The strip on the abdomen after childbirth when it will pass. How quickly the strip on the abdomen disappears after childbirth. Professional pigmentation removal

Many women after childbirth wonder when the dark stripe on the abdomen will disappear. Such a manifestation can be found in every woman at any time, but most often this happens no later than six months.


The appearance of a dark strip on the abdomen after childbirth is explained by hormonal changes occurring in the woman's body. Dark manifestations can be observed not only on the abdomen, but also on other parts of the skin.

The following factors can also provoke the occurrence of pigmentation:

  • natural skin color;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • lack of female body folic acid;
  • changes that occur in the functioning of the ovaries, liver or pituitary gland.

The appearance of a dark strip on the abdomen after childbirth is explained by hormonal changes occurring in the body of a woman.

As practice shows, it is impossible to find out exactly the reason that could provoke the appearance of a dark strip in a woman; here one can rely solely on assumptions.

2 When will the strip on the stomach pass?

The appearance of a dark stripe on the belly of a pregnant woman is a natural process, so a woman should not worry about this. Since such a process is associated with biological factors that are responsible for stretching abdominal cavity, then the disappearance of this manifestation is also provided for by natural processes.

The manifestation of pigmentation on the abdomen after childbirth gradually turns pale. This occurs during the first six months after childbirth. Answer exactly when pigmentation will pass on the stomach after childbirth is impossible, since every woman this process takes a certain period of time, the duration of which varies depending on the following factors:

  • individual features female body;
  • good nutrition;
  • normal organization of sleep and rest;
  • blood levels of progesterone and oxytocin;
  • recovery period menstrual cycle after childbirth;
  • lactation process.


In very rare cases, it occurs that pigment streak does not go away after childbirth for one year or more. But such situations are rare, but still it should not be completely ruled out. The following factors can provoke the process of prolonged non-disappearance of the pigment strip:

  • tense psycho-emotional state;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • systematic exposure to direct sunlight;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • diseases of the stomach;
  • problems at work endocrine system;
  • application medicines from epilepsy;
  • diseases of the duodenum and pelvic organs.

Therefore, if after long time after childbirth dark stripe does not disappear on the stomach, this is a sign that some kind of pathological processes that require immediate diagnosis and treatment.


Many women after childbirth immediately begin to get hung up on the dark strip formed on the stomach. Experts in this field recommend not to dwell on this problem and simply wait until such a manifestation passes on its own as a result of a natural process.

The safest way to get rid of this kind are folk remedies, which include the use of plants that have bleaching properties, as well as soda and hydrogen peroxide, as well as appropriate cosmetics.

Note! Some women claim that you can get rid of the dark stripe on the abdomen by carefully rubbing the area where the color change has occurred daily.

When giving preference to cosmetics to combat such manifestations, it should be borne in mind that some products can provoke the occurrence allergic reaction. Moreover, after childbirth due to hormonal changes in the body the threshold of susceptibility is significantly exceeded.

In some cases, it is not possible to use cosmetics. This can happen as a result of intolerance to the components, as well as due to the rather high cost of drugs. In this case, women are advised to give preference to products such as parsley, cucumber and lemon, since they have a whitening effect.

In addition to all the above remedies, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide will help to cope with pigmented manifestations on the stomach. These two products have a whitening effect and therefore help to lighten the pigment spot.

4 Professional pigmentation removal

There are situations when, despite everything, pigmentation after childbirth does not go away. In this case, you need to take the help of qualified cosmetologists, as this will be the only way to get rid of such cosmetic defect. In such cases, it is recommended to following procedures:

