What do you need to do to make a man value you? What needs to be done to make husbands want their wives - the best conspiracies

In the life of every couple, an unpleasant situation in the form of adultery may arise during their life together. According to statistics, men cheat more often. And naturally, many women ask the question: “What needs to be done to prevent my husband from cheating.”

First of all, when solving the problem of male infidelity, it is necessary to determine why such an event took place. There are several main reasons for male infidelity. The most important thing is the polygamy of men, who simply by nature cannot have one woman. They are males and need to win new females.

How to stop your husband from cheating

If infidelity is only a manifestation of a natural essence. A woman should reconsider herself, which means working on her own image; maybe it’s worth thinking about changing her hairstyle, updating her wardrobe, changing her attitude towards her husband, so that he doesn’t even have the thought of looking towards other representatives of the fair sex.

The next reason, which also often leads to a husband’s infidelity, is the emergence of a feeling of discomfort for a man in the family. This may be due to the lack of the required amount of attention to the husband from the wife. The reasons for this may be hidden in the fatigue of the woman, who “pulls” the entire household life, or the problem may be in the poor health of the wife. A man is more “thick-skinned” and is not always ready to understand a woman; for him such problems are petty. And a woman should show wisdom and patience in order to try not to lead the matter to a scandal. What should you do to prevent your husband from cheating when he begins to feel discomfort? Just try to give him the right feeling of comfort and coziness.

A man is a small, capricious child who requires increased attention. A woman, if she is wise enough, will be able to understand this and adjust in such a way as to satisfy her husband, but at the same time not infringe on herself.

Another reason that almost always causes a break in a relationship is real love or apparent love. If a man meets a woman whom he loves, then most likely he will decide to leave the family. What should I do to prevent my husband from cheating? Just try to let him go. Let him try to live with his new chosen one. The new passion seems ideal to him until the start of joint farming.

Love spell to keep your husband from cheating and being faithful

After all, there are no ideal people. And every new woman will have shortcomings that can ultimately lead to another betrayal. There is popular wisdom that the best way to get a person back is to give him complete freedom of action. It is likely that the flared passion will cool down very soon, and the new mistress will in fact not be as necessary as she seemed when she was solely in the status of a mistress.

Along with psychological ways of how to prevent your husband from cheating, magical methods of solving this women’s problem have recently appeared. Very often, a woman who wants to save her family and simply loves her husband is ready to take any measures in order to prevent his infidelity. Often, love spells and conspiracies are used in parallel with psychological and behavioral methods.

A conspiracy to prevent your husband from cheating

It has multiple forms, among which there are very simple ones in the form of spells about water or a candle, while most of the common and popular spells do not require a woman to turn to fortune-tellers or psychics. In most cases, it is enough to simply learn the words of the conspiracy against your husband’s infidelity and, following a certain sequence of actions using the objects required in the ritual, pronounce these words.

In addition to conspiracies, there is a love spell to prevent a husband from cheating, the purpose of which is not just to prevent cheating, but to perform a certain ritual of actions to attract the husband’s attention exclusively to his wife. After performing a love spell, the husband will stop not only looking in the direction of other women, but even noticing them. Since love spells are considered more complex magical manipulations, their execution may require various objects that sometimes seem strange, for example, dry branches or multi-colored woolen threads. When casting a love spell, a specific spell is also cast.

If a woman does not believe in the power of love spells or conspiracies, then in the case of adultery and the absence of an effective effect of simple actions, there is a prayer so that the husband does not cheat. A bright prayer to the heavenly father is a sinless way, from the point of view of the church, to admonish a husband who has taken the wrong path. God will help protect a man from the desire to cheat, commit adultery and fornicate.

Most often, the prayer is read to the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary or St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The only important point is to read the prayer on the full moon.

There are many ways to get your husband back or stop him from cheating again. And if a woman truly loves and wants to save her family, then she will do everything possible to prevent her husband from cheating.

