Brown stripe on belly. Pigmented strip on the abdomen during pregnancy when does it appear? Strip on the abdomen during pregnancy: gender of the child. What is a "dark stripe"

Pregnancy is a long-awaited and exciting period for every woman. During these 9 months, the body is rebuilt to a different mode of operation and directs all its forces to ensure the life of the baby. The fact that at this time not only the emotional, but also the physiological state of the expectant mother is changing is quite obvious. And if most ladies can independently assume why certain changes appear in the body, then the strip on the abdomen during pregnancy almost always causes concern. Meanwhile, this is just the result of hormonal changes.

What it is

To understand why and where the dark stripe on the abdomen occurs during pregnancy, you need to know some anatomical features and understand what is happening in the body during these 9 months. Initially, exactly in the middle of the woman's abdomen, the so-called white line is placed - a piece of tissue that connects the rectus abdominis muscles. These muscle fibers are localized throughout the abdominal cavity, from the very ribs to the pubis. Because this junction is predominantly made up of collagen, it is white in color.

Some time after the conception of the baby, a strong hormonal restructuring occurs, an increased production of a protein responsible for the formation and subsequent development of the fetus is activated. If a woman has a brown stripe on her stomach during pregnancy, this indicates an intensive work of organs and a change in hormonal levels.

If a vertical stripe appears on the abdomen, it means that the content in the body has increased:

  • progesterone;
  • estrogen;
  • melanotropin (responsible for the production of melanin - a coloring pigment).

It is the level of melanin that determines the degree of skin pigmentation during pregnancy. If the level of this biological substance is greatly increased, a woman may develop a dark strip not only on her stomach, but also around the navel and on her face. In addition, during this period, many ladies experience darkening of the mammary glands.

As practice shows, a strip on the abdomen during pregnancy appears in more than 90% of expectant mothers. The greatest likelihood of its occurrence exists in dark-haired and swarthy women.

G Inecologists assure that when a strip appears on the stomach, there is no reason to worry. This reaction of the body, on the contrary, indicates that childbearing is proceeding properly, hormone levels are within normal limits.

Even an experienced gynecologist will not be able to say exactly when a woman will have such a “decoration” and whether it will appear at all. It is also impossible to predict whether the line will be high or low, whether it will be straight or uneven.

More often, women notice the first signs of pigmentation on the abdomen after 3 months of pregnancy. Also in medical practice, there were cases when the skin began to darken after the 3rd trimester (at the end of the term), which is also not a deviation from the norm. Gynecologists assure that sometimes there are cases when pigmentation appears immediately after conception, in the first weeks of pregnancy. Some women who know what such a “decoration” means, it is by his presence that they guess that they are in an interesting position.

A photo of what the pigmented area looks like can be viewed on forums and sites on the Internet.

Such a line is usually accompanied by such signs:

  1. Its width is from 4 mm to 1.5 cm (depending on the concentration of melanin).
  2. In most women, the line under the navel is slightly darker than the color of the strip above it.
  3. The appearance of pigmentation does not cause any discomfort and pain.
  4. The line is always straight, it does not deviate to the left or right.
  5. Gradually, the strip will become darker and by the end of the 3rd trimester it may turn dark brown, due to increased hormone production.

Usually a few weeks after the birth of the child, the pigmentation begins to lighten. But, as practice shows, it does not completely disappear in any case. Subsequently, if a woman becomes pregnant again, the line on the abdomen may appear earlier than the previous time, and will be more noticeable.

In order not to puzzle over how to get rid of such a strip later, you need to try to prevent its appearance in advance.

Doctors assure that there are not so many ways and advise to adhere to such recommendations:

  • throughout the entire period of pregnancy, it is recommended to minimize exposure to direct sunlight;
  • before going out, it is recommended to use sunscreen;
  • from 11 am to 4 pm you need to be in the shade, because during these hours the sun is at its maximum activity.

It is worth noting in advance that even if the expectant mother strictly adheres to all these recommendations, this does not guarantee that the line on the stomach will not appear. Compliance with these rules will minimize the risk of pigmentation formation, even if it appears, outwardly it will not be so dark and will go away on its own in the future.

