girl you are in love with ... But you never know girls in the world! Generally speaking, guys can expect love relationships, sex, friendship or help from different girls. Moreover, each girl is individual, and in order not to get into trouble when communicating with her, you need to get to know her well. For example, on the first date for one girl, the topic of sex will not be taboo, but if you talk about it with some other girl, then she may consider it too personal, and she will have a bad opinion about you. Here is such a difficult science - communication with girls! But if you are a smart guy, then for you there should not be any big difficulties in this matter. Let's imagine a few typical situations and decide what questions you can ask a girl, based on the circumstances.

Situation 1: Operation First Date

Your task is to interest the girl, draw her attention to yourself, so to speak, "hook"!

It is very important to create a good impression of yourself. The best option: to be interested in her life, asking questions about her life, about what she is interested in, what she loves. You must show sincere interest and desire to know as much as possible about her! Just don't overdo it!

You can: be interested in her hobby, main occupation in life, family, hobbies, habits, tastes and preferences in cinema, music, etc., attitude to this or that event in public life.

Do not: ask rhetorical questions, uninteresting and "wired" (like: "How are you?").

It is impossible: to ask sensitive and very personal questions, to insist that she tell about what is unpleasant for her or about what is her secret; persistently ask about past love relationships, financial situation, religion; humiliate with your questions or beg for praise from her (such as: “Really, I’m so cool, since I chose this place for a date?”).

Situation 2: Checking a girl for feelings

Your task is to find out what feelings the girl has for you. A conversation can arise for various reasons: one of your friends started a rumor that your beloved is cheating; or you have been dating for a long time, but you just can’t understand how she treats you. In any case, the conversation should clarify everything. If you have been dating for quite some time and are open to each other, then it will be easier for you. And if not, then you will have to think more carefully about your words and monitor intonation: girls perceive speech very subtly.

You can: Ask soft leading questions (for example, ask what kind of guy she would love, and what kind of relationship she should have with him in order for love to arise. Then compare her answer with yourself and with your relationship). Slowly and unobtrusively move on to questions about what the girl feels for you (“Do you like me?”). Try to speak in an even, calm voice, looking directly into her eyes. Thus, you will not give her a chance to get away from the question, and you can also learn a lot about her reaction.

Don't: Compulsively ask questions that are based on comparisons between you and her former partners.

You can not: Ask the main questions right off the bat. The girl may become embarrassed and you will get a crumpled or slurred answer, or maybe even a false one.

The closer and longer your relationship is, the more you can afford to ask her questions about feelings. Agree that the question: "Do you love me?" on the first date in most cases it will sound stupid, but after a few months of a relationship, it is quite relevant. It's about feelings. Otherwise, you can communicate with your beloved girl, as with a girl - a friend. How to do it - read below.

Situation 3: “Girlfriend of my harsh days…”

Your task is to maintain friendship with the person you are interested in. Whatever they say, in my opinion, friendship between a man and a woman is quite possible. If you agree with me, then you probably already have a girlfriend. The main rule to learn: understand that a girl friend is still different from a guy friend.

You can: take an interest in her life, including “girly things”, talk about your own, ask her for advice (especially in relationships with girls), it will be pleasant for her, and useful for you, because you will learn a lot about girls.

You should not: start talking about topics that are not well known to girls and ask your girlfriend about a new car brand if she is not interested.

It is impossible: to ask questions that contain shades of the superiority of guys over girls; rude questions that you could easily ask a guy. Don't forget that she is a girl.

Situation 4: "Ordinary girls"

Every day you are surrounded by many girls of different ages, each of which is engaged in their own business. And you willy-nilly have to communicate with them. These are saleswomen, librarians, classmates, classmates, etc. With most of them, you have conversations about what you need. For example, you need to learn something, ask for help, buy something; explain how you get your haircut, etc.

It is possible and even necessary! Ask precise and polite questions. She must understand exactly what you need, and at the same time you do not need to spoil the impression of yourself.

You should not: be interested in the personal life of the interlocutor or have long conversations on topics like with a girl friend, unless you are interested in this girl as a future friend or lover. Do not take away extra time from a person, and you do not need such information.

It is impossible: to be rude, to beg, to demand. It is preferable to address an unfamiliar girl with “you” rather than “you”.