Divorces are quite common these days. Moreover, a few years ago the statistics were completely disappointing: approximately 50% of couples separated. Many different reasons are to blame for this state of affairs, including a lack of respect between people. We will talk about this in this article. We are most interested in the question of how to make a husband respect his wife. The answer is below.

What does it mean to respect?

Respect presupposes that a person’s opinion is listened to, he is valued in all the diversity of existence: he is attentive to desires, needs, tastes and needs.

It must be said right away that you cannot ask the question: “How to make a husband respect his wife?” This is an incorrect, fundamentally incorrect formulation. Respect can only be earned, it cannot be obtained by force.

Why does the problem of disrespect arise?

In general, when people have already reached the registry office, it is a little late to think and analyze the relationship. The fact is that they have already taken shape, which means that a man and a woman at least built them. The white dress and the cries of “bitter” are inevitably followed, like a hangover after a party, by the usual marital routine.

80% of the time of all married couples passes in her space. People get tired at work, become inattentive to each other, and it seems that they stop respecting each other. Spouses perceive each other instrumentally: the husband's wife as a “bad or good earning machine,” and the husband as a “food processor.” Indeed, it’s time to ask yourself the question: “How to make a husband respect his wife?” We analyze in detail possible solutions to this, needless to say, difficult task.

Women's illusion number one: “He will change”

Now lovely ladies will protest and say that people change, etc., that their friends had real cases (friends will always have evidence of anything).

All this concerns us, because it is very important to understand when a husband began to treat a woman without due respect. If this was still during the candy-bouquet period, then there is nothing left to do but congratulate the woman, because her husband, in principle, never respected her. This means that now asking how to force a husband to respect his wife is pointless, because it was necessary to look much earlier at whom she chooses as her life partner.

By the way, this is why the divorce rate is so high. People begin to see the light, and do not want to prolong their suffering, and break up. The psychologist here can only advise one thing (if he is honest): run without looking back. It will only get worse: assault and other “joys” of an average marriage.

If the alienation between people came along with the marital routine. What to do?

But sometimes it happens that people deteriorate over the course of their lives and become cold and indifferent. And of course, a woman in despair asks herself: “How to make a husband respect and appreciate his wife?!”

First of all, there is no need to panic.

Secondly, you should analyze the current situation and answer two questions:

  1. What happened?
  2. What happened?

Simply put, you need to understand why it used to be so good, but now it has become so bad. It is necessary to compare the situations before and after marriage, identify the causes and begin to eliminate them.

For example, a girl asks herself the question: “How to make a husband love and respect his wife?” During the simple operation that we described just above, the wife understands: she is not sinless.

The woman began to have a consumerist attitude towards her husband, as A. B. Pugacheva sang: “Instead of affection, you hear barking. Just give her the money." If this is the case, then the woman needs to be more attentive to her husband and try to somehow correct the situation. The problem is that such women do not see any flaw in themselves. To summarize, we can say this: you need to inspect your everyday life and identify weak points in it, then try to eliminate them to the best of your ability.

Talk can solve almost any problem

In addition to the previous point: a woman should not analyze and eliminate the problems of living together alone. I would not like to scare anyone, but marriage is a common matter. And if problems arise, they need to be solved together.

In this case, conversation is an indispensable tool. Simply put, it is worth discussing the current state of affairs with those who are directly interested in it. Unfortunately, most people are not used to talking to each other about their problems. They think this is a sign of decline and loss of love. But that's not true. Love is work. In automatic mode, feelings will not last long and will soon disappear.

To summarize this section, we can say the following. Of course, a soul specialist can try to solve the problem under the general title “How to make a husband respect his wife.” A psychologist's advice can be very varied, depending on the situation, but they all boil down, in essence, to one thing: people should talk to each other and discuss their problems.

By the way, for many Russian and foreign couples, a substantive conversation about the crisis of family relationships is a serious undertaking, because they are even willing to pay a psychologist to conduct family counseling with them. And only at a session, in the presence of a third person, can people express certain complaints to each other.

