Where is the best place to retire? Five places where it is better for a Russian to spend his years in retirement. Emigration of pensioners from Russia: reasons and selection criteria

So, for 4 years, Arkady Vershinin spent less than a thousand rubles on water. - Can you imagine? Almost four years - only 700 rubles! – the pensioner is surprised. - I take a shower, and drink tea, and whatever you want ... The only thing that is expensive in China is heating: 5,000 rubles a year. In Harbin, Russian pensioner Vershinin bought a spacious apartment at unbelievable prices for Russia - 7,000 rubles per square meter. The remaining money was enough to completely repair and furnish the new housing. - I had, in principle, a little money, - says Arkady Artemovich. - For this money, I could not even buy a room in a hostel in Blagoveshchensk. Alexander Gasilov from Yekaterinburg, not so long ago, paid about 2,000 rubles for a one-room Khrushchev apartment with an area of ​​​​33 square meters.

We have a choice, - said Elmurod Rasulmukhamedov in an interview with Ogonyok magazine, - either to constantly increase pensions, give subsidies and invest in financing programs to support pensioners, or provide one-time assistance in moving and thereby save money and really help people. So, according to my calculations, with an average pension of 6 thousand rubles, you can live well in Latvia, Uzbekistan, Bulgaria and India, and with an income of 10 thousand - in Turkey and Egypt. At the same time, a person not only receives more comfortable housing and a mild climate, but also carries out an important mission to spread the Russian language and correct Russian culture.

And if we also remember the sea, the mild climate, excellent food, then the choice of a pensioner becomes clear, sums up the Zagranhaus magazine. - Elderly people began to actively go abroad from 2002-2003, - says Oleg Repchenko, head of the analytical center "Real Estate Market Indicators". - There are no exact statistics, but we can say with confidence that in ten years the flow of pensioners to the West has increased several times. Most of them sell real estate in Russia and buy abroad. Having sold a small apartment in Moscow Khrushchev, you can buy a good house with a plot in Bulgaria - in Eastern European countries, housing prices are one and a half to three times lower than in Moscow.
And this is one of the three main reasons for pension migration from Russia. The second, as we have already noted, is the high cost of living in our country, and the third lies in the mental plane.

Russian pension by the standards of China is an excellent income. Of course, China will not be able to boast of the sea, but acclimatization to a climate similar to that of Russia will not cause problems. The level of Chinese medicine is high, the proportion of non-traditional methods is high. Montenegro Housing Another European country on the seashore with a culture and language close to Russia.
Mild maritime climate, natural inexpensive products, low cost of real estate - everything you need for a quiet life of a pensioner.

Recently, cases of emigration of pensioners from Russia have become much more frequent due to the existence of a number of both objective and subjective reasons. Whether it is a harsh climate in winter, or a low standard of living - regardless of the reasons, there are more and more people who want to settle in a more developed country every year. Where is it better to live as a pensioner abroad? According to statistics, 150,000 Russian pensioners live abroad and receive pensions in the Russian Federation.

Montenegro can rightly be proud of its nature, as it is the most environmentally friendly country in Europe, which allowed its inhabitants to achieve unique life expectancy. The beauty and grandeur of Montenegro One of the factors that attract many tourists here is the affordable cost of real estate, which is much lower than similar indicators in Moscow.


It should be borne in mind that many states provide for the possibility of obtaining a residence permit under special migration programs, which will allow you to legalize your presence in the country for a certain period. After that, the pensioner can use the procedure for obtaining permanent residence, and in many states a simplified scheme is provided for this. Find out where it is easiest to immigrate from the video. The best countries where Russian pensioners live comfortably are located in various parts of the world.
Traditionally, these are the EU states, where the standard of living is better than in other countries. However, the lack of funds for the purchase of real estate and serious financial investments does not mean that the pensioner will not be able to move abroad. There are quite a few countries where the quality of life is somewhat higher, and accommodation is noticeably cheaper than in the Russian Federation.


Back to index Serbia The list of European destinations that allow pensioners from the Russian Federation to significantly improve the quality of life is not limited to the previously mentioned countries. After all, Serbia will be an ideal option for budget travelers who do not have impressive capital to move to. A detailed map of Serbia Among the obvious advantages, we note the low cost of real estate, both for rent and purchase, the low cost of basic necessities and insurance medicine.

The most economical travelers buy or rent a house in remote regions of the country, where the temperate continental climate prevails, and the prices for almost everything are several times lower than in popular areas. Video about life and prices in Serbia.


As for medical care, unfortunately, its level is far from ideal. The medicine is insurance, but there is an acute shortage of doctors, which creates long queues. Sometimes it is easier to pay 50 euros for an appointment in a private clinic. Most of all, pensioners are attracted to this country by benefits specially created for them. A pension accrued in another state is not subject to income tax in Portugal for 10 years. This privilege is valid only for those pensioners who have lived in the country of pioneers for the last 5 years. Otherwise, you still have to pay tax. Serbia for pensioners The country is ideal for pension immigration of middle-income people. A square meter of housing costs an average of 700 euros, which is available to almost anyone who owns real estate in Russia. You can rent an apartment for at least 150 euros per month.

This is an escape from social and economic problems, from situations of powerlessness that people sometimes face in retirement. Do they feel good there, abroad? To be honest, I'm not sure. Yes, prosperity, yes, a lot of social guarantees - but what about homesickness, what about the status of a "second-class person", which is secretly assigned to emigrants even in enlightened Europe? The situation needs to be urgently changed, because in the native country a person should feel secure and confident, regardless of age and profession.

Here's what government officials should be thinking about. Oleg Dubov, head of the Oleninsky district: - I think that some people of age do not flee abroad because of poverty. Let's start with the fact that any emigration in itself requires serious financial investments. For example, I have never heard such conversations in the Oleninsky district.

