Perfume for women with the smell of vanilla. Sweet vanilla scent

Vanilla, known from ancient times to the Indians of Central America, came to Europe only in the middle of the 16th century. And only with the discovery of America, along with cocoa and other gifts of the New World, she won the hearts of gourmets around the world. The Maya, and later the Aztecs, called vanilla "tlilxochitl" ("black flower") and used it primarily to make cocoa-based drinks. In some European countries, vanilla was loved as early as the 17th century: a spice with a wonderful aroma was used as a cure for many diseases, as well as in cooking - in dishes and drinks. Not without reason, vanilla was considered a powerful aphrodisiac. Nowadays, everyone knows the smell and taste of vanilla, but mostly synthetic. Real vanilla extract is very expensive, and its use is not very profitable for mass production. The aroma of natural vanilla is provided by several chemical components, but mainly vanillin and piperonal (heliotropin). From a botanical point of view, Vanilla is a genus of perennial vines of the Orchidaceae family. Most known species genus Vanilla - Vanilla planifolia - grows in Mexico. About a hundred types of vanilla are known, but only two of them are used in wide industrial production due to their taste and aroma: Vanilla planifolia and Vanilla tahitiensis. Vanilla planifolia grows in tropical climates: in Mexico and South America, in the Caribbean, on the islands of the Indian Ocean, in Indonesia ... Vanilla grown in Mexico is considered one of the best, due to the fact that Mexico is "the historical homeland Vanilla planifolia. However, Mexico accounts for only a small percentage of total vanilla production. Vanilla Bourbon from Madagascar occupies the largest sector of the modern vanilla market. This island in the Indian Ocean produces about 1,000 tons of beans per year and is rightfully considered one of the largest producers of vanilla, along with Comoros and Reunion Island. Vanilla Bourbon is also grown in Africa and Indonesia. This type of vanilla was named after the former name of the island of Réunion - Bourbon - which, in turn, was given in honor of the royal house. In fact, from a botanical point of view, Vanilla Bourbon is the same Vanilla planifolia, but different natural and production conditions distinguish its taste and aroma from that of Mexican vanilla. Vanilla Bourbon has a bright, rich flavor. From this type of vanilla, in the process of drying beans (pods), natural vanillin is extracted in the form of crystals. The extraction of natural vanillin is a long and expensive process. Vanilla pods themselves are formed from beautiful yellow-green or yellow flowers vanilla. IN vivo flowers are pollinated by insects and hummingbirds, but in plantations this is done by hand. Green pods ripen on stems for 8-9 months. Then they are collected and dried for another six months. During the drying process, white crystals appear on the pods - natural vanillin. Tahitian vanilla is grown in the islands of French Polynesia (Tahiti) and is rarer and more expensive than Bourbon vanilla. Its taste is considered milder and the aroma stronger than that of Vanilla planifolia. Tahitian vanilla contains less vanillin and more heliotropin, which gives it fruity nuances. French vanilla, which is often found in perfume compositions, is not a specific type of vanilla. But this component is a kind of quality mark because of its taste and aroma, intense and identical to natural vanillin. The name "French Vanilla" comes from a French ice cream recipe.

