Fused eyebrows: actual ways to solve the problem. Eyebrows grow together: why and what to do

Millions of kilobytes of memory on women's sites are devoted to varieties of shapes and shades of eyebrows. Today we will talk about what fused eyebrows can mean and what to do if you are the owner of such arches.

Beliefs and Philosophy different peoples fused eyebrows in women can sometimes talk about completely contradictory things. So, for example, in the Middle Ages, such girls were considered witches, they said that they had an "evil" eye. They, of course, were not burned at the stake, but turned to their eyebrows. Men were afraid of their absurd disposition, envy and jealous antics. This is probably why women preferred to completely shave off the hairs above the eyelids, so as not to betray their bad inclinations.

Chinese wisdom says that unibrows entail many misfortunes and failures. Their owners are persons with a sensitive character, acutely perceiving all life's troubles. At the same time, these girls are able to sacrifice their careers in favor of the family and are considered ideal housewives.

However, in Europe, on the contrary, such women are considered unsuitable for the role of homebodies and they are predicted to have dizzying success in their careers. In Arab countries, such girls were willingly married, they were considered best wives and the first beauties. Therefore, the girls painted arcs on the bridge of the nose with usma juice, which enhanced the growth of hairs.

At the beginning of the 20th century, it was believed that unibrows occurred in suicides. They wrote about this for a long time, linking this fact with Galina Benislavskaya, the owner of a similar arch of fused eyebrows, who committed suicide on the grave of Sergei Yesenin. Most likely, the poor girl simply could not survive the death of her lover, and her appearance was due to her nationality - Galina Arturovna was Georgian by her mother. But give the physiognomists something to cling to.

Medical factor of fused eyebrows

If we discard all superstitions and pseudoscientific hypotheses, according to doctors, the question of why eyebrows grow together will be most accurately answered by genetics and the endocrine system. With heredity, everything is clear. In addition, doctors consider fused eyebrows a sign of a strong-willed nature.

But if the hairs on the bridge of the nose began to grow suddenly, for example, after childbirth or health complications, then you should contact an endocrinologist - most likely, you have problems with hormones.

The fashion for thick natural eyebrows began in the 80s of the previous century. The then idols Madonna and Brooke Shields did not think to do something with their shaggy dark arcs. This despite the fact that Louise Chiconne, who later became the queen of pop, was platinum blonde. But these stars still did not wear unibrows, just their arches were a little fluffy at the beginning, but still had a neat shape.

Today, the famous owners of thick eyebrows, slightly shifted to the bridge of the nose, are Lily Collins, Jennifer Connelly, Keira Knightley, Denise Richards, Anne Hathaway, Natalia Vodianova, Salma Hayek and Madonna's daughter Lourdes Leon. True, the girl, most likely, has not yet decided on her own image, and perhaps in 5-7 years her arcs will become more elegant. We can definitely say that the secret of the popularity of these persons is not in their eyebrows, but in self-confidence and the ability to fearlessly challenge conventions.

Eliminate droopy eyebrows

So what to do if you have lush vegetation on the bridge of your nose? First, accept yourself for who you are. Secondly, decide whether you want to leave everything as it is or adjust a little natural form. Of course, if your hair grows as thickly as the Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, whose image was talentedly embodied on the screen by Salma Hayek, then you should definitely take action.

The fastest way to destroy the vegetation on the bridge of the nose is with the help of wax. This sticky substance will not help to form a bend, but it is quite possible to “clean up” the areas locally. In order not to pull out the necessary hairs along with unnecessary ones, you should do the following. Degrease the bridge of the nose with alcohol, and cover the eyebrows themselves thin layer petroleum jelly (use a brush to avoid overflowing). Then apply patiently hot wax on the nose area, let it harden (this is 3-4 seconds) and pluck it with a sharp movement against the growth of hairs. These manipulations can be performed provided that the bristles have grown at least 5 mm long. If the eyebrows are shorter, you will have to use tweezers with beveled pointed edges or cotton thread.