Asking the right questions

As mentioned earlier, girls very subtly feel not only what you say, but also how you say it. Therefore, the following general rules for communicating with girls will be useful:

  • Ask clearly, clearly and looking into the eyes if you want to get an answer to your question.
  • Don't use swear words.
  • Do not ask stupid, boring and inappropriate questions according to the situation.
  • Be original. When meeting girls, you should not use hackneyed phrases like: “Where is the nofelet?”, “How are you?”, “What time is it?” etc.
  • Do not ask the girl about what she does not know or is not at all interested in.
  • Speak in a kind and clear voice.
  • Show by tone that you are interested in talking with her.
  • Speak loudly enough. Do not mumble under your breath, but you don’t need to shout at all Ivanovskaya either.
  • Be polite and correct. If you see that the girl does not like your question, move the conversation to another topic.

It is difficult to start an acquaintance with a girl, but it is more difficult to continue it. I want to make an impression. The most insidious moment in this situation is when you have already answered her questions and it's time to ask your own. Many people have difficulty with this. For such shy young men, our article will be. In it, we list cool questions for girls that we found on the Internet and took from personal experience.

What question can you ask a girl to interest?

It is difficult, not knowing the person - to get to the point. We will offer you options, maybe you have not considered them yet, then take note of the phrases:

  • Do you like smoking men?
  • Aren't you tired of sitting here, can we take a walk?
  • Aren't you afraid to jump with a parachute?
  • What country would you like to visit if you could choose any?
  • Can I draw you?
  • How do you rest?
  • What do you want to realize yourself?
  • How do you feel about Nietzsche?
  • What is more important to you - to make a career or create a strong family?
  • Would you be able to pack your things and go to the ends of the world right now?
  • How do you usually fasten buttons, do you start at the bottom or at the top?
  • What book would you like to read a second time?

As you can see, the questions are very diverse. But after all, women are also different, some will be interested in a person who knows Nietzsche, others - an extreme traveler, far from philosophy. Therefore, be careful, let her tell about herself to the maximum before.

Original and funny questions

A sense of humor helps in any situation. You don’t know how to interest a girl - joke, be creative:

  • How would you spend the last week of your life?
  • Do you like men like me?
  • What is your favorite cartoon?
  • What nickname did you have as a child?
  • Where are you so tanned, you look like a chocolate bar?
  • Do you want to learn how to drive a car?
  • Where is the nofelet?
  • How do you feel about same-sex love?
  • Imagine that you have glasses that can see through everything. What part of the male body would you like to see?
  • What would you do if I kissed you now?
  • What is the difference between a bird and an airplane?
  • May I invite you to dinner with breakfast?
  • Am I wrong right?
  • Do you like popping bubbles on packaging film?

But jokingly observe some " it is forbidden - don't joke about her former relationship, don't ask a lot of questions about sex, and don't send too much. Otherwise, you will make a negative impression on her.

Questions about love for a girl

This is the most exciting topic. It is difficult to ask about something that people usually reveal only to their loved ones. But I want to know that in her understanding of love:

  1. Do you think love at first sight exists?
  2. What will you say to your friend when she asks who am I to you?
  3. Could you forgive betrayal?
  4. What would you do if you turned into a man for a day?
  5. Do you prefer giving or receiving?
  6. In sex, do you prefer to take a leading position or give your partner the opportunity to lead?
  7. How do you behave if the guy does not like, but he is trying to get you?
  8. Do you find it easy to compromise after a fight?
  9. What qualities do you value in a man?
  10. What is more important character or outer appearance of a partner?

Be extremely careful when asking about intimate topics. They are extremely ticklish, think are you that close. You can hurt the girl to the quick, remind the patient. You don't know what experience she already had in her life.

Common communication mistakes guys make

Girls are emotional and touchy people due to natural features. There are topics that can't touch, otherwise you risk getting blacklisted, and you certainly won’t be interested in her.

Never ask when meeting:

  • What is her weight?
  • How many men were there?
  • What is the breast size and is it real?
  • What is her salary?
  • Is she a virgin?
  • Why are you nervous?

In addition, women do not like banal questions , indicating that there is nothing to talk about:

  • How are you?
  • Where did you study?
  • Where do you live?
  • How many children were in your family?
  • What do you do in your free time?

The conversation must start Interesting, without hints of sex, money and excess weight. The rest will definitely become clear later, take your time.