China Housing This country has recently entered the list of countries attractive to retirees, but its popularity is growing. This is especially evident in the example of the border regions in the Far East. Russian pensioners buy housing just a few tens of kilometers from their former place of residence and receive a residence permit in China. Housing here is 2-3 times cheaper than in Vladivostok. So, in Beijing, an apartment of 88 square meters. m costs 88 thousand dollars. Naturally, an apartment of a smaller area and closer to the outskirts of the country will cost much less. In Heihe, it is realistic to buy a two-room apartment for 400,000 rubles. Prices A bus ride costs 1 to 3 yuan, which is no more than a dollar per trip. Products are also quite cheap: meat - $4, bread - $1.5, potatoes - $0.5.

Where is it better for a pensioner to emigrate from Russia?

  • Low standard of living in the country;
  • The high cost of utilities, the constant increase in rent;
  • Improper provision of medical services, the phrase "free medicine" has almost lost its original meaning;
  • High level of corruption on the part of law enforcement agencies, traffic police officers;
  • The level of crime, especially juvenile, also leaves much to be desired.

To this list, one can add a lot of subjective reasons that encourage Russian pensioners to migrate. So, when the suffered pensioner is already fully ripe for moving, the question arises, which country to choose as a second homeland and how to implement the plan.

Emigration for pensioners from Russia in 2018: where to go to live for permanent residence


To Turkey This state has long been a favorite vacation spot for Russians. Many of them come to Turkey to work for a long period of time and stay there after receiving a Russian pension for permanent residence.

Entire “colonies” of Russian settlers have recently formed in the country. In Turkey, they are attracted by an inexpensive life, excellent climatic conditions and a friendly attitude of the indigenous people.

If they own real estate in Turkey, the Russians have no problems with obtaining a permit for the right to reside in the country. Ownership - TAPU greatly simplifies the process of obtaining a temporary residence permit and frees a person from the need to keep savings in his personal account in the amount of at least $ 6,000.
The biggest difficulties for immigrants in this state are language barriers and serious differences in traditions that will need to be observed.

Pension abroad: where is it better for a pensioner from Russia to live?

The main selection criteria are:

  • accessibility of medical care;
  • the cost of food and utilities;
  • ease of adaptation process;
  • the ability to quickly learn the language;
  • comfort of climatic conditions;
  • ease of legalization.

The last criterion may turn out to be decisive, since not all countries are ready to accept foreign citizens who are no longer able to work in their care. The implementation of the idea of ​​migration is based on the existence of a reason for moving, which allows you to get the very first document - a temporary residence permit.

So, in what countries do Russian applicants have a chance to settle? Back to Contents Suitable Countries for Migration The main condition for retirement migration is financial stability.

The best countries for Russian pensioners to live

Retirees can move to permanent residence if they are ready to have a small, income-generating business in this developing country of Southeast Asia.

3 countries: where you can move to live in old age

It will take approximately 6 million baht to set up a business.

Israel. An excellent option, though not available for all pensioners. If you have Jewish roots, you can quickly move to warm and hospitable Israel under the repatriation program.

Pensioners are paid a ticket to their "historical homeland", after moving they are given an allowance - about $ 300 per month for a year. Since people retire in Israel at the age of 60-63, this factor must be taken into account.

If you moved here before the start of your retirement period, you will need to look for a job. Under the social program, immigrant pensioners receive free treatment here, they also find a job (most often in the service sector).

Permanent residence for a pensioner

For example, a house on the outskirts with all amenities and a plot of land can be bought for only 500 thousand rubles. Advantages of living in Bulgaria:

To obtain a residence permit, you just need to confirm the availability of housing, while whether it is owned by a pensioner, or the latter lives there on the basis of a lease agreement, it does not matter;

They express their patriotism by staying in a country they consider to be the best in the world. But the decision to change the place of residence may be taken due to financial circumstances. Moving to a region where the best climate is combined with the cheapness of products, a Russian pensioner does not have to make much effort to re-register a pension payment. Thus, he can greatly improve the level and quality of his own life. When deciding where to spend your old age, pay attention to the main trends that have been recorded by recent sociological surveys. Two options are considered the most successful.

  • Moving to the Moscow region. Muscovites, having retired, move to the comfortable suburbs. The sale of housing in the capital allows not only to buy comfortable housing in the suburbs of the metropolis, but also to live comfortably surrounded by modern infrastructure.


Recently, cases of emigration of pensioners from Russia have become much more frequent due to the existence of a number of both objective and subjective reasons.

Where is it better to live as a pensioner abroad? According to statistics, 150,000 Russian pensioners live abroad and receive pensions in the Russian Federation.
However, the actual number of elderly migrants from Russia is many times greater, since many of them receive a pension not monthly, but once or twice a year.

Where in Russia is it good for a pensioner to live?

For example, a house on the outskirts with all amenities and a plot of land can be bought for only 500 thousand rubles.

Advantages of living in Bulgaria:

  • Mild climate, very similar to the Crimean one;
  • Affordable and high-quality medical services (medicine insurance, the cost of insurance is 150 euros per year);
  • No language barrier, many Bulgarians know Russian;
  • A simple legalization procedure in the country.

To obtain a residence permit, you just need to confirm the availability of housing, while whether it is owned by a pensioner, or the latter lives there on the basis of a lease agreement, it does not matter;

  • Thanks to agreements with Russia, a pension in Bulgaria can be obtained at a branch of any bank.
  • Montenegro Today Montenegro is one of the most popular European countries among Russian pensioners.

    Where pensioners live better: a small comparative analysis

    As a rule, the cost of one square meter reaches 1000 euros, although if you have the desire, you can quite easily find better deals (800 euros per meter), but already much further from the center of the country.

    These conditions are quite enough for pensioners to live comfortably.

    Another reason why many Russian-speaking travelers planning to retire choose Montenegro is the loyal attitude towards tourists that is ubiquitous here.

    In order to go through the legalization process, which is necessary for long-term or permanent residence in the territory of Montenegro, you will not need a lot of money.