Professional correction of fused eyebrows

Perhaps, eyebrows fused on the bridge of the nose are the most significant reason to turn to a beautician. Home correction will take too much time and effort, because after plucking with tweezers, the hairs grow even faster. In the salon, you can be offered laser hair removal, which in a few procedures will allow, if not forever, then for a very long time to forget about adjusting the shape of the arcs.

However, the laser has its own characteristics:

  • it cannot remove gray and discolored hairs, as it reacts to melanin, but it can do light eyebrows thinner and weaker;
  • dark skin may become stained after laser application;
  • an inexperienced master is able to deliver to the client not only discomfort, but also spoil his eyesight; so choose a specialist carefully;
  • with inept correction, keloid scars or burns may appear on the skin.

In general, before deciding on such radical measure for hair removal, weigh the pros and cons.

Very often, many appraisingly look at the faces of other people and, peering, try to understand what kind of person he is and what character traits he has. By studying facial features and some of its features, skillfully, you can determine a lot in a person, which, by the way, was quite common among some peoples in the old days. Much was already clear about the man who came to the house, just by looking, for example, at his eyebrows!

The owner is already intuitive level knew what to expect from which guest, whether he should be trusted, and in general, what act he could be capable of this person. Today, too, many are engaged in similar "investigations and studies", and we will talk a little about this. Let's find out what can be understood about a person just by studying the shape of his eyebrows?

What are unibrows talking about?

Everyone has eyebrows different shape, different thickening. Women usually pluck them, so it's hard to say something about them, but if the eyebrows are in their natural state, then the following can be said about fused eyebrows.

If a man has thick unibrows, then you are lucky enough to meet an egoist, which the world has never seen! Every step of his wife will be monitored and controlled. He will be jealous of every little thing, even there are no men nearby - he will still find something to become attached to.

The whole reason is hidden in the possessive manifestations of such people. They do not intend to share anything of their own with anyone, and especially loved one. Gradually, this attitude can be transferred to all households. So children, especially daughters, will always be under the control of such a dad!

In fact, life with such a person will indeed seem unbearable for many, but it is rare for a woman to get rid of such a husband - a tyrant, and throughout her life wives have to listen to unjustified nit-picking and put up with family tyrant. Often such relationships can end badly, it comes to assault and other cruelty.

In addition, such men usually harbor resentment in their hearts for a long time, which literally overwhelms them, from the “obscene” behavior of their wife and they always “explode” at the most unexpected moment, and they even remember what happened a few days or even years ago.

Women whose eyebrows grow together also do not differ in weakness of character and melancholy. These are cruel, sometimes insidious persons who, without any other people's opinion, know what they need in life, along which they walk with a confident, I must say, firm gait.

It is very difficult to build relationships with such ladies, because they will not tolerate any criticism in their direction and will never listen, even the opinion of their husband. The despotism and cruelty of such women most often breaks, suppresses the character of a man who is nearby.

By the way, children will also have a hard time with such a mother. She will constantly delve into all matters, say that everything is wrong and needs to be corrected as she sees fit, in general, not every healthy psyche can withstand this!

If the eyes are considered the "mirror of the soul", then the eyebrows are signs, and an initiated person can determine the most striking features of a person's character, especially men, by the natural shape of the eyebrows, because the representatives of the stronger sex, with rare exceptions, do not pluck their eyebrows. Having studied the shape of the eyebrows, you can find out what to expect from a person in the future. By changing the shape of the eyebrows, you can not only update your image, but also bring changes into your life.

Wide and long eyebrows are considered classic, "neutral" eyebrows. middle length and density. Such eyebrows almost do not need correction and are suitable for all types of faces. Such eyebrows do not carry any hidden information.

round and wide eyebrows, descending down the edges, indicate that their owner is a cheerful and generous person with good feeling scream, optimist and realist. Here are the round ones thin eyebrows for women, a la Marlene Dietrich, they emphasize the main features of their owner - a strong-willed character, the desire to become a leader, purposefulness, a thirst for fame and power.

