Possibilities of modern cosmetology. Interview with a cosmetologist-dermatologist. Interview with a doctor (dermatologist-cosmetologist)

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Interview with Zalina Tsallagova, cosmetologist at the Euphoria salon

Zalina, good afternoon! Tell us, how long have you been working as a cosmetologist and where did you study?

I have been a beautician for 14 years. First, I received a medical education, and then studied on a private basis with the famous cosmetologist and esthetician Rosa Sarkitova. Later she graduated from the Dolores Academy, studied at the Hair-School training center, took seminar courses at Mila dOpiz, CNC cosmetic, Biodroga, Cellcosmet, Swisdermil.

I still regularly attend various conferences on aesthetic cosmetology, because the beauty industry is constantly evolving, and you need to improve your knowledge as much as possible in order to give your clients professional advice and provide them with decent care at the highest level.

And why did you, having received a medical education, not become a doctor, but went into cosmetology?

I wanted to be a cosmetologist from the very beginning, and I received a medical education for this very reason. At the age of 10, I realized that this was my calling - to make people beautiful. It inspires me a lot.

What do you consider the most important thing in the work of a cosmetologist?

I believe that the most important thing in the work of a cosmetologist is the desire and ability to help human nature, reveal its natural beauty and make it more well-groomed and healthy. After all, not only the external, but also the internal state depends on this.

I have noticed more than once that after the procedures my clients become more harmonious, reveal their femininity, gain self-confidence and a positive attitude and carry it further into the world. Feeling our external attractiveness and internal beauty helps us become happier and more successful.

What procedures do you enjoy doing the most and why?

Most of all I like to do beauty treatments and massages. At the time of these procedures, I feel incredible inspiration and pleasure in anticipation of the result, as I see how the face and skin are transformed literally before our eyes - it becomes younger, tightened, renewed, and begins to shine. And I am happy that I help a person become more beautiful.

What procedures are most in demand among your clients?

My clients often do waxing. As they say, I have a very light hand, which makes the process less painful. Treatments and massages are also very popular - this is always a guaranteed result even from one procedure. Clients especially like the effect after leaving, because in addition to the energy of my hands, the cosmetics on which I prefer to work are of great importance in this case - they are really of very good quality, and, of course, the absolute sterility of the materials used. As for massage, it is really a complete relaxation, because for 14 years of work I was able to improve it to a very high level. And through constant practice, I chose the most effective and pleasant techniques.

If we are talking about a regular visit, then 2 times a month is enough. In the case of clients with problematic skin or with active aging processes, as well as any other skin problems, diagnostics are carried out, then a consultation and a course of procedures necessary in a particular case is prescribed.

I approach each client individually and prescribe what is suitable exclusively for this person. And I am very glad that the extensive line of professional cosmetic products presented in the company I work for can solve almost any problem, from teenage problems and skin recovery after stress to age-related changes.

Do I need to go to a beautician if at first glance nothing bothers me?

Considering that we live in a metropolis, and our skin is constantly exposed to stress, both from external factors, and from nutrition and lifestyle in general, it is necessary to visit a beautician if only in order to cleanse the skin qualitatively and saturate it with vitamins. Home care is not able to give the skin a complete renewal and saturation. I repeat that everything that I recommend has been repeatedly tested by me on myself personally and on my clients who have been coming to me for many years. And, believe me, the difference between home and professional care is cardinal.

What are your tips for those who want to have beautiful and healthy skin?

First of all, it is care, more enhanced and active in the salon and supporting at home. In skin care, the main rule is regularity. Try to drink more clean water and watch your diet - it should be moderate and varied. Get enough sleep, be outdoors more often. And be sure to think positively, because the hormones of happiness transform and rejuvenate us better than any cosmetics. Love and take care of yourself! Here are my basic beauty rules.

I invite you to our cozy salon, where only high-class masters work, where there is always a friendly atmosphere and very pleasant promotions are regularly held. And on my own behalf, I guarantee that I will do everything in my power so that you leave happier, more joyful and beautiful! See you!

Thank you for the interview!

Article provided by the salon:

About how skin care around the eyes differs in 20 and 30 years, what to do if the swelling is permanent, and what means can help in the fight against them, says cosmetologist-esthetician Elena Kutkovich.

Elena Kutkovich,

At a young age, the skin around the eyes often requires only moisturizing.

- If we talk about the skin around the eyes and its features, then they certainly exist. For example, the top layer contains much fewer rows of cells. That is why the skin here is particularly thin. It also has fewer elastic fibers and no subcutaneous fat.

Accordingly, the skin quickly loses and loses its barrier functions. But the load on the circular muscle of the eye, located under the skin, is intense.

We spend a lot of time at computers, driving, on the phone. Tension, lack of sleep, stressful moments - everything affects the condition of the skin around the eyes.

The specialist explains that the first signs of problems sometimes appear at 18 or 20 years old. This is because people from a very young age are often overloaded (study, work).

- At an early age of 20+, it is easy to deal with the problem. Enough good cleansing and moisturizing gels on an ongoing basis.

At 35+, the skin around the eyes needs special care.

At 35+, well-chosen care is already needed. Moreover, the compositions must be reinforced. These are not just moisturizing ingredients (such as hyaluronic acid, light extracts and antioxidants).

It is better to use products with antioxidants and vitamins (A, C, E and B3). They are able to protect the skin from the harmful effects of the environment, reduce wrinkles and signs of photoaging, even out the tone. Tonic substances such as green tea extract (contains caffeine), ginkgo biloba (for skin tone), peptides and ceramides (help strengthen the protective and barrier functions of the skin) will not interfere. Chamomile, cucumber, calendula, chestnut in the composition of the funds can help fight swelling and soothe delicate skin.