Topics for conversation with a girl: a list of questions

It is important to be able to keep up the conversation, this is your future. Here are some tricks on how to choose a theme. In personal communication, some are good, in correspondence - others:

  1. IN in social networks write about:
  • work. Ask her if she likes the position, why she chose this one?
  • Religions. Which one adheres to, how seriously does he take it?
  • Hobby. Ask what she does in her free time, where does she like to go?
  1. And in a personal meeting, it’s better to talk about abstract topics that do not concern both (if you are just starting to communicate. You can talk to old acquaintances in private about anything):
  • Recall common acquaintances and discuss news about them;
  • Make joint purchases;
  • If you study together, talk about subjects and exams;
  • Tell us about your travels, show photos.

The secret is that when we communicate by correspondence, it is easier to ask about exciting topics, as well as to answer them. A person is less shy, reacts more calmly, there is time to think about the answer. And with personal contact, the conversation goes better on extraneous topics, relaxed and not straining the situation.

Of course, you want to impress at the first meeting. The main thing - do not be afraid, tune in to the positive, ask cool questions. For girls, in addition, it is also important how you look, whether you are late for meetings. Be punctual, if she waited for you an hour in the rain on the street, no original and smart conversations will help.

In this video, Makar Borisov will tell you some interesting riddles for girls and options for original and comic answers to them:

Back in the last century, people found a soul mate through random (or planned) meetings. Today, without leaving home, you can find a soul mate, even if it is located on the other side of the globe. Social networks and dating sites are the most visited places on the Internet.

What can the study of the questionnaire and photographs give?

A person's profile can tell a lot about him. And not always good. Often the questionnaire contains a list of favorite things, places and preferences. You can find out where a person studied, worked, rested. His dreams and desires. Sometimes you can find profiles with rather scarce and minimal information. Each person decides for himself whether to make public the details of his life.

Photos are important. This is the first thing visitors to the page pay attention to. If you can write anything in the questionnaire, then it is difficult to hide something in the photo (if the photo is your own). By appearance, smile and look, one can assume the character of a person. And, of course, clothes will tell a lot. Modern man is accustomed to evaluate everything and everyone. Looking at any thing (not even a piece of clothing), concepts immediately flash in my head: expensive, cheap, mediocre.

Also clothes will tell:

  • About human taste and its absence
  • About neatness or carelessness
  • About tightness or openness

Much attention is paid not only to the appearance of a person: girls look at the background. No matter how charming a man is, he will get a big minus if a straightened bed or a dull landscape with garbage containers flaunts in the background. You can also find out from photographs how sociable a person is. Social and cheerful people will definitely have group shots with friends.

How to correctly prepare your profile so as not to look stupid?

The correct application is the key to success. Unlike the profile of girls, the male one should be more restrained. A few words about myself are enough. A girl does not need to know her favorite actor, mother's maiden name and what thoughts are moving in her head. Women are very curious, so there should be little information, but it should be of interest.

If a person plans to find his soul mate:

  1. In no case should you indicate in the questionnaire about your merits.
  2. You should not brag about your financial condition, even if you really want to put up a photo with an expensive car, near your cottage or with a kilogram chain around your neck.
  3. Do not use other people's photos or well-edited pictures. Otherwise, there is a risk that the beautiful person will run away on the first date.

It is important to avoid grammatical errors when filling out the questionnaire. They immediately catch the eye of an educated person. If there is doubt about the spelling of a word, then you can replace it with a synonym.

It is important to avoid grammatical errors when filling out the questionnaire.

And you definitely need to add a twist to your profile: for this you can write a joke or an aphorism. Most importantly, it should not be too abstruse or long, contain little-known words. You can write: “Tomorrow will be even cooler! » This short phrase characterizes an open, optimistic and self-confident person.

How to be the first to speak?

What to talk about with the girl you like? What to say to get her interested? Most guys go down the beaten path and shower the girl with compliments. Of course, this method works, but only on naive and neglected women. For a productive acquaintance, you need to study the profile and pull the desired thread. For example:

  1. The girl has a photo from some resort or with a beautiful landscape. You can write: “Good afternoon, I accidentally saw your photo, it’s a very beautiful view, can you tell me what kind of place it is” ... etc.
  2. There is information about services (for example, making souvenirs, needlework, making essays, selling something), then pull this thread.
  3. You can just start with a joke, but it should be simple and understandable.

