When will the pigmentation on the abdomen after childbirth. When will the strip on the stomach pass after childbirth

The process of recovery after childbirth is not limited to issues related to the health of women. No less exciting are the aesthetic problems. So, one of the most popular topics among newly-made mothers is the discussion of the reasons for the appearance and timing of the disappearance of a dark strip on the stomach. Since there is a lot of various information about this, it makes sense to figure out where the myths are and where the reality is.

What does the dark stripe on the stomach mean?

Hyperpigmentation in the form of a strip intensely colored compared to the color of the skin, which stretches from the navel to the pubis, is a sign of pregnancy that accompanies a rounded tummy. As a rule, such a mark (chloasma) appears after the 6th month of pregnancy, but in some cases it may occur even earlier. Sometimes it is covered with short hairs. The strip is always located in the center of the abdomen, it can stretch higher, up to the ribs. This arrangement is associated with the anatomical structure of the human body. The fact is that at the point of convergence of the muscles of the right and left parts of the abdomen there is a connective tissue, which is formed by collagen fibers, forming a white line (alba). It is this area that is stained during pregnancy.

This is interesting. Gynecologists say that a dark strip on the abdomen accompanies pregnancy in 90% of women.

90% of pregnant women face a dark strip on the stomach

Causes of hyperpigmentation

The hormonal background of a woman in a position is fundamentally different from her pre-pregnancy state. First of all, this is due to the intensive production of progesterone, which ensures blood flow to the small pelvis, the formation of new tissues and vessels for the life support of the embryo. At the same time, progesterone has a strong effect on the skin, in particular, it enhances the work of the sebaceous glands, stimulates the growth of new cells, and also provokes hyperpigmentation. In addition, the appearance of a dark band is caused by a number of other factors.

  1. Increased consumption of folic acid (vitamin B9). In the normal state, this substance is consumed, including for uniform coloring of the skin, giving it a characteristic whiteness. During pregnancy, folic acid ensures the formation of healthy cells of the embryo. And even an additional intake of drugs with this vitamin does not cover the needs of the mother, since it is almost completely absorbed by the fetus.
  2. stressful situations. Changes in the body of a pregnant woman provokes an increased suspiciousness of the expectant mother. Therefore, even minor occasions can cause stress, which, in turn, affects the production of melanocytes - the cells that produce melanin that colors the skin. As a result, they are distributed unevenly, which means that pigmentation occurs in foci.
  3. Reaction to cosmetics. Even the usual creams, shower gels, scrubs can cause an unpredictable reaction during pregnancy, including hyperpigmentation.

This is interesting. As practice shows, the most pronounced hyperpigmentation occurs in women with dark hair or swarthy skin.

Hyperpigmentation during pregnancy may increase with the use of cosmetics, including for the prevention of stretch marks.

The protective function of melanin

The ultraviolet radiation from the sun triggers the production of vitamin D in the body, which is needed for calcium metabolism. At the same time, exposure to fresh air should be short-lived, since strong radiation adversely affects tissue cells. In this case, melanin comes to the rescue: its cells shield UV rays, being a kind of barrier to their destructive effects. In pregnant women, a brown strip containing a large amount of melanin is located in the most convex place of the tummy, thereby taking on the maximum impact of the external environment and protecting the baby.

Video: the causes of the appearance of a dark strip on the stomach

Popular beliefs

In addition to the scientific justification for the appearance of hyperpigmentation on the abdomen, the signs that our great-grandmothers used to predict the sex of the unborn child are passed down from generation to generation:

  • a dark, clearly defined, even strip - there will be a boy (an additional confirmation of this forecast was a pointed belly and dark hair on the body, especially if they began to grow on a brown strip);
  • pale, curved, thin, interrupted mark (or completely absent) - there will be a girl.

However, the most reliable way to determine the sex of the child during pregnancy is still an ultrasound procedure. True, only if the baby "wants" to show his gender, that is, he turns in the right direction.