To make the line on the stomach disappear and disappear as soon as possible, after the birth of the baby, it is recommended to follow these tips:

  1. A woman needs to exclude products that contribute to the accumulation of pigment. This is tea and coffee, as well as pork and lamb.
  2. It is necessary to saturate the body with ascorbic and folic acid, since these substances help to remove pigmentation. Include as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible in your diet, and take a multivitamin. It is desirable that they be prescribed by the attending physician. Green and rosehip tea also contributes to the removal of pigmentation.
  3. With the permission of the doctor, you can use special whitening ointments and creams (Vishy Idealia PRO, Evinal, DermoAntistress Chicco, Achromin, etc.). This method of lightening fabrics is the most effective and will help to quickly get rid of darkening.
  4. If after the appearance of the baby there are no problems with the hormonal background, you can also get rid of the dark line on the stomach with the help of cosmetic procedures. Laser resurfacing (deep peeling, during which the surface layer of the epidermis is completely removed) and ultrasonic peeling will help to eliminate such a defect. You can also reduce pigmentation with the help of mesotherapy - the introduction of special vitamin cocktails under the skin. Modern cosmetic procedures are very effective and will allow you not to wait until the strip on the stomach passes on its own. But remember that you can resort to the help of such methods only after the end of breastfeeding.

Most women on the forums respond that it is difficult to prevent the occurrence of pigmentation on the abdomen and compliance with preventive measures is ineffective. And this applies to both the first and subsequent pregnancies.

If during the bearing of the baby a strip appeared on the stomach - do not be upset. Such a reaction of the body suggests that the pregnancy is proceeding well, and the level of hormones does not go beyond the norm.


A few decades ago, there was no such procedure as an ultrasound. Grandparents found out the gender of the future baby, starting from folk beliefs and signs. Although today it is possible to do an ultrasound in every medical center (this is a mandatory procedure), some mothers consider this procedure harmful to the health of the fetus and prefer to remain in the dark about the sex of the baby.

There is a belief that you can guess the gender of the child by the characteristics of the strip:

  1. If the vertical line has a bright color and stretches from the pubic area to the navel, this means that the woman is pregnant with a girl.
  2. If the strip appears to the zone of the ribs (even if it is barely noticeable), then the woman is carrying a boy.
  3. If at the navel the strip goes to the left or right and goes around it, a boy will be born, and if it crosses, there will be a girl.

Also, in ancient times, they tried to determine the sex of the child, given the very shape of the belly of the pregnant woman. If it was round and resembled a watermelon, and the appearance of a pregnant woman deteriorated, it was believed that a girl would be born. If the belly was oval, and the expectant mother blossomed during these 9 months, this was considered a sign of the appearance of a boy.

Pregnancy is a complex and mysterious process of gradual changes in a woman's body, leading to the birth of a new life. Not a single cell of the mother's body remains indifferent and indifferent to this sacrament. In nine months, all systems are restructured in the mother's body. We can notice something visually, but most of it still remains hidden from prying eyes. One of these miraculous changes is the strip on the abdomen during pregnancy. It is present in 90% of women.

At what time does it appear

information Most often, its occurrence becomes noticeable in the third trimester. According to statistics, in dark-haired and swarthy women, it appears more often and looks brighter and darker, and, conversely, in fair-skinned owners of blue and gray eyes, it may not appear at all, or be less noticeable. A strip on the abdomen during early pregnancy is also not uncommon, especially in women who spend a lot of time in the sun or in.


Everything lies in our endocrine system, or rather in its changes. During pregnancy, there is an increase in the function of the pituitary gland and its production of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). The pituitary gland itself is located at the base of the brain. Very small in size and weight (0.5 grams and 3 mm in diameter), it is the central organ of our endocrine system, controlling almost all systems in our body, thanks to the synthesis of a large list of important hormones. An increase in the level of ACTH is associated not only with the hyperfunction of the pituitary gland, but also with its additional production by the placenta. Plus, during pregnancy, in general, the sensitivity of the mother's body to the already existing level of this hormone, which in turn controls the work of the adrenal glands, increases.

additionally The adrenal glands are two endocrine glands that are located at the upper pole of each kidney. They consist of medulla and cortex. In the medulla, the stress hormone adrenaline is produced, and in the cortical substance, mineralocorticoids are formed.