Vanilla is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for perfumers. Vanilla on a suede backing ( Cuir Beluga Guerlain, vanilla with coconut (Un Bois Vanille Serge Lutens), vanilla with incense (Vanille 44 Paris Le Labo) or vanilla with sea water (Vanille Marine M. Micallef) - a cursory investigation is enough to count about three thousand fragrances with this note, and this is not counting those in which vanilla is used not as a supporting, but as a secondary component.
Arguing about which vanilla flavor is better is pointless. I will only talk about those vanilla fragrances that have firmly established themselves on my perfume shelf.
Shalimar Guerlain one of the main “software” vanilla-themed fragrances. Released back in 1921, it is still extremely popular. According to one of the legends of the house, Jacques Guerlain created Shalimar almost by chance: one day Justin Dupont an ordinary employee of the Guerlain perfume house, presented the perfumer with a vanilla fragrance obtained synthetically - ethyl vanillin. This was an absolute innovation, because the house Guerlain always used only natural ingredients. Either by accident or out of curiosity, Jacques Guerlain added ethyl vanillin to perfume jicky, created back in 1889, and was born Shalimar. I do not like Shalimar neither vintage nor modern design. I'm indifferent to limited editions and collector's editions. However, without it, my collection of vanilla fragrances would be incomplete, because it is a symbolic fragrance, a legendary fragrance.
Hay, toffee, vanilla - when I see this trinity in the pyramid of aroma, I immediately imagine some kind of cadavers like Shalimar (forgive me, fans of this generally recognized imperishable!). Sniffing this is scary. The only desire is to hold your nose and run without looking back. And if lavender is also included in the composition - that's it, then I myself turn into a cadaver. Perfumery masterpieces with such a structure are not available to me. Half of the classics - by! It's a shame. My savior, as always, was Pierre Guillaume, thanks to which I recently learned to understand citrus and chypre aromas. This time the scent was the thrown rope PG21 Felanilla Parfumerie Generale. The aroma of hay in it is realistic, warm, dry, with echoes of a variety of herbs from clover to mint. Vanilla is not syrupy, a bit dusty, barely sweet. Iris is strict, clear, without stupid drunken staggering towards violets or carrots. Saffron, banana leaf, resins are also very delicate and stand out in the general canvas only with a very thoughtful test. Overall flavor PG21 Felanilla relaxing, pacifying and, at the same time, toning, clearing the brain and nose with its harmonious simplicity.
Siwa Memo This is a nostalgic scent. Vanilla in it is unobtrusive, hiding under a pile of memories. Either that was the smell of burnt market perfumes, with which I started my difficult perfume-manic path in middle school, or my mother's cosmetics from Beryozka, or foreign chewing gum-candies of post-perestroika times.
A couple of years ago, I foolishly walked up to the scent stand. memo,- and disappeared. For the whole day I walked like crazy, kissing the fading blotter, and everything inside froze: this smell definitely met me in the interval from 1995 to 2005, in the days of my first loves.
Of course, if you start to dissect it, then you can smell milky green notes of wheat germ, and creamy coconut notes (they are given by whiskey lactone), and the salty heat of freshly popped popcorn, and bubbling vibrating aldehydes, and the straight tartness of cinnamon leaf, crushed with vanilla bean. But if you don’t think about it, then this is it - the smell of my youth, goosebumps, butterflies in my stomach.
Un Bois Vanille Serge Lutens - it's an overdose of licorice and coconut on a fluffy vanilla base. Yes, these notes would look much more organically on the pharmacy and confectionery, and not on the perfume shelf. However, it is precisely because of these notes that the fragrance creates such an aura of security that is so necessary for me, because potion and cookies are inseparable attributes of childhood, when even during illness or bad weather it was light and sunny at heart. Un Bois Vanilla- it is the psychotherapist among fragrances. Give it a try and you might be able to lower your antidepressants!

Chanel Allure- it's vanilla with vitamins. The standard “zilch” pulls out prickly citruses from the fragrance, represented by bergamot and Calabrian mandarin, then a bag of vanilla tickling in the throat and a couple of jasmine sprigs fall on them, which makes Allure look like Dior Addict. This is where it all ends. Another thing is drip application. I do this - I puff a couple of milliliters into the atomizer, unscrew it and, when necessary, perfume myself like ordinary perfume. For the first few minutes, the citruses are desperately fighting and trying to dominate, but then notes of peach skin, elegant, almost imperceptible rose, balanced cedar and a drop of sour jasmine come in, which gradually, over several hours, gradually subside, smoothed out by airy, slightly sweet vanilla. A tart and strict vetiver adds zest to the fragrance. Aroma metamorphoses are most clearly manifested in the concentration Eau de Toilette- the contrast between the beginning and the base is so sharp that it can scare off the blotter. In perfumes that sit close to the skin, almost do not sillage and create an aura of intimacy, citruses are not bright, but are heard throughout the entire “life” of the fragrance. The vanilla component in the perfume is even more velvety and muted. Perhaps the most wearable version can be considered Allure in eau de parfum. There's a lot here, just the same. The main thing is not to overdo it with the application - one small drop per back side left hand, the other on the right, otherwise you risk giving the impression of a tomato vendor from Elektrougli station on a working afternoon.
One of my favorite vanilla flavors is Cuir Beluga Guerlain. Delicate suede, creamy ice cream, macaroons, cherry cake. Yes, lots of sugar. No, the seals will not fall out. Its only, but very tangible minus is the price. In online stores, a 75 ml bottle now costs about 16 thousand rubles. It’s scary to even approach the Tsumovsky corner. In short, not everyone can afford it.
If you like Cuir Beluga Guerlain, but the purchase threatens to punch a dimensionless hole in the budget, here is a completely adequate replacement for you.
Cafe Chantant, an Italian niche designer fragrance Nobile 1942, costs half as much (about 7.5 thousand for the same volume), and smells almost the same.
Of course, there are differences between these two fragrances, but still, Cafe Chantant very, very similar to Cuir Beluga. If we compare them simultaneously, we can see that in Cafe Chantant the second key note after vanilla is cherry. IN Cuir Beluga the emphasis is shifted to heliotrope, which, let me remind you, breaks down into notes of almond, vanilla and cherry. That is, it turns out Cafe Chantant more cherry, Cuir Beluga- more almond. But in the drydown, these two fragrances are almost indistinguishable.
Even the absence in the composition Cafe Chantant notes of suede around which the whole story revolves Cuir Beluga, almost imperceptible due to the fact that Cafe Chantant There are notes of iris.

