Why positive affirmations work and give great results. Affirmations or positive statements

What are Affirmations.

Affirmations are positive statements that help change the way we think and shape the future we want. Saying affirmations is effective way achieving your goal, happiness, love, inner harmony, health and well-being.

Affirmations are short, positive statements that focus on a specific aspect of your consciousness and create new program, according to which the subconscious builds its work and creates life situations, corresponding to this affirmation in meaning. You can repeat the affirmations one at a time or separately. It is believed that the most harmonious is to repeat affirmations in a number that is a multiple of three: 3, 6, 9, 12, etc.

Our thoughts and emotions shape our lives and our environment. It is important to remember the expression “like attracts like.” And it’s true: negative thoughts attract negative events into our lives, and the fears that we are afraid of will definitely come true, because... we ourselves projected them. Positive thoughts and emotions of love, happiness and pleasure will attract into our lives happy events and the people we need.. Affirmations are very powerful and effective remedy to change a negative perception of life to a positive one. They can be repeated anywhere, any number of times and in any way. If you want - mentally, if you want - out loud, if you want - while walking, but if you want - at work. At first you will have to make an effort to remember them, and then it will move to the subconscious level. Soon you will begin to notice that your desires have begun to come true, you have begun to find yourself in right time V in the right place etc. And you will change your life! But you just need to want it, have the desire to work on yourself, not stop, and especially not go back!!! After all, life is as beautiful as the opportunities it offers. Trust Her, trust the Universe, trust To higher powers that guide you. Below are examples of affirmations that are taken from various sources. You can use them, or you can come up with your own. Just remember important rule: an affirmation is a positive statement, and it should not contain the particle “not”, because The universe does not perceive it. It is advisable to formulate it as a fait accompli: if you say “I want to be healthy”, the answer from the Universe will be “you want to be healthy” (and so on), and if you say “I am healthy”, the answer you will receive is “you are healthy” . And all your intentions should be aimed only at good.

Does the practice of using affirmations bring results?
Have you ever used affirmations in your life?
Most people who have tried using affirmations are not happy with their results. Some people have a negative attitude towards affirmations because they “feel like they’re just lying to themselves.” And frankly, a lot of people feel like they're not working at all. But the use of affirmations is not excluded from training. Many people still believe in them and many respected Gurus still suggest the use of them.
But there are still some big questions about using affirmations:

1. If they work, why don't they work all the time?
2. Is there a proper way to "say" them?
3. How long should I wait for them to work?

Okay, I want to clear up some of the fog about using affirmations.


AFFIRMATIONS can be used to break bad habits and create good ones.
AFFIRMATIONS can help you accelerate the progress of your goals.
AFFIRMATIONS keep you balanced and calm.
AFFIRMATIONS can help you live the life you want.
AFFIRMATIONS can change your life.

The keys are what you really need to know how to use them. It is important to first understand what AFFIRMATIONS really are.
IN nut shell AFFIRMATIONS are everything you think, say, believe, and feel. If you have ever engaged in AFFIRMATIONS, whatever has happened in your life, it is because there is a conflict between what you say and who you are.

Once you come to understand how AFFIRMATIONS work, you need to understand that our AFFIRMATIONS directly touch our energy. Our energy is directly related to the Universe. The universe has a relationship with us. So in other words, our work with AFFIRMATIONS is based on who WE are.

Are you starting to notice a common thread? You see, confirmations really have no power in the Universal scheme of things, it is you who have all the power. AFFIRMATIONS are just a tool; a tool for influencing you. And you, through your energy and your actions, influence the Universal flow as it relates to your life.

Affirmations are truly the key to getting in line with what you want, needs and desires in life. You see, AFFIRMATIONS, when used properly, change the way you think. They change the way you look at things; in yourself, your problems, your hopes and dreams. Once you change the way you think, feel and believe - you can then take appropriate action to manifest your desires.

AFFIRMATIONS work in our lives, whether we use them or not. If we do not turn to affirmations, then any feelings and thoughts live within us. Those feelings and thoughts become our reality. This explains why we get things in our lives that we don't want and don't always get what we really want. So, whether you believe in the power of AFFIRMATIONS or not, they are already working in your life. That is why it is wise to learn to understand and use them properly.

Now, I'm going to help you understand some very important principles about confirmations so you can start using them effectively today.