When everything is fine, but there is still no warmth

If you have tried all the previous methods in good faith, but the situation has changed little, then there is nothing particularly consoling here. Perhaps the love has passed, and there is hardly anything that can be done about it. Before that, the article turned out to be somewhat abstract.

It may seem a little strange to some that, answering the question of how to make a husband respect his wife, psychology can only offer conversations and conversations as a solution. But, unfortunately, this is so. We are not looking for easy ways here and do not seek to deceive the reader; our task is to honestly answer the request.

And, nevertheless, we will still try to give some specific recommendations.

A husband's respect for his wife disappears in several main cases:

  1. When a wife “goes down”, i.e. stops taking care of himself and gets outrageously fat. In short, a lot of things can happen, but the result is the same: she ceases to be attractive to her husband. The consequences are sad: sexual interest disappears, then respect, then love. What should I do? Take care of yourself, play sports and win back your husband’s affection.
  2. The wife does not work, but at the same time she gives various valuable instructions on how the husband should work, how to live, and so on. It is more difficult here than with physical defects, since this is a problem of the psychological type of a woman. Such ladies consider themselves perfect and take good and even servile attitude for granted. There is only one solution: get a job and show your husband that the woman is an independent person. We guarantee: if this is the problem, respect will return.
  3. "Sawing." The third specific reason for loss of respect is constant complaints, sometimes arising out of nowhere. We will not go into details here; the reader will probably understand what we are talking about. This group of reasons is the most complex. The phenomenon of “sawing” stems from a woman’s general dissatisfaction with life. How to deal with this? It's hard to say. There are two ways: either talk a lot with your husband, or often consult a specialist. In this case, there is no need to take your husband to see a psychologist, because these are the woman’s personal problems.

Can fortune tellers help solve the problem?

You need to understand a simple thing: fortune tellers are the same as psychologists, only they also have a selfish aspect. Their main task is to convince the client that he is deeply unhappy, and only a psychic has the keys to a better life.

When answering the question of how to force a husband to respect his wife, a conspiracy should not be considered as a possible solution. Because turning to fortune tellers perpetuates the vicious practice according to which a person is always looking for those to blame, although in search of reasons he should rather look into himself or analyze general relationship problems. Only very lazy and extremely uneducated people can believe that psychics and fortune tellers can make their lives better with the wave of a magic wand.

We hope our reader will have enough education and intelligence to take advantage of what the science of psychology offers, namely, to explore their relationships, analyze the situation and constantly discuss emerging problems with their life partner. Believe me, you simply cannot find a better solution.

Having lived together for many years, people become very accustomed to each other. No, a state of comfort and stability is, of course, good. It’s bad when a husband stops appreciating a woman and taking her presence nearby for granted. How to make a husband afraid of losing his wife? The answer to this question is quite complicated, since everything is individual in each individual case. Despite this, there are some simple general tips that apply to almost every married couple.

Love yourself

Dear women, remember: self-sacrifice has long been out of fashion, especially in the love sphere. The more you protect your spouse from everyday life, shouldering all the responsibilities on your fragile shoulders, the more he will move away from you. Think for yourself: is it really pleasant for him to come home and see his tired, half-asleep wife with a downcast look? Of course not. If you don't know and are afraid of losing your wife, the first thing you must do is. so this And as a result - spend more time on yourself - charming and attractive.

The husband will immediately pay attention when the wife starts dressing beautifully, doing new hairstyles, and visiting a manicure salon. To whet his interest, often spin in front of the mirror in the evening, smiling mysteriously. In the morning, when getting dressed for work, also spend a lot of time admiring your reflection. Don’t forget to ask your spouse if you look good today and how he likes your appearance. Believe me, this is one of the most effective ways to make a husband afraid of losing his wife.


Men like to repeat that they are alpha males, hunters, conquerors and masters of this life. There is some truth in this. Therefore, play this entertaining game with him: arrange something like a hunt for him, where you are the trophy. Your actions are simple: flirt in front of him with other representatives of the stronger sex, talk about them, admire other people's achievements and appearance. Believe me, even the coldest spouse will perk up. He will look at you with different eyes, afraid that he might lose you forever.