We will now talk about them in more detail. Why are these hormones so important?

The main functions of adrenal hormones:

  • decreased immunity, so that during pregnancy there is no rejection of the fetus;
  • retention of salts and water in the body (this is where edema comes from);
  • - deposition of dark pigment on the skin of the face, abdomen, around the nipples;
  • hypertrichosis - an increase in the amount of hair on the legs, lower abdomen, along the midline of the abdomen.

Also in the blood of the expectant mother there is an increase in the level of estrogens, due to their additional synthesis by the adrenal glands of the fetus and the placenta. Under the influence of which the production of proteins that bind adrenal hormones increases in the liver of a pregnant woman. Because of this, their utilization is reduced.

All of the above chain of processes leads to hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex and an increase in the level of its hormones in the blood during pregnancy, which are responsible for the excessive deposition of dark pigment along the midline of the abdomen. Therefore, its appearance should be taken calmly and understood that all this is absolutely physiological and natural.

When will it pass?

The strip on the abdomen during pregnancy will pass a few months after childbirth, usually after two to four months. For some, it does not completely disappear, but becomes less noticeable and lighter.

Since its formation is a physiologically determined process, there are practically no measures to prevent its occurrence. There are ways to reduce its pigmentation, namely:

  • reduce the time spent in direct sunlight, especially in summer;
  • use sunscreen and sprays;
  • in the summer, wear clothes that cover the body as much as possible;
  • do not abuse the solarium.

Signs and superstitions

Many signs and superstitions are associated with pregnancy and childbirth in general. This fate did not pass and a strip on the stomach. It is believed that she can tell the expectant mother the gender of the child. If you have it barely noticeable, light and does not go above the navel - wait for the birth of your daughter. If the strip is dark and clear, runs from the womb to the xiphoid process, there will soon be a son. Today, to give a more accurate answer - a boy or a girl - can, of course, an ultrasound examination, but folk signs should not be completely denied.

Some women are very worried when they see a strip on their stomach, but do not panic.

Causes of a dark stripe on the abdomen in pregnant women and what pigmentation indicates

A dark stripe in the middle of the abdomen, reaching to the navel, and sometimes even higher, appears under the action of hormones, the number of which increases during pregnancy.

The hormones responsible for the appearance of the dark line are melanin, estrogen, and progesterone.

Why exactly and why this strip appears is unknown, this issue has not been studied at the scientific level, there are only assumptions. But, clearly, it does absolutely no harm to either the baby or the expectant mother.

Does everyone have a dark stripe on the stomach, and for how long

The appearance of a dark stripe on the tummy of a pregnant woman is a very common phenomenon, it is observed among 90% of expectant mothers.

It is believed that a high probability of the appearance of a strip among dark-haired women with swarthy skin. Light-skinned blondes are less likely to experience this phenomenon.

It is impossible to say exactly when the stripe will appear. For some, it is observed from an early date, in this case, towards the end of pregnancy, it gradually becomes darker, and for someone, pigmentation may appear in the later stages.

How to remove or reduce the appearance of pigmentation

Get rid of dark lines impossible, to prevent its occurrence - too. If your body is predisposed to the fact that pigmentation appears on the abdomen, there is nothing you can do about it.

The only advice that experts give in this case is the minimum exposure to sunlight. If during pregnancy you refrain from sunbathing on the beach, the strip may not darken as much.

Folk omens

There is an opinion that the strip can help determine the sex of the baby. If it rises above the navel - a boy will be born, if only up to the navel or is completely absent - it is worth waiting for the birth of a girl.

There is no scientific basis in these signs, so you can not rely on them.

When does skin pigmentation go away?

Usually, after the baby is born, after a while - a few months, the dark stripe gradually disappears. At the next pregnancy, it will appear again, while this may occur at an earlier date, and it may be more pronounced.

