Blondes or brunettes? Who do men choose? Brown hair - dark and light shades (photo)

Men can argue about female attractiveness endlessly. After all, there has not yet been a way to decide who is better - blondes or brunettes? Every man has his own woman, and her hair color has no of great importance. Or has? Let's figure it out.

Women with which hair attract men more?

Who is better - blondes or brunettes? This question has always been an edge for the strong half of humanity. From a long time ago Greek girls, who were considered the standard of beauty, began to recolor their hair. For some reason, lovely ladies were not satisfied with natural dark shade. Therefore, today there are so many legends in which the ancient Greek performed feats and even committed crimes for the heart of a golden-haired beauty. Why did the girls try with all their might to change the appearance given to them by nature? The answer lies on the surface. Men are drawn to everything new, unusual. And if the beloved is surrounded by brunettes, then you urgently need to become a blonde. To that simple method women resorted earlier and take it into service today. It is clear that men began to turn their attention to blondes, because they stood out so much from the mass of their competitors. And how is it now? Who do men value more? Let's turn to statistics. As before, and now men prefer blondes. But as who? as a mistress and an easily accessible girl. That's why a man in 70% of cases will approach a blonde in a cafe to get acquainted. As wives, the same 70% of the stronger sex want to see brunettes. It seems to them that these ladies are more suitable for the role of mother and guardian of the hearth.

Girls' opinion

If men are more or less constant in their views on life, then women are no different. Therefore, the vote "Who is better - blondes or brunettes?" can be considered relevant for six months, until the fashion changes. Today dark color hair is relevant. And not because it reveals some deep feminine essence or emphasizes status. Hair color is the same trend as, say, Fur vests or cropped jeans. For some girls, these fashionable attributes sink into the soul, and they do not part with them. Other ladies will throw out boring things at the moment when designers announce a list of trendy things.

IN this moment Based on the collected statistics, we can say that 80% of girls consider brunettes to be more attractive to men. In fairness, it is worth noting that all these women are owners of dark hair.

Expert opinion

relationship experts and family life unanimously declare that hair color does not greatly affect taste preferences men. But still, experienced people confirm the fact that many men prefer fashion trends. If only brunettes appear on the covers and in the main roles of films, the man, albeit subconsciously, notices this. The opinion that the most beautiful girls must have dark hair, imposed by marketers.

Who is better: blondes or brunettes? Psychologists believe that if hair color does not have a big effect on a man, then female behavior he can change. Some whimsical and eccentric ladies may justify their stupid antics by the fact that they are blondes. In this case, men will only be touched by them. But the brunette, getting up do not understand what, may not deserve the same indulgence. The world is ruled by stereotypes, and some women prefer to use it.

Who is better in the photo

It is difficult to answer this question. After all, not everything depends on the color of the hair. Photogenicity is formed from pleasant features of appearance, slim figure, leg length, etc. But still, answering the question of who is better - blondes or brunettes - are obtained in the photo, we can say this: in winter - brunettes, in summer - blondes. In the cold season, girls with golden hair practically merge with the snow-white surroundings, while dark-haired beauties contrast with the surrounding nature. But in the summer the situation changes. Wise woman will always carefully select the background for the photo so that it does not merge with it.

Men love to look beautiful pictures, so the photo well-groomed girl involuntarily attracts their attention. What is better - a photo of a blonde or a brunette? Everyone decides for himself, and the color of the hair here plays far from the main role. A good figure and long legs are sometimes enough to conquer a man.

Does hair color affect relationships?

It should be understood that a man lives with a woman, and not with a doll. Therefore, hair color for a relationship does not matter. If a girl has a terrible temper, no one will tolerate her just because she has great curls. Justifying your actions with hair color is stupid. Blondes, brunettes and redheads - all women in our world can be wise, it's just that many don't want to. But then you should not be offended by your beloved because he found another. It is worth reproaching yourself for coldness, stupidity or obscene behavior. And the fact that a man found a girl with a different hair color should play the least role.

Often in a cafe or on the street you can see how cute a blonde and a brunette communicate with each other. Best friends don't care about hair color. They see each other only as a set positive qualities hidden in an attractive shell.

Blonde character

When it comes to a girl with blond hair, many people remember a character from jokes. A sort of young lady with pumped up breasts and lips, who can hardly count up to 10. It is not entirely clear how this stereotype developed. Most likely, it arose because there are few natural blondes in the world. Therefore, if a woman blonde hair, so she paints them. And if she paints them, then she wants to appear prettier, therefore, she is frivolous, as she pays a lot of attention to her appearance. Of course, this is not always the case. It just suits some girls light color hair. There is nothing wrong with a woman wanting to be beautiful. It is impossible to say exactly which ones are brunettes or blondes, but there is a scientifically proven fact that women with blond hair are softer, more groovy and naive than their dark-haired girlfriends.

