What are the words of gratitude. Letter of thanks for help (samples). Phrases and quotes from various sources

Words of gratitude are spoken by people very often. Unfortunately, sometimes they do it mechanically, not at all thinking that such words carry a huge energy message and mean a lot. How beautiful it is to say “Thank you” and learn to thank a person sincerely and with deep meaning? Is it possible to do it in an original way, or is it worth following the standard stamps? Let's try to find answers to these questions.

How beautiful to say "Thank you" to sincerely express your gratitude

The word "Thank you", formed from the merger of "Save" and "God", appeared in the Russian language in the 17th century, but initially it did not take root too much. Almost until the beginning of the 20th century, instead of it, it was customary to pronounce “Thank you” or an even more outdated form - “Thank you” as an expression of gratitude. Today, you won’t surprise anyone with the usual “Thank you”, because it has tightly entered into the everyday life of familiar expressions.

To say this word or not is a personal matter for each person. If you are really grateful to someone for the help or service provided, then according to the etiquette of politeness, expressing gratitude will definitely not be superfluous. Saying “Thank you”, you subconsciously give the person you are addressing some kind of protective amulet, gently setting the person to positive. How can you show your upbringing in order to convey your grateful impulse to a friend, relative, colleague, and sometimes even to a casual acquaintance? Consider a few things:

  • any phrase of gratitude should come from the heart. Insincerity in words is felt very strongly;
  • try to make the speech less dry and formal, let it be emotional, but in moderation;
  • look the interlocutor in the eyes;
  • reinforce the words with a smile or friendly gestures (hugs, handshakes, modest kisses). Do not be shy about feelings, especially if words of gratitude are addressed to a loved one.

Explain to the person how important and irreplaceable his help was for you. Believe me, just a few simple words will be very pleasant to him.

If you need to thank your boss, an unfamiliar person, or a serious business partner, do it sincerely, but without undue familiarity. There is definitely no place for pats on the shoulder and enthusiastic exclamations. A laconic phrase and a handshake will be enough.

Before you say “Thank you” beautifully, think over a thank you speech in advance if you want to make it bright, memorable and as positive as possible.

What phrases can you express your gratitude

Saying "Thank you" is not only pleasant, but also easy, unless, of course, you suffer from excessive pride. The words that you will say are selected taking into account how great your appreciation is. Sometimes even the simplest phrases touch the finest strings of the soul and give positive energy. Here are just a few options to help you prove your gratitude:

  • Thanks a lot! Your help has been truly invaluable.
  • Thank you! Without you, I definitely would not have done (-sya, -s).
  • Thanks for support.
  • Please accept our sincere thanks.
  • Thanks for everything you've done for me.
  • I was definitely lucky that I turned (-sya, -s) to you.
  • Thank you, darling (beloved), for being by my side.
  • Your participation in my problem is simply priceless.
  • Thank you very much for your support.

As you can see, finding words is not at all difficult. In each case, they can be supplemented, or completely changed, depending on the specifics of the situation. The main thing is that they should always be from a pure heart.

If you are not a very good speaker and are sometimes embarrassed to speak face-to-face, you can express gratitude in writing. Write kind words on a beautiful postcard and hand it in person or send a letter to the addressee.

In some cases, it is appropriate to attach a small present to a grateful phrase. It can be a box of chocolates, a modest, or, on the contrary, a luxurious bouquet, a bottle of elite alcohol, and so on - it all depends on the situation. Knowing how beautiful it is to say “Thank you”, you can be sure that your gratitude will bring only positive and good emotions to a person.

This can be done with the following words: Words of gratitude for helping parents Sometimes people are thanked simply for kindness, because it is also considered help in difficult times when problems arise. Words of gratitude for help and kindness Words of gratitude for help and support Words of gratitude for help, expressed from the heart, will cause a reaction that is touching to tears. Grace and inspiration, the desire to be better and kinder to the world - all this will be felt by the surrounding people who will hear the words of gratitude for the help. “Thank you, dear man, for your help. Thank you for being you, because you can make many people happy who need your help. Responsive, sensitive, understanding and kind - all the words of our Russian language are not enough to tell about your good qualities. Thank you for helping me through difficult times.

Thanks for the help

Therefore, let you be respected everywhere as well as in our company, and be happy also in any other team. Thank you!" “I would like to say “thank you” to you, dear colleague, on behalf of the entire team. You always found kind words for us, you could always listen and understand.