Another one of my vanilla favorites is Lann-Ael Lostmarc'h. The name in translation seems to mean from Breton “Breakfast of the gorse angel” (and as you know, elves like to relax and have a snack in the gorse bushes). What can I say? The fragrance is both simple and beautiful. It is surprisingly cozy, the most, that neither is, autumn smell.
The first rays of the sun, breaking through the foggy haze, gild the trunks of trees (I prefer oaks and pines), sparkle in drops of dew on fluffy lilac bushes of heather. Quiet, chilly and sleepy. Suddenly, in the thicket, you see a neatly set tiny table. On it is a clay dish, on which lie ruddy fragrant wild apples, freshly baked, still warm fragrant oatmeal cookies, sprinkled with vanilla and nuts. Close by, covered with homespun linen napkin, stands a large mug of hot milk. With foam. Or no foam. This is optional.

Well, the last fragrance that I will talk about today is Vanille Patchouli Molinard. The vanilla in it is not confectionary, and the patchouli does not smell of damp earth at all. I associate this dry, slightly spicy and almost rough aroma with that time of the year, when the trees have long been bare, and flocks of birds departing for the winter are flying across the sky. Dry, brittle grass rustles in the wind, the thermometer, losing its summer positions, inexorably crawls to zero, and I take out scarves and gloves smelling of mothballs from the boxes to keep warm during melancholy walks along the edge of the already transparent forest in my castle. By the way, Vanille Patchouli can be worn not only solo, but also used for layering. It can be mixed with other vanilla flavor of the line - Vanille Fruitee, and then the vanilla flavor will become more intense and cheerful, or you can - with Patchouli of the same brand, then the vanilla will hide, and the fragrance profile will become more intense and depressing, but certainly comfortable for dark winter evenings.

Vanilla different people associated with absolutely different things. Some have shower gel with vanilla flavor, others have vanilla curd cheeses, others have vanilla-scented perfumes... And only a very small number of the population of our planet associate vanilla with liberation, awakening of feelings and love.

Let's try to figure out whether vanilla is really an aphrodisiac and what does small bags with the inscription "vanillin" from the confectionery department have to do with it?

What does vanilla mean?

Vanilla is the name given to the unripe orchid pods. yellowish color. In total, there are over 150 species of orchids in the world, but no more than five are used as spices: Tahitian with a musk aroma, Madagascar bourbon (Reunion Island) with a rich, ripe aroma, Indonesian with woody notes, Mexican, which has a sweetish aroma.

Vanilla has been cultivated since ancient times by the Aztecs on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. The first European to try vanilla in an Aztec chocolate drink was Christopher Columbus. It was he who, in the 1500s, brought a fragrant spice to Europe on Spanish galleons, which is still popular today.

It is authentically known that already in the 18-19th century, doctors prescribed vanilla extract to men to treat problems with potency, not pills. None of the numerous scientific studies have disproved the claim that vanilla has a beneficial effect on "male" strength.

For several centuries of use, vanilla has deservedly received the title of a natural aphrodisiac. No wonder scented candles, perfumes, eau de toilette, vanilla-scented lotions can now be found in every store.

Exciting effect of vanilla

Vanilla is a gift of nature, one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs worthy of admiration. Its unique aroma affects the nervous system, giving rise to erotic fantasies and causing a feeling of euphoria.