And vice versa. Remain indifferent to his flirting - this will hurt the man and give him reason to think. When thinking about what to do to make your husband afraid of losing his wife, remember: when was the last time you read a book? Self-development is the hobby that is worth betting on. Perhaps your husband stopped paying attention because of a banal reason: he is not interested in you. Therefore, become new - find unusual activities to your liking, interesting hobbies, read a lot, be knowledgeable in various issues and learn to speak on any topic.


Why not. Take it and come home with a gorgeous bouquet. When asked who gave it, smile mysteriously and answer: a fan. Or just shrug it off, arranging flowers in the best vase. This will not only make him jealous. Such an act will cause a flurry of emotions. A man, feeling a rival, even a conditional one, will try to oust him, so he will begin to pay more attention to his wife and spend time with her. And this is exactly what we need.

How to make a husband afraid of losing his wife? Keep intriguing. For example, often “rummage” through your mobile phone, as if re-reading someone else’s messages. And don’t forget to smile mysteriously - this is your main weapon. When watching a film, pay your spouse’s attention to the main character: how handsome, well-groomed, athletic, fit he is, and so on. At the end, summarize that these are the types of men you like, excite your fantasy and arouse sexual desire. The last saying about physical attraction will be a test shot.

Experts are sure: even if a spouse has completely devalued the relationship, he will try to avoid situations that threaten divorce. But there is one “but”: he does this on a subconscious level, unconsciously. Therefore, when a professional is asked the question of how to make a husband afraid of losing his wife, the psychologist’s advice sounds like this: tell him about it directly. Don’t give any ultimatums - men don’t like them. Just say that your feelings begin to cool when they are not warmed up. This will hit his pride and the man will be scared.

Psychologists also give two more important pieces of advice. First, give him the right to your territory. Let him meet with friends, go to football games and go fishing. There is no need to intrusively control and poke your nose into all men's affairs. Second, share his hobbies. No, you don't have to go to the stadium. But you need to give him the opportunity to watch the match at home by giving up his favorite TV series. A man will appreciate this and be afraid of losing such an intelligent and understanding wife.

Help magic

Often women turn to otherworldly forces, not knowing how to make their husband afraid of losing his wife. Magic, they believe, will help consolidate the results obtained after using the other methods mentioned above. I present a popular ritual that is easy to use and does not require large expenses. It's called "Candle for a Loved One." To do this, buy a white candle in the temple, anoint it with any aromatic oil, while thinking about your spouse. On paper, write your wish: “I want my husband to be jealous and afraid of losing me.” Place a candle in a candlestick on a scribbled piece of paper.

Looking at the flame, you replay your dream in your head and imagine how it comes true. Whisper the appropriate words. What kind of phrases these will be - you decide for yourself. The main thing is that they are sincere, heartfelt and come from the heart. Then you burn a piece of paper with a wish over the candle, and scatter the ashes in the wind. This is one of the strategy options - how to make a husband afraid of losing his wife. The conspiracy can be carried out for another purpose, only different candles are used for this: yellow - to calm jealousy, red - to evoke love, blue - to get rid of problems, green - to gain well-being.

What do men themselves think?

Representatives of the stronger sex have their own answer to the question of how to make a husband jealous and afraid of losing his wife. It’s worth listening to them, because who, if not the men themselves, know the psychology of their own kind. Firstly, according to their advice, you need to spend a certain amount of time separately, pursuing your personal interests. This buffer time zone is a great break from each other, a period when you can get bored. Secondly, there is no need to pester your spouse with questions about where he was and with whom. He will tell you himself if he deems it necessary. By being tactful, you will become the most desirable to your husband. After all, men love it so much when they are understood.

