Color in clothes: psychology of perception. The symbolic meaning of gray. Black and white clothes

P Psychology of color in clothes, color perception. Color is present everywhere in our life: the interior of a house or office, a restaurant, a car, and, of course, clothes. We wear it every day, and as psychologists say, our mood is mainly reflected in the choice of not only what to wear, but also what color it will be. Even in the office gray version of clothing, you can make your own bright adjustments, for example, tie a bright green scarf. Directors of large companies, when hiring employees, always pay attention to how a potential employee is dressed, and what color scheme attracted him the most for this occasion. If color affects our daily lives in such a way, then it is probably worth figuring out how to best use the knowledge about color to your advantage. In our life, in addition to color psychology, there are many color stereotypes, for the most part imposed on us by society. For example, boys are dressed in blue and girls in pink. Or you need to wear gray and dark to the office, and bright and shiny to the disco. The teacher should be dressed in a classic suit, and not stand in front of the student in a miniskirt. A lot of people follow these rules. The significance of various colors in psychology is as great as we want to penetrate into the still unknown secrets of human existence, the “colors of human thought” in human life.

So, let's take a closer look at what your wardrobe says, what secrets of mood can it give out? And how to make your life easier with the help of color. And - what do colors mean in the psychology of clothes?

Each color has two sides: one characterizes the internal state of a person, and the second is focused on the external impression that needs to be created. Psychologists believe that those who are in a bad mood will most likely wear dark clothes in the morning.

According to the color concept developed by Goethe, the dark color calms, therefore, perhaps, an agitated person subconsciously seeks peace in this color scheme.

At the same time, gray is classified as impassive, formal and full of dignity. To people who are dressed in gray, it is easy to be imbued with confidence, it creates an aura of authority and wealth, an impression of reliability and honesty. That is why office workers have gray in their clothes. And trade workers prefer to pack goods in boxes or gray paper, thereby trying to hint that there is an expensive and high-quality thing inside.

White color identifies purity and innocence, kindness and truth. Only a person with pure thoughts can afford to wear clothes in such a range. For example, the white dress of the bride symbolizes her purity. At the same time, he imposes the opinion that one who is dressed in white occupies a high position in society - he does not have to do dirty work; white medical gowns speak of the purity or sterility of the health worker.

Black is associated with dark forces, death or mystery, and creates an unsettling feeling and overwhelming power. This is the most authoritarian spectrum of the entire color scheme. Therefore, government cars are often black in order to show that a significant person for the state is riding in the cab. In the overalls of many structures, security, bodyguard, special forces, this color prevails, because these are people who establish their power with the help of force.

Brown symbolizes comfort, it is he who is associated with a tree, a fireplace, a wooden house, the earth. People who like the color brown, which they prefer in clothes, are perceived as reliable, very sincere and efficient. Since ancient times, when bright colors were used exclusively for high-ranking persons, royal families, the rich, peasants dressed in brown. Therefore, if you want to get a job, wear something in this color for an interview.

Green - associated with the concept of life, growth, the ability to refresh and heal, relax and soothe. All shades of green can be used in home décor, resort furnishing to create sophistication and cleanliness. At the same time, it is the color of power. Remember that the entire uniform of the military is in this color. At the same time, when you meet a person dressed in green on the street, there is a feeling of energy, spring, fresh strength to deal with the difficulties that arise.

Blue - trust, calmness, loyalty, respect. It is associated with the sky, the sea, and these things are directly related to relaxation. If you wear a blue dress to a party, then most of the news will come to you - people will trust you. That is why psychologists recommend that politicians wear blue suits during the election campaign. Blue color can push the space, so it seems that in a room with walls of this color, time flows more slowly. In many cultures, this color is identified with wealth, in the countries of the Middle East, people believe that a door painted blue will protect the house from evil spirits.

The most dominant color is purple. In ancient Rome, only Caesars, senators and victorious generals could wear clothes of such colors. Purple represents power, wealth, luxury, independence, it is extravagant. Depending on its shade, it can evoke different emotions - passion, courtesy, goodwill and, unfortunately, depression. At the same time, it is the color of energetic, active people.

