Application in kindergarten wild animals in winter. Fun application: animals in different techniques. Photo gallery: quilling details available for creating crafts examples of working with them

Paper application "Pets" solves not only artistic problems, but also expands the child's ideas about the world around. The main idea that we can convey when doing this application is about the similarity of the structure of animals. Indeed, taking as a basis a large and a small oval, we can make a cow, goat, horse, cat and even a goose! We can make a little man, but not this time. The base - ovals - is the same. It's all about the details. When working on the application "Pets" we form in children the analytical look of the artist, we learn to see hidden simple forms in complex silhouettes.
Before starting, draw on a piece of paper (or on the board if you are working with a group) ovals - large and small - and invite the children to dream up who or what the oval can be “turned into”. After listening and approving all the versions, let us know that today you will make pets from ovals. Draw ovals and "turn" them into animals. Later, these drawings will serve as sketches for the appliqué.
Compare the resulting figures. That is, find similarities and differences. Lead the child to the idea that the common thing is a large oval body and a head, also oval, but smaller in size. And the mutual position of the torso and head differs, and, of course, the details - tails, horns, ears, etc.

You can ask the following question: what kind of animal will turn out if you draw a head below the torso? It can be any animal that eats or drinks water. For example, a horse.

Making paper applications "Pets" for children 5-7 years old
Now let's get down to the actual application. Invite the child to choose which animal he wants to make. Choose with it rectangles of paper of a suitable color. Rectangles need to be prepared in advance. The minimum dimensions are 2x3 cm for a small and 4x2.5 for a large rectangle. It is better to take larger sizes, it will be difficult for children to work with small details. If you are working with a group of children, then the children will choose different animals, and you will get a real farm. If you work individually, then let the child make an application of one or two animals, and you will make two or three more.
Cut out the body and head for the application of pets. Fold the rectangles in half, round the corners and unfold. We get two ovals for application - the head and torso of a pet.

Glue the ovals onto a sheet of paper or cardboard. We finish the details with felt-tip pens.

Option for making paper applications "Pets"
The work can be made more complicated and more colorful if the details are not only drawn with a felt-tip pen, but also glued with an appliqué. Children can do this job by randomly cutting and pasting the pieces.

You can make an application from paper "Pets" in the form of an album, like.

If you are working with a group of children, you will get a colorful work “Our Farm” if you cut out the animal applications in a “cloud” and stick it on a common base.
Having shown imagination, you can create various animals yourself. And not necessarily at home.
Little tricks for the application "Pets"
We can offer several technical solutions for such an application.
Legs with hooves can be made by sticking a black strip on a rectangle of paper, and then cutting the rectangle into four pieces.

The main task of modern education at all stages is to teach children to gain knowledge by experience, that is, move from practice to a complicated theory. And the beginning of this active practical activity is already laid in kindergarten with applique classes. In the older group, such crafts at all stages of implementation - from preparation to analysis - are carried out with minimal help from the educator, who becomes a manager, not a leader of the process. Consider the features of preparing a lesson on applications on topics related to the image of domestic and wild animals.

Preparation for the application lesson in the senior group

This is interesting. There is such a professional aphorism among American managers: "A good leader does not prevent his people from making mistakes."

This is how the role of a kindergarten teacher can be defined: he needs to clearly set a goal for the little ones and carefully observe the trajectory along which they realize it. And in case of difficulties, be able to come to the rescue in time.

What skills are needed

If we are talking about applications, then in this case it is necessary, first of all, to take into account the range of those skills that the kids have already mastered. And one more thing: the more independent children are, the easier and faster they will learn new amounts of information, develop skills and abilities.

  • Work with scissors. By the age of 4–5 years, the guys are already quite confident with scissors, so it's time to learn how to cut out details not only along an even contour, but also with individual protruding elements (for example, when cutting out the figure of an elk, you will need to carefully cut out the horns). In the older group, work continues on developing the skill of symmetrically cutting out details for crafts. But the elements, as already mentioned, become more complex in form.
  • Tear pieces of paper to decorate the background or fill the outline of the application (for example, for mosaic technique).
  • Sculpt from plasticine. To the long-mastered skill of rolling “balls”, “sausages”, making “pancakes”, kids add the skill of mixing different colors to get what they are looking for and create a figure from a whole workpiece (for example, make a bear or a frog from one “ball”).
  • Glue. In the past few years, children have been introduced to glue in a convenient stick form. For very little ones, this is a great way out if you don’t want your fingers, clothes, hair to be glued. But without the skill of handling liquid PVA, the guys will not learn how to glue very small parts, make sure that there are no streaks left and wipe off the excess. So it's time to ditch the stick in favor of liquid PVA.
  • Work with natural materials. And not just stick dry leaves on the base, but cut out the desired shapes from them.

