Folk remedies after sunburn. If your face is very tanned - sun protection products, how to sunbathe in the sun

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It's great that summer is coming soon! You can enjoy the Sun, swim, sunbathe, enjoy!

And in order for warm sunny days to bring us only joy and pleasure, you need to learn how to sunbathe properly, learn how to protect your skin, and, if necessary, help yourself with a sunburn.

Most people love to sunbathe. Yes, it's really beautiful when the skin is tanned ☺

From this article you will learn:

First aid for sunburn

What happens to the skin when you tan?

When we are under the direct rays of the sun, ultraviolet, penetrating into the skin, causes, in addition to the active production of skin pigment, which gives the skin a dark color, also microdamages of the skin.

This can cause discomfort, soreness, redness, swelling, even burns.

What to do with sunburn? Simple, but very effective folk remedies will come to your aid.

Folk remedies for sunburn

  • Tea for sunburn

Brewed tea bags that need to be cooled and applied to painful places will help.

You can simply soak a towel in iced tea, apply to inflammation. When the fabric is hot, soak again in cool liquid, reapply.

You can pour chilled tea infusion into a spray bottle and spray yourself regularly. Do this until you feel better.

You can use black tea, you can.

It would be ideal to freeze cubes of tea and rub sore spots on the skin with such ice.

  • Raw potatoes for burns

Grate raw potatoes, apply to burnt skin in the form of a compress.

You can make juice from potatoes, moisten a cloth with it, and apply it to the burn.

  • Aloe juice for sunburn

They can be added to an aerosol with water and sprayed on painful areas.

  • Kefir or sour cream

If nothing is at hand, just grease the burn with cold kefir or sour cream.

After the most painful first symptoms of a sunburn have passed, the pain has calmed down a bit, apply an oil solution of vitamin E. The pharmacy sells an excellent burn remedy - Panthenol.

How to sunbathe correctly and safely?

In order to sunbathe without painful consequences, you must follow some rules:

  1. Use protective sunscreen.
  2. Do not rush to get a tan in just one or two days! Sunbathe by gradually increasing the amount of time you spend in the sun.
  3. Sunbathe in the shade, especially in the early days. Don't worry if you don't get a beautiful tan! In the shade, you can get a great tan and do without damage, burns and inflammation.
  4. You can not sunbathe on an empty stomach and immediately after a heavy meal. Ideally, drink an orange or carrot juice before the beach.
  5. After sunbathing, be sure to apply oil, cream, milk to moisturize and nourish.
  6. It is necessary to increase the amount of vitamins in the diet for the entire period when you are intensively sunbathing.
  7. Never drink alcohol, even weak drinks! Sunbathing and alcohol are not the best combination. You can easily get dermatitis. Then don't complain
  8. When you lie down, sunbathe, in no case do not sleep! It is better not to read, so you can also relax, fall asleep, without noticing how you got burned.
  9. The best time for a safe tan is from the very morning, when the sun has risen until 10 o'clock. And in the evening, after 16 hours and before sunset.

At this time, tanning is not only the safest, but also the most beautiful! And the skin remains not “burnt-roasted”, wrinkled in appearance, but fresh, young! ☺

14-02-13 . Views:8314 . Comments: 0 .

1. An old recommendation
“The main trouble that remains after sunburn is the changed color of the skin and its roughness, which sometimes remains for some time. Here, most likely, frequent soaking of tanned places with soft water or juice from 1 raw potato helps. By these means the heat and tanned color of the skin are easily destroyed, and the upper skin is strengthened, which often remains uneven and rough. If anyone wants to eliminate the roughness and bursting of the skin, as a consequence, remaining after sunburn, then he should use the above-mentioned remedies, to which crushed brown shells of bitter almonds can be usefully added.

2. Facial sunscreen
“Take an arbitrary amount of ox bile, Roman alum, 1 spool for every pound, rock salt, 4 spools, camphor, 1 spool.
All this is combined together and mixed for a quarter of an hour, then it is settled and this is repeated 3-4 times a day for two weeks in a row or until the bile becomes as pure as water. It is then filtered and stored for consumption.
The face should be wiped before a trip to the sun, and in the evening wash your face with cold water.