For some women, the process of the disappearance of the strip lasts longer, up to a year, and for some, the strip does not completely disappear - it brightens, but remains noticeable.

A dark vertical stripe on the skin of the abdomen appears in most pregnant women. Hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother entail an increase in skin pigmentation, which manifests itself in the form of a “pregnancy mask” and a brown stripe along the abdomen. The presence of such a pigment strip does not threaten the health of either the mother or the child. Therefore, you should not worry about this, after childbirth it will disappear.

Stripe on the abdomen in pregnant women: what is it and why does it appear?

The abdominal muscles are symmetrical and connected in the middle by tendons, which in medicine are called the “white line of the abdomen” (see Figure 1). If there is no pregnancy, then its color is weak, usually visually imperceptible.

But with the development of pregnancy, the white line of the abdomen becomes more noticeable. And by a certain date, the expectant mother may find herself with a dark stripe that can stretch along the entire abdomen or from the navel. The intensity of its color varies from dark to light brown. The width and shape are also individual for each woman.

Figure 1 - White or midline of the abdomen

The cause of hyperpigmentation during pregnancy is not exactly known. Scientists believe that pregnant women have increased production of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) by the pituitary gland. This hormone stimulates the production of melanotropin, which in turn promotes the formation of melanin pigment. It is he who paints the skin in a dark color.

Interesting theory! Melanotropin is considered an anti-stress hormone. The appearance of very dark pigmentation along the entire abdomen may indicate that a woman will have a stress-resistant baby.

In 10% of expectant mothers, the pigment strip does not appear. In fair-skinned and fair-haired pregnant women, hyperpigmentation appears less frequently. This is due to the fact that the skin cells of swarthy women contain more melanin.

Of course, not only skin and hair color affects pigmentation. Of great importance is the geographical location of the woman. In particular, in the southern latitudes, under the influence of the active sun, the body produces more melanin. In some women of these countries, even in the absence of pregnancy, a dark stripe is visible on the abdomen.

It should be noted that the appearance of a dark strip on the abdomen is not a pathology, and does not pose a danger to the life of the mother and child. As well as the absence of a strip does not affect pregnancy.

At what time does it appear and when does the dark strip on the abdomen of pregnant women disappear?

In some women, the strip may appear in the early stages of pregnancy, often in combination with other subjective symptoms of pregnancy - nausea, dizziness, increased appetite. At this time, the pigmentation is not bright, however, with the course of pregnancy, it usually intensifies.
As a rule, the pigment strip becomes noticeable after 12 weeks. Some women note its appearance only at the end of the second or third trimester. At the same time, pigmentation of the face (called the “mask of pregnant women”) and darkening of the nipple halos are noted.

Hyperpigmentation of the midline of the abdomen persists throughout pregnancy. Passes a dark strip only after childbirth. The period of disappearance varies from 2 - 3 months to 1.5 years after delivery. It is difficult to predict in advance when the strip will disappear, everything is very individual.

In rare cases, it persists for life, acquiring a very light shade. In subsequent pregnancies, pigmentation appears brighter and is already observed at an earlier date.

Interesting prediction! There is an old way to determine the sex of an unborn child by the shape and color of the strip. According to this popular belief, a woman who has a light-colored stripe running from the navel to the pubic bone will give birth to a girl. And a woman with a dark brown stripe running all over her belly from the sternum to the womb is carrying a son.

Is it possible to prevent the appearance of a strip on the abdomen or get rid of it?

90% of expectant mothers have a dark pigmented stripe. It is impossible to avoid its appearance. However, there are various ways to reduce its brightness.

1. The pigment melanin, which is responsible for the brightness of the strip, is released under the influence of the sun and other sources of ultraviolet rays (for example, when visiting a solarium). Therefore, from May to September, it is recommended to apply a protective cream with a high level of UV protection to exposed areas of the body before going outside.

2. A balanced and healthy diet that does not burden the liver will help prevent the increase in the brightness of the strip. It is also recommended to eat foods rich in vitamin C (cranberries, currants, fresh herbs, sweet peppers).

Citrus fruits should not be consumed in large quantities, because. they are strong allergens and their vitamin C content is low.