You should not start a conversation with the standard phrases “how are you”, “hello, beauty” or “does your mother need a son-in-law?”. This is irrelevant in the 21st century.

How to interest a girl by correspondence and stand out from the crowd?

If some young people have sufficient eloquence and can easily make acquaintances (and sometimes more than one), then others languidly look at the profile of a girl they like. What do you need to do to get her interested?

Everything ingenious is simple! Listen carefully to what he says, or rather, read what he writes. Often, when meeting girls, they talk about their habits, hobbies and preferences. Even if a young man does not understand a particular issue, then the topic can be studied on the Internet. If a man knows an interesting culinary recipe or tells what happened in a missed episode of his favorite movie, he will definitely stand out from the crowd.

Listen carefully to what he says, or rather, read what he writes.

It is important when meeting not to cross the line of friendly conversation. Girls love it when a man is polite and courteous. Most women are afraid of rapidly developing relationships and frank proposals to meet. It is better to limit yourself to communication on the network at first.

What to ask a girl in correspondence and not scare her away?

If the acquaintance was successful and the girl made contact, now you need to establish communication.

Things to talk about to keep the conversation going:

  1. About films. Every person has loved ones. If the girl is open and easily makes contact, then with such a conversation you can invite her to the premiere at the cinema.
  2. About work and study. If the girl reluctantly answers, then you should not develop the topic.
  3. About hobbies. If a person has a hobby, then this will be the most interesting topic for communication. Nobody does something they don't like!
  4. Ask for advice. For example, to help choose a gift for mom.
  5. Ask her where she would like to go. As a rule, every person has a blue dream.

What do girls like in a conversation and how to maintain interest in yourself?

Girls love to be listened to carefully. Ask questions that develop the topic, clarify some points, in general, be an active listener.

Quite often, girls talk about how they changed their appearance, lost weight, what hair colors they had on their heads. You need to be surprised, interested, asking if there is an old photo in which she has purple hair. You can praise for willpower or some merit, just do not overdo it.

Forget about the word "YOU", refer to the girl by name. It has long been proven that a proper name affects a person more than any compliment and is conducive to communication.

What to tell about yourself to arouse interest? What you don't have to do is talk about your life in detail. It is enough to talk about studies, hobbies and travel. Can you briefly talk about your family? A good option is to tell interesting life stories, jokes. Also, girls love to listen to touching stories from childhood. You can tell a sad story about a dead pet or a flying parrot.

What is strictly forbidden to do and ask while communicating on the Internet?

  • You are not in the registry office, therefore no need to submit data on date of birth, last name, previous marriages, and even more so to ask a girl about such topics. It is unacceptable at the beginning of communication to ask if she has a young man and how many relationships there have been. Communication should be friendly and informal.
  • Don't bombard a girl with compliments otherwise, she will simply consider you a womanizer looking for adventure. If you want to say something nice, then praise the action, achievement or deed, but in no case the appearance. Only internal qualities.
  • Never ask for your address or phone number. This can lead to different thoughts and not always positive ones. Everything has its time.
  • Talk about health problems or to complain about something, so as not to seem like a snotty snot to a woman. A man must be a man!

Online dating can have many pitfalls. Often a person is not what he claims to be or we imagine him to be. Therefore, if something does not grow together, do not despair! Life is too short to waste it on a bad mood!

It just so happened, guys, that for many of us, I would even say for the majority, the topic - and what questions to ask girls, to put it mildly, remains painful. After reading this article to the end, you will understand why this is a problem for many, and you will also get a ready-made list of what you can ask the girl and what to tell her about.

Come on, before we talk about the important things, first some lyrics. It is undeniable that women definitely like men who can and can speak well, one way or another, but the expression that women love with their ears - although not one hundred percent true, but there is a sense in it. And in order to be an interesting interlocutor, you need to be a comprehensively developed guy, that is.

Also, in order to develop your communication, you can do some practical exercises, for example, “Delirium Generator” and “Throat”. They are among my videos, which you can watch right now by clicking . In these videos, I cover this topic in more detail. I don’t really like writing on the blog, I’m still a lazy person, it’s easier for me to speak on camera;). So, I'm better off not reading.

And yet, before the most interesting one moment - questions are not the most important thing, it is important - how you ask them. So let's go.

Most interesting questions for girls, it is always those that are associated with her appearance, clothing, face and behavior. That is, as they say - about her. Many, by the way, in order not to ask a lot of questions and in general, not knowing what to talk about, they take the girl to the cinema, because it’s not relevant to talk there, then somewhere else.