Brunette character

Girls with dark hair are considered smart, assertive and successful. Men do not perceive them as a glossy picture. It is customary to idolize such girls and wear them in their arms. This is the opinion of the ASK website. Who is better - blondes or brunettes? The popular vote was equally divided.

In fact, it cannot be said with certainty that women with dark hair are more successful than their fair-haired girlfriends, but it can be said that men take them seriously. Moreover, both at work and in personal life.

Redhead character

Girls whose hair color has a copper tint, according to the sayings, are sorceresses. Most likely, this belief has deep roots. Indeed, in our country, red-haired girls are a rarity, therefore, the attention of men was drawn to them in the first place.

Red-haired girls are stubborn, purposeful and smart. Girls with sun-colored hair always attract attention to their person, so they are often selfish and arrogant. But these character traits attract rather than scare. There are no exact statistics on who is better - blondes or brunettes, or redheads, but we can say that few women in our country decide to dye their hair with henna. This is a bold act that will inevitably attract to them increased attention, and many are embarrassed by this. Often red-haired girls - creative personalities. They choose the profession of artists, sculptors, poetesses or writers.

The character of girls with variegated hair

We have reviewed the main natural colors in which the girls are painted. But today not only naturalness is in fashion, but also brightness. Blue, green and purple hair is no longer uncommon. What are the girls trying to convey to those around them who choose such flashy colors? Of course, most of them will say that in this way they express themselves. In fact, this girl is weak-willed and highly dependent on the opinions of others. She needs to be the center of attention all the time, I want to be admired. And if this cannot be achieved with bright hair, tomorrow it will not be difficult for her to become bald. This girl will do anything to get noticed.

Is it possible to change fate by changing the hairstyle

As you know, you can't run from yourself. Therefore, if a girl decided to radically change her fate with a new hairstyle, the idea, let's say right away, is frankly stupid. You can't dye your hair and become a different person. Collecting statistics on who is better - blondes or brunettes, scientists come to the conclusion that everyone is good in their own way. If there were no infantile ones, he would be boring, and if there were no prudent girls, then the balance in the world would be shaken. If a girl wants to change something in her life, then she must start with herself. By changing your character and views on this world, you can change your destiny. With a new hairstyle, a girl can become more interesting, but only for one evening. Then others will understand that behind the new attractive picture is an old personality, perhaps a gray mouse.

We select hair color according to the color type of appearance

Today, the girl has the opportunity to paint absolutely any color. She can do this by her own decision and even on a dare. After all, many crazy actions are the result of a dispute about who is cooler. So who is better - blonde or brunette? It is up to each woman and man to decide for themselves.

If a girl decides to change her image, she should first of all focus not on fashion trends, but on your own appearance color type. If a woman has fair skin, eyebrows and eyelashes, then she should not be painted in a brunette. A burning beauty will not come out of her; rather, she will become like a dead heroine from a horror movie. Such girls should not go against nature and spend all their free time in the solarium, so that the skin becomes at least a little darker. It is better to stop your choice of hair color on a blond or copper shade.

If the girl is a mulatto or a mestizo, then she does not need to become a blonde. dark eyebrows and eyelashes will create dissonance with her hairstyle, which in the aggregate will not look attractive.

But the owners blond hair you can conduct experiments at least every six months! Girls with neutral shade skin and in gray hair, you can experiment and become blondes, brunettes and redheads.

Padding around the form

Few people know that a woman's hair color is her second zodiac sign, which can tell a lot about her. After all, it is impossible not to notice that not only the "suit", but also the characters are enormously different from each other blondes, brunettes, redheads and brown-haired women. It should be taken into account that the popularly known conclusions about this difference are not always accurate. What does their hair really say about women?

1. Blondes have a reputation for being gentle, naive creatures, to put it mildly, not sparkling with intellect, but very sexy. Beware: psychologists say that in fact this reputation is just a stereotype imposed by Hollywood cinema! The only thing that is true in it is the statement about the sex appeal of blondes. According to numerous surveys, more than half male population the planet dreams of blond ladies, believing that in family life it is fragile, delicate and sophisticated blondes who will be the most compliant and accommodating passions in the world. That's where the vaunted men's logic is crashing!