Since ancient times, the strip on the stomach predicted the sex of the baby

The timing of the disappearance of hyperpigmentation on the abdomen

So, we figured out the reasons for the appearance of a dark mark, now we need to clarify an equally burning question: when the strip will disappear. Since its appearance is caused by changes in hormone levels, it is logical to assume that hyperpigmentation will disappear when hormonal balance is restored. Only now the timing of this return to the pre-pregnancy state is again due to the individual characteristics of the organism. Sometimes the mark disappears with the advent of the first menstruation, and in some cases a woman observes hyperpigmentation within a year after childbirth. In addition, the disappearance of the strip on the abdomen depends on:

  • lactation (if a woman is breastfeeding, then the restoration of the hormonal background is delayed, which means that the mark remains for a longer period);
  • the presence of pathologies (diseases, especially those associated with the endocrine system, also delay the process of the disappearance of the strip);
  • the general condition of the body (weakened immunity also does not contribute to solving the aesthetic problem);
  • self-care (if a woman wants to speed up the process of disappearance of hyperpigmentation, then it is necessary to follow a diet, use special products, and, possibly, undergo cosmetic procedures).

Lactation delays the disappearance of the dark strip on the abdomen

How to remove the strip on the stomach after childbirth

At home, only the most harmless ways to eliminate hyperpigmentation are available to a nursing woman:

  • exfoliating procedures (washing with a hard washcloth every 2-3 days);
  • brightening agents (daily wiping the mark with parsley, cucumber or lemon juice).

Any (!) procedures for women who have survived a caesarean section are possible only after the suture is completely healed and the doctor approves.

Table: folk recipes for eliminating hyperpigmentation on the abdomen

MeansPreparation and application
1. Mix the juice of two lemons and 2 tbsp. l. honey.
2. Apply the mixture to a tissue paper.
3. Leave for 20 minutes.
4. Wash off the residue with warm water.
Kefir1. We impregnate a piece of natural fabric with kefir.
2. Leave for 20 minutes.
3. Wash off with warm water.
Cucumber1. Rub the cucumber on a grater or cut into thin slices.
2. Put the mass on the strip.
3. Leave for 20 minutes.
4. Remove the cucumber and wash off the remnants with cool water.
Parsley1. Grind the parsley to a mushy state.
2. Apply to the stain.
3. Leave for half an hour.
4. Wash off with a little warm water.
Parsley based ice1. Grind parsley (a couple of bunches of medium size).
2. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water.
3. Boil over low heat for about 20 minutes.
4. Cool down.
5. We filter.
6. Pour into suitable molds.
7. Use in the morning, rubbing ice cubes on areas with hyperpigmentation.

Since folk remedies can cause allergies, you should consult a doctor before using them.

Ointments and creams

After childbirth while breastfeeding, you can use cosmetics that are marked for safe use during pregnancy and lactation. Their action is based on slowing down the production of skin pigment, as well as protection from sunlight. Typically, these funds include:

  • natural extracts (berries, fruits with whitening properties - licorice, yarrow, birch, aloe, bearberry);
  • acids of organic origin (citric, lactic, glycolic).

This is interesting. During lactation, products with a high content of salicylic acid should not be used.

When using ointments and creams, it is important to consider that:

  • funds should not fall on the areola and nipples (otherwise there is a risk of them getting into the child's mouth);
  • before use, you need to test for sensitivity to the components of the drug (apply the product to the inner surface of the elbow, after 2-5 hours, see if an allergic reaction has manifested itself).

This is interesting. After using any product, you need to thoroughly wash your hands so that the remnants of the drug do not get on the baby's skin and do not cause an allergic reaction.

Before using creams and ointments, you need to carefully read the composition

Table: creams and ointments to accelerate the disappearance of hyperpigmentation on the abdomen after childbirth

This is interesting. The hyperpigmentation creams listed above are used on any area of ​​the skin.

Cosmetic procedures to help with hyperpigmentation

If the strip on the abdomen does not pass within a year, while the tests show that everything is in order with the level of hormones, you can contact the cosmetologists.