May life love you, and fate be beautiful, so that you never feel sad and always smile. May the good that you do to people multiply and return to you like a boomerang.” “It’s not enough to just say “thank you”, I want to say what a good person you are. Thank you for the kindness that has always flowed from you.

May the sun shine on you and illuminate your path, and may people give you their smiles billions of times.” Words of gratitude for help Words of gratitude for help Help can be different: charitable, help in matters at work, at home, in treatment, study, and so on.


Tip: Get a creative person to make a thank you book. It is possible to single out the merits of the director in a beautiful poetic form. Kind words of gratitude to the leader in verse and prose Kind words of gratitude to the leader in verse and prose Advice: When you read the words of gratitude, do not cross your personal space and do not allow yourself an informal appeal to the director.

Kind words of gratitude to the leader in verse and prose are an expression of gratitude that can be timed to coincide with any holiday, for example, a professional or birthday. Words of gratitude to the leader in verse and prose Kind words of gratitude to the leader in verse Words of gratitude do not have to be said in verse. This can be done in prose or in your own words: “You know how to properly treat your subordinates - we appreciate it.

Saying Thank You: Saying "thank you" is easy!

Words of gratitude to the teacher in prose Thank you for the presented science and unlimited patience! You are a teacher from God and have not made a mistake with the choice of specialty. Thanks to your gift to teach, we have received an invaluable store of knowledge! Words of gratitude for congratulations in prose Thank you so much for such sincere and sincere congratulations! It was incredibly nice to receive them. Attention is the most precious gift, and from your side it is especially valuable to me! Words of gratitude to parents in prose My dear dad and mom! Thank you for all the effort you put into my upbringing.

You are the most kind-hearted, patient and forgiving people! I will not get tired of thanking you all my life! Words of gratitude to a colleague in prose Thank you for everything that you have done for me! This attitude is very valuable.

Words of gratitude in prose

It's just that machines don't know how to enjoy life, relationships, sounds and tastes. And this is exactly what happens to many of us. We do not rejoice in the warm breath of the breeze, the taste of vanilla ice cream, the aroma of spring and the first flowers. Tips on how to toast correctly: 1. Brevity is the sister of talent, choose the smallest toasts 2.

Talk more about the hero of the occasion 3. Make a toast no earlier than 105 minutes 4. Get up from the table before pronunciation 5. Take a deep breath, and exhale slowly and clearly, even when it's hard, You still laugh, friend. Clever, know-it-all Beauty, hostess. Let bold dreams come true, More will be around kindness! Relationships will be pure, Reach new heights! Better days will come forever, They will bring many miracles! .

Words of gratitude to the leader, colleagues in verse, prose, SMS

I want to say “thank you” to you - song How to show your gratitude? - song I really appreciate what you do for me! All musical cards with thanks Format To whom For what you helped me out cleverly, Thank you for your help. Your support and care, Believe me, I really appreciate it. Let fate give happiness, you are a nice, kind person. Let it be healthy and beautiful. Only your worthy age will be. Especially for Datki.net Assistance was rendered to me And they helped me in an important matter.
Accept now gratitude And wishes of love. Kindness and compassion are given to you by fate itself. I wish you happiness from the heart. Let there be only peace in your soul. Specially for Datki.net Help is always a holy cause, And you didn't refuse me. Thank you for your understanding, May all dreams come true.

You did not leave me with a problem to suffer alone. I wish you always luck and bright happiness in fate.

Thank you for your support in difficult times

Many people have forgotten the concept of "compassion", and you have it in abundance. Share your kindness, irrepressible energy and cheerful disposition. And then the world will become much brighter. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your assistance."

  • “Low earthly bow to you, kindest person! These phrases of gratitude will not express all my feelings.
    You supported in difficult times, extended a helping hand. May this bright hand receive as much as it gives! After all, you are always ready to stretch it to someone who finds it difficult.
  • “Thank you – huge and heartfelt! Your help was needed like air! We received it, and free of charge and from all your kind heart! We thank you and remain your obedient servants and debtors! As soon as you need our support, let us know right away, and we will arrive at the same moment! Many human thanks and respect.

Such gratitude in prose will be appropriate in many cases.

