Neodymium yag laser. Buy neodymium lasers for tattoo removal at manufacturer's price. How is the procedure

People who need to remove tattoos use the services of tattoo parlors or beauty salons. Before the advent of lasers, the following tattoo removal methods were used:

  1. Exposure to acid solution;
  2. Frostbite of the skin with liquid nitrogen
  3. Mechanical removal of part of the skin by surgery

With the use of cosmetic lasers, the situation has changed. Now people who were afraid to use “barbaric methods” can think about tattoo removal, because the neodymium laser does not leave scars, scars, and the procedure has become less traumatic.

Initially, we will analyze the principle of tattoo removal with a neodymium ND:YAG laser. The term laser, which is used everyday, is translated as stimulated emission or amplifying light. The operation of the nd-yag laser is based on the so-called "active medium". The power and other parameters of the radiation of a neodymium laser depend on it. In cosmetic lasers, the following active media convert energy:

  1. Solid state (crystal or semiconductor);
  2. Gases, gas mixtures
  3. Liquid dyes
  4. Semiconductor elements

The generation of laser radiation, under the influence of energy from the outside, is called forced emission. Unlike any other source of light radiation, the neodymium laser differs in characteristics that allow it to concentrate energy pointwise. Due to this, a large energy density is achieved in a small point in space.

ND YAG laser for tattoo removal

Cosmetic lasers are divided into:

  1. Pulsed (crystalline activation lasers);
  2. Continuous (activation gas medium).

The subject of study below will be a short-pulse neodymium laser - Q:switch Nd:YAG. This is a cosmetic laser with a solid-state generation medium. The active medium of a neodymium laser is called an ytritium-alium garnet doped with neodymium ions. The neodymium laser generates radiation at a wavelength of 1064 nm. This is infrared. This wavelength penetrates deep into the tissue. The skin is not able to delay the laser radiation, but at the same time does not receive damage. After exposure to a neodymium laser, there are no scars, scars. Therefore, the neodymium laser has found medical application by removing subcutaneous foreign elements (they are dyes). The use of a neodymium laser has improved a number of cosmetic techniques for rejuvenation, skin cleansing, and removal of subcutaneous pigments. Therefore, the range of applications of the neodymium laser is wide today.

Which laser to buy for tattoo removal? The best prices for tattoo lasers.

Removal of vascular formations with a neodymium laser

The main task of the laser in the removal of vascular formations is the destruction of enlarged vessels without damaging the skin. The skin does not change color, structure, retains integrity. Due to the instantaneous heating of the vessels, coagulation occurs, further resorption.

Skin lifting procedure with neodymium laser.

This procedure is carried out in a contact way, since skin lifting is possible due to a change in the structure of collagen. When exposed to neodymium laser radiation, the temperature of the tissue rises. In order to avoid the consequences of overheating of the surface of the skin and surrounding tissues, external contact cooling is used. Or a semiconductor system of Peltier elements is used, a jet of cooled air is supplied. Thanks to cooling, unpleasant side effects are avoided, avoiding the appearance of hyperpigmentation, scarring. Cooling is the main element, as the fabric is heated to a temperature of 65-70 degrees.

Carbon skin rejuvenation procedure.

To carry out the carbon rejuvenation procedure, a special carbon gel made of microparticles is used. This gel is applied to the skin. Due to its black color, it absorbs laser radiation, converting thermal energy. When exposed to laser radiation, microexplosions of the skin occur. Due to this, the surface part of the epidermis, the stratum corneum is removed, wrinkles are stretched, pores are narrowed. In addition to cleaning the skin, the procedure is disinfecting in nature, destroying pathogenic microflora.

Epilation with q switched nd yag laser, removal of skin pigments

Thanks to special nozzles, the neodymium laser has two modes of operation - a long wavelength of 532 nm, a doubling of the wavelength of 1064 nm. Each of the wavelengths destroys certain types of pigments. The wavelength of 1064 nm is effective against dark blue pigments. 532 nm radiation is suitable for other types, such as red purple, orange. Some shades of yellow neodymium laser takes worse. Therefore, they are removed more slowly. The effectiveness of the laser and the number of sessions required depends on a number of factors:

  • Pigment color
  • Depth
  • Skin sensitivity
  • Scar formation rate
  • Skin care between sessions

How to buy a laser for tattoo removal

Neodymium laser is a new word in laser technologies of modern cosmetology. It effectively and safely fights both small and large vascular changes. It also successfully eliminates acne, post-acne and scars, as a result of which inflammation and redness disappear, the skin is cleansed and healed.