    The disadvantages of this option of immigration include the complete lack of affordable medical services for migrants. This makes medicine quite expensive, which affects the quality of life.

    Five places where it is better for a Russian to spend years in retirement

    "In the North, welfare is indeed greater," the senator acknowledged.

    Live the rest of your life abroad

    Previously, the procedures for choosing a place of residence for pensioners were associated with the availability of medical care in the region, living conditions.
    The fact is that the right to them is given not by registration in the subject, but by work experience.

    So, the period of work in the northern regions should be at least 15 years (for territories equated to them - 20 years).

    The best countries for Russian pensioners to live

    There are many state programs for the migration of pensioners, with the help of which you can obtain a residence permit, and subsequently permanent residence in a simplified manner. However, there are not so many wealthy pensioners in Russia, which cannot be said about the number of people who want to change their place of residence and live out the rest of their lives in a prosperous and stable country. It is about such countries that are accessible to the average Russian pensioner and will be discussed further. Bulgaria Bulgaria is a European country, a member of the European Union, where you can live comfortably on an average Russian pension, which, in fact, attracts its recipients to migrate to this Balkan state.

    Where to live in retirement? Best Places

    According to various estimates, about 30 million Russians now live abroad, including those who have already reached retirement age. However, the fact of living abroad does not deprive a person of the right to receive a Russian pension. Naturally, if this right was honestly earned in the course of previous labor activity. To date, the PFR pays pensions to over 270,000 Russian citizens living in more than 120 countries around the world.

    Who among those living abroad has the right to receive a Russian pension and what actions must be taken in order to exercise their right and receive the pension on legal grounds?

    Who is entitled to a Russian pension?

    Let us immediately clarify that only those pensioners who, upon moving, retained Russian citizenship, have the right to receive a pension abroad.

    That is, when changing citizenship and renouncing a Russian passport in favor of a passport of the host country, such a citizen automatically loses the right to a Russian pension. And the issue of his pension provision is decided in accordance with the pension legislation of the country in which he left for permanent residence.

    The Russian pension for citizens living abroad is assigned when they reach retirement age (55 years for women and 60 years for men), subject to at least 6 years of work experience (hereinafter this criterion will increase annually to 15 years) and the amount of accumulated pension points is not less than 6.6 points. The experience until 1991 is confirmed by the relevant documents, after that time - by the fact of payment of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

    At the moment, the Russian Federation pays citizens living abroad the following options for pensions, as well as other social benefits:

    • insurance pensions;
    • State pensions, with the exception of social pensions;
    • Additional payments to labor pensions for certain categories of pensioners (pilots, miners, nuclear workers);
    • Additional material support for WWII veterans

    The procedure for obtaining a Russian pension abroad

    With an application for registration of a Russian pension abroad, you should contact the territorial office of the PFR at the place of registration of the person, including temporary. A pension can be assigned both to persons who have just received the right to it (that is, to those who went abroad before the retirement age), and reassigned to those who went abroad as a pensioner.

    To assign a Russian pension abroad for the first time, a number of documents must be submitted to the territorial office of the PFR, in particular:

    • statement;
    • a copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • a copy of SNILS;
    • documents confirming the length of service (work book, certificates of employment);
    • salary certificate for any 5 years;
    • other documents, the composition of which depends on the specific situation

    It should be noted that the Russian Federation has concluded special international agreements with a number of countries (15 agreements with 19 countries), in accordance with which the procedure for assigning and calculating pensions for Russian citizens living in a particular country is determined. A specific list of countries and the conditions for assigning a Russian pension in each of them can be found here.

    Subtleties and nuances of transferring pensions abroad

    Since January 2015, there have been certain changes in the procedure for paying pensions to Russian citizens living abroad. If before that pension payments were transferred to pensioners abroad in foreign currency, now they will be paid in rubles, and only on the territory of the Russian Federation, to a specially opened account or to a trusted person.

    It should be noted that the new procedure for the payment of pensions applies to those who are only now receiving the right to receive a pension. For those pensioners who previously received payments abroad upon application, the previous procedure will be preserved.

    They eat in restaurants and drink coffee in cafes. It is absolutely impossible to come to one or another institution with a laptop and work quietly there for several hours over a cup of coffee. But if you do not pay attention to the pathos of the waiters and the unimaginable number of tourists, especially in summer, you will get a very pleasant country to live in.

    According to the "experienced", in small towns it is realistic to live on the average Russian pension.

    In any case, much more real than in Siberia or in our northern regions.

    Where is it better for pensioners in Russia to live: the cheapest cities with a rich list of benefits

    Local retirees have nothing to complain about. A huge plus of this settlement is its ecology. There is a huge amount of green spaces, and water is supplied from underground sources. The city itself is relatively inexpensive, and you can easily live here even on a small pension.

    But, of course, the main advantage of this region is the abundance of benefits.

    The following categories of the population can count on concessions here:

    1. old-age pensioners;
    2. WWII veterans and home front workers;
    3. invalids.
    4. labor veterans;

    The list of benefits is also quite diverse.

    Do you want to receive a pension? Go to Israel

    Where is it better to leave for permanent residence from Russia for a pensioner in 2018?

    To Bulgaria, China or Turkey?

    The amount of the pension benefit does not have much influence on the decision to grant a residence permit in Bulgaria.

    The country has a program "Secured pensioner". A prerequisite for moving to Bulgaria is the availability of housing. It may be owned or rented.

    Property and food prices in Bulgaria are among the lowest in Europe.

    Emigration of pensioners from Russia: reasons and selection criteria

    The complexity of the migration process lies in the fact that it is quite extended in time and requires a balanced approach.

    To enjoy all the joys of life in a foreign country, you need to go through a long path of legalization, fulfill a number of conditions of the chosen state and prove your serious intentions.

    Therefore, the main reasons for the search for a more prosperous life have an economic background.

    Residence permit in Europe for pensioners

    Hungary is the best option.