  1. - this procedure is considered one of the safest, but, despite this, it is not recommended to carry it out during lactation.
  2. Ultrasonic removal - as a result of this procedure, the skin is completely renewed, which also becomes more elastic, and all age spots are completely removed. This procedure allowed to pass even while breastfeeding.
  3. Performing intradermal injections - the essence of the procedure lies in the fact that a special solution is introduced into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin that has pigmentation, due to which lightening occurs dark spots. During pregnancy and lactation, this procedure is not recommended.
  4. Cryotherapy - this method of dealing with the manifestation of a dark strip on the abdomen is considered one of the safest. The essence of the procedure is that pigmentation is affected by liquid nitrogen, after which dead cells are exfoliated, which are subsequently replaced by healthy skin.
  5. Phototherapy - the destruction of the coloring pigment occurs as a result of exposure to a light pulse. This method it is not forbidden to use during childbearing, as well as during lactation.
  6. Mechanical peeling - the procedure involves the removal of the top layer of the skin using special brushes. During pregnancy and lactation, it is still not recommended to resort to this method, as it is very painful and requires the use of anesthesia.
  7. Chemical peeling - the surface of the skin is exposed to chemical acids, which in turn kill the top layer of the skin and stimulate tissue regeneration. The procedure is prohibited during breastfeeding.


The appearance of a dark stripe on the abdomen during the bearing of a child is not a sentence, because in almost all cases the pigmentation disappears on its own a few months after the birth of the child. If a woman for some reason does not want to wait certain time, the process can be accelerated. To do this, you should resort to ready-made products, which are currently being sold in large volumes, and you can also use folk methods or professional services of cosmetologists. But, giving preference to one method or another, it should be borne in mind that some of them may have negative impact on the baby while breastfeeding. It is impossible to answer exactly the question of when the dark line on the abdomen after childbirth will pass, since this process will depend on several factors, such as management right image life, women's health and many others. But you should not worry in situations where the strip does not disappear for several months.

In some cases, this process can take up to six months. If this period is also exceeded, and pigmentation remains, then it is recommended to undergo a complete medical examination to find out the reason and possible deviations in the female body.

Pregnancy causes changes not only in the internal organs, but also purely external. Hyperpigmentation in the form brown line on the stomach is one of them. This defect is hidden under clothing. But for many women who have a strip on their stomach after childbirth, when it passes - important problem. Some do not give up the intention to hasten its disappearance.

Read in this article

Causes of stripes on the abdomen

Pregnancy always means changes in hormonal balance that do not occur in any other condition. First of all, it is found increased amount progesterone. This substance is necessary for blood flow to the small pelvis, the formation of tissues that feed the embryo, new vessels.

Progesterone has a big effect on the skin too. Substance enhances activity sebaceous glands stimulates the formation of new cells. It also promotes hyperpigmentation of the skin.

Spots can also be found on the face, but not in all pregnant women. And in the area from the navel to the groin, almost every future mom will notice a brown or black line. In some, it is covered with short hairs.

A dark stripe on the abdomen after childbirth is not detected for the first time, it appears much earlier. This can happen from the first month of pregnancy. But more often it appears later than six months. In addition to the increased volume of the hormone, changes in the ratio of substances, other factors also play a role in the occurrence of hyperpigmentation:

Cause of hyperpigmentation Why is this happening
High consumption of folic acid This substance is one of the most important in the development of the fetus. The body spends it during pregnancy a lot more than ever. The amount of folic acid determines whether the baby is born healthy or with irreparable defects. And even taking drugs containing a substance leaves it a little for a woman. But skin pigmentation, its uniform staining, whiteness also depends on a sufficient amount of folic acid. During pregnancy, almost all the amount entering the body is spent on the formation of embryonic cells.
Stress Peculiar to pregnancy hormonal background makes a woman suspicious. This also affects the production of skin-coloring melanocytes, strengthening it and disrupting the uniform distribution in different areas. Pigmentation on the abdomen after childbirth will be the stronger, the more negative emotions a woman had during this period.
Other perception by the body Body creams and shower gels, familiar and loved before, during pregnancy may turn out to be inappropriate, cause an unpredictable reaction. One of them is hyperpigmentation.

Time to disappear stains

A brown belly after childbirth is no less annoying than its rather large volume. But just as there is no instant return to the previous forms of the body, the instant disappearance of pigmentation is also unrealistic. The balance of hormones in the female body returns to normal gradually.

For some, it goes faster, and the skin from the navel to the groin becomes white after a couple of months. Others have to wait until the strip on the abdomen disappears after childbirth, almost 2 years.

Despite its persistence for such a long time, the dark line brightens without any effect. It is never as bright as from the initial period of its existence. This indicates that the body is recovering, and the band does not pose a health hazard. It's just a minor cosmetic flaw.