3. Cucumber
a) Tincture of cucumber seeds
Prepared with vodka or 40% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. Insist 2 weeks, strain. Before use, dilute the tincture with water also in a ratio of 1:10 and wipe the face daily until the desired result is obtained. It is used as a remedy that protects the skin from sunburn and the appearance of freckles. You can also make a mask from this composition for 5-10 minutes.
b) Vodka tincture of the upper skin of cucumbers is used to rub the face and hands from sunburn and freckles.

4. Curdled milk
a) To some extent, the skin can be protected from the action of the sun by curdled milk.
b) With persistent reddening of skin areas, they are smeared with sour milk, cologne or vodka, and they refrain from further exposure to the sun until the redness disappears.
c) To reduce uneven pigmentation caused by sunburn, wipe exposed skin with sour milk or lemon juice.

5. Remedy for sunburn and chapping
Take a little raw yolk from a fresh chicken egg in the palm of your hand and generously grease your face. When the yolk hardens on the face, it should be washed off with soap and water. The result is always great.

6. Protective creams

Creams designed to protect the skin from adverse weather effects cool the skin and protect it from the strong effects of the sun's rays. These creams are used in the mountains, on the beach:
a) Spermaceti - 3 g, vaseline - 47 g, water - 48 ml, glycerin - 7.5 ml, perfume - 0.5 ml.
b) Salol - 7 g, vaseline - 47 g, lanolin - 25 g, water - 25 ml.

Jojoba oil perfectly protects against ultraviolet radiation. It is better to apply it to the skin not in its pure form, but mixed with almond oil, which is well absorbed into the skin and helps to moisturize it. The more jojoba oil in the mixture, the higher the protective factor.

For a good tan, you can make a mixture based on almond base oil and wild carrot essential oil. This mixture will give an even and beautiful tan. If you add jojoba oil to it - there will also be UV protection.

To relieve redness and burning, essential oils of lavender, geranium, rose, chamomile, tea tree are suitable. Essential oil must be diluted in the base oil - almonds, rice, grape seeds. After you have applied the essential oil diluted in the base oil and removed the redness, make a whitening mask based on citrus oils - lemon, grapefruit. Lemon essential oil for whitening helps a lot! Just remember, the mask with its use should be applied in the evening, because. it, like all citrus oils, causes pigmentation when exposed to sunlight.

Moisturizing properties have fatty oils (base oils) and hydrolytes of essential oils (water that remains after receiving the essential oil). Base oils that moisturize the skin - grape seed, almond, macadamia, sesame, peanut, jojoba. Oil preparations that, in addition to moisturizing, also nourish the skin - St. John's wort, hazelnut, pine nut. Depending on the type of skin, certain essential oils can be added.

Sunburn is common, especially during the hot summer months when many people like to sunbathe on the beach. However, you should be extremely careful, especially for the first time, when the skin is still tender after wintering.

It is worth lying a little under the baking sun, and you will immediately earn a sunburn - the skin on the face, back and other parts of the body begins to burn and acquire a characteristic reddish tint. A sunburn is literally a skin burn caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The result of such a lesion is inflammation of the skin.

If you have received a severe sunburn, then the first signs will begin to appear within a few hours, and a day later a complete clinical picture appears - itching, swelling, redness, soreness, dehydration of the body and other "joys" of the resulting sunburn.

In this case, it is necessary to immediately provide first aid to remove the effects of a sunburn. As a rule, treatment is carried out at home using pharmacy ointments, creams, sprays, as well as time-tested folk remedies.

Sunburn symptoms

Sunburns, like heat burns, are divided into three stages: solar erythematous dermatitis, blistering stage and necrotic stage.

The severity of the burn is affected by the type of skin, the amount of time spent in the sun, as well as the state of health. For example, people with fair skin get a severe sunburn much easier, and it will take longer to heal.

Most often, skin lesions as a result of exposure to ultraviolet rays are manifested by redness and soreness of the skin, and vesicles may also appear, grouped into blisters, with serous contents.

  1. With a mild burn, the skin becomes inflamed, reddens, and even a light touch causes pain. After a few days, the skin begins to peel off and the sunburn goes away without leaving visible marks.
  2. Severe sunburn is complicated by severe skin burning, blistering, severe dehydration, fluid and electrolyte imbalances, and possible infection.

In addition to the above symptoms, there are also:

  • chills;
  • temperature;
  • nausea and/or vomiting;
  • symptoms resembling vomiting;
  • blistering;
  • loss of skin observed 4-7 days after the burn.