Table: professional methods for getting rid of hyperpigmentation

ProcedureessenceIs the procedure performed during lactation
Laser lightening of hyperpigmentationThe effect of the light beam extends only to melanin, so the procedure is considered one of the safest.No
laser resurfacingComplete removal of the upper layer of the epidermis using deep laser peeling.No
Peeling with ultrasoundCleansing the skin with ultrasound.Yes
Chemical peelRemoval of the upper layers of the epidermis with special chemicals.No
MesotherapyInjections of drugs with a rejuvenating effect: biologically active substances, trace elements and vitamins.No
Mesotherapy without injectionsTreatment of areas of skin previously treated with preparations of the skin with a special device that emits magnetic waves.No
CryotherapyTreatment of problem areas with liquid nitrogen.Yes
Mechanical peeling (dermabrasion)The top layer of skin is removed with special brushes. The procedure is performed with anesthesia.No
PhototherapyThe coloring pigment is destroyed by a light pulse.Yes

This is interesting. Usually, even in the absence of contraindications, cosmetologists do not undertake any of these procedures for nursing mothers, since it is impossible to predict the reaction of the skin and the immune system to their use.

It is better to postpone cosmetic procedures until the end of lactation.


The severity of the strip on the abdomen depends on the amount of food consumed, containing substances that can accumulate in the body and, under the influence of UV radiation, synthesize a coloring pigment. These products include:

  • carrot;
  • citrus;
  • watermelons;
  • apricots;
  • pumpkin;
  • peaches;
  • tomatoes.

For the synthesis of melanin, tyrosine and tryptophan are also important - amino acids contained in:

  • liver (beef, pork);
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • beans;
  • dates.

Meanwhile, there are a number of products that, on the contrary, inhibit the synthesis of the dye:

You should not get carried away with food that slows down the synthesis of melanin. As well as depriving yourself of products that provoke its production. Especially during lactation, when a woman needs to think about supplying useful substances to the baby's body. But to limit oneself a little in their use, especially in the summer, when the sun is especially active, it is worth it. Otherwise, stripes will have to be put up for longer than we would like.


Based on the nature of the formation of a dark strip on the abdomen, its appearance cannot be prevented. However, it can be made less pronounced. To do this, you must follow a number of recommendations:

  • do not abuse exposure to the sun (before each exit to the street in sunny weather, you need to apply a sunscreen to the skin);
  • refuse to visit the solarium;
  • eat more vegetables and herbs;
  • take vitamin complexes containing vitamin C and folic acid (any drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor).

Higher philological education, 11 years of experience in teaching English and Russian, love for children and an objective look at the present are the key lines of my 31-year-old life. Strengths: responsibility, desire to learn new things and self-improve.

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During pregnancy and childbirth, a woman's body undergoes many different changes. Some of them are invisible and do not attract close attention, while others can be frightening and cause a nervous reaction. So, for example, a black stripe on the abdomen after childbirth, which appears in nine women in ten birth cases. Not only does it look very unaesthetic, but it also does not pass for a long time after the birth of the baby. This causes a fair concern for the young mother about her state of health and a completely justified desire to know if such a mark will harm the baby.

Causes of the vertical stripe

To understand when the strip on the stomach will pass after childbirth, you must first delve into its nature. That is, it is necessary to determine the cause of its occurrence. You also need to find out in what cases and who may experience a vertical stripe on the abdomen after childbirth, and most importantly, how to deal with it. This mysterious phenomenon is associated with the vertical symmetry of the human body. Each part of the body, located on both sides of the vertical axis, is the same size, color and most identical in other physical characteristics.

In the central part, the connecting lines consist of an extremely thin strip of connective tissue between the muscles, which are practically indistinguishable to the naked eye. But during pregnancy and carrying a baby, a lot changes in the appearance of the expectant mother. Changes are especially noticeable with an increase in the size of the abdomen with the growth of the baby in the womb of a woman. The hormones estrogen and progesterone affect the enlargement of the uterus, and the hormone somatotropin stretches the abdominal muscles, while stretching the strip of connective tissue, which will remain in the same position for some time after the baby is born.