The specialist explains that the skin under the eyes is thin. Due to anatomical features, many Slavic girls have large beautiful eyes. Naturally, the periorbital space is also large. It is in this area that mimic wrinkles are more often formed, which constantly deepen over time.

– That is why sometimes I recommend to my clients the use of oils, but it is light, not all. It can be jojoba oil, almond, avocado, macadamia, peach. They nourish the skin and maintain its hydrolipidic mantle. However, with each of these tools you need to be as careful as possible.

The area around the eyes is sensitive, so it is necessary to select only high-quality cosmetics. The skin here is vulnerable, especially if there are aggressive components and allergens. Someone even has a tendency to edema. Therefore, it is not worth sparing money when choosing skin care products around the eyes.

The specialist explains: to see the result, you need constancy. A cream, for example, needs to work on the skin for at least 4-6 weeks before it can be evaluated.

- For the effect you need time, constancy of care and a competent formula of the product. The following substances are undesirable in the composition: silicone (components ending cone and xane), bitionol (Bithionol), aluminum acetate (Aluminum Acetate), propylene glycol (Propylene Glycol), mineral oils. Such substances abound, as a rule, cheap cosmetics.

- And how do you feel about folk remedies (homemade masks) for facial skin care?

- I can't answer for sure. Naturally, some "grandmother's recipes" are included in modern products (for example, active substances). Today, there is a lot of advice on the Internet, with the undesirable consequences of which we, specialists, often have to work with.

The specialist says that women often try to get rid of swelling under the eyes. Compresses really help to solve this problem. But tea bags do not always cope with this. Indeed, in them, in addition to tonic substances, there are also tannins. It is better to use a modern analogue of compresses - patches under the eyes.

- In the care of women's skin (including around the eyes), a system is needed. Even such a seemingly simple procedure as washing can be harmful. Especially if you stretch the skin and constantly use the wrong movements. This will eventually lead to wrinkles. The same result can be achieved if you choose products that do not cleanse the skin well. Indeed, in this case, you will need to make more efforts to get rid of cosmetics.

To remove makeup from the area around the eyes, any tool that works quickly will do.

Elena explains: choosing an eye makeup remover is easy. The main thing to remember is that its main task is to remove makeup as quickly as possible with minimal skin friction and the number of movements.

- The choice of make-up remover also depends on what kind of cosmetics the girl uses. Today there is a lot of professional with dense textures. Therefore, the choice of means for removing makeup is an individual matter. For example, I use two-phase cosmetic products. The only thing I carefully select according to the composition and my own feelings.

For the beauty of the area around the eyes, overall health is important

The cosmetologist adds: if persistent edema appears in the paraorbital zone constantly, then it is important to pay attention to the general state of health. In particular, on the neck and spine. Often it is the manifestations of osteochondrosis that are the cause of stagnation of blood outflow in the lymph of the paraorbital region. The blood supply is disturbed, respectively, there are swelling and bruising under the eyes.

- Everything else is well regulated by sleep, drinking regimen, properly selected cosmetics and facial exercises.

Now there are many techniques for working with facial muscles. You can consult with professionals or choose exercises on the Internet. The main thing is to do gymnastics regularly. This keeps the skin in good shape and prevents it from relaxing. However, this method is unlikely to help cope with age-related skin changes.

Women's mistakes in skin care around the eyes

Some girls believe that a good facial product is also suitable for the area around the eyes. This is wrong.

- The second mistake is applying the cream very close to the mucous membrane of the eye and immediately before bedtime (preferably a few hours before bedtime). This tactic often gives congestion and swelling. Sometimes girls use a cream not for their age. For example, too active means begin to use at an early age.

To avoid mistakes, you need to consult with a specialist. Cosmetics don't have to be expensive. And there are strong positions in budget funds.

When should you start visiting a beautician? At what age and what procedures should be done? How should you take care of yourself at home? These and many other questions are answered by cosmetologist Nadezhda Vishchipanova.

Nadezhda Vishchipanova does not need to be introduced for a long time. She is a super-class doctor-beautician and just a master of her craft. You don't need to prove it. It is enough to turn on Channel One on Saturday at 13:15 and see how this talented and spectacular woman makes the participants of the popular Ten Years Younger project beautiful and happy. If you want to see for yourself the coolness and professionalism of Nadezhda Vishpanova, then try calling and making an appointment with her. I’ll warn you right away: it will be difficult for you to find a free place in three or four months! There are a huge number of people who want to be in the office of Nadezhda Vischipanova. Nadia comes to the clinic early in the morning and leaves late in the evening. But in her busy schedule, she always finds time for her favorite hobby - tango. You should have seen how Nadezhda gracefully moves along the parquet! I was lucky to see this. Because the star beautician made an appointmentto meat your favorite dance club! And I was once again convinced that a talented person is talented in everything!

Inna Kuleba: Nadia, every woman wants to be young and beautiful forever. At what age and with what procedures should you start visiting a beautician? What should you do to prolong your youth?

Nadezhda Vishchipanova: I'm happy for the right question. We cannot stop time. And I always tell my patients: "Nobody has invented the apple of rejuvenation yet." But you can make it look very good at 50, 60, 70 and even 100 years old. Everything is in the hands of a woman! Although, I will not deny that in many respects a good appearance depends on genetics. Therefore, the first questions I ask patients in my office are: “Who do you look like? For mom or dad? How do they look now?

