Chinese men like plump women. How Chinese Men Groom

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I fell in love with China at first sight. After two years of a passionate romance, when you see only positive qualities in the object of adoration, our relationship has become more like a marriage. We got used to each other, put up with the shortcomings and very comfortably exist together. I will tell you about some features of my beloved country.

  • The concept of "one's own" for the Chinese is defining in relation to a person. If you are a countryman, a friend of a friend, a friend, and even more so a relative - no matter how far away - you can expect special treatment. If you are “their own”, then they trust you, they give you the best price, they will always help you, but, of course, they expect the same from you in return. China is a society based on mutual favors. Here it works better than money.
  • In a conversation with the Chinese, context is very important. “Yes” is rare here, and “no” is even rarer. If you are told “maybe”, then depending on the situation, this can mean “yes”, that is, “I will try very hard, but only heaven knows if it will work out.” “No” - “I definitely can’t, I just don’t want to offend you with a refusal” or “maybe”, “I would like to do it, but I’m not sure if it will work.” Such a multiplicity of meanings leads Western Europeans into a state of constant stress, but for people who grew up in Russia, which, whatever one may say, is still Asia, it becomes easier after a while. Well, at least for me personally. (Although overlays still happen).
  • According to my observations, all Chinese have a rare ability to sleep anytime and anywhere, completely oblivious to the noise or light around them. It looks like they have an off button. By the way, almost everyone practices daytime afternoon naps, with the exception of residents of large cities. For example, in the small town where I lived, almost all shops are closed from 12:00 to 14:00, and certainly all public institutions where the lunch break lasts from 11:30 to 14:30: an hour for food and two hours for sleep.
  • There is no such thing as "Chinese cuisine" in China. There are very specific regional traditions. Depending on where you are in China, different foods, different spices, and different cooking methods will be used. The Sichuan province is famous for its spicy dishes, the north for dumplings, the city of Wuhan for noodles with peanut sauce and spicy duck necks, etc. Culinary tourism is one of the most common leisure activities among the Chinese. The regional cuisine is as much an attraction as the mountains, temples and museums. When I asked what we would do in Chengdu - a city famous for its huge nature reserve and panda breeding center - my Chinese friends looked at me in amazement and said: “What? Eat!"
  • The most common traditional Chinese medicine is hot water. It does not matter if you have a cold, if your stomach or head hurts, you will definitely be advised to drink plenty of hot water. Everyone here drinks hot water, regardless of whether they are sick or healthy. Large titans with boiling water can be found in all public places - from airports and railways. stations to parks. Therefore, public free toilets are at every step, including in the subway.
  • In Chinese trains, linen is not changed with each new passenger. If, say, you sat down at an intermediate, and not at the final station, then the best you can count on is a bed that has been slightly tidied up by the conductor. But it is completely unknown how many people on this very bed slept before you.
  • In Chinese restaurants, dishes are often served wrapped in plastic wrap - it all looks very hygienic. But Chinese friends always rinse these “clean dishes” with boiled water (which is served to you immediately) before starting to eat.
  • Baby diapers are a sign of a very big city. In all other places, Chinese babies wear panties with a slit at the bottom (in any weather) and, if necessary, send their natural needs to the side on the sidewalk, naturally, under the strict supervision of their parents.
  • Describing the appearance, the Chinese parse the face into its component parts. They say: "You are beautiful because you have big eyes / high nose (bridge) / small mouth / white skin." An old Chinese proverb says: "White skin erases the three ugliness." Local young ladies (and often young people) make incredible efforts to whiten their skin, and in every possible way avoid exposure to the sun. To do this, they wear umbrellas on a sunny day, wear caps with a dark glass mask in the manner of a welder, and constantly use bleaching creams. The idea that there are people out there who purposely spend time and money to make their skin darker seems absurd to the Chinese. As you understand, there are no solariums in China.
  • Relationships are always started with the thought of marriage. For the vast majority of Chinese people, family and children are the main goal in life. Chinese men are incredibly caring and love children very much. A crowd of twenty-year-olds squeezing babies is a completely ordinary sight here. As my Chinese friend says, a Chinese boyfriend is expected to clean your room, cook your food, and peel your grapes. And it's not a joke.
  • In traditional China, it is not customary to publicly show your feelings and touch each other. Couples holding hands in big cities - more of a Western influence. Public hugs and especially kisses are considered indecent. Moreover, if a man touches a woman, then everyone will assume that they are in a relationship. Chinese friends (even of the same sex) do not hug each other: the Chinese do not like being touched at all, crushing on the subway does not count. The words "I love you" are very rare even between husband and wife and between parents and children. Feelings are expressed in care and in increased feeding of the object of feelings.
  • The skirt and shorts of Chinese women can be arbitrarily short, there is nothing reprehensible in this, while the chest and shoulders are always covered. Necklines are not worn here, but during the heat, Chinese men wrap T-shirts in the manner of short tops, exposing their stomachs. This is the folk saying: "If Chinese men bare their bellies, summer has come."
  • Learning Chinese from a phrase book is the most useless thing you can think of. Not to mention that the sounds of Chinese are very different from Russian, the main problem is that Chinese is a tonal language. This means that the same word, pronounced with different intonation, can mean completely different things. Trying to explain what you want using books like this is like trying to sing an unfamiliar song with the words in front of your eyes. The sounds may be similar, but you don’t know the melody, and without the melody what you sing there is impossible to understand. With the same success, you can speak Russian. In big cities there is a good chance to meet those who know a little English, but step left, step right - and no one understands you. Better calm down. The speech will be useless. The good news is that they really want to understand you, so they will try their best.
  • Russians in China are loved. Russia is a friend and neighbor. Everything that the Chinese know about Russia, they explain with one phrase: "Because it's very cold there." People in Russia drink a lot. This is because it is very cold. After girls get married, they always gain weight (there is such a stereotype about Russians in China). Because it's very cold. But Russian girls are very beautiful. Big eyes, high nose and white skin.
  • The Chinese explain all their problems with the number of people. Is the environment bad? Because there are a lot of people. Are you not following the rules of the road? Because there are many people. And so on ad infinitum.