In brunettes, usually the pigment stripe on the abdomen after childbirth is more noticeable and lasts longer than in fair-skinned and fair-haired women.

Watch the video about pigmentation after childbirth:

Folk recipes for lightening the strip

Despite the fact that the dark line turns pale and disappears on its own, and few close people notice it if they see it, women often want to get rid of the flaw faster. This is possible with the help of natural remedies. But you need to use them with an eye on the baby, especially if the woman is breastfeeding. These funds are external, but if they are intolerant to the baby Negative influence on it is possible. After all, the physical contact of the newborn with the mother is very close.

How to remove the strip on the abdomen after childbirth:

  • Take a handful of finely chopped parsley, add 1 tsp. sour cream, 2 drops of orange juice. The agent massages the pigmented area for 2-3 minutes, then leave for another 10 and wash off.
  • Mix 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 2 tbsp. l. mineral water. The tool is used for a 5-minute compress daily.
  • Crush 1 tbsp. l. fresh yarrow inflorescences, add to them the same amount of whey, 1 tsp each. grapefruit juice and cloves (not inflorescences, but seasonings). The composition is kept on pigmented skin for 15 minutes. If it starts to tingle, you can wash it off earlier.
  • To 1 tsp. grated rose hips add the same amount of fresh sour cream. The tool is used simultaneously soft scrub and a mask, that is, they rub the skin with it and hold it for several minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  • Prepare a herbal composition from equal amounts of rowan and wild rose fruits, sorrel leaves. Add 1 tsp to it. sour cream. Keep the bleaching agent for 30 minutes, and rinse with a liquid of milk and water, diluted in half.
  • Dilute the infusion kombucha(2 tsp) onion juice(1 tsp). This mixture can be kept on the skin for 40 minutes.
  • Make gruel from grated horseradish and green apple, taking the ingredients in equal amounts. The product is applied as a mask for 15 minutes, washed off herbal infusion and then lubricate the skin with body milk.

A brown stripe on the abdomen after childbirth is not the most painful consequence of pregnancy. Therefore, there is no need to be too zealous to remove it using external means. Moreover, active rubbing, scrubs and hard washcloths contribute to skin stretching, which most women would not want. Together with the use of masks and lotions, it would be good to take care of restoring the balance of hormones, that is proper nutrition, lactation, minimizing the impact of stress.

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Often striae are formed - stretching bands that appear on later dates due to the rapid ... When a streak will pass on the abdomen after childbirth.

Pregnancy is a complex condition that forces the body to completely change, adapt to new conditions. After the birth of a child, within a month, everything is usually restored. But this is not always the case: often pigmentation remains on the skin. It appears as spots on the face and a dark vertical line on the peritoneum. How soon the strip on the abdomen disappears after childbirth depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's body.

Causes of stripes on the abdomen in pregnant women

The peritoneum has a muscular frame, consisting of symmetrical paired muscles that converge exactly in the middle. In this place is the connective tissue, which is 90% composed of collagen fibers. It is involved in the formation of the Alba line - the median tendon band, which is located between the medial edges of the rectus abdominis muscles. Between the bundles of its fibers pass blood vessels and branches of nerves. A groove extends from the xiphoid process of the sternum to pubic symphysis. Its length is 30-40 cm. At the very bottom, the tendon fibers form an umbilical ring filled with scar tissue.

During pregnancy, in 75% of women, the Alba line is stained in Brown color. This happens as a result of hormonal changes. For successful gestation, the level of estrogen and progesterone is steadily increasing. This stimulates the production of melanin, the pigment that determines color. skin. It accumulates in the tissues and is distributed unevenly in them. Dark marks appear in separate areas: face, chest, external genitalia.

In some women, these processes do not manifest themselves in any way. Scientists attribute this feature to such factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • light skin color;
  • deficiency of folic acid (vitamin B9);
  • liver dysfunction;
  • changes in ovarian function.

Most often, the described defect occurs in women with dark skin and with black hair.

The timing of the disappearance of the strip

When will the pigmentation on the abdomen after childbirth, depends on individual deadlines body recovery. Some note the disappearance of spots two to four months after the birth of the baby. By this time, the hormonal background returns to normal. Breast-feeding in the first months also affects the activity of the endocrine system.