“Depending on how your parents look, who you look like in terms of face type, skin type, aging type, I select a program to preserve youth.”

I.K. And if the patient says : “I look like my mother…” What do you do next?

N.V. If the patient says: “Oh, you know, I look like my mother. She is now 55 years old, her face has drooped a lot and her double chin is hanging.” Then I understand that I need to direct all my actions to maintain the oval of the face. And although this patient is now 35 years old and does not yet have signs of ptosis, today there are methods by which it is possible to anticipate and slow down the drooping of the face.

Or… if a girl comes to me and says that she is a copy of the pope, and he has deep “furrows” on his forehead, then in this case, despite the young age of the patient, I start injecting botulinum toxin in small doses. Thanks to this, you can go against genetics and make it so that by the age of 40 the forehead will be nice and smooth, not wrinkled like dad's.

I.K. Let's now go through the age categories and you will give women of different ages some advice. Let's start with young 20-year-old girls. Where do they need to start taking care of themselves?

N.V. I kindly ask young girls (from 20 to 30 years old) not to try to rush into the maelstrom of cosmetology and take everything from it at once. You just need to choose the right cosmetics, periodically do cleansing care procedures and that's it! By the way, care procedures should be done by a woman at any age.

I.K. What does “care routine” mean? What is included in this concept?

N.V. Care is skin cleansing, the introduction of serum concentrates, massage, good masks. What you do to yourself at home, believe me, cannot be compared with what a cosmetologist-aesthetician does to you during a procedure in a clinic. The components that are contained in the masks for home use are completely different than those in the masks that we purchase for professional use.

I.K. And how often do you need to do maintenance procedures?

N.V. At least once a month.

“Every decent woman should visit a beautician once a month.”

I.K. What advice would you give to women 35+?

N.V 35+ is the time when a wife looks at herself in the mirror and begins to understand what's wrong with her face. something wrong. During this period, the skeleton changes, there are changes in the fit on this skeleton of all fat packages. In addition, by the age of 35, the body stops producing hyaluronic acid. Accordingly, collagen begins to behave differently in the skin, and there is less elastin. All this leads to aging of the skin.

Therefore, at this moment, you need to start doing mesotherapy and birevitalization courses twice a year . The best time is in spring and autumn. Perhaps, for some skin types, already and hardware methods. Such as photorejuvenation, photobiomodulation (light therapy). They help keep the skin toned. also in at this age, minimal correction of age-related changes is possible with the help of botulinum toxin and fillers . Sometimes there are very pronounced cheekbones and against this background the nasolabial folds begin to collapse. Accordingly, it is necessary to enclose hyaluronic acid so that creases do not form.

If an oval begins to creep, then in this case it can help thread installation. They will not give some crazy effect, but will stop the drooping of the face. That's all I would recommend doing between the ages of 35 and 45.

I.K. And what is the light therapy you mentioned earlier?

N.V. This procedure, which in medical parlance is called photobiomodulation . Those who are older probably remember that before all inflammations were treated at home with blue lamps ...

I.K. Certainly! Even I remember how, as a child, my mother often used such a lamp when I was sick ...

N.V. Indeed, blue light has a bactericidal effect, treats inflammation, normalizes immune processes, red light stimulates, green light calms, activates enzymes, yellow lightens age spots, white light is an antidepressant. It is possible to combine colors. And all this can affect the skin, depending on what result we want to achieve. Light affects the mitochondria of cells, activates ATP, that is, increases its energy potential. This procedure is also called “cell restoration”.

I.K. How is this procedure going?

N.V. Before photobiomodulation (light therapy) a good cleansing of the skin is done, then, depending on the tasks, a spectrum of rays is selected, which shine on the skin. You lie and relax with pleasant music. Then you put on a mask. Thanks to the light, all the beneficial substances from the mask penetrate deep into the skin. The procedure is good because after it rehabilitation is not needed. You can immediately apply makeup and go to decorate the world.

I.K. And from the age of 45, what procedures should be included in your beauty diet?

N.V. In the period from 45 to 55 years, serious hormonal changes occur and specific age signs appear on the face. Here you need to make the most of everything that is now available in cosmetologists. Llaser resurfacing, peeling, laser rejuvenation without skin damage, laser rejuvenation with skin damage. Give a good effect photo and light therapy, which I have already spoken about earlier. Needs to be done regularly mesotherapy or biorevitalization with help both monopreparations, for example, hyaluronic acid, and polybiorevitalizants . In addition to hyaluronic acid, they contain a huge number of other components: amino acids, active peptide complexes, which allow not only to moisturize the skin and activate fibroblasts, but also to launch collagen, as well as activate other processes.

And, of course, do not forget about injections botulinum toxin and fillers . During this period, there is a serious resorption of the bone, in many the middle part of the face falls through. This causes the appearance of the nasolacrimal and bucco-zygomatic furrows. From this view - very tired and tortured. It seems that a woman is crying without ceasing, she is very tired at work, she does not get enough sleep. In fact, she's doing great. Such deformations of fat packages can be filled with fillers based on hyaluronic acid.

“But I want to note that one or two procedures will not bring any magic!”

Cosmetology is just regularity. It is not worth waiting for the result after the first procedure. It will be, but for someone - after two or three months of regular visits to a beautician, for someone - after six months. And I say to someone: “We will return your face to you, which you had 10-15 years ago, but for this we will need a year of methodical work.”

I.K. I have always been interested in whether cosmetology still treats signs of aging or just helps.for a whiletheirhide?