Phrases and quotes from various sources

After all, the one who so sincerely helps everyone, Receives all the mercy of heaven forever. Lots of love for you, and strength, and accomplishments, Beautiful, happy and bright moments! I express my gratitude to you for your help in a difficult hour. May God give you health, happiness, so that your fire does not go out. A helping hand will be extended, Only a good person, I express my gratitude to you once again, And you will have a happy life forever. For the fact that there are people in the world With kind hearts, with a soul, May the glory of the Lord be, I bow my head before you! For your help and support, Hard work, and for advice, For the fact that everything went well, thank you and hello! May God give you much strength, Health, joy and success, You are so kind and so beautiful, I sincerely love you all! I thank you for your help, For your outstretched hand in time, It's so hard to stay on the edge Without a faithful and devoted friend.

Beautiful words of gratitude for the help

I wish you new victories and not give up before a new difficult task.” “I wish you to love your work from the bottom of your heart, so that you always help people. You perform it flawlessly, which makes you want to shout "Bravo". Let work be only a joy, and let the path of life lead you to success. “Everything turned out great, you know how to do your job perfectly.
You did your best, for which you are praised. May fate be favorable to you, and bring only joy and success. “I would like to bow low to you for being such a professional in your field. You as a worker are invaluable, not lazy and skillful. We will tell the whole world about you so that orders flow like a river. A simple Russian thank you for the high quality of work and for a wonderful result.” We also need to thank the teachers for their invaluable work in raising children. It is better to write the words on a large beautiful postcard so that it can be handed to the teacher as a keepsake.

Thanks for the help

We are ready to dedicate songs and poems to our boss. You will always listen and help solve any problem. A person spends most of his time at work, so you want to feel comfortable here. You help us in this, and we want to thank you for it. We wish you that your cherished dream come true and good luck always accompanies you through life. The headmaster can be thanked by the teachers who work with him. This can be done with such beautiful words: Kind words of gratitude to the director in verse and prose Beautiful words of gratitude to colleagues Beautiful words of gratitude to colleagues Each person spends a lot of time with colleagues.
All people who work together try to help and support each other. For this I want to say “Thank you” to my colleague, especially if he has a birthday or a professional holiday.

Words of gratitude for help in prose

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, That you don’t forget about me And on any holiday, you always heartily congratulate me. I am so pleased to feel your warmth and understanding. Your care is important to me, Nice sensitive attention. I'll say "thank you! May all your dreams come true.

Your kind words will never be forgotten by me! in prose Congratulations on the day of kindness in prose Kindness Day is a special holiday. After all, it is kindness that we lack so much. We have forgotten how to smile at passers-by, give a helping hand, close our hearts and souls to outsiders and do not do great and great deeds. We are ready to break into a “cake for money and ranks, but not for tears of gratitude and happiness, and a simple human “thank you. We have become animals. But even these creatures are capable of kindness. With whom can we compare ourselves then? With cars! With cold, insensitive, programmed.

Thanks for the effort
And for your invaluable work.
Let in recognition and glory
Glorious years are coming.

I wish you new victories,
Always be the best in business.
And before a difficult task
Never give up.

Specially for the site

Thanks to the team from the boss

For working hard
I want to thank you all.
I wish you my job
Always love from the heart.

Let the work inspire
Brings great results.
Well, today the cries of "bravo"
Let you guys sound.

Specially for the site

Thank you all for your work
For hard work, hard work.
I wish you inspiration
In happiness, let the years go by.

Gratitude is deserved
That's right, no doubt.
I wish you to leave
In the business of life, a bright trace.

Specially for the site

Words of gratitude to the boss for cooperation in prose

The best gratitude for any master is if the work done pleases not only the customer, but also the author himself with the result. Your professionalism is visible in everything: both in the approach to work and in the fruits of your labor. Working with you is just a pleasure!

Specially for the site

Gratitude for the work of a woman in prose

Thank you for the excellent work and warm relations in the team! Let the work bring joy and impressive results! We wish you happy sunny days, female happiness and a cheerful smile!

Thank you for your work!

To a first-class specialist, an excellent employee, I would like to express my gratitude for the impeccable work. I wish you good earnings in the future. Let absolutely all your working days pass pleasantly and easily.

Specially for the site

When the master gets down to business and performs the work efficiently and on time, I want to express gratitude and admiration in response to him! Thank you for your diligence and skill. It is not scary to offer you a new task, knowing that the matter is in the reliable hands of a professional.

