The best winter shoes in the world. How to choose men's winter boots - a few tips and specific examples. ARCHE Baryky - low running soft boots

There are a huge number of shoe brands on the Russian market. There are eminent and not so famous among them, widely known and familiar only to a few. This article will focus on special brands - the so-called "brands-werewolfs." Such brands mean those that seek to create an illusion in the buyer about their Western origin and premium. The companies that own such brands are literally selling Chinese and Russian consumer goods under beautiful names to people.

Werewolf brands I would divide into two categories. The first includes those who, in general, do not hide their Russian origin. They usually have a name in a foreign language and some sort of legend about European/German/Italian quality. The products of these brands usually cost reasonable money and have an acceptable (sometimes excellent) price-quality ratio. Therefore, only a slight unpleasant aftertaste remains from them - they thought they bought German shoes, and they bought Russian ones.

Werewolf brands of the second category are more dangerous. Their authors-owners usually develop a rather serious and sometimes creative legend about Western origin and Western production (usually English or Italian). The shoes sold under such werewolf brands are very expensive, and their quality is usually at the level of consumer goods of the middle price segment (in some, the most outrageous cases, even lower).

So, it's time to get acquainted with the werewolf brands in the world of shoes! Let's start with the first category.

Ralf Ringer. Many people think that this is a German or Austrian manufacturer. In fact, the shoes of this brand are made in Russia and China. In well-equipped factories with good quality control. The design is uncomplicated, no frills. Quality is good, prices are affordable. Russian origin, admittedly, is not hidden, but sometimes sellers can tell legends about German roots. But, I repeat, there is no smell of Germany and Europe in general.

Tervolina. It also has nothing to do with Europe. Most of the shoes sold in these stores are made in China and Russia (at the Leader factory in Tolyatti), some models are made in the countries of Southern Europe. The price-quality ratio is adequate. A kind of analogue of Tervolina is a network of shoe stores respect- also a Russian brand.

Econika. Another very popular chain of women's shoes stores in Russia. Owns a number of own brands: RiaRosa, RiaRosa Classic, A.Pugachova, De’Marche. Production is mainly in China. The reviews are quite contradictory, although the majority are still positive. Ekonika does not invent legends about its European origin, but the prices are not so small.

Argo. Shoes under this ambiguous name have been produced since 1991 at the Pyatigorsk shoe factory. The brand's website honestly talks about Russian production. Prices are affordable, quality is decent.

Avela Bellini. The shoes of this brand are made in Russia, which the company that owns the brand writes about on its website, however, a little ornately. There are no legends, but on the websites of some stores you can find words about European traditions, etc. There are practically no reviews.

BurgerSchuhe. Honestly declares Russian origin and Russian production. But the name is already very “under Germany”. Shoes under this brand are sold only in Russia. The quality, judging by the reviews, is good, so it is quite possible to buy. But do not believe the tales of German origin that some sellers can tell.

Camelot. Also a Russian brand, it produces shoes (and, by the way, clothes) mainly in China. He will not invent legends and myths about his origin. Initially, it was aimed at making the collections of major fashion brands available to the public. Therefore, Camelot often simply copies the design of Western firms. The price-quality ratio is good.

Calypso. The name evokes thoughts of Italy. We look at Wikipedia and see that this is a nymph, a character of ancient Greek myths. Well, the shoes that are sold under this brand are of Russian-Chinese origin. Actually, the company itself does not hide this - just look at it. There is no legend, although, of course, it is not directly written that this is a Russian brand. The Calipso's value for money is pretty decent.

Corso Como. Remarkable case. It must be said that there is an American (according to other sources, American-Brazilian) shoe brand CC Corso Como. But in Russia, the shoes of the American Corso Como are not for sale. Our Corso Como is a completely different brand based in Russia. The main differences from the American one are the presence of a male line and a different logo. The Russian Corso Como does not openly talk about its origin, but it does not invent legends either. Declares active cooperation with European designers. Maybe it is, the design is really nice. The quality is good, although there are some complaints. Shoes are made, apparently, partly in Italy, partly in China.

Eber Klaus. Sometimes these shoes are passed off as German, but are actually made in Russia. Official website only in Russian; very sparse, does not contain information about the company and brand. Prices are not very high, there are few reviews.

Francesco Donny. Quite an unpleasant brand with a wide network of branded stores. The site is funny: on the one hand, it tells some kind of fable about the descendant of an allegedly prominent Italian shoemaker moving to Russia; on the other hand, it is indicated that the shoes are made specifically for Russia and in Russia. From the reviews, however, you can find out that some models are generally Chinese. And certainly not Portuguese or Italian, no matter what the sellers tell you.

Prices in Francesco Donni stores are not so small. And the reviews are very contradictory: someone is satisfied, and someone complains about peeling paint, poor quality.

Giotto. The name, of course, is “under Italy”, but the brand is honest. The site directly says that the shoes are made in Russia, at a factory in Moscow, the materials are also Italian. Quality is good, prices are reasonable.