3. A bright dark stripe can also appear with a lack of folic acid. This vitamin is found in fresh herbs, lettuce, spinach, various types of cabbage, in almost all nuts. Also rich in folic acid are dishes from the liver, beef and fish (salmon and tuna).

Some women consider hyperpigmentation to be a cosmetic defect and try to get rid of it in various ways. Immediately after childbirth, you can use folk methods to whiten the pigment strip.

To do this, you can use lotions from lemon juice or red currant. Fruit acids are able to whiten age spots on the skin.

Reduces the intensity of pigmentation and sweet pepper. It is rubbed on a fine grater, the resulting slurry is applied to the skin of the abdomen for half an hour.

A mask of fresh cucumber and parsley also helps to cope with a dark stripe. The vegetables are finely chopped. The resulting mass is applied to the pigmented area of ​​​​the skin for 20 minutes.

Fermented milk products - kefir and yogurt - also have a good whitening effect. Lotions are made from them. To do this, moisten gauze in sour milk and apply it to the hyperpigmentation area. Leave on for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

If you can’t remove the strip, don’t worry, because. over time, it will disappear on its own, and the skin of the abdomen will take on its former appearance.

Many expectant mothers notice that over time, a dark vertical strip appears on their stomach. Some are so worried that they begin to get rid of it by any means, fearing that it will harm their health.

Letidor will tell you why this streak appears, whether it needs to be removed and when it will disappear by itself.

A dark vertical stripe on the abdomen (from the Latin Linea nigra) is one of the most common signs of pregnancy. This brownish line, usually about a centimeter wide, runs from the pubis to the navel, but sometimes it extends to the very top of the abdomen.

This vertical streak appears in most pregnant women and becomes fully visible around the 23rd week of pregnancy.

Why does a strip form?

Skin color often changes during pregnancy, and dark spots may appear in different areas of the skin. Like other changes, the appearance of a strip on the abdomen is caused by an increase in hormone levels during the second and third trimester. It gradually gets darker.

By the way, there is another strip, but white (linea alba), which stretches from the navel to the pubis and is present in all people.

However, the brown streak only occurs during pregnancy.

The appearance of a dark stripe during pregnancy is due to an increase in the hormone that causes melanocyte cells to produce more melanin, that is, this pigment is to blame for everything.

Because of it, age spots appear on the body, and the nipples also darken.

When the dark line appears

Most pregnant women notice a dark line between the first and second trimesters. And for expectant mothers who are expecting twins or triplets, the strip becomes visible already in the middle of the first trimester.

However, not all pregnant women develop this streak.

Studies have shown that this phenomenon is characteristic of 75% of expectant mothers.

When the dark line disappears

Dark lines on the abdomen disappear gradually a few weeks after childbirth. If a woman is breastfeeding, then the strip will last for several months. In general, it is required that the dark pigment is completely washed off.

Can the strip be dangerous for mom or baby

This pigment line cannot pose any danger to the child. The fetus is completely protected from external influences.

The only problem is that the streak is more pronounced in women with dark skin.

This is usually caused by hyperpigmentation. But there is nothing to worry about here either. She, though slowly, but also disappears after childbirth.

Is it possible to predict the gender of the unborn child using a strip

There is an old superstition according to which, if a woman has a brownish line passing through the center of her navel, then she will have a girl, and if the line passes by the navel, as if rushing to the ribs, then there will be a boy. However, there are no scientific theories or studies to support this.

How to remove a dark line during pregnancy

The appearance of the strip is a natural process, and there is no way you can get rid of it completely. However, you can follow some rules so that the skin does not darken even more.

    Always wear closed clothing that protects your skin from the sun's rays.

    Use an SPF-15 sunscreen to protect your skin from direct sunlight.

    Include foods rich in folic acid in your diet: orange juice, spinach, wheat, beans, asparagus.

    Mix some lemon juice with strong alcohol and apply a small amount on the skin to lighten the strip.

Remember that there is nothing wrong with the appearance of linea nigra on the stomach. Most importantly, make sure you eat and rest properly, and the strip will disappear on its own in a few months after the baby is born.