1. Before using AFFIRMATIONS, take time to learn how and why they work. Once you come to understanding, your AFFIRMATIONS will become much more effective.
2. Using AFFIRMATIONS from a book is great, but the most effective are the ones you write yourself. When you write your own AFFIRMATIONS, they are from your heart and soul. Even if you see really good AFFIRMATIONS in a book, change it so that it becomes yours.
3. Write your AFFIRMATIONS so that they are positive and powerful for YOU and truly yours.
4. Set aside a time and place for your AFFIRMATIONS. Speak them with creative energy. Repeat them regularly - at least twice a day.
5. Develop strong faith to support AFFIRMATIONS. Without strong faith, your AFFIRMATIONS have a small chance of success.
6. Remember when I said that “You are your AFFIRMATIONS”? You must embody them - live with them. And your AFFIRMATIONS should give answers to who you are, what you feel and what you believe.

AFFIRMATIONS are extremely powerful and are one of the most beneficial methods for personal growth. Most people don't understand how they work. Do one of the exercises yourself for your benefit, learn about the power of AFFIRMATIONS, and how to use them properly. The principles placed here will work in your life. If you treat them responsibly, then you will see your changes in life, which will pleasant surprise and admiration for you.

Jack Roberts
"The Dean of Affirmations"

Affirmations: how and why to do them

If you look at the “Small Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron”, you can find out that Affirmation is “affirmative (positive) judgments, as opposed to negative (negative) ones.” Based on this, it can be argued that the concept of “positive affirmation”, introduced by Louise Hay, is a tautology, but currently this tautology has become widespread and is gradually turning into an independent term focused on application in the psychology of self-improvement.

Moods, conspiracies, auto-training, affirmations. This method has many guises. This, with very great caution, can also include prayers and “poetry therapy.” All this is one of the simplest and effective ways healing of soul and body - healing with words. Does this seem frivolous to you? This is what the author of the very well-known method of “verbal-figurative emotional-volitional control of the human condition” G.N. Sytin writes in his book “Life-Giving Power. Help yourself":

“Over the past two decades, domestic and foreign physiologists have experimentally shown that word-induced impulses of the second signaling system come from the cerebral cortex into the internal environment of the body and rearrange the vital functions of tissues internal organs for a long time."

I would call Louise Hay, the popularizer of the affirmation method, an excellent psychotherapist and head of the healing department “New Consciousness,” the “queen of affirmations,” since to date she has created a very a large number of these word forms, some of which you will meet at the end of this article.

And here’s what Louise Hay herself writes about her affirmations in her book “The Power of a Woman”:

“I believe that this is the proper approach to any problem - once we change our thinking, our lives respond accordingly to these changes. I want you to add a new word to your vocabulary - neuropeptides. This term, first coined by Candace Perth in his work on brain function, refers to "chemical couriers." As soon as we say something or think about something, they begin their journey through our body. When our thoughts are full of love, calm, peace and happiness, neuropeptides carry chemical substances, strengthening our body’s resistance.”

So, we inspire ourselves with the right thoughts - and they heal our body. Moreover, according to Louise Hay, we are able to do even more: convince ourselves that we are smart, kind, happy, loved and rich. It seems to me that this is primarily due to a change in behavior patterns. Affirmations first change our thinking and we begin to behave more constructively, we become more confident and harmonious. And as a result, our lives change for the better!

Affirmations about your worth:

I deserve the best in life. I deserve a wonderful life.

Affirmations about openness to the world:

I open my arms wide to the world and declare to it with love that I deserve and accept the best in it.

Affirmations about your capabilities:

Whatever I need, I always get! Now I allow myself to earn good money.

The source of wisdom is inexhaustible and available to me. Everything I need to know will be revealed at the right time and in the right place. I will make the right decision.

I can show all my creative abilities!

I can have a good income, I deserve it good earnings! I allow my income to constantly grow, regardless of what economists write and say.

Affirmations about your freedom:

I do what I like.

Trusting the higher mind to assist me in my affairs, I go from success to success.

Affirmations about trust in the world:

I trust the Supreme Intelligence to guide my affairs. I happily accept this Mind as a partner in my affairs, I easily direct my energy to work with the powerful Mind. From this Mind comes all the creative ideas, all the answers, all the solutions, all the healings that make my work a source of lasting joy and allow me to achieve success in any endeavor.