How do representatives of one of the oldest nations on earth care, and what is so special about them that more and more of our compatriots choose a Chinese as their life partner?

  • Generous Chinese

The first thing I want to note is that Chinese men are generous, which Slavic girls will like. By agreeing to a date with a Chinese, you can be sure that you will not have to split the bill in half or ask permission to order another glass of wine. A Chinese is not a European!

  • Not a small Chinese

I want to dispel the myth that Chinese men are short. Yes, indeed, this nation has been low for a long time, but over time this has changed. The average height of a Chinese man these days is 175-180 cm, which, you see, is not so small. I'm talking about men living in the cities of China. Unfortunately, in the Chinese villages, men remained of short stature.

  • Family Chinese

Families are taken very seriously in China. In general, Chinese and Slavic values ​​are very similar. Divorces, although they occur, are very rare.And most Chinese men try to save their families, by all means to keep a woman near them, fulfilling all her whims.

  • Chinese man and his children

Chinese men simply do not have a soul in their children. They are wonderful fathers. You can be sure that the Chinese dad will take care of the brilliant future of his bloods. From birth, he begins to save money for their education at a prestigious educational institution.

  • The Chinese is the breadwinner of the family

The Chinese man is very hardworking. He takes full responsibility for the well-being of the family and does everything possible so that the family does not need anything. Often he disappears at work until late, sparing no effort.

  • Chinese husband is a happy wife

Slavic girls who marry a Chinese, thereby provide themselves with a carefree future in harmony and love. In such a family, the husband earns, and the wife takes care of the children (often with the help of a nanny). But if you want to work or start your own business, you can certainly find support from your Chinese man. Also, the wife has enough time for herself. The Chinese are very fond of well-groomed ladies, so they do not spare money for their wife.

