How to get rid of a tattoo on the body. Video: "Great! Tattoo Removal. Are some tattoos really irreducible?

modern medicine has the ability to destroy the pigment without any trace using a laser. The procedure is not too painful and the result is almost always perfect. It is only necessary to say that in one day the tattoo will be reduced in the salon only if it is very small.

Be that as it may, but if the money for professional removal no, but you don’t want to walk with a bored pattern, you can use folk methods. However, before applying any of the options described below, carefully weigh the pros and cons. The thing is that such methods do not always give the expected result, and sometimes lead to complications.

Salt tattoo removal

The use of the abrasive properties of salt helps to remove various cosmetic defects such as scars or stretch marks. Similarly, it is possible to remove
layers of the epidermis with pigment.

This process takes at least 3 months. As a rule, there is no noticeable scar, but the area will definitely coarsen and change color.

Before the procedure, wash the skin in the area of ​​the tattoo and treat with alcohol. Then layer on it laundry soap and wipe with a dry cloth.

Salt is taken coarse. It is mixed with a little water to make a paste. The mixture is applied to a new kitchen sponge and rubbed in a circular motion problem area for about half an hour.

At the end, the treated area is washed warm water and disinfected with alcohol. A sterile bandage is applied over the top.


The tincture of this plant is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis and destroy the pigments located there. The drug is sold in any pharmacy. The duration of the course is approximately 2 months.

Remember - celandine is a rather poisonous plant, so you should use it carefully.

The place where the annoying tattoo is located is prepared in the same way as described in the previous subsection. Then, with a cotton swab, the tincture is applied strictly to the painted areas. Large drawings are brought together in parts so as not to provoke poisoning.

At the end of the manipulation, a bandage is applied.

Absolutely also apply undiluted vinegar essence. However, the effect of it is not as noticeable as that of celandine, so it is chosen much less frequently. When the treatment is completed, the tattoo is additionally wiped with hydrogen peroxide.

Potassium permanganate

This method also comes with some risk. On sensitive skin for example, a severe chemical burn may occur. Therefore, tattoo removal should be carried out with extreme caution.

The procedure is as follows:

  • dry powder is poured onto cleansed skin;
  • then it is gently moistened with a spray bottle;
  • cover on top cling film and leave it like that for the next 3 or 4 hours.

Try not to apply potassium permanganate to clean areas of the skin.

After manipulation, a large ulcer is formed. It is washed gently with warm boiled water and lubricated with a healing cream (for example, Rescuer). After the wound heals, the treatment is repeated. This is done until the tattoo completely disappears.


This option is suitable very few. The procedure itself is very radical and painful. Sour milk should be used. It is drawn into a disposable syringe and the tattoo is chipped over the entire area. As a result, suppuration begins. So that the process does not lead to sad consequences such as sepsis, the tattoo is sprinkled with streptocide.

As a result, the dyes are gradually destroyed, and the pattern disappears. The problem is that there will probably be noticeable scars on the skin.

Hydrogen peroxide

It is also a rather barbaric method of getting rid of skin patterns. In addition, most likely, it will not be possible to use it at home, since for manipulations you will need an apparatus that is used to apply a tattoo. It is filled with peroxide and treated with all problem area. Liquid discolors dyes.

Upon completion of the procedure, the dermis must be treated with a suitable antiseptic and wound healing cream or, at worst, aloe juice.


The medical preparation probably in every home. Only a 5% solution is suitable for tattooing.

Before manipulation, the skin is thoroughly washed with soap and wiped with alcohol. Next, iodine is applied to the drawing over the entire area using cotton swab. Try not to go to a healthy dermis.

The procedure is repeated three times a day for 3 or 4 months. The treated location is not bandaged. Applying a bandage leads to severe chemical burns.

After some time, the top layer of the skin begins to peel off. A wound appears at the site of the tattoo. Do not remove dead tissue forcibly. When all the layers of the colored epidermis come off, the tattoo will also disappear. The iodine field usually starts enough severe itching. Eliminate it with an antibacterial cream. The area to be treated must be protected from sunlight and the impact of others external factors, both in the process of removing the drawing, and within 2-3 hours after the session.

Important nuances

The rate of removal of an irrelevant tattoo is influenced by:

  • age;
  • square;
  • the depth of the pigment;
  • the structure of the skin;
  • care and precision in handling.

