A conspiracy to make a husband want a wife: a passionate desire throughout life

The top request with which women turn to me for advice is the problem of losing a man's interest. In this regard, a woman feels unnecessary, inferior, infringed, like a wardrobe in an abandoned corridor of relationships:

- Julia, the beginning of the relationship was marvelous! I could not even dream before meeting Sergey that a man can be so attentive, sensitive, generous and loving. I did not have enough time to ask myself the question: “Does he love me?”, Because the answer was obvious. And now, 4 years later... He forgot what a flower shop is and "Thank you" after a 3 course dinner! I’m like a nice addition, not a woman I cherished at the beginning… Sometimes it seems that if I pack my things and leave, they won’t even notice it in the morning! - sobs 34-year-old Ira, a charming blonde, a beauty in every sense, but so unhappy.

Classic. Sad, unhappy and... not hopeless!

Despite the seeming dead end of the problem faced by a huge number of women (because if you fell out of love or do not need it, then what can you do?), There is a way out. I will share with pleasure, because I want women to be happy and loved not only at the beginning of a relationship, but throughout their lives.

There are three main reasons for the loss of interest of a man in such a long-awaited woman until recently.

1. Loss of interest in a woman to herself.

This state is Stop!, in which young ladies gradually forget about their own desires, needs, and hobbies. She no longer visits the pool or yoga classes. She gave up foreign language, belly dancing, saw her friends last year, and her favorite evening walks became a memory. Life has stopped. And all this because she is now in a relationship.

2. A woman ceases to be interesting to a man.

The first reason automatically leads to the second - a man sees a sad, boring woman next to him. I don’t want to unravel and surprise this one, because I learned everything I could, idolized it, but I didn’t get anything new ... A man can continue to sincerely love, but women from point 1 do not receive stars from the sky.

3. Rolling a woman to two extremes in image and behavior:

  • Tank woman. This is a special line of behavior, even a race of women who see a child in a man. She got a second job, and pulls heavy shopping bags from the store, and didn’t forget her husband’s jacket from dry cleaning, a three-course dinner plus compote, fiddled with the children, in the evening asked a neighbor about the possibility of employment for someone who lies on the couch in the evenings, scratches the area stomach and answers all questions: “But everything suits me!” And the woman from the unbearability of life, eternal fatigue and bewilderment: “Why is he so lack of initiative?” plows even more. It seems to her that a man needs help and inspiration. She is an armadillo, next to which it is safe, familiar, son-like comfortable. Who would want to pamper such a woman, protect her, give gifts, carry her in her arms, be a strong man, after all?!
  • Convenient woman. This is another extreme of behavior in a relationship - a kind of fifa that does not require anything and with a motto in life: “So that only you, dear, feel good, and I’ll settle down here next to you, just don’t worry ...” It’s not good for a convenient woman to ask a man for help, to declare their needs or disagreements, have interests and hobbies. In general, to live the life of an individual. After all, she is in a relationship, which means that she must adapt, obey, justify, regret and worry about the man so that he does not injure the nervous system. This is economical, therefore it is extremely attractive to immature men (let's be frank - only an infant will allow himself a comfortable one so as not to invest in a relationship!) She can not give flowers, not give a coat, not ask about her well-being.

Both in the first and in the second case, women forget about the main thing - a man is a man, but you must always remain a woman. Soft, light, mysterious and… self oriented!

An interesting woman is mysterious, unpredictable, there is always a new facet or trait in her that will surprise a man. She is like a nesting doll, exploring which he is amazed at the versatility, diversity and diversity of the inner world. You can watch the video with my author's technique “Matryoshka” on my YouTube channel.

What to do in order not to turn into the one that is NOT valued?

  • Love and invest in yourself.

And the key word is to invest, because only through action can love be felt. Caring for the body and appearance, filling the soul with various hobbies, exciting work, developing talents, learning and striving to learn more, to learn - this is love. Such a woman will always be interesting to a man, because she is fascinating in itself. A woman who loves herself is always “a little busy” and a man wants to seek her location, time, emotions all the time. Plus, a versatile, harmonious and passionate woman is an incentive for a man to match, to become better, stronger, more courageous.

  • Show off your talents.

To be filled, cheerful, carried away by interesting things is amazing. But it is important to remember that you are in a relationship and a man needs to show himself to be smart. For example, an interesting story or a new fact that a woman will announce at dinner. Or deep reflections on what he saw in the news. The main thing is that the subject captivates the man and you do not "participate with the news."