In fact, blondes in real life are completely different than in jokes. Marriage with them, by the way, is the most unstable. Here's why: not compliant and far from accommodating, fair-haired beauties are not at all as stupid as they are commonly believed. Yes, yes, blondes are not only not deprived of intelligence, but, according to statistics, they have much more high intelligence than girls with hair of a different color! With their analytical thinking and ability to exact sciences only brown-haired women can compete, but it is blondes who turn out to be not only the most sexy, but also the most quick-witted, and also the most prudent and cold-blooded in achieving their goals, which shock their soul mates.

2. Brunettes are very often too suspicious persons. It is their numerous complexes and a tendency to self-criticism that explains their "fatal" image of bitches, play-mongers men's lives and family destroyers. Why do they need it? Of course, in order to compensate for their own self-doubt, showing the world "who in the world is sweeter than everyone, all blush and whiter." Incidentally, it has been observed that lighter tone brunette skin, the more she is sentimental and prone to the study of the occult sciences, mysticism, philosophy and psychology. Brunettes are very suggestible, superstitious and tend to rush from one extreme to another, which often scares men. They should learn self-control, because their tantrums are like a tornado: they sweep away everything and everyone around. Including fans.

But for some reason, it is brunettes who marry billionaires more often than blondes, redheads and brown-haired women! One interesting study showed that 70% of billionaires are husbands of brunettes, and only 22% are women with blond hair. So, blondes, who do modern gentlemen actually prefer?

3. It is indisputable that red-haired ladies traditionally have a fiery temperament, like their hair color. Their lives in all their spheres (including intimate area) is bright, rich, creative and non-standard. Redheads do not tolerate stereotypes and try to fight them in every possible way, but they care little about the consequences of this struggle. They are very egocentric and freedom-loving, which explains the fact that it is difficult for them to be part of any kind of team. That is why red-haired girls choose mostly creative professions. In the work they love, as a rule, they succeed; do not imagine themselves in an unloved job and in every possible way avoid any business in which they are not interested. Red-haired girls, as a rule, often change jobs, but they know how to succeed where they feel their calling.

Desperate careerists, red-haired ladies are in no hurry to get married, because they main principle in a relationship, it's freedom. They are the first to cheat and leave, almost never returning. And they know how to be happy alone.

4. Brown-haired women have a soft, like their hair color, balanced character. Only they are able to smooth out any conflict, both in the office and in married life. It would seem, what problems can there be in your personal life with such an even and domestic character? However, very often they do not have everything going smoothly in their personal lives just because brown-haired women believe that for success in it, appearance is not so much important as intelligence and the ability to lead. household. Men really appreciate their mind, admire it and with pleasure gobble up their culinary masterpieces, praising them in every way. But, having eaten, they go to other, more feminine and sexy women. Forever.

Among the brown-haired women there is a large percentage of the so-called "blue stockings" and "gray mice", but, of course, there are many exceptions. There is another type of brown hair. The brown-haired woman, who is not a "guy in a skirt", is self-confident, knows how to draw attention to her person and knows exactly what she wants. Her hair color is her dignity, which beautifully frames her face and allows you to apply makeup of any brightness on it without the risk of appearing vulgar. The main drawback of a smart and sexy brown-haired woman is insincerity. Men feel this on a subconscious level and avoid such beauties, so brown-haired women should learn openness, as well as healthy self-criticism. Brown-haired women rarely listen to someone else's opinion, even when they realize that they need it. Fortunately, they know how to mysteriously keep silent about it. Learn, brunettes! Padding around the form

We are tired of the eternal debate about the attractiveness of blondes with brunettes and decided to ask men: girls with what hair color they prefer. Mikhail Terekhin, Kolya Serga and Otari Gogiberidze participated in the survey. Read what they came up with!

Who is who

Blondes have a reputation for not being overly smart, gentle creatures, however, the proverb does not lie: there are indeed devils in the still waters. In practice, sometimes blondes turn out to be prudent, prone to analytical thinking and the exact sciences. Despite the fact that the most ridiculous jokes are dedicated to the owners of blond hair, many gentlemen say that they prefer blondes. Here, apparently, the law works that any PR attracts attention.

It is believed that brunettes are the complete opposite of blondes, this is fatal beauties capable of destroying any man. They are incredibly smart and charismatic. This theory is being actively developed by Hollywood cinema almost from the cradle: let's remember the seductive dark-haired beauties of Disney princesses.

Red-haired girls make up only 2 percent of the world's population, so some scientists consider this hair color to be a mutation, moreover, redheads are more often than others born with unusual abilities, talents and features. Red girls are considered to be smart and cunning people. In the Middle Ages, they were completely burned at the stake! But all this is superstition: studies by British scientists show that the owners of fiery hair do not differ from other female representatives in matters of IQ.

