Statistics of the male and female population in the world. The ratio of the number of men and women in Russia

Statistics for men and women displays relevant information. This gives you an idea of ​​the level social role both sexes in the states.

The population of the planet

The population of the earth is constantly growing. For the past ten years, growth has averaged 1.2% per year.

How many men and women are there in the world according to statistics? In 2017, there were about 7.5 billion people on earth. Most of it is in Asia - 4.2 billion (56%). About 54% are residents, 46% - the rural population. China and India are the most populous countries in the world. China is home to 1.4 billion people (19% of the total population of the planet), India - 1.3 billion (18%).

According to forecasts, over the next 13 years, the earth will increase by 1 billion. In 2030, the figure will reach 8.6 billion.

Whom more representatives strong or weak sex? At the global level, their numbers are about the same. About 50.4% are representatives of the stronger sex, and 49.6% are the weaker sex. The statistics of the ratio of men and women - for every 100 women there are 102 representatives of the stronger sex. However, the figures vary widely across regions.

The statistics of men and women show that only in 27 countries their numbers are the same. A large percentage of the male population is observed among the inhabitants of North Africa and the Middle East (55 countries).

Statistics on the number of women and men shows that in some countries the ratio has noticeable differences. For example, in the UAE, there are only 100 girls for every 274 guys. China and India are also countries with a high percentage of the stronger sex. In the USA, Japan and Brazil, according to statistics, there are 1.2 women per man. In countries former USSR shortage of representatives of the stronger sex.

Who smarter than men or women according to statistics? The results of research by Canadian scientist Philip Rasshaton show that the IQ of the stronger sex is 3.6 points higher than that of girls. Although many scientists believe that the level of intelligence does not depend on the gender of a person.

Population of selected countries

As of January 1, 2018, the population of Russia is 146.8 million people. Of these, 109 million (74%) are urban residents, 37.8 million (26%) are rural. Population distribution by age (thousand people):

The statistics of men and women in Russia are distributed as follows: 46% are representatives of the stronger sex, and 54% are women. This ratio of men and women in the demographic structure of the Russian Federation has been maintained since 2004.

How many women are there for one man according to statistics? For 1000 men of the corresponding age group, there are (thousand people):

The statistics of men and women show that boys are more often born in eastern and southern countries (Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia). In Turkey, in 2017, the representatives of the stronger sex accounted for 50.2% (40.54 million). The number of girls was slightly less than 40.3 million (49.8%). In Georgia, the percentage ratio of the strong and weaker sex is somewhat different: 47.1% (weaker sex) and 52.9% (strong sex).

The number of permanent residents of Ukraine is about 42.3 million people. The share of urban residents is 68.9%, while the rural population is 31.1%. According to statistics, the number of men and women is distributed as follows: 19.4 million (46.2%) and 22.8 million (53.8%).

Who drives better

The statistics of women and men driving shows that the fairer sex is more likely to be the culprit of an accident. Although girls spend 20% less time behind the wheel than men. But, they get into less dangerous accidents. Basically, they do not follow the rules of rebuilding and maneuvering. More often they crash at intersections, getting hit on the left side when trying to turn right and vice versa.

The statistics of female and male drivers show that serious accidents with significant damage often occur with the participation of the stronger sex. They tend to have a speed limit. According to the AlfaStrakhovanie company, the frequency of compensation payments for insured events involving men is 10% higher than that of women.

Average life expectancy in the countries of the world (WHO data for 2015):

In 2015, Russia broke the record for average life expectancy in the entire history of the country. The indicator reached 71.4 years (men - 65.9 years, women - 76.7). In 2016, life expectancy increased by another 8.5 months.

Uzbekistan in terms of life expectancy is in 1st place among the countries of Central Asia. On average, residents reach the age of 73.8 years. In Tajikistan - 73.7. In Kazakhstan - 72.4. In Kyrgyzstan - 70.9. In Turkmenistan - 70.4.

How often do suicides occur

What kind of men and women? WHO official data for 2015:

Men and women shows that the weaker sex tries to commit suicide 4 times more often. However, they are much less likely to die than men.

In 2017 (January-August), 14.2 thousand people committed suicide in Russia, which is 13% less than in 2016. Most often, able-bodied citizens aged 30–40 years committed suicide (40 per 100 thousand men).

There is a sharp jump in suicides in Belarus. In 2016, 2,042 people died in Belarus. A year earlier, 1,394 people committed suicide. Among suicides, predominantly representatives of the stronger sex: 1656 in 2016. The age of men is 46–60 years.