How to decide on the size of the application

The size of the application depends on the size of the substrate, as well as on the form of the craft (for a group craft, the background should be roomy), but, most often, this is a standard A4 sheet

Another important question: what size of application is acceptable. There are no clear rules here - one that the child can handle. That is, it is ideal to take A4, but A3 and A1 are also possible if the work is collective. Accordingly, the size of the blanks can be both large and small, if the crafts are individual. In any case, the educator should pay attention to the work of everyone: the one who started cutting, the one who is already gluing or adding additional elements to the application.


As already mentioned, the little ones are quite familiar with this type of work as appliqué. Moreover, they can perform it in several techniques, which means that the materials can be different.

  • Paper, cardboard, glue with a brush. If you rank the most important accessories for the application, then you can’t do without paper products. Thick cardboard can be used for the base, and thin for the substrate, if, for example, a silhouette application is intended (when the contour is cut out and with this cut-out silhouette the sheet is applied not to the substrate, but immediately to the base).
  • Natural materials (chestnuts for laying out the voluminous body of an animal or bird, leaves for the designation of the figure of the beast, etc.).
  • Additional materials. This category includes fabric, satin ribbons, confetti, cotton wool, candy wrappers.

Work form

In this case, the application can be individual, group or in pairs. But no matter what form you choose, it is best if the execution of one craft is limited to the time of one lesson. What if the application is complex, consisting of a large number of details? In this case, an adult just has to help - besides, this is how the little ones learn to feel the time. But it’s not worth stretching the “pleasure” for 2-3 lessons, otherwise the children will lose interest and enthusiasm for doing crafts.


If the baby is directed in the right direction, then he himself will “float” where he needs to. So the educator just has to choose the right guides.


If we imagine a pedestal of different types of tasks that should awaken the children to further work, then the first place for the lesson on the application on the topic “Animals” will be for riddles. They allow not only to recreate the image in the mind, but also provide an opportunity to work with several representatives of the fauna at once. The latter is of great importance when it comes to a lesson in compiling a collective application "Farm" or "Zoo".

  • He takes off his fur coat twice a year. Who walks under a fur coat? ( Sheep)
  • Soft paws, And scratches in the paws. ( Cat)
  • He is friends with the owner. The house guards, Lives under the porch, And the tail is ringed. ( Dog)
  • Hungry - mooing, Satisfied - chewing, Gives Milk to small children. ( Cow)
  • A tractor without wheels plows the land. For her, fuel is oats. ( Horse)

visual materials

Children remember best what they see. So in any classroom in kindergarten, visibility should be presented in sufficient volume. And during the execution of the application, this becomes the most important condition for the successful implementation of the goals and objectives, since the kids will better cope with the task, having before their eyes the image of the animal they are performing. As examples of visual materials, we can offer

  • photographs (individual animals and the whole zoo, farm);
  • posters;
  • drawings (but only as close as possible to the real appearance of the animal).


This type of work cannot be dispensed with, since only in a conversation is the main guide of the educational process in kindergarten - the development of the child's speech - fully realized. Usually, the educator tries to conduct this form of work in the form of a dialogue, when the children answer questions in chorus or individually.

  • How can everyone in the picture be called one word? (Animals)
  • Why? (the body is covered with hair; they have four paws (legs); they have a torso, muzzle, tail; they feed their cubs with milk, etc.)
  • Where do these animals live (points to a poster with pets)? (Next to the person). What are their names? (Pets)
  • Why? (People take care of them, they benefit a person)
  • What benefit do they provide? (The cat catches mice. The dog guards the man and his house. The cow gives milk and meat. The horse carries goods and rides people. The goat gives meat, wool, milk. The sheep gives meat, wool. The pig gives meat, lard, skin)
  • What are these called? (points to a poster with wild ones)
  • Why?

Fairy tales

Children listen to fairy tales with pleasure, and for the teacher this is a great opportunity to introduce the little ones to the rich heritage of folk art, as well as the works or retellings of outstanding Russian writers.