In no case do not ignore the described sequence of actions. Insufficient sterility leads to the development of inflammatory processes and often to blood poisoning. The latter is already life threatening.

It is not uncommon for old tattoos to cease to please, and some are generally annoying.

It happens that tattoos were originally made crooked, and sometimes even by force. There are many reasons for removing a tattoo.

Someone wants to remove the tattoo permanently, someone needs to make a new one in place of the old one. In any case, the old tattoo needs to be reduced or lightened. A logical question arises, how to do this as comfortably and cleanly as possible, so that no scars or spots remain. And is it even possible?

Let's look at what methods of tattoo removal exist.

  • Surgical excision is a rather complicated operation, often leaving scars. It is used in case of impossibility of laser tattoo removal.
  • Chemical – I don’t even want to talk about it – it’s very painful and not very effective.
  • - the most modern and effective method. True, there are some nuances here, which we will now talk about.

Not all lasers are equally useful.

The equipment is undoubtedly important, modern lasers differ in power, wavelength. Also used various methods focus. It cannot be said that a more powerful laser is definitely better.

The skills of the master, an experienced master immediately sees what power and time to pick up. Often, the skill of the master will determine whether you will have scars or not. You need to listen to the master, if he says that it is better to break the process into more sessions, then probably not because he is greedy and wants to rip off more money. No, he sees the reaction of your skin and knows what the result will be.

What affects the rate of deletion?

Let's look at what factors, in addition to laser power, determine the speed of tattoo removal. I highlight a few key points which should be taken into account:

  • Pigment, or more simply, what kind of paint did your tattoo;
  • Skin type. There are several skin types, and many subtypes. Just as important is the current state. Elastic or Loose skin, oily or dry, with or without a tan, dark or fair. Etc
  • Place of application. On different parts bodies of different skin thickness. For example, the skin on the calf is very different from the skin on the wrist.
  • Application depth. How deep under the skin was the paint injected;
  • What tool was applied to the tattoo; were these high-quality needles or, for example, a string?
  • How long ago was the tattoo done? For example, a fresh tattoo takes longer to remove. First you need to wait until it heals well and only then start. But the old ones that have already begun to fade will reduce somewhat faster.

As you can see, there are quite a few factors on which the speed of tattoo removal depends, so only the master can tell exactly how many sessions you need in a personal consultation, even more precisely after 1 session.

On average, 3-6 sessions are enough to lighten the tattoo well if you want to cover it with another tattoo and 4-10 sessions if you want to completely reduce the tattoo.

When can laser tattoo removal fail?

For the most part, tattoos and tattoos lend themselves well to laser removal, but there are some exceptions. Often the stumbling block is the pigment that was used for application.

Tattoos stuffed with blue paste from gel pens as paint are very difficult to laser correction.su_note]

Ironically, it is these tattoos that most often want to display. Of course, you should not give up, you can take 1 - 2 sessions, see how it goes. Perhaps not everything is lost, and even in such difficult cases, it will turn out to be a good discoloration of the tattoo. Of course, you will need more sessions, but it's definitely worth a try. After all laser removalthe only way stay scarless.


Modern laser tattoo removal methods allow you to achieve noticeable progress after 1 session. Take a look at this example. In the photo you can see how much lighter the tattoo has become after one mixing session.

Thanks to such technologies, the attitude towards tattoos becomes easier, you can always correct or remove unwanted tattoos. Old fears that with a bad tattoo to dress up to walk all my life are in the past. All you need is to find good craftsmen and spend time on the procedure.

Speaking of time. The removal session itself does not last long, but the breaks between are very long. There is no need to rush here, the skin should have time to register, and the destroyed pigment should be removed from the body. If you are promised to completely remove the tattoo in a couple of weeks, do not flatter yourself.

A good master will never shorten the time between sessions. This is the only way you can completely remove unwanted tattoos without leaving a trace behind them!

Does it hurt?

The problem of how to remove a tattoo appeared from the moment they began to be made. The reasons for getting rid of a tattoo are completely different. It was of poor quality, bad place, lost former beauty, relevance or hinders career advancement. Most people who have decorated their skin with a pattern do not even wonder where to get the tattoo. They know for sure that they will hold it in specialized salon. Firstly, it reduces all kinds of risks, reducing " residual effects» to a minimum. Secondly, there are many methods for removing a tattoo, from which everyone chooses the most acceptable way. Third, modern cosmetology is developing so rapidly that it goes beyond the impossible. For example, it is now possible to this process practically painless.