In 1762, a scientific study was conducted in Germany on the effect of vanilla on male impotence (342 subjects claimed that the spice cured them), after which vanilla strengthened its reputation as an aphrodisiac.

Heliotropin - a charming sweet smell found in vanilla pods, has a calming effect on the nervous system, relieves emotional stress, relieves anxiety. The sweet, intoxicating scent of vanilla has been attracting attention for centuries. According to scientific studies, vanilla has a beneficial effect on the human body. light effect euphoria.

Vanilla scent

  • invigorates, reduces drowsiness;
  • improves blood circulation and increases muscle tone;
  • stimulates libido (especially in older men);
  • renders positive influence for disorders of the abdomen and central nervous system, soothes;
  • May promote weight loss by reducing cravings for sweets.

Essential oil of vanilla regular use stimulates the secretion of estrogen, testosterone and other hormones that promote healthy sexual attraction. Quite often, vanilla, as the strongest aphrodisiac, is recommended for loss of libido, for men with erectile dysfunction and impotence, and for women with frigidity.

Vanilla during menstruation normalizes the cycle, anesthetizes. Recommended for women during menopause to improve the quality of life.

Vanilla composition

Vanilla pods contain B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6), minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron), tannins, resins, sugars, aldehyde vanillin, essential oils.

Useful properties of vanilla:

  • helps fight various infections;
  • reduces high temperature;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • reduces blood pressure.

Which vanilla to buy

Choose oily flexible pods Brown. Long pods are valued more than short pods because they contain more essential oils.

vanilla storage

Paper-wrapped vanilla should be stored in a tightly closed jar in a cool place (not the refrigerator). Vanilla must be aired every 2 months.

To make vanilla sugar, place the vanilla in a jar of sugar/ powdered sugar. After 2-3 weeks, the smell of vanilla will completely saturate the sugar.

Vanilla in cooking

The Aztecs were the first to use vanilla, they mixed cocoa beans, honey, vanilla and they got the most excellent drink worthy of kings - chocolate.

Vanilla in cooking is used in the preparation of chocolate, puddings, custards, chocolates, cottage cheese desserts and casseroles, ice cream, bakery products, cookies, biscuits, etc. Vanilla serves as a flavoring agent for many non-alcoholic and alcoholic cocktails and drinks, some types of tea.


Pregnant women and those with individual intolerance should not get carried away with vanilla.

Artificial vanilla (vanillin)

In 1874, for the first time, it was possible to obtain vanillin synthetically, despite the low quality and complete absence useful properties compared with natural product, cheapness made synthetic vanillin insanely popular. Now more than 95% of all vanillin used in the world is synthetic.

Artificial vanillin is a carcinogen and has nothing to do with a natural product, it is synthesized on the basis of clove oil, using paper, coal, wood and oil distillation products

Artificial vanillin is cheap, but can be harmful to health, be careful.

Central America was for a long time the only country where vanilla was grown. It was not possible to grow vanilla in other countries of the tropics. The plants bloomed, but no pods appeared. Only in the 19th century was the reason for the failure discovered: vanilla flowers, which open for exactly one day, are pollinated in their homeland by a special species of bees and hummingbirds that live only in Mexico. Since then, artificial pollination of vanilla flowers has been used and grown in all countries with a tropical climate.

Freshly harvested vanilla pods do not have a characteristic aroma. The aroma and color of vanilla appears only when you pour over the pods hot water or steam (you can even see white crystals on them - vanillin).

Vanilla was forbidden to be used in male and female monasteries in Europe, as it was believed that it contributes to the manifestation of unchastity.

Vanilla scented perfumes are a great choice for women and men who prefer gourmand, fruity, floral or oriental perfumes. Such notes in the composition are liked not only by its owners, but also by the people around them. Often they evoke pleasant associations with cozy coffee houses, desserts, fresh pastries and invigorating drinks.

This component, depending on the concentration and combination with other ingredients, creates a different sound. It can be a light, warming haze for everyday life or a captivating, daring aura for the evening. To obtain interpretations, various shades are used. The best mixes are traditionally made with the following elements:

  • Caramel.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Sandal.
  • Ambergris.
  • Musk.
  • Coffee, cocoa, chocolate.
  • Anise.
  • Nutmeg.
  • Cardamom.
  • White flowers.
  • Tropical fruits.

