Decorative flower arrangement. Flower kingdom project (preparatory group) on the topic


"Kingdom of Flowers"

Prepared by: biology teacher

highest qualification category

GKSOU "Special (correctional)

general education boarding school

VIIIview of the city of Kameshkovo "

year 2012

"He who loves flowers cannot be evil"

Hungarian proverb

Project foundation

Amazing world of flowers! Thousands of flowers adorn the earth. Flowers are life itself. They have their own language, their own fragrance, the power of beauty, their own history, legend, fairy tale, their own holidays. They have their own goddess - Flora - the goddess of flowers. Flora's head is decorated with a wreath, and in her hands is a bouquet of flowers.

We are so close to flowers that sometimes we don’t even think about how amazing and perfect creation they are. It would probably not be enough for a person all his life to learn the innermost secrets of the magical kingdom of the goddess Flora. But if you have attentive eyes, even the most silent flowers can tell a lot about themselves. But how? Flowers speak only in fairy tales. In life they are silent. But this silence is very eloquent.

The choice of the theme of the project was not accidental. Studying all kinds of plants in biology lessons, it was the diversity and beauty of the flower world that attracted the attention of children. There was an irresistible desire to learn as much as possible about these beautiful and gentle creatures living in the kingdom of Flora. At least look out of the corner of your eye through the crack of a magical door leading to this amazing country. Help, protect, and most importantly, tell others about how beautiful and majestic this world is.

As a result of long discussions and disputes, we decided that we should collect information and show a presentation about those flowers that delight the human eye longer than others, about autumn stars that adorn our already deserted gardens, and came to the conclusion that the main factors determining the long-term flowering of some plants are:

time and place of planting in flower soil;

Respectful and careful attitude to each individual flower;

proper cultivation, watering and care of plants;

Possession of the necessary information about those plants that grow in your garden.

Objective of the project: to teach children to love nature, to instill a love of art, to educate children in philanthropy, to instill respect for work; to form in children clear ideas about the diversity of the flower world, about organizing the correct and careful handling of flower plantations.

Project objectives:

· expand the knowledge and ideas of children about the flower world of our Motherland and other countries;

to form in children an interest in getting to know new types of flowers;

To promote the development of children's creative abilities, the ability to work together, coordinating their actions.

Stage 1. Preparatory

1. Definition of the topic, purpose, content of the project, formation of groups.

2. As a result of the brainstorming “Casket of thoughts and ideas”, the groups “Flower growers”, “Flowers”, “Home residents” were identified.

3. Choice of directions in the work on the project:

Group "Flowers"

· Preparing a story about the proper care of garden flowers.

· Talk to experts and knowledgeable people about how to keep cut flowers longer.

Group "Flowers"

· Preparation of reports on some types of persistent autumn flowers.

· Staging a scene.

Group "Residents of the house"

· Decoration of a flower exhibition (children's drawings, photographs, flowers grown by one's own hands).

· Setting up the school.

Stage 2. Planning

Target: development of an action plan, distribution of roles, tasks in areas of activity; study of information sources (books, encyclopedias), conversations.

Stage 3. Collection of information

Target: analysis of the action plan and the data obtained, clarification of further steps for the implementation of the project.

Stage 4. Intermediate discussion

Work with the collected material, its design.

Target: analysis of the achieved results.

What did you learn while working on the project?

How did you do your job?

· Do you have any ideas to continue the project?

Stage 5 Project implementation

Purpose of the stage : direct implementation of the project.

1. Biology lessons on the topic "Diversity of the flower world."

2. A series of extra-curricular and optional activities: "In the kingdom of Flora",

"Flowers - weather forecasters", "Plants known and unknown", "The flora of the Vladimir region", "Flower etiquette", "Flower why", "I was born a gardener".

3. A conversation with biology teachers of city schools, with amateur gardeners about interesting species and names of flowers, about the history of their appearance in our country, about the proper cultivation and care of late flowering plants.

4. Excursion to the "Winter Garden" MOU secondary school No. 1 in Kameshkovo.

5. Holding a drawing competition "The Magic World of Flowers" among school students.

6. Holding the contest "Autumn Bouquet".

7. Carrying out a contest of songs and ditties about flowers.

9. Compilation of collections: “Riddles about flowers”, “Flowers in poetry”, “Legends about flowers”, “Proverbs and sayings about flowers”, “Amazing from the life of flowers”.