Grand Gudini- another brand mimicking Italian. He is silent about his origin, but says that the Grand Gudini brand has gained a reputation only "in Moscow and the regions of Russia." So there is no deception, but the name can be misleading. Also quite controversial is the assertion that the company invites designers from Europe who "follow fashion trends." But following is not the same as designing and creating. Prices at Grand Gudini are average (sometimes a bit high), the quality is also average, the reviews are very contradictory. Shoes are made in Russia and China.

El monte. The name, of course, is reminiscent of Italy. However, this is a purely Russian brand; He does not openly speak about his origin, but he does not invent legends. Reports only about its popularity among Russian designers. At the same time, many believe that this is an Italian brand. The prices are quite high, the quality is good.

The company that owns Elmonte owns another brand - Enzo Brera, also allegedly Italian shoes. On the Enzo Brera website, everything is painted extremely concisely and neutrally; there are many words about Italian traditions and glamor, but there are no lies. But on the websites of some online stores there is false information that this is an Italian brand. The prices for Enzo Brera shoes are rather high, the quality is decent, but there are also negative reviews.

I apologize for such a strange Enzo Brera logo - but there was no other way. Maybe this is such a corporate style of the brand ...

Ergo (Goergo). In general, a fairly honest Russian brand. Shoes are made in Turkey, Poland, Brazil, Italy, Portugal - as stated on the website. Reviews, however, are conflicting.

Jillionaire, VS, Perfection, Botinerri. All these brands seem to belong to the same Russian company. She, in general, does not hide it, but, frankly, she bypasses the topic of the origin of shoes. It is said about some Italian standards, but the country of tailoring is not indicated; most likely it is China. There are not enough reviews about the shoes of these brands, there are also negative ones. I would advise you to pay attention to something else - at least the same Ralf Ringer.

Loiter. These shoes are made in Russia, allegedly using Italian technology. It is not known whether this is actually the case, but the fact is that sellers sometimes strive to pass Loiter off as a German mark, or even an Italian one. The manufacturer is a small company, apparently, it does not even have its own website. Loiter shoes are not that expensive; As for the quality, it is difficult to say something, since there are practically no reviews about it.

Mario Ponty. This brand belongs to the Greek company Kasta, which also owns other werewolves: Aerosoles, Beira Rio, Picadilly, Aero by Kasta. Mario Ponti shoes are made in China, prices are affordable. There are few reviews; They seem to be good shoes.

Paolo Conte is a Russian brand that does not hide its origin. Alas, some consider it Italian. The prices are quite reasonable, but still a bit high for these products from China. It is stated that Italian designers are involved in the development of shoes, it is very difficult to verify this, but in most cases the design itself cannot be called Italian. The quality is average, the price corresponds only during the sales period. In general, it is better to avoid Paolo Conte stores.

Per te. Russian shoe brand that has existed since 1995. I did not find the site. Shoes are made at a factory in the city of Pushkino. The quality is good, corresponds to the price.

Pier Lucci. The name is reminiscent of Italy and Italian shoe makers, but on its English website, Pier Lucci is very clear about its Turkish origin. Accordingly, Pier Lucci shoes are sold mainly in Russia and Turkey, some Eastern European countries. Be careful: some sellers pass off Pier Lucci as a real Italian brand.

renaissance. Russian brand. The site states that the shoes are made in Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe, and are developed with the participation of Italian and French designers (which is very difficult to verify). The company that owns the Renaissance brand also owns the Cooper and Daze brands.

Renkont. Not very expensive, but not the cheapest shoes for men and women. It has nothing to do with Italy. Renkonte stores also sell shoes from brands Birinci, Birinci Elite, Finn Manner- all these are the fruits of Russian-Chinese cooperation. There are almost no reviews, so it is better, in my opinion, to refrain from experimenting.

Rheinberger. Shoes under this brand are sewn at a shoe factory in Ryazan, owned by the Ryazanvest company. It is stated that according to German technology. Maybe it is so. It is worth noting that the German brand Rheinberger once really existed, but it ceased to exist about 20 years ago.

Solo Song. These shoes, judging by the information from the website of one store, are made in China by Chengdu Aiminer Leather Products Co. Ltd. In any case, in Europe and America, no one knows about this brand. Prices are not high, but not very low either.

Henderson. The main specialization of this brand is men's business wear, but now shoes are also produced under it. Henderson has Polish roots, but this brand has been owned by a Russian company for quite a long time. The brand does not hide its origin. Shoes are made in China and Portugal. The prices are above average, the quality is quite decent. But nothing special.

It is worth noting that there is also a little-known Italian shoe brand Henderson. These shoes are noticeably more expensive than "our" Henderson and are usually sold in multi-brand stores for expensive shoes.

west club. Inexpensive shoes with a claim to European origin. However, this brand does not have a website; West Club shoes are sold only in Russia and Belarus; most likely made in China. Prices are low; there are almost no reviews. Sometimes you can come across a legend that West Club is the result of collaboration between designers from Russia, Portugal and Brazil. It is obvious that this is not the case.

Well, brand Centro, if you didn't know, belongs to the large Russian chain TsentrObuv and has nothing to do with Europe. The price-quality ratio is average, but for such a price it is difficult to expect something good.