V. Dal "Polovinshchik Bear"

Once upon a time there was a peasant in an extreme hut in the village, which stood near the forest itself. And a bear lived in the forest and, no matter what autumn, prepared a dwelling for himself, a lair, and lay down in it from autumn for the whole winter; lay and sucked his paw. The peasant worked in spring, summer and autumn, and in winter he ate cabbage soup and porridge and drank kvass. So the bear envied him: he came to him and said:
- Neighbor, let's make friends!
- How to be friends with your brother: you, Mishka, will cripple you! - answered the man.
- No, - said the bear, - I will not cripple. My word is strong - after all, I am not a wolf, not a fox: what I said, I will keep it! Let's start working together!
- Okay, come on! - said the man.
They hit on the hands.
Then spring came, a peasant began to work on a plow and a harrow, and a bear breaks out his knitting from the forest and drags it. Having done the job, setting the plow, the man says:
- Well, Mishenka, harness yourself, you need to raise the arable land.
The bear harnessed to the plow, drove out into the field. The man, holding the handle, went after the plow, and Mishka goes ahead, dragging the plow on himself. He passed a furrow, passed another, passed a third, and on the fourth he says:
- Isn't it full to plow?
- Where are you going, - the man answers, - you still need to give a dozen or two ends!
Mishka was exhausted at work. As soon as he finished, he immediately stretched out on the arable land. The peasant began to dine, fed his comrade and said:
- Now, Mishenka, let's sleep, and after resting, we need to plow another time.
And another time they plowed.
- All right, - the man says, - come tomorrow, we will harrow and sow turnips. Only a deal is better than money.
Let's put it in advance, if the arable land spoils, what to whom to take: is it all equally, is it all in half, or who has tops, and who has roots?
- I'm an inch, - said the bear.
- Well, all right, - the man says, - your tops, and my roots.
As it was said, so it was done: the arable land was harrowed the next day, turnips were sown and harrowed again.
Autumn has come, it's time to collect turnips. Our comrades equipped themselves, came to the field, pulled out, picked out turnips: apparently, invisible.
The peasant began to cut Mishka's share - cut the tops, heaped a heap from the mountain, and brought his turnips home in a wagon. And the bear went to the forest to carry the leaves, dragged them all to his lair. I sat down, tried it, yes, apparently, I didn’t like it! ..
I went to the peasant, looked out the window; and the man steamed a full pot of sweet turnips, eats and smacks his lips. “Okay,” the bear thought, “I’ll be smarter ahead!”
The bear went into the forest, lay down in a den, sucked, sucked his paw, and from hunger fell asleep and slept through the whole winter.
Spring came, the bear got up, thin, skinny, hungry, and went again to stuff his neighbor into workers - to sow wheat.
We fixed the plow with a harrow. The bear harnessed itself and went to drag the plow across the arable land! He got tired, evaporated and became in the shade.
The peasant ate himself, fed the bear, and both lay down to sleep. Having slept, the peasant began to wake Mishka:
- It's time to plow another time.
Nothing to do, Mishka set to work! When the arable land was finished, the bear said:
- Well, man, a deal is better than money. Let's agree now: this time the tops are yours, and the roots are mine.
Okay, right?
- Okay, - said the man. - Your roots, my tops!
They hit on the hands.
The next day, the arable land was harrowed, wheat was sown, they walked along the field with a harrow and once again immediately mentioned that now the roots of the bear, and the tops of the peasant.
The time has come to harvest the wheat: the peasant reaps tirelessly; squeezed, threshed and brought to the mill. The bear also took up his share: he pulled whole heaps of straw with roots and went to drag it into the forest to his lair. He dragged all the straw, sat on a stump to rest and taste his work. Chewed straws - not good! Chewed the roots - no better than that!
Mishka went to the peasant, looked out the window, and the peasant was sitting at the table, eating wheat cakes, drinking brew and wiping his beard.
“It can be seen that this is my lot,” thought the bear, “that there is no use from my work: I’ll take a few inches - a few inches are not good; I'll take the roots - the roots are not eaten!
Here Mishka, out of grief, lay down in a lair and slept through the whole winter, and since then he has not gone to work with the peasant. If you are hungry, it is better to lie on your side.

Folk tale "Sheep, fox and wolf"

A sheep ran from a peasant's herd. A fox came across to her and asked:

Where is God taking you, gossip?