Simply put, hyperpigmentation in pregnant women appears along the white line of Alba, which separates the abdominal muscles - right and left. The oblique muscles of the abdomen intertwine along this line, and in some places, when the tendons are connected, voids are obtained that are filled with fats. This line performs a support-mechanical function. It has few vessels and nerve endings, so operations in the abdominal cavity are performed along this central line. For the same reason, the pigment strip on the abdomen after childbirth very slowly changes its color, because here the pigment is washed out very slowly, since there is a lack of blood capillaries that help cleanse the dermis from pigmentation.

Increased pigmentation

The increased pigmentation of the female body is due to the excessive deposition of natural dye along some lines - on the face, external genitalia, nipples, Alba line. This is due to the hormonal restructuring processes that take place in the body of a pregnant woman, and they are by no means dangerous for either the baby or his mother.

Many women who have given birth are tormented by the question of whether the strip on the abdomen will disappear after childbirth. It can be given a clear and confident answer - in the vast majority of cases, hyperpigmentation resolves on its own over time. True, the question of time for each woman is individual.

Do blondes have stripes?

As a rule, a dark stripe on the abdomen after childbirth occurs in every woman in position and becomes noticeable during pregnancy, as well as in the postpartum period. Only brunettes and brown-haired women most often have a more pronounced stripe, since their body contains more melanin, which is responsible for skin pigmentation. They have darker tans, freckles, and age spots than fair-haired women. And although they may also have a brown stripe on their stomach after childbirth, but it will not be as pronounced as in dark-haired ladies. True, in some blondes, the level of melanotropin, which synthesizes melanin, may not reach the required level. Then the strip on the stomach after childbirth does not appear at all.

How to avoid the appearance of a pigment strip on the stomach?

The body of each woman is individual, and this is especially evident during pregnancy and childbirth. A frightening brown stripe on the abdomen after childbirth can appear in the twelfth week of pregnancy or in its last trimester. In the case of the first pregnancy, this mark may appear a little earlier and be more noticeable. But there are ways in which this dubious decoration can be made less bright and noticeable. To do this, you just need to constantly monitor the level of melanin in the body, reduce its production. Excessive production of this hormone can be provoked by ordinary ultraviolet rays, which have a harmful effect on the delicate skin of a pregnant woman.

In order not to be tormented by the question of when the strip on the stomach will pass after childbirth, it is better to resist this process immediately. To avoid a clear manifestation of pigmentation on the abdomen will allow the following warnings:

  • try to be less in open sunny space;
  • use sunscreen or sprays;
  • choose clothes with maximum closure of the body, but from light fabrics;
  • Avoid sun exposure between noon and 16:00 when UV levels are at their highest.

It is impossible to completely exclude the effect of sunlight on the body of the mother and child, because it is they who synthesize vitamin D, which is important for their overall health. Sunbathing can and should be done, but only early in the morning or late in the evening.

Products and a vertical stripe on the stomach

In addition, there are some foods whose consumption can have a serious impact on the synthesis of the melanin hormone. They contain substances whose accumulation in the body contributes to the appearance of skin pigmentation under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. With the accumulation of a large amount of these substances, the coloring pigment begins to be synthesized. The list of these products is quite extensive. These include all kinds of citrus fruits, carrots, ripe watermelons, peaches, tomatoes, apricots, pumpkins and other orange or red foods. Due to the fact that tryptophan and tyrosine take part in the process of melanin synthesis, the acceleration of the appearance of the dye is greatly influenced by another group of products in which these substances are contained: pork or beef liver, red meat - beef, pork, veal, lamb, all types of red fish, as well as legumes and dates.

What foods interfere with dye production?

But there are also foods that prevent the production of dye - coffee, nuts, boiled corn, salt and chocolate. You should not be zealous, removing from the diet all foods that contribute to the appearance of skin pigmentation, because this can cause serious harm to a child who consumes breast milk. This will deprive his body of the nutrients it needs to develop. Everything must be carefully balanced, both nutrition and the amount of ultraviolet radiation received.

