Wise words for a woman's birthday. Wise birthday wishes for a man. Original smart birthday greetings

Birthday is the day when we turn another page of our life and take stock.

You can be a master at coming up with different greetings for your friends, relatives, loved ones and loved ones. To joke, to rejoice, to come up with various jokes. But there are times when jokes are inappropriate, and for a person who is much older and more experienced than you, you will need to come up with a very serious and wise birthday greeting.

So, if the birthday is in the head of your family, or in the boss, or a friend of the family, you need to take care to buy a serious gift and find good words for a wise birthday greeting.

You can borrow interesting wise sayings from great writers, critics, musicians, artists. You can write a wise birthday greeting in verse, it is best to compose them yourself so that they are unique. On the Internet you will find many beautiful ideas for wise congratulations. Look at the toasts of Caucasian writers - you will find there a whole pantry of interesting statements and stories.

The main thing in congratulations is to pay attention to your intonation of speech. It must match the text. Speak smoothly, look the birthday man in the eyes. Do not try to tell jokes - the public may not perceive them. Finish the congratulations with sincere wishes, but in no case touch the personal life of the birthday man - by and large, it does not concern you.

In this case, it would be best to give an appropriate gift. It can be a wise book, interesting films.

If you are counting on a more expensive gift, buy a ticket for the birthday man to travel, for example, to Europe, or to Egypt - where he can not only relax physically, but also draw spiritual food for himself, learn a lot of new things and see historically important things with his own eyes.

To live life wisely
You need to know a lot.
Two important rules to remember to get started:
You'd rather starve than eat anything
And it's better to be alone than with just anyone!

I want to congratulate you on your birthday,
Wish you only the best in life!
Your age - 33 - is the age of Christ,
Time to rethink your life!

Your life experience is rich
Not weakened and not faded,
And we are today with this date
We heartily congratulate you!

Life is like a garden at 18
And it reminds me of spring
But do not forget about the main thing, nevertheless:
The one who works - he gets happiness!

I wish you inspiration
And I want to wish you good health
Well, the main thing in life is luck!
So, friend, do not think to lose heart!

If, son, you decide something -
So always go ahead!
We wish you to be happy
And also - let you be lucky!

Life is wise, son, don't forget
All good things happen!
Never, please, do not be discouraged
And do not know about longing and sadness!

Adulthood is a great time
All tasks will be on the shoulder then
And you can turn any mountain -
Know that this path will be so beautiful!

Let luck follow you in step
On the way, let only happiness await you,
Let your love warm you
Happiness and fun will be again and again!

Let the years rush - it does not matter;
Time heals wounds.
And let them go forever
Troubles and fogs.

And what is light for the soul,
Let it stay with you.
We wish this day
What do you want yourself.

Let them hurry, the years run -
We cannot stop them!
But be always young!
It doesn't matter how many years have passed.

We won't judge by age
By the number of years that have come!
If you are still full of vigor -
So there is no place for old age!

Let a smile light up your face
Even if the gray hair is like snow!
Age is, by God, a mistake,
If a person is young at heart!

As you grow older, you begin to understand
That life is sometimes very difficult,
We have to believe and suffer -
Otherwise, it's simply impossible!

I really want to tell you:
Egor, dream, and what you ask will come true,
After all, in life you need to know a lot,
When you bring your gifts to her!

Once Fortune decided to put all her blessings on the table - crowns, big money, marshal's batons, fame - and, calling the wise man, she said:
- Choose your good.
He, without fussing, trying and weighing every good, chose the golden mean.
We wish our hero of the day that in his life he always chooses the golden mean!

What is more expressive than words? Of course - actions! It is they who speak of real feelings and serve as the criterion of truth. What do our actions say? They say that we, the guests, put aside all our affairs, put on a marafet, polished our boots, dressed smartly and came here to congratulate our dear birthday man! So, you are really dear to us! And we move glasses for you, for your health and success! Happy birthday dear!

Sometimes it seems that time flies like a swift-winged bird, but you should not regret it. After all, every year of life is marked by something good. May there be infinitely many joyful components in your glorious destiny. Let truly amazing events happen, kind and positive people meet, the desired is achieved, and happy stability inspires new successes! Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday. Sit quietly, listen to the silence and think, think about life. Take stock of this year, which has clearly been interesting and varied. Remember your dreams, goals, plans. Set yourself a goal for this year, and work hard to achieve it. Then thank the Lord for another year lived, and accept my wishes. I wish to forget about bad luck, grief, sadness, just delete these words from your life. Work hard to get what you want. Give your love without demanding anything in return and you will receive twice as much love and affection. Rejoice for the success of your family and friends from the bottom of your heart. Thank the Lord for every new day. Believe in success. And life will become a fairy tale!