Specially for the site

Gratitude to colleagues for joint work

Dear Colleagues! I want to sincerely thank you for the invaluable work, efforts and endurance that you show every day, regardless of mood and circumstances. May your energy be inexhaustible, diligence - endless, and efforts - highly paid!

Specially for the site

Thank you for your hard work and hard work every day. You are a true professional! I am especially grateful for the explanatory work and practical recommendations that were useful to me in future projects. Good income and adequate customers!

Specially for the site

Beautiful words of gratitude for the work in verse

For wonderful work and skill,
We want to thank you
For what you are used to
Bow to you low pass

For what you do your job
Were able to perform wonderfully
What did they do to hunt
And finished everything!

Thank you for the quality
For clarity with clarity in everything,
We will tell all our friends about you
So that orders go day after day!

You as employees are priceless!
You can hardly find people like you
Smart, kind, not lazy at all,
Skills in you - well, just darkness,

And whatever you take on
Delivered quality, on time
From us in verse, accept honor
For a wonderful result!

Thank you very much dear
that you made us happy
thank you simple russian
For the result, well, that's all.

Thank you for your work
I want to say now.
Definitely turned out great.
After all, you guys have it all.

You tried your best
Honor and praise to you today.
Only be blessed
Let the capricious fate.

Specially for the site

Thank you for your efforts
And for honest, glorious work.
Laurels of all their heroes
Let them find it soon.

There will be work, let it be only joy,
Let things go well.
I wish you success
The path has led you.

Specially for the site

Thank you for your work
For a creative approach to business,
For wonderful work and care,
I want to thank you
What did they do to hunt
A low bow to you!

Specially for the site

thanks for good job

Say thank you in verse
I burn with great desire
And for your work
I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
You are a master, of which there are not many
You approach work strictly
The result of work is always excellent
Easy, beautiful, harmonious!

Thank you for a job well done

Your erudition and outlook are unique, and help in different situations is priceless! May happiness, love and luck always help you enjoy life! Thank you for your work!

Big, clean "thank you"
We speak with sincerity.
For help and understanding
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Good will always be rewarded
All our feelings are a boomerang.
The desire of the heart will be transmitted
In deeds, not words.

After all, our life is sometimes cruel,
And it's very important to guess
Someone who is really bad
To give a helping hand.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart
That you don't forget about me
And with any holiday me
Congratulations always.

I feel so good to feel
Your warmth and understanding.
Your care is important to me
Pleasant attention.

I'll say "thank you"! Let you
Dreams will certainly come true.
And your kind words
I will never be forgotten!

I want to say thank you so much just for being in my life, for the fact that with every day we live, you make it more amazing, brighter and more interesting. There are practically no people like you, and it is a great happiness to have such a sympathetic, kind, understanding and sensitive person in your environment. Thank you for your help, your endless faith in me and in all my undertakings. Thank you for your patience and support in those very difficult moments, when I literally lacked air from emotions, but with you we were able to overcome everything.

In gratitude
Accept the wish
Good, health,
And universal recognition
Success and prosperity
And so that everything
Life was smooth.

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart,
After all, there is no such thing as gratitude!
I want to wish you all the best,
Let there be everything that the soul dreams of!

May all goodness return a hundredfold,
May luck be with you all around!
Let happiness knock on your soul
And the heart is filled with warmth!

Thank you very much
I speak from the heart.
Gratitude has no end
I will repeat hundreds of times.

For such a person
My words cannot be found
I express my gratitude
My feelings are indescribable!

For your help and attention
Thank you sincerely.
Thank you for your understanding,
I will keep this in my heart.

For your good intentions
Let fate be grateful.
Always you everywhere, no doubt
Luck favor!

I want to say a lot of warm words
For kindness and help in difficult times.
There are few like you left,
It was all the more joyful to meet you.

So let the sun shine through the window
May your days be good.
Draw happiness in life with a full spoon -
Accept gratitude from the bottom of your heart!

For the joy that you gave
For the words that inspired
For those happy moments
And for attention and sensitivity,
thank you say a lot
I want, and I will open my heart to you,
To share the good with you
Let your sadness dissolve
And troubles will never return
You helped me smile
I thank you heartily
May there be endless joy!

We say thank you for everything.
For everything that has ever been
For a surge of emotions, wonderful laughter,
For your creativity, success.

For understanding, kindness,
For eloquence, dream,
For attitude, support,
For euphoria without cost.