Very ambiguous pink color. It can be a symbol of optimism and stupidity at the same time. At the same time, it lowers aggressiveness, recedes anger and dulls physical strength, calms and softens emotions. It is used in prisons, correctional institutions and in colonies, schools for difficult teenagers, they paint the walls of football guest locker rooms to reduce the aggressiveness of opponents on the field. However, it is impossible to take seriously a person dressed in a pink suit. For absolutely all people, pink is directly associated with love - valentines, postcards, pink paper for love letters ... Psychologists recommend that nervous people look at pink more often in order to calm down as soon as possible.

Despite such a variety of meanings in color, there are several truths that should not be forgotten. Remember that the brighter the color of the clothes, the more it indicates the low social level of the wearer. Gray symbolizes aristocracy. And if you are tired of perceiving a certain color, just look at its opposite tone, for example, first at black, and then at white.

The psychology of orange is rather ambiguous. Despite the combination of two fiery components of the color spectrum (red and yellow) that seems simple at first glance, this shade can cause extremely conflicting emotions in people with different types of temperament. , for example, they usually perceive him “with a bang!”, While phlegmatic and melancholic people are often annoyed by him.

simple brightness

As you know, fire begets fire, and this expression is the best suited to the definition of orange. Two shades of flame (aggressive red and radiant yellow) in the mixture give a vibrant life, but at the same time, a fairly even combination that can cheer up and increase vitality. However, orange in psychology refers to shades that do not have depth (for example, unlike blue or green). The color of orange is directed exclusively to the outside world, it is not focused on itself, and as a result, it is usually chosen by light natures, not particularly concerned with the meaning of life and questions of self-knowledge.

Many may object, but what about Buddhism? After all, all adherents of this religion, who for life, and who periodically, but one way or another, dress in this particular color. The fact is that in this great religion, orange, originally meant a deliberate departure from luxury and wealth and equating oneself with the lower strata of society, who were required by law to wear a robe of this color. It was only centuries later that it became associated with higher realms of consciousness.

When everything is gray and boring

Psychology explains the choice of orange in clothes with the desire to move away from problems, to plunge, at least for a while, into the world of simplicity and childish carelessness, where everything is light and bright. There is no complexity in this warm shade, it charges with positivity and optimism, and people who seek to forget about the troubles at work or in their personal lives surround themselves with it. Often they simply hide behind the brightness of this flame, skillfully masking their pain with it.

It is known that at different periods of our lives we prefer different colors and this is understandable. A wide range of emotions and sensations is available to us, and if at some stage in life someone suddenly begins to like the color orange, the meaning in psychology of which can be interpreted as a “non-burning flame”, then this only means that this person wants to get rid of feelings of inner loneliness and misunderstanding on the part of loved ones, he dreams of a warm family nest or a meeting with a kindred spirit, communication with which would bring him a sense of psychological comfort. Life seems gray and boring to him, it lacks emotional richness and lightness, and therefore he tries to compensate for this monotonous monotony with bright orange elements in clothes or interiors.

But one way or another, orange has always been perceived by most people as the color of energy and vitality, nourishing the tired mind and replenishing the brightness of sensations. He has a unique ability to raise, even during a crisis, and this, you see, is quite a valuable and important aspect.

We all have our own unique preferences when it comes to the colors of clothes, however, not all of us know about the psychology of color in clothes and the amazing nuances of using them.

Every morning when you open your closet doors to choose the outfit you will wear today, you may not think about the fact that this way you express your feelings! Colors indicate the characteristics of your personality and the emotions that now rule over you, says the science of color therapy, which has existed for hundreds of years...

Psychology of color in clothes and its influence

Psychologists believe that the colors we choose not only speak about our character, but also can influence our mood and energy.

Buy clothes made from natural fabrics: cotton, linen, silk and wool. Such fabrics not only allow our body to breathe, but also allow light to penetrate through our clothes and touch the skin. Thus, natural fabric plays the role of a color filter that allows the body to perceive the different colors that surround us.

Red color is chosen, as a rule, by energetic people who are not afraid to be noticed and like to be in the spotlight. This is the color of a strong personality, passionate, emotional and sometimes aggressive. To slightly dilute the powerful energy of the fiery color of passion, wear it with black, white or gray shades.

  • Wear red , if you feel accumulated fatigue and you want stability.
  • Avoid this color if you have high blood pressure.

Orange they love bright, cheerful and creative natures, which are often excessively reckless. As a rule, this color is chosen on days when they feel happy: it symbolizes nobility and cheerfulness, a sense of humor and cheerfulness.

  • Wear orange if you want to banish depression and become more active.
  • Avoid this color if you are upset, unwell, or claustrophobic.