N.V. Of course it heals. But! I say again: cosmetology is regularity. In order to cure the infection, we do not drink one antibiotic tablet, but take the medicine for a week, right? To lose weight and be in shape, we eat right every day and understand that there will be no result if we eat a healthy product once, for example, in January. The same is true with cosmetology. The right substances must be constantly delivered to the skin in the right mode. Only then will we be able to cope with many problems.

N.V. After 55, a woman experiences a sharp hormonal surge. At this age, we, cosmetologists, begin to actively cooperate with gynecologists-endocrinologists. And it is very good if a woman starts to monitor her hormones from the age of 45, because the use of various supplements, phytohormones and other things helps to reach menopause in good condition.

In general, at the age of 55+ procedures become more aggressive. Here you can not do without polishing, lifting systems, which allow you to additionally maintain your face in good shape. And, I will not dissemble, age-related changes that occur after 50 years, sometimes, can only be corrected with the help of plastic surgery.

I.K. In my blog, I announced an interview with you and several readers asked to know: what should be done to prevent the appearance of so-called "bulldog" cheeks?

N.V. It all depends on the type of face. It so happens that "bulldog" cheeks, that is, fleas do not appear even at the age of 50. And it happens that this problem begins to torment already in 30. In this case, I would advise you to do Facebook building. After all, there are a huge number of muscles on the face and gymnastics will help strengthen them.This is about how you can help yourself. And at the beautician in the fight against brylya can offer you care procedures with massage techniques or myostimulation. For example, in our clinic perfectly tighten the oval of the face on the apparatus "Vip Line". That is, if you are too lazy to do gymnastics, then come to the clinic ...

I.K. ... and the device will do everything for you ...

N.V. Yes, the beautician and the apparatus will do it for you. In addition, the installation of threads helps in the fight against jingles. If they do not help, then you should contact plastic surgeons.

I.K. My readers also asked me to ask you about ozone therapy. How effective is it?

N.V. Ozone therapy This is a very cost effective facial. Yes, it gives an effect, but it is achieved much more slowly than from injections of ready-made preparations and cocktails. If we want to stimulate and moisturize the skin, then we use a biorevitalizant or some kind of mesotherapeutic preparation. In this case, we will get a brighter result than with ozone therapy.

But, it is worth noting that ozone is an excellent tool for the treatment of cellulite. True, in this case, ozone therapy should be combined with massage. 10-13 procedures 2-3 times a week along with massage give a very good effect.

I.K. In general, what is usefulfor facial skinozone therapy?

N.V. It all depends on the concentration of ozone. This procedure has either a lipolytic effect, or a bactericidal effect, or a stimulating effect. In terms of rejuvenation, we will not get any effect at all. That is why we practically do not use ozone therapy as an anti-aging agent.

I.K. What should your daily routine consist of?home face care?

N.V. Home daily care includes morning cleansing. That is, washing with water or a cleanser. If oily skin, then better cleanser. After that, be sure to use a tonic according to the type of skin and only then it is worth applying a cream, depending on the type of skin. Nothing more needs to be done. During the summer months when it's hot, I advise apply spf cream. This will help protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.

Same thing in the evening: thorough cleansing of the skin with milk, foam or gel. Who likes what. After that, be sure tonic and cream.

I.K. And the cream should be morning and evening?

N.V. It is not always necessary to choose a cream separately for the morning, separately for the evening. You can use the same one. But for the area around the eyes cream should be separate. Moreover, I advise some people to apply the cream for the eyelids only in the morning and in no case - in the evening, for some, on the contrary, I recommend it only in the evening.

I.K. What does it depend on?

N.V. From puffiness, from a tendency to hernia, from pastosity. Sometimes girls say to me: "The cream that you recommended to me does not suit me, because my eyes swell in the morning." Naturally, they will swell if you drank tea in the evening, then applied a thick layer of cream and went to bed right away.

I.K. What other procedures can be done at home?

N.V. Once a week, do homemade cleansing in the form of gommage, which will easily and non-traumatically cleanse and renew the skin. And, if possible, then, at least once a week, put yourself some kind of magic mask.

I.K. Nadia, thank you for your valuable advice. Finally - your wishes to women who want to be young and beautiful ...

N.V. There is such a good phrase: "Only in the power of a woman to stop time." And we must try to do this for our men who are next to us, for our children, who are always pleased to look at young and well-groomed mothers. So, dear girls, girls, ladies, let's love ourselves!

March 3, 2016, 23:16

How to become a beautician

Beauticians now in Latvia - a dime a dozen. Just look how much is offered on coupon sites. But it is not so easy to find a good and sensible one. For admission to cosmetology courses, the exit score at school must be "not lower than four" on a ten-point system. The threshold is low - hence the risk of getting to a specialist with the appropriate level of intelligence. But even here you need to think with your head, and not just with your face.

The easiest option is to become a beautician (this is the official name of the specialty, which is often called "beautician"). These are semi-annual to annual courses that provide a general idea of ​​what skin is and how it functions, even more general concepts of human anatomy, and also teach basic skin care skills and simple procedures - ready-made developments of cosmetology companies. That is, the use of so-called boxes, in which everything is ready for one procedure and is described step by step. Such specialists work in spas, where everything is on stream and nothing special is required. Nothing special can be expected from such a conveyor thoughtless approach either.

More serious training is given at the Beauty School, the Cidesko Cosmetic School or the International Cosmetology College. These are two or three studies on the basis of general secondary education (cost - for 4000 euros), or a year on the basis of secondary medical education (cost - for 1500 euros). They provide more in-depth knowledge about the skin and the ability to slow down the aging process: anatomy, physiology, therapy, chemistry, pharmacology, mesotherapy, hardware technologies, the basics of entrepreneurship ...

