The right side of the human body: symptoms of pain, its types, causes, diagnosis, prescribed treatment. What is body psychosomatics

Consider one interesting fact! Where do diseases accumulate in your body, left or right? Which half of your body is affected the most?

If you clearly cannot see it, then perhaps remember where you have more bruises and injuries, on the left or on the right? Which half of the body suffers more in life, the left or the right?

We have revealed what lies cause of human disease. Let's discuss a little the situation of the dependence of a person's diseases on the presence or absence of male and female energies in his life.

If any of you have studied Chinese philosophy, then you know that in this philosophy there are two basic concepts on which, in essence, this whole philosophy is built. These concepts are very clearly depicted in the form of the Great Limit monad, which is a very accurate graphic illustration of spiritual development.

It is clear from the figure that the entire diversity of the world consists of only two principles, black and white, and the entire universe, all events in it arise from the interaction of these two forces.

Each half exists in the universe only because of the other half. They are different, but strive for unity. There is a constant struggle between them. They weaken, deny, but also support each other. What is this? These are male and female energies - YIN and YANG.

In fact, the entire universe, all the events of the universe arise from the interaction of these two main energies, male and female.

Building relationships with other people we live all this Universal situation of interaction of male and female forces.

And we can't build the right ones family relationships, we cannot find happiness, we are not successful, in fact, in our families because we do not know the laws of male and female power. And this is something deeper than just skills, that a woman should smile more, and a man should earn more money.

These are deeper patterns that we talked about on the pages of the site, and not only talked about, but also learned about all this.

So, feminine and masculine energy, feminine and masculine power!

In ancient treatises on yoga, it is mentioned that inside our body, our personality, there are many subtle channels through which internal energy flows. And there are two main channels that run along the spinal column, left and right.

So, the male energy flows to the right of the spinal column, the flow of female energy to the left of the spinal column.

What does this have to do with the diseases we started talking about, you ask? Some more information.

If you are more or less familiar with astrology, then you know that there are two main positive planets that have a powerful influence on our horoscope. What are these two positive planets? This is the sun and respectively the moon. Why did we mention this?

Male energy is an active, expanding energy, the energy to achieve something in the world. This is the energy of the sun. The sun wants to shine, it expands, it gives this warmth, it gives patronage, including the patronage of one's family and patronage of the female mind. Male energy is solar energy. The source of male energy is the Sun.

The source of female energy is the moon. Note the action of the moon is completely different. It does not expand, it softens, it takes away some of our problems. Look at the moon at night, and you will immediately feel calm, this is exactly how a woman works, she calms, softens.

This energy is not active, it is not connected with the will, it is connected with harmony, pacify, calm, give some kind of softness.

Now, what does this have to do with our illnesses?

The point is that you and I come into this life through our father and mother. Father and mother are karmic gates and through these gates we come into this world. At the same time, through the father, the influence of the sun, in other words, male energy, comes into our lives, and through the mother, the influence of the moon, female energy, comes into our lives.

If you have a broken relationship with your father, if you have any resentment, hatred, rivalry, some kind of displeasure or something else, whether you like it or not, the right half of your body will suffer. Check, please! It doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman.

You are breaking this subtle karmic channel of interaction with the sun by simply treating your father incorrectly. The right half of the body will suffer, there will be chronic diseases, there will be bruises and injuries, and when you fall, you will hit life, namely the right half.

If your relationship with your mother is broken, if there are resentments, discontent and everything else, you break, literally block the channel for the flow of female energy. This means that the connection with the source of female energy will simply disappear, which means that diseases will come along the left half of the body.

It is necessary to restore the blocked, lost channels through which energy enters your life. feminine and masculine energy. This is possible only through spiritual liberation, only through forgiveness. And exercises will help us with this. Forgiving yourself», « Forgiveness of parents"and other exercises of the heading" Meditations, exercises "

But the influence of female and male energy on our lives does not end there. What else shows up feminine and masculine power? You will learn about it in the next article.

Numbness of the body or paresthesia - a decrease or complete loss of skin sensitivity in some parts of the body. This condition is accompanied by unpleasant sensations of tingling and "crawling" on the skin, sometimes pain and impaired mobility in the joints.

Usually, numbness of body parts is a normal reaction of the body to nerve compression or impaired blood supply to tissues. This happens, for example, when you stay in one position for a long time. At the same time, diseases of the nervous system, including very serious ones, can manifest themselves in this way. So, a very disturbing symptom is unilateral paresthesia (numbness of the left side of the body or, conversely, only the right). To treat this condition, it is necessary to diagnose and find out what exactly caused it.