There are thousands of opinions and hundreds of rebuttals, but each girl is individual in her own way, and this does not depend on hair color. As the singer Freddie Mercury believed, one should not try to understand, unravel and analyze a woman, otherwise it will be difficult to enjoy her. What other men think, TOPBEAUTY found out.

From a man's face

star opinion

Mikhail Terekhin,

showman, actor, fitness model

I had a number of very beautiful blondes which I may have loved. I always feel passion for brunettes, but redheads are just cuties!

Kolya Serga ,

musician, actor, host of the TV program "Eagle and Tails"

I like bald girls, because if a bald girl is beautiful, she will be beautiful with any hair: white, black, gray, crimson, and so on.

And in general, in the light of current technology, it is difficult to trust the color and length of a woman's hair. You'll never know who she really is under those layers of paint.

Otari Gogiberidze,

famous plastic surgeon, husband of TV presenter Yana Laputina

Looking at my wife, Yana Laputina, you will find the answer to the question about best color hair. Good and brunettes, and blond. What matters is what's in your heart.

"Hair color does not affect either the mental qualities, or the character, or the beauty of the lady. No matter what color your hair is, the main thing is that it suits you and your general style."

"I'm most attracted to girls with natural color hair, maybe a little tinted ends.

"Brunettes are passionate, blondes are tender, redheads are perky."

"They say that brunettes are in fashion now. To be honest, I have no idea about this. Like most other men. I doubt that you often heard compliments in your address from the series:" Wow! Do you have such trendy color hair!" And if you heard, and even from a man, then most likely it was your stylist!"

"What color her hair is, it's not so important. The main thing is that they are healthy and beautiful."

"Brunettes are friendly and interesting. And blondes are sometimes less interesting, but effective."

BLONDE (all shades of blond hair - from blond to light brown)

“Lovely, what a fool” is a sexy and at the same time naive dummy, who cares only about her own appearance ... This standard portrait of the heroine of jokes has little in common with real blondes. Unless the statement about sex appeal is true. Natural blondes are a species disappearing from the face of the Earth, there are few of them left - about 16% of the world's population, but more than half of men (about 70%) dream about them. At the same time, men, as a rule, deceive themselves, believing that such a wife “by default” will be complaisant and gentle. Perhaps the reason for such ideas is that many blondes have somewhat childish facial features (genes are to blame) that are associated with the qualities described above. But how wrong are men!

Girls with blond hair are not dumb, naive, or soft. They are better than others in ... math and science. And, like no one else, they know how to trust their intuition. A lot of strong emotions are hidden behind their composure and endurance, but blondes prefer to keep them in themselves, not showing them to others. No girl with this hair color trusts another person so much as to allow him to look into her soul and see what is really going on there. Due to the discrepancy between male expectations and reality - instead of obedient and soft woman they “suddenly” get a prudent clever woman who will not miss her benefits, a misunderstanding arises, which, as a rule, ends in divorce. By the way, public “opinion” and clichés put pressure on fair-haired people sometimes with such force that their first (and last) date with a man is likely to end in bed.

Ash blondes are distinguished passionate desire to stand out from the crowd by any means, if in order to achieve the goal you need to go over other people's heads, they will do it without hesitation.

BRUNETTE (black, blue-black, very dark Brown hair)

Girls with black or very dark hair are very often, as they say, "on their minds." There are a lot of melancholics among them - easily vulnerable, sensitive persons, prone to deep feelings of even minor failures and self-criticism. Brunettes know firsthand what self-doubt and a sudden lightning-fast change of mood from good to disgusting are. “The thought uttered is a lie” - most of them agree with this passage of Tyutchev, therefore brunettes prefer not to talk about their experiences and problems especially. They instantly flare up like matches, and also instantly calm down.

One of the favorite ways for brunettes to assert themselves is to break male hearts. And it's not about fire at all. sexual temperament- in this way they get rid of the doubts that torment them about their beauty and the need for other people. Dark-haired people are more interested in psychology in general and psychotherapy in particular, art and religion. The lighter the tone of the face, the brighter the described qualities are expressed and the brighter the sentimentality is manifested. Brunettes are very purposeful people: born tacticians and strategists - in most cases they achieve what they want.

It is interesting that men dream of blondes, and they usually marry " fatal women- brunettes - this rule applies to billionaires. One study collected data on the color of their wives' hair. Nearly 70% of the 100 billionaires surveyed had brunette wives. And only 22% were blondes.