Very decent knowledge can be obtained in medical schools and the University of Stradins. Such cosmetics are already able to analyze the composition of any drug, they know what is in it for what and how it works on the skin, they have the right to carry out mesotherapy. True, I would still advise you to consult a dermatologist or at least a family doctor who has information about his patient before injections. Nevertheless, these are not so harmless procedures - both allergic reactions and inflammatory processes are possible. There are many contraindications - herpes, epilepsy, hemophilia ... In general, everything that not only beauticians do not know about, but the client himself may not know.

The highest flight in our area is a dermatologist-cosmetologist. This is already a doctor who specializes in the field of cosmetology - he has the right not only to take care of the skin, but also to treat it.

I'm not sure if it's right: to wax the bikini zone in the same office and on the same couch, and then inject fillers. Nevertheless, for a beauty parlor there is no obligatory condition to have an air purifier and sterilizer, and the time for disinfection between procedures - the cat cried. It is also rather doubtful when hardware pedicures and cosmetic procedures are done in the same room in small salons. Microparticles, including those with a fungus, can get on the face - the result, as you might guess, can be very sad.

In general, the level of hygiene in Riga salons is not bad. Still, the competition is high - no one wants a bad reputation in social networks. Most of the assumptions are in spas. There, the client is recorded for an hour, and he wants to get his hour in full, and in an hour - the next client. When to clean up? After all, it takes at least 10 minutes to re-lay the couch, treat everything with an antiseptic, and disinfect surfaces. Well, now everyone is trying to use disposable tools and nozzles. Even needles for mesotherapy, although they are quite expensive.

Fortunately, we do not have such a flow that clients are injected with painkillers, they are dropped into the corridor to “take it”, and at this time the next ones are injected. There is no smell of hygiene here.

The procedures in the bathrooms are especially doubtful - pearl, milk, etc. It is usually inexpensive, and therefore often included in SPA packages. Washing and spraying with a disinfectant is not enough, you need to disinfect the entire system, and for this you need to draw water, fill in the disinfector and turn it on to work. I do not know salons that would allow themselves such a luxury.

Less and less, but there are still "home cosmetologists" who take inexpensively and in cash, but take it literally in the kitchen - in one bowl they first heat wax for waxing, and then soak a face towel. Hepatitis C is probably difficult to catch like that, but fungal infections are quite. However, the fungus is much easier to get in the bath, sports club and nail salon.

In my opinion, the contact of the living with the living is the best thing in cosmetology. Impact on the energy level, lymph flow and blood microcirculation. Massage does not expose the skin to unnecessary stress (if, of course, everything is done correctly), unlike different devices.

When the movement of water is disturbed, a swamp appears. The same happens inside our skin - if there is no circulation, then stagnant effects occur: the skin does not receive enough nutrients, oxygen, and there is no outflow of carbon dioxide. Massage organizes the "movement" from the skin to the muscles, and also relieves muscle clamps - suppressed emotions and mimic wrinkles.

This requires regularity, but everyone still wants an instant effect: they saw a friend in a "tradeable form" - I also want that, who is your beautician? They go a couple of times, but there is no effect. They forgot to clarify with a friend that she has been going to the office for two years now.

Now there are many progressive massage techniques with elements of osteopathy, kinesiology, acupressure, which in the early stages of wrinkles work no worse than Botox. But you have to do it regularly. Each skin type has its own schedule. But in general, I would advise the course: two weeks twice, then once a week ... Miracles do not happen. Age-related changes in tissue structure and gravitational ptosis (when, under the influence of gravitational forces, tissues gradually “slide” down) have not been canceled, but you can play with time.

A new trend in cosmetology - face taping. Such mini patches allow you to quickly relax the muscle and remove the action of the inflamed nerve root. I don’t see much point in this procedure - the patch is applied for a short time and the effect will not be long-lasting, besides, tape is glue, which means toxic load and chemical irritation of the skin.

There are clients who consider deep cleaning to be the main care. It seems to them that if they were not picked open, then something was not given. But this is a rather traumatic procedure for the skin, which releases the sebaceous glands - they work more intensively, and also reduces the natural muscle tone. The pores "disperse" and are no longer reduced. Today, there are many more gentle products: from ultrasonic peeling to light acid scrubs, the choice of which depends on the individuality of the skin.

Even if a person has loose porous skin, periodic cleaning cannot be avoided. But if you make masks with clay and antiseptic oils at home, keep the skin moist, then the fat will come out on its own, the beautician will only have to help in a few stalled places.

What to do if a pimple pops up? My opinion - it is better not to touch it, just dry it a little. If a serious purulent infection has already begun, you need to go to a dermatologist so that the problem does not spread all over your face. After all, if you pick off a pimple, then the skin around it will begin to heal, form a hard crust, and under it - pus, which the body needs to get rid of. Inflammatory reaction that will go deeper and wider.

The age when it is time to go to the beautician is an individual matter. With teenage problems, it is better to go to a dermatologist. And then - according to the situation. Age-related changes in the skin begin after 20-25 years, but at this time it only makes sense to go for a consultation - to talk about caring for your skin type and choosing cosmetics. After all, we live in an environment that forces us to clean the skin and apply a moisturizing and protective cream. Especially if a person abuses a solarium or sun tanning - then deep hydration is required. UV lovers bury their skin!

