Citrus fruits are allowed during pregnancy. Is it possible for pregnant women oranges

Throughout the entire period of pregnancy, a woman takes care of the unborn child, does everything for its proper development, successful birth. First of all, she watches her diet. During this period, she has to give up a lot, introduce something new. Often the question arises about fruit products, is it possible for pregnant women to eat citrus fruits, if so, which ones. Everyone knows that they are rich in various vitamins, at the same time, they can provoke an allergic reaction. Below we consider what is allowed to eat without fear of consequences.

Sources of Vitamin C

The main representatives of this group are lemons, grapefruits, oranges, tangerines. The safest for expectant mothers is the first one on the list. If you decide to eat citrus fruits, choose a lemon. It can be eaten throughout all months, but do not overeat, it contains a large amount of vitamin C, carotene, and mineral elements.

The benefits of citrus fruits are as follows:

  1. regulation of digestion;
  2. interferes with the formation of gases;
  3. assisting the liver.

During toxicosis, lemon is a devoted assistant. Hypertensive patients should be wary of this fruit, as overeating can lead to heartburn.

In second place in terms of value is grapefruit. Its useful properties are widely known:

  • the composition contains a lot of folic acid, vitamin A, B5, potassium, lacopine;
  • reduces inflammatory processes in the body;
  • strengthens connective tissues;
  • protects against allergic rashes.

Orange is advised to eat no more than one per day, if there are no problems with the stomach. Medicine has not proven that it is an allergen. However, its abuse can affect the health of the mother and baby.

In winter, orange helps to protect yourself from colds. Folic acid, useful during pregnancy, is contained in it in large quantities. Also, this fruit is famous for its high concentration of vitamins A, B, C, P.

Mandarin deserves special attention. It is recommended to eat it at the initial stage of pregnancy, when the fetus begins its development. Further, it should be abandoned.

Benefit and harm

Eye-catching citrus fruits are available to the buyer all year round. They are most useful in winter, when there is very little other source of vitamins.

It is rich in fiber, a substance useful for bowel function, helps to overcome constipation, a common disease among pregnant women. Juicy pulp relieves nausea in the early stages.

If pregnant women want to eat citrus fruits, it means that the body lacks vitamin C. This is not the only advantage of this fruit product.

Eating citrus fruits is beneficial because they contain a high percentage of folic acid. It is necessary for the development of the nervous system of the baby. Vitamins A, E, K, the entire group B, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and iron help strengthen the immune system. They relieve puffiness, prevent the occurrence of anemia, support the heart rhythm.

Can you eat citrus fruits during pregnancy? Yes. But their consumption in large doses can cause heartburn, an uncomfortable condition in the stomach.

Despite the huge benefits, there are some contraindications for admission.

Why pregnant women should not eat citrus fruits:

  • with increased acidity, they must be discarded;
  • if you suffer from allergies, this type of product is contraindicated;
  • when you are diabetic. Many varieties contain an excess of sugar.

Often a doctor, sending his ward to the maternity hospital, advises her to take a lemon with her. The liquid acidified with this fruit will ease the condition after childbirth, especially when the birth stage was not easy.

When during pregnancy you are drawn to tangerines, oranges, do not forget that they can provoke an allergic reaction. After a few pieces, itching, a rash may appear. Therefore, do not overeat! When eating citrus fruits, listen carefully to your body. He will tell you: you need to stop or, perhaps, continue.

Pregnancy is a crucial moment in a girl's life. How many experiences do expectant mothers experience in 9 months: how does the baby develop, what can you eat so as not to harm him and yourself? Often doctors recommend excluding citrus fruits from the menu. But they have so many natural vitamins. Therefore, many are interested in the question: is it possible for pregnant women or other similar products, if you follow the measure and do not overeat.

Why is it necessary to follow a special diet?

All girls know that being in a position you need to follow a diet. But it is not so. What is needed is not a diet, but a proper nutritional regimen. Diet at such a moment can be dangerous for the health of mother and baby.

What does it mean to follow the right diet, if not a diet?