Thirdly, your spouse will be afraid of losing you if he feels some freedom of desires in the relationship. That is, if he doesn’t want to go to the store today, don’t force him. Coercion is a direct path to making your loved one angry and moving away from you. And fourthly, don’t be jealous yourself. Trust your partner and don’t make a loud scene just because he’s staring at a young waitress. In order for your husband to appreciate, love and cherish you, do not be selfish, subordinating him only to your own interests and desires.

How to make a husband afraid of losing his wife, you are now aware. Finally, it won’t hurt you to know those negative aspects that, on the contrary, can destroy even the strongest relationships. Remember: men lose interest in a girl who puts him on top of the pedestal, becoming a submissive slave. They quickly cool down if constantly scandalous scenes with tears and screams are arranged for them. They also do not forgive violations of their personal space, treating themselves like a child, lack of passion and love, neglect, betrayal and disrespect. To maintain a relationship, a wife also needs to take care of her appearance, take care of herself and smile more often.

Don't forget: some men aren't jealous because they're not interested in you. But only because this is their strategy, behavior model or life principle. Remember the terrible jealous people who go into a rage just because a woman looked at another man. Therefore, the complete absence of jealousy is better than its constant dominance in a relationship.

In a happy marriage, both husband and wife are happy. What is the key to family happiness? Of course, the happiness of both is equal. And the task of each spouse is to ensure the happiness of the other. In this article we will talk about how to make your husband happy, since this is our main task.

It is interesting that in different religions the ways to solve this problem are defined differently. Let us consider, for the sake of interest and for general development, the 15 Islamic commandments on how to achieve the outlined goal.

1. Always greet your husband with joy

A man often has to leave his family when going on business trips related to work or education. To make the happy moments of your return more pleasant, do not hide your joy when you meet, greet your husband tenderly, wear beautiful and clean clothes, perfume and cosmetics will also not hurt; start with good news, postponing the unpleasant ones until he has rested; let him feel that you were waiting for him and missed him greatly; do everything possible to ensure that everything is cleaned up by the time he arrives and that hot, delicious food is waiting on the table.

2. Talk to him gently and kindly

3. Always be in great shape

To do this, watch your figure and body; wear beautiful dresses, wear the best perfume; try not to let your husband see you in dirty clothes, without a hairstyle and unkempt; avoid prohibited types of jewelry, such as tattoos; wear the dresses that your husband likes best; the same goes for the color of clothes, hairstyles and perfume.

4. Don’t deny him intimate relationships.

For close relationships, try to choose the right time when he is not tired, make sure that your body is clean and has a pleasant smell.

5. Be content with what is given by nature

You should not be upset if your husband is poor or works in a simple job: look at the poor, sick and people with physical disabilities, remember the Lord and thank Him for giving health and prosperity; remember that true wealth is having faith and following the true path.

6. Try to be indifferent to worldly goods

Do not consider this world to be the center of concentration of all your hopes and interests, do not demand that your husband purchase expensive trinkets, help him reduce expenses and save money in order to give alms and feed the poor and needy. Do not spend his money without his permission, even on alms, especially if you are not sure that he will approve of this spending. In your husband's absence, take care of your house, car and other property. However, to be indifferent to worldly goods does not mean to turn away from the joys of life. But at the same time, you must look into the future, realizing that there will be a next life...

7. Appreciate your husband’s care and be grateful to him

Most of the inhabitants of Hell are ungrateful women who do not appreciate the kindness shown towards them. If you are grateful to your husband, he will rejoice, love you and try to do as much pleasure as possible. In case of ingratitude, the husband will be disappointed and ask himself: “Why would I do good to her if she will never appreciate it anyway?”

8. Be faithful and devoted to your husband

Be especially devoted to your husband at a time when it is difficult for him (health or work problems), support him with all available means, including money or your property, if necessary.

9. Be flexible

Do whatever your husband tells you, if it is within the limits of what is permitted. Remember: the head of the family is the husband, and the wife is an assistant and adviser.