At the age of 20, minimally active substances are needed, preferably a gel structure of moisturizing properties. For example, based on aloe gel or vegetable collagen. And no active elements - do not sort out ahead of time. The body is a wise system, if it is given what it needs from the outside, it already ceases to synthesize its own. More active substances can be connected only after 30-40 - here the boundaries are conditional and are determined for each person. Sometimes it is enough to carry out intensive procedures twice a year.

By the age of 40-45, closer to menopause, the body is already beginning to conserve its resource, it becomes stingy to maintain appearance, and produces many things only in emergency cases. This is what anti-aging therapy is based on. With all sorts of peels, we destroy old cells and immediately give something in return - injections or active serums that help the body to create good and new cells in a qualitative way.

There are patients who can be called "cosmetology tired" - they are clearly sorting out. And the point here is not only greedy cosmetologists who are ready to shove everything and more expensively into a solvent patient. The trouble is that often women themselves eventually acquire a real psychological dependence on cosmetic procedures. They develop a panic fear of aging. If they don’t “chop” once every two weeks, then they already begin to get nervous that they are losing their “presentation”. As a result, they look older than their more moderate peers, they have an unnaturally swollen, stale, exhausted face.

Going to the beautician too often is already violence. The skin is not able to absorb such an amount of everything that is stuffed into it. After all, cosmetics are also a load on the excretory system, which should remove all unnecessary. We violate the natural balance, and we will have to pay for it. Sooner or later.

At a recent congress of cosmetologists, the opening speech of the organizers began with the words: our main task is to satisfy the client. I don’t quite agree: you never know what they want, but we are professionals and we know about the consequences, but clients don’t.

Of course, everyone who decides to use radical cosmetology - fillers, Botox and other "silicone" should be aware that the sooner you sit down, the sooner you grow old. This is not about skin health, but about beauty, which requires sacrifice. And don't deceive yourself. The filler (filler for local injections used in non-surgical facial contouring - ed. note) should stay in the skin for as long as possible, filling the tissues in the area of ​​wrinkles. But the main component of fillers, hyaluronic acid, quickly degrades - the body breaks it down and removes it, which means that stabilizers are needed to slow down this process. They are quite toxic, are not completely excreted and accumulate in the body. No one knows what problems this might cause. This technique is 10-15 years old, but what will happen to these beauties then?

Therefore, the sooner you sit down on the filler, the sooner you will use up your conditionally safe potential. And what will you do when the real age changes come? After all, some patients inject 4-6 syringes twice a year. You can probably sit on the needle all your life, but do not be surprised if serious health problems arise.

Another point: this injection of a foreign body is actually done blindly. Even experienced cosmetologists experience complications from time to time. The filler can squeeze the vessel - everything swells and swells, then you need to urgently inject the antidote hyaluronidase, which breaks down the filler. Even in the highest quality version, we violate the laws of nature and we must understand that nature will not be silent. The body will fight in all ways.

A beautician does not have the right to inject Botox - only cosmetologists do this. For those clients who do this regularly and for a long time, I observe that the tissues lose their tone and elasticity, they literally reach for their fingers, because the micromuscles stop working, all processes slow down.

At one time, golden threads were popular, but they did not justify themselves - after them, neither massage nor hardware techniques can be used. Now it has been replaced by thread-lifting - with the help of a long needle, the doctor inserts a self-absorbable suture material into the subcutaneous layer (it was previously used in surgery) - it creates something like a framework for the skin. This is a synthetic polymer that the body needs to break down and remove, which, of course, is a big load that nature does not provide for.

Many clients are disappointed with the results, but this most likely means that this rejuvenation method is not for them. Thread lifting is suitable for those who have light tissues and do not have a large subcutaneous layer of fat, otherwise everything hangs anyway.

Another disadvantage of invasive methods: after them, tissue seals are formed that interfere with microcirculation. Subsequently, it is difficult to work with such skin for both cosmetologists and plastic surgeons - adhesions will interfere with a facelift. Those who are "on the needle" have to give up many conventional procedures - hardware, massage, thermal (goodbye, baths and hot countries) - they all speed up the subcutaneous metabolism, which means that the injected substances are excreted faster.

No sane doctor uses any silicone to fill the lips - the volume is achieved through the introduction of fillers based on hyaluronic acid, which can only be done by a doctor. And not necessarily a plastic surgeon - I know a gynecologist who makes good money on this. Over time, the fillers are removed from the body, but often the client is already so "weaned" from his lips that he cannot do without another injection. As a result, after a few years, the return is no longer possible, the lips become unnatural. And it’s good if it has a beautiful shape - far from all doctors are friends with proportions and taste.

One of my clients was convinced that it was beautiful "duck lips" - after the operation she did not recognize herself. Now he can't wait to turn back into a human. A year and a half has already passed, but happiness is far away.

Grandma's recipes

What people do not come up with to combat age-related changes. There were cases when clients put on their faces ... cream and melted candles for hemorrhoids. And one famous actress even boasted on television that she looks so good because she lubricates herself with cream for ... cow udders. I think you should not reinvent the wheel if it was invented by professionals in their field.

I have nothing against home skin care, but it’s not worth doing amateur work at all. It is better to consult with a specialist. One of my patients read somewhere that vitamin A on the skin is very good, and smeared capsules on her face every day, all year round. And she complained that she spent so much money, but the skin is still irritated and allergic all the time. Vitamin A is useful, but it can be easily overdosed, then the effect will be the opposite.

Let's be honest: most store-bought products are best avoided. Nitrate cucumbers in front of the eyes will not give anything good to the skin. But if you have your own garden or eco-shop that you are confident in, then why not?

