What tools for manicure. Tools for pedicure. Why you should choose professional manicure tools

In order for your hands to always remain well-groomed, it is enough to devote half an hour a week to a manicure. However, even the best specialist is quite difficult to perform a manicure procedure, using bad tools for this. How to choose tools for manicure?

You can buy a ready-made manicure set. It already, as a rule, has everything you need for a good manicure.


The right choice of scissors is the key to a beautiful manicure. After all, the impression of nails depends on the cuticle and the shape of the nail.

Manicure scissors can be conditionally divided into 2 types:

  • Scissors designed to cut the free edge of the nail;
  • Scissors for cutting cuticles.

Scissors come in different sizes, however, what they have in common is that they are very different from ordinary stationery scissors.


Going to the store for a new tool, you should study the rules for buying nail scissors:

  • The cutting base of the scissors must be very thin. It is also of particular importance that in the closed state there were no gaps or cracks between their halves;
  • Scissors should be made only of honey. alloy. Choosing models with plastic handles, you yourself shorten the life of the scissors;
  • An important factor when choosing scissors is the sharpness of the blade. In addition, the tool should be comfortable to hold in your hands;
  • Focus on the firm. On the Internet, users, as a rule, share their impressions about a particular company. Take a look and compare the pros.

By following simple rules, you can choose exactly the scissors that you need.

Nail files

Files come in different shapes and even they can be made of different materials, however, they are all needed for filing nails.


Metal nail files should be avoided. they contribute to the fragility of the nails.

When choosing a nail file, rely on the condition of the nails. If they are very sensitive, then feel free to buy a crystal file. The glass nail file is suitable for both artificial and natural nails. In addition, it is also important to consider:

  • Abrasiveness. Particular attention should be paid to the numbers that are indicated on the nail files. For example, a nail file with an abrasiveness of 900-1200 grit is suitable for natural nails, and with 140-180 grit for extended nails;
  • The shape of the nail plate. If the nails are long, then it is better to choose an oval nail file. For other forms, any nail file is suitable.


This tool has sharpened edges, so be careful.

A trimmer is a manicure tool that is necessary for removing cuticles and burrs. The working part of the device is more like the letter "V".


In no case do not buy a cheap tool, because. it will become dull very quickly and begin to tear the skin!

  • Quality. Expensive models, as a rule, are made only from high quality materials;
  • Plastics, with strong pressure, can crack and then you will have to get rid of such a tool.

By purchasing a quality trimmer, you save yourself from a second trip to the store after 1-2 weeks.


In order to make the right choice of a scraper, you first need to understand why it is needed at all? So, the scraper is intended:

  • To push back the cuticle;
  • Ptegyria removal is a procedure that reduces the appearance of hangnails.


If you decide to do a manicure at home, then you should remember the rules for choosing a tool such as a scraper.

  • The choice of scraper should be based on the shape of the nail;
  • It is important to pay attention to the quality of the instrument itself. The handle should be flat and smooth. The cutting part should not leave marks on the nail;
  • Before you buy a device, you should go over the brush with a working surface. If the tool does not leave scratches on the skin, then it is of high quality and you can buy it.

wire cutters

Manicure nippers are not suitable for a pedicure.

Nippers are needed to process the cuticle. Selection rules:

  • Quality. They must be honey. alloy;
  • The tool should not diverge badly or freely;
  • Sharpening quality. The tool must be sharp.

Buying quality tools is half the battle, it is also important to properly care for them.

In order to perform a high-quality manicure while at home, you need to purchase a number of tools.

Your nails will always remain in perfect condition if you have only high-quality tools in your arsenal.

Glad to meet you! Manicure has become an integral part of hand care. Many girls perform this procedure at home and very successfully, having the right tools. See what home manicure tools you should have on hand.

Home manicure set

Each girl has an individual set of tools. It all depends on the way the nails are processed. What tools are needed for high-quality home nail care?

Look at the purpose of tools for the care of the nail plates. The simplest procedure is varnishing. It requires a minimum of tools: a bath, a nail file, scissors, a buff - a grinding tool, a brush, a cuticle softener. The most necessary tool is nail scissors.