RED (orange to copper)

Red-haired girls are more nervous than others and have an "explosive" temperament. The fact is that they produce less anti-stress hormones than women with a different hair color. Such persons are emotional, impulsive and sometimes inconsistent. Redheads hate being pressured and have a hard time putting up with different kind conventions, preferring to be known as great originals, rather than step on the throat of their own song and behave "as expected". They firmly believe that no one owes anything to anyone, and they actively put this principle into practice. Redheads wanted to sneeze at the authorities, for them the opinion of a single person is important, and this person is themselves. They hardly get along in a team, just because they prefer to "out of step" and prefer the status of "loners".

Redheads rarely "filter" their statements, they are not lacking in spontaneity. By the way, this spontaneity, as a rule, extends to all spheres of life, including sexual. Redheads not only have sex more often than others, but they also manage to do it with different partners. In addition, these girls know how to think outside the box.

BROWN hair (brown hair of all shades except very dark)

Gentle, "cozy", as if radiating warmth, brown-haired women are often underestimated by men - and in vain! Most brown-haired women have a fairly even, calm character. They are sociable and pleasant in communication - they make new acquaintances with pleasure, it is not necessary to choose them for a long and painful time. suitable topic for a conversation, as a rule, a casual conversation starts as if by itself. To their strengths also include balance and stress resistance. With a sweet smile on her face, a brown-haired woman is able to put out the “fire” in the office in a couple of minutes and find a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation without succumbing to panic. But in a “peaceful life”, when there are no jobs and, as a result, unplanned bursts of adrenaline into the blood, monotonous, routine work is extremely difficult for her, bringing melancholy.

Brown-haired women often, without realizing it, rely not on their appearance, but on their minds, and then wonder why men perceive them as “guys in a skirt”, highly appreciate their intelligence, professional competence and ability to think logically, trust the juicy details of their personal life and... have affairs with other women.

Many actresses for the sake of the role have to radically change their appearance, for example, repaint from a brunette to a blonde or vice versa from a blonde to a sultry brunette. Some girls are so perfect new look that they decide to stay in it forever. In this article, we will look at stellar experiments with hair color, and everyone will decide for themselves which image is the best.

And we'll start with actresses who changed their image for roles in the sensational series "Game of Thrones".

The brightest and most memorable image - Daenerys Targaryen created by the actress Emilia Clarke. Hair Emilia I didn’t have to repaint, but make-up and putting on a wig take a lot of time for make-up artists, and for this, the actress comes to the set very early - at five or even four in the morning! But a blonde Emilia I like it much more, in this way her facial features become sweeter.

Lena Headey in the image Cersei Lannister. Same good image, blonde hair Headey they go very well, and you won’t immediately guess that in ordinary life, and in other film roles, the actress is a burning brunette. For filming a TV series Line like Emilia put on a wig and she goes from brunette to blonde.

Natalie Dormer She also starred in the series "Game of Thrones", but she did not have to repaint this time. Go from blonde to brunette Natalia had to while filming the series "The Tudors" where she played Anne Boleyn- sixth wife Henry VIII. It should be noted that in the image of a brunette Natalie beautiful and seductive!

Reese Witherspoon– it’s not often that you have to change your hair color, but still sometimes it happens, and certainly – Reese the blonde is much more spectacular than Reese brunette.

Amber Heard- bride Johnny Depp beautiful with any hair color. And she showed us this in the film "3 days to kill", where she was a secret service agent and, due to her work, she had to change her image several times with the help of wigs.

Penelope Cruz- I won’t even say for which film she had to change her image so radically, but from a brunette to a blonde, she obviously dyed her hair in vain. Penelope Cruz can only be a brunette!


Keira Knightley- This actress often dyes her hair and goes from a femme fatale to a cute blonde! But still, the golden mean suits her the most, namely, to be a brunette and have light strands at the same time!

Elena Korikova- this Russian actress tried several times to dye her hair from blonde to brunette, but she looks much more beautiful as a blonde, and you can even say that she is incomparable in such an image!

Katherine Heigl- series star "Grey's Anatomy", this actress has a cute doll face and therefore black hair also suits her, but still we are more accustomed to seeing her as a blonde.

Charlize Theron- Very beautiful actress, for a film role "Aeon Flux" she had to transform from a blonde to a brunette, and it should be noted that in this film, as in many others Charlize gorgeous!

Scarlett Johansson- This blonde beauty also often has to dye her hair with a dark color for the sake of roles, but personally I don’t see the point in this. Directors, why are you doing this with scarlett?

Cameron Diaz- a great actress, she also had to change the color of her hair, but black hair and Cameron- it's just incompatible!