But, today we will consider options for how to remove a tattoo at home. Before proceeding, I would like to warn that the proposed method is very painful and will not bring instant results. You will need to be patient and strictly follow the recommendations.

Do not perform this procedure hastily, any inaccurate action can lead to severe burn And inflammatory processes. If you are not sure that in order to achieve the result you are ready to go to the end, no matter what it costs you, then it is better to contact a beauty salon.

How to remove a tattoo at home, instructions

This will require iodine - 5%. The concentration should be exactly this, a higher percentage is guaranteed to provide the strongest skin burn. Using a cotton swab, the iodine solution is gently applied along the contour of the tattoo - this should be done three times a day. It is not necessary to apply too much, in order to achieve the desired result, it is enough to draw over the drawing a couple of times. Try not to go beyond the lines of the tattoo, so as not to increase " painful places". In order not to get a terrible burn, after the procedure, the treated area should not be sealed with a medical plaster or any other bandage. Very soon, the treated skin will begin to peel off. This is evidence that the process has begun, the death of the upper layer of the dermis begins, from which your hated tattoo also comes off.

No need to speed up the process by peeling off dead skin particles, on the contrary, this will only complicate your task. Therefore, do not condemn yourself to unbearable pain. During this period, the skin needs to be moisturized, it is recommended to use Actovegin ointment at night.

If within a month average) you will tirelessly treat your “ex-favorite tattoo” with an iodine solution, you will be able to remove the tattoo at home. Remember, the duration of this procedure depends on many factors. The main ones are how long the drawing has been filled with, and where it was made (at home or in the salon).

Cabin machines are set up in a special way and set to a certain depth of penetration of the needle. But if your beauty was stuffed at home, then the depth of the punctures was unregulated. Therefore, they turned out to be larger, which means that the paint has settled much deeper. When you come to your cherished goal, the treated area will need emergency restoration. Do not stop lubricating it with Actovegin and try to avoid sun rays.

It is not difficult to guess that "settle accounts" with a tattoo in this way is a very troublesome, difficult, long-term event. And it will most likely leave a scar. Considering all the ways to remove a tattoo at home, you involuntarily come to the conclusion that they

all are equally painful. And not the fact that effective. Either of these options is very risky. Even when the procedure is carried out by a first-class specialist, everything takes place under sterile conditions, it is not known what the reaction of the body will be. Skin inflammation is not ruled out. But the fact that burns, scars or scars will remain is already an indisputable fact.

The main four ways to remove a tattoo:

Conducting an analysis of Internet offers on this issue, the main four ways became leaders:

  1. Most preferred removing the tattoo with iodine solution. This method assumes that as the skin peels off, the pigment of the paint also leaves - a painful procedure. It all depends on how deep the drawing is driven in. The effectiveness of this method is individual and depends on many factors. It is considered a very risky business, the slightest oversight can provoke blood poisoning or serious burns.
  2. The second way to remove a tattoo involves using celandine tincture. also possible with the help of celandine. When applied, a burn is formed, which provokes the death of the upper dermal layer of the skin. It is strange, but in this fever, many forget that this plant is poisonous, it is dangerous to treat a tattoo with such a solution. In any case, you must be extremely careful and no doubt there will be a scar.
  3. At this point, there are - vinegar essence, hydrogen peroxide, milk and potassium permanganate. This method is performed using a tattoo machine that injects liquid under the skin and dissolves the pigment. It is worth noting that if you use milk, the skin will go through the process of decay. And this is a very unpleasant sight, after which it will remain White spot(or spots). As for vinegar, it often does not cope with the removal of pigment. All these options most often cause burns of internal tissues, blood vessels, veins and can lead to blood poisoning.
  4. The last place was taken by salt. Because it is the most unpleasant and in a long way to remove a tattoo at home. The method itself is simple. Dissolve two tablespoons with water and rub into the pattern for 30 minutes in a circular motion. After the procedure, wait until the skin dries, rinse saline solution and apply a bandage. They write that the procedure must be repeated until the desired effect appears, although they take great doubts that this is of any use.