It is not customary to count years on a birthday. They say that they are our baggage that we carry through life, collecting into it everything that happens to us. But even the most capacious suitcases can one day overflow. Therefore, today we wish you that your reliable ship, confidently cutting through the waves of Fate, always has on board Happiness and Joy, Love and Health, Success and Luck, Dreams and Friends.
Let Experience, Wisdom, Strength always help to manage the ship of Life. Let Confidence, Reliability and Aspiration invisibly accompany you on the Path.
Put Impressions, Meetings, Journeys into the treasury of your soul and, like unnecessary ballast, throw overboard failures and sorrows, bad mood and melancholy. And then your heart will always be open to new Accomplishments and Victories! Happy Birthday to You!

Beautiful wise wishes for a man happy birthday in prose

What is more expressive than any words? Of course, actions. It is they who speak about real feelings and thoughts, they are brighter than words and serve as a criterion of truth.
What do our actions say? That we, the guests, put aside all our affairs, put on a marathon, polished our boots, put on our formal suits, then took the bus to the subway and came here to wish our beloved birthday boy a happy birthday. This means that he is dear to us. Let's move our glasses for him, for his good health, present and future successes!

Happy birthday! The most important thing, in my opinion, is to be happy. Everyone has their own happiness, so let there be everything in your life that will provide you with endless happiness. Smile every day not for the sake of a tick, but from the fact that everything around is going the way it should, that everything around is the way you want it to be. May all the most cherished dreams come true, and if they don’t come true, always find the strength to make them come true yourself!

Probably, every person on his birthday remembers and analyzes the past year. Actions taken, mistakes, successes, defeats. But don’t think about it, because on this day you need to take a break from all serious thoughts, thank the Lord for another gifted year, and be glad for yourself. In life, I wish, although not much, but that there are people who have been tested by time and deeds, on whom you can always rely. May all congratulations addressed to you be realized in your life from the next day. I wish you to have a dream, one special, most secret dream that will stimulate your success and push you to serious actions that will fill your life with meaning. I wish if I have problems, then only those that will later turn into invaluable experience. And may everything you need for happiness come into your life very soon. Let the whole world be surprised by your success. Happy birthday.

It's your birthday today. Congratulations. Today many warm and sincere words will be said to you: wishes of health, success, love, happiness and wealth. And I won’t say anything like that, I’ll just say that you are my life, you are the sun that I reach for, like the first snowdrop that reaches for the first rays after winter. You are the air without which it is simply impossible to live. I love you!

Wise wishes for a happy birthday to a woman in prose

One old parable says that one day a snake crawled to God and asked him to make her a beautiful woman, since she was already tired of crawling. God listened to the snake and turned it into a woman, saying: "Go and feel sorry for the people." The next day, an affectionate dove flew to God and also asked: "Turn me into a beautiful woman." And God also listened to her and turned her into a woman, saying: “Go and bring good to people.” Since then, two beautiful women have lived in the world: one with a black soul, the second with a white one. I have not the slightest doubt that our dear birthday girl is that very affectionate and kind dove. So let's wish her many years of life, happiness and optimism!

They say that there are women in the world who are harmoniously endowed with all the virtues - they are beautiful in soul and body, smart and generous, reasonable and friendly. Today I can say - I know such a woman and now I congratulate her on her birthday! May everything you dream of come true! May your every day start with a smile! You are the best and beloved, which means that everything will always be fine with you!

Over time, the ideals of female beauty change, but at all times true femininity has been and will be valued. What is it? It is difficult to describe it: these are graceful movements, and a radiant smile, and a charming voice, and a radiant look ... And today I am glad that I can wish a happy birthday to a girl who is a real embodiment of femininity. I wish you to always remain as radiant, cheerful, charmingly beautiful, and always be loving and loved, and very, very happy!

May there always be those who love and appreciate you, I wish you that your dreams come true, your plans come true, and interesting people and things meet along the way. Many good words and wishes sound on your birthday, may they be heard by fate and may they return to you with small and big joys and happiness!