And if the level of useful products that cause skin staining is slightly increased, then you will have to be patient until you stop breastfeeding, and the strip on your stomach will pass, only a little later than with the restriction in products.

Vitamin D

In addition to the coloring function, the hormone melanin performs a very important function - protective. Therefore, the correct effect of UV rays on the production of vitamin D, which is simply vital for the normalization of calcium metabolism, is so important. But this is at a normal level of this vitamin in the body, but when the radiation strength is exceeded, the sun's rays begin to act aggressively and have a detrimental effect on the living cells of the human body. And then melanin becomes protective, which accumulates on the surface of the skin and becomes a kind of protective screen. This hormonal shield reflects and absorbs the life-threatening, aggressive rays of the sun. It also serves as a protective barrier against exposure to various harmful chemicals. At the same time, the pigment is located in the cell in such a way that its nucleus with the genetic information embedded in it is covered.

How long can a lane run?

How to find out when the strip on the stomach will pass after childbirth? For each of the women this period is individual. And this will happen only after the hormonal balance is restored (to a level corresponding to pre-pregnancy). In some, a decrease in the impact content of melanin occurs during the onset of the first menstruation after childbirth, in others it can last for a whole year. So the exact period of time when the strip on the abdomen disappears after childbirth, no one can definitely predict.

Cosmetic procedures

If the pigment mark brings aesthetic inconvenience, you can contact a beautician, but only after a year after childbirth. A specialist cosmetologist will remove a dark strip with various exfoliating procedures - using cryotherapy, chemical peeling or laser resurfacing. In addition, it is possible to use drugs that reduce the photosensitivity of the skin, whitening creams, mesotherapy. Lightening the tone of the strip on the abdomen can also be influenced at home - with various brightening agents and exfoliating procedures.

How to influence the removal of the pigment strip?

Since it is impossible to establish with absolute certainty when the strip on the abdomen passes after childbirth, you can try to remove it. Of course, one should not be nervous and panicking, because this can have a very detrimental effect on the health and nervous state of the child. The process of natural restoration of skin pigmentation may be delayed, but it will certainly end on its own. But if you don't have the patience to wait for the postpartum belly band to pass, this can be helped a little. Today, there are many brightening cosmetics and folk recipes that can contribute to this process.

When is the strip on the abdomen after childbirth? Each woman's body is individual, therefore, it is impossible to name the exact period for which it will pass. There are very effective natural methods, regularly applying which, you can take it into your own hands and get rid of the disturbing factor. The most effective procedures include:

  • home peeling with natural (mandatory) honey;
  • applying a mask of freshly grated cucumber to the affected area;
  • the use of fresh grated parsley paste to lighten the skin;
  • applying freshly squeezed lemon juice to a dark stripe;
  • freezing cucumber-parsley juice and rubbing problem areas with this ice;
  • applying a curd mask;
  • application of a decoction of linden with chamomile.

Allergy test

It should be remembered that before using any of your chosen products, you need to check for the absence of allergic reactions to the components used. Many of the listed products can give an allergic reaction - linden, honey, lemon. The manifestation of allergies is not at all welcome when breastfeeding a child. It is better to make sure that these products do not cause negative reactions, and only then begin to use them regularly.

Chamomile-linden decoction

Chamomile-linden decoction acts very gently and provides good results with constant use. To enhance the effect of the use of brightening folk remedies, it is recommended to visit a sauna or bath, where the stomach needs to be thoroughly warmed up and rubbed at the location of the dark strip with a soft washcloth. But going to the bath is possible only after the permission of the doctor to visit this institution. If the washcloth did not help much, do not try to rub harder so as not to harm your health. Just continue the procedure and wait for a positive result.

In some cases, the dark line may peel off along with the skin, as with a sun tan, and come off immediately.

When do you need to see a doctor?

If a year has passed since the beginning of the procedures, and the result has not pleased you, you need to contact your doctor for qualified advice, take tests, check the level of hormones. Having identified the cause of such persistence of the body, the doctor will prescribe a treatment course to restore the desired hormonal background. If the level of hormones is within the normal range, you should visit a beauty salon and undergo professional procedures there that will help get rid of an ugly mark. It can be peeling or laser skin whitening - and your stomach will regain its former beauty and purity.