This review article provides a list of the most popular fragrances released by well-known brands.

Names of women's perfumes with the smell of vanilla and a description of their composition

Tobacco Vanille Tom Ford

One of the most popular songs in this category. Suitable for both women and men. The presentation took place in 2007. The perfume immediately fell in love with connoisseurs of sweet, oriental, spicy editions. According to customer reviews, it can be worn in any weather and time of day. The main thing is not to apply on the skin a large number of sample or use the "cloud" method. Spray some liquid in front of you and walk under the settling particles. The peculiarity of the perfume is the combination of shades of expensive tobacco with spices. These components open the pyramid. The heart of the fragrance is tonka bean, tobacco flower, vanilla and cocoa. The base is represented by dried fruits and woody nuances. A very long lasting composition with a pronounced sillage.

The brand released this versatile perfume in 2017. The novelty is suitable for both women and men. A great option for those looking for an EDP for the cold season. An unusual oriental mixture will warm, give a feeling of comfort and cheer up. Top notes of raspberry, orange and caramel create associations with warm, carefree summer. They are followed by rose, violet, jasmine, patchouli and frankincense. The sound is completed by a combination of vanilla and musky, spices and wood. The scent is persistent and lingering.

Dressing and Eau de parfum with vanilla aroma belongs to the oriental group. The composition was presented in 2017. It is designed for men and women who are self-confident. The composition was developed by Alberto Morillas and Natalie Lorson. The novelty was dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Cannes Film Festival. The packaging of EDT is decorated with the logo of this event - a palm branch, which was created with the participation of the designers of the Chopard brand. Perfume can be used in any weather, day and night. According to customer reviews, the sample has medium or weak (depending on skin type) durability, unobtrusive plume.

The task of the authors was to obtain a hypnotic scent built around the main component - Madagascar vanilla, complemented by hints of caramel. But first, the composition starts with refreshing bergamot, tea and orange blossom. The sound is completed by white cedar and Haitian vetiver.

The fragrance went on sale in 2005. The brand that launched the perfume is known for feminine, attractive perfumes, saturated with the atmosphere of France. Hypnosis is no exception. The creation of Annick Menardo and Thierry Wasser was conceived as the embodiment of charm, sensuality, magic and seduction. The mix belongs to the oriental, gourmand group, where vanilla is combined with vetiver and used as a base component. Top notes of the pyramid are passion flower, middle notes are jasmine and gardenia.

The fragrance is best revealed in cold weather. Customers recommend it for winter season. Hypnose will be appropriate both in everyday life and in the evening. It is long lasting and leaves a lingering sillage behind. Like all editions of Lancome, "Hypnosis" will be a great addition to the image of a self-confident, elegant girl. The graceful, shining bottle emphasizes femininity of perfume.

Montale Chocolate Greedy

Selective perfume with the smell of chocolate and vanilla 2007. The author of the composition is Pierre Montal. "Chocolate Gridy" makes you fall in love with yourself from the first notes. Especially if you are a connoisseur of oriental, gourmet mixes. In addition to the main component, the formula includes coffee, cocoa, tonka beans, bitter orange and dried fruits. The fragrance is very persistent and leaves behind an impressive, thick sillage.

Since this brand's products use a large amount of essential oils, they should be applied carefully, spraying a little liquid from the bottle. On hot days, the ingredients can be unfortunate, make the sound suffocating, so the recommended season for Chocolate Greedy is winter.

The composition was developed by Christina Nagel in 2013. In addition to vanilla, it included a blackcurrant leaf, White Rose, patchouli, ambroxan and woody accords. Despite the presence of gourmand shades, the aroma is not heavy. It belongs to chypre and fruit. The composition became very popular, and subsequently the company released several flankers with a similar formula.

Perfume is best revealed on frosty days, in spring and autumn. It is long lasting and leaves a strong sillage behind. This toilet water will suit charismatic and elegant girls.

Spiritueuse Double Vanille Guerlain

Warm, balsamic perfumes with solo notes of vanilla and benzoin belong to the oriental group. The composition was developed by Jean-Paul Guerlain in 2007. At the start, the fragrance sounds like pink pepper, bergamot and incense. They are followed by ylang-ylang, Bulgarian rose, jasmine and white cedar. The combination of resins, spices, citruses and a gourmand touch gives the edition a resemblance to a sweet liquor. In cold weather, all the splendor of the ingredients is revealed especially beautifully. It is a long lasting scent with a bright sillage, so buyers recommend using it in small amounts. He will not leave his owner unnoticed.