What magic happened to you? You just shine today! Women's wisdom has increased in the eyes, deeply enchanting, like forest lakes, and your smile is like rays of sunshine for our society ... Congratulations on your birthday, most beautiful! Be happy and loved!

Expensive! Accept a bouquet of sincere compliments! There are few women like you in this world! Let there be a place in life for vivid impressions, inspiration, the embodiment of plans and desires. Let exotic travel await you, your career is rapidly going up, and all changes will be only for the better. And of course, you have the strongest health, extraordinary happiness and true love. Plus cheerfulness, smiles, optimism - and a lot of positive!

Be surrounded by care and attention, love and tenderness. Let small joys add up to great happiness! You deserve the very best!

Femininity and a strong spirit, incredible tenderness and inner strength, these words, of course, very accurately describe our birthday girl. Let me say words of admiration on your birthday. You are the true embodiment of wisdom and justice, female defenselessness and innocent cunning. All the warmest words will be spoken today only for you, all the stars today shine only for you. Of course, our life is far from being a series of constant holidays and fun, but we wish you to have as many good and bright moments as possible. Smile, stay as beautiful, smart, purposeful and charming, because this is exactly how you are loved by all relatives and friends. Let happiness walk beside you and open all doors for you.

On such a bright and joyful day you have a holiday. And the sun shines today only for you and the birds in the sky sing in honor of you. I wish you never be sad, no matter what. And let there be only bright colors in your life, from which your eyes will glow with happiness. I wish you a strong family, true friends and a good job.

We wish you great happiness
Family joy, warmth,
Let bad weather not affect you,
May the sun always shine on you.

Let life be what you want
in the wildest dreams
May love be in your heart forever
and in my heart is spring.

Let the one you love
everyone else will be happier
And let your dreams come true - you
so many of them.

Health, happiness and love are not all,
whatever you wish.
Keep friends, forgive them all their sins -
friends are so easy to lose in life!

happy birthday congratulations
And with all our hearts we wish:
In business - complete success,
In life - joy and laughter,
Never get upset
Don't be sad, don't worry
And entering your new year
Be happy and healthy!

We wish you happiness and a little sadness,
We wish that friends do not upset
So that pain and grief do not meet,
So that joys and jokes do not end,
So that there are springs in the middle of winter and summer,
To have a lot of light.
And let everything that is planned come true
After all, for the sake of this, it was worth being born!

You have become a little older and wiser.
It's only been a year since the last name day,
But you matured for 10 years.
We know that you have become stronger, more beautiful -
You have many advantages.
But remember the main thing - FAMILY:
You have us
You can rely on us.
Happy birthday!

May your life become fuller
And every day you be wiser.
Let youth not wither for a long time,
And life is more fun.
May there be joy and fun
After all, this is what we live for.
And we say:
"Happy Birthday!
Happy and bright day!”

Happy birthday congratulations!
And I wish that always
It was joyful in my heart
Good for the years to pass.

About health and happiness
You can drop a few words.
To avoid bad weather
And the road was cloudless.

Some will say it's impossible
Live a life without sorrows.
Yes, it's probably hard.
You just need to love a lot.

There is no recipe for longevity
However, everyone dreams about it.
Health in life for many years
We wish you with all our hearts.
You don't care about the year
If you strive for a big goal
Stay always young
Never grow old at heart.

Light, light, beautiful and proud,
You always go through life without difficulty.
You are a devoted, tender wife,
And in the heart of a husband you reign alone.
We are happy to congratulate you on your birthday,
You are our pride, happiness and joy!

I dreamed of expressing more than once
All the things that you mean to me
I was looking for unique phrases,
Looking for words that are so rich
But speech is not subject to feelings,
And I accepted it as an inevitability
That I can't put into words
Endless tenderness.

We congratulate you all
Today with an arbitrary date!
We wish your life
She was happy and free!
In any dress you are good -
After all, a proud posture,
Mind, femininity, your soul -
Diamond, and the rest - cutting!
And we want you
Stayed like this for many years
So that all dreams come true
So that everything was, and not seemed ...
So that there is happiness and love,
Health, joy - everything is according to the estimate,
To feel everything again and again
That you do not live in vain in the world!

Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask -
Remember the rules are simple
And carry through your life
Always dignity and strength!
I also want to tell you
What happens in life
But the main thing is not to lose heart,
And to live easily and prosperously!

Happy birthday, congratulations
I wish you much happiness
And good luck so that always
Was your companion!