Oh, godmother! I was with a peasant in a group, but my life was gone; where the ram will fool, and all I, the sheep, is to blame! So I decided to go where my eyes look.

And me too! - answered the fox. - Where my husband catches a chicken, and all I, the fox, is to blame. Let's run together.

After some time, they met a biryuk.

Hello, godfather!

Hello, says the fox.

Are you wandering far? She replied:

Where are the eyes looking? - Yes, as she told about her grief, Biryuk said:

And me too! Where the she-wolf slaughters the lamb, and all, the biryuk, is to blame. Let's go together.

Went. On the way, the biryuk says to the sheep:

And what, sheep, are you wearing my sheepskin coat? The fox heard and picked up:

Really, godfather, yours?

That's right, mine!

Will you swear?

I'll swear!

Will you take the oath?

Well, go kiss the oath.

Then the fox noticed that the peasants had set a trap on the path; she led the biryuk to the trap itself and said:

Well, kiss here!

The biryuk just poked himself foolishly - and the trap clicked and grabbed him by the muzzle. The fox and the sheep immediately ran away from him in good health.

Educational videos adapted for toddlers are also a good option to set the little ones up for productive work.

Video: the world of wild animals

Scheme for preparing an outline of the lesson

For the successful conduct of the lesson, the educator needs to take into account a number of methodological recommendations that relate not only to the actual implementation of the application, but also to drawing up a plan for working on it. And you need to start with the formulation of the goals and objectives of the lesson. So, as the goals of work on the application in the older group, we can single out

  • the formation of general ideas about wild and domestic animals, their cubs;
  • continuation of work on the development of the ability to transfer a subject image into a plane;
  • consolidation of ideas about the color, size, shape of the object;
  • the cultivation of patience, as well as the ability to bring the work begun to its logical end.

The objectives of the lesson on the application dedicated to wild and domestic animals:

  • continue teaching kids to work with scissors, cutting out individual elements of the workpiece;
  • to consolidate the skill of accurate gluing;
  • educate an emotionally positive attitude towards the results of their own creative process, as well as to the work of other children;
  • develop a respectful attitude towards the environment;
  • develop motor skills, including fine, perception, attention, memory, speech and thinking.

In order for the lesson to go to “five”, the teacher must strictly observe the timing of each stage of work on the application.

  • Introduction (6 minutes). This is the time to motivate the kids.
  • The main part of the lesson (18 minutes). At this time, not only work on crafts is included, but also a break for finger gymnastics, physical education.
  • Summarizing. For the last 6 minutes, the teacher summarizes (praises and thanks the little ones for their work), and the children conduct a small introspection of their own work results.

Lesson outline example

Kindergarten of a compensating type No. 260 (Moscow) "Pets: a cat and a dog" (fragment)

<… Дидактическая игра «Кто чем питается?»
Pictures on the board: bone, fish, milk, hay, grass, food waste (bucket).
On the board, children put pictures to the corresponding animal, accompanying their actions with a speech: “The dog gnaws a bone. The cat laps milk, loves fish. Cow, horse, goat, sheep eat grass (hay). Pig waste."
The game "Guess the cub."
The teacher names the adult pet, and the children name their cub:
Cat - kitten
Dog - puppy
Pig - piglet
Cow - calf
Horse - foal
Sheep - lamb
Goat - kid
Physical education minute
Educator: “And now we will turn into cats. Turn around yourself and turn into a cat!”
Children: (perform movements in accordance with the text).
The cat sat down under a bush, Cheese ate a piece, The cat got up, stretched, Her fur unfolded.
Each child has a blank on the table (two sheets of paper: one with a painted house, and the other with a drawn cat and dog), pencils, scissors, glue.
Teacher: "Guys! Look at our sheet of paper, what is drawn on it?
Children: “A house is on one sheet, and a cat and a dog are on the other”
Educator: “Remember where our cat lives?”
Children: "In the man's house."
Educator: "Where does the dog live?"
Children: "In the kennel."
Educator: “Do we have a kennel on our sheet?”.
Children: "No."
Educator: “So what needs to be done for the dog, what needs to be drawn?”.
Children: "Konuru".
Children take pencils and draw a kennel for a dog on sheets of paper with a house.
Educator: "Well done guys! We remembered where our pets live, but now we need to return them to the houses. What are we going to do about it?"
Children: "Let's cut out a cat and a dog, and then glue it."
Educator: "We work carefully with scissors and glue."
Children carve a cat and a dog. They stick everyone to their house (the cat is next to the person’s house, and the dog is next to the kennel). The teacher helps the kids as needed, and the rest do it on their own.
Educator: "Well done guys! Look, but the artist forgot to color our pets, let's help him."
Children take pencils and color pets.
Analysis of finished works.
Children show each other their work. Evaluate them.
Summary of the lesson.
The teacher, together with the children, recalls the name of the lesson, topic, content.
Then the finished works are exhibited on the stand>