Affirmations about your choice:

My choice is to move forward. I'm open to everything new. I choose the path of knowledge and spiritual development.

I choose to remember that any problem can be solved. My current problem seems to me to be something temporary - it is nothing more than what I am currently working on.

Self-worth affirmations:

I good man. I am open to all the spiritual benefits that the Universe can give me. I am full of trust in life and understanding of it.

I am not comparable to anyone or anything.

Affirmations about your purpose:

I came into this world to learn unconditional love to yourself and others.

Affirmations about your essence:

I am more than just my physical expression. The immeasurable part of me is where my power is concentrated.

Affirmations about other people:

We are all unique amazing creatures, not similar to each other. I go within and connect with the unique expression of the One Infinite Mind that is our higher self.

Affirmations for change:

Everything changes in the physical world, and while moving with the flow of these changes, I remain connected to what is inside me and what is stronger and deeper than any change.

Louise Hay created her affirmations for herself, i.e. to solve their private problems related to poor health and bad attitude other people to herself. As the problem was solved, the significance of the affirmation created to solve it fell, and this affirmation was replaced by another created to solve the next problem. Thus, a collection of affirmations was formed, which was later replenished with affirmations from students of Louise Hay, but still this collection remains a collection of private affirmations specific people solving their personal problems, and this should be remembered, because for the treatment of the same disease different people Different means may be needed.

In principle, the affirmations created by Louise Hay, even taking into account translation errors, can be useful to any person to one degree or another, however, individual affirmations created specifically for you and specifically to overcome your specific situation are significantly more effective and have fewer side effects.

Louise Hay. I love myself so much

Keywords of this page: , .

Sergei came to me after another session at rehabilitation center. He has been mired in debt for a long time. Scandals with his wife because of his drinking ended in divorce, and now she is raising their common son alone.

We live in small town, with all the ensuing consequences: it’s hard to find a job, lower wages living wagethe best place to blame others and circumstances for your weaknesses.

So Seryoga constantly found a reason to have a drink. He devoted 2 months of his life to heavy drinking, and one to work. Then someone took him to the hospital, where an IV was placed. My friend flatly refused to be coded.

On the day his friend arrived, a certain form of determination was felt in him, different from the standard behavior of alcoholics immediately after sobering procedures.

– Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I’ll start drinking again. You're somehow brainwashing yourself, look how you've changed. But I also want to live normally. How do you do all this? Maybe I'll improve too? – asked Sergei.

I really changed my way of thinking. But what exactly should I recommend? Techniques for working with the subconscious require long-term detailed study and application for changes to occur. And judging by his confidence in tomorrow’s binge, I don’t have time to help him.

And then I remembered about positive affirmations. A person is convinced that the future inevitably brings negativity, which means he needs to be convinced. And it’s better to convince yourself. The result will be visible in a month, but the first results will come from the first session.

After a long conversation, we found out what was really bothering Seryoga. I advised saying: “I am in control of my life and prefer to always look at what is happening soberly.”

These events happened 2 months ago. Sergei did not lose his temper during this time. If using this technique it is possible to give up alcohol, then what prevents people without addiction from changing their way of thinking? Just attitude and beliefs.

The brain makes decisions based on accumulated experience. The circumstances and their outcome are clearly imprinted in the memory. This forms a belief system in us. Sometimes it is life-saving, but often it prevents you from moving forward and requires correction. The correction involves replacing negative thinking with positive thinking.

Compilation rules:

  1. Specificity and brevity. A sentence of 3–6 words is enough. But it must reflect the whole essence of what is desired, literally come from the heart.
  2. The subconscious will not believe that you are healthy if you repeat “I am healthy and energetic” with a temperature of under 40 and other symptoms. When the real state of affairs is bad, positive affirmations are used for every day with words indicating improvement: “I feel healthier, more energetic, more beautiful every day.”
  3. Use only in relation to yourself. They influence their subconscious; you cannot change someone.
  4. Talk about a completed action. Even if you want a private jet, you need to imagine that you already have one. In this regard, the word “want” is prohibited. For example, it is correct to say: “I purchased a new beautiful private jet.”
  5. Exception negative particles and other negativity (not, no, never, etc.).
  6. The use of intensifiers - words indicating emotional condition: “easy and simple”, “with great joy”, “delightful”, etc.