Choice of warm tones yellow indicates strong natures who are in harmony with themselves, optimistic and sociable. As a rule, they are loved by others and loved ones.

  • Wear yellow if you want to express your inner self, cheer yourself up or draw attention to your person.
  • Avoid this color if you feel that your life lacks stability.

Blue color, as a rule, is chosen by people who are elegant and restrained, reserved and somewhat phlegmatic. At the same time, the choice of this color can mean a certain tension and nervousness, which correspond to the current state.

  • Wear blue if you feel mentally tired or need to calm down. This color gives clarity and focus.
  • Avoid this color if you are depressed or feel nervous.

Green is a reflection of freshness, harmony and contemplation. It is chosen by gullible and open people who have a high ability to adapt and look around with optimism. They are confident in their decisions and strengths.

  • Wear green if you want to relieve unnecessary nervous tension, find balance and slow down the pace of your life.
  • Avoid this color if you are feeling bored, lethargic or frustrated.

People who choose violet color, successfully combine the spiritual and worldly, in addition, this color shows eccentricity and creativity. People who choose it have a subtle intuition, they are surrounded by an aura of mystery and mystery.

  • Wear purple if you dream of peace and tranquility. This color adds wisdom to those who choose it.
  • Avoid this color if you feel nervous.

Light shades such as lilac, indicate high sensuality and femininity. The same color gently soothes anxiety and improves vision.

  • Wear lilac if you want to calm down.
  • Avoid this color if there is no one around to support you.

Pink color, as a rule, speaks of selfishness and capriciousness. It is chosen by dreamy and romantic natures. If you don't want to look like a frivolous Barbie doll, pair it with grey, black or blue.

  • Wear pink if you want the love and support of the people around you.
  • Avoid pink if you feel down.

Brown and its many shades, according to psychologists, are loved by calm, conservative and reliable people, or those who seek to find stability in their lives and surroundings. Sometimes they are so committed to traditions and rules that they harass those around them with moralizing about how to act in a given situation.

  • Wear brown if you want peace and stability.
  • Avoid this color if you dream of change and bright events.

The classic combination of white and black in clothes is a symbol of opposites.

White revitalizes, gives a sunny mood, gives energy and clarity of thought. This color is a symbol of openness to the world, integrity and purity. By choosing white, we strive to make our lives brighter and better. Black and white combinations make us fickle and changeable.

  • Wear white if you dream of new opportunities and change.

The opposite of white black color - the color of introverts, which symbolizes mystery, intuition, a subtle mind and a sense of style. It should be interpreted depending on the combination. It is good to use it during the day, as this color prevents electromagnetic radiation and protects against the negative influence of the outside world. If you love the combination of black with red, this indicates authority, sexuality and high intelligence. The combination with pink and yellow is preferred by sociable and open people.

  • Wear black if you want to be in control and feel confident.
  • Avoid this color when you feel depressed or feel guilty about something.

Finally, those who prefer grey color, strive to put some kind of barrier between themselves and the world, to free themselves from any obligations, although the "gray mice" can suddenly open up from a completely different side, destroying the established strict and reasonable image. This neutral color suits subtle natures who are afraid to express themselves. Combinations of gray with red, pink, purple and blue will help to emphasize your subtle, multifaceted nature.

  • Wear gray if you want to be discreet or if you want to focus on something.
  • Avoid this color if you are feeling lonely.

Each of us has our own favorite color in clothes. Or even two or three. They suit us, we are comfortable in them. And we don’t even think that these colors, for example, emphasize the freshness of the face, beautifully shade the eyes and hair, and even hide the flaws of our figure. We just love them and change them depending on the mood. But there are also such colors of clothes that categorically do not suit us, they “kill”. What do psychologists say about this? What do we associate primary colors with and what do our color preferences mean?

In the article, we have already touched on the issue of the meaning of color in clothing. Let's take a closer look at it today. So...

The psychology of color

The psychology of color perception is the human ability to perceive, identify and name colors. The perception of color depends on a complex of physiological, psychological, cultural and social factors.

The psychology of color specific and acts regardless of fashion for all people equally. At
When a person encounters a particular color, a spontaneous association of a physiological sensation with a symbolic meaning enshrined in a given cultural tradition occurs.

The well-known psychiatrist V.M. Bekhterev stated: "A skillfully chosen range of colors can have a more beneficial effect on the nervous system than other mixtures."