  1. Since everything you eat is now important for the child, it is necessary to exclude aggressive allergenic foods: tomatoes, cocoa, strawberries, citrus fruits. They can affect both the mother and the fetus.
  2. Now the woman's body works only for the benefit of the baby and actively stores nutrients for its full development. Therefore, it is worth abandoning unnecessary calories: pastries, soda, sausages.
  3. You will need: dairy products, fruits, cereals, vegetables and meat.

These efforts are an important condition for maintaining mother's health. They are also necessary for the formation of a complete environment in which the baby grows. As you already understood, citrus fruits are not recommended, but is there strict ban on them? Maybe you can eat tangerines, if you follow certain rules?

Can pregnant women eat citrus fruits?

Of course, the benefits of oranges and lemons are undeniable, especially in winter, when there is nothing else. Refreshing juice is good for getting rid of nausea in the first trimester, and vitamins and minerals help you get through a difficult period. How exactly?

  • Folic acid contained in the pulp of fruits is necessary for the proper development of the nervous system of the fetus.
  • Vitamin E needed in the early stages of embryonic development. They help prevent miscarriage.
  • Vitamin C supports immunity.
  • Cellulose- useful for the intestines, relieves constipation, which is not uncommon during the period of bearing a child.
  • Iron reduces the risk of developing anemia.

All this is true, but still, you should refuse your favorite oranges if you are allergic to them or have diabetes. If not, then you can afford some of these fruits, because they are really useful, they quench thirst well in the heat, and relieve nausea.

Oranges and tangerines

Their you can eat, observing the same conditions as in the case of lemon. Some girls, sharing their experience, say that oranges help to quit smoking during pregnancy. It is not known exactly what caused this effect. But when you put a sour, juicy slice of orange in your mouth instead of a cigarette, you feel less like smoking. And over time, the desire disappears completely. So, observe the following rules for the use of tangerines and oranges:

  1. Eat no more than 3 pieces a day.
  2. Watch your body's reaction.
  3. In the second half of pregnancy, eat no more than 1 piece per day, as the child begins to form the liver and digestive tract. They will give their reaction to the products, unknown to you.

If you want vitamins to be well absorbed - eat fruits after breakfast after 30 minutes and do not drink them with milk or kefir.

Is it possible for pregnant women to have a lemon?

Everyone knows that if a pregnant girl really wants something, it means that her body does not have enough of it now. Do not torment yourself, eat a small piece of lemon. We forgot, and many did not know that before, lemon was even recommended when carrying a child those who were tormented by toxicosis.

But do not forget about allergies and overdose, it can cause:

  1. An excess of vitamin C in the body.
  2. Hypersensitivity in a baby to citrus fruits.
  3. Feeling of heartburn.

Discard it for problems with the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Ulcers.
  • Increased acidity.
  • gastritis.
  • pancreatitis.

It is also worth refusing in the presence of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. And also limit the amount for hypertension. You can replace the lemon with other products.

Recipes for expectant mothers

To get sick less in winter, and always have something to pamper yourself, make preparations from your favorite fruits.

  • Jam. For it, you will need oranges and tangerines (0.5 kg each), granulated sugar (1.5 kg), lemon juice (from 1 fruit), water (500 ml). Keep fruits in boiling water for no more than 5 minutes. Take out and wait for them to cool down. Pour sugar into water and make syrup from it. We clean the fruits, cut, remove the seeds. Pour all this with ready-made syrup in a saucepan and leave for 4 hours. We cook in three stages: after each boil, we take a break until the mass cools down. At the third cooking, season with lemon juice. Pour hot jam into jars and seal.
  • salted lemons- an excellent snack, seasoning for meat and fish, rice and potatoes. In order to prepare them, it is necessary: ​​wash the fruits and cut them crosswise, but without reaching the end, so as not to fall apart. Sprinkle coarse sea salt into the cut. Transfer them to jars sprinkled with salt. In between, you need to shove bay leaves and other spices to taste. When all the voids are filled, pour in the lemon juice and add more salt. A month later, the lemons are ready. Fun fact: you only need to eat the rinds. The soft part will get wet and will not taste. And the sour-salty skin will be an excellent remedy for nausea.