Other problems that may occur along with sunburn include:

  • heat or sunstroke, or other problems associated with general overheating;
  • allergic reactions to sun exposure or sunscreens;
  • eye disorders such as burning pain, decreased vision, partial or complete loss of vision.

Your skin type determines your susceptibility to sunburn and sunburn. People with fair or freckled skin, blond or red hair, and blue eyes are especially sensitive.

What to do with a sunburn?

Everyone should know what to do when a sunburn occurs. By doing so, you will alleviate the symptoms and get better sooner.

  1. First of all, after a sunburn has been received, it is necessary to go into a room into which ultraviolet rays would not penetrate.
  2. Further, it is important to understand how severe the burn is and whether blisters have appeared. If they are, it means that the degree of skin damage is significant, which requires an urgent visit to the doctor.
  3. You can temporarily relieve pain with a cold shower or a compress.
  4. On the damaged area, you need to apply a cream with a calming effect, chilled aloe juice is also suitable. It is important to remember that it is strictly forbidden to apply oils, both creamy and vegetable, to burned skin.

First aid

When the burn is not too severe, you can treat yourself. Be sure to see a doctor if you get a severe burn and you have the following symptoms:

  • strong pain;
  • large blisters;
  • headache, nausea and vomiting;
  • confusion, weakness.

The provision of first aid is aimed at lowering the temperature, providing the cells of the epidermis with moisture, removing redness, and reducing the sensation of pain.

What to treat? To do this, you can use compresses and lotions from chilled black or green tea, chilled decoctions of medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects (for example, chamomile, calendula, lavender). Remember to drink enough water to prevent dehydration.

Cooled skin must be moisturized, otherwise immediately after cooling it will dry out and inflame even more. After-sun ointments or sunburn sprays work well for this. Folk remedies are also suitable - kefir, sour cream, milk, egg white, you can spread yourself with these products at home.

To relieve pain, you can take - Imet, etc. or take a cool bath or shower. Suitable for relieving itching and burning. Further actions are related to therapeutic measures and are aimed at preventing infection of damaged skin and its speedy recovery.

How to treat sunburn at home

If the skin is damaged in the sun, it is necessary not to be exposed to ultraviolet radiation for several days, that is, to allow the skin to calm down and rest without appearing in the sun.

Home treatment involves the use of folk remedies, they will help relieve sunburn of the skin.

  1. One of the oldest ways, simple and affordable: you need lubricate the burnt places with sour milk, kefir, natural yogurt (without fruit additives and sugar). Sometimes sour cream is included in this list, however, due to its fat content, it creates a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms on injured skin.
  2. To sun-damaged skin area attach a piece of raw peeled potatoes, hold for several minutes periodically updating the attached slices.
  3. In the case of mild thermal external burns, apply thick protein separated from the yolk and apply it on the treated skin surface. The resulting film is not removed, it should fall off by itself.
  4. Need to cut a fresh aloe vera leaf in the middle to get the juice. Apply aloe vera juice on sunburn blisters, let it dry and absorb into the skin. If a fresh aloe vera leaf is not available, you can use aloe vera gel, which can be purchased at a pharmacy.
  5. Necessary pour a tablespoon of dry chamomile with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. And when it cools down, make a compress from the infusion, applying a piece of moistened gauze to the burnt areas.
  6. white cabbage leaves washed and doused with boiling water for greater softness. Then they are cooled and applied to burns, secured with a bandage and worn throughout the day. This simple method helps reduce pain and relieve swelling.

Try these folk recipes, they will help reduce symptoms and relieve sunburn in a short time.

How to smear sunburn at home

Above, we have listed how you can lubricate a sunburn at home using traditional medicine. What else can help in this case?

This part will present effective pharmaceutical products - ointments, aerosols and burn creams. Before lubricating a sunburn, it is very important to make sure that the skin is intact and in no case open the blisters.

  1. in aerosol form (spray) - well relieves inflammation of the skin, covering it with a specific protective film.
  2. , 0, 05 or 1% depending on the age of the victim and the degree of damage to the epidermis.
  3. With erosive lesions after bursting blisters, Dermazin or helps.
  4. or - these funds help not only to anesthetize, but also to remove puffiness, which is sometimes very pronounced.
  5. in the form of an ointment or cream, antimicrobial, analgesic and regenerating drug.
  6. Cooling gels containing menthol and anesthetics.

These medications will help relieve your symptoms, and after a few days, sunburn will no longer bother you.

