Hot wax burn after depilation, epilation

Wax burn occurs when exposed to too hot molten wax - that is, such a burn is considered exclusively thermal damage. This type of injury has become more widespread with the introduction of waxing, a popular cosmetic procedure. Less often, a burn becomes the result of careless handling of wax candles - for example, when visiting a church or at a New Year's holiday.

ICD-10 code

T20-T32 Thermal and chemical burns


A wax burn is considered a rare complication if the procedure is performed in a beauty salon, where the beautician uses special equipment to control the temperature of the wax.

However, this complication often occurs if depilation is carried out at home, on its own.

If the wax is heated to the desired temperature, then the sensations from the procedure should not cause discomfort, and the skin should not redden, swell and peel off.

Causes of wax burn

Illiterate selection of depilatory products, ignorance or lack of experience in the procedure, ignoring precautions often lead to such an unpleasant consequence as wax burns. When performing the procedure, one should not forget that the wax is heated to high temperatures, which can lead to damage to external tissues (especially if the skin is sensitive - for example, in the armpits, face or bikini area).

A wax burn can damage any skin in any area on the body. Most often, such injuries occur during depilation using hot wax, so it is advisable not to carry out such a procedure on your own, but to contact a competent cosmetologist.

Risk factors

Risk factors for skin burns with wax are:

  • skin sensitive to external influences;
  • ignorance of the rules for the wax depilation procedure;
  • applying for depilation to a person who does not have relevant experience;
  • non-observance of banal safety rules;
  • negligent attitude to the situation when handling hot wax.


When exposed to high temperature, reactions of coagulation of proteins of the surface tissues of the skin begin. Skin cells die, undergoing necrosis processes.

The depth of the skin lesion depends on how hot the temperature of the wax was and how long the skin was in contact with the wax.

As a rule, due to the low melting point, wax burns are not deep: most often the lesion is limited to I-II degrees:

  • I degree - the appearance of persistent redness;
  • II degree - detachment of the epidermis and the appearance of blisters.

Wax burn symptoms

First-degree burns are characterized by the appearance of persistent hyperemia of the affected area of ​​the skin, severe burning pain. There may be swelling. Tissue recovery occurs quickly, within 3-4 days.

Second-degree burns are characterized by the appearance on the background of reddened skin of various sizes of blisters filled with transparent liquid contents. After opening the blisters, small erosions are exposed, which eventually form into a crust. Healing occurs within 1-2 weeks.

Burns of more severe degrees are not typical for wax burns: the melting point of the wax mass is low, and such indicators, fortunately, cannot cause a deep burn of the skin.

The first signs of a wax burn occur almost immediately after thermal exposure: a person feels a sharp or intensely growing pain. With a second-degree burn, blisters may not appear immediately, but only after a few hours: sometimes a soft reddish crust immediately forms instead of blisters.

At the same time, the general condition practically does not suffer: the temperature remains within the normal range, blood pressure does not change.

Burn after waxing

A depilatory burn is a consequence of the use of wax overheated in temperature without preliminary protective treatment of the skin. This often happens when depilation is carried out in inappropriate conditions for this - for example, at home.

Using wax for depilation at home is an inherently unsafe procedure. Any carelessness can lead to undesirable consequences in the form of a burn.

The correct procedure is as follows:

  • wax is heated to t ° about 46-47 ° C, and no more;
  • wax is applied to the skin along the growth of hair follicles;
  • after hardening, the wax strip is removed with a sharp movement, against the growth of hair follicles.

In most cases, wax burns are red spots that are painful to the touch. If bubbles or a crust form on the surface, it is better to consult a doctor.

Face burn with wax

If you use wax for facial depilation on your own, at home, then it is better to use cold or low-temperature wax, which does not have a thermal effect on the skin and does not injure the superficially located tiny vessels.

Hot wax is often used by professionals in beauty salons, as it is very important to warm it up correctly, carefully controlling the temperature. Using hot wax on your own at home, or from dubious craftsmen, you risk getting burned - after all, wax is easy to overheat, and you should work with a hot product as quickly as possible (which requires certain skills).

Additional factors that contribute to the traumatization of the skin on the face during waxing are:

  • scratches, acne on the face;
  • fresh tan.

Sometimes allergic manifestations on the skin of the face are mistaken for a wax burn. Therefore, before carrying out the procedure, make sure that you are not allergic to the selected depilatory product.