Now let's move on to the "evil" werewolves - those who are trying to squeeze more money out of buyers by spreading rather brazen legends and myths about Italian masters and English traditions.

Perhaps the most famous werewolves in this category are the trio of shoe stores Carnaby, Chester And T.J. Collection. Allegedly, these are English brands that produce shoes in Italy and Spain. In fact, neither in the UK, nor in Spain, nor in Italy, such brands have ever been heard of. Most of the shoes seem to be made in China and Vietnam. In Italy, as some suggest, they can simply put insoles, which allows you to put the stamp of Made in Italy.

The quality of Carnaby, Chester and TJ Collection shoes is pretty decent. It matches the price well during the sales period, so if you bought, say, Carnaby shoes for 2500 rubles, I see no reason to be upset. But regular prices are clearly too high. There are complaints that these shoes are not very comfortable to wear, paint socks, and are not very durable. All in all, not worth your money. I do not advise you to go to the aforementioned salons.

El Tempo. They pretend to be Spaniards, but they have nothing to do with Spain. The site is only in Russian; there is no information about the El Tempo shoe brand on the foreign Internet at all. The legend is very creative and impudent. There are few reviews, both positive and negative.

Ita Ita. A wonderful name, in English this is the name of the itai-itai disease, which is caused by intoxication with cadmium salts. The creativity is there. I must say that this is not a specific shoe brand, but a network of Russian stores that sell supposedly Italian shoes. In fact, Ita Ita stores can claim to be "werewolf nests." There you can find Franco Bellucci shoes masquerading as Italian, which are actually Polish, Chinese Itauomo shoes and shoes of other similar brands. At the same time, prices are very high, although the quality can be quite decent, and some of the brands presented sew shoes from leather made in Italy. But all this looks like a kind of lottery, so I still advise you to bypass these stores.

Provocant. The name is some kind of Italian, and the shoes sold under this brand are passed off as German. Already this discrepancy raises suspicions. We open companies - and we see that this brand was registered in Germany; the question of who she was registered by is silent. The site only talks about taking into account German standards. In the stores themselves, sellers usually say that these are German shoes.

There is no information about Provocante shoes on the foreign Internet, so it is quite obvious that this is a werewolf brand, and rather unscrupulous. The legend is not very developed, but exists. The price-quality ratio is generally decent, but generally leaves much to be desired.

Alba. This is a Russian brand; sold under it are mainly shoes made in Russia and China. It has nothing to do with Italy, although it tries to give consumers an idea of ​​its Italian roots. On the company's website, the question of origin is cleverly bypassed, but "Italian style and quality" are mentioned; Alba simply does not have an English-language site (not to mention an Italian-language one). The name Alba, by the way, is formed from the first letters of the name and surname of its owner, whose name is Alexander Bayer.

The company itself claims that it produces shoes in Italy, but there are considerable doubts about this; there is absolutely no information about such a company on the Italian-speaking Internet. Information obtained on the English-speaking Internet only confirms the suspicion of the Russian origin of the company (see). Perhaps the most expensive models are indeed made in Italy, but the cheaper ones are clearly made in China. In general, the prices for all Alba shoes are very high, and the quality is average, reviews are contradictory. For that kind of money you can buy shoes of real European brands.

Gode. Passed out as an Italian brand, but in fact, it seems to be Chinese or Russian. Shoes are said to be mostly made in China, but some are also made in Italy (hard to verify). The English site is pretty funny; it is obvious that the manufacturer himself is not engaged in deceit, and the legend of Italian origin was invented by a Russian distributor. The English-language site honestly says that these are Chinese shoes (see). The Russian-language site has an Italian section (but the domain is .ru!), In which Moscow addresses are indicated in the "Contacts".

In principle, it is possible that the Chinese and Russian Gode are different brands, but, in any case, the brand is rather dubious and cannot be called Italian. Reviews about the quality of Gode shoes are quite contradictory. Someone praises her, someone scolds.

Thomas Munz. A vivid example of a brazen werewolf brand that is engaged in nothing more than misleading customers. Both on the site, and in advertising, and in stores it is openly stated that these are German shoes. Advertising activity of Thomas Munz, by the way, has recently expanded significantly. There is a well-elaborated legend that is told.

The foreign (including German) segment of the Internet does not contain any information about Thomas Munz shoes. The brand does not have a website in either German or English. Most likely, in Germany the brand is simply registered, and development and production have nothing to do with the Germans. Reviews about the quality of Thomas Munz shoes vary. Many are satisfied, but many are dissatisfied - these are clearly ordinary Chinese shoes, albeit of a rather high level.

Another excellent example of the impudence of domestic brand builders - Carlo Pazolini. On the Internet, you can find stories about how lovers of this brand tried to find Carlo Pazolini stores in Italy. They did not succeed - none of the Italians knows about this brand. However, now Carlo Pazolini is developing very actively. And stores in Italy are already open, as well as in some other countries of the world.