  • Don't turn your soul inside out.

The read masterpiece of world literature will remain in memory for a long time, but it is unlikely that you will want to reread it daily. So it is in relationships - by telling everything about herself in detail, and even at the beginning of a relationship, a woman risks getting admiration for her character or femininity, but does not retain interest in herself. Therefore, "lay yourself out" gradually. This does not mean that you need to keep quiet, but you do not need to chatter about your previous 30 years in detail. Give a man the opportunity to savor your facets all the time, and not choke on a dish.

  • Don't wait, ask.

It is a big mistake to believe that a man himself will guess about your desires and give you what you want. No. Of course, during the period of romantic courtship and the conquest of a woman, the "peacock peacocks." Later, when the female is conquered and there is no point in making excessive efforts, the woman should be gently reminded or asked to do / bring / give / respect. Often in response I hear: “Why should I humiliate myself and beg?” Against! The request emphasizes femininity, the need for the support and support of a strong man. The request inspires men and they want to help, please a fragile woman.Be sure to thank you for your attention! A man will want to spoil you again and again.

Dear ladies, the attitude of a man depends only on you. As you are to yourself, so is he to you. Stay true to yourself and your interests, get carried away with life, fill up as a person!

Increase your self-worth every day and then the chosen one will ask himself: “Darling, what else can I do for you?”. And I, Julia Lanske, sincerely wish you happiness in love!

Why does a husband cheat on his wife, and how can cheating be avoided? What can I do to keep my husband from cheating? How to react if you find out that you are being cheated on? Should you forgive infidelity? These questions are asked by many women around the world. We also decided to discuss them with you and analyze the advice of more experienced wives, which are often given on the Internet.

Why does the husband cheat?

Many explain the betrayal of men by the fact that most men are polygamous by nature, that is, they cannot constantly love only one woman. Of course, this point of view has the right to exist, but in no way does it justify a man's tendency to cheat. Since people differ from animals precisely in that they know how to think and make decisions.

It all depends on how much a spouse can understand such a man. So if you think that isolated cases of betrayal are not a reason to destroy a strong and lasting union, then you can endure a couple of cases of deception. But if you do not forgive betrayal, then most likely you will not be able to understand your husband. Here everyone makes their own decision.

Often, cheating is due to the fact that a man is uncomfortable in the family. There may be more than enough reasons. For example, a wife does not pay attention to her husband. It doesn't really matter why it happens. A spouse can be busy with household issues, solve health problems, and experience other difficulties. But so that the husband does not cheat, the wife must have time to pay attention to him, or keep him informed of her problems.

If everything is very serious, of course, a man can understand his wife and try to help her fix the problems. But often a woman is simply annoyed over trifles, does not talk about the true reasons for her bad mood. The situation in the family is heating up to the limit, and sometimes a man just wants to unwind, chat with other women who do not scream and are not nervous.

Why does the husband cheat? Maybe he met a woman he fell in love with? Sometimes it happens that betrayal from a fleeting affair develops into feelings. A man in this case may even leave the family. What to do so that the husband does not change? If you are in this exact situation? Try to understand the man and let him go. Let him try to live with his mistress. They say that the best way to bring a person back is to give him free rein. Then he will understand that this most desired freedom was not such a necessity. By the way, it is quite possible that life as a lover will also not be the best, because passion is passion, and different views, even in matters of everyday life, kill even the strongest feelings.

Of course, it is impossible to completely insure against treason. But in any case, believe that it is in your family that peace will always reign!

How to make your husband not cheat on you, what can be done so that your husband does not cheat? The question is quite complex, and it is not clear how you can change the behavior of an adult. Meanwhile, if you try, you can return harmony to your relationship. Find out how to do it right now!

First you need to figure out the reason why your spouse is cheating on you. By the way, the wife is not always to blame - situations are different. For example, many men are polygamous by nature, and from time to time they just want to communicate with other women. True, this does not mean that they instantly stop loving their wives - it's just a completely different relationship. Is it necessary to take such a position? It all depends on your outlook on life.

Sometimes the wife is really to blame for the betrayal of her husband. For example, she does not devote time to her husband, treats him disrespectfully. Even the absence of an intimate life can provoke betrayal, because a man who is used to satisfying his needs will look for an opportunity to do it on the side. So be sure to analyze your behavior if you want your husband not to cheat.