Reading rules:

  1. Attracting emotionality while reading (if the phrase is repeated during the day). A positive affirmation should provoke a storm of emotions. The more positive impressions, the higher the chances of success.
  2. Speaking out loud. But when you say phrases at night, they should not interfere with falling asleep. If this happens, switch to silent repetition.
  3. Belief in the power of words and thoughts.
  4. The number of repetitions of positive affirmations to lift your mood per day is not standardized. The effect occurs after pronouncing one phrase at least 1000 times. Selected techniques They suggest reading 70 times a day. It turns out that the more, the better.
  5. It is recommended to read in an alpha state (without showing emotions). It occurs in the morning immediately after waking up and in the evening just before bed, and is also achieved by running. During the day, the thought that needs to be replaced is driven away by repeating the corresponding affirmation.

Reasons for lack of effect:

  1. Irregular use. Repeat daily until old thoughts no longer enter the mind.
  2. Phrases contain the words “can”, “will”, “want”.
  3. Changing attitudes: today one, tomorrow another.
  4. Simultaneous suggestion of several attitudes.

Use affirmations to positive attitude any age. The main thing is that the words are familiar to the person for whom the phrases are composed. Are taken into account lexicon and accumulated experience.

Before you start using it, you need to develop a strategy or simply decide what is important now. The minimum time to work with one expression is a month.


Select the most appropriate phrase from the list below. You can also create your own positive affirmations for every day, taking into account the above requirements.

  1. I calmly let go of all my fears and anxieties, I cleanse myself of negative thoughts and images.
  2. I love life!
  3. I radiate positive energy.
  4. My radiant smile fills the hearts of those around me with light.
  5. I am in my place, doing what I love.
  6. I always make the only right choice.
  7. I get rid of any tension in my soul and body.
  8. In my life, everything always happens on time and according to the best scenario.
  9. I am at peace and at peace with everyone and with myself.
  10. There is joy, peace, love in my soul!
  11. Every day my thoughts become cleaner, more harmonious, clearer.
  12. I do everything that depends on me. I'm doing everything well!
  13. I am grateful (grateful) to the Universe for all the material blessings in my life.
  14. Today is the best day of my life.
  15. I have everything I need to enjoy life here and now.
  16. I attract spiritual and material well-being into my life.
  17. Every day my life becomes easier, more comfortable.
  18. I am filled with enthusiasm and energy.
  19. I see positivity in every event in my life.
  20. My life has improved. My life is in complete harmony with my mind and others.
  21. I am free from fear, melancholy, anger, irritation.
  22. I realize and feel my strength.
  23. In any situation I am calm and focused.
  24. Luck always accompanies me.
  25. Every day I feel better in every way.
  26. I live in best time for myself.
  27. Every cell of my body radiates joy.
  28. I love the whole world, and the world loves me back!
  29. I wish everyone happiness, love, health, and the best of life!
  30. Every day I bring people joy, happiness, good mood.
  31. I am surrounded by streams of absolute love!
  32. I am peaceful and calm.
  33. My soul is filled with joy and peace!
  34. I can easily cope with all the obstacles in my path!
  35. I am absolutely happy and I am surrounded only by positive people!
  36. I accept the energy of luck!
  37. I always accept my life. I'm at peace with myself.
  38. I am a magnet of luck, positivity, happiness.
  39. All events in my life lead to the better.
  40. Every day is unique and I take advantage of all its gifts.

Affirmations to increase energy are a reliable tool on the path to changing the way you think. But it is not Magic wand. For years, the subconscious has shaped our views of the world. You won't be able to change them in one day. Let a short poem by Omar Khayyam help you:

“You are a mine, if you go in search of a ruby,

You are loved if you live in the hope of a date.

Delve into the essence of these words - both simple and wise:

Everything you are looking for, you will certainly find in yourself!”

Choosing the mindset to change outdated beliefs requires patience. Every day, spend at least 10 minutes repeating one expression.

But this is one of the simplest and available techniques working with the subconscious. Take your time now. Choose any of the proposed positive affirmations. To do this, read each paragraph carefully. Which one did you choose? What's wrong with this phrase? Does it need to be improved or supplemented?

With the help of answers to these questions, you reject what is alien to you, and create the desired attitude specifically for your subconscious. Supplement, but don't overdo it. Remember: brevity is the sister of talent.