The structural features of the Alba line must also be taken into account. Blood vessels pass through it, but do not feed it, so the pigment is washed out very slowly.

Ways to remove pigmentation

From a medical point of view, the appearance of a dark strip on the abdomen during pregnancy is purely cosmetic problem. It does not pose a threat to the life of a woman, but for many it causes severe psychological discomfort.

There are ways to get rid of the strip on the abdomen after pregnancy in the most short time. They can be used at home:

  • masking cosmetics;
  • plants whose juices and decoctions help whiten the skin;
  • baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.

Application finished cosmetics- the simplest and available method. There is a huge amount of money for sale. It is worth choosing creams and ointments that allow you to whiten the skin, as well as scrubs with which you can exfoliate the top layer of the epidermis. Together with its dead particles, pigment cells are also removed.

When using decorative products, it is necessary to remember about the possibility of developing an allergic reaction. Even if before pregnancy there were no prerequisites for such manifestations, a change in the hormonal background can form a predisposition to them. Before applying a cream or ointment on the stomach, it is worth conducting a simple test: rub a little composition into the skin of the wrist and observe - if after fifteen minutes redness does not appear on the treated area, there is no slight burning sensation, the drug can be used without fear.

If cosmetics are not affordable, affordable products can replace it. Has a whitening effect fresh cucumber, parsley and lemon. Each of these products is suitable for independent use, but a combination of different components is much more effective.

  1. A gruel is prepared from a cucumber in a blender, applied to a dark line, covered with cellophane and fixed with a towel for thirty minutes. If the vegetable is finely chopped with a knife and mixed with sour cream, you get another very effective bleaching agent.
  2. Fresh lemon juice is prepared, the skin of the abdomen is rubbed three times a day. You can mix equal amounts of lemon juice and cucumber gruel. Or citrus fruit is also mashed, honey is added and olive oil in equal proportions, and then applied to the problem area.
  3. Experts recommend boiling parsley greens (50 grams in 500 milliliters of water), cool the finished solution, pour into molds, freeze, and then wipe the dark Alba line with ice cubes. To prepare another remedy, you need to take a bunch of greens, grind it in a blender along with sour cream or cucumber. Apply the finished gruel to the problem area and leave for twenty minutes. Then gently remove with paper towels.

It is necessary to use the funds daily until the appearance desired results, it is better to alternate them and observe how the skin reacts.

Cosmetic procedures

If folk methods do not help, and the pigmentation did not go away on its own a year after the birth, you can resort to the services of a cosmetologist and remove the dark strip with professional techniques. Best suited for the indicated purposes:

  • Laser illumination. Most safe way get rid of the black stripe. Exposure to the beam destroys only pigment cells, while healthy tissues are not damaged, their condition does not change in any way.
  • Ultrasonic peeling. It helps to get rid of a cosmetic defect, renew and make the skin elastic.
  • Phototherapy. The principle of operation is similar to laser clarification, but instead of radiation, a light pulse is used. It destroys the pigment, so the skin tone is gradually evened out.
  • Cryotherapy. Pigmented areas are treated liquid nitrogen. Within a month, the skin exfoliates, renews itself, healthy tissue replaces dead cells, and as a result, an even, smooth, uniform cover is formed.
  • intradermal injections. Special preparations are introduced into the subcutaneous layers that can lighten dark areas.
  • Dermabrasion ( mechanical peeling). Removing the top layer of skin with brushes. It is very painful, so local anesthesia is performed first.
  • Chemical peeling. Cleansing the skin with powerful acids. They burn out the upper layers of the skin, in which there is a high concentration of melanin. The procedure allows you to stimulate the processes of regeneration and replacement of dead tissue with young tissue.

The lactation period is a direct contraindication to all cosmetic procedures. If a woman continues to breastfeed, she must inform the cosmetologist about it.

How to avoid the appearance of a dark line on the stomach

If you want to keep the shape, beauty and youthfulness of the skin after childbirth, you need to take care of your health from the first days of pregnancy. You can reduce the effects of hormonal changes if you follow simple rules.