  • Chinese and traditions

Here, relationships are not tied for the sake of sex. Chinese men treat women with respect. An interesting fact is that any touch to a strange woman is considered an insult. The reason for this is all the same ancient traditions. The Chinese are very serious about choosing a life partner. This is one of the reasons why marriages in the country are very strong. Therefore, we advise you, without hesitation, to accept the courtship of a Chinese man and boldly go on a date with him. And who knows... ;)

I hope you got a brief idea of ​​how Chinese men groom, and in the future it will help you make the right decision when choosing a life partner.

Features of Chinese men

1. Chinese men love to spend money on their women. In a restaurant, a man always pays, even if you are just friends, this is part of the upbringing and respect for a woman. Also, the Chinese love to give their girls romantic gifts, give jewelry, flowers without any reason.

2. Chinese men love and know how to cook well. If for some reason you don’t like, don’t know how or don’t want to cook, your Chinese husband will gladly take care of this, most of them are excellent cooks. And if he suddenly doesn’t want to cook either, he will easily take you instead of lunch or dinner to a restaurant, of which there are a great many in China.

3. They practically do not change. If a Chinese man cheats, and all his numerous relatives find out about it, then he will lose not only his wife, but also their trust. But his family is the most important thing for a Chinese.

4. The Chinese are very hardworking. Your husband will disappear at work from morning till night to provide a decent standard of living for his family. If you are going to connect your life with a Chinese, it is worth remembering that work will come first for him. And this is not because he will love you less, this is because he does not know and cannot do it differently. For rural women, this is generally a treasure.

5. Chinese men are very fond of children and will always welcome a child. Contrary to the rumors about China's birth control policy, we hasten to reassure our girls, foreign women who give birth in China are not affected by this policy, you can have as many children as you want. A Chinese father will do everything possible and impossible for his child. He will love all your sons and daughters, including children from your first marriage.

6. Chinese men are very reliable. In relations with the Chinese, you will always be "like behind a stone wall", all domestic and household chores, if necessary, he will gladly take over.

7. Chinese men are very caring. They will always make sure that you dress warmly in cold weather, drink plenty of water when you are sick and eat right. And this is not at all an ostentatious concern, as it may seem to Russian girls out of habit, they really care about it.

8. Purposefulness. Wherever you start your life together with a Chinese, we can say with full confidence that over time everything will change for the better. If a Chinese has set a goal for himself, know that it will certainly be so.

9. Culinary skills. There is a lot of talk about this, and it's really not a myth. It is not a fact that the kitchen will become exclusively his prerogative, but the fact that a Chinese husband will often delight you with culinary delights is absolutely certain. And believe me, everything will not be limited to rice alone, your gastronomic preferences will become much wider.

10. Intimate secret. Chinese men know how to charm. Slowly, step by step, he will win your heart. Flowers, candy, gifts are all elements of a romantic courtship. No one will hastily persuade you to take off your clothes and connect with your bodies. Only your desire and your willingness to take this step will be the signal: it's time to start. And, of course, you can be sure that all intimate relationships will remain exclusively between you. After all, love for the Chinese is a purely personal matter, no one except him and his chosen one can be privy to this secret. For the most part, Chinese men are skilled lovers. They know how to make a woman stay forever only in their arms.

11. Close family ties. By associating your life with a Chinese, you are simultaneously tying the knot with his family. No, it is unlikely that the mother-in-law will check how clean you wash the floors or poke her nose into your pans, but she will always play an important, and sometimes decisive role in your husband's life. However, the spouse will respect your parents to the same extent, and will teach his children the same reverent and respectful attitude towards their ancestors.

To summarize, in our opinion, the Chinese are good husbands. Responsibility for the family, politeness, love for children, the desire to achieve more, the ability to provide for the family are very attractive qualities. Of course, we cannot speak about all representatives of this nation, because exceptions are always and everywhere. Nevertheless, it is quite obvious that finding a reliable life partner in China is real and the numerous experience of Slavic women is an example of this.