Positive affirmations are used to replace negative thinking with positive thinking. This is a method of self-hypnosis based on words. But words must be supported by emotions and experience. Therefore, it takes at least a month to achieve results. Don't waste time, start now.

- positive statements that you must bring into your life simply by repeating them. Positive Affirmations- This is one of the ways to improve what you want. By applying this method, your life will certainly change positively! Moreover, you will learn how to manage it yourself!

Are affirmations necessary? spiritual development and in human development in general? How do positive affirmations work? By saying affirmations, we influence our subconscious. When we say (aloud or mentally) statements, our subconscious mind remembers it and tells us that it is as we say. We gain confidence, believe in the affirmation and get what we want. Accordingly, if we talk about bad things, bad things happen in our lives; if we talk about good things, our lives are positive. That is, for example, if we talk about illnesses, lack of money, problems in the family - we get sick, we always have problems. If we are talking about health, well-being, and happy family relationships- then we are healthy and happy.

“As a man thinks, so he is”

(Folk saying)

Let me give you an example of what kind of phrases these are - positive affirmations:

“Positive thoughts bring me the benefits and benefits that I desire.”
“I am healthy in body and soul and everything is fine with me”
"I have great job which brings me high income"
“I have an excellent relationship with my wife (husband)”

By using positive affirmations regularly, we can influence any aspect of our lives. If we lack love, we need to compose and pronounce affirmations for love or affirmations for marriage. If you lack self-confidence and are unhappy, then affirmations for self-confidence, affirmations for increasing self-esteem, affirmations for happiness will help. If you often get sick or just want to improve your health, then affirmations for health and affirmations for healing are necessary. If you are interested in financial security, then you should use affirmations for money. And if you need a job or you need luck in business, then use affirmations for work and affirmations for good luck. It is very useful to make affirmations for every day, or even specifically for the time of day (morning, evening). Choose what you need, compose it and use it daily! You can use ready-made statements that are given to the left of the article, but I recommend creating and using your own statements.

Affirmation technique

Before you start creating your own positive affirmations, read about affirmation technique. Knowing it, your statements will be correct, which means the result will not be long in coming.

When creating affirmations, the following factors must be considered:
1. Affirmations must be in the present tense.
What we say, our subconscious perceives as a statement of desire, which means that for it there is no past, present, or future. Therefore, there is no need to say “I want to be financially secure,” so you will simply receive the desire to be so; you need to say “I am financially secure,” then the subconscious will perceive this as a statement of your current situation, and this will be translated into reality.
2. You must believe in what you are talking about.
If you pronounce an affirmation and at the same time do not believe in its implementation, you thereby block the entire process of realizing the goal into reality. I advise, for beginners, to start with easier, plausible goals. They will be fulfilled, and you will gain confidence in your abilities, and then you will be able to begin more complex tasks.
3. Affirmations should always be positive statements!!!
Don't use the word "no" or the word "not" in your statements. For example, instead of: “I don’t have overweight"say: "I have a beautiful physical form" Or instead of: “I’m not sick,” say: “I’m healthy.” Watch the prevailing words, they should only convey good value!
4. Use emotional words in affirmations.
Emotional words make statements even stronger. Emotions should only be positive. Use the following words: with pleasure, easily and simply, with joy, magnificently, wonderfully. For example: “I feel great, everything is fine with me, I am infinitely happy!”
5. The affirmation should apply only to you.
There is no need to involve other people in your statements. For example: “My mother will be healthy.” Such affirmations will not work. Everyone should make affirmations that only concern themselves!

Now, knowing all these factors, you can begin to compose affirmations yourself. I advise you to take a piece of paper and a pen right now. Write down the statements from easy goal, in ascending order, to more significant one. And start with the easiest one. Say it as often as possible, and you will see how you are moving towards your dream step by step!

It is best if you are in a relaxed state when pronouncing affirmations. Read how to relax here. Then your subconscious mind will undoubtedly accept your statements. But this is optional. You can say it out loud, or you can say it silently, you can write it down on a piece of paper many times, or you can even sing it! The main thing is with faith and positive emotions. Affirmations need to be said until the affirmations become a reality!

And I want to say one more thing. Of course, everything won’t happen quickly at once! You won't feel the change suddenly. This is not a miracle - once your wish comes true! Everything will happen moderately gradually. But believe me, the result will surprise you!