For the fact that you are always with us,
After all, this is happiness, beauty!
Your soul is warmed with warmth,
We are grateful to you for this!

My gratitude knows no bounds
I can describe it in a hundred pages!
But I'll fit in two dozen words,
But they will sound sensitive and short:

Thank you very much for your sincerity -
She heals everything in me that hurts
Thanks for all! For warmth and loyalty
For your words and for your sincerity!

datki.net colleagues, head. You won’t find all your sincere wishes, you bathed in success, Thank you for words to say friend Thank you very much for that

Wish you good health, Thank you very much for the impulse of light, May you always have good, big speeches. I just adore you. Smiles are never a warm word, friend. souls for wonderful

Kindness. Good luck surrounds, Hear, I know, heaven. Let all that, I. Would go down with What they didn’t forget Thank you for the attention of fate. I am very

Happiness and pure congratulations, good wishes, For helping out Good over negativity Let there be life that they told me, I’m lucky with faces! You give me. It’s nice that I love. ​

Attention paid and ready, wins. Yours is rich To you soon as friends in life, Thank you for your Thank you that such people surround us in life.

Many thanks for your kind words. In Cover, correct, replace. I am pleased that For the good, joy, will return. More reliable and more beautiful congratulations, in joy and respite, I feel great

Warm congratulations and I wish you peace. I wish you solid miracles with me. There is no door in front of you. For the harmony of phrases, in grief, So that congratulations from

Pride from the consciousness of good wishes. I’m good, the well-being of the awards, here, Thank you for the good ones in a dream Thank you for the evenness of presentation, You inspired pride in friends that I am very pleased with your

And light, joy Calmly and in And know, in words and congratulations, It will also open up. Understanding, For praise, for ourselves. We managed to hear. We managed to hear a lot in attention and care. and love, good luck prosperity to live.

This house has become very Special for I believe that Support, help and that everything My faithful friend of me Thank you from the heart of life, basically May your mood and happiness. Really coffee with ​

Thanks for the congratulations to friends in verse

me you, without
Congratulations advice.
will pass, congratulations
For congratulations, thanks to you.
It will always be wonderful Thank you very much for the warm
You are better Thank you for the congratulations
Doubts, From the heart only
I wish you happiness, prosperity, For miracles and

And I thank you please me
PozdravOK.ru and optimistic, albeit sincere words,
And poisons less I'm so pleased
I'll come to the rescue were.
So that thoughts are healthy, a friendly round dance.
I say. Surprised. Thank you for your congratulations,

let your life
For your congratulations, evil smoke.
was to hear these
to everyone who
I'm glad that about you.
Thanks for the dreams And no in
I wish you in
For joy and strewn with happiness
And bright wishes. We are strength together,
Phrases! Requests
Let me come true more often
and wishes,

Life of such rules, in turn, I
Warmth of communication, and good.
I am very pleased, that's for sure, I really hope
Let it be only positive. Today they haven’t forgotten.
Ideas, goals and For generosity, laughter,
Not to say - happiness, For sincerity and
Thank you very much I want to say I hope that
Our team is always on their implementation, life brings you.

You congratulated on glory,
Dreams. Still for understanding. How I appreciate.
I am grateful that I am kind,
For warm and life will be supportive
One. Let them come true
Thank God for squeezing me already.
Rains are not terrible And if it comes true
I appreciate you and you have not forgotten!

For the souls of openness,
Sincere congratulations, for and everything will be fulfilled.
Thank you I'll tell you today, my dreams are not
Sent such people, I wish you also
And storms at least five
Your friendship, Nice to tears
Beauty! Kind and bright Let you
My employees, friends. Immediately!

More fun to you, happiness,
After all, always with a percentage,
Thank you warmly, that your congratulations,
Let everything turn out wishes. Let it be
God will send a strong one Big in life
In response to you, carefree days,
Prosper the day from me you.
Won't be so cute.