Schemes and descriptions of work on the application of domestic and wild animals

Photo gallery: finished work of children

To complete this craft, the children will have to work hard rolling up cotton balls. In this application, the children stick the details on the base, and the teacher “fastens” the figure with a stapler to make stripes on the skin. whole pictures
Such an application can be glued onto the base, and exist in the form of a three-dimensional picture.

Photo gallery: animal templates

Such a dog is quite easy to cut out, since it does not have too small elements. This template is convenient for mosaic applique. Children are happy to repeat geometric shapes, working with them as part of the application. Such a turtle needs to be printed in color, and children themselves can draw spots on the shell and fill them in. , for example, buckwheat. To make an elephant, you will need to cut out rather small details. Spots on a cow can be made from velvet paper


Consider examples of the application of the most "popular" pets.


This is an example of a mosaic application in which children cover the outline of the drawing with cereals: millet, buckwheat, rice, and also use peas.


  1. Children receive a template with the image of a dog, PVA glue and separate bowls with cereals and peas.
  2. Toddlers smear glue first with small areas to fill.
  3. They start by putting peas on their hind legs.
  4. After that, they proceed to rice, which fills the eye and the spot on the chest.
  5. We fill the nose, ear and spot on the side with buckwheat.
  6. At the end, we fill the remaining space with millet.


The figure of a pet is made in mixed media: we add voluminous details from cotton wool to the elements of colored paper.


  1. The guys get templates (a figurine of a cat and white clouds).
  2. Then a fringe is made on a strip of green paper - grass.
  3. Kids glue grass on the base.
  4. After that, cat and cloud templates are placed on the sheet.
  5. Smear the figures with glue and fill them with pieces of cotton wool.
  6. Finishing the flowers (additional task).
  7. From pieces of colored paper cut out the antennae, mouth and eyes for the cat.

Using the same technology, you can perform the "Sheep" craft.

Wild animals

To perform applications of wild animals, it is better to take large representatives of the fauna or well-known ones, so that it is easier for children to remember and take into account all the details of their appearance.


This classic appliqué is created from natural material - leaves. To make it more difficult, children are invited to draw the muzzle of a hedgehog.


  1. Kids get a blank - a hedgehog figurine.
  2. Children glue it to the base.
  3. Draw a nose, eyes and mouth with a black felt-tip pen.
  4. Apply glue to the back.
  5. Spread the leaves in several layers, directing them upwards.


The breakaway application is familiar to children from the younger group. But in the older one, it is complicated by the fact that some elements of the image have to be completed by the kids.


  1. The guys prepare the material - they tear orange paper cut into strips into small pieces.
  2. Then a base sheet with the contours of a squirrel is obtained.
  3. Draw a mustache, nose and eye (these details may already be drawn on the template).
  4. Smear the figure with glue and carefully arrange the scraps within the contour.
  5. If necessary, they finish the trees (Christmas trees), the background, and also complement the picture with acorns (drawn or made in the form of an invoice application).


To complete this application, you will need cotton pads, colored paper, cotton wool and grains of foam.


  1. On the base sheet, children glue a cotton pad.
  2. An oval is cut out of another disk - the muzzle of a hare.
  3. Slightly smaller ovals - legs.
  4. From pieces of cotton we make snow under the paws and a small tail.
  5. Folded in half discs - ears.
  6. The disks cut in half are snowdrifts under the trees.
  7. Christmas trees can be three-dimensional figures folded using the origami technique or cut out pictures.
  8. From the disk we make a circle of a smaller diameter, paint it yellow - this is the sun.
  9. We put a few drops of glue on the background and “scatter” the foam-snow.


The complexity of this craft is that children need to carefully cut out several symmetrical parts of different sizes, including very small ones for the ears.

An example of an overhead application illustrating the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man". Made from geometric details.