A wax burn wound heals in several stages:

  1. The stage of purulent necrosis, during which the fluid inside the blister becomes cloudy. The skin at the site of the lesion may acquire a more intense red color. If the blisters have merged and become very large, then they are opened to release the purulent fluid.
  2. The granulation stage, in which the blisters dry up, and in their place, skin restoration begins. At this stage, it is very important to prevent infection from entering the affected surface.
  3. The stage of epithelialization is characterized by the final tightening of the wound surface and the formation of scar tissue (or without it).


Burns according to their etiology can be:

  • thermal (arising after contact with high temperature);
  • electrical (which occur when in contact with an electric current or when struck by lightning);
  • chemical (develops when exposed to chemical agents);
  • radiation (damage due to radiation).

Wax burn belongs to the thermal type of burn lesions, as it occurs after contact with a hot viscous substance - a wax mass.

Complications and consequences

Wax burns, fortunately, are usually shallow, so this injury does not cause serious consequences. However, the appearance of aesthetic defects on the skin is possible - for example, the appearance of age spots or small scarring.

At the stage of opening blisters, there is a considerable risk of infection in the wound, so measures must be taken in order to avoid infection. In no case should you perform an autopsy yourself: this procedure is performed under aseptic conditions, using a sterile needle. Further treatment should consist of the use of external healing and disinfectants prescribed by the doctor.

Wax burn diagnostics

Diagnosis of a wax burn is based on the detection of signs of damage to capillaries and nerve endings. As a rule, this is not difficult: reddening of the skin is noted, the sensitivity of the affected skin to pain is preserved.

Analyzes may be needed only in order to exclude infection from entering the body. For this, a general blood test is prescribed.

Instrumental diagnostics for superficial wax burns is usually not used.

Differential Diagnosis

Differential diagnosis is carried out with more severe skin lesions:

  • with superficial burns, only reddening of the skin or blistering is observed;
  • with a degree IIIa lesion, a thin superficial brownish or gray eschar is formed.

In some cases, a superficial wax burn should be distinguished from an allergic reaction to the wax mass. With allergies, as a rule, in addition to redness, there is itching, swelling, skin rashes like urticaria.

Wax burn treatment

It is necessary to start treating a burn with wax as soon as the first symptoms of tissue damage appear, namely: reddening of the skin, burning pain, swelling. If you delay with the provision of first aid, then the risk of infection and the development of complications increases.

As a first aid, you can use the following tools, which are often available in any home first aid kit:

  • ointments - Levomekol, Bepanten, Argosulfan;
  • spray Panthenol.

The ointments listed above are practically devoid of side effects, except that the development of allergies is occasionally observed. The action of ointments and sprays begins immediately after application: such preparations are multicomponent and easy to use.

If blisters form, it slows down tissue repair. In this situation, antimicrobial external preparations can help:

  • Tetracycline ointment;
  • Streptocid ointment;
  • combined products - Rescuer balm, Boro-plus ointment;
  • ointment Baneocin (a combination of neomycin and bacitracin).

The frequency of application of ointments is 2-4 times a day. Alcohols should not be used for treatment - they dry out inflamed skin and increase irritation. Also, you can not pierce blisters on your own - this can lead to infection of the wound and the development of inflammation. Such a procedure should be carried out by a doctor in an aseptic setting.

Medicines for wax burns

Method of application and dosage

Side effects

Panthenol spray

The spray is evenly sprayed over the affected skin surface, 1-4 times a day.

Sometimes an allergy can develop in the form of itching, a rash such as urticaria.


The ointment is applied to the burn site from the first day of injury to the fourth day, twice a day.

Rarely, Levomekol can cause allergies.

Balm Rescuer

The balm is applied to a dry wound, 2-3 times a day.

The drug can cause allergies, rarely - exacerbation of inflammation.

Ointment Bepanten

The ointment is applied to the skin injured by a burn 1-2 times a day.

It is extremely rare - in isolated cases - the development of an allergy is possible.


The ointment is applied under the bandage, 2-3 times a day.

Sometimes there is dryness, allergic skin rash, redness.

Physiotherapy treatment

There is no urgent need to connect physiotherapy during the treatment of burns with wax. However, if necessary, to eliminate pain and accelerate tissue repair, such methods can be used.

The following physiotherapy procedures are most preferred:

  • electrical stimulation using Hivamat equipment (a session lasts an average of 15 minutes, 14 sessions are expected per course);
  • franklinization (session lasts 15 minutes, the course consists of daily sessions for several weeks);
  • ultraviolet irradiation with suberythemal doses using Melita equipment (apply about 10 sessions every other day);
  • pulsed low-frequency magnetotherapy using Polymag equipment (a session lasts about half an hour, the treatment course involves 15 sessions with a frequency of once every two days);
  • helium-neon laser therapy (a session lasts an average of 15 minutes, 20 sessions are expected per course with a frequency of every other day).