I willingly give recipes for "grandmother's masks" to my patients, which I advise you to do in between visits to me. On the basis of simple oatmeal, you can make many wonderful masks. For example, cleansing and nourishing not very problematic oily skin: grind, drip some water, make a gruel - and for a couple of minutes on the face, so that it dries a little. Then remove with wet cotton. If you want to tone up, you can add ground rice to oatmeal, brew with green tea. You can add honey to the base (if there is no allergy), egg yolk, and for nutritional value - a drop of good oil (olive, sesame, walnut).

Also now there are opportunities to make "your own cream". Stores sell a basic neutral cream, in which everyone can add the active substance that is necessary for their skin. Moreover, prepare the mixture immediately before use, so that no preservatives are needed. This is a good option in between active procedures.

If someone trusts "grandmothers", then others try to apply all the latest science and technology to their face. In my opinion, this is the other extreme. Nanotechnologies - it sounds nice, but how microparticles come around that penetrate deep into the skin and pull active substances with them. For example, micellar water is a very popular cleanser today. It consists of microscopic liquid "crystals" that draw in microdroplets of fat. There are also a bunch of different serums and creams with active gold and other substances that are introduced deep under the skin ... You have to understand that all this has been invented quite recently. Scientists speak ambiguously about them, and we ... We act as guinea pigs.

At one time there was a lot of talk about the use of stem cells. As far as I know, in Russia and Japan it is allowed, but not in Europe. Colleagues from Russia say that the effect is amazing. But then again, they don't know the consequences. In my opinion, this question is connected not only with health, but also with ethics.

But I really like cosmetics with stem cells of plants and sea inhabitants - they make wonderful face masks that moisturize and nourish the skin well.

Cosmetologist - psychologist

Recently, an artist wrote that she needs a driver who is silent. We also have such clients, but in a relaxed state, clients usually pour out their whole lives on us. Usually everyone has a theme that continues every session - it turns out something like a series. I can’t say that I look forward to every new series - there are enough problems of my own. And I usually try not to give advice, and where is not such a responsibility. I'm not a real psychologist.

Fortunately, most of my patients have already experienced the period of Mexican passions - we communicate more on existential and philosophical topics. Although, there are also clients from the category of "holiday woman" - they only have stories of enchanting adventures and impressions in store.

When asked to suggest something, I propose to look at the problems as if from the outside, evaluate the pros and cons - usually, then the person himself can find a solution. So, one patient suddenly discovered in herself something that she did not expect at all and about which she could not even tell her relatives, and the first thing she ran to me was in shock. They put everything on the shelves, and the next day she brought a box with germinated plants - symbols of her new life, which she accepted.

A man in a beauty parlor is a separate story. Male beauticians meet wonderful. For example, the Frenchman Pascal Kosh periodically comes to Riga with lectures - any woman can learn from him. But I don't like men on my couch. Yes, they appear in beauty salons more and more often. With its stubble and completely different skin, which requires special cosmetics. Pascal Coche is sure that the main thing for a man in a beauty salon is to relax and sleep.

To me, if they come, then more often for cleaning - the wives force them. Men's skin is denser, and the sebaceous glands are more active. For them, the problem of "acne" is quite typical, when problems of malnutrition, careless care and careless shaving appear on the face.

I used to be very upset when you try, try, and then the client says that I will go where it is cheaper or with a coupon. But now I realized that every cosmetologist has his own clients. It is important for someone that everything be as expensive as possible - for them it is a guarantee of quality and an element of attitude. They will go to certain salons, even if they pay twice as much - but you can put a beautiful tag on Facebook, they say, I'm there. And friends for you ... rejoice.

The prices of the procedures consist of the cost of renting premises, maintenance and materials. Cosmetics prices are skyrocketing. There are procedures in which the cost of a face kit is 30-35 euros. I'm not talking about injections. There are very expensive devices that need to be recouped. And all this is included in the cost of the procedure. Plus the time spent on the client.

Trends in the world - to make everything fast and as efficient as possible. Abroad, procedures are rarely done for more than an hour. And we have manipulations for one and a half to two hours - not uncommon. I try to allocate two hours per client - this is enough for a calm exchange of information, procedure and relaxation. After all, it is very important with what feeling a person leaves the salon. Alas, according to my formula, more than four clients a day do not work, and in spas they are taken at 8-12 per day.

The equipment is also not cheap. Thanks to China - equipment of good quality and at a reasonable price has been coming from there lately. At one time, I bought a European-made couch for 800 euros without an electric drive, and now for 400-500 you can buy a Chinese one with four motors.

Educational seminars are very expensive. Let's say a course on kinesiology massage techniques from Pascal Coche costs 400 euros for three days. A one-day seminar can cost about 100 euros. As a result, I spend 200-400 euros per month on advanced training. For this money, it would be possible to relax for a week every month at an inexpensive resort, but I prefer knowledge.

In spring, the skin feels an acute shortage of vitamins. And the first rays of the spring sun can be fatal for her and lead to pigmentation and the appearance of wrinkles. No one is immune from spring troubles: the skin peels off in spring, red spots appear on it, someone suffers from freckles, and someone has “bags” under the eyes ... A beautician tells about seasonal care and elimination of spring problems Natalya Terekhova.

How to take care of your skin in spring?

The skin in the spring becomes drier and requires more fatty components. With the first spring warmth, you need to return to moisturizing creams, especially intensive moisturizing is necessary for women over 30. First of all, switch from the rich, nourishing day cream you used in the fall and winter to a light-textured moisturizing cream-gel.