Easy, right ways,
Faithful, devoted friends,
The house is always so that a full bowl,
And health is very important!

At work every day
Went through with no problems.
And always your wallet
Was full of money for the future!

Happy birthday congratulations to you
And we want to wish you:
To be cheerful, truthful, beautiful,
Do not grow old, do not get sick, do not suffer!
Let hope not deceive you
And let fate save you.
Let this day caress you
Happiness in life will bring you!

Years pass silently
Like a caravan of heavenly birds,
And time flies unnoticed -
You do not be sad for nothing.
Don't be sad when you see the change
When you find an extra wrinkle.
New days come to replace days
And each age is good in its own way.

I wish: incredible sensations,
Comfort, joy, aspirations,
Worthy life victories,
Do not know barriers and bitter troubles!
Have: Siberian health,
Souls wide expanse,
To: good, luck, laughter
Combined everything in "success"!

Happy birthday congratulations!
And with all our hearts we wish
Be funny, cute,
Young and energetic.
Never grieve
Sleep tight, sleep tight at night
To have such power
To always stay cute -
For legal spouse
And maybe another friend.
May health be strong
Happiness your house will not forget
A lot of joy, warmth,
So that fate is good
So that youth is not sluggish,
To not know old age.

If, son, you decide something -
So always go ahead!
We wish you to be happy
And also - let you be lucky!
Life is wise, son, don't forget
All good things happen!
Never, please, do not be discouraged
And do not know about longing and sadness!

Congratulating you on this day
We wish you one thing:
To be sad cold shadow
Didn't touch your face.
Let failure not be in business,
So that you never know them
To be the happiest
Today, tomorrow and always!

When the birthday comes
You grow up a year
In the soul and joy, and fun,
And life gets harder.
But the years go by fast
And they can't be stopped
They change us a lot
And they should be treasured!

We grow up every year
And maybe a little wiser.
May this holiday bring
And wishes, and respect.
We want life to be
Good luck and full of love.
To hold joy by the hand,
Luck in the leg to walk.

Let the stars shine in your eyes
Let happiness sparkle like champagne
Let tears never shine in them,
And let sadness not knock on the heart.
May this day, like a song of a nightingale,
Cross out all the gloomy days of bad weather.
May your life be like a May dawn
Brings happiness every day!

How old is it, it doesn't matter
And you are young at heart, and wise!
So let your years be
Unspeakably generous with gifts to you!
Let everything turn out as you dreamed in your youth,
May health never fail
Let despondency pass and fatigue
And luck always awaits in everything!

Happy birthday congratulations
And with all our hearts we wish:
Happiness - the sea over the edge,
Love - turn your palms,
Health - so that everything is enough,
And there would be life force!
And fulfillment of desires
And always joyful festivities,
Gifts of various kinds
And wonderful friends!

Happy birthday congratulations
And we wish you with all our hearts.
Of course we don't get sick,
Do not be sad and do not grow old.

Smile only always
No trouble
Didn't take the smile off my face
And it seemed like a mistake.

May this day not be a noisy holiday,
Not a red day on the calendar
But he is happy and beautiful -
You appeared on earth.
And we heartily congratulate
You with such a wonderful day
And we sincerely wish you
Health, joy in everything!

I wish you sunny moments
Warmth, fun, inspiration,
And every day was like a miracle
Success stubbornly swam into his hands.

And the days flowed like a stormy river,
Friends will come in a noisy crowd.
And something good will happen
And happiness will fly into the house like a bird,

And live peacefully in it.
May joy be at night, during the day,
Will wake up with you at dawn
And it will be the best in the world!

Wise birthday wishes cheer up the birthday person and tactfully indicate opportunities and directions for further growth and development. Our diplomatic birthday greetings will help to congratulate a man or woman on their name day, Angel's Day and any other holiday.

Congratulations and wishes on your birthday

Congratulations in verse

Some people are born to succeed all their lives,

You got it on a whim.

So fate loves you.

We love you and we

Accept sincere congratulations

These beautiful flowers!

Prosper, Bless

Heaven on Earth with God's help create!

Be like a rainbow on a rainy day

Be like a fly in a barrel of honey!

Rejoice with yourself even the shadow of a tree,

Show how beautiful Nature has made you!

Happy holiday, dear!

Congratulations to Marina - Eleniel's daughter - on her 1st birthday!
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You have become a little older and wiser.

It's only been a year since the last name day,

But you matured for 10 years.