My opinion on this matter is that on the first date, no movie is better, because you just need to chat with the girl, learn something about her, tell about yourself. To do this, it is better to choose a cozy cafe with sofas.

List of questions for a girl when meeting and on a date. When meeting, it is best to ask some unusual questions to make her interested. You need to ask not only questions, but also tell something about her, since the girl is a very curious creature, she will be interested to hear about herself. Here are a few of my pieces for you:

In general, communication with a girl (whether on a date or just when meeting) should not only consist of questions, it should look like this. You - then ask something about her, then tell something about her (for example, using the phrase - "You are a very unusual girl ... You have unusual ... .. (Ears, eyes, nose, hands, etc.)" ).

Or you tell something about yourself - “I always liked girls with such hair. I always wanted to understand how something fits into such a small handbag. ” That is, once again - about her, about myself, about her. Only with such a scheme will your communication look complete.

By the way, at the expense of what question to ask the girl and questions in general. Questions are not always good! I'll explain now. Ninety percent of men in particular and in general in life ask women, thereby shifting all responsibility on them. Girls don't like responsibility. “Can I get to know you? Can I feed you? Can I kiss you? Can I take your phone?"

If we talk about such questions, they are highly undesirable, despite the fact that ninety-nine percent of men ask them. This is the "Bottom" position and does not lead to effective seduction. And it is important for a girl that a man takes, and does not ask, offers, and does not ask, do you feel the difference?

And society and mother's upbringing taught us to crawl and ask women, but this is completely ineffective. In order to understand this, read the ones that will come to your e-mail right now or read the article "" and. In the meantime, here are a couple of examples for you: I can’t get to know you, but – I want to talk to you. Can't I write down your phone number, but - let me write down, or - I write down your phone number, dictate. A man does not ask for fire, he either gives it or takes it by force.

Why don't you know what to talk about, what questions to ask a girl and are looking for an answer in this article?

Let's first understand why this happens. Why can you always find a common language with guys, for example, but not with girls. Everything again comes from social framework, fears in your head and upbringing. And in general - from the context.

Imagine a situation - you need to go to a beautiful girl at work and ask something about work and ask to sign some papers. You can do it pretty easily. But, if you say - go and tell this girl that you liked her or go and, then you will immediately be seized by a stupor. You can hardly come up and say a few words to her. Strange, right?

The whole secret is that you are not comfortable next to a girl, you are worried, shy and, let's call it - “afraid”. Approaching a girl for you is like entering a cage with tigers. If you are now launched inside, then your brain will be able to invent some questions, and will only think about how to get out of the cage. That's the only reason you don't know now.

You should not ask questions what to say and ask the girl, and look for ready-made templates, but you need to dig deeper. You need to reach a state in which your brain starts working, and not think - "How can I get out of here." In our trainings, there are various exercises for this, and in particular the “Throat” exercise, when you approach a girl and tell her everything that you see now, describe her.

Watch the video - 5 reasons why you will not have sex with the girl you like

Learn ALL the secrets of communicating with girls - Watch our videos

For example, I would not talk about sex right at the first meeting, it can alert a girl a little, although I'm already talking about it.

And there is also such a phenomenon - "Fast", that is, no more than two hours pass from acquaintance to sex. This is where you need it, but I do not advise you yet.

It is also not advisable to talk about religion (But, you can ask the maximum whether she is a believer or not) and about politics.

You should not ask her about her ex-boyfriends, it will not give you anything anyway. I had such a funny case when my friend walked with a girl for two months, and they had not yet had sex. He once asked her - “And when did you have sex with your ex? After how much time? She replied that a week after they met. He probably felt dumb))), although the question he asked was stupid in itself.

It is still not advisable to ask - "Do you like me." Thus, you drive yourself under the assessment and let her know that it is she who evaluates you, and not you. This is a pronounced position "Bottom".

It is not at all necessary on a date to try to fatten her up and, accordingly, ask if she wants to eat. The girl came to chat with you, not to eat, so just order tea right away and that's it.

It’s also not very good to ask such interesting questions in quotation marks to a girl like where do you study and who do you work with. Yes, in general, it’s better not to talk about work, because the topic is rather boring, although if she has an interesting and creative job, then why not.

Even more useful information that you can get here!