Alternative treatment

There are many folk recipes for the treatment of burns with wax. Most of them quickly heal the burn, keeping the skin clean and healthy.

  • Ointment for burns with wax: for its preparation you will need 20 g of beeswax, 200 ml of any vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. fat cream, 1 raw yolk. We heat the oil, melt the wax in it. The resulting mass is cooled to body temperature. We mix the remaining ingredients into the mass and place the finished ointment in the refrigerator. Use for wax burns daily, 4 times a day.
  • Ointment for burns with blisters: for preparation you will need 100 g of internal fat and 20 g of propolis. We melt the fat with a water bath, dilute propolis in it and keep it on fire for 30 minutes, stirring constantly. The resulting mass is cooled and stored in the refrigerator. This ointment can be used for any type of burn with blisters.

Another folk remedy is tooth powder. We mix one teaspoon of the powder with a small amount of water to a thick slurry and apply a thick layer of wax to the burn site. Such a simple method will help to quickly relieve pain and prevent the formation of blisters.

Herbal treatment

For wax burns, you can use the juice of the lower leaves of houseplants, kolanchoe or aloe, without restrictions. The juice can be used as a poultice, simply applied to the affected skin, or mixed with honey and applied as an ointment.

In addition, you can prepare a mixture based on St. John's wort and olive oil in advance. Half a glass of dry chopped St. John's wort is poured into warm, heated oil (200 ml) and left to infuse for 3 weeks in a dark place. Next, we filter the medicine and use it to lubricate the affected areas on the skin.

Burdock rhizome ointment is effective to prevent the appearance of scars and age spots. To prepare the ointment, we need: 2 tbsp. l. chopped burdock rhizome, 400 ml of boiling water and high-quality butter. Burdock rhizome is poured into water and boiled until the water in the saucepan is half as much. From the resulting broth we prepare an ointment, adhering to the proportion - 1 teaspoon of broth to 4 parts of butter. The resulting ointment is stored in the refrigerator, using during the day as needed.


Among all the homeopathic medicines that can be purchased today in pharmacies, the most common are the preparations of the German company Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH. For wax burns, in particular, the following homeopathic remedies are suitable:

  • Abropernol - usually prescribed 1 tablet under the tongue three times a day.
  • Arnica Salbe Heel S - in the morning or at night, apply an ointment to the affected areas of the skin. At the initial stage of the burn, the ointment can be applied under a bandage.
  • Calendula Salbe Heel C - in the morning and at night (sometimes more frequent use is allowed) is applied to the affected areas of the skin, it can be under a bandage.
  • Sulfur-Heel - standardly prescribed under the tongue 1 tablet three times a day.

Side effects when using homeopathic remedies are rare - basically, it can be an allergic reaction to a separate component of the drug.

Surgical treatment

Operative treatments for wax burns are practically not carried out, since such injuries in the vast majority of cases are superficial and heal on their own, without requiring surgical intervention.


Hair removal with wax is a fairly common procedure. However, waxing can be dangerous - after all, with improper preparation, there is a high risk of burns. In order to avoid trouble, when carrying out the procedure yourself, it is recommended to use warm or special cold wax.

Hot wax hair removal is a salon method that only experienced masters decide on - keep this in mind.

  • Wax should be heated with strict observance of the instructions. If you do not know how to use such material, then it is better to contact a specialist in a beauty salon.
  • Do not agree to the procedure if it will be carried out by a dubious specialist who does not have experience and relevant recommendations.
  • Waxing should not be performed if there are abrasions and wounds on the skin at the procedure site.
  • Immediately after the procedure, apply a special healing and soothing agent recommended by the beautician to the skin.


In most situations, a wax burn heals without leaving any traces behind. Therefore, the prognosis can be considered favorable, especially in the case of proper treatment. In rare cases, age spots remain after a burn - the result of deeper tissue damage and the lack of competent first aid.

It is important to know!

Few people know what to do with a burn with ointment. When, after applying the ointment, the skin begins to “burn”, a burning sensation appears, almost everyone is in a hurry to wash off the soreness with water, but you should not do this when using a warming ointment, it is better to use vegetable oil or a fat cream (Vaseline, children's).