By the way, the brilliant German actress was exactly like that, and her thin plucked eyebrows became in a fashionable way not only in the film industry, but also among European women. These eyebrows are suitable for people with triangular face where the cheekbones are clearly defined. Will look good on oval shape faces. Girls with round face it is better to refuse thin round eyebrows, otherwise there will be a constantly surprised expression on the face.

Even and long eyebrows in a man suggest that he is an intellectual, well-read and loves to entertain people, especially ladies, he will support any topic of conversation, from dog care to the world economy. Such eyebrows, for example, have the Irishman and Hollywood star actor Colin Farrell. Colin - ladies' man, generous with compliments, in a circle of friends likes to be a ringleader.

The fused thick eyebrows of a man should warn you - the man is very jealous, possessive, in life together can be a real tyrant and be jealous of his howling wife even to a lamppost.

Eyebrows arched, widely spaced, speak of cheerfulness, gluttony and love of entertainment. A woman with such eyebrows is a real coquette, loves to be the center of attention, loves parties and companies. From the outside it seems windy and frivolous, but if she has a man, despite her coquetry, she is faithful to him, but scenes of jealousy are still inevitable.

If a man has thick eyebrows with their outer ends rising up, this is a sign of generosity and courage. Such a person is resolute in his actions, longs for fame and success, a real commander and conqueror of women's hearts.

A man’s thick eyebrows that have grown together should warn you - a man is very jealous, an owner, in a life together he can be a real tyrant and be jealous of his wife even for a lamppost. At the same time, he does not show his aggression immediately, he always waits and observes.

A woman with such eyebrows has a strong character, is despotic and cruel, like Kabanikha, the heroine of Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm". Strongly lowered ends of the eyebrows, like those of Pierrot, indicate melancholy. People with this shape of eyebrows are prone to thinking that nothing is eternal under the moon, creative natures.

Short eyebrows give out " short memory", both literally and figuratively. Thick eyebrows speak of the temperament and explosive nature of a person. Eyebrows with a house warn that a person is infantile, that is, he does not know how to make decisions, always waiting for his problems to be solved for him others, in difficult situations is lost.

bristly, naughty, shaggy, stiff eyebrows they say that a person is stubborn and will argue even if he is wrong and knows about it. Obstinacy, uncompromising, unwillingness to compromise.

Even and long eyebrows in a man suggest that he is an intellectual, well-read and loves to entertain people, especially ladies, he will support any topic of conversation, from dog care to the world economy. Such eyebrows, for example, have the Irishman Collin Farrell.

Well, if the eyebrows are thick, bristly and curved at the same time, like Al Pacino's, then it already smells of something diabolical. By the way, in Hollywood they joke that a brilliant actor sold his soul to the devil for acting. In general, such people are characterized by constant luck, no matter what business such a person undertakes, success accompanies him.

"Damn lucky!" - they usually say about such people, and some who cannot understand the reason for such luck think that it certainly could not have done without witchcraft. Eyebrows that are high are a sign of purposefulness, and, conversely, eyebrows sitting too low speak of a person's earthiness, and often of his denseness and narrow views.

If a woman's eyebrows seem to be broken in the middle, like Marilyn Monroe's, this indicates the eccentricity of a person, his unpredictability, such people seem to be out of this world, they are often white crows. For example, it is precisely this form of eyebrows that Zhanna Aguzarova naturally has, but the singer is constantly experimenting with shape and color.

Eyebrow care tips:

When washing and cleansing your face with lotion or foam, do not forget about the eyebrows, wipe them no less thoroughly than the T-zone on your face. Brush your eyebrows daily with a special brush. We comb the hairs against their growth, then in the direction of growth. The superciliary arches need to be massaged: move your fingers from the bridge of the nose to the temples, pinching and lightly pressing on the eyebrow.