We know that you have become stronger, more beautiful -

You have many advantages.

But remember the main thing - FAMILY:

You have us

You can rely on us.

Happy birthday!

I'm all numb

Trembling on your birthday

From joyful excitement -

I want to say,

Cool Congratulations
3 Happy birthday greetings in prose and verse

So many words are not in store,

To express you 1 simple,

But an important thought:

"I really appreciate you

And I love you very much!”

Yes, the best birthday present is love.

But I didn’t forget about the cake - here it is!

So you, birthday boy, have all the reasons and sweets for joy!

Holiday wishes in prose, SMS

Everything in life moves in a spiral - one day you were born. Today is your birthday - and the energy that the Lord God gave you on this day is with you again. So invest it in something worthwhile—into something that will be the beginning of something great and exciting in your life.

Birthday is a great holiday for you. Indeed, according to statistical studies, those people who have a lot of everything live the longest. Live long, happily and in abundance of both moral and material goods!

Although I am not a diplomat, I remember exactly that today is the date of your birth, but I forgot how old you, my love, are. But what's the difference - how much? It is important that you look like 20, and next to you I feel like 15!

A birthday is just the 1st day on a long 365 day journey around the sun. Dear birthday boy! Enjoy every moment of this amazing voyage!

You look so young, honey, I forgot your birthday!

Let your name day be full of pleasant discoveries and fruitful communication!

I want to express my gratitude to that stork who gave you to your parents: they raised a wonderful guy, unique in every way!

I wish you get what you want. You are my best friend, so I wish you the best on your holiday.

If fate has a beautiful form, but incomprehensible content, something must be done about it. Like starting a new life. Don't be afraid to start and try something new!

I go to postcard shops only to read these funny inscriptions and wishes on birthday greetings. And I want to dedicate one of them to you: “Just as Thomas Addison gave the world electric light, so you illuminate my life in an incredible way.”

Dear newborn! If your girlfriend gave you an unsuccessful gift (for example, a hair dryer) on Angel Day, then this is not a reason to throw a tantrum. Just think how much effort and money, and most importantly - love, she invested in him! Appreciate her good intentions! Well, at the same time, do not forget to ask for a receipt to return the gift to the store ...

For some reason, it is on our birthday that we so love to take stock of life and make plans ... Well, well! We can only congratulate you on the holiday and wish you always achieve your goals as a winner crowned with happiness!

May your birthday be filled with sunshine and warm wishes. May your life be like a rainbow - every day will become a new, bright, happy streak. Happy holiday to you!

They say how you spend your birthday is how you spend the rest of the year. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday, on this bright holiday. And I wish that all plans come true one by one. So that there are never gloomy days in your life. And the sun generously pampered you with its rays and warmed your soul. Let only kind people meet on your way, and add something good to your life. And even if you get lost and don't know what to do, never give up, but raise your head to heaven and ask your Guardian Angel for help. Believe in miracles and they will come into your life. So celebrate your holiday with a great mood and a smile on your face. And believe that success will surely come into your life, and take your girlfriend luck with you. Happiness to you on this day, a whole car. And many pleasant surprises!

What is more eloquent than all words? Actions. It is they who speak about true feelings and thoughts, they are stronger than words and are the criterion of truth. What do the actions say? That we, the guests, postponed urgent business, put on a marathon, polished our shoes, put on formal dresses, got on the bus, then on the subway and came here to congratulate the “newborn”. And this means that he is dear to us. Let's move our glasses for him, for his good health!

Happy birthday! Your age is just wonderful, it's time to paint a family portrait! Masculinity flourishes, wisdom in the eyes ... it seems, turn off the light - they will light up like a tiger! Do you believe in omens? All those who have gathered for the holiday do not leave a premonition ... that something wonderful, unusual awaits you! And one more thing… anticipation… that the birthday cake is delicious…

For you today, a lot of compliments and congratulations, a lot of gifts and flowers, because you are celebrating the most important holiday of your life - your birthday. Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on such a wonderful date. I wish you good health, great joy, simple human happiness, so that there is a little, but everything. May your experience, your wisdom always be an example for me. All the best to you, peaceful sky above your head, joy and fun. May the Lord always protect you from failures.

Today you celebrate your birthday. Please accept our sincere congratulations and best wishes. May every day give you only pleasant moments, may luck open doors for you. We wish you good health, personal happiness, a lot of joy and fun. May your life be as pure as spring water, may your path of life be bright and pure. May hope, faith and love always accompany you. May a kind angel protect your destiny from all failures. Be happy.