10. Calm your husband down if he’s not in the mood.

Try to avoid anything that may cause his anger, but if you still cannot avoid it, try to calm him down: if you are guilty, apologize. If he is to blame, then be calm, do not lead to a quarrel. Wait until he calms down and then calmly discuss the problem with him. If he is angry for any reason not concerning the family, then remain silent until his anger passes; try to find excuses for him, for example: he is tired, problems at work, someone offended him. Don't ask too many questions, insisting that he tell you what happened, especially in harsh terms, such as: “You have to tell me what happened!”, “I have to know what made you angry!” or “You are hiding something, and I have the right to know it!”

11. In the absence of your husband, take care of yourself and the honor of your family.

Avoid any forbidden relationships with other people. Keep family secrets secret, especially those related to close relationships and things that your husband does not want to tell other people about. Husband and wife must keep everything that happens in their personal lives secret. Their personal life and family secrets should not be the subject of discussion in conversations with friends and girlfriends.

12. Take care of the home and children

Take care of your husband's money and property. Be kind and affectionate with your parents and in-laws. Make sure your children are always well-groomed, clean and well-fed. Take care of their health, education and good manners. And, of course, teach your children the necessary knowledge.

13. Respect your husband's family and friends

You should warmly welcome your husband's guests and try to please them, especially his parents. You should try as much as possible to avoid problems with his relatives. You must make every effort to avoid a situation where he would have to choose between his wife and mother. Call his parents and sisters, write them letters, buy gifts, help them in difficult situations.

14. Be patient and provide moral support to your husband.

Be patient even if you are poor or going through a difficult situation. In problems and difficulties that may happen to you, your husband or children, relatives or property, be persistent and patient. When your husband treats you unfairly, respond to his bad deed with a good deed.

15. Make your home cozy and comfortable

Keep your home clean, decorate it with flowers and furnish it with beautiful furniture. From time to time, to avoid monotony, change the decor in your home. Prepare delicious and healthy food. Learn everything you need to do well in housekeeping. However, in order for a family to develop relationships full of love and harmony, love and understanding on the part of the husband are also needed.

Incredible facts

How to turn a man's head and make him fall madly in love with you? Surely every woman has asked this question at least once in her life.

But the surest way is to make a man miss you madly. This is exactly what psychologists say.

How to turn his head

“Absence makes the heart grow fonder,” says the old saying. And it is true. If you want the man you like to go crazy over you, first of all, make him really bored. Let him feel that you are terribly missed.

He may be your husband or a friend whom you are madly in love with; he could be an ex-boyfriend you want to get back together with; or he is your new acquaintance with whom you want to build a strong relationship - in other words, if your goal is to be with this man, let him miss you thoroughly.

How to make a man miss you

There are several ways to do this. First of all, remember that you need to do this playfully, easily and beautifully.

So, no matter who the object of your affection is, follow these fifteen correct steps. Make him miss you!

1. Stop communicating with him

When you miss someone, you will agree that it is difficult to voluntarily refuse to communicate with this person.

It is quite natural that you have a need for daily communication, sometimes even spending hours on the phone or chatting.

But if you want a man to really start missing you, you have to “leave.” Don’t call him, don’t write messages, and even more so, don’t flood him with these messages on social networks.

Just disappear!

If you constantly appear in his life, it is quite reasonable and natural that he simply does not have time to miss you. Let the man understand that he misses you, let him feel that he feels bad without you.

Most likely, when you stop contacting him, calling or writing, the object of your affection will wonder where you are, and what’s wrong with you, and why you suddenly disappeared.

So, rule one - evaporate, stop contacting, disappear from his life. This is a very difficult task for women because they like to constantly communicate with men who are not indifferent to them.

It is much easier for a man to endure separation, but even despite this, most likely, if he is not indifferent to a woman, very soon he will begin to miss her. Therefore, if you want to hook a man, be sure to try this tactic!

2. Make him wait

If you are like most women, then you have an irresistible desire to answer his calls and texts with lightning speed.

When your crush calls or texts you, your first reaction is to respond immediately, especially if you've been waiting a long time for him to show up. This is the main mistake of most representatives of the fair sex.