  1. From an orange sheet, children cut out two isosceles triangles. To do this, you can invite them to fold the sheet in half and cut off the figure diagonally, starting from the bottom edge.
  2. We unbend the figure, repeat the operation again, but this time the cut line should be slightly smaller for us.
  3. The next detail is the tail. The triangle should be narrow but long.
  4. And at the end of the preparation of the details - the ears - two small symmetrical triangles.
  5. Glue the pieces to the base.
  6. Cut out a circle-kolobok, glue the fox to the nose.
  7. We finish drawing the point of the nose, eyes and muzzle of Kolobok.


So, oatmeal, unloved by many peanuts, can become a very convenient material for the “Polar Bear” application.


  1. Children receive sheets of paper with the image of a bear, cut out along the contour.
  2. Paste the picture on the base.
  3. Smear the figure with glue and fall asleep with oatmeal.
  4. The nose and eyes are made of black plasticine.

By the way, this inhabitant of the north can be turned into a brown bear. To do this, the oatmeal must be smeared with brown paint (watercolor) after gluing.

Application options

For each of the animals you can make a house.


This application is a combination of geometric shapes.


  1. Children cut out a square, a triangle and a small circle along the contours.
  2. Glue a square to the base.
  3. Above is a triangle.
  4. On a square - a circle.

    To complete the “Farm Animals” applique, it is better to use a collage, which also develops the skill of accurately cutting and gluing parts very well, but at the same time saves lesson time

    This can be a collective application using the collage technique with drawing elements.


    1. Each child is given the task of carving an animal figurine.
    2. The teacher explains which animal to stick where.
    3. Then the kids paint grass, clouds and the sun with paints.

    If the application is collective, then an adult or a child can finish the base, if the time of the lesson allows.

    Zoo Animals: Hippo

    From different animals you can make a whole zoo. This application can be group. In this case, the basis will be common, for example, a white sheet with the contours of fences, and the animals will become the product of individual creativity.


    1. Cut out 4 circles from blue paper.
    2. From gray paper - 2 circles.
    3. Glue 2 blue ones in a line.
    4. We place the other 2 a little lower and overlap each other slightly.
    5. We put gray on them.
    6. A little higher we have another gray one.
    7. Cut out an oval from blue paper.
    8. Glue it at the intersection of the gray ones.
    9. We cut out small ears from gray paper, and eyes from white paper.
    10. We glue these elements.
    11. We finish the muzzle and pupils.

    Zoo Animals: Camel

    To complete this appliqué, you will need several threads of gray yarn.


    1. Children cut out the figure of a camel along the contour.
    2. Glue it to the base.
    3. Glue pieces of yarn on the head, neck, hind legs and tail of the camel.
    4. To recreate the environment of the animal's habitat, several ovals-cacti can be cut out of green paper.
    5. We make needles from paper of a more saturated shade, cutting them out in the form of short strips.

    Zoo Animals: Giraffe

    For this application, we will need to use an invoice and a breakaway technique for making crafts. Moreover, the latter, with apparent simplicity - after all, it is already being mastered in the younger group - is complicated by the fact that pieces of paper need to be placed on a narrow contour (on the neck of a giraffe).


    1. Children receive sheets of yellow paper with the outlines of a giraffe.
    2. Cut out the animal.
    3. Stick to the base.
    4. Pieces are torn from brown paper to imitate the color of a giraffe.
    5. Also cut out the tail, eyes, "horns".
    6. Draw a nose and mouth with a brown felt-tip pen.
    7. Palm leaves are cut out of green paper, and triangular elements of the trunk are cut out of brown paper.
    8. "Collect" a palm tree.
    9. Complement the picture with the sun or clouds.
    10. In the older group, applications dedicated to the study of domestic and wild animals allow not only to combine all the learned techniques for making crafts, but also to create interesting group exhibitions, collages or wall newspapers from the work of kids. Moreover, the purpose of these works is not only aesthetic, but also cognitive. In this way, the guys consolidate knowledge about the inhabitants of the farm, the zoo, and also remember the appearance of the animals.

Application of ready-made figures for children 3 years old "Wild Animals".