In fairness, we must admit that the quality of Carlo Pazolini is quite normal, but the shoes are mainly sewn in Eastern Europe and China, and the design is by no means Italians. Carlo Pazolini is distinguished by a rather thorough “swing” under the Italian company - it even has a website in Italian. A beautiful myth about the never-existing master Carlo Pazolini. The shoes are good, I repeat, but such a deception is somewhat disgusting.

Enzo Logana- positioned as Italian shoes, but sewn in the Moscow region and has nothing to do with Italy. Sold only in Russia. The quality, judging by the reviews, is not bad, although, again, there are negative reviews. Prices are high and it seems that Enzo Logana shoes are not worth that kind of money.

Mascotte- issued for an English brand, the name is usually associated with Italy. But in fact, this is a Russian brand, founded in 2000 by Moskot-Shoes LLC. Production in China. The prices are high and the quality and comfort of the shoes leave a lot to be desired. Mostly Chinese products are sold. There are quite a few negative reviews. For such a price, you can find shoes from real European brands of the best quality.

Renzoni. A very mysterious brand, masquerading as Italian. But judging by indirect signs, it still has Russian roots. A very poor site in English and Italian (and some sections are only in English). The News section contains most of the information about Russian events and exhibitions. I clicked on what was marked as Italian - and came to a site with the eloquent name and Russian as one of the main languages. In general, the brand is suspicious.

Robert Rossi. Another fake brand. There is even a site in Italian, which, however, only Russian stores are listed in the “Where to buy” section (it is interesting that Saratov is the first). The quality is quite good, but the prices are still too high because of the legend (and it, by the way, is very creative - it turns out that the mythical Roberto Rossi dreamed of becoming a shoemaker since childhood and was very stubborn in learning the art of sewing boots).

Vitacci. A brand of children's and women's shoes that passes for Italian. But there is no information about this brand in the English and Italian-speaking segments of the Internet at all. Vitacci shoes are sold only in Russia and Ukraine, maybe also in other CIS countries. The site is only in Russian. It probably has nothing to do with Italy at all. But judging by the reviews, the quality is good.

Westriders. Positioned as a German brand whose shoes are made in Portugal. The brand has a website in German and English (however, it is very poor and uninformative), but there is no information about it in the English-speaking segment of the Internet at all. Apparently, the brand is indeed registered in Germany, but it belongs to the Russian Ivan Pichugin (see, for example,). The prices are quite high, but the reviews are mostly positive. Whether shoes are really made in Portugal is a question, but they are definitely not developed in Germany and the Germans have nothing to do with it. Accordingly, it is sold only in Russia.

When the spring coolness is replaced by a cold snowy winter, it's time to think about winter shoes. For men, practicality, comfort and, of course, protection from the cold are more important. But sometimes you have to think about style, especially if your everyday look is a strict suit, which is not suitable for every boots. But whatever your everyday look, first you need to determine the main criteria for choosing winter shoes for men.

How to choose the right winter shoes

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find practical winter shoes that can be worn for years. The main problem of many winter boots is getting wet, which is unacceptable in cold weather. Raw cold feet are the main cause of colds.

When choosing boots, we often pay attention to their appearance, without thinking about how the sole is fixed, by what method it is stitched, what material the product is made of, and so on.

Winter boots are different, but in the season of slush or ice, the same problems always arise. Important parameters for the selection of good winter shoes for men are the following factors:

  1. In order for the shoes to be warm, fur must be present inside. It is not necessary to look only for natural products. Artificial high-tech fur is a worthy replacement, capable of warming no less than natural fur. Moreover, this option is an inexpensive winter shoes for men.
  2. To increase the degree of protection against moisture, both genuine leather and synthetic analogues are suitable. Leather substitutes are quite capable of retaining moisture on the surface, preventing it from penetrating inside. Suede products are best left for dry winter days.
  3. When buying shoes, pay attention to the thickness of the sole. This is another factor that can protect you from the cold. The thick sole reduces the risk of moisture ingress, retains heat better and does not allow the cold to seep through. The best sole today is considered to be a multi-layer sole made of durable material with a tread pattern.
  4. Sometimes manufacturers indicate on labels or boxes the minimum temperature that the product can withstand. If the weather outside is much colder, then such purchases should be avoided. These shoes won't last long.

Parameters of quality shoes

Winter shoes should first of all warm the feet, so you need to choose high boots. Proper winter boots should cover the ankles.
If you prefer products made from natural materials, then calfskin is the best option. The most unfortunate option among natural materials is pressed leather.

Pay attention to the sole. It is better to give preference to a corrugated sole so that the boots do not slip. It is desirable that the protrusion of the sole is large, with deep grooves. In frosty winter it is not advisable to buy shoes with thin leather soles. This option is suitable only if you almost do not walk, but travel by car. The sole material should be rubber or polyurethane. Sometimes manufacturers use different mixtures of materials. It is because of poor-quality polyurethane that products often get wet, since such material does not withstand severe frost and bursts.