Relationships between the sexes

Relations between a man and a woman begin with mutual sympathy, love. Few people know what love is and why a person has such a feeling. Everyone is guided by personal preferences. What men like in women:

  1. Well-groomed.
  2. Femininity.
  3. Self confidence.
  4. Good manners.
  5. Sincerity.

There is an opinion that men are afraid of women. What? Beautiful! This is the fear of being rejected by a girl or not matching her woman in any way: appearance, manners, finances or respect.

Why do men love women? According to scientists, one of the main reasons is the unique feminine scent. He evokes so strong feelings representatives of the stronger sex, which influence the choice of a partner.

What kind of women do men like according to statistics? Research shows that the mentality, culture and customs in different countries play a big role. For example, in Japan, modesty, undemanding, honesty, and loyalty are valued. In Algeria, the wife must be compliant and non-confrontational. In Turkey, a wife is valued as a mother, a mistress. The Germans love educated, sociable, sincere girls.

The couples enter crisis period after 3 and 7 years cohabitation. Disagreements and dissatisfaction begin to arise, which leads to infidelity and divorce.

The statistics of men and women show that most often they get divorced in Belgium - about 70% of couples. In Spain, Portugal, the Czech Republic and Hungary the level is 60%. In the US and Russia, the figure exceeds 50%.

What kind of men and women? In Russia, about 75% of husbands cheat on their wives. The indicator for the weaker sex is about 20-25%. Moreover, 60% of the stronger sex prefer to meet with married women. If you look at the statistics of cheating by city, then in Moscow the figure (for girls) is 27%, in St. Petersburg 25.8%.

Why do people change each other? Main reasons:

  1. Sexual dissatisfaction in marriage.
  2. The fading of feelings.
  3. New love.
  4. Revenge.
  5. On the advice of friends.

However, British scientists argue that intellectually developed men are not prone to adultery. The reason is that a relationship with one girl relieves him of the stress and effort spent on finding a new partner.

How many men Now on earth? The number of people on planet Earth is constantly growing. Every year it increases by approximately 250,000 people. According to preliminary estimates, we will jump the milestone of 8 billion in 2024. This means that on Earth there will be 4 billion men and 4 billion women...

Of course, these numbers are not accurate. But it is impossible to give a definite answer. In the last century, this ratio was kept all the time: 48% men and 52% women. Today, you can go to any online population counter and see that men have taken the lead. Now them 50,4% from the total.

In general, it's time to leave the beautiful half of humanity for a while and figure out how many men there are on earth.

For 2016, the planet Earth is doing well 3.7 billion men. And every second there are more and more of them. It would seem that it is worth rejoicing. But Brian Sykes doesn't think so.

This Oxford professor did his research and came to a shocking conclusion: in 124,000 years, all men will be gone. He drew conclusions based on the analysis male chromosomes. Mr. Sykes says that their quality is declining all the time. This means that only girls will be born soon.

But we will dwell on the idea that 124 thousand years is quite a lot. Great advice for men: do not waste time, look for your calling and never stop there.

Where to go for a man

Although our world is huge, the ratio of men and women is different everywhere. There are regions where any bachelor can quickly get a wife, but there are also countries where competition will have to be fought.

Here is a list of the brightest places where men are sorely lacking. Someone may take this information with a laugh, but some will definitely take a couple of options into account:

1. Women's communes. In hot countries, like Brazil, hundreds of people are grouped into large communes. Their main business is Agriculture. But the big problem is always a large number of single women. An example is the commune in Belo Vale, where the women united and created posts in in social networks with an appeal for men to come to them.

2. Tuareg. Representatives of this tribe live throughout North Africa. Women there are so free that they constantly change husbands and lovers. And the more active they are sex life the more important and nobler they become. In such places, men definitely cannot complain about the lack of attention.

3. Pacific Islands. It is surprising that in such heavenly places there is a catastrophic shortage of men. Out of 1000 women, more than 300 remain single.

4. Ukraine. Now we leave the exotic countries and move closer. In addition to the fact that Ukraine is famous for girls of unreal beauty, there are also not enough men. Hundreds of bachelors from Europe and Russia come here to find their chosen one.

It's better not to show up here at all.