This device has special requirements. They should be made of high quality stainless steel. They have to be sharpened by hand. They can not be used for other purposes, that is, to cut tape or fabric with them, to push back the cuticle.

An indispensable attribute for the proper processing of the cuticle - scapula. With its help, the cuticle is pushed back, and then removed. The spatula can be selected from wood, plastic or metal. For home use, it is better to choose an instrument made of orange wood. When you scrub with the pointed end under your nails, it won't scratch the inside of it. A metal appliance may scratch the plate.

Files will require a variety of. They adjust the length of the nails.

How to choose the right nail file? For thin plates, it is better to choose a glass nail file. For thick, strong tools, highly abrasive tools are suitable.

There are also paper-based nail files. With their help, you can achieve a smooth edge of the nail, as well as a smooth, shiny surface. To prevent delamination of the surface, it is possible to grind only 2 times a year.

Required tool - tweezers. They are needed for “pinching off” the burrs, giving the nail the desired shape. Where scissors fail, tweezers come into play. When choosing, make the same requirements as for scissors. Pay attention to sharpening: tweezers should not tear burrs, but gently “bite off”.

pushers- tools to help make nails beautiful. Pusher - a small sharp spatula and a hatchet in one place. The cuticle is shifted with a spatula, the growth of the skin or pterygium is cut off.

Using this part of the device will prevent burrs from appearing, and also prepare the nails for the application of acrylic or gel. A hatchet is needed to clean the side rollers and the open tip of the marigold. Buy pushers only from well-known companies that guarantee the quality of the tool.

When choosing a pusher, pay attention to the comfort of the handle, as well as the material. Today, for their manufacture I use strong plastic or metal. Plastic is preferable, as it is less traumatic.

The required attribute is bath- a small container with a small roller. Fingers are dipped into it to soften the rough skin of the hands.

Novelties for French manicure

Many women prefer the French method of hand care, but have difficulty painting the edge of the nail. Manufacturers took this circumstance into account and set up production special pencil. With its help, not the upper, but the lower edge of the plate is painted over.

After pencil painting, the edge looks beautiful, it turns out very even.

For a quality jacket, special stencils in the form of a crescent on an adhesive basis.

With their help, the implementation of the French manicure becomes easy, fast.

When performing manipulations on the rollers near the nail, traces of varnish may remain. Stick- a special pencil in the form of a felt-tip pen will help get rid of any mistake when staining.

Description of the device and its use:

  • The rod, like a felt-tip pen.
  • Inside the rod is a container with a solvent.
  • Swipe along the edge of the nail roller and excess polish will be removed.

For weak plates, a tool is produced that is very thin strips of silk.

  1. The thinnest fabric is glued to the plate.
  2. Top with 2-3 coats of base coat.
  3. Then a colored varnish is applied.

Using silk, you will not worry about the condition of your nails. They will be strong, stop exfoliating.

To soften cuticles oil is produced, which from time to time lubricates the nail rollers. The oil is available in bottles with pipettes or brushes.

Cuticle remover

To simplify the procedure for removing burrs and cuticles, you can purchase a nail trimmer. A convenient, simple tool consists of two sharpened teeth in the form of the letter V. The teeth are separated by a narrow groove. At the other end of the tool there is a spatula.

If your hands have sensitive, delicate skin, then this tool will do you a good service. With this device, you will no longer use pliers, as pliers severely injure the skin.

How to use:

  • Before use, check the sharpening on a piece of paper.
  • Wipe with antiseptic.
  • Dip your fingers in the bath to soften the skin.
  • Take a pusher, remove the softened skin.
  • Place the trimmer with the teeth up, parallel to the nail. From the edge of the side roller, gradually cut off the skin, cuticle and burrs. Tilt the blade at a slight angle.
  • After manipulation, apply a nourishing cream or oil.
  • Polish the plates with a buff until a shine appears.

In order for the trimmer to be sharp, to cut burrs well, it must be sharpened from time to time with a whetstone with a grain size (1000-1500 grit) or a sheet of sandpaper (P500-P800-fraction).