The stripe that often appears on the tummy of a pregnant woman, and has a black color, looks cute. It usually appears in the last steps of gestation, when all the symptoms of pregnancy are visible to the naked eye.

Some pregnant women perceive such changes as the norm, while others worry about this. But experts say that such a phenomenon is completely normal, it occurs in virtually every pregnant woman. It causes such a strip of hormonal changes that appear during pregnancy.

But many newly-baked mothers say that the mark after the birth of the abdomen remains. Of course, this is not particularly presentable in terms of aesthetics. When should such a mark of pregnancy disappear and how can the process be accelerated?

The appearance of such a mark is a manifestation of hyperpigmentation. This condition appears due to the fact that hormonal changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman. According to its own appearance, the strip looks like a vertical line from the navel to the intimate area.

It should be said that every woman has such a stripe. But before pregnancy, it is difficult to see it, during pregnancy, pigmentation becomes more pronounced, as a result, the strip changes its own color to a more saturated one. In 9 out of 10 cases, a dark line appears in pregnant women. In most cases, the mark appears in swarthy and black women.

When will the streak disappear?

The main prerequisites for the appearance of the line in question, as already noted, are hormonal changes. For some "pregnant women" the line may develop in the 3rd month of gestation, while others - in the seventh. Everything is very personal.

After the appearance of blood, hormones stabilize, this helps to reduce the production of melanin. The strip then disappears, while very quickly. Every woman has a different process of disappearance. For some women, the strip does not leave a trace after a few weeks, and for someone - only after six months.

If mommy is lactating, then the time to eliminate the strip can only be delayed.

How to masterfully remove the strip on the tummy after childbirth

If the strip is uncomfortable for a woman from an aesthetic point of view and it does not disappear even a year after the birth of the baby, then you can make an appointment with a cosmetologist. But before the atrocity, cosmetic procedures need to be examined. To make sure that all internal organs are working properly. After all, from time to time it happens that it is problems with them that can provoke a change in skin pigmentation.

Strip removal can be done in the following ways:

  • the use of creams with a whitening effect;
  • the introduction of agents that help reduce the light sensitivity of the skin;
  • mesotherapy;
  • cryotherapy;
  • peeling;
  • resurfacing using a laser;

Young mothers, in order not to harm the health of their baby in any way, try to abandon the various procedures indicated above and resort to folk whitening methods. To remove the problem at home, you can use one hundred percent natural remedies that will perfectly be able to bleach a suitable area. For example, while taking a bath, you can use a brush of medium hardness. Parsley juice, lemon juice, cucumber, decoction of linden and chamomile can remove the difficulty.

Restoration of the body after childbirth is not a quick process. This period depends on various reasons and for each woman it can be different. Do not be upset if a black stripe is in no hurry to disappear from your no longer pregnant belly.

Doctors say that she does not stay with anyone, it’s just that for one woman more time is needed, for the other less. Over time, the hormonal background is adjusted and the strip will be eliminated without the help of others. Of course, this process can be accelerated with your help. But most importantly, with all this, do not harm the baby in any way.

When a woman bears a fetus, her body experiences stress, changes occur in it that affect both internal organs and external data. Moms are especially worried about the appearance of a pigment strip on the tummy, which appears during pregnancy. It can remain on the body for a long period. But when will the strip on the abdomen after childbirth?

When will the streak pass

Carrying a fetus, a woman wonders if the strip on her stomach will pass after childbirth. After the birth of the baby, the hormones in the body gradually normalize, and the pigmentation on the tummy brightens, and later completely disappears. This will take 2-3 months or a year. It depends on the personality of the woman.

If a mother is breastfeeding her child, then this process will be delayed. This does not mean that you should stop breastfeeding to get rid of pigmentation. After all, for the baby, milk is of great benefit.