Check the quality of the sole fastening and seams. The sole should not easily move away from the skin, and even more so, form large gaps. If you saw a protruding frozen glue, then this option is definitely not suitable for cold weather and slush. Manufacturers of high-quality shoes attach the sole by vulcanization. Regular firmware needs to be additionally treated with water-repellent materials. For example, the vulcanization method is used by ECCO or Vibram.

Types of materials for winter men's shoes

    Calfskin is the most expensive and wear-resistant material. Warm winter shoes for men are made of thick leather, additionally impregnated with water-repellent agents. Calf leather is very soft. In such shoes, the feet get tired less and feel comfortable. Products made of calfskin are especially suitable for people with large protruding bones on their legs. In shoes made of this material, you will not experience pain.

    Pigskin is not as practical, but with proper care it can also last a long time.

    Suede fabric looks elegant but is only suitable for dry winters.

  1. Lining
  2. If you prefer a man-made material, then you need to choose a special structured material used in branded sports shoes. Such material does not “lose weight” over time, does not allow moisture to pass through and leaves room for air microcirculation.

    If you are a lover of natural fur, it is better to give preference to natural sheepskin. This dense and warm type of fur sags a little over time, taking the shape of your foot. It is better to refuse rabbit or hare fur, as such fur “goes bald” very quickly.

  3. Clasps
  4. The type of fastener completely depends on your everyday look. Laces and Velcro are more suitable for jeans or a sporty style, but classic locks are more suitable for suits.

How to take care of your winter boots

How much the material will be able to protect you depends on skin care. Protective equipment is a must for winter boots. Shoe stores today offer a wide range of different sprays, creams and gels that need to be applied to shoes in accordance with the instructions. Among the products offered, water-repellent sprays are most often used. They are easy to use and give excellent results.

Do not forget about the means that protect products from reagents that are sprinkled on roads in winter. Such products will protect your shoes from white spots that are very difficult to remove.

To be sure to protect your shoes from moisture, coat the seams located on the sole with a water-repellent agent. Also, wax or paraffin can be used instead of such products. This procedure must be repeated 1-2 times a week.

Most often, it is the moisture that gets into the shoes that provokes the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Products must be dried and this should be done as often as possible. Today, stores sell special shoe dryers that fit inside and leave for several hours, or even all night, depending on the model. You can dry boots in other ways, for example, by placing them in a room with a warm floor or not a radiator. The main thing is not to place shoes on a hot battery, so that the rubber materials do not dry out and the leather does not deteriorate. Batteries should be warm.

Attention: Faux leather is very fragile and needs to be handled with care. During severe frosts, the artificial material loses its elasticity, so nothing can be done with it until the material reaches room temperature.

Advice: When buying winter shoes, you need to try them on with a thick toe. In frosty weather, you will definitely want to wear warm socks, or maybe two pairs, in which case you will not be able to comfortably wear shoes due to a lot of pressure.

Rating of manufacturers of high-quality men's shoes

Thanks to high-quality materials and modern manufacturing technologies, products of such companies as:

Rieker is a German brand that produces warm, comfortable winter shoes for men, made only from natural materials. Such shoes do not bring discomfort to their owner and are ideal for everyday wear. This brand has a very reasonable cost, excellent quality and high practicality.

VITO is a Finnish brand that produces winter boots made of natural fur and leather. A thick sole and a dense layer of fur protect even the most severe frosts and do not allow slipping on ice.

DC Woodland Military- high-quality shoes that cope with their basic functions even at a temperature of -25 degrees. Natural suede, wool lining, comfortable tongue, foam-filled ankle, thick rubber sole - these are the parameters for which many men appreciate this brand. The cost of such boots is quite high, but such products will serve for many years.

The Spar is a Belarusian company that works only with natural materials. The company produces comfortable shoes of high quality tailoring. The rubber outsole has an anti-slip effect.

Burgerschuhe is a German brand that is very popular among men due to the lack of slipping on ice, natural warm fur with air microcirculation and water-repellent impregnation, which will not allow you to get wet even in the wettest weather.

Columbia is a popular brand in the Russian market. Winter shoes of this brand are moisture resistant, practical and very warm. The design of the model and comfortable performance are perfect for everyday use.

Ralf Ringer- Ringer boots have earned the gratitude of numerous buyers in the Russian market, thanks to high-tech products suitable for the harshest winters in Russia. Both inside and out, the shoes are made of natural materials. Youth winter footwear for men of the Ringer company will serve you for several seasons.

Vitacci- warm and stylish products for everyday use with an anti-slip effect. This brand has a rich assortment, where every man will find what he likes.

Wrangler- a company that produces shoes for all seasons, not only from natural materials, but also from high-quality substitutes. Buyers of this brand note the high quality of the firmware in each model of the brand.

Marko is a Belarusian manufacturer that manufactures boots that meet all quality standards. Warm and comfortable products of this brand can be purchased at reasonable prices.

Remember that well-made shoes with proper and timely care can be worn not just for years, but for decades. At the same time, the shoes will not lose their original appearance, and will always remain in good condition.

With the approach of winter, especially during the first frosts, it becomes quite cool to walk down the street in our summer shoes. Cold rain or snow can easily ruin a good pair of shoes and get your feet wet when you're out of the office or home for a couple of minutes. Obviously, this should not be the case and it is necessary to take measures to protect against bad weather.