Symptoms of numbness of body parts

Most often, the hands and feet become numb. The symptoms of this may be temporary and intermittent, or persistent and long lasting. Sometimes with such numbness of body parts, pain, dizziness and weakness, difficulty in movement and speech are observed, which indicates the development of any diseases.

If the hands and feet become numb as a result of nerve compression or impaired blood flow to the tissues, no treatment is required. In this case, it is enough to change the position and slightly rub the numb place. Sometimes the hands or feet go numb at low temperatures, to restore their sensitivity, it is enough to warm up.

In other cases, body numbness does not go away on its own after a change in position or a light massage. If this is repeated regularly and is accompanied by other alarming symptoms, a doctor's consultation is necessary. You should also be examined if such manifestations are the result of injuries to the back, head or neck.

Causes of body numbness

If body numbness is not due to circulatory disorders, freezing or nerve compression, this may indicate the development of the following diseases:

  • Radicular syndromes (radiculitis, radiculopathy associated with inflammation, vascular disorders or mechanical compression of the nerve roots in the segments of the spine and spinal cord, intervertebral hernia) are the most common cause of paresthesia, while several fingers or part of the hand usually go numb, and not the entire limb. In some cases, numbness of the body is accompanied by a burning sensation, the intensity of which increases at night;
  • Polyneuropathy - manifests itself in patients with diabetes mellitus, when, as a result of metabolic disorders due to prolonged elevated blood glucose levels, damage to peripheral vessels and nerves occurs. In this case, patients complain of a symmetrical disturbance of sensitivity, most often on the periphery of the arms and legs;
  • A stroke is the most dangerous cause of body numbness, when, due to an acute violation of cerebral circulation, parts of the brain responsible for the sensitivity of certain parts of the body are damaged. With a stroke, the nature of the violation is always one-sided, that is, only numbness occurs on the right side of the body (or only on the left), while the damage can extend to the limbs or to the entire half of the body, including the face. Other symptoms of a stroke are impaired motor function, changes in vision, difficulty speaking;
  • A brain tumor - due to the fact that the neoplasm compresses the surrounding areas of the brain tissue and causes disruption of their work, headache, difficulty in moving the limbs, blurred vision, weakness, weight loss, loss of appetite and periodic paresthesia may appear. The nature of sensitivity disorders is usually one-sided, there is numbness of the left side of the body, face, or only the limbs (or, conversely, on the right side). Unpleasant sensations do not arise acutely, but increase over time;
  • Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease of the central nervous system, which is characterized by the replacement of parts of the nervous tissue of the brain with connective tissue, which causes numbness of body parts with loss of sensitivity and control over movements, visual impairment, etc.

The causes of numbness of the body can also be Raynaud's syndrome, circulatory disorders of the brain, vascular atherosclerosis, as well as recent operations in different parts of the body.


If body numbness recurs frequently and does not disappear for more than 5 minutes, it is necessary to determine what is causing it. For diagnosis, it is usually prescribed:

  • Blood analysis;
  • X-ray studies;
  • Computed tomography;
  • Ultrasound examinations;
  • Consultations of specialists of different profiles.

Body numbness treatment

Therapy for numbness of the body is selected in each case individually. Both traditional and non-traditional methods of treatment are used. So, to alleviate the condition with radicular syndromes, physiotherapy exercises, massage, reflexology, and physiotherapy are practiced. Manual therapy and osteopathy can bring a certain effect.

If numbness appears as a result of diabetes mellitus, an endocrinologist should prescribe a treatment regimen, usually it includes drug therapy, diet and adherence to the necessary lifestyle.

With numbness on the right side of the body (or left) and suspicion of a stroke, the patient needs immediate hospitalization. It is important to start treatment no later than 4 hours after the onset of alarming symptoms, until irreversible changes have occurred in the brain.


To prevent numbness of the body, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, engage in feasible physical activity and monitor the diet. Nicotine, alcohol, salty and spicy foods have a negative effect on the condition of the joints and blood vessels. It is recommended to always dress in accordance with the weather conditions to avoid hypothermia, as well as to treat diseases in a timely manner, preventing them from becoming chronic.

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Is there any deeper meaning to which side of the body hurts? For example, left hand or right? Does it affect the way of treatment? What can it say? It turns out that each side of the body carries its own information. Details in this article.

Psychosomatics is a branch of medicine that studies the connection between the Soul and the Body. The main idea of ​​this teaching is that all diseases have their psychological causes.