10. Composing and staging fairy tales “In a certain kingdom, the Flower State ...”

11. Stage 6 Project presentation

Target: present the collective work of school students.

Project presentation

The florarium, as the name implies, is a plant terrarium. This is the name of various flower arrangements or individual plants placed in any glass containers: ordinary glasses, aquariums, bottles, jars with lids, decanters, and so on.

If you strictly follow the definition, then the florarium is "a plant composition in a glass container." But most often they are simply called “bottle gardens”, although it is not at all necessary to use bottles.

By the way, florariums are great for decorating small apartments, as they are quite compact and take up much less space than massive flowerpots or tubs with tall plants.

The flowers in the aquarium will look no less picturesque than the fish. Perhaps your child has already experienced the passion for aquarism, but the vessel remained? Use it to create a florarium!

Compact florariums take up a minimum of space on a windowsill or table, and look much more spectacular than an ordinary cactus pot.

How to equip a florarium

The arrangement of the florarium includes several stages:

  1. Choosing the right container. Its dimensions should correspond to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room itself.
  2. Location selection. Florariums can be floor, table, wall and suspended. It is not at all necessary to place a plant terrarium by the window - you can take care of artificial lighting or choose shade-loving plants. By the way, its composition will also depend on the location of the florarium. So, if he stands against the wall, then small details and flowers should be placed in front, and high ones in the background.
  3. At the bottom of the florarium, there must be a layer of drainage - sand or expanded clay, otherwise the plants will constantly be in the water and disappear. A plastic grate can replace such a layer.
  4. Soil is poured over the drainage layer, better purchased, prepared. The choice of ready-made soil mixture depends on the type of plants you plan to plant. The soil layer usually does not exceed 5–10 cm.
  5. After planting the plants, the florarium is decorated using elements such as shells, pebbles, pebbles, driftwood, pieces of glass, and so on - the choice of details depends only on your imagination.
  6. If you're building a really large planted terrarium, take this task seriously. If your glass container will be closed, you should take care of the presence of devices such as a thermometer, hygrometer, fan and artificial lighting. This will help you control the temperature and humidity in your indoor greenhouse, as well as provide your plants with fresh air and light.
  7. If the florarium is settled in a bottle with a narrow neck, it will be convenient to fill the soil and the drainage layer through a thick paper funnel, and the plants will have to be planted with long tweezers.

By the way, if your plant terrarium is large enough, the flowers in it can not be planted in the ground, but arranged in separate pots, having built shelves, installing ladders and the like.

The container itself can also be additionally decorated, for example, with acrylic paints or varnish, which will give the composition an additional charm.

As an option, you can consider arranging a florarium-showcase on the windowsill. In this case, the window glass itself will play the role of one wall of the terrarium. True, if the window faces south, not all flowers will be able to survive under the sun. And it will be difficult to take care of the window itself. But impress passers-by with a beautiful garden in the window.

The arrangement of such a simple florarium in an open flask or aquarium does not take so much time. Having trained and prepared, you will cope with this in just half an hour - this is how much time it usually takes to transplant a flower into a larger pot

What plants should be chosen for the florarium

The choice of plants for the florarium depends on its size, location and features of the container. So, for a plant terrarium that will stand away from windows and other light sources, forest cacti, for example, zygocactus, popularly known as Christmas or Decembrist, as well as ferns, are suitable. For a florarium located in a sunny place, it is better to use orchids, bromeliads and other flowering plants that are suitable for greenhouse conditions.

If your "bottle garden" will be dry, with proper soil, you should choose agaves, succulents, crassula, euphorbia, cacti - these plants do well without frequent watering and can withstand dry wintering.

Wet florariums suggest the presence of moisture-loving flowers, such as fittonia and violets. Of course, moisture-loving and “dry” plants, shade-loving and adoring the sun's rays, should not be mixed in one container.

A good choice for a plant terrarium would be a miniature azalea bush, cyclamens, uzambar violets, begonias, various types of crotons, cryptanthus.

And if you love the exotic and are ready to feed your flowers with live insects, choose sarracinia or sundew for the florarium - they will feel at home in the greenhouse atmosphere of the “glaze”.

Mosses and lichens can also become inhabitants of florariums. They are unpretentious, take up a minimum of space, so they can grow even in a small glass or glass.

Features of care

The main advantage of florariums is that the glass container provides the flowers with a special climate, protects them from drafts and temperature changes. Plants in such "green" terrariums need to be watered less often, but the container itself needs careful care - the glasses will have to be washed several times a month, as they leave traces of drops, and the florarium will look unkempt. In addition, you should observe the irrigation regime and provide ventilation so that the glass does not fog up.