In this article, we'll discuss some guidelines to follow during the winter, as well as how to choose winter shoes to match your outfit. Whether it's a formal dress code or a casual style, you should have your own pair of shoes that will protect you from moisture, cold and will not let you catch a cold.

If you often walk, for example, from home to work and back, then in winter you will have a whole road with obstacles in the form of snowdrifts and puddles. If you intend to wear your favorite thin-soled brogues or moccasins, I'm afraid you will come to work very cold and wet. Thin soles and low heels (men's shoes) do not allow water protection. Moisture gets into the joint between the sole and the base of the shoe, as soon as you step into wet snow or a puddle.

To solve the problem, I recommend purchasing a pair of thick-soled shoes. It does not look as stylish, but it will certainly protect against shallow puddles that are found on the sidewalk. In addition, a thick layer of rubber retains heat longer. Obviously, the ground you walk on is cold, so the sole should be thicker.

Do not walk on reagents that are sprinkled in winter

Men's shoes made of smooth leather are the best solution if you wear a classic men's suit. Suede and soft leather will quickly absorb all possible reagents, as soon as you go to work in them. Salt stains can no longer be removed and the shoes can be thrown away.

However, leather shoes also need protection from chemicals. Before heading outside, be sure to smear them with shoe polish and polish them to a shine. It's even better if you use shoe wax, which will definitely prevent the salt from soaking into the leather. For more information on how to clean shoes, you can read in the article.

What to do if salt gets on your shoes and salt stains form

No panic. The main thing on time, without waiting for free time and weekends, is to wipe the shoes with a solution of water and vinegar. Pour a glass (250 ml.) of warm water and add a tablespoon of vinegar (vinegar - concentrate 70%, not diluted 6%). Wet a cotton rag with the vinegar solution and apply it to the salt stains before cleaning your shoes well. Go through all the seams and joints on the shoes to be sure to remove all the salt.

100% snow and moisture protection

If you're buying expensive shoes that you love to wear, but are afraid to even imagine what salt will do to them on the winter streets, then there is a great solution for you. On sale, many famous brands have special galoshes (or galoshes) that are worn on top of classic shoes and completely cover them from reagents. Although in the store there are also universal galoshes that can be matched to your shoes. Yes, it's not so stylish when you are wearing rubber galoshes, but you can take them off at the office and not worry about the condition of your expensive shoes. If you are a practical person, then this is the best solution for you.

What to do if the shoes are already wet?

There are times when no matter how we go around the puddles and step into the slush, we still manage to get our shoes wet. Here is a list of tips on how to dry your shoes:

  • Remove any moisture from the shoes with a dry cotton rag. Both inside and outside.
  • If the shoes get very wet, stuff more paper napkins or newspapers inside so that all the moisture is absorbed there. Leave shoes to dry completely.
  • Do not place shoes close to radiators or heaters. Everything should dry at room temperature, otherwise you risk ruining shoes, especially leather ones.
  • After the shoes have dried, be sure to smear them with shoe polish or wax and polish to a shine. How to do it is written here.

How to choose winter shoes

In our northern regions, where sometimes the thermometer shows -30 Celsius and below, it is simply vital to have shoes with fur. There are not so many shoe companies that focus on the production of shoes for countries with a harsh climate, and the models of shoes for the Russian winter are an order of magnitude (10 times exactly) lower. Things are even worse with business shoes with fur, which can be matched with a classic suit.

Having searched for shoes in the expanses of hypermarkets and shops, we still managed to find a number of shoes that can be purchased for both formal and formal clothing. Please note that I do not advertise the brand of shoes, I only show, in my opinion, interesting models for purchase.

Shoes with fur

This is perhaps more exotic than shoes for everyone. I managed to find several models that are suitable for a classic suit and business dress code and will not allow you to freeze on the street.

Classic boots

The best choice for a business dress code in winter are classic boots with fur made of genuine leather. If you wear them under trousers, then they will look almost like ordinary classic shoes, except that they look a little more massive.

Work boots

In all the variety of winter shoes for men, there are models for smart casual style. Interesting models are offered by Red Wing, Timberland, Wolverine, CAT. Here are some suitable options:

Duck boots

This shoe is perfect for walking in very wet weather. Duck boots are boots with a rubber toe that resembles duck feet. It is unlikely that you dare to wear such boots under a classic suit, but you can safely wear them under jeans.

Once a solo project - British Grenson Shoes. It was started by a man named William Green. He learned the art of shoemaking from his mother when he helped her sew men's shoes, which the family provided to all their neighbors. Over time, Green moved out from his mother and opened his own business, and in 1866 he decided that it was time to hire workers for tailoring to take care of taking orders, finding materials and selling. The next step was the official registration of William Green & Son. In 1884, Green opened the Greens Yard factory. Green & Son soon became Grenson as it is known today, becoming one of the first trademarks to be registered in the UK.