Try to have sex with your husband as often as possible. It is very important to literally squeeze all the juice out of him so that the spouse does not have the strength to cheat. At the same time, you will be able to establish family life and normalize relationships.

How to make your husband not change? If you have nerves of steel, you can try this method so that your husband does not cheat. As you know, forbidden fruit is sweet. If you are ready to give your spouse complete freedom of action, do it - let him work up. However, most likely, the desire to change will decrease, because the intrigue will be lost.

Sometimes betrayal occurs ... from idleness! If your husband has nothing to do so that his husband does not cheat, come up with some task for him. Let him hang a shelf in the kitchen, go grocery shopping to the supermarket, fix the washing machine. You can also sign up for some courses together, start repairs. Any joint activity brings together.

In some cases, a family psychologist can help. Well, if you manage to persuade your husband to visit such a specialist. He will tell you how to solve the problem, because the habit of constantly changing is not quite a normal phenomenon, and you must definitely fight it.

Finally, if you cannot tolerate betrayal, or all your actions have not led to the desired result, you can simply get a divorce - you will be open to new relationships and will definitely meet your love!

How to arouse interest in a husband so that the husband does not cheat

How to arouse interest in a husband if there is noticeable coldness and aloofness in your relationship, and you really want your husband not to cheat? Do not worry, this happens to all couples from time to time, and here it is important not to panic, but to start correcting the situation in time. Read on for how to do this.

So, first it is very important to understand the true reason for the decrease in interest in you from the spouse. The fact is that the grounds for such an attitude can be quite serious. For example, without noticing it yourself, you were constantly annoyed and lashed out at your loved one - this can lead to resentment on the part of your spouse.

Perhaps the reason is not in you at all, but in the fact that over time partners get used to each other, passion disappears, and a harsh reality comes to replace it, to which you need to adapt. It is during this period that you and your husband may notice that you have become uninteresting to each other. True, such a problem is eliminated if you think in time about how to arouse interest in your husband so that your husband does not cheat.

Talk to your loved one if you are in the habit of telling each other everything. Find out why you became uninteresting to your spouse, what needs to be changed so that you begin to treat each other with the same warmth. Often this is how family problems are solved, because together couples find ways to reawaken love in their hearts.

You can try to make a man jealous. Just so that the husband does not cheat, you do not need to openly flirt with other representatives of the opposite sex. It will be enough just to dress beautifully and think over the model of your behavior, going with your husband to a party or any other event. Behave at ease, be a little flirtatious - men love to show attention to such women. Your husband will see that you are clearly enjoying success, and the hunter's instinct will wake up in him, which will awaken his interest in your person. This is what you were after.

Try to surprise your husband so that your husband does not cheat. Does he think you are a read book to him? Secretly from your spouse, sign up for dancing or vocals, and then just amaze him with your talent. If you don't know how to cook, ask your mom for help and bake a pie. We bet your husband will be impressed.

Sometimes a short separation helps to wake up feelings. You can come up with a trip for several days - during this time you will definitely have time to miss each other! And the question of how to arouse interest in the husband so that the husband does not cheat will definitely not arise. Good luck!

© Oksana Chvanova
© Photo: depositphotos.com

Who doesn't want him, the one and only, to pay attention to you. And he not only noticed, but fell in love passionately and tenderly.

Most men are pretty predictable. In the arsenal of experienced women there are various effective tricks to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Before you think over a plan to capture a man's heart and begin to act, you should honestly answer yourself the question: why do I need this person? If you just want to start a romance - this is one thing, you want it to be serious and for life - another. And the methods of captivity should be a little different. In any case, one must understand that no one guarantees the result, firstly. Secondly, it is the result, it can be completely unexpected.

In this article you will find psychological tricks on how to properly behave with any adult man so that he falls in love with you, and what needs to be done to keep the state of love and fall in love with him even more.


Simply put, we study the tastes, habits and passions of the desired object. This is necessary in order to:

  • attract attention,
  • pretend to be interested
  • demonstrate the similarity of views and interests,
  • fill the conversation with topics of interest to him.

Does the guy like sports? See sports information. Learn the names of famous athletes. For the general development will not be superfluous.

Interested in French comedy? Pierre Richard should also be your favorite comedian.

It is more difficult if this person is a scientist or financier. Do not despair. Now there is enough popular information and similar topics. Although, maybe he loves something else besides work?