Another rich perfume with hints of vanilla from famous brand. The presentation took place in 2012. The author of the composition was Louis Turner. The fragrance opens with a spicy accord of pink pepper. Then comes orange blossom. As basic components the master chose a gourmand shade, benzoin resin and tonka beans. EDP ​​is designed for women and is suitable for all ages. Perfume belongs to the oriental group. It has a rich, thick, balsamic sound and a pronounced sillage. Customers are advised to purchase it for the winter, autumn or cool summer. Long lasting on the skin.

A sweet, oriental perfume with savory vanilla and nutty base notes, created in 1998 by Annick Menardo. The task of the master was to obtain a hypnotic, sensual creation. The composition became the third product in the Poison line from Dior. The pyramid of the popular edition begins with a combination of plum, apricot and coconut. The heart is represented by floral diversity, spices and woody notes. They include rose, jasmine, tuberose, lily of the valley and cumin. The scent has good longevity and an impressive sillage.

Particularly successful components are revealed in autumn and winter. Hypnotic Poison can be called a legendary perfume, after 20 years they are as popular with customers as after being put on sale.

Vanilla-scented perfume with a 93-year history. The original version appeared in 1925, its composition was developed by Jacques Guerlain, inspired by the legend of the Shalimar Gardens. It was the first oriental composition with a gourmand note created in Europe. Modern flankers were presented in 2008. In stores, you can find samples in the concentration of EDT and EDP. The source pyramid contains a variety of various shades. It opens with mandarin, bergamot, lemon and cedar. They are followed by patchouli, iris, jasmine, rose and vetiver.

The base components are represented by opoponax, civet, frankincense, leather, musk, sandalwood and vanilla. The formula of the new eau de toilette is not so multifaceted, but it also retains its powdery, mysterious and languid character. Thanks to citrus fruits, it has become lighter, sweet-sour and sonorous. The smell is persistent, has an unobtrusive, small plume. The composition is suitable for everyday use in cool weather.

Very Irresistible Sensual Givenchy

Perfume for women who love floral fragrances. This cheerful, warm, gentle perfume was developed by Dominique Ropion in 2005. On the skin, it reveals notes of peony, patchouli, vanilla, rose and star anise. The laconic formula creates a soft, deep and reverent sound. Customers note that the new edition is lighter than the first version. The smell remains expressive for a long time. Despite the presence of a strong plume, it does not scare others, does not "suffocate". In stores, you can find samples in the concentration of EDT and EDP. Suitable for use in autumn and winter, in everyday situations and in the evening.

"Black Orchid" is one of the most popular creations of this brand. This women's perfume with the aroma of vanilla and chocolate, developed by the major Swiss cosmetics company Givaudan. The composition was released for sale in 2006. Leading chords are spicy and sweet. They are complemented by balsamic and earthy nuances, making the sound unique.

This is a dense, thick, languid perfume, so it can be safely recommended for cold weather. The pyramid opens with notes of jasmine, gardenia, ylang-ylang, bergamot and other citrus fruits, blackcurrant and truffle. The heart of the composition is represented by spices, fruity shades, lotus and orchid. The base includes sandalwood, patchouli, amber, dark chocolate and vanilla. Black Orchid - very persistent perfume, leaving behind a long and pronounced train.

Edition 2006, refers to the Eastern, flower group. Jacques Polge worked on the composition. Despite the fact that more than ten years have passed since the presentation of the product, it is still in the top 3 fragrances released by this brand. This composition is a perfumery personification of glamor, luxury and femininity. Its owner is a bright and self-confident woman, she never remains in the shadows, she is always surrounded by attention. Top notes of lychee, mandarin, peach and bergamot entered the pyramid; medium - lilies, plums, jasmine and lily of the valley. The base is dominated by vanilla and amber. They are complemented by white musk and vetiver.

The One is a long lasting perfume with a strong sillage. They are everyday and evening, suitable for use in early spring, autumn, in cold weather. Several versions of this edition were later released with a similar line-up. Here are their names:

  • The One Eau de Toilette.
  • The One Desire.
  • Rose The One.
  • The One Essence.