How to sharpen:

  • Slightly dampen the whetstone, put the trimmer blade on the underside.
  • In a circular motion, grind first the cutting part of one tooth, then the other for 1.5 minutes. Remember to apply light pressure with your index finger on the tip of the tool.
  • Place sandpaper on a flat surface. Grind each trimmer blade in turn. Move in one direction. This will take you 2 minutes.

Manicure apparatus

A special device makes it much easier to care for your hands. Where to buy such a device? There are many offers on the Internet, or you can buy in a specialized store. Beware of buying from China sites!

Due to its safety, this device has earned the trust of customers. Many girls have learned to use it so well that they even do manicures on their own hands.

It is a machine with interchangeable nozzles - cutters. Each cutter has its own shape and abrasiveness. A cutter with a hard texture removes gel polish well, files especially hardened plates even on the legs. Less rigid nozzles gently grind side ridges and cuticles. The most gentle cutter is used to grind and polish the surface of the nails.


  • Saves time. It takes about 1.5 hours for a regular trimmed manicure, from 30 minutes to 60 minutes for a hardware one.
  • Less traumatic.
  • It does not require preliminary preparation, that is, you can work with dry nails.
  • More durable. Within 3 weeks, the nails will retain a well-groomed appearance.
  • The risk of infection is reduced, since wire cutters and other sharp objects are not used.
    Easy to use.
  • Many women with the help of a cutter manage to remove hardened calluses on their toes.

The disadvantages of hardware manicure include:

  • not an ideal result. No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to get your nails done perfectly. Therefore, many girls do a trimmed manicure first, then they process it with this device.

Over time, skill comes, so every woman can learn how to do a clean manicure without resorting to a trim one. If you have a very thin cuticle, then it is better to buy a device and learn how to perform all the manipulations.

The hardware method has practically no contraindications, but the indications are more than enough:

  • exfoliating nails;
  • thin cuticle;
  • uneven surface of the plates;
  • lack of time for trimming manipulation.

Rules for the hardware procedure

  1. Beginners should use a rotation speed of no more than 20,000 rpm so as not to injure their fingers.
  2. Consider the pressing force of the cutter. Move along the surface to be treated with light, smooth movements.
  3. Don't stay long in one area. 5 seconds is enough not to injure the fingers. With the acquisition of experience, you will feel the router better, learn how to clean manicure.


  1. Do not neglect hygiene, treat your hands and nails with an antiseptic.
  2. Learn how to choose the right blades. To remove the old layer of varnish, use a nozzle with a rough texture, in other cases, use a more delicate nozzle.
  3. For manicure and pedicure, use different nozzles so that the fungus from the legs does not transfer to the hands.

How to choose the right device?

Do not buy a professional device. You need a machine with a speed of 20,000 rpm. per minute, power 40 watts. If you want to do a pedicure, then choose more powerful machines. Do not buy a device with too many attachments. Enough 5 cutters.

How much does a home use machine cost? Approximately 1200 rubles.

To learn how to use the device, you can go through video training, read the instructions.

Dear friends, you have met a lot of manicure tools. All of them will help to make your hands well-groomed and young. But no manicure is complete without polish. The industry offers a variety of colors and textures. Don't forget to apply a base polish first to protect your nail surface from the aggressiveness of lacquer coatings.

Lesson number 2 - "What tools and materials do a professional manicurist need and to get started"

The training course for the profession of a manicure master is designed for step-by-step detailed training of each element from classic manicure to virtuoso nail modeling. The first section of the home course will teach you all the intricacies of manicure and pedicure. Therefore, the second lesson is devoted to the list of tools and materials that will be needed specifically for manicure and pedicure.

The tool base of a manicure master for hygienic procedures is:

Files for natural and artificial nails

You will need several nail files of different hardness, softer ones are designed to work with natural nails, hard ones for artificial surfaces, the hardness is distributed according to the number of grits. We do not recommend using glass or iron nail files, they adversely affect the structure of the nails. You can choose the brand yourself, since each master has his own preferences in this matter, you can use these recommendations, they are tested from your own experience.