    This country is suitable even if you have not yet decided where exactly in the EU you want to live and want to explore various options directly in practice.

    The status of a residence permit here can be obtained in just 3 weeks. What gives a pensioner the status of permanent residence in Hungary? Which country a resident of the Russian Federation decides to move to also depends on: Reasons for migration.

    personal preferences. Qualification.

    How to emigrate from Russia - the best options, profitable programs and the best countries for moving

    It's no secret that the level of education in Russia continues to fall.

    Not all teaching staff correspond to the proper level. Abstracts and term papers are downloaded from the Internet, and any grade can be corrected with the same bribe.

    The situation when parents send their children abroad for higher education is not uncommon in our time. The reforms, the new policy, the increase in the salaries of the military and the police did not give the expected result.

    Where can I live on pension abroad - Where is it better to leave for permanent residence from Russia for a pensioner in 2018?

    To Bulgaria, China or Turkey?

    At the same time, the picture of average expenses for Irkutsk pensioners is much better than for Muscovites. The above statistics show where it is better for pensioners to live in Russia.

    The choice of residence is individual: The pension in Poland is quite large, which makes this country a place where a pensioner lives.

    Even average payments will be enough to live comfortably in any region. Retirees have the right to work.

    Healthy food and clean environment are additional bonuses for pensioners who decide to move here.

  • Egypt. The state promotes respect for the elderly and tolerance for representatives of different nationalities.
  • Five places where it is better for a Russian to spend years in retirement

    Find out where it is easiest to immigrate from the video. The best countries where Russian pensioners live comfortably are located in various parts of the world. Traditionally, these are the EU states, where the standard of living is better than in other countries.

    Where pensioners live better: a small comparative analysis

    However, the lack of funds for the purchase of real estate and serious financial investments does not mean that the pensioner will not be able to move abroad. There are quite a few countries where the quality of life is somewhat higher, and accommodation is noticeably cheaper than in the Russian Federation.

    The best countries for Russian pensioners to live


    When choosing which country to leave Russia for, many opt for this option. Back to top Montenegro Another popular European destination, ideal for retirees, is Montenegro.

    This state is perhaps even more popular than Bulgaria, due to the excellent living conditions in the region. Montenegro can rightly be proud of its nature, as it is the most environmentally friendly country in Europe, which allowed its inhabitants to achieve unique life expectancy.

    The beauty and grandeur of Montenegro One of the factors that attract many tourists here is the affordable cost of real estate, which is much lower than similar indicators in Moscow.

    Pension abroad: where is it better for a pensioner from Russia to live?

    The cost of living is several times lower than in Russia, which is very attractive for the elderly. The Serbian healthcare system is at a high level of development and is well thought out. Medicine is insured. All doctors are highly qualified and have good work experience.

    The only negative is the poor equipping of clinics with high-quality equipment. The country's climate is temperate continental, along the Adriatic coast - Mediterranean.

    Most pensioners, in search of a comfortable climate, try to buy property located closer to the sea, and not in remote regions of the country. China for pensioners While residents of Northern China are moving to the Russian Far East, elderly people living in the Far East are actively leaving for the border cities of a neighboring country.

    Where pensioners live better: a small comparative analysis

    Belgorod, Voronezh, the largest centers of science and education, are not much inferior in this respect. The youth in Rostov-on-Don will receive cultural and musical development.

    Kaliningrad is recognized by many as more favorable among other cities for several factors - environmental, economic, geographical (close to Europe, higher quality of life, more business opportunities). I don't want to sit on the stove! Not all retirees change their place of residence solely for a well-deserved vacation.

    The habit of work developed over a lifetime and the desire to remain active makes us choose a region with opportunities to continue it. In this regard, it is worth considering the same Kazan and Tyumen, which provide good opportunities for improving their well-being through their work.


    September at 14:34 12774 Yuri Fedorov To fly to warmer climes to the sea is the dream of many not only young Russians, but also pensioners. Unlike people of working age, many older people go abroad for permanent residence in order to improve their living conditions and brighten up old age.

    Russian pensioners are fleeing from expensive and low-quality medicine, long winters and short summers, low pensions and financial instability, and high crime rates. Already about 200,000 Russians of retirement age live abroad, receiving a pension at home. Foreign countries with a high standard of living welcome mainly high-income migrants who can afford to invest in commercial real estate or businesses, buy a house and pay for medical services.

    Where is it better for a pensioner to emigrate from Russia?

    As for medical care, unfortunately, its level is far from ideal. The medicine is insurance, but there is an acute shortage of doctors, which creates long queues. Sometimes it is easier to pay 50 euros for an appointment in a private clinic. Most of all, pensioners are attracted to this country by benefits specially created for them.

    A pension accrued in another state is not subject to income tax in Portugal for 10 years. This privilege is valid only for those pensioners who have lived in the country of pioneers for the last 5 years.

    Otherwise, you still have to pay tax. Serbia for pensioners The country is ideal for pension immigration of middle-income people. A square meter of housing costs an average of 700 euros, which is available to almost anyone who owns real estate in Russia.

    You can rent an apartment for at least 150 euros per month.

    3 countries: where you can move to live in old age

    Montenegro for pensioners This country of ancient Balkan cities is no less popular among pensioners than Bulgaria. Real estate in Montenegro is more expensive than in Bulgaria, but if you have housing in your home country, it will not be difficult to buy or rent an object you like.

    Thus, the average cost per square meter is about 1000 euros. If desired, in small villages, you can find housing for 800 euros per square meter.

    The cost of living is also within reasonable limits, so a pensioner with an average income can easily live without limiting himself. The mild Mediterranean climate of Montenegro helps to improve health, which is also quite attractive for the elderly. True, medical care in the country is paid and is much higher than the Russian level.

    Where is the best place for retirees to live?

    China Housing This country has recently entered the list of countries attractive to retirees, but its popularity is growing. This is especially evident in the example of the border regions in the Far East.