Removing tattoos in any case is a controversial, painful, complex and risky business. Before the final choice, it is necessary to understand the consequences of such a procedure. You may decide that it is better to use professional services and cover the old drawing with a new one. If you need to completely get rid of a tattoo, then there are many ways to do it more humanely and less risky.

Professional ways to remove tattoos

Literate, professional approach it is always not cheap, but since health is more expensive, you have to get “accumulated” from stocks just to reduce risks and get a guaranteed result. Ways to remove a tattoo in a beauty salon:

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Drawing a picture on the body through a tattoo is relevant for all times and peoples. Men and women have long been decorating the skin with symbols and patterns, drawings and whole paintings. Sometimes, such images gradually cover the entire body, turning into a kind of human clothing. The tattoo becomes a way of life, a style, a second essence.

That is why tattoo fans do not understand those people who, over time, want to get rid of this “part of themselves”. There are a number of reasons for this decision:

  • job requirements;
  • rejection in the circle of relatives and friends;
  • reassessment of life values ​​(youth mistake);
  • changes during taste preferences personal aesthetic perception;
  • loss of attractiveness of the tattoo over time due to poor quality work;
  • a cardinal change in passion, hobby, lifestyle, which I want to say with a tattoo.

We will introduce you to possible ways remove tattoo at home.

Absolutely all methods to reduce tattoos on their own without the involvement of cosmetology professionals are "folk". That is, no one will give any guarantees that the procedure will pass successfully and without negative consequences but you can try.

You will need:

Chemical exposure

This method is also called coagulation. The bottom line is that we act on the area of ​​​​the skin with a tattoo using chemical substances. This is how we get the effect. chemical burn. The skin is taken in a crust and gradually falls off over the course of three weeks. In the place where the "tattoo" flaunted yesterday, an ugly scar may appear today. Getting rid of it is not always possible.

So, what do desperate people use at home to reduce a tattoo:

  • Iodine (5% solution);
  • salt;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • vinegar;
  • aggressive detergents.

One of these means, to choose from, rub the skin daily several times a day.

Some desperate people inject detergents subcutaneously in the hope of getting rid of the tattoo as soon as possible.

Some sources claim that with such methods you can get rid of an unwanted pattern on the body in just a few months and without a single scar. However, there is no reliable confirmation. Not a single master will take the liberty of advising you on one of these options.

Mechanical impact

People with an extreme temperament will never take the path of least resistance, their decisions will amaze the imagination and cause bewilderment.

How do such people get tattoos? Believe it or not, their tools are:

  • Cigarette;
  • soldering iron;
  • sandpaper.

Erase or burn out the tattoo. After applying such methods, it goes without saying that traces of these extreme measures will remain on the body. Such actions are more like a way to punish yourself for the mistakes of youth than a method of getting rid of a tattoo. Masochism is a bad adviser in this matter.

There is no need to resort to such measures. To endure such pain! And get terrible injuries, instead of clean smooth skin. Is this what you want?


This method can be attributed to the most successful. Good alternative for those who want to continue to enjoy the beauty of the tattooed body. Tastes may change over time. This is fine. That is, if you are simply tired of your drawing or its meaning is contrary to your current beliefs, you can simply hide it by applying a completely new image on top. Let it reflect your true spiritual impulses and conclusions. A kind of quality mark or brand that carries information to the world about what exactly you want to attract into your life.

If the tattoo is openwork, not completely filled with colors, and plus everything, it is also made in one color, then turning it into another image is quite easy. If everything is quite the opposite, the master will have to work hard to pick up suitable option, which the client will like, and completely hide the previous works. Most often, you have to choose a drawing larger than the previous one in size and more filled with paint.

This can be done both at home, with the help of a “home” master in the person of a girlfriend / friend, and in a beauty salon. The choice is yours.

Modern technologies

Concerning specific advice for those whose dream is to get rid of a tattoo, everything is simple. It is not worth risking your own health and beauty for the sake of an impulse to save money. Scientists don't sleep. Their sleepless nights dedicated to making life easier for you and me. So why not take advantage of this great opportunity. Just choose one of safe options provided to us by the luminaries of the beauty industry.

List salon methods tattoo removal:

  • Electric current;
  • plasma;
  • laser resurfacing (pilling);
  • grinding with a diamond cutter;
  • nitrogen (creodistruction);
  • fractional photothermolysis.