The most important rule is that whatever you ask or say should be emotional. That is, with burning eyes and sincere interest in the girl.

If you like a girl, then, of course, you need to seek her location. Before taking decisive action, make sure that it is free and really suits you. What if she is an avid athlete, and you prefer feminine ladies. However, one does not interfere with the other, and love makes us look at the object of desire with different eyes. Tender feelings can change the outlook and habits of a person.

So what do you do if you are fascinated by a charmer? You need to get to know her well, to establish contact with her. For a happy relationship, it is not enough just to feel in love, partners must have common ground: common views on life, similar interests. Therefore, only after talking on various topics with a person, you can judge what prospects your possible relationship has. In this scenario, it’s a good idea to make a list of what questions you will ask the girl in correspondence or in real communication.

How to start a conversation with a girl

Fortunately, modern technology makes it possible to start a conversation easily and naturally. The achievement of humanity, the Internet, is a great help for correspondence. If you are a shy young man, then in the chat the girl will definitely not see your embarrassed face and will not hear your stuttering voice. Just add yourself as a friend on VKontakte or any other social network. Just do not write the standard: “Hi. How are you? What are you doing?". These are too banal phrases, annoying capricious beauties. Thus, you will not cause much interest in a person.

An interesting person in communication is successful in life

The ability to carry on a fascinating conversation makes an individual more attractive in the eyes of others. And this skill is worth developing. It will come in handy not only for flirting with the lady you like, but also to help you maintain a relationship if you already have one. It will also help you make new friends in your life.

What questions should a girl ask when texting (list)

"What do you dream about?" So you will find out how morally developed the girl is, whether her dreams are sublime. From her answer, one can understand how purposeful she is, in what ways she is ready to make her way in life, whether she is an interesting person, whether she is selfish. And just look into her inner world. Such abstract questions most fully reveal the essence of a person. The topic of dreams, in principle, causes a keen interest in its discussion. Compare your dreams and goals, make a conclusion whether this girl suits you, whether you are on your way. For example, she dreams of making a career and does not want children at all. You are an exemplary family man at heart. Sooner or later, different life aspirations will not allow relationships to develop. Look for a person with whom they are similar to you.

"What are you afraid of?" This is no doubt a question that can evoke a quite unexpected flood of sincerity. A girl can open up to you and tell you secret secrets. Pay close attention to her candor. Do not laugh at all. Ask if there's anything you can do to help. Try to cheer her up. A close person is someone who knows the hidden corners of our soul. If you enter the zone of trust of your beloved, she will always come to you in moments of sadness. And that's important to you, isn't it?

"Where do you see yourself in a few years?" A question somewhat reminiscent of the first on the list, but requiring a clearer and more realistic answer. If in the first case you can dream about something fabulous, then in this case you will have to open up your plans for the coming years. Pay attention to whether the girl is striving for something or prefers to go with the flow? Does she have an intended goal? Yes, a woman is ideally the keeper of the family hearth. But she must have interests and hobbies. Otherwise, you might get bored with her.

"What does your dream house look like?" A very interesting question that allows you to find out if the girl has a taste for decorating this very house. Many girls like to fantasize and imagine, tell their friends about what kind of house they will have in the future. And if she is interested, she will subconsciously consider you an interesting interlocutor. And it doesn’t matter if you tell something or just competently ask interesting questions to her.

"What is he, the guy of your dreams?" It's a pretty clever way to learn the do's and don'ts to make you fall in love with yourself. Perhaps you are just a little short of her ideal man.

"What's your favorite love movie?" And her answer to this question will allow you to find out what kind of romantic fairy tale she dreams of. Carefully review the film and observe how the main character treats the heroine (what he says, how he looks, what he does for her). Usually girls love those films that reflect their ideas about ideal relationships.

Conclusions: to get to know her better

Let there be more abstract topics in your conversations. This will help you get to know each other better and unlock your inner potential. However, it is worth talking about pressing topics (for example, ask what she likes to eat and whether she knows how to cook). This is also an integral part of life and matters.

Compliment her more often. But just not “oh, what a beauty”, but something from the category “you are like a star that shines on me from the sky” (exaggerated, of course). The main thing is more originality and poetry.

Men, in order to interest a woman, you need to constantly develop, work on shortcomings. Read books, work on your voice. Well, if your correspondence is carried out on the Internet, write without grammatical errors.