    Russian pensioners buy housing just a few tens of kilometers from their former place of residence and receive a residence permit in China. Housing here is 2-3 times cheaper than in Vladivostok. So, in Beijing, an apartment of 88 square meters. m costs 88 thousand dollars. Naturally, an apartment of a smaller area and closer to the outskirts of the country will cost much less.

    In Heihe, it is realistic to buy a two-room apartment for 400,000 rubles. Prices A bus ride costs 1 to 3 yuan, which is no more than a dollar per trip.

    Products are also quite cheap: meat - $4, bread - $1.5, potatoes - $0.5.

    leon - 04/18/2018

    Where is it comfortable to live on a Russian pension

    Where should patriots go in old age, or where is it good to live in Rus'? Patriotic citizens can improve the quality of life in retirement and within the Russian state. However, the address needs to be changed. Sociological studies on the topic - at what address is it good for a pensioner in Russia to live, reveal several conclusions:

    1. It is best to be a Muscovite - because of the rather big increase in pension. At the same time, one should live in the Moscow region with a fairly developed infrastructure, within reach for medical care. And capital housing can be rented out. However, non-Muscovites do the same: they rent out their housing in Non-Moscow, but live, for example, in Thailand (alternatively, there is enough money, but it is not suitable for patriots).
    2. An option from the socialist past is moving to the warm southern regions of Russia.

    Where is the best place to live in retirement in Russia?

    Where is the best place to move to live abroad? There is a list of countries that offer a Russian pensioner simplified conditions for transferring cash payments after moving and a comfortable life in old age. The list titled "The best countries to move" included the states of Europe and Asia.

    Ecology of life: Pensioners in the developed countries of the West increasingly began to meet the end of their days away from their homeland. Perhaps, we young people will also someday succeed?

    Pensioners in the developed countries of the West increasingly began to meet the end of their days away from their homeland. Perhaps, we young people will also someday succeed?

    Look for a quiet place with a warm climate, low cost of living and favorable tax treatment without sacrificing the comfort and quality of medical care you are accustomed to. While you are young, there is time to try to go to a couple of countries for "exploration". Suddenly, something pops up.

    From the shady towns of the south of France to the beaches of Central America, the BBC Capital guide to the top seven places for retirees has what you need. Apart from money, of course...

    Peaceful Panama

    If in your old age you want to live where there is enough money for a long time, Panama, the southernmost country in Central America, may suit you. Its capital, which is also called Panama, ranks 124th in terms of cost of living out of 131 cities in the world, according to a study conducted by the analytical department of the respected English-language magazine The Economist. It is cheaper to live there than in the Philippine capital Manila, which is considered one of the least expensive metropolitan cities in Southeast Asia.

    According to the site numbeo. com, which tracks the prices of everyday goods, a three-course meal for two at an average Panama restaurant will cost 32.50 Panama balboas ($32.50) - more than half the price of New York or in Moscow before the devaluation. And because the local currency is pegged to the US dollar, US retirees don't have to worry about price spikes as a result of exchange rate fluctuations.

    The main condition for obtaining a visa is the presence of a stable guaranteed income. If you receive a pension of at least $1,000 a month (both private and public pension payments count), you are unlikely to have any problems getting a pensioner tourist visa, which is valid for life. The healthcare system in Panama is considered good, with many doctors being educated in the US and Europe. However, retirees should have at least $200 per month for private health insurance.

    But the purchase of real estate does not require a lot of money. According to the website global property guide. com, a three-room apartment in the popular mountain town of Boquete can be purchased for around $179,000. Foreigners have the same rights to own real estate as local residents.

    The main disadvantage is poor road infrastructure outside the capital. But despite this, in 2015 Panama ranked second after Ecuador among the best places for retirees, according to International Living magazine. Low prices, a wide range of leisure activities and proximity to the United States played in her favor - a flight from the city of Miami, located in the southeastern United States in Florida, takes only two and a half hours.

    In addition, the US Department of State's Foreign Security Advisory Board estimates that Panama is relatively safe compared to some Central American countries.

    Beautiful France

    It is not for nothing that France is the most popular among tourists - it attracts with beautiful cities and villages, gourmet cuisine, affordable wine and a warm climate in the south - these are just a few reasons why this country ranks almost first in the European Union in terms of the number of permanent residents in its territories of foreigners.

    However, accessibility is not the strongest side of France in the eyes of pensioners. Taxes and social contributions are quite high there, in addition, French residents are taxed on the value of all your property if it exceeds 800 thousand euros, regardless of location.

    However, not everything is as bad as it might seem at first glance. France has an excellent public transport system, including a high-speed rail network. Traveling from Paris to Montpellier, 600 kilometers south of the capital, takes just over three hours on the fast TGV train, with discounts for passengers aged 60 and over.

    In addition, according to the World Health Organization, France boasts the world's best health care system, which is heavily subsidized by the state. Thus, holders of a residence permit in France are likely to have lower medical costs than citizens of other Western countries.

    Moreover, life in France is not always more expensive than in other places. There are inexpensive restaurants and real estate prices outside of Paris are relatively low. So, according to French notaries who oversee real estate purchase and sale transactions, a typical residence in the Creuse department in the Limousin region, located on the territory of the Massif Central mountain, will cost only 73 thousand euros, and a medium-sized house in the Alpes-Maritimes in the region Provence - Alpes - Cote d'Azur, where such famous resorts as Cannes are located, can be purchased for 415 thousand euros.

    Sunny Malaysia

    Want to enjoy the sun all year round? Then you are in Malaysia! This former British colony has everything your heart desires, from skyscraper-studded bustling capital Kuala Lumpur to tropical beaches and deep jungles.

    Yes, and living there is quite inexpensive - in the world index of the cost of living, prepared by International Living magazine, Malaysia ranks third in terms of cheapness. According to the magazine, the two of you can comfortably live in a luxurious apartment overlooking the ocean for $1,700 a month. On the xpatulator website. com, which analyzes the costs of expats in different countries, states that the prices for medical care and housing in Malaysia are “very low”, in contrast to expensive options like Hong Kong and Australia.