And in order to speed up the process of achieving your goal, so that your affirmations are realized faster, start visualizing.

Affirmation for every day

It is very important for a person how his day goes. His mood and well-being, and therefore his actions and actions, depend on this. Therefore, you need to correctly compose an affirmation for each day, thereby setting yourself up for a positive day.

Let me give you an example affirmations for every day, which you need to read every morning. If you want, you can change something in it or add something.

Today is the beginning of my new life! I start today - everything good happens to me today! I see all the beauty around me. I live with passion and purpose. Every day I have time for play and joy. I wake up energetic and cheerful. I focus on everyone good things in life, I am grateful for them. I live in a world of harmony with everything. I feel love, joy and abundance. I am free to be myself. I'm great! I am the ideal of life! I am strong to live! Today is the best day of my life!

Affirmations for health

To feel healthy or to avoid getting sick, say health affirmations more often.

"I always save perfectly healthy body, spirit and immune system"

“I only enjoy healthy, nutritious foods that are good for my body.”

“I love being energized every time I exercise”

“I’m healthy and doing well”

Affirmations for healing

If you are sick with something and want to get rid of the disease, then they will help you.

“My organs are working smoothly and healthy, I feel great”

“My heart is working perfectly, I can hear how it beats steadily, how it is filled with oxygen-rich blood. I'm healthy and my heart is healthy too."

“My cells are healthy, I feel how they are filled with healthy, fresh blood, I feel the rapid growth of healthy cells. Life fills my body. I'm happy, I'm healthy"

Affirmations for self-confidence

Sometimes we doubt ourselves, our capabilities, our appearance. For self-confidence and your abilities, use more often.

“Every day and in every way, I get better and better”

“I am confident in myself and clearly follow my path”

“I am slim, beautiful and healthy”

“Today I am freed from all my fears, the past has no power over me - today is the beginning of a new life”

Affirmations for work

If you don’t like your job, or you’re not happy with the salary, or your relationship with the team isn’t working out, take everything into your own hands. Everything can be fixed using .

“I have a great job that I love and enjoy. I have great prospects for advancement and I receive an excellent salary of _______ per year."

“I enjoy my work and am richly rewarded.”

Affirmations for Wealth

The most common desire of a person is to become richer. If you are not rich yet, then it's time to become so. Of course, they will help you with this .

“I am so happy and grateful that money is coming to me, in increasing quantities, from various sources, on a continuous basis.”

“I am financially secure, my income is increasing more and more every time”

"I am open and receptive to new ways of income. I now receive my blessings from expected and unexpected sources. I am a limitless being, receiving from a limitless source in unlimited ways. I am happy beyond my wildest dreams dreams."

Affirmations for relationships

They will help you gain mutual understanding with people close to you.

“I have a great relationship with _______.”

“Harmony and mutual love reign in my family”

“I have complete understanding with _______”

Affirmations for success

Do you lack luck and success in life? Then this is what you really need!

“Positive thoughts and positive emotions bring me the benefits and benefits that I desire.”

“I have enough time, energy, wisdom and means to achieve all my goals”

Affirmation for jealousy

One of the most terrible feelings between loved ones and close people is jealousy. Don't let it settle in your head and heart! Say affirmations out of jealousy and trust your loved ones!

“I love my husband very much, I trust him completely. He is my most devoted, most caring and most the best man. We have complete harmony in our relationship."

The practice of repeating affirmations shows its effectiveness in solving a variety of problems. life problems, from health problems to financial problems. With them you can fulfill almost any of your desires, or at least bring yourself closer to your cherished goal. Doesn't sound too convincing? You may be skeptical of these statements, however, thousands and thousands of people on our planet continue to speak positively about the use of affirmations in their lives. The main thing is that affirmations work regardless of whether you believe in them or not - you implement them into your subconscious positive attitudes, and they start working. Well, the most amazing thing is that with the help of affirmations, many people influence such things in our world that it is simply not possible to influence in ordinary ways. However, let’s not get distracted, you can learn about how and why affirmations work from other articles on the site. Here I will post affirmations for all occasions. Choose from this list of affirmations that are aimed at solving your problems and try to apply them in your life to attract something you dream of or create changes in your life.
Note: Expressions "affirmations" And "positive affirmations" here are synonyms.

Links inside the article:


What are affirmations?