On my birthday, let's say: let
Your life will be without boredom,
Sadness will disappear forever
You are a jack of all trades!
We set you as an example for everyone!
Family man You are the most faithful!
You are a man - just class!
The most kind and sincere!
Nobody will surpass you
Hundreds of new achievements!
And luck awaits in everything
After all, you are simply a genius in business!

You do not believe that the birthday
Took a precious year out of my life.
Gives spring blossoms from you,
The sound of rain, snowflakes round dance,
He will add experience and knowledge,
Wisdom, good luck and kindness
And fulfill all your desires
If the time is right for them.
You do not believe that every birthday,
Old age approaches creaking.
Youth return and one day
You will suddenly see yourself in your son.

New ideas, beginnings, discoveries,
The happiest, most successful events,
Only wonderful always impressions,
Joyful, bright pictures and moments!
In life, everything will turn out the way you want,
There will always be courage in the heart, courage!
And from the bottom of my heart on this day I wish
Happiness, success, good luck! Congratulations!

We wish you great happiness
Family joy, warmth,
Let bad weather not affect you,
May the sun always shine on you.

Let life be what you want
in the wildest dreams
May love be in your heart forever
and in my heart - spring.

Let the one you love
everyone else will be happier
And let your dreams come true - you
so many of them.

Health, happiness and love is not all,
whatever you wish.
Keep friends, forgive them all their sins -
friends are so easy to lose in life!

We wish you happiness and a little sadness,
We wish that friends do not upset
So that pain and grief do not meet,
So that joys and jokes do not end,
So that there are springs in the middle of winter and summer,
To have a lot of light.
And let everything that is planned come true
After all, for the sake of this, it was worth being born!

You have become a little older and wiser.
It's only been a year since the last name day,
But you matured for 10 years.
We know that you have become stronger, more beautiful -
You have many advantages.
But remember the main thing - FAMILY:
You have us
You can rely on us.
Happy birthday!

May your life become fuller
And every day you be wiser.
Let youth not wither for a long time,
And life is more fun.
May there be joy and fun
After all, this is what we live for.
And we say:
"Happy Birthday!
Happy and bright day!"

Happy birthday congratulations!
And I wish that always
It was joyful in my heart
Good for the years to pass.

About health and happiness
You can drop a few words.
To avoid bad weather
And the road was cloudless.

Some will say it's impossible
Live a life without sorrows.
Yes, it's probably hard.
You just need to love a lot.

There is no recipe for longevity
However, everyone dreams about it.
Health in life for many years
We wish you with all our hearts.
You don't care about the year
If you strive for a big goal
Stay always young
Never grow old at heart.

I dreamed of expressing more than once
All the things that you mean to me
I was looking for unique phrases,
Looking for words that are so rich
But speech is not subject to feelings,
And I accepted it as an inevitability
That I can't put into words
Endless tenderness.

We congratulate you all
Today with an arbitrary date!
We wish your life
She was happy and free!
In any dress you are good -
After all, a proud posture,
Mind, femininity, your soul -
Diamond, and the rest - cutting!
And we want you
Stayed like this for many years
So that all dreams come true
So that everything was, and not seemed ...
So that there is happiness and love,
Health, joy - everything is according to the estimate,
To feel everything again and again
That you do not live in vain in the world!

Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask -
Remember the rules are simple
And carry through your life
Always dignity and strength!
I also want to tell you
What happens in life
But the main thing is not to lose heart,
And to live easily and prosperously!

Happy birthday, congratulations
I wish you much happiness
And good luck so that always
Was your companion!

Easy, right ways,
Faithful, devoted friends,
The house is always so that a full bowl,
And health is very important!

At work every day
Went through with no problems.
And always your wallet
Was full of money for the future!

I wish: incredible sensations,
Comfort, joy, aspirations,
Worthy life victories,
Do not know barriers and bitter troubles!
Have: Siberian health,
Souls wide expanse,
To: good, luck, laughter
Combined everything in "success"!

Happy birthday congratulations!
And with all our hearts we wish
Be funny, cute,
Young and energetic.
Never grieve
Sleep tight, sleep tight at night
To have such power
To always stay cute -
For legal spouse
And maybe another friend.
May health be strong
Happiness your house will not forget
A lot of joy, warmth,
So that fate is good
So that youth is not sluggish,
To not know old age.