The Great Depression somewhat crippled the company's business, but the demand for Grenson boots returned again when the British army needed to shoe their soldiers going to the fields of World War II. By the end of the 1940s, production increased many times, and the staff of factory workers grew by 400 people.

Green's relatives led the company for almost a century - until William's great-grandson decided to sell the family business in the 1980s. Since then, two captains have changed at the helm of the company, but the quality of Grenson products still meets the requirements once formulated by its creator. Not only does the company now make perhaps the neatest and most elegant of the traditional working-class boots, but it also engages in useful creative alliances. For example, with the no less respectable brand Barbour, known for its waxed jackets. Especially for this experiment, both companies combined their best corporate features: the aristocratically light skin of the Grenson brogues is topped with a colored cotton insert.

Red Wing Heritage 6 Classic Moc Toe Oro-original

Now this brand of traditional American shoes is an indispensable guarantor of quality and a symbol of masculinity. But the first pair of Red Wing boots in 1905 was sold for just $1.75. Shortly before this, Charles Beckman, a shoe dealer from Minnesota, noticed that the shoes of local workers were no good. Their work is difficult, and they need shoes to match - able to withstand any load and not let you down in the mine, in the field or in logging. At the same time, boots should be comfortable enough so that they are not remembered in the midst of work. And so Beckman, with fourteen investors, opens an enterprise whose slogan is short and simple: "Work is our work."

The company was named after the city where Beckman was from - and that, in turn, bears the name of the Indian chief Red Wing. His image in the mid-1910s became the company's logo. For more than a century, she has never moved: in the old building where the first pair was once sewn, there is an office in which models are developed for the Red Wing Heritage collection. The boots produced in it exactly repeat the design of fifty, sixty and even eighty years ago - for example, the so-called chiefboots, they are also “farm boots”.

Despite the obvious everyday focus of the brand, some models are not without a militaristic spirit. Take the same Red Wing No. 16: These were the shoes worn by the American infantry during the First World War.

Frye Locke Lace Up

The characters of the series True Blood suck blood in the boots of this particular brand, and one notorious bespectacled teenager fights with dark magic in them. Apparently, the magic of this shoe has not changed since 1863, when John Fry from the town of Marlborough, Massachusetts, sewed the first shoes. They were neither a style icon nor the last word in design, but they did an excellent job of providing comfortable shoes for hundreds of New England factory workers. And when, at the end of the 19th century, these hard workers and their families went west in search of a better life, they set off in Fry's boots.

As Fry's family grew, so did his company. In 1938, during a trip to Washington, the grandson of the founder, John Fry Jr., met with one admiral. He lamented: they say, it has become difficult to find your favorite "wellingtons" - waterproof leather boots, the predecessors of modern rubber ones. Fry Jr. graciously offered to personally sew a pair for him. After that, orders poured in from all sides, especially during the Second World War. Fry's Wellingtons, also known as jetboots, have been trodden all over the world, from Normandy to Okinawa. Even the infamous American tanker General Patton had one pair. No less popular were the cavalry boots, which later became so fond of bikers - Frye Harness Boots. And the Smithsonian Institution chose the Campus model as one of America's most significant artifacts of the 1960s.

Often there is a debate on the Internet with what to wear boots from "working" brands of shoes. Answer: almost everything. Jeans, chinos, cargo pants, sweatpants and even an office suit can be combined with workboots if desired - for example, with the same Locke Lace Up.

Clarks Desert Boot

Price: 5000 rubles (Clarks stores)

The boots may not have the toughest character, but definitely the most loyal - despite the suede disposition. It all started in 1825 in the British village of Street, Somerset, where Cyrus Clark dressed sheepskins, and his brother James sewed slippers out of them. Clarks did all the sewing by hand until the Singer sewing machine appeared - things went much faster with it. And when the Hygienic line was released, the models of which followed the natural contour of the foot, the brothers could finally boldly position themselves as manufacturers of truly comfortable and wearable shoes.

In the middle of the 20th century, Nathan Clark, James' great-grandson, developed the Desert Boot model. As a basis, he took ordinary boots that his comrades, military officers, found in the bazaars of Egypt during the Second World War. The British found the shoe to be quite suitable for desert operations - hence the name "desert". Thanks to their simplicity and versatility, the boots quickly gained popularity among buyers, and they can still be purchased at a very reasonable price - just £70. There is a version that "deserts" are a subspecies of Chukka boots, allegedly invented a little earlier. But true connoisseurs argue that only suede boots with two pairs of holes for laces have the right to be called “deserts”, while “chukka” is the same, only in leather, with a hard sole, abundant lacing and narrower in ankle.

A decade later, when the passion for "deserts" subsided, Clarks creates another model that has become a classic - Wallabee, a good-looking suede moccasin. In the 1970s, the company actively invested in technical research, creating a new durable and lightweight sole known as the crepe sole (the term has nothing to do with pancakes - this is the name of a special soft type of rubber).