In addition to fighting skin defects, the Nd:YAG laser is also used to rejuvenate it, allowing you to eliminate age-related changes: wrinkles, reduced skin firmness and elasticity, and pigmentation.


Neodymium laser correction allows solving a wide range of problems: removal of any vascular formations (rosacea, wine stains, nevi, angiomas, hemangiomas, capillary reticulum), acne treatment and scar removal. Effectively fights against traces of post-acne.

Preparation for the procedure

How to prepare for the procedure? To remove spider veins, acne and post-acne with the Nd:YAG laser, no special preparation is required.


Nd:YAG laser correction gives a stunning aesthetic effect. It not only removes vascular defects, acne and scars, has an antibacterial effect, but also improves the quality and texture of the skin. During the procedure, by stimulating blood flow, antibodies are formed, as a result of which the immunity of the skin increases.

How is the procedure

Nd:YAG laser gives excellent results in the treatment of vascular formations. It removes even deeply located vessels and vessels of large diameter. The principle of its work lies in the thermal effect on the affected area: warming up, it then glues the vessels, leaving after the procedure only a slight redness, which disappears very quickly.

In the treatment of acne, it acts on the protein shell of bacteria, thereby reducing sebum secretion and reducing the possibility of the formation of closed comedones. It also allows you to accelerate the maturation of existing inflammations, their speedy resorption, and prevents the appearance of new ones. To obtain a lasting result, a course of 8-10 procedures is usually required, 2-3 procedures per week, and as a result, you quickly and permanently get rid of acne. Also neodymium laser is very effective against oily skin.

Well eliminates laser correction and scars, makes them smoother and less noticeable, smoothing the tone of the face as a whole.

Depending on the complexity of the defect, one or two procedures or a course may be required.


  • energy 700-1100 J/cm2;
  • patented Top-hat technology (even distribution of energy flow over the entire working area and automatic tracking of this function).

Light spot area from 1.5 to 10 mm.

This makes it possible to use it in a wide range of applied techniques:

  • non-ablative skin rejuvenation;
  • scar tissue modification;
  • elimination of venous pathologies of the face, body, legs;
  • hair removal on any skin photopipes (I-VI);
  • removal of ingrown hairs;
  • solution of dermatological problems of the face and body.

Laser nozzles

The Synchro system with LP Nd:YAG laser module provides you with a wide range of easy-to-change laser heads with automatically set spot size. Each nozzle is optimized to create a uniform surface impact regardless of the spot size. As an alternative to traditional foot control, the handpieces are equipped with a finger switch that allows you to control the laser output. The instrument's color touch screen allows intuitive control of the program parameters, which allows you to select the most suitable system preset using a sequence of steps.

Laser radiation with a wavelength of 1064nm penetrates deeply with minimal scattering in tissues. This makes Synchro with LP Nd:YAG module ideal for treating all skin types, especially dark ones. Operational presets in the system are determined by the "know-how" solutions of specialists who constantly work them out with their own hands in real conditions.

Care after the procedure

Recommendations regarding skin care after the laser removal procedure will be given to you by your doctor. You can return to normal life immediately after removal, no recovery period is required.


  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncological diseases;
  • blood diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the intended area of ​​laser exposure;
  • skin phototype IV and V; fresh tan in the intended area of ​​​​influence;
  • a number of cosmetic procedures (consult a beautician);
  • tendency to the appearance of keloid scars;
  • diabetes.
  • connective tissue diseases of autoimmune etiology;
  • convulsive syndrome.
  • taking certain medications.


The cost of laser removal of spider veins, etc. depends on the area of ​​the treated surface. 1 flash costs 800 rubles, up to 3 flashes - 700 rubles each. for flash, and so on. The exact cost will be called by the doctor at the internal consultation.

By zone, the approximate cost is as follows:
nose - 5000 rubles.
half face - 15,000 rubles.

Beauty Systems offers a wide range of professional equipment for cosmetology. You can buy laser systems from world manufacturers from us.

The Nd:YAG laser is of the solid state type. The role of the active medium is played by yttrium aluminum garnet doped with neodymium ions. The plant can operate in continuous and pulse mode. Wavelength - 1064 nm.

An increasing number of beauty salons and aesthetic medicine clinics prefer the neodymium laser. This is due to its advantages:

  • the demand for procedures carried out with the help of such a laser (the client base is growing);
  • small time spent per session (high speed of customer service);
  • predictable result of a course of laser therapy (allows you to maintain prices for procedures at a consistently high level);
  • there are no seasonal fluctuations in demand (neodymium laser can treat the skin and carry out hair removal all year round);
  • the client is “attached” not to a specialist, but to a salon or clinic;
  • simplicity and convenience of work with the device;
  • the stylish design of modern laser systems decorates the interior.