The fight against unwanted vegetation is carried out by different methods. And always a woman wants the surface of the skin to remain smooth longer, and the hairs grow back more slowly. But violation of the instructions for using a cream or wax can cause burns after depilation. How to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences, and what causes skin lesions, is of interest to many women. We will talk in more detail about the causes, first aid and folk methods for correcting the condition. A burn after depilation is due to:

  • very delicate skin. Certain types of dermis do not perceive any means, even the most gentle, to combat unwanted vegetation. Therefore, the owners of such skin first consult with a cosmetologist about methods for solving a cosmetic defect;
  • wrong choice of remedy. If you use the product to remove unwanted leg hair in the bikini area, then there is a high probability of getting burns, irritation or rashes. Therefore, use a separate depilatory cream for different areas;
  • application time. If the instructions say that the product should be kept for 3 minutes, and you sat with it for 10, then the burn after the depilatory cream will not take long;
  • aggressive flushing agent. If you remove the remnants of a cream or spray with a hard washcloth, intense friction or nails, then you should not be surprised at the appearance of irritation, rashes and other troubles after a cosmetic procedure.

If your skin is sensitive or you have overexposed the cream, then you are guaranteed a chemical burn.

As you can see, many factors can cause damage to the skin. Knowing them, it is easy to prevent the unpleasant consequences of the fight against unwanted vegetation.

What not to do in case of damage

Sometimes, despite all precautions, an injury to the epithelium occurs. What to do in such a situation? A woman is in a panic when she burned her skin and does not know who to turn to. First aid rules will help to correct the situation at home. For this it is enough:

  • do not use scrubs, washcloths, peels on the damaged area. Cosmetologists recommend removing keratinized particles of the epithelium once every 2 days to prevent ingrown hairs. But such an event is not carried out with chemical damage to the surface. Mechanical impact will disrupt the regeneration process, leading to the formation of scars and scars. Therefore, after skin lesions, let the surface heal, and then carry out additional cosmetic procedures;
  • do not wear tight fitting clothing. Give preference to natural materials: cotton, linen, silk. This is especially important in the bikini area. With chemical damage to the skin, the sebaceous and sweat glands delay the regeneration process. Therefore, for several days after the procedure, wear natural, loose underwear;
  • do not visit saunas, baths, solariums, do not sunbathe in the sun. After depilation with a cream, exposure to high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation is undesirable. Otherwise, damaged skin will receive stress, the regeneration process will be delayed, and the risk of scars and scars will increase. Also, after tanning a thermal burn, there is a high probability of hyperpigmentation of the area. If you do not want the surface to become covered with spots of an indefinite color instead of unwanted vegetation, then it is worth observing safety measures, hiding the skin from ultraviolet radiation, exposure to heat and steam.

Folk recipes

If dermatological problems appear after the depilatory cream, then simple recipes will help restore the skin cover faster. For this:

  • use any pharmacy ointment against burns. It has an anti-inflammatory, cooling, regenerating effect. For treatment, "Bepanten", "Rescuer" and others are suitable. Several times a day, apply the product to the affected surface with a thin layer, and a positive result will not be long in coming;
  • mask of turmeric and milk. A thick paste of spice and cold milk is applied in a thick layer to the affected area. Hold for 15 minutes, then wash off with plenty of water. Turmeric has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, milk is a source of essential amino acids necessary for the regeneration of the skin;

In the treatment of chemical burns from the cream will help folk methods
  • aloe juice. For anti-burn therapy, use a plant not younger than 3 years. The bottom leaf is cut off and the affected surface is smeared with juice several times a day. The plant will restore the water balance of the dermis, stop inflammation and accelerate healing;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil. An ideal option for treating the consequences after depilation with a cream. An application is made from the product, which is applied to the affected area. Depending on the degree of damage to the skin, localization and area, the course consists of 4-10 procedures. 2 applications are made per day: in the morning and in the evening;
  • a strong decoction of chamomile will relieve inflammation. If you add mint to it, then the cooling effect will reduce the discomfort that accompanies healing. After all, it is important not to comb and tear off the crust ahead of time, wait until it falls off by itself.

Having the desire to be the owner of smooth skin, a woman is often ready to resort to various treatment options that will allow her not only to gain the desired texture of the skin, but also slow down hair growth. To do this, today quite a lot of different products for depilation / epilation are produced in the form of wax or creams, which, however, if used incorrectly, will do more harm than good. Burns, as the detrimental consequences of such hygiene, can be avoided if you remember the causes of their occurrence and provoking factors before proceeding with hair removal.

