Jin vant hal creative education. Education of a creative personality in pedagogical practice. The Benefits of a Creative Life


One of the main skills that we can help develop in our children is the ability to create. The moment a child creates, he becomes a creator and learns to interact with the world around him.

In this way, children begin to realize that they did not just come into this world to memorize information and use various things, they came into this world to know themselves and others, to create and improve the world around them.

To some extent, every child becomes a little god - begins to create something new, which has not yet been in this world. Each person can memorize information, repeat after others, but it is still more important to improve your skills, develop your talents and apply your skills to improve yourself and others. It is creativity that serves as an excellent assistant for every person, turning him from a consumer into a creator.

Every day children are happy to be creative, but, unfortunately, not all children have parents who are ready to help them in this, to create with them, to take them to courses. Because of this, years pass, and children turn into adults without ever being wizards.

But in the modern world, this is easily fixable. There is a huge variety of materials on sale at affordable prices for everyone (various paper, paints of any color, fabrics, scissors, glue, jewelry items, plasticine, chalk and thousands of other little things). And for parents, there are many websites and books that present ideas - what interesting and useful things you can do with a child of any age.

I would also like to recommend the book Gina Van't Khal "Creative parenting. Art and creativity in your family."It presents 60 master classes for children from 1 to 8 years old.

The author of the book with his two girls blogging artfulparent.com , which constantly posts tips on creative activities with photos and detailed instructions. Over the years of the blog’s existence, a large amount of material has accumulated, selecting the best of which, Gina contributed to the book “Creative Education”.

In the pages of her book, Gene Van't Hal talks about how to develop in a child the ability to be creative, inherent in him from birth, and how to bring creativity into the daily life of the family.

This book will help you:

Find time for creativity throughout the day.

Choose activities that your child will enjoy.

Arrange a place for classes and storage of children's work.

Choose art materials and tools.

Encourage and develop creative thinking.

It is correct to talk with the child about his drawings.

"Creative Education" is a book about love for children, about raising a free personality, about a sensitive creative attitude to the world, about how to fill every minute of our life with creativity.

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Today I have a difficult task - to tell colorfully and adequately about something that is very close and understandable. Do you know how it happens? When some thing, thought, book causes irritation, disagreement, or at least minimal disputes inside, everything is easy and simple: here are the pluses, here are the minuses, you can criticize ad infinitum.

But what if a book falls into your hands that is so perfect that if you imagine yourself its author, you understand that you would not change a word or a letter? "Creative education. Art and creativity in your family" Jean Van "t Hal from the Mann, Ivanov and Ferber publishing house is just such a publication: it fully reflects my thoughts, aspirations, visions, desires, and therefore it’s quite enough to talk about the book difficult.

The soft cover and the absence of the MIF branded lassé are perhaps the most serious shortcomings that one can think of when trying to describe "Creative Education". The paper is of high quality - the pages are pleasant to turn, touch, they do not wrinkle, and you just want to flip through the book, look at it and enjoy it like a good album with illustrations. Meanwhile, this, of course, is not an album at all: I would say that we are talking about a conversation with a close friend who understands you from half a glance. Words in such a dialogue are needed only to streamline one's own thoughts, to voice certain principles, to formulate desires and dreams.

"Creative education" is not only ideas and instructions on how to entertain a child, organize his leisure time, offer him this or that idea of ​​an unusual craft. This is a reminder of what to do with crafts - discuss, ask, communicate, tell, fantasize. These are soft tips on how to better spend time with benefit - not just playing and creating, but also speaking at the same time, developing certain skills in yourself, training your imagination.

A lot of the ideas offered by "Creative Education" lie on the surface, but for some reason we do not take them, we do not reach them on our own. The book just gives an impetus, insight: for sure, after going to the museum with your child, you can grab pencils and papers and offer to draw what you see - make a copy of the picture you like!

Raising children through creativity has long been one of the most common and used methods. This is not at all surprising, given the number of positive effects that such a way of developing a child's abilities gives.

Each child is an amazing personality, a whole universe contained in the small body of a beloved child, and it is very important to notice this universe and let it develop in time.