Remember the grit division: Grits that are suitable for natural nails from 180 and above. For artificial ones from 50 grit to 150.

Files that are suitable for natural nails:

moon shape:

banana shape:

Rhombus shape (100 grit side for artificial nails):

A file suitable for artificial coatings and extended nails (the moon is most convenient for working with artificial nails):

Moon shape 80/80 grit:

Moon shape 80/100 grit:

Moon shape 100/100 grit:

Nippers for natural nails

Nail clippers help in particularly difficult areas, such as corners. The tips of these nippers are blunt, so you can remove the client's nail without problems, even if it grows. The sizes and shapes of the pliers are completely different, each is guided by its own convenience.

Nail clippers blade shape "sail":

Professional cuticle nippers:

Prof. nippers are available in different sizes and shapes of blades, some craftsmen prefer wide blades with a recess, others thin short ones:

Pliers with a medium blade:

Cuticle nippers with small blades:

Wide cutters "square":

Cuticle scissors

Scissors are distributed according to the thickness of the blades, the length and thickness of the tips:

Small, compact, with a thin tip:

Long tip:

With extended handle:

Orange sticks and pushers

Metal with cleaning tips:


Graters for fingers and heels:

Graters differ in rigidity and a covering.

With a laser section of universal rigidity:

Plastic graters:

red 80/80 (for severely neglected heels)

blue 80/120 (for medium hard heels)

white 100/120 (for soft heels)

Manicure sweeps for nail dust and residues on pedicure graters

Brush for cleaning pedicure graters:

Pumice pencil (stone) for European manicure

Sterilizer for instruments. Disinfectors for tools and hands

You need a sterilizer, often salons provide them, but you can work from home, so get one to be sure of cleanliness. They are of different types, have both positive and negative qualities. It is better to do a combination, for example, after visiting, wipe the instrument with a tool and send it to the first type of sterilizer:

Ultraviolet (the most comfortable option, you can also sterilize pedicure files in it):


Case for solutions (preparations lead to the fact that devices become dull and rusty, if they are overexposed in a solution, be careful and choose solutions of the highest quality. Saving on solutions can ruin your instrument):

Solutions for disinfection (these products are used even in medicine):

For tools, graters, files, etc. (with this you should wipe the tool by spraying on it):

For hands:

Means for soaking in a case (means of this type of sterilization are diluted with water):

Materials for hygiene procedures - pedicure and manicure:

Disposable bags, napkins and towels for pedicure

Disposable materials are the most convenient to use, for manicure there are paper or microfiber options, for pedicure microfiber. With them, you will guarantee 100% sterility to the client. Washing towels is already an outdated option in nail aesthetics.


Manicure microfiber:

Paper towels (paper towels are more convenient to use in manicure, they absorb better than microfiber ones):

Pedicure packages:

Removers for cuticles and heels

To remove corns and soften heels:

To soften cuticles:

Cuticle oil and cream. Scrubs for hands and pedicure

You can choose oils and creams at your discretion, you should be guided not by the price of professional material, but by quality.

A manicure set is a welcome gift for every woman. Our mothers and grandmothers, having received such, took care of it, were proud and passed it on by inheritance. But sometimes used only a few tools, because they did not know the purpose of the rest. Today we have more opportunities to get acquainted in detail with all the necessary tools for manicure.

Complete list of manicure tools

For professional manicure today there are many, machines and other devices. But the classic edged manicure is not going to give up its positions. Next, we will analyze in detail what professional tools are needed for, we will compile a complete list of the basic set, without which no woman can do.

To begin with, let's list necessary tools for manicure(description with photo):

  • Scissors short straight with a wide cutting part for cutting the nail.

  • Knipser, or manicure tweezers, for cutting nails. Compact and comfortable.

  • Thin scissors rounded for trimming cuticles.

  • Nail clippers for stripping the periungual roller.

  • Chaber (hatchet, spatula)- double-sided tool for pushing and stripping the cuticle.

  • Pusher- a spatula with a silicone tip for a more gentle pushing back of the cuticle.