These simple dishes will help pass the tedious wait and stock up on vitamins.

Can pregnant women eat ginger with lemon?

Often, friends advise expectant mothers to drink ginger tea with lemon for toxicosis. Is it possible? Yes, you can. Ginger is good for the whole body.

During pregnancy, it helps with:

  1. Vertigo.
  2. Toxicosis.
  3. Drowsiness.
  4. Thins the blood.
  5. Relieves tension in the nervous system.

When should you not drink ginger root drinks at all?

  1. With pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract: diverticulitis and diverticulosis, gastritis.
  2. For any bleeding.
  3. With hepatitis.
  4. In the later stages, after 30 weeks. And if there is toxicosis during this period.
  5. If you have had miscarriages before.

Ginger cannot harm the fetus, but the mother can cause exacerbations and complications in herself if she does not follow the above recommendations.

So, in this article, we found out whether tangerines are possible for pregnant women and not only tangerines, and how to eat citrus fruits correctly at such a crucial moment. We hope that our tips will be really useful.

Video: citrus fruits for a child

In this video, obstetrician Olga Morozova will tell you what a pregnant woman should eat, whether tangerines and oranges should be included in the diet:

Pregnancy is a special state of a woman's body, as a rule, requiring planning, careful preparation, observation and compliance with many rules during the period of gestation, timely delivery. Everyday habits have to be abandoned or changed.

During pregnancy, metabolism changes, the body requires more minerals and vitamins, but does this mean that citrus fruits should be present in the diet in double quantity?

Pregnancy and citrus

The desire to eat tangerines, lemons, oranges and other fruits from hot countries is quite common during a woman's pregnancy. Also characteristic is the question of whether it is possible to eat them, how much and what is fraught with for the expectant mother and her child?

It should be noted right away that there is still no universal and adequate answer. Each organism differs in individual characteristics and its needs at a certain stage of pregnancy. Let's take a closer look.

Arguments for"

Since childbearing is not a disease, experts say that you can eat all foods only in moderation! During pregnancy, the amount of iron and folic acid in the body should double.

Citrus fruits serve as a source of folic and betacarotene acids. It is well known that vitamin C is needed during the threat of infectious diseases such as acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza. So, citrus fruits contribute to:

  1. Strengthening the protective properties of the body due to the high content of vitamin C.
  2. Stimulation of the intestines, helping to cope with constipation more easily due to the fiber content.
  3. Elimination of symptoms of toxicosis. Best of all, freshly squeezed lemon juice diluted with water helps with this.
  4. Relieve emotional stress. The essential oils that are in these fruits help to increase vigor, tone up, drive away drowsiness.
  5. Folic acid (responsible for the normal formation of the nervous system of the fetus), vitamins A, E, K, a full complex of vitamin B, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, favor the work of the heart, strengthen the immune system, reduce the possibility of edema and prevent the development of anemia in pregnant women.

Most of all, lemons, oranges and grapefruits are filled with vitamins.


The orange contains vitamins A, B, C, D, K, folic acid, minerals - copper, sodium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium. Strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the digestive system. Orange juice is a good hematopoietic and diuretic.

Effective in infectious and acute respiratory diseases. Do not take on an empty stomach!


Freshly squeezed lemon juice diluted with water (1:3) can be taken on an empty stomach. It has an antiemetic effect, increases appetite, regulates the acid-base balance, acts as a laxative.

Lemon pulp contains a significant part of organic acids, carotene, pectin, vitamins - ascorbic acid, flavonoids, rutin, riboflavin, thiamine and others.

Lime juice also has a beneficial effect on digestion, increases the body's resistance to colds, reduces flatulence, increases appetite, can replace salt in food and maintain good eyesight, and it is also believed that it prevents stretch marks and sagging skin.


Grapefruit contains pantothenic and folic acids, beta-carotene, choline, pyridoxine, riboflavin, potassium, magnesium, calcium and vitamins PP, A, E, C. It is noteworthy that you do not have to worry about an allergic reaction.