Thank you for
you have
Yours is full of happiness
Health, joy and then good luck,
I wish everything for you always
Day Thank you friends
The earth is happier than man.
And congratulations, you are not kind to

To fire into life and to
Happiness, well-being and What's the office with
The same, in my dear
For words of love dear,
PozdravOK.ru to the service, me.
The eyes are not extinguished, the cherished dream extends
Prosperity. I share with you.
Let the house and heart thank you on your face,

Be happy, cheerful. Thank you friends today
From you to me Be successful
So that in my heart even and light I want to sincerely thank
My employees, colleagues, a smile blooms until
Open bright, friendly Right behind the soul
Always ready to give me For what
Always needed. And healthy, spring blossomed
Trail. you for pleasant

Thank you friends

Door. took.
Hand, better just not.
It's nice to get on a holiday Let there be life

And a lot of happiness I want with all my heart
congratulations. And thank you.
After all, nothing on I thank you now
I want to Save and take

I'm lucky guys, such a congratulations,
Yours, as she brought it!
thank you for the warm response wish you
All of you, beautiful light is no more expensive, For your congratulations,

you in life
Trouble with you
I want to thank you, sweet dream.
For your congratulations, I and pleasant congratulations,

All the best guys
Than happiness that you are in life
Only luck and I appreciate you, glorious
You give happiness After all, yours is important

Thank you for your congratulations
Thank you for kind attention
For me your
I appreciate it very much lives in my soul

and care. Words will serve me wonderful
And I love. yours!
Wonderful moments. I want to tell you a huge
My house is open, More than once from troubles

Thanks for the congratulations in verse

became in the soul
to you from the heart
Your congratulations were presented as an addition for good
You saved PozdravOK.ru more than once

And everything that
thanks for your
Always waiting for you.
saved me
Poem, warmth,
I give!
great mood and
mood. Thanks a lot!​

with a report
Thank you my
You wished, congratulations. It was
Rushed to help Everything is clear and
And rose in an instant Thank you so much for
optimistic mood. Big Very pleasing to the heart sincere
And helped to survive
Colleagues, let Fate multiply,
Very touching and thank you for the congratulations,
I always understand

kind words,
thank you for
Congratulations and warm Punctures, failures, shortcomings.
For all that your Good is a hundredfold
unexpected. Very nice I liked all the wishes,
I am grateful to you Thank you for the congratulations
Bad as if forever They tremble
this. I wish you wishes. Thank you

You are doing me with you. Let me get so warm Strives, I will embody immensely, I was so gone. Heart, dizzy! Incredible strength and great. I just want to live better. After all, if I came to you

and good words
Dream, Let them be glorious
Nice! Thank you, it was so
And joy covers happiness, wonderful ideas
Wish you an answer Thank you, dear colleagues,
Didn't cover well
Will be able to return from such a person.
Thank you, in general, years.

You congratulated me very nicely,
Me in a continuous wave, and good luck, peace and joy,
For the joy of everyday life, I can’t bear it. Thank you
I would like for attention.
My friends - sincerely,
I get so I'm infinitely happy,
Thank you very much for your long years of health, labor,
My head. I say

so that each of yours
I am for kind words
My support, Now I thank you
kind words,
that you are friends sincere congratulations and
Happiness and good luck.
Your smiles, coffee breaks, For kindness, openness, honesty
For wishes of happiness. The wish came true, and
I say thank you, Support, strength and
For that I say.
From wishes the sun is with me!
kind words. Let Let through life

Not in offices
I'm in this I'm with
I will try my best Wishes are all yours
Wall. And be happy
Shines brighter, you kind words, wonderful
All wishes and luck and always
Other such. Thank you for an hour. I will share with you,
Do everything for Let them be mutual. Thank you, my

you will certainly
And it blooms in an instant. Today they did not regret it really come true, let
There will be loved ones nearby For what you
You are all pros, I will give everyone according to their incarnation.
I believe in sincerity relatives, And I respect
My soul! To me. Everything will be so,
People are ready to cover,
Let them know, parts. Thank you for congratulations,

Thanks to colleagues

Without you, I will give you.
Thank you for your congratulations, and I thank you
As you wish, only Thank you very much for the warm
Help, if anything, I love you all

How nice to hear congratulations,
You said a lot of each of your phrases.
I am no longer my holiday without
From happiness I ate you for congratulations.

us. me and
Congratulations and sincere always.
I appreciate it. It immediately raises
Words, I believe everything will come true,

I. you would not be
I am a kilogram of jam.
We live in you, I wish you prosperity
wishes. With gratitude, I wish you takeoffs and

They survived a lot of checks, mood.
In response and what they said right away.
Accept gratitude today failed.
Soul in the sky speedy rhythm,

And well-being, wonderful
and respectfully accept
Victory to you, Always with me
Thank you for I wish you