To make your eyebrows grow well and evenly, smear your eyebrows once a week castor oil. Eyebrows are adjusted according to bottom edge and extremely rare on the top. Pull out the hairs in the direction of their growth, grabbing at the root. Lubricate eyebrows after correction fat cream. It is better not to shave off your eyebrows, then they will grow stiff and disheveled, like the thorns of a hedgehog.


This is the result of hair growth between the eyebrows at the bridge of the nose. Thus, one long eyebrow is formed. It was never considered attractive.

The face seems unkempt and untidy, although, in Asian countries, the opposite is true: such eyebrows are considered beautiful.

Why do eyebrows grow? Unified eyebrows can appear in girls as a result of a disease in which the level of male hormones in the blood rises, which initiates the growth of body hair. Such a disease can be polycystic ovaries. Therefore, if your eyebrows were normal and suddenly began to grow together, you should be examined by a doctor.

Eyebrows that have grown together from birth may indicate the corresponding heredity. It could also be a sign of a genetic disorder. The essence of the idea is that fused eyebrows should be plucked to a normal state. To do this, pluck the hairs between the eyebrows on the bridge of the nose. But before proceeding with the procedure, choose for yourself suitable shape eyebrows. If you can't do it yourself, we recommend going to beauty salon and entrust such a responsible job to the master. He will put a stencil on the eyebrows and pluck out exactly those hairs that need to be removed. By yourself, at home you can close fused eyebrows beige shadows, then draw the desired shape with an eyeliner pencil and see if the selected shape suits you. This procedure will probably have to be done more than once, each time washing off traces of cosmetics and re-masking the eyebrows with shadows.

Some ladies believe that it is not necessary to do eyebrows in order to maintain natural beauty. Why is it not? It is clear that eyebrows need correction and care, otherwise you will look sloppy. As they say, each gem requires cutting. It must be remembered that among the Slavs, fused eyebrows are considered ugly. Be sure to choose the shape that suits you and complete your look with well-groomed eyebrows. They demand daily care: combing with a special brush, lubricating with castor oil in the morning and evening, applying cosmetic masks for eyebrows.

In men, unibrows are more common than in women. Men are more often not inclined to do hair removal, believing that this is the lot of women. It is good that in our time this trend is changing. All more men understand that eyebrow care is necessary. People with unibrows cause distrust of others. Epilation becomes one of the components of success. It is especially important for public people: artists, politicians and so on. They begin to understand that in order to arouse sympathy in people, it is necessary to work on their appearance. Meet, as they say, by clothes. You just need to straighten the eyebrows wide shape. After all, a person with fused eyebrows, especially if his eyes are deeply set, looks angry and gloomy. One trip to the master, and the situation changes radically.

How to solve a problem


As a rule, in men, eyebrows grow densely, the hairs are thicker and longer. Therefore, in addition to the usual plucking procedure, it is imperative to cut the hairs with scissors. If a man does not want to go to a beautician, his mother or girlfriend can help him. It cuts hair easily desired length and pluck those that have grown together and spoil the appearance. That your eyebrows have grown together on the bridge of your nose? There are several ways to get rid of nose hairs. The most popular of these is plucking with tweezers. Before plucking, it is necessary to comb the eyebrows, put on the bridge of the nose soaked in hot water tissue paper and hold for a few minutes. Then start epilating. If, you can remove the hairs on the bridge of the nose with a wax strip. These strips are sold in pharmacies. But we do not recommend using this method, because the distance between them is too small. You can delete extra hairs that don't need to be removed.

Shaving is the next easiest way to get rid of unibrows. It is easy to implement, but the downside is that after a couple of days the hairs will begin to grow again. You can remove excess hairs of fused arches with a depilatory cream. There are many such creams on the market today. They have great benefits: the ability to use them yourself at home, efficiency, painlessness, ease of use. There are also disadvantages, which include bad smell from the cream and the superficial effect, that is, the cream removes only hairs from the surface layer of the skin. Therefore, the procedure will have to be repeated from time to time.