Doc Martens 1460

These world-famous British shoes were invented by a German - a young doctor, Klaus Mertens. Once, during an unsuccessful skiing trip, he broke his ankle. The Second World War had just ended, there were no other shoes, except for army boots, and the injured leg did not feel very comfortable in them. Then Dr. Mertens designed the first prototype of the legendary boot: he took and sewed pieces of a car tire to the sole. This reduced the pain of stepping on, but walking was still uncomfortable, and the doctor continued to improve even when the leg had already passed.

In 1947, Mertens met an old university friend, Herbert Funk, and together they came up with an air-cushioned double sole, patented the invention, and organized a shoe business. They made soles from rubber obtained from Luftwaffe bases, insoles from shoulder straps, and blanks for two pairs of boots were obtained from one pair of leather officer trousers.

By the end of the 1950s, Mertens and Funk's products had spread throughout Germany, with three-quarters of sales going to women over forty - and what more practical buyers could you imagine? The target audience changed dramatically when the British shoe concern R. Griggs Group Ltd. bought the rights to manufacture shoes in the United Kingdom. The head of the concern, William Griggs, anglicized the name of the brand, slightly changed the shape of the heel, added a branded yellow stitching and finalized the design of the sole, later patenting it under the name AirWair. The first British martens were produced on April 1, 1960, and the 1460 is still produced unchanged. Shoes were in incredible demand among cops, postmen and factory workers, and since the 1970s have become super popular with fringe youth movements.

American Chippewa Boots started out as a logging company. At the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, there was a huge demand for timber and lumber - the country was actively built, thousands of new buildings were erected. Accordingly, the army of lumberjack workers grew, and all of them needed good shoes. The factory producing it started operating in 1901 in the town of Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, on the very border with Canada - the Indian name was inherited from a tribe living in these parts. Then she had 175 workers, mostly women, and released 1200 pairs daily.

At the forefront of work footwear manufacturing, Chippewa Boots set out to make the finest boots and shoes in the United States. In pursuit of the perfect boot, she made her famous Logger Boot, designed to facilitate the difficult and dangerous work of American lumberjacks - the very ones who, in their prime, could steam almost half a hectare of forest in a day. Today, the company's products extend far beyond the founders of the boots: motorcycle, cowboy - the range includes more than one hundred models. In addition, all Chippewa boots and boots are equipped with developments from such respected brands as Thinsulate and Vibram, which means that the shoes are not threatened by temperature changes, moisture and other misfortunes.

A giant takeover corporation that managed to get at its disposal, in addition to Timberland, such brands as Hush Puppies, Patagonia and Harley-Davidson Footwear. The Wolverine brand has been on the market since 1883, and its creator, J. A. Krause, became famous for founding an electric company to open a tannery in Rockford, which was supposed to bring electricity to the city and power new production. Is it any wonder that the energetic entrepreneur in a short time brought the daily production to 300 pairs of shoes, which, for their durability, was nicknamed the “1000 mile boot”. They were made from horse skin, hence the name of the company: it does not go back to the wolverine (English wolverine), but to the breed of horses.

In 1919, the Wolverine Shoe and Tanning Company began to conquer the world, but these plans were buried by the Great Depression. And again, the war intervened: during the Second World War, the company develops pigskin gloves for the American Navy, which remain on sale even after the victory. Apparently, this success forced Wolverine to reconsider the production technology. The transition from horseskin to pigskin turned out to be very successful: the boots became much softer, which immediately affected sales.

In the late 1960s, the Wolverine Shoe and Tanning Company bought a newcomer to the market - the Hush Puppies brand, breaking all sales records: statistics show that one in ten American adults must have at least one pair of these shoes. In 1992, Hush Puppies introduced the Durashocks, "the first truly comfortable work boot." It's still available now, with shock-absorbing heel and toe pads and a signature Vibram outsole that makes it truly flawless to wear.

Perhaps the first serious boots that entered the Russian market. You say "tractors" - you mean Caterpillar. But to achieve such a stable association, the company had to go through a long winding path. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, Californians Benjamin Holt and Daniel Best independently began to supply caterpillar tractors. Realizing that agricultural machinery is in demand more than ever, the partners merged their companies into the Caterpillar Tractor Company. Simultaneously with the United States, Caterpillar equipment appeared in Tsarist Russia, and later in the Soviet Union: the company supplied us with diesel engines.

The Caterpillar empire grew rapidly: more than 150 countries of the world were supplied with tractors, tractors and other brutal equipment. It was then that the need arose for the creation of strong and practical shoes for workers. For this purpose, Caterpillar Footwear Co was founded in the 1980s and licensed to produce professional footwear under the CAT brand. The first models did not differ much from modern ones: from the very beginning, manufacturers relied on strength and reliability - thick caterpillar soles and protective steel inserts in the noses. Such shoes quickly gained popularity among hard workers, and after 1994, when CAT Footwear became part of the American corporation Wolverine World Wide, among the rest of the population.

Born on a construction site, CAT footwear has become one of the leaders in the market of hiking, sports and casual footwear in a short time. Now the yellow nubuck pair literally hangs out of the TV, waiting for us on the street and meets us at the club. Model Mardy, for example, is especially dearly loved by Keira Knightley: the photo chronicle shows that the actress has actually grown together with them.