Aristotle wrote: "All living things strive for color... Colors, by the pleasantness of their correspondences, can relate to each other like musical harmonies and be mutually proportional."

Evenly Grant remarked: "The more you look at this world, the more you are convinced that color was created for beauty, and this beauty is not the satisfaction of a man's whim, but a necessity for him."

Distinguish three types of color effects on a person: physical, optical and emotional.

Favorite color and character. The meaning of color in clothes

At first glance, it may seem that the color in clothes is not so important. But in fact, the right combination and meaning of colors is a very important element for forming a certain image and getting the desired reaction to it.

Let's look at the most basic colors - black and white, then move on to more complex ones - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, pink and, of course, don't forget pastels.

The meaning of black in clothes. Basic, dense, energy intensive

Coco Chanel changed fashion history with the creation of the "little black dress" in 1930. This is the best model to play with black and will probably remain so at all times.

Black color is the most common and most controversial color. Although this color is not on the spectrum, it is very fashionable, meaningful and used in many areas of life.

The meaning of black different in different cultures. Often black carries information about sadness, negativity and suffering, but not always. For example, in Egypt and many Eastern cultures, there is a positive meaning of black, which is associated with resurrection, rebirth and the beginning of a new life.

Black color symbolizes the end of a certain life stage, the desire to immerse yourself in your inner world, to go against fate. Black is the unknown and the mystery that gives way to everything new. In Japanese culture, he is a symbol of nobility, it is no coincidence that in martial arts, a black belt is a recognition of superiority.

Black color is essentially a negation of all other colors, therefore, it is chosen in cases where they want to draw attention not to color, but to the form and content of the object. Here we are talking more about conservatism and adherence to traditions.

Black has no age restrictions, or restrictions on the figure. When dressing in black, follow the shape, cut products should be as simple as possible. Emphasize the naturalness of clothes, with sympathy for yourself, hint at your own sexuality, at inner energy. But don't overdo it.

The meaning of white in clothes. Elegance and freshness

White is the opposite of black. The color of justice, faith, innocence and the beginning of beginnings. This is a blank slate from which history is written. And, of course, white is the color of summer. That's when it reveals itself in all its glory!

Giving him preference in clothes, you enter a new time for yourself.

White color is warm or cold. It all depends on whether there are many impurities of blue or yellow in it. White is considered a chameleon color, it is easily combined with all other colors. Thin white transparent fabrics create a magical effect - a woman dressed in them seems not to be earthly. "Enchanted, bewitched ..." This is about you, if you are in white.

The lightest mohair six or heavy expensive cloth, dense satin - the structure of the fabric always changes the perception of white. Use simple fabrics, preferably not wrinkled, the most complex cut styles are acceptable.

Learn to make accents: red, pink, blue, purple, gray. Skillfully accenting white, you will let people feel everything you want: accessibility and inaccessibility, sensuality and innocence.

A white collar on a blouse of any color will rejuvenate the face and hide unwanted wrinkles. And, of course, the royal combination - white and black.

The meaning of red in clothes. The color of success!

Feeling! Energy! Pressure! Certainty! You don't need to talk - you need to act! There are associations with a bright flame, danger, heart and blood, passion and ardor. It is not for nothing that in China RED is a symbol of active battle, a symbol of a warrior, a symbol of the Fire Dragon. And therefore, if you want to wear a red blouse or dress, you should know that the reason for this is the desire to waste the accumulated energy. You crave success and purposefully go to victory.

It is also a universal symbol of romance and love - a heart and flowers of the same color if you are loved. Red is unique, it is not like any other color, it always attracts attention. He seems to say: "Stop! Look at me!"

All shades of red are respectable: from the color of wine to almost pink. Warm folds of orange, cold yellow, dark blue, that is, the colors inherent in the whole family can be combined with red. Classic combinations - with dark green and blue - are used in many state flags, because they give rise to a feeling of energy and solidity.

Red is the color of excitement and eroticism, the color of sensual pleasure. Have red in your wardrobe, including your underwear shelf - it can change your life.

The meaning of orange in clothes. Warm, rich, vital

Sunshine color. Nature has endowed many of its creations with orange. In ancient Rome, orange veils were considered a symbol of a large and lasting marriage; they were worn by young girls before the wedding. In India, this color is a sign of culture, and the color of national dress.