Causes of burns after hygiene procedures

Carrying out hygienic procedures for hair removal, in addition to the desired result, you can often injure your skin and get burned, which indicates not only caution in the course of work, but also knowledge of the reasons for the development of an unfavorable scenario. To protect yourself from trouble, keep the following in mind:

Sensitive/delicate skin

  • There are such types of skin cover that none of the epilation products, even a gentle composition, is suitable for. Therefore, ladies with delicate skin should consult a specialist in order to eliminate this cosmetic defect.

The drug is not prescribed

  • When choosing a product for depilation, you need to pay attention to which zone it is intended for. Of course, if the bikini area is treated with the product that is used to eliminate hair on the legs, burns and irritation are inevitable.

Procedure execution time

  • You must strictly follow the instructions. When the depilatory agent is used with violations of the drug exposure time on the body, it is unlikely that a burn can be avoided.

Incorrect rinsing

  • When the residue of the product is removed from the skin in aggressive ways using a hard washcloth and other bath accessories, the integrity of the skin cover can be broken and then the drug will cause damage to damaged skin in the form of a burn, rash or irritation.

The main types of burns and their treatment

As a rule, the sad consequences of the depilation procedure are:

  • wrong choice of hair removal method;
  • wrong approach to the procedure with a minimum of experience and knowledge;
  • failure to take precautions.

Treatment for depilatory burns will depend entirely on the type of injury and the type of hair removal product used during the procedure.

Chemical burn from depilatory cream

Often, girls use special creams for depilation in the fight against excessive vegetation. Many people like this method of hair removal due to its speed and painlessness. However, with this type of hair removal, you can easily get burns, since the components of these products are acids of chemical origin, which, by their action, can dissolve the hair. The slightest delay in time or high sensitivity of the skin will lead to a chemical burn from the use of the cream.

You can treat such injuries at home if they are not complicated by blisters or ulcers and are not accompanied by severe pain. Otherwise, you should visit a doctor. In this case, it is advisable to show the doctor the package of the drug, by which he will determine what in the composition of the cream led to the burn.

If the burn is mild, then immediately after it is detected, the affected area should be placed in water (cold) to eliminate pain, and then lubricate the burn site with aloe vera ointment / gel or other anti-burn drugs. Plentiful drinking is recommended.

You can also resort to traditional medicine:

  • Apply aloe juice to the damaged area, cutting the leaf of the plant in half.
  • Apply a thick paste of cold milk with turmeric to the burned area. Hold the product on the wound surface and rinse with running water. The spice will help to disinfect the damage, and the milk will moisturize the affected skin.
  • To avoid scarring and to speed up healing, vitamin E oil is often used.

Getting a chemical burn warns against the following actions:

  • use of scrub or intense mechanical impact;
  • wearing tight underwear;
  • sunbathing;
  • the use of a cream for the purpose of depilation (you should pay attention to other ways to get rid of hair).

Thermal burn after epilation/waxing

Along with epilation with cream, a method of hair removal using wax, called waxing, is quite popular. This is a simple, but also traumatic method, which is fraught with burns. A thermal injury is possible if an excessively hot substance is used during the procedure. Without a certain practical skill to remove hair with wax at home, you can only use it in a warm or cold form. The consequence of such a burn, in addition to the hassle of curing it, will be the formation of stable pigmentation in the affected area.

When starting waxing, you should be careful:

  • heat the wax and carry out depilation manipulations strictly in accordance with the instructions;
  • in the presence of wound / burn surfaces, do not carry out this procedure;
  • at the end of the procedure, it is necessary to use cooling compresses / soothing lotions;
  • refuse to wear tight / tight underwear for a while.

In the event that a burn could not be avoided, it was not possible to carry out an urgent treatment with Panthenol spray. Among folk remedies, it will help well:

  • applying a compress from an aloe leaf with a cut to the surface of the wound;
  • abundant application of sea buckthorn ointment under the bandage.

These funds will actively contribute to the healing of the burn, but they do not have the effect of anesthesia, so the application of Panthenol is relevant in any case.

As with a chemical burn, serious thermal injury requires medical attention.

Burn from laser hair removal

There is an opinion that laser hair removal, which is carried out exclusively in a salon, does not cause harm in the form of a burn and is the safest method of hair removal compared to other methods. However, this statement, which is distributed in order to attract customers, can be argued.