Affirmation is a positive statement, the regular repetition of which brings you closer to the goal stated by this statement. The word "affirmation" comes from the Latin "affirmatio", which means "confirmation". The principle of how affirmations work is simple and lies in the fact that you force your mind to believe, at least for a while, that the goal you want to achieve has already been achieved. This, in turn, not only motivates you to achieve your goal, but also on a metaphysical level influences reality and creates the prerequisites for achieving this goal in reality. By repeating affirmations at least twice a day - morning and evening, soon, depending on the complexity of the desire, you begin to notice that events and circumstances around you are aligned in such a way that your goal is achieved. In this section you will find as much information as possible about how to write affirmations, how to use affirmations, how affirmations work, and what goals you can achieve with them.

What are affirmations? In short, affirmations can be described as positive statements repeated many times in order to achieve a certain emotional state and, as a result, change life circumstances. The desired result can be anything within reason: from improving mood and increasing motivation, to meeting a soul mate, and even receiving a certain amount of money.

What are the benefits of repeating affirmations?

What can affirmations actually do? Probably anything, as long as it is achievable in reality, that is, feasible in principle, and only if you yourself are ready to invest your own efforts in the attraction process. Here is a small list of what you can attract into your life with the help of positive affirmations presented on our site or created by you personally.

  • Change your beliefs
  • Develop personal skills and qualities
  • Attract material benefits
  • Meet, create and increase love in your life
  • Improve your health
  • Increase motivation to achieve your goals
  • Improve mood
  • Coping with depression
  • Climb the corporate ladder

This is a list of general benefits of repeating positive affirmations. Yours may be slightly different from what I have suggested as we each have our own desires. Well, what you can attract with the help of this wonderful technique, the fulfillment of desires is limited only by your imagination, again within reason. You can learn more about what you can get from regular practice of repeating affirmations in my next article, which I will link to below.

How to make affirmations

How is the result achieved in outside world, we’ll talk a little later, but for now let’s look at what affirmations are. So, first of all, the repeated positive statement contains several key words to which we strive to draw our attention. They include the time of action - usually the present tense, the subject we want to influence - ourselves, and the result or state we want to create.

There are several basic rules for writing affirmations and recommendations for repeating them that you should know if you want to begin the practice of self-hypnosis using affirmations. Below you can see a short list of basic recommendations for writing affirmations, following which you can create your own positive affirmations to attract what you dream of into your life.

  • The affirmation must be positive. Your statements should be aimed at attracting what you want rather than eliminating what you don't want, for example, you should write: “I am noticing more and more joyful events appearing in my life,” instead of: “I I’m getting rid of all the negativity that has accumulated in my life.”
  • The affirmation must speak in the present tense. It would be extremely ineffective to state: “This year I will become even richer”; instead, one should use the affirmation: “I see myself rich this year,” or “Right now, wealth is coming into my life and I accept it unconditionally.”
  • Affirmation must be specific Try to frame your statements in such a way that they talk about specific things, if possible. For example: “I see 10 million rubles in my bank account in 2020,” or “Right now 10 million rubles are coming into my bank account.”

If you follow these rules for writing affirmations, you will take a big step towards your goal. And the effectiveness of your practice of repeating affirmations depends on how you compose them. You can learn more about how to correctly compose affirmations from the following articles.

How to use affirmations

Well, you have learned how to correctly compose affirmations, but this is only half the battle, now you need to learn how to correctly repeat your positive statements, and for this there are also rules that will allow you to make your practice effective. Here are some suggestions for repeating affirmations

  • Regular practice. Repeat your affirmations every day, preferably in the early morning and late evening, as this is when your brain is most receptive to suggestion.
  • Clear pronunciation. Affirmations work best when you repeat them out loud rather than silently, as this helps your brain internalize the program that the affirmations carry, but it's okay if you repeat them silently, as long as you repeat them silently so that you do it as clearly and distinctly as if you were speaking out loud.
  • Incorporating visual images, feelings and emotions. Imagine a picture of what you are repeating as if what you are declaring is already happening to you now, the more vividly you imagine, and the more emotions and feelings you include in your images, the better.
  • Know how to let go At the end of the session of repeating your affirmations, try not to think about whether they work or not, just let go of your desire and continue to go about your business, just don’t forget to do something to achieve your stated goal if something from you depends.
  • There really could be a lot more recommendations. Various authors give different recommendations. Below I will provide several articles on how to properly take positive affirmations so that you can get the most information and make your affirmations as effective as possible.