What are the benefits of raising children through creativity? For starters, this is a great way to sublimate and redirect a child's energy. Imagine - instead of breaking furniture and cutting pets, your child will draw, sculpt something from plasticine or cross-stitch, for example. Isn't it a tempting prospect of peace and quiet in the house?

The most important in this aspect is the discovery of the child's inclinations, which is necessary for the selection of the type of creativity. Watch your baby - what does he like best? After such observations, you can safely proceed to redirect his energy in the right direction. This will also help you avoid unnecessary expenses and hassle. For example, if your kid is an artist at heart and only his mother’s strict reprimands can distract him from painting on wallpaper, you should think about how to turn this minus into a plus. Such a problem is very simply solved by placing whatman paper within the reach of the child. If there is something to draw on, the wallpaper will remain intact. The same can be said about the unhealthy craving for scissors - buy your child a set of colored paper and your pets, and sometimes even children's bangs, will remain safe and sound.

When choosing a creative replacement, you should carefully consider the characteristics of the child's age. After all, it is quite obvious that the upbringing of children of 4 years is significantly different from the upbringing of children of 9 years. And, if in the first case it will be enough to provide the necessary materials, then in the second case you can think about specialized institutions where the creative potential of your child will be fully revealed with the help of specialists. Who knows, maybe this step will once be decisive in determining the profession of your child.

Education through creativity allows you to reveal and improve the personality of the child to the fullest extent. This is not only interesting and fun, but also useful in many ways, as it improves the child's skills in certain areas. For example, when doing weaving or appliqué, the motor skills of the fingers develop well, and when singing, the work of the vocal cords improves, drawing develops a sense of taste in the child, and any of these types of creativity gives you a reason for legitimate parental pride.

But, if it turns out that the child has a craving for drawing, then this must be developed. No need to forbid him to do this, because he develops this and can show what no one expects. Why, from the very childhood, we were taught that an artist is a poor person who will always be hungry in life? After all, this is not so important, because artists write such masterpieces that the soul, at times, is torn apart. They somehow think differently, perceiving the world in completely different colors.

Indeed, even the simplest person, taking a pencil or brush in his hand, can draw something on a piece of paper. Maybe it will be anyhow, but by drawing, a person always becomes calmer. So it is with children who are brought up with creativity. They begin to see the world differently. But, if they have some kind of joy or sadness, then he will certainly be able to put his whole soul on paper.

Professional artists who give drawing lessons to children are always good psychologists. They know when to calm the child and tell him that life is beautiful. And during a drawing lesson, show him on a piece of paper or on a canvas what such a wonderful life looks like. After all, it turns out it's so easy!

It must be remembered that children's creativity does not need too much, because this requires freedom of action, time and, most importantly, the support of parents.

Creativity is an important element in the upbringing of a child.

I see my ideal in that literally every child sees the beautiful, stops in front of him in amazement, makes the beautiful a particle of his soul ... "

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

A creative teacher is constantly looking for ways and means to solve the problems of aesthetic and labor education. The tendency to aesthetic education in children manifests itself quite early. And it is important to introduce the child to creativity in time. One of the effective means is the art of floristry. Plants and flowers and artistic compositions created from them evoke admiration and joyful emotions in children, a desire to create beauty from natural materials themselves. Working with natural material, children acquire, as it were, a second sight: in every flower, blade of grass, they learn to see a unique beauty, an image.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of introducing children and adolescents to creativity for their aesthetic and environmental education. Floristry classes bring up artistic taste, a sense of love and true respect for the surrounding nature, give rise to a desire to protect and preserve it, and in the future will make up for free time with interesting creative work.Working in collaboration with the great and kind artist, Nature, is a great happiness!

The ability to understand, to feel the beautiful is not only a certain criterion for the development of the child, it acts as an incentive for the development of his own creative abilities.

Lessons in arts and crafts allow you to successfully solve didactic tasks for the development of independence and creative initiative of children. One of the effective means of education, in which the formation of labor skills and the artistic development of students are closely intertwined, can be classes in creating paintings and crafts from natural materials using dry tree leaves, herbs, mosses, flowers, various twigs, roots, seeds and fruits of plants. , pieces of tree bark. Floristics is a kind of art that is little known and rarely practiced in schools, in centers of creativity.