If a young mother notices a dark line on her tummy, doctors advise not to be upset, as this is a normal phenomenon, indicating a hormonal imbalance. Do not try to deal with this problem. It remains for a woman to come to terms with such a phenomenon, not to run around the salons, trying to remove pigmentation. Time will pass, and the strip on the abdomen after childbirth will disappear.

How to get rid of pigmentation

But many mothers wish for a short time, and the strip does not go away for about a year. In this case, it is worth trying to accept this defect, since even the most modern creams cannot eliminate it. Time will help, which will lighten the pigmentation.

If the strip greatly torments a woman, then it is recommended to go to a beautician who will try to remove the defect using hardware correction.

In addition, there are methods that will help to slightly lighten such a mark on the body. It is worth doing the following:

  1. drink less coffee and black tea;
  2. apply creams that whiten the skin;
  3. create protection of the abdomen from ultraviolet rays;
  4. add dairy products to your diet.
Faced with the appearance of pigmentation on the abdomen after childbirth, many women think about how to quickly remove it. But This is normal and will go away with time.. A huge number of mothers faced a strip on their stomachs. If it provokes the appearance of stress, then it is worth visiting a doctor.

The stripe that often appears on the belly of a pregnant woman, and has a dark color, looks cute. It usually occurs in the last stages of gestation, when all the symptoms of pregnancy are visible to the naked eye.

Some pregnant women perceive such changes as the norm, while others worry about this. But experts say that such a phenomenon is absolutely normal, it occurs in almost every pregnant woman. Causes such a strip of hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy.

But many new mothers say that the mark after the birth of the abdomen remains. Of course, this is not particularly attractive in terms of aesthetics. When should such a mark of pregnancy disappear and how can the process be accelerated?

What is a dark stripe on the abdomen during pregnancy

The appearance of such a mark is a manifestation of hyperpigmentation. This condition occurs due to the fact that hormonal changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman. In its appearance, the strip looks like a vertical line from the navel to the intimate area.

It should be said that every woman has such a stripe. But before pregnancy, it is difficult to notice, during pregnancy, pigmentation becomes more pronounced, as a result, the strip changes its color to a more intense one. In 9 out of 10 cases, a dark line appears in pregnant women. Most often, the mark occurs in swarthy and dark women.

When will the strip disappear?

The main reasons for the appearance of the line in question, as already noted, are hormonal changes. In some "pregnant women" the line may develop in the 3rd month of gestation, and in others - in the seventh. Everything is very individual.

After the appearance of blood, hormones stabilize, this helps to reduce the production of melanin. The strip then disappears, and very quickly. Every woman has a different process of disappearance. For some women, the strip and the trace will not remain after a few weeks, and for some - only after six months.

If mommy is lactating, then the time to remove the strip can only be delayed.

How to professionally remove the strip on the stomach after childbirth

If the strip is uncomfortable for a woman from an aesthetic point of view and it does not disappear even a year after the birth of the baby, then you can make an appointment with a cosmetologist. But before a crime to cosmetic procedures it is necessary to be surveyed. To make sure that all internal organs are functioning normally. Indeed, sometimes it happens that it is problems with them that can provoke a change in skin pigmentation.

Strip removal can be done in the following ways:

  • the use of creams with a whitening effect;
  • the use of products that help reduce the light sensitivity of the skin;
  • mesotherapy;
  • cryotherapy;
  • resurfacing using a laser;

Young mothers, in order not to harm the health of their baby in any way, try to abandon the various procedures mentioned above and resort to folk whitening methods. To fix the problem at home, you can use all-natural remedies that can perfectly whiten the desired area. For example, while taking a bath, you can use a brush of medium hardness. Parsley juice, lemon juice, cucumber, linden decoction and can fix the problem.

Recovery of the body after childbirth is not a quick process. This period depends on various factors and it can be different for each woman. Do not be upset if a dark strip is in no hurry to disappear from your no longer pregnant tummy.

Doctors say that she does not stay with anyone, it just takes more time for one woman, less for another. Over time, the hormonal background is getting better and the band will disappear on its own. Of course, this process can be accelerated with your help. But the most important thing is not to harm the baby in any way.