Having dealt with the regions where there are endless opportunities for the stronger sex, we move on to places where they should not go:

1. China. Here, of course, it's all about demographic policy, when each married couple is entitled to only one child. And since it is an honor to have a son, thousands of women have abortions if they are carrying a girl. It is difficult for young Chinese to find a wife.

2. India. This is a place where every visiting woman can quickly get married. After all, it is in India Lately there were many strange and even wild incidents. For example, cases of marriages between relatives or about buying a wife abroad constantly pop up.

3. South Korea. An example of the terrible loneliness of men is the recent flash mob hosted by the state. Its essence was to make a mass blind date for single people. 1000 people came, but 700 of them were men. So many sadly wandered home.

P.S. The article - how many men are on earth, was published under the heading -.

Sex ratio is a demographic term. It shows the number of men for every 100 women. The ideal ratio is between 105 and 107 men per 100 women. This optimal proportion was first recorded in 1710.

It has been proven that if a society is dominated by men, the risk of murder and violence increases. In those countries where there are more women, the disparity in income between the two sexes is often bad for the economy. After all, a large number of unmarried women leads to a decrease in the birth rate.

In general, there are more men in the world than women. According to the UN, last year the sex ratio was 101.8:100. However, there are many countries where the number of women exceeds the number of men.

Express info by country

The Earth is in third place in terms of distance from the Sun and in fifth place among all the planets. solar system to size.

Age– 4.54 billion years

Medium radius - 6,378.2 km

Middle circle - 40,030.2 km

Square– 510,072 million km² (29.1% land and 70.9% water)

Number of continents– 6: Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica

Number of oceans– 4: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic

Population– 7.3 billion people (50.4% men and 49.6% women)

Most populous states: Monaco (18,678 people/km2), Singapore (7607 people/km2) and Vatican City (1914 people/km2)

Number of countries: total 252, independent 195

Number of languages ​​in the world– about 6,000

Number of official languages- 95; most common: English (56 countries), French (29 countries) and Arabic (24 countries)

Number of nationalities– about 2,000

Climatic zones: equatorial, tropical, temperate and arctic (basic) + subequatorial, subtropical and subarctic (transitional)


Latvia ranks first in the ranking of countries with the largest gender imbalance. In 2015, there were 84.8 men for every 100 women. Thus, women made up 54.1% of the total population. This is partly the result of the Second World War. In addition, men in Latvia have a high mortality rate due to problems such as alcoholism, smoking and reckless driving. About 80% of suicides in Latvia are committed by men. The most common causes are unemployment and difficult financial position. Women on average live 11 years longer than men.


The gender gap in Lithuania is primarily associated with factors that increase the death rate of men. First, the number smoking men significantly more than women who smoke, which puts their health at risk. Secondly, the life expectancy of the male population is reduced mental illness, depression and suicide. Women in Lithuania live an average of 79.3 years, while men live only 68.1. The gender gap is especially noticeable among Lithuanians in their 30s and 40s. In 2015, women made up 54% of the total population.


Curacao is a self-governing island nation in the Caribbean. In 2015, women made up 53.9% of the total population. At the same time, the sex ratio was 92 to 100. The average life expectancy for women is 80.2 years, and for men - 72.4 years. Most women get into age group from 15 to 64 years old.


Women in Ukraine make up 53.7% of the total population. As in the case of Latvia, these are still echoes of the Second World War. The average life expectancy for men is 62 years, and for women - 74. Ukrainians often have serious problems with health, and in combination with high level emigration, this contributes to a decrease in the male population of the country.

10 countries where there are more women than men

The causes of gender imbalance can be very different, but studies show that it is highly undesirable. In such countries, educated, high-income women cannot find partners. At the same time, men who are unable to provide for a family begin to suffer from problems with mental health. Both genders lose out.

In the conditions of modern statistics, it is quite easy to figure out who is more - men or women. Enough material has accumulated on this issue today. Specialists track the graph of changes in the birth and death rates of the sexes and, based on the findings, form statistics. Of course, research indicators may not 100% reflect the real state of affairs, some conclusions are approximate, but the general base allows us to draw conclusions about who is more in the world - men or women.

Let's start with the main question: who is born more often - boys or girls? The fact is that in the world, regardless of the location of the country, its climate and the race of the population, boys are born by 5% more. However, due to constant wars, stress and large-scale disasters, men die more often.

Scientists have found an interesting relationship: it turned out that the lower the population, the more males are born. Today it is observed in some marine species and plants.