Orange color- creative, encouraging to action, the color of freedom and optimism. Incorporating the energy of two colors, orange carries the physical energy of red and the subtle sophistication of gold. It helps to reveal hidden possibilities, relieves depression and fears. Increases sociability and is a symbol of good nature.

Independent and proud people who strive to achieve popularity, who are able to have a strong influence on people, choose orange. People who like orange are energetic, full of inspiration and new ideas, they are characterized by perseverance and perseverance. Such people are very sociable, they, as a rule, are always in a good mood, they are full of optimism and enthusiasm. At the same time, they are not at all aggressive and find compromise solutions themselves.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that orange is not for them. Use orange color V clothes he will help you keep vitality and protect against colds.

The meaning of yellow in clothes. The smile of the sun

Yellow can be interpreted in different ways. Bright sunny dandelion, chicken, honey candy and ripe melon.

This is the most luminous color, comparable in brightness only to white. In its pure form, bright yellow is usually used for accents. Luminous yellow is often used in the professional clothing of rescuers and transport workers. But yellow is also the color of enthusiasm.

Psychologists believe that anyone who prefers this color wants to be free from difficulties, have fun and dream. Yellow - sensual, piquant, filled with hope.

Try combining yellow with white, banana with light yellow-green - this composition is a little drier and colder. Lemon yellow with piercing blue - this is for the young and cheerful.
Yellow looks luxurious in a dark version - the so-called "dark gold" color. Yellow, well-chosen by you, will help to create almost any image - from a young girl in the style of "techno" to a sophisticated lady in the style of "Hollywood"; you will let you feel EVERYTHING - from languid passion to the mores of the "Wild West".

The meaning of green in clothes. Fresh, youthful, vital

Green is a symbol of nature. In the old days, brides wore a deep green dress as a symbol of the fertility of nature and the motherhood of man. In India, there has been a tradition for many centuries to dress young girls in green clothes to emphasize their virgin freshness, youth and purity.

Green is also considered a symbol of peace.

Love green? So, you are logical, stubborn and emotional and active! You also like to lead, you are proud of yourself and prone to analysis. In clothes, green is used very widely, always fashionable, always relevant. Almost all shades of green are allowed for dark-skinned brunettes, it is better for white-skinned brunettes to give preference to deep, cold, saturated tones without yellow (yellowish green will make the face pale). Blondes use green without restrictions.

Green will convey your natural charm and the magic of your personality. Feel different.

The meaning of blue in clothes. Cold, strict, independent

The blue color scheme ranges from light bluish white powder to fluttering turquoise, and then to violet, reddish blue and finally rich mauve.

Blue color is pleasing to the eye, associated with a clear blue sky, with a blue sea. The Japanese believe that the color blue represents a bright, successful start to a new business.

The red-blue combination of colors used to be considered "royal", used only by those who were considered "blue blood". Things of this color were made only for members of the royal family, while the dyes were extracted from natural vegetables. Today, indigo is one of the most popular colors in fashion and interior design.

Blue color of all shades suits everyone who has blue eyes (or blue lenses), and bright brunettes with dark skin. The only exception is purple. This color is very demanding on the face.

Lovers of blue and blue - emphasize their aristocracy.

Do you want peace and freedom? Perhaps you would like peace and carelessness? Wear blue, and fate will be favorable to you. Shades of blue are preferred by loyal people.

The meaning of pink in clothes. Sweetest but not weak

The pink color was created using an aniline dye called Magenta. Invented by William Henry Hoffman. This color is extremely feminine, with its help you can get the most unexpected effects. Pink curtains or blinds will look very good in strong sunlight. Curtains made of heavy textured pink fabrics can be perfectly decorated with black folds - the room will look very elegant. Pink curtains are popular in India, as are pink shades of lipstick and eye shadow, the most successful combinations for Indo-European women with dark skin. Warm shades of pinkish-peach are suitable for the Asian type of face.

When buying clothes, experiment more boldly - combine deep fuchsia with red, orange or pink (very extreme, but exotic). The association between pink and romantic mood is traditional, so a beautiful pink evening dress can decorate your wardrobe. In addition, pink is the only color that men have not yet taken from us! Although the latest haute couture collections have already offered pink kaftans for men as evening wear!

But it should be remembered that the pink color makes you fat, it is better to use pink for decoration, and choose the main tone of the outfit darker.