Working with natural material is quite accessible to students, because it does not need to be looked for somewhere. Various forms of leaves, flowers, roots, twigs of plants often directly suggest interesting stories. It can be a landscape, a still life, a fabulous composition.By fantasizing, imagining, combining natural materials, you can create an amazing world with your own hands!

In winter, when it is cloudy and cold outside, it is pleasant to please friends and relatives with plant compositions that conceal the warmth, aroma and color of summer. But for this, in summer and early autumn, you need to take care of the source material, collect and save flowers, grass leaves, cones, seeds, twigs, and much more.

In one of the sections of my work program on DPI, there are several lessons for working with natural material. It provides for the study of the correct collection of natural material and the types of its preparation (drying) for use in applications, the construction of compositions from flowers and leaves.

Here, the guys bring dried autumn leaves, flowers, blades of grass with them and try to compose, for example, some kind of animal, choosing details according to the shape of the leaves (a birch leaf looks like a chicken's head). The task of such a lesson is the purposeful observation of nature by children, to help them see and appreciate the originality and beauty of autumn, its unusualness: crumbling trees, leafy ground, etc.

Comparing willow or ash leaves with birch or lilac leaves, children can notice the difference between them: some leaves are narrow, elongated, while others are wide and with pointed ends. Some leaves have smooth edges, while others have serrated edges. Their color also varies. Working with the gifts of nature, the child not only recognizes the signs of autumn in nature, the beauty of forms and the color of plants, but also, as it were, prepares himself for the perception of the world around him. And this stage is preparatory in the process of further education.

In the future, more complex exercises are carried out. They get acquainted with the method of spraying, where the guys put a leaf of a tree on a white landscape sheet, and then spray with a sponge or brush. The result is very like the children, and they enjoy this work.

You can also work on revealing shapes using a stencil. When one of the sides of the sheet is covered with gouache or watercolor and printed on paper.

All these exercises allow you to most effectively develop both the creative abilities of children and develop observation, the ability to analyze forms.

It is not uncommon for children's hobbies to become a profession. But even if in the future students do not become professional craftsmen and artists, the skills gained in the classroom will help them in any direction. No wonder many adults return to childhood hobbies.

The pedagogical value of knowledge of folk and arts and crafts is explained by the following important reasons:works of these types of art make it possible to educate schoolchildren in a certain culture of perception of the material, contribute to the formation of an aesthetic attitude to reality, help to better understand the artistic and expressive means of other types of fine art.

Creative work in the final degree contributes to the development of individual abilities of students, causes them to strive to acquire knowledge beyond the mandatory programs.

At each lesson, the teacher meets with his students and sometimes children are restless, absent-minded, inattentive. How to interest and captivate children? How to prepare classes so that, with their methodological and educational orientation, they are interesting?

When planning a lesson, the teacher takes into account the general level of preparation and abilities of children, the availability of materials and tools. In the lessons on the implementation of floristry, I recommend to carry out according to the following plan:

1. Choose the topic of the lesson and have a conversation with the children.

2. Conduct a short tour of parks, squares, forests in order to get acquainted with natural materials.

3. Collecting a variety of natural materials.

4. Drying natural material with children (using an iron, or laying leaves in a book.

5. Analysis of the shape of the object of labor chosen for decoration.

6. Display and discussion of plots, motives for applications.

7. Drawing up a work plan.

8. Independent work of students:

A) drawing up a sketch of the composition;

B) color selection;

C) cutting the necessary figures;

D) gluing;

D) discussion of finished works. Summarizing.

Lesson structure.

Stage I - communication and goal setting: what children should learn in this lesson, what new things to learn, what to consolidate.

Stage II - preparation for the implementation of the lesson. It includes sample analysis, comparison, comparison, demonstration of work methods, setting up the simplest experience, drawing up a plan for future work.

Stage III - performance of labor actions (independent work of students).

Stage IV - verification of the correctness of the work performed.

Stage V - summing up the results of the lesson: what did you learn, what did you learn new.

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    Internet sourceped-kopilka.ru