Orchids in a plant terrarium will feel just fine, becoming the best interior decoration

It’s not so difficult to take care of the “bottle garden” - you should water it carefully, trying not to flood and not leave extra splashes on the walls, wash it regularly, using a brush for bottles with a narrow neck, and also wipe the glass from the outside from dust

Ideas for arranging a florarium

If you want to create not just a plant terrarium, but a thematic composition, we offer you the following ideas:

  1. Desert in a bottle. For such plant terrariums, sandy soil is used - a layer of about 10 centimeters. Sand should be pre-sifted. One or two beautiful pebbles will serve as a decor. On such soil, cacti, spurges and agaves will feel comfortable.
  2. Mountains. Experts advise making such a florarium high so that a fairly wide layer of soil can be laid. Pebbles and stones are laid out on top of the ground, a real alpine hill is formed, only a miniature one. Ficus, ivy and succulents are suitable for a mountain plant terrarium.
  3. Jungle. For a forest florarium, mixed soil should be used: peat and leafy soil, you can add a little coarse sand. In such a plant terrarium, you will have to maintain high humidity. The florarium-jungle is planted with plants almost completely - low on the front edge and high on the back wall. For this version of the “garden in a bottle”, moisture-loving plants are suitable, for example, Liviston palm, pilea, coleus, asplenium.
  4. "The Lone Knight" In such a florarium, a single plant will live, preferably bright and flowering, for example, a beautiful orchid or a lush violet bush.
  5. Thematic composition. If you add such details as a model of a ship, a house, a miniature wattle fence, animal figures to the plant terrarium, you will get a composition on the theme of "sea", "village", "forest edge" and so on - it all depends on your imagination and the availability of the necessary decorative items.

Desert florarium. All that was needed to create it was sand, a few pebbles and plants that do not need abundant watering.

The composition in the plant terrarium will be perfectly complemented by figurines, figurines and other decorative details.

From three or four small florariums, you can make a whole composition that will decorate your table or window sill. Get a real "bottle garden"

As you can see, it is not so difficult to equip a florarium, and even inexperienced flower growers can do it.

The florarium, as the name implies, is a plant terrarium. This is the name of various flower arrangements or individual plants placed in any glass containers: ordinary glasses, aquariums, bottles, jars with lids, decanters, and so on.
If you strictly follow the definition, then the florarium is "a plant composition in a glass container." But most often they are simply called “bottle gardens”, although it is not at all necessary to use bottles.
By the way, florariums are great for decorating small apartments, as they are quite compact and take up much less space than massive flowerpots or tubs with tall plants. The flowers in the aquarium will look no less picturesque than the fish. Perhaps your child has already experienced the passion for aquarism, but the vessel remained? Use it to create a florarium!

Compact florariums take up a minimum of space on a windowsill or table, and look much more spectacular than an ordinary cactus pot
How to equip a florarium
The arrangement of the florarium includes several stages:
Choosing the right container. Its dimensions should correspond to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room itself. Location selection. Florariums can be floor, table, wall and suspended. It is not at all necessary to place a plant terrarium by the window - you can take care of artificial lighting or choose shade-loving plants. By the way, its composition will also depend on the location of the florarium. So, if he stands against the wall, then small details and flowers should be placed in front, and high ones in the background. At the bottom of the florarium, there must be a layer of drainage - sand or expanded clay, otherwise the plants will constantly be in the water and disappear. A plastic grate can replace such a layer. Soil is poured over the drainage layer, better purchased, prepared. The choice of ready-made soil mixture depends on the type of plants you plan to plant. The soil layer usually does not exceed 5–10 cm. After planting, the florarium is decorated using elements such as shells, pebbles, pebbles, snags, pieces of glass, and so on - the choice of details depends only on your imagination. If you're building a really large planted terrarium, take this task seriously. If your glass container will be closed, you should take care of the presence of devices such as a thermometer, hygrometer, fan and artificial lighting. This will help you control the temperature and humidity in your indoor greenhouse, as well as provide your plants with fresh air and light. If the florarium is settled in a bottle with a narrow neck, it will be convenient to fill the soil and the drainage layer through a thick paper funnel, and the plants will have to be planted with long tweezers.
By the way, if your plant terrarium is large enough, the flowers in it can not be planted in the ground, but arranged in separate pots, having built shelves, installing ladders and the like.
The container itself can also be additionally decorated, for example, with acrylic paints or varnish, which will give the composition an additional charm.
As an option, you can consider arranging a florarium-showcase on the windowsill. In this case, the window glass itself will play the role of one wall of the terrarium. True, if the window faces south, not all flowers will be able to survive under the sun. And it will be difficult to take care of the window itself. But impress passers-by with a beautiful garden in the window.