The meaning of purple in clothes. charming

Purple- this is knowledge, intellect, holiness, religious passion, sobriety, repentance, humility, moderation. Also, purple means sadness, nostalgia, grief, old age, mourning. For Christians, the meaning of purple comes down to priestly law and power, truth, fasting, sadness, obscurity, repentance. This color is considered the color of Mary Magdalene; Jews purple color meaning- this is the basis; among the Romans - it was considered the color of Jupiter. This color is associated with moderation, restraint, as well as spirituality and repentance. It is also associated with the transition from something active to something passive, or from male to female, or from life to death.

The desire to charm and delight others guides those who seek to wear purple, purple clothes. Magic, mystery and creativity go hand in hand with you, so your wishes are often granted.

The meaning of brown in clothes. Calm and reliable

Brown color evokes a feeling of reliability, integrity, provides order and harmony. It is the color of the earth and is traditionally associated with the material side of human life. Brown is one of the most versatile colors: being a combination of red, blue and yellow, brown is divided into many tones and shades, each of which has a different effect on a person.

Brown clothing is a sign of calmness and unwillingness to be noticed or remembered. People who prefer brown are most often very conservative and prefer to stick to the once established order.

The meaning of gray in clothes. Restrained

The gray color combines the opposite qualities of black and white, therefore, it feels unnecessary and alien, and will never become the first (because it does not have an internal desire for this). The only goal is stability and harmony (due to exhaustion and fatigue). Gray is considered lonely, because. lives on the border of black and white.

People who prefer gray do not believe that emotions can decide something, they do not believe in the sincerity of emotional experiences; believe that emotions can be shown only in certain circumstances (but not now). Hence their emotional restraint and hence exhaustion. Gray color always stabilizes the processes around, but always looks forked, always feels bad.

The gray color that prevails in clothes speaks of the desire to hide and isolate oneself from the outside world, perhaps even to take care of one's own affairs, to push the public and the obligation to everything that is happening around into the background.

The meaning of color in clothes: pastel shades. Honest, modern, elegant

Caress, softness and restraint are those feelings that are associated with pastel tones of any color. Next to a person dressed in clothes of this color, we are able to feel security, trust, openness. Attraction to such shades occurs at an unconscious level.

Wear pastel colors at all times. It can be various scarves, scarves or other accessories. Pastel pink can help with a crisis: it relieves obsessive thoughts, feelings of anxiety.

Psychology of color - a combination of colors in clothes:

  • The combination of purple and gray in your clothes indicates that you have a developed sense of beauty, and the ideals of beauty are high.
  • The one who tried on yellow and purple at the same time has a very developed fantasy, this is a born traveler.
  • Purple and brown speak of your attachment to pleasures in food, luxury, a thirst for clothes and, in general, new acquisitions. And in combination with black, purple speaks of the need to imitate.
  • Red and purple - the charm of aesthetics and eroticism, everything that can excite. Blue and purple talk about the desire for tenderness and sensuality.
  • Green and purple - the desire to enlist the support of others, win their favor, however, and unwillingness to take responsibility.
  • Blue and yellow colors are chosen by those who want to be understood and understand themselves, who lack a little love.
  • Blue with black - peace, and blue with gray - some detachment. The contrast of blue and red speaks of harmony and emotionality. Brown and blue - for those in need of care and comfort.
  • Self-confident and prudent people who prefer a combination of gray and green. Blue with green - this speaks of consistency, excessive accuracy and control.
  • The owner of the outfit, where green and red colors predominate, increases his authority, however, green and yellow - recognition of others and himself. The fatal combination of red and black speaks of excessive desires, and red and gray - of impulsiveness.
  • Green and black are pathological stubbornness, and yellow and black are self-will.

01/19/2013 0 comments 20 258

The value of color in human psychology is difficult to overestimate. Every day, the colors of the world around us affect our energy potential, mood and well-being in general. And if so, is there any doubt that the color of the clothes that we choose for ourselves reflects our essence, psychological attitude and motives of behavior?

In addition, society influences the choice of clothing color, imposing certain stereotypes. Sometimes they are quite logical (like gray and dark blue tones for business meetings), and sometimes they are absolutely conditional (pink shades for girls and blue for boys).

So let's see what is psychology of color perception and how to use this knowledge to your advantage.