Unfortunately, in most countries the opinion is formed that the boy better girls therefore, more than 150 million female embryos die every year in the world. Today in China, over 120 boys are born for every 100 girls. The male population began to predominate in places like Australia and the United States.

In 2010, she answered the question of who is more, men or women, across Russia. According to statistics, it turned out that the total number of citizens living in the territory of the Russian Federation is more than 142 million people. Of these, the female population is 53%. Thus, it turns out that there are fewer men in our country. If we compare the percentage according to the age of the population, then a picture of high mortality of the male population is clearly drawn. How more age the more men die.

On the scale of Russia, the female population not only dominates, but already suppresses the male population. The reason for this is the high life expectancy of the female. Scientists answer the question of who is more, men or women in the world. According to their research, seven main reasons for the quantitative superiority of women were identified. The first is special genetics. Further, it is believed that a woman is more emotional, therefore she experiences difficulties more easily, while in life she is more careful. As a rule, important decisions are taken by men. Due to their huge responsibility, their body is under constant stress.

For a better understanding of who is more, men or women, you should also refer to the statistics of doctors. In their opinion, the effect on the body of female and male hormones is completely different. The male hormone seems to be programmed for short-term functionality. In addition, a woman cares more about her own health and visits hospitals more often. And, of course, women are less likely to have bad habits.

Thus, examining the question: "Who is more - men or women?", We can conclude that nature itself sacrifices the male population for the rapid renewal of generations. Therefore, you should not think that a man will endure everything on his mighty shoulders. If so, then his life will be short.

We are used to the fact that in the marriage market, competition usually goes for men. It is for them that several potential partners are fighting, while the guys themselves can simply sort through the options. But this is the situation only in Russia, and the world suffers from the lack of women suitable for starting a family and having children.

So much so that the governments of some states are even willing to pay foreigners if they come and marry all these lonely and restless guys. Geopolitical conflicts play a special role in this demographic imbalance. From places where there is a war, women flee, and from places where there is no work, men try to leave. All this ensures the situation “sometimes empty, sometimes thick” and prevents the creation of normal families.


In Sweden, the shortage of women is explained by the housing crisis - ladies are moving to countries where they can afford to buy an apartment. And the overabundance of men is associated with the flow of refugees, among whom a significant part are unaccompanied minors. Is it worth it to go there in search of quality Swedish men - big question. But it is also almost impossible to find a wife in this country.


The demographic policy of "One family - one child" has strangely affected the ratio of men and women in China. For some reason, significantly more boys were born, and this led to the fact that now Chinese men no one to marry. China has become a country of men, and egocentric ones at that, because they all grew up in families without brothers and sisters.


The crisis in the labor market led to a demographic crisis in the Philippines. In this country, there were already 100 women for 102 men, and after the Filipinas began to leave to work in other countries, stronger sex generally had a hard time. Nowadays, in order to get married, a man in this country needs to have a set of exceptional qualities.


In this country of victorious feminism, the alarm is being sounded because women are physically unable to hold important positions and maintain gender equality. There simply aren't enough women for that. Their places were taken by immigrant men.


It would seem that a country that has been torn apart by military conflicts over the past decades should experience a shortage of men. But no, men come to this country to fight and profit from the war. But women, on the contrary, run, trying to escape. They really have nothing to do in Afghanistan. However, men are not up to women there either.


Italy is an extremely conservative country in terms of immigration to another country or even moving to other cities. However, there were always slightly more men than women there. As the movement for gender equality developed, the women who responded to it changed their minds about marrying and having children. Thus, the guys were left out of work, losing their careers and positions to the girls and losing ample opportunities for marriage.


75% of the inhabitants of this most populous African country are men. This statistic refers to people under the age of 25, that is, it says in plain text that the struggle for brides there is serious. Scientists cite gender inequality and a high percentage of sexual abuse over women. 95% of women in this country have experienced violence at least once. It is not surprising that they flee from Egypt at the first opportunity, leaving men without potential wives.


Some time ago, all the women of the world were shocked by the news that the Icelandic government was ready to pay ladies from abroad to take men from this country as husbands. There was a problem with the demographic balance. And although this news was ultimately not confirmed, Icelandic men still suffer from a lack of girls.


And in this Middle Eastern country, despite the values ​​similar to other Muslim countries, the situation is the opposite. Local women have been liberated quite recently, and they have just got into the taste of making a career and getting an education. When the girls realized that they did not have to get married to survive, they set off to travel and move to Europe. Meanwhile, Iranian men suddenly had no one to marry.