Laser hair removal is not suitable for everyone, since it must be done by a beautician who owns modern equipment. This is an expensive way. But if you can afford it, then this The best way. Hair is removed qualitatively and permanently. Again, the hair on the bridge of the nose may not begin to grow at all. Procedures of the same class for the price include electrolysis. It is painful, but also removes hairs permanently, if not permanently.

Useful tips for girls and women on what to do if unibrows: find out and eliminate the causes, sign up for laser hair removal or waxing, pluck and shave eyebrows at home, make a bleaching mask according to the recipe. Choose any method and enjoy the result!

Rarely in any culture have unibrows been considered attractive, especially in women. Today it is a sign of neglect and neglect. In order not to become an object of ridicule, the fair sex has to resort to various tricks that, at least for some time, eliminate this lack of appearance. But not all of them know that there are several such methods, in addition to hair removal. And the more competently approach the issue of choice, the better the result will be. And you also need to know in advance why the eyebrows grow together. This will also come in handy in putting them in order.

Reasons: why eyebrows grow together

Those who have faced such a scourge ask, why do eyebrows grow. It's a shame when someone has graceful threads on their face that require only superficial adjustment, but here you have to suffer from excess vegetation and density. In fact, there are very few reasons, and it is rare to get around or fix them. This usually happens under the influence of the following factors:

  • heredity- the most frequent and most right reason fused eyebrows, so if one of the relatives has them, it is likely that you cannot avoid this fate;
  • genetic predisposition, nationality: everyone knows that representatives of Caucasian, Latin American, gypsy and southern blood have a special color type - they are not only burning brunettes (most often), but it is they who have girls with fused eyebrows - far from uncommon;
  • dysfunction endocrine system, diseases thyroid gland caused by long taking hormones (contraceptives or anabolics)
  • ovarian disease ( polycystic);
  • poor nutrition, due to which there is a failure in the work of many internal organs(liver and endocrine system);
  • liver dysfunction.

Any changes in the hormonal background of a woman can cause increased facial hair. However, in more than 85% of cases, heredity and genetic predisposition are to blame. And if diseases can be treated, then they will have to somehow get along. So, what to do if eyebrows grow together constantly despite the fact that the cause of this misfortune in your situation is not removable? If you have time and money - contact the master in the salon. He already knows how to solve this problem.

About names. Experts call fused eyebrows "unibrow".

Detailed instructions for use will help you use it correctly to strengthen and accelerate the growth of eyebrows.

How to choose the right eyebrow color for blondes, brown-haired women and brunettes:

Getting rid of fused eyebrows in the salon

No one will separate the fused eyebrows of women as accurately and efficiently as a professional in his field. The master in the salon knows a lot about this. First, it will doesn't hurt at all, since he knows the singular points to work on (of course, we are talking about good master). Secondly, it will be perfect. Thirdly, the hair follicles will be destroyed more thoroughly than you can do at home - which means that the duration of the result will be much longer. What procedure is better to sign up for?

  • Laser hair removal

Most Efficient salon procedure for the correction of fused eyebrows - . It allows you to eliminate this drawback forever in 90% of cases. But be prepared to pay a fairly round sum of money for it (from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles). How does it go?