None of these methods are completely painless. The procedure, in any case, is long and unpleasant. A series of repetitions is required. But! Your body will be left to the masters of their craft. Using recognized by the world high technology, they will solve your problem and be responsible for the results of the procedure.

Psychological impact

Also, I would like to warn readers against the erroneous decision to remove the tattoo in connection with a negative interpretation symbolic meaning Images.

Let's take a simple example. Butterfly image. For many, a chain of concepts instantly emerges: "butterfly - night butterfly - prostitute - priestess of love." Just from what someone once compared women lung behavior with night butterflies, and Oleg Gazmanov sang a song about it, suggestible people can deprive themselves of the joy of wearing their favorite tattoo. But what kind of creature. Remember: freedom, lightness and airiness of movements, the brightness of all kinds of colors, the perfection of the shape of the wings, elegance and the ability to soar ... They cause so much joy in children! Besides, let's summarize: where can you find the most beautiful of them? That's right: in flowerbeds and fields with the most colorful flowers. How do they appear? From the larva - remember! That's all that the person who has chosen this tattoo for himself wants. This is a desire to fill your world with refined beauty, to rise above everyday life, to reveal your inner potential, to decorate the surrounding space. bright colors life, surround yourself with people who give positive emotions, the need for freedom of action. And yet, such a choice speaks of a lack of noble patronage and support. Butterflies dictate the trajectory of movements even a light breeze. Therefore, they need a safe haven and faithful companions. That's all. Isn't there enough reason to give life to a cute image on your skin in the form of such a tattoo?

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They all come down to what is chipped, but depending on your capabilities, there are several different ways:

The most civilized: using the application machine. Here it will fit like a string, constructed artisanal way, so and . Be sober! Also make sure your blood pressure is normal and not too high. If there is at least some doubt about this, reschedule the procedure for another day, when you will be absolutely sure of the state of yours.

Stock up on cotton wool, water in a spray bottle (useful for washing off blood and milk) and a bandage.

The second way is simply to introduce milk under the skin in places where the pattern is covered with a syringe and a medical needle. Take a new syringe and needle (two cc is fine).

Prepare the mixture you need, pour it into the syringe.

Stock up on a variety of cotton swabs.

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Severe suppuration of the puncture sites and the entire surface of the tattoo awaits you. Maybe once won't be enough to achieve desired result, so the process will have to be repeated several times, just waiting for complete healing fabrics. As a result, at the place of the tattoo, you will get an absolutely unaesthetic scar.


  • How to remove a tattoo?

A more gentle method of tattoo removal is selective photocavitation. With this method, the outer layer of the skin is not affected. The tattoo is reduced in several sessions, I work on the drawing. At first, the tattoo becomes paler and paler. Then it completely merges with the skin.
Depending on what pattern is applied to the skin, what is its brightness, paint quality and depth, removal takes from 3 weeks to a year. However, on average, the tattoo disappears in 3-5 sessions.

Lasers for removal use different. Ruby for displaying green, blue and black pictures. Usually ruby ​​laser affects shallow tattoos located in the epidermis. Such a laser is also suitable for removing self-made tattoos, even if it has seeped into the dermis, but not very deep.
You can not use this type of laser to remove very bright tattoos, the paint of which has penetrated very deeply. In this case, scars may remain, because the ruby ​​laser works at a low speed. A faster laser of similar action is the alexandrite one.

The fastest and best for today - neodymium laser. It is very fast, instantly penetrates into the deepest layers of the skin, not having time to affect its integrity. This device destroys only the dye, but not the skin. The microparticles of the dye are then excreted from the body naturally. With a neodymium laser, you can remove any color and depth.


Do not try to remove the tattoo yourself. When exposed to the skin with potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide or various homemade mixtures with milk, scars may remain.

Helpful advice

Choose only proven salons so as not to regret bad result. After exposure to the laser, do not expose the skin to sunlight. They can stay on it dark spots.


  • How quickly does the skin recover after a tattoo?

According to professionals, a tattoo is not just a fashionable hobby, but a way of self-expression. However, the time during which there is a desire to express one's "I" in this way passes, but the tattoo remains. And often its owners want to get rid of it later.