Of course, the above information does not mean that every Chinese person you meet will have all of these characteristics, but most of them still correspond to the listed features.

Sukhoretskaya Anastasia

We are happy together

Girl A., married for 3 months: “He can solve absolutely any problem, if he doesn’t know how or doesn’t understand something, he will always figure it out. I knew for sure, no matter what happened, he would always be there, I was bribed by his firmness of intentions, the ability to achieve goals. I knew that with him I would definitely not be lost. Plus, he has a great sense of humor."

Girl S., married for more than 7 years: “He lived for 8 years in France, an interesting conversationalist, traveled a lot, knows a lot. He has a calm character, balanced, not jealous, he has a good sense of humor, he always knows how to make me laugh.

Almost all the girls who participated in the interview noted as a positive thing the division of household duties that the Chinese husband would not demand to “cook borscht” every day. Also, almost all girls' husbands either studied or lived abroad for a long time: in Switzerland, France, Great Britain, USA. For such couples, Euro-Asian cultural differences are reduced to a minimum.

Joke, not life

Despite the advantages of Russian-Chinese married couples described above, cultural differences make themselves felt from the very first period of the relationship. Many brides find it difficult to get used to Chinese cuisine and Chinese table traditions, and some cannot find a common language with their husband's relatives.

Girl I.: “My husband’s relatives from a village near Wuhan moved to our apartment in Beijing to live for a while until they are allocated housing. My parents did not know how to use modern technology and even brought a chicken with them from the village, which lived in our house.”

Girl A., married 3 months: “It took me a long time to get used to constant conversations about food. Have you eaten? What? When? Why didn't you eat meat? Why did you only eat meat? The Chinese have a real cult for food. My favorite expression at the table is “I myself”, because I don’t like cold goose innards, greasy homemade sausage or soup with ingredients I don’t understand and I’m not even going to try.

Girl O., married for 5 years: “It was difficult to learn how to communicate with my mother-in-law. In her understanding, coffee, sweets and all that is not healthy, and I had to drink coffee secretly. Although now she drinks it already with me. We communicate with my husband's parents in Chinese. At first, it was difficult with my parents: I understood them, but they did not understand me. It was difficult to express your opinion, in the family your voice seems to be lost. But it got better with time."

Girl B., mother of three children and married for more than 15 years, complained that her husband's parents at first did not allow her to raise children: “Chinese parents apparently think that we have given birth to children for them, and this is their concern from birth. But, thank God, they succumbed to education a little, and for the first three years I was alone with the children. They helped a lot, but weren't completely replaced. Now the children are adults, but they are also very attached to their grandparents, their presence is very strong.”

In addition, despite the fact that Russia is known for its alcohol culture, girls find it inappropriate in China to drink a lot of "baijiu" at feasts with unfamiliar people.

In conclusion, after listening to many stories from Russian wives of Chinese husbands, we can only say one thing: everyone makes his own choice whether to enter into an interethnic marriage or not. “With a sweetheart, paradise and in a hut,” says a Russian proverb, the main thing is love, and the rest will follow.

Hello. I'll tell you about my Chinese friend. To begin with, I will say a few words about Chinese men in general and about relationships in Chinese couples.

Well, first of all, the Chinese marry for love with a half-and-half of convenience. As I understand it, first there is a calculation, and then love arises by itself. Because marriage for the Chinese is basically for life. “In extreme cases, live for two years and get divorced” - there is no such thing. So if you want to be happy, love your wife (your husband).

Secondly, a Chinese man must earn decent money in order to have a wife. Chinese women do not fall for the option “marry me a beggar, and then we will earn money together”. Not so long ago, a man generally had to pay crazy money to the bride's parents for taking their daughter as his wife. In the villages, by the way, this is still the case. In the city, it is enough for a man to get hold of an apartment, and he is already quite a groom.