    Malaysia is one of the most popular "health tourism" destinations; in 2013, according to the Malaysian Medical Tourism Board, 700,000 people came here to improve their health.

    Attract foreigners and tax benefits. As part of the Dual Residence Program, it is relatively easy for retirees to obtain a residence permit in Malaysia, and with it, exemption from taxes on inheritance and on the sale of real estate. In addition, they usually receive a pension or social assistance that is not subject to Malaysian taxes (although US pensioners may have to pay US income tax on it).

    In addition, many people in the country speak English, restaurants are cheap, and foreigners have direct ownership of real estate; All in all, Malaysia is a great place!

    Profitable Malta

    Malta - one of the smallest and most populous countries in the world - covers an area of ​​just over 300 square kilometers with a population of 400,000 people. For many residents of this southern European island, English is their native language, and it’s only three hours to fly to London from here, so it’s not surprising that the British have chosen this place - more than five thousand British citizens live on the island.

    Here, British pensioners feel at home (British shops are everywhere) and even better (in Malta, unlike the UK, it is very sunny, and the average annual temperature is +18°C). An added benefit is the Malta Pension Plan, under which the income tax for EU citizens who have received a residence permit in Malta is only 15%, compared to 30-40% in the US and Europe.

    In the local dialect, "malta" means "honey", and pensioners really flock here like bees. This is no coincidence: the country has an excellent health care system (according to the WTO, Malta ranks fifth in this indicator in the world), and all citizens of the country are provided with free medical care. Moreover, within the framework of the agreement on mutual support in the field of health between Malta and the UK, the British can count on the same conditions.

    The rich history and beautiful architecture of this picturesque island is also accessible to everyone.

    According to numbeo. com, renting a three-room apartment in Malta's capital Valletta will cost 700 euros, while a three-course meal for two in an average restaurant costs only 50 euros.

    Beach Portugal

    Portugal attracts tourists with many charming fishing villages, medieval towns, beaches and golf courses. Foreigners have settled here for a long time, so many people speak English here.

    The capital of Portugal, Lisbon, is one of the oldest cities in the world, famous for its wonderful Mediterranean climate. But pensioners who come to Portugal settle mainly on the Atlantic coast in the Algarve with its azure waters, sunny weather throughout the year and an average air temperature of + 12 ° C in January to + 24 ° C in July.

    Whatever part of the country pensioners choose, they are guaranteed preferential tax treatment. Under the system for non-indigenous citizens, income earned abroad may be tax-deductible for up to ten years.

    Outside of the most luxurious resort towns in Portugal, such as Quinta do Lago or Vilamoura, the cost of housing is set within reasonable limits. Prices for studio apartments in the popular resort of Albufeira, according to rightmove. com, dedicated to real estate, start from 60 thousand euros.

    Tropical Thailand

    Low cost of living, no taxes on foreign pension income, tropical climate and a culture of respect for elders - what more could a retired person want from living in a country called the "Land of Smiles"?

    Living there, according to International Living magazine, is really quite inexpensive. In the magazine's Comparative Cost of Living Index, Thailand came in second for being the cheapest, with a chic one-bedroom apartment with great views available for less than 40,000 baht ($1,200) a month, and a meal of traditional Thai rice noodles for just a dollar.

    A one-year retirement visa is issued to those who receive a monthly pension of 65,000 baht ($2,000) or deposit 800,000 baht ($24,000) in a Thai bank.

    The budget should include the cost of local health insurance. Although the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office ranks many private hospitals as up to Western standards, International Living notes that local hospitals vary in their level of care.

    Cultural Belize

    Belize is the only Latin American country whose official language is English, which is why more and more retirees come here, enchanted by swaying palm trees and white sandy beaches.

    The country has a population of just 350,000, but the number of ecotourists who are attracted by the rainforest, traces of the Mayan civilization and the largest barrier reef in the Western Hemisphere is constantly growing.

    For pensioners, an additional benefit has been created in the form of a special pension program that offers a number of tax benefits, such as exemption from import duties on certain household items, such as a car or a yacht, as well as from taxes on income, including on investments received outside Belize . The program applies to people over the age of 45 with a monthly income of at least two thousand dollars.

    Real estate prices are lower than in the US, but not as much as in other Central American countries. Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio is said to have recently bought himself an island to the west of the largest island in the Belizean archipelago, Ambergris Key, for $1.75 million. But still, buying property in Belize is relatively easy - the contract is in English, and local laws are based on the British system, which helps protect the interests of buyers.

    There are inexpensive private clinics in Belize that offer quality medical care, but for complex procedures, many foreigners prefer to travel to the United States - insurance often covers the cost of the flight.published

    In the age of the Internet, everyone can get the information they need without leaving their homes. Thanks to this, some people can learn from others how they live in other cities, read statistics on housing and food prices in different regions of the country. By analyzing this information, people can seriously think about moving and determine for themselves where it is better to live in Russia. In this case, each will have their own selection criteria. Consider the advantages of different cities in the country from the point of view of various categories of citizens.

    1. What is the average salary level of people in the region.
    2. How developed is the infrastructure and improvement of the city.
    3. Is the city's environment heavily polluted?
    4. What is the quality of medical care and education in the region.

    If we take into account all these factors, then the leading cities stand out, where it is good to live in Russia, according to the majority. The top 5 such cities are below.

    1. Krasnodar.
    2. Moscow.
    3. Kazan.
    4. Saint Petersburg.
    5. Tyumen.

    Families with children and pensioners want to live in Krasnodar, because it is warm and close to the sea, people go to Moscow and Tyumen to work, Kazan is loved for its cleanliness and landscaping, lovers of architecture and art prefer St. Petersburg.