  1. To do laser hair removal of unibrows, it is advisable to first get advice from an experienced specialist in a professional clinic, and not from a beautician in the nearest beauty salon. You will hardly find expert level doctors there.
  2. The procedure is carried out on a special beauty machine with nozzle. She is driven through the problem area.
  3. The laser acts directly on hair follicle, destroying it to the ground. The beam heats the rod up to 80°C.
  4. For thin, light hairs on the bridge of the nose, it is recommended to use a neodymium laser.
  5. Accordingly, you will leave the office still with fused eyebrows. The hairs on the bridge of your nose will begin to fall off a little later, and this will happen for about a week.
  6. No matter how much you want, but the hairs cannot be removed during this period on their own. You need to wait for them to fall naturally.
  7. The downside is that during this week, while problem area on the bridge of the nose will be cleaned, it will look motley and untidy. On the one hand, the hairs have already fallen out, on the other - they are just beginning.
  8. Another disadvantage of the procedure: the nozzle has an area of ​​​​a square centimeter, which sometimes does not allow you to remove hairs along a clearly defined line. You can touch the main bend.
  9. Contraindications for laser hair removal unibrows: pregnancy, lactation, diabetes, oncology, influenza, fever body, inflammatory processes and on the bridge of the nose, individual intolerance to laser radiation.
  10. In 90% of cases, side effects such as swelling, redness of the skin, and temporary soreness are observed. If the specialist incorrectly set the procedure settings, a burn may result.
  11. To get rid of fused eyebrows forever, you need to carry out a course, i.e. 3-5 procedures will be required. Interval - 2 months.

Fused eyebrows in women are an aesthetic flaw that can be easily dealt with with a laser beam.

  • Correction with tweezers

Salon correction of fused eyebrows with tweezers is carried out according to the following scheme.

  1. Determination of the boundaries of the eyebrows based on the wishes of the patient and the features of her appearance.
  2. Application of a special cream to soften the skin and pain relief.
  3. Removal of unwanted hairs. At this stage pain can't be avoided.
  4. Applying a cooling gel.
  5. Among side effects- irritation and redness.
  6. To prevent inflammation 3 days after the procedure, it is advisable to treat them with a solution boric acid low concentration.

Salon correction of fused eyebrows with tweezers rarely causes complications, is notable for its low cost, and has no contraindications. The result is kept for about 3 weeks.

  • Waxing

Salon waxing of eyebrows is good because after 5-6 procedures, unwanted hairs can disappear forever. Features of its implementation:

  1. The procedure time is 10 minutes.
  2. Warm up the wax to the desired temperature.
  3. Applying wax to the bridge of the nose.
  4. Cloth fixation.
  5. Waiting for time to cool down.
  6. Tissue breakdown.
  7. Contraindications: oncology, inflammation of the bridge of the nose, diabetes, viral diseases, pregnancy.
  8. Side effects are redness and mild swelling.
  9. The result is stored for a month.

If you have thick unibrows that spoil your image and prevent you from being beautiful, it is better to seek help from a salon to remove excess hair on the bridge of your nose. Modern cosmetology offers different ways solutions to this problem. Your task is to find money, time and choose a method for eliminating unibrows. Well, if all of them do not suit you for some reason, there will be nothing left, how to get rid of them yourself - at home.

Secrets of physiognomy. In some nations, it is believed that the owners of fused eyebrows are strong personalities with a rather complex character, who find it difficult to get along with others.

Home remedies for unibrows

If you have - eyebrows fused at the bridge of the nose, know that tweezers are not your only assistant in this difficult struggle. We will tell you what options you have in your arsenal and what to do with this problem.

  • Treatment

First, find out the reason why you have unibrows. If it concerns hormonal background and health status, be sure to get treated.

  • Plucking

One of the most popular ways to separate unibrows is to pluck unwanted hairs on the bridge of your nose with special tweezers or tweezers. The procedure is not pleasant, because it causes pain. In order to somehow alleviate it, it is recommended to apply a cloth soaked in hot water to this place 5 minutes before plucking (so that the skin can tolerate it). The advantage is that anyone can handle it. However, this will need to be repeated regularly, as the hairs will grow back again and again.

  • Waxing

Now pharmacies sell special wax strips, with the help of which unwanted hairs are removed from the root. There are similar stencils for fused eyebrows. Acquire - do hair removal according to a certain scheme - and enjoy all the same 2-3 weeks of a carefree life. Instructions for use are simple: everyone can handle the procedure.