  • Nail files for shaping nails.

  • Polishing blocks (buffs) to give the nail plate a glossy sheen.

How to use manicure tools at home

Home manicure according to the execution technique is different in that we do it ourselves. Impossible to grab a nail and do a manicure. But there is general technique and rules for using tools at home:

  • keep tools at a certain angle to the nail at each stage of the manicure;
  • quality should not be deep, but even, without inflammation.

Sequence and rules of work:

Nail shaping

Using scissors or a clipper, mark the length. Trim your nails carefully keep the scissors perpendicular to the surface, so you prevent delamination. The clippers of the nail clipper are initially located at the right angle, so it is very convenient for them to cut the nails of small children.

We give shape with a nail file with a diamond coating. Laser file with soldering effect - a godsend for problematic exfoliating nails. The nail file has two sides with different patterns for different nail thicknesses. When working, the nail file must be held perpendicular to the end of the nail. At a certain point, the nail file simply stops cutting, which means that the end of the nail is already perfectly smooth. Next, the hands should be softened in the bath.

Removal of the cuticle and periungual folds

The most delicate and traumatic moment.

Making the perfect line of the nail hole

Pusher with silicone tip - item not essential but comfortable. After all the manipulations with the cuticle, gently shift it again. The elastic tip does not bring discomfort in just cut areas.

Nail polishing

Polishing provides shine even without a special coating. Buffs, as a rule, have several surfaces with different abrasiveness. First, work with the harder side, removing all irregularities from the nail plate. Then gradually move to the smallest side. So you solder the surface of the nail, making it perfectly smooth. Work polishing buff without excessive pressure, moving smoothly over the entire surface from the cuticle to the edge of the nail. And remember that nail polishing, especially with the help of special tools, can be done no more than once a month.

How are manicure instruments disinfected and sterilized?

Many people think that instruments for individual use do not need to be sterilized. But in vain, because particles of skin can remain on them and bacteria can multiply. In addition, without regular cleaning, tools become dull and fail faster.

For beauty salons there is a strict instruction on how to sterilize manicure tools. The general process includes not only the sterilization of the instruments themselves, but also the disinfection of the premises, the master's clothes, and work surfaces. For sterilization, a special unit is used - a sterilizer for manicure tools (sterilization is the process of destroying spores of fungi and bacteria).

Consider, how to handle manicure tools, care for them at home after use.

Manicure tools processing carried out in several stages:

Files are also disinfected- Spray disinfectant. After that, the nail file should dry completely.

Sharpening a manicure tool

Tool sharpening is a real piece of jewelry work. Masters who sharpen tools with high quality (especially professional ones) take a long time to learn and are highly respected.

sharpening is manual and mechanical. Mechanical is faster. But manual sharpening provides an individual approach to each tool. The master inspects the tool, takes into account the width of the blades, the direction of the cutting part. Often carries out the restoration of the instrument. The cost of manual sharpening is much higher, but this procedure is not worth saving. High-quality sharpened tools serve for a long time and reliably.

To make tools last longer, they are followed by proper care - put the sharp part up. Even a fall on the floor can ruin the course of the cutting part.

How to choose the right tool for manicure

1. You can’t save on manicure tools. For them, the rule is - the more expensive, the better.

2. The choice of tools is purely individual, depends, among other things, on the size of the hands of the master. All instruments must be made of high quality medical steel. Convenient and easy to use. With all the variety of choices in online stores, masters prefer to get acquainted with the tool individually.

3. Tools can be bought in a set, or individually. Manicure set is convenient on the road. It should close well and securely fix the instruments. Please inspect the case before purchasing. If it is sewn carelessly, then the content will not be of the highest quality. All cutting parts must be in individual covers. When buying individually, the total cost is less, so you can buy tools of higher quality.