Prefer T-shirts, jeans and flats? Will have to change. Men love women, not girls. Your inner content will certainly be interesting to him, but a little later. First, he must turn on visual attention.

That's why maximum femininity - dresses, skirts, romantic blouses.

Not shocking neckline and tight-fitting everything you need and don't need, ultra-short dresses in combination with Louboutins. This option is only suitable if you need a guy for the night.

For a serious relationship, this kind of man does not attract. Everything should be moderately sexy and stylish enough.

The hairstyle should also be given a little romance - braids, weaving, curls (if appropriate). Makeup with great care. Few men like it when a woman puts war paint on her face. It often looks vulgar and repulsive. In a serious relationship, he wants to see a true woman, not a glossy model.

What is acceptable is bright red lipstick, but only for the right occasion and with the appropriate dress (usually evening). Of course, you need a sophisticated perfume.


The most difficult thing, if a girl is in love, is to be at ease. An unrequited feeling and interest in a potential partner always strain, make us awkward. But you have to pull yourself together and try to be yourself. In any case, a tense and blushing person with a worried look is worse than the one that is by nature.

It's important to be sincere. Because no matter how you pretend to love football, children or movies, if you don’t love all this, the lie will certainly come out. So either love it or be honest.

It is unlikely that an infinitely sad woman will be interesting. As well as always aching, complaining about problems, blaming everyone and everything. Everyone loves positive people. The stronger sex also lacks joy. Become a source of positive and joy for your beloved, he will appreciate this rare quality and will be grateful.

So what kind of women do men fall in love with? In behavior it is important to be:

  • laid-back (by itself),
  • sincere,
  • open,
  • interested
  • enthusiastic
  • positive.

What not to do:

  • interrupt during a conversation
  • run after him
  • impose your communication
  • endlessly call and send sms,
  • compete at work
  • trying to look smarter than him or stronger,
  • piss off and annoy
  • make scenes and throw tantrums
  • pressure in decision making or show aggression,
  • dissolve in a man and "lose" yourself,
  • turn into a caring "nanny".

Plus to this: a man needs to be admired (as often as possible, but only about), remind him of his impeccability and masculinity.

If you are colleagues often emphasize with all his skills and talents. Of course, only out of place, so as not to look funny and interested.

Male psychology

There are various psychological techniques to catch the attention of the object:

  • One of the simplest is a look. A deep attentive look in a few seconds will not go unnoticed. At first, the attention of the man will be unconscious.

    If you look at him this way several times, he will definitely pay attention and already consciously he will be interested.

  • To this technique it is worth adding a little female cunning.. When the beloved responds and also looks carefully, trying to understand what is happening, you can “embarrassedly” lower or look away in response to his interested look.

  • Another technique is "reflecting". It is used to win over another person. This is a type of unconscious communication. What to do? Gently (so as not to look like a tease) repeat the movement of the hands, the rhythm of breathing, intonation, the pace of speech. Without realizing it, he is imbued with confidence in you. You seem to be a reflection of him. How can you not trust your reflection? This is where intimacy comes into play.

A useful video lesson about a women's pickup truck - how to quickly fall in love with a man to madness and keep this state forever:


Lovers usually have increased sexual energy. It spreads invisibly around them. Pheromones are added to it. Representatives of the opposite sex “read” this and involuntarily pay attention.

Therefore, a woman should be close to a potential chosen one as often as possible.

He probably “counts” the necessary information and pays attention to it. A few light touches, for example, on the hands, will help the cause.

On a date, you just need to look irresistible. Properly made makeup plays a big role in this. We invite you to see.

And there is an opportunity to watch a video on how to do makeup for blue eyes.

The main thing when you do makeup,. How to make perfect eyebrows yourself, read in a separate article.

Path through the stomach

An old proven tool.

It will be difficult only for those who do not know how to cook. Need to study. Today this is not a problem. There are many sources on how and what to cook- We look on the Internet, cookbooks, in TV shows.

Only a completely lazy girl will not be able to learn how to cook a favorite dish of an expensive person. In this case, you will have to look for some other talent. Learned how to cook or already know how - act. Even if the object of our attention is well off and dine in the best restaurants, you can and should come up with a reason to treat him with something homemade.

Good help in this matter - pies, pancakes, cakes.