It is important to be less in the sun. Ultraviolet stimulates the synthesis of melanin, the skin pigment. IN summer time years, experts recommend, when going out into the sun, to put on a hat on the head, to apply on open areas of the body protective equipment. For the same reason, you should not visit the solarium.

When compiling a diet, you should include in the menu foods high in folic acid, vitamins A and C (greens, cereals, citrus fruit, currants and cranberries, nuts and boiled corn) and exclude from it everything that can stimulate the production of pigment when exposed to ultraviolet radiation (carrots, apricots, peaches, pumpkins and tomatoes).

A stripe appears on the abdomen, which does not go away even after childbirth. Concern about this is completely natural - expectant and newly born mothers are sensitive to changes in their bodies caused by pregnancy. There are a lot of questions: does the strip affect the course of pregnancy? Will it pass after, and when will it happen? Let's figure it out together.

Why does a brown stripe appear on the abdomen during pregnancy and after childbirth

The human body is symmetrical along the vertical axis. Each half has one upper and one lower limb and is the same in size, skin color and other features.

Thus, each person consists of two halves, connected exactly in the center. Usually this line of connection, consisting of a thin layer of connective tissue between the muscles, is not visible.

However, during the period of bearing a baby, changes begin to occur with the body of a woman, which after a while become noticeable to others.

Among them, first of all, an increase in the abdomen as the fetus grows inside. Under the influence of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, the uterus begins to grow, and thanks to the hormone somatotropin, the abdominal muscles are stretched.

Together with them, a strip of connective tissue on the abdomen stretches a little and increases in size, which will remain there for some time after childbirth.

A dark stripe on the abdomen, noticeable during pregnancy and after childbirth, appears in almost every woman.

Dark-haired, dark-eyed and naturally swarthy ladies are more likely to get a noticeable mark, since they have more melanin in their bodies. It is he who is responsible for the change in skin color during tanning, the appearance age spots and also freckles.

During the bearing of the baby, the level of the hormone melanotropin, which stimulates the synthesis of melanin, also increases, but in blondes it may not reach a significant level.

Tip: If you wish, you can check if the folk beliefs. They say that if the strip is weakly visible, then you will have a girl. Well, a pronounced and long strip indicates male field child.

How to remove the strip on the stomach after childbirth

In order for the connective tissue to return to normal, it is required that the hormonal background of a woman return to its usual course. This begins to happen gradually after the baby is born, and after about six months, the skin naturally is restored, and the band disappears.

Don't worry or panic if it takes a little longer for you. As we have already said - everything is individual! Breastfeeding can delay the disappearance of the strip. Also, the pigment remains noticeable longer in swarthy brunettes.

It should be understood that the strip on the abdomen after childbirth is completely natural. It is also normal to wonder when it will pass, but do not get hung up on this thought. Let things take their course and let go of the situation.

This line appears in 9 out of 10 women during pregnancy.

This is also useful from the point of view of stress resistance: a young mother already has enough reasons for excitement to waste her mental strength on small cosmetic flaws.

If you don’t feel like waiting for the strip on your stomach to pass after childbirth, you can apply soft natural remedies for skin whitening.

Folk recipes to remove the strip on the stomach after childbirth

  1. Home peeling with honey
  2. Mask of fresh grated cucumber
  3. Freshly grated parsley paste
  4. Applying lemon juice
  5. Rubbing the strip with cucumber-parsley ice cubes

Chamomile and linden

For ladies whose stripe is weak, the use of chamomile-linden decoction is suitable. It acts much softer than the above means and gives good results when using the course.

It should be remembered that linden is a fairly strong allergen, and even when using a weak infusion, you must first check your reaction to it.

If you are breastfeeding, keep in mind the fact that active substances, absorbed through the blood, will definitely get into breast milk.

Home cosmetics will help get rid of a defect in appearance

Sauna and bath

When the doctor allows you to visit the sauna or bath, you can steam well, and then rub the middle of the abdomen with a soft washcloth. Sometimes pigment strip on the abdomen after childbirth gently exfoliates along with the top layer of skin, like a sun tan.

If the washcloth doesn't work for you, don't try to scrub harder or use the hard side of it. So you only risk scratching and harming yourself.

What to do if the pigment strip on the abdomen after childbirth does not come off for more than a year

Have you tried all possible means, but the mark still does not want to disappear?