Do you really think that if you make him wait too long, he will disappear or lose interest in you? This is definitely not the case. So what's the result? You respond to his message or call with lightning speed.

But at this moment a man may get the feeling that you are just sitting by your phone, waiting for him to deign to remember you. And he guesses correctly!

Remember that men are hunters at their core; they like to pursue a woman. By answering him at the speed of light, you simplify this very hunt. He simply becomes uninterested. After all, you are an easy prey for him.

Therefore, wait a break, take a walk, go to the store, meet your friends, or just watch your favorite movie, and only after that answer a call or message.

To some, these little games will seem too stupid, funny and funny, but such simple tricks really work, they make a man think about you and get bored. Therefore, patience will help you when it comes to answering a call or message as quickly as possible.

How to interest a man

3. Always end the conversation first

So, the man of your dreams called you, and you, after waiting for some time (see the second point above), finally answered him.

This is where rule #2 comes into play: you should always be the first to end a conversation. Try to be the first to write “see you tomorrow,” “good night,” or other phrases that mean goodbye.

Make sure you hang up first or send a goodnight text. The purpose of this trick is to make him want more.

As a rule, it is a woman’s inaccessibility that plays a key role in a man’s desire to possess her. Remember that by nature men are hunters, and everything that is difficult for them to reach automatically arouses their interest.

And although it is always very difficult to end a conversation first, because if you like a man and want to communicate with him for as long as possible, be sure to do this. Believe me, this is how you ignite his desire and make him want you more.

Most likely, the man will soon want to contact you again, and you will have another chance to communicate, but the communication will already take place on the initiative of the man himself.

How to attract a man's attention

To interest a man, a woman needs a slight aura of mystery around herself. Excessive activity on social networks quickly and surely destroys this mystery, making your life accessible to everyone.

Putting your personal life on public display has long ceased to be something strange and unusual.

But if you're too active on social media, it may not work in your favor when it comes to dating a man.

Advice to modern girls would be the following: do not update your statuses too often, limit the number of photos you share, and, of course, try not to hang out online 24 hours a day.

Many girls, after taking a test or quiz, share their results on Facebook. Should not be doing that. This can be a very annoying factor for all those who are online at that moment.

In addition, there is no need to communicate with your boyfriend on social networks. If he posts a status or posts photos, don't comment or like them.

Try not to immediately look at the messages he sends you. Maintain the image of a person who is too busy to constantly be on social networks, much less wait for a message from a man.

This cold shoulder on your part may seem difficult since he's so cute in that last Instagram photo, but try to follow this advice. So the likelihood that a young man will fall into your love network increases significantly.

5. Choose a scent that will remind a man of you

Have you ever found that a certain smell reminds you of a specific person, place or event?

It could be a light perfume scent that takes you back to a certain time in your life. This happens because our sense of smell is inseparably linked with memory.

For this reason, smells will always be associated with various memories that our brain stores.

If you want a man to miss you, make him remember your scent. Perhaps you should decide on perfume, choose “your” scent and be sure to wear this particular scent when you meet the object of your affection.

Be sure that a man will remember what aroma emanates from you, and every time he smells it, your image will appear before his eyes.

It's also a good idea to spray some perfume near where he lives or his office. But this must be done carefully and discreetly, so that he would never guess that you did it. There is absolutely no point in being intrusive in such a matter.

6. Spice up your relationship with mystery and surprises.

Mystery is attractive, and your boyfriend is no exception.

If you want a man to miss you and miss you, shroud yourself in an aura of mystery. Despite the fact that you can tell a lot about yourself, keep some secrets to yourself; you don’t need to give out all the information about yourself at once.

Is your goal to make a man yearn for you? Then you don't have to share your life story in one sitting.

Remember that guys don't want to know everything about you right away. They are attracted to girls who are mysteries and want to be solved. Few people will like an open book. In fact, this is precisely why many men lose interest in the object of their affection.