  1. When buying wax, be literate. Avoid cold product: it often causes irritation, can break off the hair and needs to be finalized with tweezers. Whereas hot wax adheres to the skin very tightly, which means that it fully removes hairs. And it has a more gentle effect on the skin.
  2. Degrease the treated area.
  3. Apply talcum powder to it with the pad of your finger.
  4. To apply wax to the area of ​​the fused eyebrow, use a cuticle nail stick. Take some wax on it and apply it in the direction of hair growth from the center of the bridge of the nose to the intended beginning of the eyebrows.
  5. press down index fingers applied wax so that it properly adheres to the hairs.
  6. Wait for the stickiness to disappear, but do not allow the wax to cool.
  7. Rip the wax against the direction of eyebrow growth.
  8. If not all hairs can be removed, the procedure will have to be repeated.
  9. Reapply talcum powder to the eyebrows, which has a cooling and soothing effect on the skin.

However, it unibrow waxing not recommended by experts. Wax is good for large areas, as small areas (such as the bridge of the nose) run the risk of hurting and damaging healthy hairs. Also, be aware that it hurts a lot.

  • Hair removal with a razor

A painless and quick procedure to remove unibrows. The problem area is lubricated special cream for shaving, and then you need to walk on it with a machine tool. However, there are some nuances here that it is advisable to take into account even before the start of hair removal.

  1. Standard razors (even women's razors) are very wide for the small area between the eyebrows to be shaved. So you will need maximum accuracy and precision.
  2. Danger number 1: you can get hurt. And then, instead of fused eyebrows, an unpleasant scratch from the machine will show off on your face.
  3. Danger number 2: a wide blade can accidentally shave off excess pieces from the eyebrows, significantly shortening them or making them uneven.
  4. The disadvantage of the method: the hairs after shaving will grow back very quickly. Much faster than after plucking. Not only that - they will gradually become darker and thicker.

Shave fused eyebrows with a machine- the procedure is fast, but not of high quality. It requires constant repetition (every 2-3 days). In addition, it often causes severe irritation on the skin.

Now you know several ways to remove a fused eyebrow: choose any one for yourself and start acting. Home procedures have one big minus compared to salon ones: they give a result that is too short-lived (for a maximum of 2-3 weeks). After that, everything has to be repeated from the very beginning. If epilation is too much pain for you, you can try painless discoloration masks.

Masks from fused eyebrows to help

To unibrows in girls were not visible, they use masks that bleach the hairs. On the one hand, this is a way out. After all, you do not need to endure pain when plucking. On the other hand, at close range, even lightened hairs will be visible. Yes, and they will have to be discolored regularly, otherwise the regrown roots will be conspicuous and look vulgar. The proportions in the recipes are given large enough to last for several times. You can make bleaching lotions on the bridge of your nose at least every day, as long as there is no irritation on the skin, because most of the ingredients are aggressive for the epidermis.

  • Cinnamon

Honey (2 s.l.), olive oil(as much) heat up, mix. Add 2 s. l. cinnamon powder and hair conditioner.

  • Honey

Honey (2 s.l.), Coconut oil(1 tbsp) warm up, mix. Add 2 s. l. banana puree.

  • Lemon

Mix lemon juice (a glass) with any hair conditioner (half a glass). Beat with a mixer, leave for 15 minutes.

  • Kefir

Mix kefir (half a glass), brandy (2 tablespoons), hair balm (1 teaspoon), yolk, lemon juice(2 s. l.).

  • Chamomile

Dry flowers chamomile(25 gr) brew with boiling water (a glass), leave for 30 minutes. Add honey (3 tablespoons), lemon juice (2 tablespoons).

  • Rhubarb for brunettes

Mix lemon juice (a glass), chamomile decoction (2 cups), rhubarb decoction (2 cups), Apple vinegar(1 tsp), honey (50 ml), vodka (the same amount).

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