    Consciously or unconsciously, the repetition of affirmations is accompanied by the evocation of visual or other images in the head, which helps to enhance the effect, and, in general, serves as the foundation on which it rests. this technique. Next, I invite you to learn a little about how affirmations work, if, of course, you are interested in the details and want to increase the effectiveness of your practice of making wishes come true with the help of affirmations.

    I must say that affirmations are based not only on the discovered effect of words on a person’s emotional state, but also on the concept of the power of thought. The essence of this concept is that regularly focusing a person’s attention on one thought for a long time greatly increases the likelihood of its manifestation in reality. Thus, immaterial thought manifests itself in the material world.

    Repeating affirmations is an incredibly powerful technique for influencing the human consciousness and, as a result, throughout his life. Thousands and thousands of inhabitants of the Earth are convinced of this on own experience, make sure you too. Below you will find various articles about affirmations.

    Articles about affirmations:

    Well, that's probably all. I hope that the information about affirmations presented in this section will be useful to you on your path to success and to the realization of your dreams. own desires. From time to time I will update articles and information in this section so that you can get only up-to-date information about affirmations. Don’t forget about other sections of my site, you will also find a lot there useful information, which will help you on your life path. You can find more articles about affirmations, including articles from my old site “New Tomorrow” by clicking on the link below.

    Oleg Akvan

    Course - “On Positivity and Harmony”...!

    Do you always live with positivity? It would be a waste if the answer is negative! Train yourself to live joyfully and optimistically, positively. Many people sincerely try to live every day exactly according to this scheme, but nothing works out for them. And we can explain why! - They don't know what it is.

    "Positive Affirmations"- these are phrases and sentences that are imbued with magic. Why do they exist? In order to convince people of the existence of a “cloudless” side of life.

    Affirmations should:

    1. Be clear about what you specifically want to achieve. Don't use unnecessary words when composing your affirmations.
    2. Consist of a maximum of twelve words. Try to use short words so that everything is concise and understandable.
    3. Contain living and bright emotions. Designate exactly the state in which you will be during happy moments.
    4. Be “imbued” with a real positive charge coming from your body, from your heart and from your soul.
    5. The affirmation should be addressed to you, not to someone else. If you want to help a person using affirmations, tell him about their existence.
    6. They must be written down correctly, without errors. The fact is that complete “purity” is important in them, and not just the content.

    Stick to these rules, despite the fact that you are not used to “obeying” them! Believe that everything is thought out and calculated.

    Positive Affirmations!


    Positive affirmations poster

    Can you write beautifully?

    Then make a colorful poster on which you can then write various affirmations. You can paint this poster, cover it with beautiful stickers…. All these artistic and design “charms” will remind you only of the positive.

    Photo - example

    How do affirmations differ from banal self-suggestion?

    High degree of efficiency!

    Self-hypnosis requires people to have faith, but in affirmations it is not at all necessary to believe. If a person has them, he rereads them, rewrites them from time to time, pays attention to them (as in the example with the poster described above), then this positive “whether you like it or not” is already present in a person’s life, accompanies him and gives him confidence And positive thinking.

    Do you want to come up with affirmations yourself?

    Make them up from everything you feel (following the rules, of course!).


    Take a blank notebook. Start writing affirmations in it. It would be great if you figured out how to arrange them in sub-items, separately. See what we have for you below!

    Positive affirmations for money

    1. My world takes care of me.
    2. I am always lucky in places where there is finance.
    3. I control my own well-being (financial).
    4. My business is thriving every day.
    5. Money gives me indescribable pleasure.
    6. I attract everything that can bring monetary success.

    Affirmations for Happiness

    1. Happiness is the deserved result of achieving my goal.
    2. Happiness heals my body and heals my soul.
    3. I was born only for happiness...
    4. Happiness is me!
    5. I will always feel like a happy person.
    6. I will always live near happiness and next to happiness.

    Positive Affirmations for Gratitude

    1. I thank the planet for what it is giving me now!
    2. I breathe gratitude!
    3. I go to sleep with gratitude and wake up with it.
    4. I thank all the people who appreciate me.
    5. Every action I take is imbued with gratitude.

    Affirmation continuation. . .