4. What to look for when choosing:

  • visual inspection. Manicure tools must have an absolutely smooth surface. Visible chips, notches and roughness are not allowed.
  • Tool work. Silent, easy operation ensures comfortable and high-quality work.
    Cutting part. When closed, the cutting strips of scissors or tweezers should fit perfectly. Raise the tool to the light - when closed, the sharp tips should meet perfectly at one point and not overlap. Try to cut thin paper - if it is torn or chewed, it is better to refuse such a tool.
  • The scraper is also selected according to the size of your nails. The width of the shoulder blade should not be more than the nail on the little finger. Also, the handle of the tool must be rough and not slip during operation.
  • Nail files are selected according to the condition of your nails. There are different shapes and different abrasiveness. There is a special marking for nail files - abrasiveness is measured in grits. The highest rate (1200 grit) is for gentle polishing buffs. Also, with problematic nails, iron nail files should be abandoned. It is better to use glass or ceramic coated.

What tools do you use for manicure? How do you check their quality and take care of them? Perhaps you have your own preferences and well-deserved manicure workers? Share with us your opinion. We are grateful.

Every girl knows that in order to maintain a well-groomed appearance of nails, it is necessary to seek help from an experienced master. However, the results of such procedures are affected not only by the skill of the performer, but also by the availability of high-quality equipment. Let's look at how to choose professional manicure tools.

Why you should choose professional manicure tools

First of all, the manicure apparatus that is used in beauty salons is made of high-quality, reliable materials, most often medical steel, coated with a special anti-corrosion layer. Moreover, the tools of this category are sharpened by hand according to a special technology, which contributes to the performance of truly high-quality work.

Professional manicure tools allow you to make your nails not only attractive, but also protect them from damage. The use of cheap devices of dubious origin often provokes the development of infections in the structure of bodily tissues. In turn, improper sharpening of manicure instruments leads to damage to the delicate periungual skin.

What tools are included in professional kits

To perform quality, the following devices are required:

  • wire cutters;
  • scissors;
  • scrapers;
  • nail files;
  • clippers.

wire cutters

Tools in this category include pedicure and manicure nippers, as well as devices for processing the cuticle area. Their defining differences lie in the width and length of the blades.

Manicure and pedicure nippers are used when shortening thick and large nails. If professional manicure tools are used during the procedure, delamination of the nail plates can be avoided. As for cuticle nippers, the latter make it possible to carefully remove the skin that forms around the nail.

When choosing professional manicure tools, you should give preference to devices with elastic, but at the same time smooth running. The high quality of the cutters is evidenced by the absence of clicks during the opening and closing of the blades, as well as the tightest convergence of the cutting edges.

For the manufacture of professional wire cutters, medical, alloyed Japanese steel and its alloys with cobalt are used. The last option is the most durable. In general, these materials are distinguished by the longest possible preservation of the initial sharpening, protection against the development of corrosion.


Professional blades work without jerks, guarantee smooth running, do not loosen at the place of fastenings, do not leave notches and provide soft cutting of the material.

To check the quality of sharpening the tool, you need to take it with your non-working hand and try to make an even cut of the nail. If the line turned out to be smooth, and the implementation of the task did not cause unnecessary problems, then the choice of the tool was made correctly.

Nail files

The variety of professional nail files on the market is amazing. For the manufacture of individual options, metal, ceramics, glass and even wood are used.

Glass products are of particular interest to craftsmen. The latter are not subject to wear, are easy to clean and maintain. For their disinfection, it is allowed to resort to heat treatment, the use of liquid products and ultraviolet radiation.

If it is necessary to process short nails, you should pay attention to the Staleks manicure set. It contains the thinnest nail files made of medical steel with It is such a tool that is the best suited for performing such work.

The Staleks manicure set also includes diamond-coated nail files, which contribute to the most delicate processing of the surface of the nail plates. Means with low abrasiveness are used to care for natural nails, with a higher abrasiveness - when processing artificial materials.

Auxiliary tools

Additional professional nail care tools include:


When it comes to buying a manicure set for home use, is it worth buying a full list of expensive, professional tools? As practice shows, in this case, it is enough to choose high-quality basic devices: nail files, scissors and wire cutters. In turn, to work in it is worth paying attention to the tools made of the best materials, the surface of which is covered with a precious coating. Only in this case, the master does not have to justify himself to the client for an unsatisfactory result.