Each disease comes into a person's life as a kind of signal that there are internal unresolved problems.

Depending on the symptom and how it manifests, the problem can be characterized. Treatment in psychosomatics takes place in a different way from conventional medicine.

If medicines are prescribed in the doctor's office, then at the appointment with a specialist in the field of psychosomatics, you can get exercises for the body and assignments for inner work.

Very often, the treatment of a person goes in a complex. This means that he follows the recommendations of both the attending physician and the psychologist. This approach is considered the most correct.

Pills help to drown out the problem “now”, and the psychologist works so that it does not appear again “later”.

Why is psychosomatics gaining more and more popularity?

Recently, more and more people began to pay attention to the methods of non-standard medicine. Why?

Because many have found patterns in their illnesses. Roughly speaking, they are tired of being treated again and again. Pay impressive amounts, go to appointments, take medicine. And the result is always temporary. Or, one thing passes, but another appears. Or nothing ends up happening. And life turns into a continuous disease.

The main advantage of psychosomatic medicine is precisely that it helps to remove the symptom from the root. The deep problem of a person, which was hidden behind the mask of external illness, is revealed. Its reasons are found. A complex therapy is being developed.

However, the disadvantage of such work for many is time. Tablets help immediately, give relief. This cannot be said about psychosomatic work. First, depending on the severity of the problem, internal work can take from a week to a year. Secondly, very often at first a person does not experience relief, but rather meets with his pain.

But with all this, only psychosomatic medicine can truly heal a person. This is the only way to guarantee the disappearance of the disease forever. So, it is the most rational and useful.

What is the right side of the body responsible for?

The right side of the body is the male line, the line of the father. It is believed that all diseases that form on the right side (right arm, leg, right temple, eye, ear, etc.) are somehow connected with problems with the father.

Most likely, a person either does not recognize his father, or despises, or hates. Such an attitude is very dangerous, especially for the person himself.

By denying your father, you deny half of yourself. Since any creature consists of 50% of the mother's genes and 50% of the father's genes.

Another version - the right side is responsible for our male side: determination, determination, responsibility. Pain in the right area can also signal this.

What is the left side of the body responsible for?

The left side of the body is the feminine line, the mother line. All the symptoms that manifested themselves on the left side refer to a difficult relationship with the mother, or with the rejection of one's female part.

The importance of mother and father in a person's life is the same. However, if a person has unresolved conflicts with his mother (obvious or hidden), then the flow of vital energy is blocked.

In order to feel happy and complete, energy must flow freely. A blocked flow makes a person's life devastated, apathetic, aimless.

Very often a person cannot find a place for himself, does not know his purpose, feels lonely.

90% of diseases are rooted in unresolved relationships with the mother, in resentment against her, claims and rejection.

Therefore, it is very important to be able to love, respect and accept your mother for who she is.


The emergence of the concept of "psychosomatics" opened the veil of the new for humanity and gave the way to complete healing. With the help of this direction, you can radically change your life.

Psychosomatics teaches you to listen to your body and be in harmony with it. When a person begins to understand the signals of his body, he stops getting sick, or recovers very quickly.

Psychosomatics is the key to the door to a full happy life. Pills help only temporarily, they relieve "now", but come back to life later. Psychosomatic techniques eradicate the disease forever.

Attacks of pain without precise localization are always frightening. Especially if it spills over the left side of the body, covers the arm and even the leg. In most cases, you can not do without the help of a doctor.

It is difficult to explain to relatives or colleagues that the entire left side hurts, and not be considered a simulator. Even doctors sometimes have to conduct more than one examination to identify the causes. But such symptoms should not be ignored. Indeed, simultaneous pain in the left hypochondrium, arm and even leg can be a harbinger of a stroke, heart attack and a number of other life-critical pathologies.

Problems with the spine

The left side of the body may be damaged in an injury. This source of discomfort is obvious. In other cases, the first examinations are carried out in two directions: they analyze the condition of the heart and spine. It is because of the pathologies of the musculoskeletal system that pain on the left with blurred localization is most often manifested.


In violation of blood circulation in the tissues of the spine, the intervertebral discs become less elastic, their fibrous ring is gradually destroyed, infringing on the nerve roots. Many factors lead to this:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • heavy physical work;
  • age-related changes in the body;
  • endocrine diseases.

As a result, the right or left side of the back, neck, lower back begin to hurt. The sensitivity of other parts of the body changes. Localization of unpleasant sensations is associated with the location of the destructive-dystrophic process. So, with cervical osteochondrosis, pain is often found in the left shoulder, arm, numbness of the fingers and the outer edge of the palm. With lumbar pain, there are backaches, pulling pains, paresthesias in the corresponding part of the back, thigh, leg.