They can be brought to the office, taken on a trip, on a picnic, to visit. There is not a single representative of the strong half who refuses a ruddy homemade pie with meat or cabbage.

love spells

The tool is very ambiguous. But many people use it. And since ancient times. There are conspiracies that you can apply yourself. There are more complex rituals that are performed by witches, witches and various magicians.

It is important to remember here that the consequences will not be easy. After all there is a violent intervention in someone else's fate, an often irreversible effect on the will of another person is made.

If a person is married, it is possible to take him away from the family, but it will be very difficult for him, and he will suffer for a long time. Before you do this, you should think a hundred times about responsibility.

There are many tips on how to attract a man. They are worth knowing and applying. But Equally important is the individual approach.. Most women intuitively know what to do and how to do it. One has only to feel, understand what he wants, and effective means to attract attention will immediately appear. The main thing is to love, to believe, not to sit idly by, waiting for everything to happen by itself.

In conclusion, the psychologist will answer the most common questions about the psychology of relationships and how to make a man fall in love with you:

In this article:

Happy newlyweds love each other and do not always think about the future. There are many temptations and temptations in the world. So that your husband does not want another woman, does not get himself a mistress, you need to become the most desirable. It might not just be the other woman. Often, over the years, the novelty of marriage passes, the spouse ceases to be interested in his wife as a woman. Stormy nights are ending, passion is leaving, there is less and less sex. In order for the spouse to want his wife, and even regularly, it is necessary to make a village conspiracy. He will awaken passion, return your relationship to its former degree.

Village conspiracies for sex

In the villages, ancient conspiracies are not forgotten. They are actively used, passed down from generation to generation. While ignorant women gnaw their elbows because their husband goes to the left, those who know make a simple conspiracy. After him, your man, husband, boyfriend, will be only yours.

But, the main condition is that you must also be a faithful wife from now on.

Applying it is easy, because you don't need anything special. This is white magic, worldly and simple. Any woman can thus throw thoughts of others out of her lover's head.

If you are together for a long time, understandable satiety sets in. The fire of passion can be rekindled. The spouse will look at you with different eyes. It is very important that your husband does not know anything about the ceremony. You will need some of his personal items and underwear. Be sure to try this method if you have been married for a long time. The conspiracy works quickly. This is a special sexual love spell that helps if you are married or just in a relationship. A man ceases to notice others, and looks with desire only at his wife.

Sad marriage statistics

Already at 2-3 years of marriage, interest in the wife begins to fade. Such fickle men were created by nature. He begins to literally look for a partner for a friend. Some are stopped by spiritual intimacy with their wife, some are simply lazy. And someone goes "to the left." Women put in a lot of effort to keep their spouse attracted. Sports, beautician, cosmetics, sexy lingerie. But that can get boring too. A conspiracy will come to your aid. Sexual prisushki - a special section of love magic. By this method, you can permanently inspire your spouse with a passionate desire for you. Happy couples meet. They live soul to soul for many years. What is their secret? Everyone has their own, and for many it is a sexual prisushka.

Simple home spell

For this conspiracy, you will need to cook your husband's favorite meat dish. As much delicious spicy meat as possible. It is him that you will speak so that your husband only wants you. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach - this wife does not need to be taught.

It is important to consider:

  • Buy good fresh meat from the market. Can't bargain;
  • During plotting, the woman must be naked;
  • This ritual is performed on a full moon on Friday.

They talk about raw meat. It must be applied to the bare chest and say a conspiracy three times:

“Under the tombstone is a domina, and there is an old devil. I am not afraid of the devil, I will not bow before him. I will stand straight, glow with righteous heat. So the husband is not afraid of me, he does not bend before my flesh. Key. Lock".

Cook the meat of your choice. This evening, see that your husband or boyfriend eats as much of this meat as possible. It cannot be left for another time - all the half-eaten food will have to be thrown away.

Such rituals do not bring any harm to either side.

Speak the marriage bed

So that the husband does not lie on the bed with his mistress, you need to speak your marriage bed. If you have good reason to think that a rival has appeared, do everything necessary faster. This method is fast. So that the husband does not want other women and forgets the lovebird forever, this method fits perfectly.
Undress, lie down on the bed, spread your arms to the sides. Clap your hands three times on the bed, say:

“So that the legs of the servant of God (name) tremble, the lips dry, and the hands only reach for the servant of God (name).”