There are two options:

  1. First is a consultation with your doctor. He may order tests that will check your hormone levels. If the reason for the delayed strip on the abdomen is precisely in them, the doctor will help determine the course of treatment to restore normal hormonal levels.
  2. Second- if the tests have established that everything is in order with your hormones in perfect order, visit a beauty salon. Modern features professional procedures let you wait until the strip on your stomach after childbirth will take place on one's own. Several sessions of peeling or laser skin whitening - and your tummy will return to its previous state.

If you can't solve problems on your own, contact a specialist

Preventive measures: how to prevent the appearance of a dark "path"

Each woman is individual, and therefore the timing of the manifestation of the strip may vary, depending on specific case. If the pregnancy is not the first, then the strip will appear earlier and will be more noticeable.

Most often, the pigment line becomes visible:

  1. At twelve weeks
  2. Last trimester

For all the ladies who are not thrilled with this "decoration", there is good news. There is no need to wait for childbirth so that the brown stripe on the abdomen becomes less bright and noticeable.

To do this, you should control the production of melanin in the body, and this is very simple to do. We use these methods every summer, protecting delicate skin from harmful effects ultraviolet rays!

The stripe that often appears on the belly of a pregnant woman, and has a dark color, looks cute. It usually occurs on final stages gestation, when all the symptoms of pregnancy are visible to the naked eye.

Some pregnant women perceive such changes as the norm, while others worry about this. But experts say that such a phenomenon is absolutely normal, it occurs in almost every pregnant woman. Causes such a strip of hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy.

But many new mothers say that the mark after the birth of the abdomen remains. Of course, this is not particularly attractive in terms of aesthetics. When should such a mark of pregnancy disappear and how can the process be accelerated?

What is a dark stripe on the abdomen during pregnancy

The appearance of such a mark is a manifestation of hyperpigmentation. This condition occurs due to the fact that hormonal changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman. In my own way appearance the strip looks like a vertical line from the navel to the intimate area.

It should be said that every woman has such a stripe. But before pregnancy, it is difficult to notice, during pregnancy, pigmentation becomes more pronounced, as a result, the strip changes its color to a more intense one. In 9 out of 10 cases, a dark line appears in pregnant women. Most often, the mark occurs in swarthy and dark women.

When will the strip disappear?

The main reasons for the appearance of the line in question, as already noted, are hormonal changes. In some "pregnant women" the line may develop in the 3rd month of gestation, and in others - in the seventh. Everything is very individual.

After the appearance of blood, hormones stabilize, this helps to reduce the production of melanin. The strip then disappears, and very quickly. Every woman has a different process of disappearance. For some women, the strip and the trace will not remain after a few weeks, and for some - only after six months.

If mommy is lactating, then the time to remove the strip can only be delayed.

How to professionally remove the strip on the stomach after childbirth

If the strip is uncomfortable for a woman from an aesthetic point of view and it does not disappear even a year after the birth of the baby, then you can make an appointment with a cosmetologist. But before a crime to cosmetic procedures it is necessary to be surveyed. To make sure everything internal organs are functioning normally. Indeed, sometimes it happens that it is problems with them that can provoke a change in skin pigmentation.

Strip removal can be done in the following ways:

  • the use of creams with a whitening effect;
  • the use of products that help reduce the light sensitivity of the skin;
  • mesotherapy;
  • cryotherapy;
  • resurfacing using a laser;

Young mothers, in order not to harm the health of their baby in any way, try to abandon the various procedures mentioned above and resort to folk whitening methods. To fix the problem at home, you can use it completely natural remedies, which can perfectly whiten the desired area. For example, while taking a bath, you can use a brush of medium hardness. Parsley juice, lemon juice, cucumber, linden decoction and can fix the problem.

Recovery of the body after childbirth is not a quick process. This period depends on various factors and it can be different for each woman. Do not be upset if a dark strip is in no hurry to disappear from your no longer pregnant tummy.

Doctors say that she does not stay with anyone, it just takes more time for one woman, less for another. Over time, the hormonal background is getting better and the band will disappear on its own. Of course, this process can be accelerated with your help. But the most important thing is not to harm the baby in any way.