    Regions of the Russian Federation participating in the resettlement program

    While our compatriots are thinking about which city to move to live in Russia, a special resettlement program is provided for foreign citizens who are native speakers of the Russian language. According to it, foreigners can receive a Russian passport and assistance for moving in the form of lifting equipment, provided they live in one of the less populated regions of the country. These regions have received priority status for resettlement:

    • Far East;
    • Kamchatka;
    • Amur and Khabarovsk Territories;
    • Buryatia;
    • Sakhalin.


    The city of Sochi with its subtropical climate is known throughout Russia as the most popular resort. Everyone who rests here involuntarily thinks about how wonderful it would be to move here from their city for permanent residence. The gentle climate of Sochi is due to its favorable location: the Caucasus Range protects the city from sudden temperature changes. Warm weather prevails here more than 200 days a year. In summer there is no sweltering heat, and winters are mild and frost-free. The resort town is very beautiful. Everywhere palm trees, chic flower beds, fountains, amusement parks. The following factors oppose moving to Sochi:

    • work in the city is seasonal, there is practically no work in the winter, there is no industry;
    • exorbitant prices for goods and services;
    • very expensive housing to buy or rent.

    Therefore, just like that, having rushed off the bat, it will be difficult to move and “survive” in Sochi. This city is suitable for those who have a remote source of income, for example, a profitable business in their former city of residence.

    Where is the available property?

    Another important factor that is useful to consider when people think about how to choose a city for moving is the availability of a square meter of residential real estate. Moving is always associated with the sale of housing in the former city of residence and the purchase of housing in the new city. The following rules apply here.

    1. Proximity to the center: in Moscow and the Moscow region, the most expensive housing. The further, the cheaper.
    2. Size of the city: the larger, the more jobs there, which means more expensive real estate.
    3. Proximity to the resort area: buying your home within the popular resorts is quite expensive.

    Based on statistics for the 4th quarter of 2018, the cost per square meter of housing in different regions of the country is presented in the table.

    There is another important criterion for choosing a region of residence - this is the cost of the shopping basket. This includes a basic set of goods and services. According to this criterion, it is cheapest to live in Kursk, Lipetsk, Saratov or in the Belgorod region.

    Big cities

    Those who are thinking about where to move to live in Russia to earn money make their choice in favor of large cities. The first on the list, of course, are Moscow and St. Petersburg, but besides them, there are several more cities where you can find a job with a high salary.


    The Russian capital rightfully occupies a leading position in the top cities for moving. Almost all of them are concentrated here thanks to the endless stream of citizens coming for employment from neighboring countries. Only according to official data, the population of Moscow now totals more than 12 million people.

    The main advantage of the capital region, which attracts thousands of provincials and guests from other countries to this city, is a large number of jobs with decent pay. People with very different qualifications, with or without work experience, with or without higher education, will be able to find a well-paid job in Moscow.

    However, there is another side of the coin - life in the city is very expensive. Starting from the cost of housing (a one-room apartment even in the Moscow region can no longer be found for less than 2 million rubles, and a rented apartment costs within the minimum wage in the city - 30 thousand rubles) and ending with expensive travel and food, all this takes a significant part of earnings. In addition to the high cost, there are also traffic jams, so city residents spend a lot of their time commuting to and from work.

    It is worth adding here the bad ecology, which makes the capital city not the most suitable place for families with small children to live. Despite this, foreigners aspire to Moscow every year, for whom the main thing is to work with permanent residence in Russia. There are also many students here - the most prestigious universities of the country, such as Moscow State University, MGIMO, VGIK, etc. are located in the city. The bustle in the city never subsides, so life here is not suitable for everyone.

    Saint Petersburg

    The northern capital, the Russian Venice, the cultural capital, the "megalopolis for the soul", the city of rain - all these names have been assigned to St. Petersburg and characterize its features. The number of people living in the city is 2 times less than in Moscow (slightly more than 5 million), and the average monthly income here is lower (40 thousand rubles). But a lot of people still come to this city for permanent residence. Someone is attracted by the beauty of St. Petersburg: palaces, canals, fountains, drawbridges, squares. Someone appreciates this city more for the abundance of the most prestigious educational institutions, including military universities famous throughout the country.

    Petersburg is not inherent in the bustle of Moscow, the life of the city is always calm and measured. The same features are characteristic of the mentality of Petersburgers. People of a special poetic warehouse, who are not afraid of the eternally rainy weather, will find this city the most acceptable place for themselves. Well, if someone didn’t like life in the city, consider a few more places where to move from St. Petersburg to live in Russia.


    Yekaterinburg is a city with a million inhabitants, which was called the "capital of the Urals". A well-developed industry and a service market that is not inferior to it in development in Yekaterinburg makes it as easy as possible for people to find a job. People of various specialties will be able to find a job here without any problems, while the average salary is very pleasing - 35-40 thousand rubles a month. Despite the fact that Yekaterinburg has the status of a millionaire, housing prices here are very affordable. The level of medicine and education in the city is also at a high level.


    Included in the top most popular cities for moving. Every year, thousands of new residents buy housing here, despite this their number has not yet grown to a million, but fluctuates between 800-900 thousand, while Krasnodar residents do not complain about the bustle of the city. Settlers are attracted here by the mild climate of the southern city, good ecology due to the absence of large industrial enterprises, land fertility and abundance of crops, and a long warm summer. There are excellent conditions for developing your own business, and the average salary exceeds 30 thousand rubles. Most Russians choose Krasnodar because of the proximity of the sea coast, which can be reached from the city in a couple of hours.


    It is one of the best Russian cities with a high standard of living, so many people dream of moving here to earn money. The city is located in Western Siberia, the number of inhabitants is more than 700 thousand people. Every tenth citizen of Tyumen is employed in the oil and gas sector, which is very developed here. Hence the highest salaries, which exceed even those in Moscow.