If before pregnancy there was no allergy to grapefruit, then during it the fruit will not cause irritation either in the future woman in labor or in the child. It also helps to solve problems with bowel movements, stabilizes the liver, gallbladder and can be eaten (within reason) throughout pregnancy.

Experts believe that grapefruit citrus aromas will be appropriate during apathy and depression, as they generate interest in beauty, stimulate a good mood, cause a feeling of fullness of life, help drive away doubts, sharpen attention and memory.

Also if the acidity of the stomach and blood pressure is increased.

Arguments against"

Pregnancy is a continuous process that you need to constantly monitor and listen to your body. Citrus fruits are not suitable for women who were allergic to them even before pregnancy.

Women, in principle, prone to allergic reactions to other products (dust, fluff, plants, etc.) during pregnancy should gradually and carefully introduce citrus fruits into their diet.

It is recommended to eat no more than one or two lemons, oranges or tangerines every day. From 22 weeks, you can begin to limit the number of fruits in the diet. At this time, the child's own antibodies begin to appear, and an allergy to citrus fruits may develop.

In itself, the use of tropical fruits in large volumes is fraught with heartburn and stomach discomfort.

A lack of vitamin C can lead to miscarriage, but its excess is also dangerous, because it increases the tone of the uterus, reduces blood clotting, which is not very good for the birth itself.

Women with the following problems and diseases should not eat them:

  • stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer;
  • hepatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • cystitis;
  • chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • diabetes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • increased acidity of the stomach.

Citrus fruits are especially useful during beriberi. Skin itching, redness, rashes that appear after eating fruits indicate an allergic reaction, you must urgently see a doctor.

It is advisable to rinse your mouth with water, because the acid contained in these fruits thins the tooth enamel.

One of the most important components of the health of expectant mothers during pregnancy is nutrition, since it directly affects the health of the baby. It should be understood that for a pregnant woman, it should always provide, first of all, the required level of energy and nutrients intake and consist of hypoallergenic elements. An excess or deficiency of any vitamin or microelement may not have the best effect on the condition of the woman and the baby, and in the most severe cases lead to congenital anomalies of the fetus or developmental delays.

For example, an insufficient amount of folic acid, which all citrus fruits are so rich in, can greatly affect the growth of the fetus during pregnancy. In case of a lack of vitamin C, frequent respiratory diseases are possible, as immunity begins to decline and develops, due to the inability to obtain iron from the intestines, which is also responsible for vitamin C.

In the summer-autumn period, you need to eat only those vegetables and that are common in the environment where expectant mothers live. Such products must necessarily form the main diet of a pregnant woman, since they contain the largest amount of vitamins and natural trace elements, and in other periods of time, in spring and winter, citrus fruits should not be completely neglected.

Can pregnant women eat citrus fruits?

Experts believe that pregnancy cannot be called any disease, so the expectant mother can consume all foods in moderation, except for alcohol and excessively salty foods. Citrus fruits are the main source of folic and beta-carotene acids, as well as vitamins A, B3, B6, C, E and PP. They are also rich in antioxidants and fiber.

Oranges are about 87 percent water, so they have a low calorie content. They also do not contain fat, but are rich in vitamin C and a substance such as inositol, which has a positive effect on intestinal function, metabolism and liver function. Expectant mothers suffering from heart disease should be regularly consumed to normalize the performance of the heart muscle, as well as the nerve tissues of the brain.

Tangerines are useful for problems with the gastrointestinal tract. They contain protein, fiber, calcium salts, pectins, do not have fats and are rich in vitamins A and E, as well as B vitamins (1, 2 and 6).

If the expectant mother could not get rid of such a bad habit as, then regular consumption of oranges and tangerines will help to better cleanse the lungs of unpleasant mucus.

All pregnant women with hepatitis C should turn their attention to grapefruit, as they significantly slow down the spread of the disease throughout the body, help lower blood pressure and even cholesterol levels.

To have supple and firm skin, you need to constantly consume one of the citrus fruits - lime. For expectant mothers, this is important, since during this period the risk of stretch marks and sagging skin increases significantly. Lime is also useful for beriberi, nervous disorders and edema.