Now for your faithful trip to his mistress is closed. He can only make love to you. To make it work, speak the bed on Wednesday evening to the growing moon. Do not wash this linen on which you have been lying for as long as possible. So that the spouse wants you after many years, periodically repeat the ceremony. Practitioners recommend doing this every year.

Dryer for underwear

This dryer needs to be done on your husband's underwear. You will need his underpants, which he will wear on this day. Pants must be black. You will need a church candle.

To perform the ceremony, you need to consider:

  • Day: Monday, Wednesday or Friday;
  • Moon phase: Waxing;
  • Time: Early morning, sunrise.

You can’t do prisushka if you are on your period right now! While the husband is sleeping, take his underpants, go to the window. Take a lit candle in your left hand. Say three times:

“Behind the forests, the water is thick - not earthen, but woman's interior. In the middle of that water stands an island, and on the island a pillar does not bend, it rises high to the sky. The sun came out bright. Let it warm up the vein of the Servant of God (name) as well, raise my white body on my body. Words - turnkey, lock.

Cross yourself, kiss the candle and extinguish it. Return the underwear to your husband, make sure that he wears these shorts. For strong practitioners, the effect comes very quickly - in the evening. If you are just starting magical practices, then you will have to wait 2-5 days. The husband will suddenly begin to show a very strong sexual desire for you. If he had contacts with other women, then very soon they will stop. He just can't be with another woman in bed. Someone begins to become disgusted with his mistress, others have problems with erection.

Your husband will be only yours in life and in bed. It is possible and very simple. Absolutely any woman at any age can make this conspiracy. If the guy began to look to the left, you need to urgently take action. Nobody wants to share the beloved man. A simple village plot will help you return passion, desire. Sex will be just amazing. Be sure to try this method and forget about all the rivals.

There is a conspiracy of obedience that helps women a lot. The wife reads such a conspiracy against her husband, so that he listens to his wife, follows her advice. Men are subjected to a lot of stress in their robes and in life. They often make impulsive, rash decisions. They are gambling. For family life, some of these manifestations are dangerous, wasteful. And the husband dismisses his wife, does not want to listen to advice. In this case, a conspiracy will help. Your man is now always attentive to your words, does what you advise him, does not argue. This can help a woman to establish peace in the family, and children will receive a good example of mutual understanding.

Why do we need a conspiracy to obedience

You should not use it just like that, just for entertainment or to manipulate men. For a husband to always obey his wife, magic is not needed, only mutual understanding, good relations and love are needed. Yes, and the wife should not be a hysterical, narrow-minded woman. Then each of her advice will be taken as it should be, discussed. If you see that the husband is in a difficult situation, but sees no way out, then help him.

Sometimes it is very necessary to obey a wife, there is nothing shameful in this. For example:

  • the family is in a difficult situation, and the husband is too proud to ask for help;
  • a man makes many wrong decisions, succumbs to other people's influence;
  • the husband's parents influence him, they slander his wife.

All these are unpleasant situations when you have to go to extreme measures. A conspiracy will help in this case. He will not harm her husband, and the children will thank you later that they saved the family.

In these cases, you just need to take full responsibility for yourself, help your husband. In the life of every family, unforeseen difficulties and troubles happen, but there is no need to panic. One head is good, but two are very good.

Family magic on guard of your happiness

Family magic is a special section of magic that helps those who decide to start a family. She protects the wife, husband and children from all adversity. Women who know the rules for handling the rituals of family magic are always happy. they know how to get their husband on their side, to negotiate with the mother-in-law. The house is in order, cleanliness and tranquility. It is in such a house that I want to come more often.

Simple conspiracies so that the husband does not argue, but obeys

They are all simple. Any woman can handle this ritual. The main thing is to believe. That everything will work out, and the husband will obey. Otherwise, nothing will work. You do not need to pay money and go to the sorcerers, it is in your power to independently make such a conspiracy strong and effective.

Sweet Pie Conspiracy

So that the husband only listens to you, and does not listen to the advice of others, you need to make a conspiracy for a sweet pie. Bake it yourself with your man's favorite filling. As soon as you take it out of the oven, still hot, say:

“Pie-pie, help us in the family to gain consent. Make sure that we both taste you and live happily ever after. So that my husband listens to me, loves, honors and respects me. So that my word would be law for him. Let peace and harmony settle in our family. Amen!"

Let your husband eat as much as he wants. A sweet pie will bring quick peace to the family, because now the husband is attentive to any of your words, he will not go against your will.