Sunburn is considered to be the darkening of the skin that occurs due to excessive production of the pigment melanin. This cosmetic effect, as a rule, indicates a good tolerance of ultraviolet rays, and their general beneficial effect on the entire human body.

In addition, during the tanning process, vitamin D is formed, which is extremely important for humans. It facilitates the absorption of calcium from the intestines for the needs of the entire skeletal system and ensures the correct activity of all enzymes. Why then do we need folk remedies for sunburn?

Danger Called The Sun

Despite all the positive aspects, the danger of prolonged exposure to the sun arises, and in some cases it can be quite large. Ultraviolet rays are very harmful to our body, especially fair-skinned people who do not have the necessary amount of natural melanin to protect the skin from radiation. Only very dark-skinned representatives of humanity can endure this process.

All tan lovers (as well as those who want to make it softer) can be advised to tan gradually. For the first session, ten to fifteen minutes is enough. With good tolerance to the sun, you can increase this time by five minutes daily. In the event that you already have tanned skin, the total stay should not exceed a few hours.

To protect your skin (as well as your whole body), follow our tips on how to use folk remedies for sunburn, which will help you during the beach season.

If you need to protect your face, you can smear it before going out into the sun (about half an hour) with yogurt. Any fermented milk products, for example, sour cream, and even sour milk, also have a good effect on the skin. These folk remedies for sunburn will help not only not to burn, but also have a nourishing and moisturizing effect.

The action of masks, which must also be applied thirty minutes before sun exposure, is to create additional hydration and a barrier layer that prevents moisture loss. Home folk remedies for sunburn are extremely effective, because they perfectly absorb ultraviolet radiation, protect against chapping and prevent burns.

An egg mask is prepared from two chicken eggs beaten into a thick mass and applied with a cotton pad. Once it dries, rinse your face with warm water and apply cream.

If your skin is oily, then this method of protection is suitable: dilute one part of vodka with ten parts of water, pour cucumber seeds with this solution and place it in a cool dark place for a couple of weeks. After that, strain the obtained through a gauze napkin and dilute with boiled water in a similar ratio of 1:10. With this lotion, you should wipe your face every day, going out into the street.

What could be better than a summer holiday under the gentle rays of the sun? Clean air, warm sand, the sea and beautiful tanned skin... Almost everyone takes sunbathing, because this activity not only gives a lot of pleasure, but also brings tangible benefits to the body. It has been proven that ultraviolet rays strengthen the immune system, increase mood and physical activity. And besides, thanks to the sun, the skin acquires a beautiful golden hue, which gives the body a special appeal. But at the same time, ultraviolet radiation can have a devastating effect on the skin - excessive sunbathing can lead to very unpleasant consequences: sunburn, dehydration and peeling of the skin, as well as the formation of early wrinkles and age spots.

In order to avoid such troubles, it is necessary to use special care products after tanning to help restore the natural water balance in skin cells, activate their regenerative functions, as well as cool and soothe the irritated dermis. These products include various creams, balms and masks, which can be purchased at any specialized store or prepared independently from simple and affordable ingredients.

Why is post-sun skin care so important?

From the point of view of the physiology of the body, sunburn is nothing more than a protective reaction of the skin to exposure to ultraviolet rays. The main task of sunburn is to prevent further damage to cells, which can lead to a change in their structure. With prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays, the skin experiences stress, as a result of which its protective functions weaken, while it loses its ability to retain moisture, becomes dry and rough. That is why tanned skin needs regular care, which consists in the use of special cosmetics that:

  • help to get rid of the discomfort that has arisen due to prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • enhance the regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • restore the protective functions of the skin, increasing its immunity;
  • accelerate the production of collagen fibers necessary for skin elasticity;
  • provide skin cells with an optimal amount of moisture and nutrients;
  • make the tan more saturated and persistent.

Choosing a folk remedy after sunburn, you need to take into account not only the type and individual characteristics of the skin, but also its condition. It is important to keep in mind that in the presence of serious burns, home cosmetics are not recommended, otherwise the skin condition can only be aggravated. Instead, it is more advisable to seek help from pharmaceutical preparations (ointments or gels with dexpanthenol). And only then you can start maintenance therapy with folk remedies.