    The average monthly income in the city exceeds 40 thousand rubles, but even ordinary engineers and other highly qualified personnel receive 100 thousand rubles. A wealthy region can afford to invest in the development of infrastructure, housing and communal services, urban improvement and social projects, so this is also at the highest level.


    This Russian city is known for its unique geographical position. Being part of Russia, it is located at a distance from it, in the central part of Europe on the Baltic coast. The economy is well developed here - thanks to oil production, the largest amber deposit and shipbuilding.

    Therefore, there will be no problems with employment and getting a decent salary. The city is famous for its rich history. There is also a European influence here. Kaliningrad is multinational, because representatives of many nationalities live in the city.

    An interesting trend has begun to emerge over the past few years. Many pensioners from the Russian Federation leave for other countries where living conditions are more in line with their personal taste.

    As a rule, most of them continue to receive a pension in Russia, since there are no serious obstacles to this. In order not to miscalculate with such an important choice, it is very important to study in which country it is better for pensioners to live.

    Considering this phenomenon of emigration in more detail, it is easy to come to the conclusion that pensioners leave their homeland for objective reasons. As a rule, they include the following items:

    • low standard of living;
    • high cost of utilities, food in comparison with income;
    • unsatisfactory quality of medicine;
    • high rates of corruption.

    This list can be continued for an extremely long time, but it would be much more rational to consider the most popular states among Russian pensioners, where they have more favorable living conditions in 2019.

    Choosing a country to live

    It is very important for a pensioner who decides to move abroad to live on a permanent basis to know that the vast majority of countries are ready to accept him, provided that his financial condition is stable. If it is possible to draw up the necessary papers, purchase real estate and support yourself, there will be no problems finding a place suitable for living.

    It should be borne in mind that many states provide for the possibility of obtaining a residence permit under special migration programs, which will allow you to legalize your presence in the country for a certain period. After that, the pensioner can use the procedure for obtaining permanent residence, and in many states, a simplified scheme is provided for this.

    Find out where it is easiest to immigrate from the video.

    The best countries where Russian pensioners live comfortably are located in various parts of the world. Traditionally, this is where the standard of living is better than in other countries.
    However, the lack of funds for the purchase of real estate and serious financial investments does not mean that the pensioner will not be able to move abroad.

    There are quite a few countries where the quality of life is somewhat higher, and accommodation is noticeably cheaper than in the Russian Federation.

    Bulgaria seems to be a visited and popular resort among tourists and immigrants. It is quite possible to move here on a permanent basis, since such a state boasts a number of advantages over most other areas:

    • excellent weather conditions;
    • convenience in receiving a pension, due to the possibility of sending it directly to a Bulgarian bank;
    • no need to learn the language and protozoa.

    All these advantages make it possible to call this state ideal for permanent residence for a pensioner who decides to leave the Russian Federation. The main advantage, in comparison with other areas, seems to be. You can buy a home for only 500 thousand rubles and less. When choosing which country to leave Russia for, many opt for this option.

    Another popular European destination, ideal for pensioners, seems to be. This state is perhaps even more popular than Bulgaria, due to the excellent living conditions in the region.

    Montenegro can rightly be proud of its nature, as it is the most environmentally friendly country in Europe, which allowed its inhabitants to achieve unique life expectancy.

    One of the factors attracting numerous tourists here seems to be, which is significantly lower than similar figures in Moscow.

    As a rule, the cost of one square meter reaches 1000 euros, although if you have the desire, you can quite easily find better deals (800 euros per meter), but already much further from the center of the country. These conditions are quite enough for pensioners to live comfortably.

    Another reason why many Russian-speaking travelers planning to retire choose Montenegro is the loyal attitude towards tourists that is ubiquitous here. In order to go through the legalization process, which is necessary for a long or long time, it will not take a lot of money.

    The disadvantages of this option of immigration include the complete lack of affordable medical services for migrants.

    This makes medicine quite expensive, which affects the quality of life.

    Considering the most comfortable countries in terms of living, suitable for travelers of retirement age, one cannot ignore. A characteristic feature of this direction is the mild climate, which is good for weather-sensitive people. Winter here is quite warm, and summer is not hot., due to which the most comfortable conditions for life are created.

    Another advantage of this destination is the low crime rate, which guarantees the safety of travelers who decide to stay here on. In economic terms, this state is the best suited for budget tourists, because the cost of food and property rental is very low.

    The negative features include the overpriced cost of utilities, even in comparison with the Russian Federation.

    This is offset by the small amount of other expenses, which makes it possible to consider life in Portugal inexpensive.

    Especially for pensioners, this country has a program that implies no taxation if a number of conditions are met:

    • Continuous residence in the territory of the state for 5 years.
    • The maximum duration of receipt of funds without paying taxes is 10 years.
    • If the conditions are not met, the income will be taxed in accordance with the applicable laws of the country.

    In view of this, Portugal is one of the most suitable destinations for pensioners located in Western Europe. With relatively cheap living, this state provides comfortable living conditions.

    Detailed map of Serbia

    Among the obvious advantages, we note the low cost of real estate, both for rent and purchase, the low cost of basic necessities and insurance medicine.

    The most economical travelers buy or rent a house in remote regions of the country, where the temperate continental climate prevails, and the prices for almost everything are several times lower than in popular areas.

    Video about life and prices in Serbia.

    The disadvantages of Serbia include the poor technical equipment of local health facilities, which becomes a serious problem for those residents who have a number of diseases that require constant monitoring by doctors. In addition, the number of immigrants living here is very small.

    - an extremely popular destination for traveling pensioners who decide to move to other states for permanent residence. The main factor explaining this situation is the cost of real estate in the northern regions of China, which is several times cheaper than domestic rates.

    Given such popularity, it can be assumed that the traveler will surely meet many of his compatriots living on the territory of this state. The health care system of the Celestial Empire is developing, which provides a number of advantages for the elderly.

    China is the dream of millions

    An additional advantage is respect for the elderly, which seems to be the most important component of Chinese culture.