There are several options for reduction, but among them there is no one that would be able to bring the tattoo into high quality (if you don’t want terrible scars, infection, other unpleasant and unpredictable consequences, then don’t try to get rid of the tattoo at home).

It is best to take the help of specialists and contact the clinic. There they will reduce it to you with a laser, which is already for a long time has been used in Russian and world practice for more than a dozen years, and it doesn’t matter what type yours is (the only exception is a “double” tattoo). The advantage of this method is that the laser has a cosmetic effect and practically does not leave scars.

But lasers are different, because everything here depends on the type of tattoo, its color, and so on. For example, if your tattoo is black, green or a shade, then a ruby ​​laser is suitable for you, designed for both amateur and professional.
A laser is used to remove red and orange tattoos, and a laser is intended for light blue tattoos. There are many other lasers, however, do not try to choose the type yourself, because this is the task of a specialist.

Medical workers consider that another acceptable method is to cut the layer of skin containing the tattoo with a dermatome. According to information, this method is one of the most effective and sparing (with professional performance This operation will also leave no scars).

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Helpful advice

Please note that tattoo removal must be carried out by a real professional. Only if this condition is met, the result will not disappoint you and will meet all your expectations.


  • how to get rid of tattoos at home in 2019

The art of tattooing is one of the oldest in the history of mankind. Since ancient times, people have applied various patterns to their bodies, and after a while, only technology has changed in this matter. Although the process is still quite painful, tattoos are very popular, especially among young people. But in order for the drawing on the body to please you all your life, the choice must be deliberate.


To get started, search the Internet for specialized sites, communities and blogs dedicated to tattoos. There you can see a large number of photo with already made tattoos. Thanks to this, you will have a rough idea of ​​where you would like to draw a picture on your body, and what it should be.

Tattoos are different. Someone stuffs their favorite characters from comics or cartoons, someone prefers with a hidden meaning, and someone chooses just abstract images. What kind of tattoo will be depends only on your imagination. The main thing is that the stuffed drawing means something to you, as it will remain with you for life.

Colors can be anything. Drawing can be monophonic or multi-colored. The most popular color is . But that doesn't make him bad. In addition to the aesthetic function, each color has its own meaning. Green, for example, and - stability. Purple is conducive to trust, while red is uplifting.

In any case, when creating a tattoo, all roads lead to a tattoo parlor. If you have only approximate ideas about what you want, the tattoo artist will express them on paper. He will also help decide where and what kind of drawing will look. After all, the shape and size of the tattoo depends on its location.

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Deciding to get yourself a tattoo is a pretty big step. Although now there is effective methods removing them, you can leave marks on your skin for life. Yes, and it's not cheap.

Helpful advice

Before getting a tattoo, look for someone you know who can draw. Having found it, ask him to make you a drawing that you want to make yourself as a tattoo. So you can evaluate how it looks on you without any risk.

Get rid of scar at home or folk methods extremely difficult, because it is damaged skin and various lotions can only aggravate the condition. Some scars only begin to increase - and the point here is not even in skin cells, but in internal processes. It all depends on the type scar and states. You can take advantage of the whole range of scar removal services offered by the clinics.


Microdermabrasion is used on loose and not very protruding small scars. If you classify it as such, find any beauty parlor that offers services chemical peeling. Of course, there will be a burn, but it will eventually come down, and healthy skin will be in its place.

Excision by surgical techniques, when part of the skin is removed with a scalpel, is used on extensive scars. This method is used in extreme cases, but if you measured the scar, found that its length is more than 5-7 cm and it has a width of 1 cm, then this is the best option for you. Contact the plastic clinic, just don’t be scared: the procedure is not very expensive, but the effect is amazing.

Burning damaged skin with a laser is the most common method of removal, but not always effective. In difficult cases and with a high density of damaged tissue, you will have to do this repeatedly. During excision it is possible pain which are partially relieved by painkillers. The healing process is long and depends on tissue regeneration. After laser burning, the skin has a whitish color, but over time it is compared with the main tone. The price will please you, so you can use this technique, but first consult with a specialist.

laser plus special agent. This method is good for many, but not for everyone. The laser in this combination does not burn the skin, but only contributes to the action of the product. You can consult about such a procedure at any time. paid clinic your city.

There are various ones, but they can also be used only after visiting the hospital. They accelerate regeneration and have a resolving effect. Colloidal can not be eliminated this way - complications are possible. The doctor should inform about the drug and the duration of treatment after examining the problem area. Applying something is very dangerous, but not so much for health as for beauty.