Second, protect your skin from the sun. After all, the most dangerous period for her comes in the spring. Rejoicing at the first warm rays of the sun, we forget about UV protection. It is still not very warm, and it seems to us that the sun is not dangerous at all. But it's not. It is in the spring that freckles and age spots appear. But if freckles look childishly beautiful, then age spots will not bring attractiveness to your face. Starting in March, your sunscreen must be at least 30 SPF. You can use powder or foundation with SPF protection on top of your regular moisturizer. Sunglasses are also not placed - so you protect your eyes from early wrinkles.

It doesn't hurt to take courses of vitamins A and E, but be sure to consult your doctor. It is also useful to make face masks - more often than in winter.

- What are the nuances of care for different skin types, someone has it oily, someone has dry? ..

in the spring oily and combination the skin appears shiny, the pores become more noticeable, but this does not mean that the skin does not need moisturizing. I advice exclude the use of too greasy creams and alcohol-containing tonics, refuse soap and aggressive exfoliating agents. Instead, cleanse your skin once a week with a gommage. If you have oily or combination skin, you should opt for a foundation or powder labeled "anti-shine" that covers skin imperfections and gives it a perfect matte finish.

Dry skin dehydrated in spring, looks dull and uncomfortable. Drink plenty of water, herbal teas and juices. Sensitive skin , which turns red at the slightest impact, needs not only moisturizing and UV protection, but also soothing components that relieve irritation and redness. Choose products from the series for sensitive skin or special products that relieve redness.

- How to understand that a moisturizer is not suitable?

Dryness, tightness, skin discomfort, tingling and tingling indicate that the cream is not suitable. There should be no discomfort.

- Many women complain that wrinkles around the eyes become more noticeable in spring...

To improve blood circulation in the eyelids and prevent wrinkles, it is advisable to apply a moisturizer to the skin every evening and every morning. First, cleanse the skin with cosmetic milk or tonic, then apply eye cream. Do not forget to constantly moisturize the skin around the eyes and make cucumber and potato masks.

- What to do with freckles?

Freckles are wonderful in my opinion. But if for some reason you don’t like them, then I advise you to use photoprotective creams, as well as make whitening face masks - both ready-made, store-bought and folk tips will do. Perfectly whiten the skin and get rid of freckles lemon juice, parsley juice, as well as a mask of cucumber, carrot juice, egg white with lemon.

Let's get back to the use of foundation creams. Do they also need to be changed, like a day cream, depending on the season?

Quite right, it is necessary to change the arsenal of tonal means. In the spring, the skin is already dehydrated, so a thick layer of foundation is really useless (especially for dry skin). This will only exacerbate the situation, pulling moisture out of the skin, which is already worth its weight in gold. At this time, moisturizing tonal creams are preferred, which are distinguished by a light gel texture.

- How to apply tone?

First, apply a day cream to freshly cleansed skin, and after 10-15 minutes after that, you can apply a tone. If the skin is not problematic, then the function of moisturizing can be performed by special bases or bases for makeup, replacing the day cream. Both a regular cream and a foundation must be applied to the skin of the face at least 20 minutes before going outside.

- There is an opinion that it is desirable to apply foundation only with the help of a sponge, but you should not use your hands ...

- In my opinion, it is more convenient to apply foundation with your hands - with your fingertips you feel better how the cream is distributed, and under the influence of heat it is better absorbed. Professionals, as a rule, combine these two methods: but for oily skin, sponge is more convenient, for dry skin - "handmade".

- Some do not understand why powder is needed if day cream and foundation are already applied to the face. There is also an opinion that powder clogs pores, and acne appears from this ...

- If they tell you that the powder spoils the skin, then these are clearly not the words of a professional, but, most likely, some retired woman who is behind the times. The skin does not breathe only under low-quality, antediluvian cosmetics. Modern tonal products, whether loose powder, foundation, fluid or mousse, are created, first of all, taking into account the need for protection from an unfavorable external environment. This is what all the latest research is aimed at. French cosmetologists generally do not advise going out without decorative protection. You just need to know how to use them. For example, take into account skin type and season.

- Are there special rules for spring makeup?

- In spring, all "defects" on the skin become more noticeable, so in spring makeup, there should be less bright colors and rich tones.

Folk recipes from a beautician:

Remove puffiness under the eyes. Potatoes will again help you get rid of puffiness under the eyes. Put slices of raw potatoes on closed eyes for 15 minutes. The water in which the potatoes were boiled is useful for washing. Contrasting baths for the skin help perfectly, and the procedure should be completed with hot water.

Mask "Antistress". Quickly refreshes the face and removes traces of fatigue potato mask. The recipe for its preparation is simple: crush a hot potato, add the yolk and a little milk until a thick viscous slurry is obtained. Apply a warm mask on the face. Keep 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water and then rinse your face with cold boiled water. The yolk mask also gives a quick response effect.

For dry skin . Helps egg-honey mask. Mix the yolk of a raw egg, one teaspoon of honey, half a teaspoon of oil. To the resulting mass, add a little starch or oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. Don't forget that your skin requires a lot of moisture and oil.

For oily skin: half a pack of regular yeast, one yolk, a few drops of lemon juice. Be sure to add fermented milk products to it: kefir, yogurt, yogurt, fermented baked milk, sour cream.

Another effective mask for oily skin: beat the egg white until a thick foam is obtained, add a few drops of lemon juice and mix with oatmeal (hercules crushed in a coffee grinder). Apply the mask on the face in a dense layer for 15 minutes. To enhance the effect when the mask dries, add another layer on top.