Bunakova Margarita, a pupil of the 1st junior group.
Supervisor: Gordienko Marina Nikolaevna, teacher of the 1st junior group.
Material Description: I offer you a master class on making applications from ready-made figures. This material will be useful to educators of younger groups, parents. This master class can be used when introducing children to wild animals, when making works for decorating an exhibition on this topic.
Purpose: this work can be used for registration in the implementation of projects: "Our favorite animals", "Journey through the forest".
Making a plot application from ready-made figures.
1. To form the ability of children to perform a plot application using ready-made images.
2. Develop the skills of arranging figures on a sheet of paper.
3. Develop the ability to carefully use a brush and glue when gluing parts, pronounce adjectives when gluing animals.
4. Cultivate accuracy in work.
For work we need:
Sheet of paper, scissors, glue
Ready-made figures of wild animals such as: bear, wolf, hedgehog, hare, fox, tiger

Ready-made figures for decoration: Christmas tree, grass, mushrooms, flowers.

1. The teacher talks to the child about wild animals, about what plants grow in the forest. Then they choose a place for the Christmas tree, the child smears the Christmas tree with glue and glues it to the right place.

2. We decided to place a bear near the Christmas tree, the child smears the finished figure of the bear with glue and glues it. He says that the bear is clumsy, big.

3. The teacher helps the child choose a place for the grass. The child smears it with glue and sticks it in the right place.

4. Who runs on the grass in the forest? The teacher makes a riddle

He's striped like a cat
All fluffy and mustachioed.
Only instead of different games
The fangs will show you ... (tiger)
. (I. Krasnikova)

The child guesses the riddle, smears the animal with glue and sticks it on the grass.

5. The teacher tells the child that in addition to grass there are flowers in the forest. The child takes a cut out meadow with flowers and glues it.

6. The child decides that a gray wolf will run across the clearing with flowers. He smears it with glue and sticks it on the clearing. The child calls the wolf toothy, angry, gray.

7. The teacher makes a riddle:

Ears on top
At the forest animal.
Get to know him! This is gray ... (bunny).
(I. Krasnikova)

Of course, the hare also lives in the forest, he is a wild animal. The child says that the hare is cowardly and kind. The child smears the hare figure with glue and sticks it.

8. Near the bunny, we wanted to glue the mushrooms. The child smears them with glue and carefully sticks them near the hare.

9. And who is the hare afraid of? Of course the fox. The child calls the fox red, cunning. Spreads glue on the finished part and glues it on the other side of the mushroom.

10. We also have a flower, glue it in the middle of the sheet.

11. Who else lives in the forest, well, guess:
Needles stick out of it
Just like our Christmas tree
He is prickly like a Christmas tree too
Meet this ... (hedgehog).
(I. Krasnikova)

That's right, this is a hedgehog, the child smears it with glue and sticks it near the flower.

12. You can cut out clouds from blue paper and glue them to the sky.

13. This picture can be used in the classroom to familiarize children with wild animals.

Maria Dmitrieva

Theme of the lesson: "The kingdom of wild animals"

Target: Continue to teach children to cut out more complex images - animal figures, using a stencil.

Educational tasks:

Expand children's knowledge about wild animals;

Continue to consolidate the ability of children to work with templates, circle around the office;

Improve the ability to work with scissors;

Learn to apply glue to the base evenly, in a thin layer.

Development tasks:

Continue to develop imaginative thinking, attention;

Develop fine motor skills of hands, perseverance.

Educational tasks:

To cultivate independence, the ability to plan their activities, accuracy in the performance of work;

Instill a positive attitude towards the environment.

Preparation for work:

Talk with children on the topic: "Wild animals." Discuss the habits of animals, how they differ from domestic animals. Play didactic games for grouping and classification "Who is superfluous", "Make a whole out of parts".


Whatman sheet with the image of a winter forest (draw in advance)

Stencils of wild animals (hare, fox, wolf, squirrel, elk, wild boar) - cut out stencils.

colored paper

Dark pencil or marker


Glue, brush

Work order

Suggest to children:

1. Choose an animal stencil

2. Choose the color of the paper that matches the color of the selected animal

3. Translate stencil

4. Cut the animal according to the office

5. Spread glue

6. Stick the animal

This is such a wonderful teamwork!

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All children like this type of needlework, like appliqué. Animals are in great demand in any technique. Three-dimensional paper models are used in games, a flat image increases a child's self-confidence, and fabric models not only decorate clothes, but are also used as didactic material.

Classic type of application

First, children get acquainted with paper application. It is flat as well as voluminous. Small children stick the details of the animal to the cardboard. For example, you print out a template for coloring pages, cut out the details, and transfer them to colored paper. Animals can be designed using geometric shapes, which develops children's imagination.