Use of the Nd:YAG laser in cosmetology

The therapeutic effect is based on homogeneous photothermolysis. An extra-long pulse with a pronounced thermal component makes it possible to create a controlled tissue burn. It manifests itself in partial coagulation of the microvascular bed, destruction of fibroblasts, partial denaturation of collagen fibers.

To order equipment, please contact Beauty Systems managers.

The ions in the host crystal structure are yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG), since the two ions are the same size. It is the neodymium ion that provides the generation of laser activity in the crystal, in the same way as the red chromium ion in ruby ​​lasers.

Nd:YAG laser operation was first demonstrated by JE Geusic and et al. at Bell Laboratories in 1964.


neodymium ions in various types of ionic crystals, as well as in glasses, act as a laser gain medium, typically emitting 1064 nm light from a specific atomic transition in the neodymium ion, after being "pumped" by excitation from an external source



Nd:YAG lasers emitting light at a wavelength of 1064 nm has been the most widely used laser for laser thermotherapy in which benign or malignant lesions in various organs are beam ablated.

These lasers are also widely used in the field of cosmetic medicine for laser hair removal and the treatment of small vascular defects such as spider veins on the face and legs. Nd:YAG lasers are also used to treat lake venous lesions of the lips. Recently used for Anatomical cellulitis of the scalp, a rare skin condition.


Nd:YAG lasers are often used to create optical tweezers for biological applications. This is because Nd:YAG lasers primarily emit at a wavelength of 1064 nm. Biological samples have a low absorption coefficient at this wavelength, since biological samples are usually mostly water. Thus, using the Nd:YAG laser minimizes damage to the biological sample under study.


Additional frequencies

Physical and chemical properties of Nd:YAG

YAG crystal properties

  • Formula: Y 3 Al 5 O 12
  • Molecular weight: 596.7
  • Crystal Structure: Cubic
  • Hardness: 8-8.5 (Mohs)
  • Melting point: 1970°C (3540°F)
  • Density: 4.55 g/cm3

Refractive index Nd:YAG

Properties Nd: YAG @ 25°C (with 1% Nd dopant)

  • Formula: Y 2.97 Nd 0.03 Al 5 O 12
  • Mass Nd: 0.725%
  • Nd atoms per unit volume: 1.38 × 10 20 / cm 3
  • Charge state of Nd: 3+
  • Emission wavelength: 1064 nm
  • Transition: 4 F 3/2 → 4 I 11/2
  • Fluorescence duration: 230 µs
  • Thermal conductivity: 0.14 W cm -1 K -1
  • Specific heat capacity: 0.59 J g -1 K -1
  • Thermal expansion: 6.9 × 10 -6 K -1
  • d n/d T: 7.3 × 10 -6 K -1
  • Young's modulus: 3.17 × 10 4 K g/mm -2
  • Poisson's Ratio: 0.25
  • Thermal shock resistance: 790 W m -1

Links and notes

  • Siegman, Anthony E. (1986). lasers. University Science Books. ISBN.
  • Koechner, Walter (1988). Solid state laser technology(2nd ed.). Springer-Verlag. ISBN.

Leonid Borisovich Spokoyny

“This device is a diode-pumped Nd:YAG laser operating with a pulse duration in the nanosecond range, capable of generating an ultra-long burst pulse, reaching milliseconds, which consists of single low-energy nanosecond pulses with a power of 0.8 milliwatts.

The main mechanism of action is the photoacoustic effect that occurs in tissues with a nanosecond pulse duration. In view of the fact that this is a neodymium laser (1064 nm), more than 50% of the transferred energy falls on the microvasculature, and the rest of the energy converted into heat falls on protein structures (collagen, elastin). Thus we get two effects:

"The summation of low-energy impacts in the nanosecond range gives a resonant effect in tissues with a sharp increase in the effectiveness of the procedure"

The first effect - as a result of exposure to the microvasculature and its partial destruction, the patient's body opens collaterals compensatory. Perfusion increases, which radically changes and activates metabolic processes in tissues.

The second effect is related to heat accumulation and thermal diffusion. Since the duration of the burst pulse is measured in milliseconds, we get the total effect of heat accumulation. An increase in the temperature of the vaginal wall to 60-62°C is the optimal temperature for the activation of neocollagenesis based on a sharply increasing activity of fibroblasts. This effect is well studied and leads to photothermal tissue reconstruction.”