The psychophysiological influence of color can be briefly described as follows:

  • warm light colors clothes evoke a feeling of friendliness, openness, ease of communication;
  • dark cold tones increase the importance and authority, force to keep a distance;
  • the classic black and white combination is a symbol of opposites and status;
  • hot colors - yellow, orange and red stimulating effect on the brain, increase the pulse rate;
  • cold green and blue tones - easily perceived, soothe, slowing down the metabolism;

The dark color is known to be calming. According to psychologists, those who prefer to wear dark clothes in the morning are in a bad mood, so they subconsciously seek peace and tranquility in this one.

Psychology of color in clothes

WHITE the color in clothes symbolizes purity, peace, goodness and truth. It inspires confidence, as it is associated with purity of thoughts, a high position in society (you don’t have to do dirty work). The color of harmony and creativity. The white color of the clothes "reflects" the skin, allowing it to look softer and more delicate. No wonder the famous Coco Chanel said: "When a woman is in white, only she is visible."

BLACK color in clothes gives a sense of authoritarian power, rigor and mystery. As a rule, a person looks for the illusion of security in black, tries to isolate himself from reality, perceives life gloomily. Despite this, little black dress- symbol . In combination with other colors, black brings rigor and elegance to the image.

GREY color, as an intermediate between white and black, is considered neutral, free from psychological stress. It expresses detachment, conservatism, poise and professionalism. However, from the point of view of psychologists, people who prefer gray shades lack emotions. They belittle their importance, try to be discreet and hence - always on the sidelines. Despite this, gray is one of the most popular colors, because it allows you to concentrate on work without distracting the attention of colleagues.

BROWN and its shades. According to psychologists, they are chosen by calm, conservative, reliable, in a word - "earthly" people. Or those who strive for peace and stability in life. It is the color of honesty, reliability and devotion, therefore it is recommended for employment.

RED color in clothes carries passion, energy, optimism. It completely captures attention and personifies strength, courage and the will to win. Accordingly, people who prefer red are emotional maximalists. Brave and energetic, they are not shy of everyone's attention, as they are confident in themselves and their abilities. In addition, the psychology of color in clothes is such that it stimulates a surge of energy, courage and determination in a timid person.

PINK associated with infantile femininity, tenderness, romance and optimism. It reduces aggression and immerses in a state of comfort. It is impossible to create a serious and decisive image of a business lady by wearing pink. This color brings lightness, femininity and playfulness to each, as well as visually improves the complexion.

ORANGE- active, juicy color of freedom, happiness, creative energy and enthusiasm. It always pleases the eye, promotes a good mood and tunes in positive. Orange color in clothes is preferred by open, friendly, addicted people, who, however, are overly superficial and irresponsible. This is one of the best colors in color therapy. Wear orange if you need to cheer up, stimulate creativity or raise your tone.

YELLOW- the color of optimism, intelligence, creativity and spontaneity. It is associated with the sun and joy, and at the same time, stimulates brain activity and performance. Yellow is the happiest color on the spectrum. However, psychologists say that shades of yellow are not equivalent. Bright yellow is chosen by strong, self-confident, successful people, or people striving for freedom, inner harmony, getting rid of frames. Pale yellow - on the contrary, insecure, vulnerable people who avoid responsibility.

GREEN- the color of life, growth and tranquility. It symbolizes prosperity, new beginnings, harmony and security. As a rule, people with a rich imagination and a creative approach to solving problems prefer green. These are open, optimistic, self-confident people who are able to quickly adapt to any life turns. If you want to radiate reliability, generosity and calm energy, feel free to wear green.

BLUE color in clothes is considered the most pleasant, it gives a sense of trust, order and stability. Prefer blue - mostly conservative, reasonable people, loyal friends, idealists and logicians. Just like gray is a color. Unlike blue, BLUE- the color of carelessness, dreams and hopes. It is chosen by emotional, dreamy people who do not tolerate fuss and squabbles. Blue evokes trust and sympathy, it is not accepted by workaholics and is loved by people who value relaxation and entertainment.

VIOLET- the color of spiritual development, idealism, creativity and sensuality. Psychologists note that people who choose this color are distinguished by a creative impulse, sentimentality, vulnerability and superstition. They tend to trust their intuition and have a heightened sense of self-worth. Interestingly, 75% of young children, 85% of the mentally retarded, pregnant women and homosexuals love purple. Such people are more devoted to feelings than to reason.

These are the main nuances of a very interesting topic - the psychology of color perception, or rather, the main, "pure" colors in clothes. Next in line - color combinations.