Due to the narrowing of the distance between the vertebrae, the nerve fibers extending from the spinal cord are clamped and inflamed. This complication of osteochondrosis is called sciatica. As an independent pathology, it occurs in response to an unsuccessful sudden movement, hypothermia of the back, and injury to the spinal muscles.

The cervico-shoulder form transmits pain sensations throughout the upper quarter of the body: to the shoulder blades, neck, and arm. Radiculopathy of the lumbosacral - sciatica - affects the sciatic nerve. There is pain in the left thigh, buttock, spreading down the leg to the heel. In the initial stage, there may be complaints about the "sitting" of the lower leg, a feeling of goosebumps.

You can not start these diseases. After all, destroyed disks cannot be restored. After the removal of pain and acute inflammation, the only reliable way to delay the disease is prevention. It includes mandatory physical therapy, posture control, a healthy lifestyle. Periodic courses of physiotherapy, body massage, aimed at improving blood circulation in the area of ​​the affected vertebrae, help.

Aching, burning or sharp pain in the left side is not necessarily a heart problem. It could be intercostal neuralgia. But the symptoms are quite similar:

  • an attack of pain rolls suddenly after a slight movement of the body;
  • the entire left side of the chest may turn pale or red;
  • sensations radiate under the shoulder blade and into the lower back;
  • increased sweating;
  • there is a burning sensation, loss of sensitivity in certain parts of the body;
  • deep breath, sneezing, coughing increase the severity of the symptom.

All this is due to damage to the nerve fibers in the intercostal region. The causes of their irritation are associated with hypothermia, blood stasis, trauma, intoxication, complications of infectious diseases or osteochondrosis. Usually affected by a whole range of factors, including fatigue and reduced immunity.

The main signs that help distinguish neuralgia from heart pain.

The main way to treat neuralgia is to eliminate the cause that provoked irritation of the nerves. It can only be detected by a neurologist after a series of examinations. After all, the disease has to be differentiated from renal colic, angina pectoris, sciatica.

Cardiac pathologies

Complaints of heart pain in the left hypochondrium, which radiates to the shoulder, arm, neck, jaw, are not always associated with coronary heart disease and angina attacks. Similar symptoms are observed with cardialgia due to inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis) or damage to the heart membrane (pericarditis). These pathologies occur as complications of colds, flu, pneumonia, and other infectious diseases.

If the diseases do not manifest themselves at the initial stage, then they can develop almost asymptomatically for a long time. With myocarditis, observe:

  • fast fatigue;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • shortness of breath and mild pain after a small load;
  • dizziness joins later;
  • swelling of the lower extremities.

Pericarditis rarely occurs as an independent disease. They warn about it:

Early detection and timely treatment of cardiac pathologies reduces the risk of heart attacks. Recurring pain in the left hypochondrium and heart area should lead to the doctor's office. Diagnosis is made by ECG and echocardiography. With their help, heart rhythm disturbances are diagnosed, the size of the heart cavities, the presence of fluid in the bag are detected. Radiography will show possible tumors, diseases of the ribs, lungs.


Before a stroke, pain in the body and limbs occurs infrequently. On the contrary, one side of the body may lose sensation. But with damage to areas of the brain in the region of the visual tubercle, post-stroke pain develops on the left or right along the entire body - thalamic syndrome. Its additional features:

  • pains are aggravated by bright light, movements, emotions;
  • the perception of temperature is disturbed;
  • single tactile stimuli seem to be multiple;
  • often accompanied by goosebumps and decreased skin sensitivity.

The thalamus is the highest center of pain sensitivity. The causes of symptoms are explained by the lack of oxygen in its tissues due to impaired blood flow. Pain in the left side and limbs occurs with a focus in the opposite part of the brain. But after a stroke, one side of the body can hurt, even if extrathalamic structures are affected. In addition to central neuropathic pain, soreness and muscle spasm may be detected.

Antidepressants and anticonvulsants are prescribed to combat the pain effects of a stroke. Muscle pain is relieved by muscle relaxants, massage, special gymnastics, physiotherapy.

Whatever caused the unilateral pain in the left hypochondrium, thigh, arm and others, self-diagnosis will not be able to reveal its exact cause. 3 hours before the visit to the clinic, it is recommended to refrain from taking painkillers, sedatives. And in case of acute deterioration of the condition, emergency medical care will be required.