And thirdly, there are more men in China than women. By tradition, the son must support his elderly parents and, given that for a long time it was possible to have only one child for free (now they have already allowed the second, for subsequent ones there is still a large tax), and pensions are given only in some state. services, and not so long ago, of course, Chinese couples preferred to give birth to boys. And the achievements of science in the form of an ultrasound machine are of great help to them.

Therefore, among Chinese men there is fierce competition for procreation. To marry a foreigner is prestigious. Having a beautiful wife is cool. The wife is the pride of the Chinese. If the wife can not work - this is a big plus in social status. But this is all lyrics, the Chinese love and ugly compatriots. And quite happy.

The Chinese translator told me that her mother was very worried that she would not be able to marry her daughter. Because the daughter was born tall and with sparse hair. By the way, I don't have richer hair. But the hair of Chinese women is generally some kind of miracle. Thick heavy luxurious manes of black color personally cause puppy delight in me. In vain, however, my mother was worried, her daughter got married safely. Even with such shortcomings in the Chinese view.

So let's move from the general to the specific. I have a Chinese man friend. As far as I understand, he does not mind having a Russian wife, since the Chinese women repel him with their excessive requests.

In general, I noticed two main trends in Chinese courtship. This is to buy a woman, i.e. spend a lot of money on her, and spend a total amount of time together. Apparently, she couldn't look at anyone else.

So, this man is a village guy of 32 years old, with his clear ideas about the family, about morality, about spiritual and bodily purity that goes hand in hand with it (Chinese philosophy). After studying, he moved to the city and, simply put, went nuts from the city's Chinese tricks. Yes. Russian women, who are not particularly spoiled, have some advantage here in the eyes of a Chinese man.

As for me, upon arrival in China, I felt uncomfortable if men paid for me (emancipation did not bypass me, independence, etc.). Upon returning, I feel discomfort from the opposite. But, firstly, no one will demand anything from a woman for dinner, it's just ridiculous. And secondly, a man receives the interest and respect of others. For the Chinese, ostentation is very important. He can shit up to his ears in the apartment, but he will go out into the street with a needle. And most of the time it is.

The Chinese have been courting for a long time. And with far-reaching intentions. And it's actually really cool. Constant signs of attention, gifts, and he will prepare dinner himself and go for a walk with you, and then in the family he will wash and sit with the child, and do everything that needs to be done. In the family, Chinese men are hardworking and diligent, as in other areas of life. Although not all. Not all! These are common national traits - but they do not appear in all Chinese. But my friend is.

If a couple has been dating for several months, they will most likely get married and live together until one of them dies. True, in modern China divorces also happen, but in general it is shameful. And people try to save the marriage to the last.

You have no idea how difficult it was for me to explain to the Chinese why I was not married, but have a child. I even blushed and felt embarrassed. I said something like “he didn’t have time to marry me because he went to sit in prison,” and received a look of complete absolute incomprehension. The Chinese are still far from our free relations, thank God.
Once my friend helped us with shopping and we returned home late. Until this and that, almost midnight and he stayed the night. So I almost brought him to a heart attack with a question: does he count on something. He was extremely embarrassed by my Slavic directness. As possible, we barely know each other, a couple of months in total, and most importantly, in the wrong status. At first, this reaction pissed me off. And then I really liked it all.

If I had a more or less complex problem that I could not handle on my own, I called a Chinese friend. He had two answers: "I decide" and "I decide." Apparently, he does not know how it is correct in Russian, but I did not correct it. I liked it this way and that. He listened, told me one of the two and solved my problem.

Matvey, if you read what I wrote here, know that you are a great friend. If we ever meet again, I'll be glad.

Matvey is a Russian name that he chose for himself to communicate with the Russian-speaking population. I remembered his Chinese name from about the fourth or fifth time. For the eyes I call Motei.

Motya studied at the institute as a linguist and learned Russian in Khabarovsk. Russian for foreigners is difficult to learn, I think. As well as Chinese. I haven't accomplished anything in almost a year. But I'll talk about the language barrier sometime later.

So for now. Have a good day.