Plus, it never hurts to surprise him with your spontaneity. Ask him to do something unexpected. Invite him to an unusual dinner or offer to try something completely new and interesting.

New adventures will always come in handy. A man doesn't like to be bored. You need to keep him in good shape, constantly interest him in something.

If he is interested in being around a girl, then he will definitely miss her when she is not around.

7. Give him something that reminds him of you

It is quite natural that when you like a man, you want your image to flash in his head as often as possible.

There are some tricks by which you can periodically remind yourself. One of these tricks, for example, is something forgotten “accidentally”. But it is thanks to some small detail that your man can remember you.

Surely you have ever cleaned a room and found something that instantly took you back in time to a certain situation. It's amazing how much power an ordinary tiny object can have.

So, the advice would be this: make a point of leaving a small memory of yourself. For example, “forget” your hairpin, scarf or other unimportant thing in the back seat of his car or in his house, at the sight of which he will instantly remember your existence.

When he suddenly sees an earring, a hair clip or your scarf, your image will immediately come to his mind, and he will want to see you even more than before.

However, do not overdo it: for example, you should not leave your toothbrush or other items related to intimate hygiene. Such things will not add an aura of attractiveness to you, and on the contrary, they will undoubtedly cause him to panic.

How to interest a guy

8. Always leave him wanting something more.

Even if you taste something delicious, you will always want another taste.

The same goes for the opposite sex. As mentioned above, by nature, men are hunters and want to possess what they cannot easily get.

Therefore, if you immediately present a man with what he wants on a silver platter, he will quickly lose interest in you. Let him fight for you and know that you will not come easy to him.

You, in turn, be a little flirtatious, flirt, communicate, but do not present everything to him on a silver platter at once.

For example, you definitely shouldn’t allow yourself to be kissed on the first date, let alone a quickie.

Make him conquer and conquer you gradually, step by step. Let your love become his reward, and not a thing that he can easily get with the snap of a finger.

This is the only way he will value you both as a person and as a woman. If you make the path to your heart even a little more difficult, believe me, it will only be a plus for you. A real man will be interested in conquering such a woman.

9. Don't always be too available to him.

Even when you have already won the heart of your man, you should not relax.

But you must admit, it is very difficult to miss a person who is in your field of vision 24 hours a day.

If you are constantly available to your man, believe me, even the strongest feelings can noticeably fade away. If he sees you, or you answer all his phone calls and messages with regular accuracy, he simply will not have time to get bored.

Instead of constantly spending all evenings and weekends together, take a break from each other. Go out sometimes with friends or girlfriends. Take time for yourself.

Thus, you will kill two birds with one stone: you will make a man bored, plus he will realize that in addition to him, you may have other hobbies and interests, which automatically makes a woman more attractive.

In addition, let your man have time for his own affairs.

Don't worry about him enjoying his free time for too long. Your man may like it at first, but eventually he will want to spend time with you. He will start missing the girl he likes.

Give him some personal space and take some personal time for yourself. This will make you appear more confident in your boyfriend's eyes. This way he will understand that you are not clinging to a man, but are a completely independent person.

Guys really like it when the girl they're interested in doesn't just focus on guys.

Believe me, if you start using this strategy, he will soon show up and call you to chat.

10. Spend time with friends, but share happy moments with your man

This tip may be a little contradictory to the previous one. But the main thing here is to catch a subtle nuance: when you spend time separately (for example, with friends), share funny or pleasant moments with your man.

It is very important that he knows and understands that you can be happy and happy without him.

After you spend some time away from your man, he will be happy that you are having a good time without him, however, he will also become jealous.

This can be a great strategy if you want to make a potential partner fall in love with you even more and get him hooked.

Believe me, very soon he will miss you. If he sees how much of a good time you're having, he'll want to be a part of your shared adventure.

Guys are amazing creatures. As soon as they see that the girls are having fun without them, they immediately become more active.

Remember that men love with their eyes. Visual effect is very important to them. Show him something good and beautiful and you will see that he will immediately take the initiative. This will be his next step.