Rules for the use of folk remedies after sunburn

Tanned skin requires a particularly delicate and careful attitude, because it is very sensitive and susceptible to any influences. Therefore, when using folk remedies for skin care after sunburn, certain rules must be observed:

  • When choosing homemade recipes, you should pay attention to their composition: it should not contain aggressive ingredients (cinnamon, mustard, pepper and fruit acids). If lemon juice is present in the recipe, then it must be diluted with water.
  • All prepared mixtures are recommended to be tested for tolerance beforehand. To do this, you need to apply a small amount of the product to the area of ​​​​tanned skin and after 20-30 minutes evaluate the result. If any discomfort occurs, the use of this composition should be abandoned.
  • Before applying the cosmetic product, you should take a warm (not hot) shower using a soft gel and gently wipe the skin with a towel. Steaming the skin before the procedure is not recommended, because under the influence of hot steam, the dermis loses precious moisture.
  • Apply cosmetic mixtures with light massaging movements, without pressure. As for the face, it must be treated as carefully as possible, avoiding the areas around the eyes.
  • The duration of the masks after sun exposure is 20-25 minutes. After the procedure, you need to take a shower again and pat your skin dry with a towel. You can additionally rinse your face with a decoction of parsley (a tablespoon of chopped herbs in a glass of boiling water) or whey, and then apply a nourishing cream to your skin.
  • Masks and compresses are recommended to be done no more than twice a week (except in emergency cases when the skin urgently needs to be restored).

By following these simple rules for caring for tanned skin, you can preserve not only its health and beauty, but also an attractive golden hue, reminiscent of rest days.

Folk remedies after sunburn: popular recipes

Cucumber mask with oatmeal and cream

This mask perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, eliminates irritation and a feeling of tightness.

  • 2-3 fresh cucumbers;
  • 100 g of oatmeal;
  • 100 ml cream.
  • Grate the cucumbers and mix the resulting slurry with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Rub the mixture until smooth and apply to the skin.
  • After 20 minutes, rinse the body with warm water without the use of detergents.

Honey mask with linden decoction

This remedy softens rough skin, eliminates peeling and itching.

  • 50 g honey;
  • 30 g lime blossom;
  • 300 ml of boiling water.

Preparation and use:

  • Pour boiling water over the linden flowers and let them brew for at least an hour.
  • Strain the resulting broth and dissolve honey in it.
  • Wipe the tanned skin with the resulting solution 2-3 times a week before going to bed.
  • Wash off the honey mask with warm water approximately 15-20 minutes after application.

Cottage cheese mask with fish oil and black tea

This mask nourishes, moisturizes and softens tanned skin, and also helps relieve irritation and pain from sunburn.

  • 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • 100 ml of strong black tea;
  • 20 ml of fish oil;
  • 5 drops of lemon essential oil.

Preparation and use:

  • Mix all ingredients until smooth.
  • Rub the mixture generously on the skin and leave for 20 minutes.
  • Take a warm shower and treat your skin with a moisturizer.

Mint and linseed oil compress

This remedy helps with sunburn - it eliminates pain and soothes irritated skin.

  • 20 g dry mint leaves;
  • 200 ml of boiling water;
  • 50 ml linseed oil.

Preparation and use:

  • Pour boiling water over the mint and let it brew for 20-30 minutes.
  • Strain the prepared infusion and add oil to it.
  • Moisten gauze flaps in the resulting solution and apply them to the burnt places for 10 minutes. Do such compresses 2-3 times a day until the skin is completely restored.

Homemade after sun lotion

This product perfectly moisturizes tanned skin, and also eliminates irritation and itching.

  • 200 ml of mineral water without gas;
  • 50 ml cucumber juice;
  • 50 ml of chamomile decoction;
  • 3 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 3 drops of orange or grapefruit ether.

Preparation and use:

  • Mix all the ingredients and pour the resulting solution into a container with a spray bottle.
  • Spray the skin after sunburn with lotion 2-3 times a day.

Moisturizing after-sun bath

These treatments help to soothe irritated skin and provide it with a sufficient level of moisture.

Cooking method:

  • Add 500 ml of milk and the same amount of herbal decoction prepared from chamomile, string or thyme to warm bath water.
  • You need to take such a bath for about half an hour, after which you should rinse the body with water and lubricate with moisturizing milk or cream.

Easy-to-prepare folk remedies will help eliminate the unpleasant symptoms that have arisen due to prolonged exposure to the sun, as well as relieve you of pain and restore good health. And besides, with the help of home cosmetics, you can minimize the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation and maintain a beautiful golden skin tone for a long time.