Unusually looks Animals from paper balls, strips, arouse great interest in children. For example, to make an elephant, outline an oval body on cardboard. Glue the leg strips. Take paper two centimeters larger than the body, cut it off with a wide tail.

Wrinkle, twist the tail, straighten the body, glue it. Also crumple, glue round ears, a head with a trunk. Decorate with grass on top (a piece of green paper cut into thin strips). If you are making an image with balls or stripes, then simply glue the template with multi-colored elements.

Leaf applique: animals

Leaves are a fertile material for crafts. Collect various natural material (seeds, leaves, ears, acorns, seeds, flowers) in the summer, autumn, dry (like a herbarium or in sand), soak in glycerin. The leaves are very brittle in the first way, and glycerin gives softness, flexibility, but changes color.

Any (animals, landscape, people, fish, birds) develops imagination, thinking, logic. The child learns more about the plant world, the properties of natural material, how to interact with it.

Here are a few options for making rodents. For a mouse, you will need birch, clover, elm leaves, dill or flax seeds, blades of grass. Glue the birch leaf with the tail down (this will be the body). Place a small leaf of elm without a tail on the body. Glue clover ears, and then a head from elm. Seeds are used in the formation of the eyes, nose, and the grass is useful for the mustache. It turns out the mouse in full face.

If the sheet of the head is placed perpendicular to the body, then the mouse will be in profile. Accordingly, glue the paws, tail, ears, eyes, nose. If necessary, adjust the shape of the sheet with scissors.

Fabric Application: Animals

Fabric applications are more often used as a decor for clothes, bedspreads, bags, elastic bands. The principle of work as with paper crafts:

  • print out a coloring template (for example, a dog);
  • cut the details
  • transfer all the details to the fabric;
  • overcast the edges of the body;
  • with soap, mark the location of the head, bones;
  • sew a bone to the body with an overcast seam;
  • then sew eyes, eyebrows, nose;
  • then overcast the edges of the head, bones;
  • connect all the details.

It turned out to be a great application. Pets collected on a bedspread, blanket, carpet, not only decorate the children's room, but also allow you to expand knowledge about the animal world. This way the process can be simplified.

Choose the most elementary patterns, transfer to one fabric entirely. Then sew the animal to the flap, and then with the same overcast seam, highlight the lines, parts of the muzzle, changing the colors of the threads. Next, sew these squares with appliqué with the main fabric. Please note that the color of the material may not match the color of the real animal.

Non-standard application

Try different techniques with your child. For example, an elephant made of felt in a geometric style (round head, oval eyes, rectangular tail and trunk, square two-tone ears, diamond-shaped legs, trapezoidal two-tone torso).

Or draw the image of a duck on cardboard. Glue the eye, beak, paws from seeds, and cover the head with the body with millet. You can also make polar bears from dough, hares from semolina, hedgehogs from buckwheat or sunflower seeds. Even kids are attracted by the "cereal" application "Animals".

Like from scraps?

Lay out all the shreds, determine the image of the animal according to the color scheme. Make a pattern out of paper and fabric, connect the parts on cardboard, glue the bottom layers, then the top parts. Set up a background frame.

For this technique, you can use a special imported fabric that does not crumble and is glued to the material with a hot iron. It is expensive, so you can train on plain cotton.

Knitted appliqué

For needlewomen, a knitted appliqué is attractive. Animals are bright, unusual, colorful. The image can be crocheted and knitted. The fastest option is to transfer the whole template to a knitted fabric, sheathe it with an overcast seam, and cut off the excess.

A qualitative option is to find an animal diagram and tie it. But you can crochet according to the pattern. For example, you knit the torso, collar, ear, tail, spot, nose of the dog. Sew the details, embroider the eye, mouth, tie the edges.

Or here is a variant of step-by-step knitting of a mouse. Knit a circle for the body. Pin the junctions of the head and tail with pins. Tie the last edge with a single crochet, tying the tail in parallel, reaching the head. Now knit a circle on the marked loops, reducing the number of loops to the muzzle. Knit a round ear from two colors, sew to the head. Embroider eyes, nose. Thus, by knitting a circle in certain places, you can get an owl, a chicken, a sparrow, a snail, a turtle, animal faces, etc.


Any application on the theme "Animals" will decorate the interior of the house, clothes, pillows, bedspreads, educational books and manuals. Just take into account the age, interest and abilities of the child, and also prepare the necessary material in advance.