Conspiracies for baking have been used since ancient times.

Conspiracy for water

Water is spoken, with which a drink will then be prepared. Tea or coffee, compote. On the water you need to say 12 times on Friday evening:

“The bottom stone is silent, does not say anything.
He is subjugated to my will,
From now on, he will live in captivity.
So my husband would submit to me, a slave,
It did not break out from under my will.
I am his food, I am his water.
May my will be in everything forever.
And who will interrupt my conspiracy.
To that thorns in the eyelashes,
The pip will go on the tongue.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

The drink is prepared on Saturday morning. The husband needs to drink three cups of this water. Then after 3-4 days you will see if your husband cannot say “no” to you. Always agrees, protects you and your opinion. A very useful and simple ritual, but it must be completed completely.

Subdue the will of the husband

With this conspiracy, the husband will obey you. It is useful when he himself loses the ability to think sensibly. as a result of alcoholism. drug addiction, addiction. Here you need to act seriously and submission to the will is the best way. Works flawlessly.

To make it work, Done on Wednesday in the photo of her husband. Her husband should be alone, without glasses.

Say three times:

The moon conspired, the star conspired,
The sun has spoken.
Everyone will talk to each other
And all my words will be confirmed
Fulfilled and fixed.
All my decrees
Be for (name) orders.
Obedient child, I am obedient to the Gods,
Be obedient to me my slave (Name).
In the name of Mars, in the name of my Will! Let it be so!

In this rite, do not forget to leave the gifts in the cemetery

Wrap this photo in three handkerchiefs, tie with black thread. It must be placed under the mattress of your bed so that it lies for three nights. After that, take the photo to the cemetery, put it on the grave with the same name as your spouse. Leave without looking back.

Submission Conspiracy

In order for the husband to wash meekly, to obey his wife in everything, you need to say to the moon every Thursday:

“Be my words strong, deeds - modeling.
The horse is subdued with a collar,
Doesn't kick, doesn't bite, doesn't run,
The reins guide him
Where to go instruct.
So am I, God's servant (name),
I throw my collar on that
Who is dear to my heart.
From now on, be my will in everything,
Your share is in my royal power.
Endure with a collar, reconcile,
Like a serf, submit to the master's will.
For all days, for all ages,
For all God's times.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

Say and go to sleep. In the morning, there will be no trace of his reproaches and disagreement. You yourself will be surprised how quickly and effectively simple village conspiracies work. Our grandmothers not only made their husbands obedient like that, but also tied them to themselves. Be sure to repeat every week, otherwise the effect will disappear. So many years live in harmony and peace.

Bind to your word

It is made on three black threads. Threads should be lubricated with your menstrual blood on the third day of menstruation. Tie the still wet threads into three knots and each time say:

"My thread, do not break,
And you, servant of God (name), submit to me.
My copper lips
My teeth are a way.
What can I say, everything will be so.
Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

This thread must be sewn to the husband in the collar of a dark shirt, then he will be attached to your words, he will obey. A very useful and powerful ritual, because it contains your blood. It is the strongest biological material.

This method requires regular forging

Conspiracy on the husband's dirty things

The conspiracy is done on dirty things. So that the husband does not suspect anything, collect his underpants, spouts, and T-shirt in a separate bag. All that is close to the body. Above things say:

“I wash off your dirt, I command you.
I am in front of you, you are behind me.
And who will speak against me,
Besides, your legs won't walk.
My word is strong, my work is sculpted.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

Wash them and dry them. Let your husband put on one thing at a time so that he has charmed clothes all the time. Repeat every week.

Family magic does not harm, but helps

If you are ashamed to use such a conspiracy, you are afraid to harm your husband, then discard all prejudices. A conspiracy that brings obedience cannot harm anyone. The husband will not know about it, will not feel any compulsion. You may need special help and support to take matters into your own hands. The conspiracy gives it. Your words take on a lot of weight in the family.

It is desirable that the spouse does not know anything about the conspiracy, otherwise he may blame his wife for everything. The main thing is that it should be used for its intended purpose, only at the most serious moments when a sober head and a different look at problems are needed. If the wife wants to manipulate a man, turn him against friends, relatives and colleagues, then Conduct will severely punish her, maybe even take her spouse from the family.

Conspiracies of family magic are designed to protect peace in any way. Children, parents, the family will be grateful to you, because it is you who are the keeper of the hearth.