Boss Orange

The presentation took place in 2009. The composition belongs to the gourmet group. This fragrance stands out among all of the above in that it fits perfectly not in winter, but in summer or spring look. Vanilla is combined with the freshness of red apple in the top note, the tenderness of white flowers and Amalfi orange blossom in the heart, sandalwood and olive wood in the base. One of the leading chords is spicy. "Boss Orange" is very feminine, light and romantic. He gives good mood, energizing. Despite the simplicity of the formula, it sounds interesting and harmonious.

According to customer reviews, Boss Orange eau de toilette has medium longevity and an unobtrusive sillage. It is everyday and likes not only you, but also the people around you.

Women's perfume with vanilla smell are different: warm, sweet, refreshing, sparkling. Everyone can find the option that he likes. Such a note can be played as gourmand or powdery. Depending on the concentration of the component, the fragrance will be gentle, cozy or captivating. If possible, be sure to test each sample on your skin, as perfumes give out a completely different plume on a blotter.

Love online shopping? Take a look at the "First Moscow Store of Customs Goods". In it you will find some of the perfumes listed in this article. They are sold by affordable prices. These are quality replicas. They contain the same shades as the original products, but in smaller quantities. In addition to vanilla compositions, the site presents big choice fragrances from other categories.

The smell of food is great importance for us. It is worth smelling the aroma of food that is being prepared, and a feeling of hunger may appear. Humanity has been improving the smell of food for thousands of years. Vanilla is one of the most common spices around the world that excites the appetite.

Most people like the smell of vanilla. There is a small number of people who remain indifferent to the aroma of this spice.

Vanilla is native to Central America. The spice grows on a perennial orchid, which is pollinated only special kind local bees and hummingbirds. Vanilla fruits develop from the pollinated flower. But only half of the pollinated flowers form vanilla ovaries. People have learned to pollinate the plant themselves in order to get more spice. Because of this labor-intensive process, vanilla is the most expensive spice in the world.

Currently, the largest supplier of vanilla spice is the island of Madagascar. It produces 2000 tons of vanilla per year. This is 60% of the annual world spice production.

Unfortunately, many of us do not consume real vanilla. People have learned to industrially synthesize powder from wood with a similar smell. It's called vanillin.

But real vanilla has a creamy-sweet smell, which is a combination of tannins, esters and many other substances.

Distinguishing real spice from vanillin is easy. The spice has a slightly brownish tint, and the synthesized powder is white.

Useful properties of vanilla - a popular flavor

The spice has a very pleasant sweet smell. This smell has a beneficial effect on the emotional state: it calms and relaxes. Some people have less cravings for chocolate. If you want to eat a chocolate bar, smell the vanilla and you'll want to.

This property of spices can help with weight loss. Especially for people who can't refuse sweets. Also, during diets, depression often appears due to a lack of sugars in the body. Vanilla not only reduces cravings for chocolate, but also improves mood and calms.

The spice is considered natural aphrodisiac. A drug that improves mood by producing serotonin. It also enhances attractiveness in men and women.

Vanilla is able to stop the growth of harmful bacteria in the body.

But not only harmful microorganisms, but also cancer cells cannot resist the spice. Spice can reduce their growth.

Obtained from vanilla essential oil. It is actively used in perfumery. The aroma oil also improves the condition of the skin, rejuvenates it, restores its firmness and elasticity.

The scent of the oil soothes, relaxes and improves sleep.

Contraindications for use.

How to choose.

To buy a real spice, you need to purchase vanilla pods. The pods should be almost black in color. They should have an oily coating. A white coating is also possible.

How to store.

Stored at room temperature in a dark place. Pods are stored in a container. Each pod must be individually wrapped in cling film and put in a container. Ideal for storing cigars. Every 2 months, the pods must be unrolled and ventilated, then wrapped again in cling film.

Vanilla can be stored this way for up to 36 years.

How to use.

The spice pod can be cut into pieces and added to different dishes. Make vanilla sugar at home.

Vanilla is also insisted on alcohol. Then this alcohol liquid is added to various dishes.

At home, you can also insist vanilla on alcohol or cognac. You need to soak the vanilla pod in alcohol for a while. Then get the pod, wipe it dry and put it in a container with sugar for several months to granulated sugar smelled of vanilla.