The arrangement of such a simple florarium in an open flask or aquarium does not take so much time. Having trained and prepared, you will cope with this in just half an hour - this is how much time it usually takes to transplant a flower into a larger pot.
What plants should be chosen for the florarium
The choice of plants for the florarium depends on its size, location and features of the container. So, for a plant terrarium that will stand away from windows and other light sources, forest cacti, for example, zygocactus, popularly known as Christmas or Decembrist, as well as ferns, are suitable. For a florarium located in a sunny place, it is better to use orchids, bromeliads and other flowering plants that are suitable for greenhouse conditions.
If your "bottle garden" is dry, with proper soil, you should choose agaves, succulents, crassula, euphorbia, cacti - these plants do well without frequent watering and can withstand dry wintering.
Wet florariums suggest the presence of moisture-loving flowers, such as fittonia and violets. Of course, moisture-loving and “dry” plants, shade-loving and adoring the sun's rays, should not be mixed in one container.
A good choice for a plant terrarium would be a miniature bush of azalea, cyclamen, uzambar violets, begonia, various types of crotons, cryptanthus.
And if you love the exotic and are ready to feed your flowers with live insects, choose sarracinia or sundew for the florarium - they will feel at home in the greenhouse atmosphere of the “glaze”.

Mosses and lichens can also become inhabitants of florariums. They are unpretentious, take up a minimum of space, so they can grow even in a small glass or glass.
Features of care
The main advantage of florariums is that the glass container provides the flowers with a special climate, protects them from drafts and temperature changes. Plants in such "green" terrariums need to be watered less often, but the container itself needs careful care - the glasses will have to be washed several times a month, as they leave traces of drops, and the florarium will look unkempt. In addition, you should observe the irrigation regime and provide ventilation so that the glass does not fog up.

Orchids in a plant terrarium will feel just fine, becoming the best interior decoration.

Taking care of the “bottle garden” is not so difficult - it should be watered carefully, trying not to flood and not leave extra splashes on the walls, wash regularly using a bottle brush for bottles with a narrow neck, and also wipe the glass from the outside from dust.
Ideas for arranging a florarium
If you want to create not just a plant terrarium, but a thematic composition, I offer you the following ideas:
Desert in a bottle. For such plant terrariums, sandy soil is used - a layer of about 10 centimeters. Sand should be pre-sifted. One or two beautiful pebbles will serve as a decor. On such soil, cacti, spurges and agaves will feel comfortable.
Mountains. Experts advise making such a florarium high so that a fairly wide layer of soil can be laid. Pebbles and stones are laid out on top of the ground, a real alpine hill is formed, only a miniature one. Ficus, ivy and succulents are suitable for a mountain plant terrarium.
Jungle. For a forest florarium, mixed soil should be used: peat and leafy soil, you can add a little coarse sand. In such a plant terrarium, you will have to maintain high humidity. The florarium-jungle is planted with plants almost completely - low on the front edge and high on the back wall. For this version of the “garden in a bottle”, moisture-loving plants are suitable, for example, Liviston palm, pilea, coleus, asplenium.
"The Lone Knight" In such a florarium, a single plant will live, preferably bright and flowering, for example, a beautiful orchid or a lush violet bush.
Thematic composition. If you add such details as a model of a ship, a house, a miniature wattle fence, animal figures to the plant terrarium, you will get a composition on the theme of "sea", "village", "forest edge" and so on - it all depends on your imagination and the availability of the necessary decorative items.

Desert florarium. All that was needed to create it was sand, a few pebbles and plants that do not need abundant watering.

The composition in the plant terrarium will be perfectly complemented by figurines, figurines and other decorative details.

From three or four small florariums, you can make a whole composition that will decorate your table or window sill. It will turn out a real "bottle garden".
As you can see, it is not so difficult to equip a florarium, and even inexperienced flower growers can do it. Meanwhile, such compositions look very original and can become a highlight of interior design. In addition, it is easy to care for a plant terrarium, and a desert florarium does without watering for a month. So you can safely go on vacation - the flowers behind the glass will perfectly wait for your return.