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Various injuries, surgery, burns - all these unpleasant circumstances have one thing in common - after them, scars and scars remain on the body. Often in prominent areas, which can worsen appearance and, as a result, lower self-esteem and confidence in their own attractiveness.

Scar masking

Today, there are many ways to deal with scars. This includes such serious measures as plastic surgery and injections, as well as laser resurfacing and the use of external ointments that absorb scar tissue. However, there is a category of people who want not only to get rid of a hateful flaw, but also to turn it into dignity by getting a tattoo on. The method is interesting, but you need to know: not all scars and scars are suitable for such a procedure.

Before you decide on such a step as getting a tattoo on a scar, determine the exact type of your scar and consult with a specialist.

Types of scars

Keloid scars are one of the most rough and visible scars. They have a dense surface, pink, brown or bluish color. At first, these scars cause pain, itching, or a feeling of tightness in the skin. Keloid scars tend to grow constantly. Most often, this type of scars occurs on the chest, back or earlobes. Girls especially suffer from such scars.

If your doctor has diagnosed you with a keloid scar, refrain from applying a permanent pattern. The tattoo procedure can cause additional damage, which will significantly aggravate the situation.

Normotrophic scars are one of the lightest and most subtle types of scars. They remain on the body after minor skin damage. Such scars are light color, practically do not change the relief of the skin and can occur on any part of the body. The level of tissue elasticity of normotrophic scars differs little from the elasticity healthy skin, and therefore you can get tattoos on it, it will be absolutely safe.

Atrophic scars are the most common type of scars. Scarring of this type remain on human skin after transfer chicken pox, acne, sun or household burns, trauma or minor surgical intervention. An atrophic scar, as a rule, has the form of pits, irregularities on the surface of the skin, accompanied by pigmentation disorders.

It is not forbidden to apply a tattoo on such scars if its area is not too large. The fact is that the skin on an atrophic scar is usually flabby, and this can ruin the appearance of the pattern, and the tattoo will have to be reduced.

When getting a tattoo for the first time, especially to cover up a scar, try to pick up a small pattern in a neutral color.

Hypertrophic scars appear at the site of severe damage to the upper layer of the skin. As a result of healing, the renewed tissues grow, which greatly elevates the scar above the surface of the skin. Scars of this type are pink or light red, rarely Brown color. Also, hypertrophic scars can cause itching, pain or a burning sensation.

In some cases, tattooing on this type of scar is allowed, however, it should be remembered that it will strongly absorb the coloring pigment, and such a pattern will have to be renewed more often than usual.

Many people who have tattoos wonder if it is possible to remake them. This is because tattoos can lose their brightness, blur, or the bearer of the drawing simply stops liking it.

If the master decided that you can’t do without lightening or removing the tattoo, then you need to sign up for the procedure. It is done using a special laser. You may need several sessions, which are held at intervals. Applying a new tattoo is possible only when the skin is completely restored after removal or lightening. Usually it takes no more than a month.

After your skin has healed after laser procedure or, if you did not do it, then at any convenient time, you need to make an appointment with the master for the selection of a sketch. If you have already decided which drawing you want to have on your body, then you need to bring it with you. The master will look and evaluate whether it is possible to cover your tattoo with this image. Do not choose pictures from light shades since they don't paint the old tattoo. If your sketch is not suitable, then the master will offer you an alternative or draw an individual one.

The sketch is selected, now only the drawing remains. This process is no different than if you were getting a new tattoo instead of a cover up. So feel free to sign up for a session, you may need several of them. As a result, you will get a new high-quality tattoo in place of the old one.


Before you transfer an existing tattoo to another, consider whether you really want this. After all, making a cover up costs much more than a tattoo on clean skin. It is worth closing really ugly drawings made of poor quality. And if you want to redo an existing tattoo because you just got tired of it, try to reconsider your views. After all, a new one can also get bored over time. Think about whether it's better to just get another tattoo and leave the old one as it is.

Helpful advice

Don't skimp on the master. Should choose nice tattoo salon. After all, once you have already made a poor-quality tattoo. To prevent this from happening again, you must strictly adhere to all the recommendations, then you will proudly wear a new tattoo on your body.