Laser burn: causes

  • features of the laser apparatus (the probability of getting a burn is higher, the shorter the wavelength of the laser);
  • the presence of sunburn on the skin in the treatment area during the procedure using a laser;
  • incompetence of the master, which can include:
  • neglect of precautionary measures and work on a tanned skin surface;
  • technical flaws when using the device;
  • untimely cleaning of the head of the device from burnt hair;
  • lack of gel to prepare the skin for the procedure.
  • malfunction/incorrect laser setting.

For security reasons, it is advisable to contact only trusted establishments with good recommendations about the work of the masters, their experience and competence. In forming an opinion about the beauty salon, the reviews of visitors and the stories of friends and acquaintances about the reception of these procedures within its walls are of great help.

Also, for the safety of the hair removal procedure using a laser, experts recommend growing the hair intended for elimination (at least five centimeters) and preliminarily discuss with the master the anesthesia of the process, if necessary. Often, salons offer local anesthesia as a mandatory measure for laser hair removal.

Sugaring - depilation without burns

Sugaring is a method of hair removal using sugar pastes of a certain density. During the depilation procedure, the composition is distributed in the treatment area and eliminates excess vegetation by removing the depilatory agent from the skin cover.

Advantages of the method

Compared to other methods of depilation, shugaring has a number of advantages:

  • efficiency due to the ability of the paste to injure the hair follicle mechanically, the hair loses pigment, stiffness and density, which greatly facilitates its subsequent removal;
  • hypoallergenicity, which is minimized due to the natural composition of the drug;
  • safety since shugaring is carried out exclusively using warm paste, which prevents the risk of injury and burns on the skin surface;
  • carrying out additional skin care, because shugaring is not only depilation, but also a mechanical peeling, which helps to exfoliate and cleanse the skin of keratinized / dead cells of the dermis;
  • a wide choice of products by density, which allows the specialist to adequately select the paste for the client, taking into account his individual characteristics;
  • the possibility of carrying out the procedure at home.


Despite the safety and high efficiency of this method of hair removal, there are a number of contraindications that must be taken into account before considering sugaring as a hair removal procedure. This method of depilation is not recommended for:

  • when detecting skin ailments;
  • if the client has persistently tanned skin;
  • when a person suffers from diabetes mellitus;
  • for patients with epilepsy;
  • when papillomas are detected during examination of the skin;
  • for those women who are waiting for the birth of a child;
  • when there are hematomas on the body;
  • with varicose veins;
  • the presence of ulcerative lesions on the skin;
  • deep wound surfaces.

Often women ask: is depilation cream harmful? The question is not accidental: it is hard to believe that a product that can dissolve hair does not harm the skin. Therefore, today we will try to delve deeper into this issue and answer it.

Depilatory cream contains alkaline substances that destroy the main component of the hair - keratin. There are enough of them to dissolve the hair, but not enough to damage the skin. But still, there is such a possibility.

That is why manufacturers write clear instructions: how to check the individual reaction to the cream, how much to keep, how to prevent complications. It is enough to read it carefully and follow it exactly. However, some problems may arise.

Complications from using the cream

In most cases, the harm from depilatory cream is the result of non-compliance with the instructions, but sometimes the individual skin feature becomes the cause. The following options are possible:

  1. Allergic reactions and irritation.
  2. Burn.
  3. Ingrown hair.

Each of them has its own causes and methods for eliminating the consequences. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Allergic reactions and irritation

Irritation after depilatory cream may well appear. There are several reasons for this:

  • Very delicate skin.
  • Inconsistency between the type of cream and the place of depilation.
  • Allergic reaction to the components contained in the cream.
  • Use of unsuitable cosmetics after depilation.
  • Too much scraper movement.
  • Prolonged contact of the cream with the skin.

Manifestations are typical: rashes, redness of the skin, the appearance of red dots, inflammation of the pores, burning, irritation. Unpleasant sensations may appear immediately after applying the cream or after some time.

Read also: Types and methods of depilation

Preventing them from appearing is quite simple:

  1. Before using the cream, be sure to test it: apply a smear on the area that will be depilated, wait for the allotted time and rinse. Within 1-2 days, monitor changes in the skin.
  2. Study the instructions for the cream very carefully and follow it exactly. Deviation, even a small one, increases the risk of complications.
  3. After removing the cream, apply a soothing or moisturizing agent to the skin. But it also needs to be chosen correctly. It is desirable that it be the same line as the cream.
  4. First you need to make sure that you have no contraindications to the use of depilatory cream. These include primarily violations of the integrity of the skin, cuts, abrasions, irritations, pregnancy, allergic reactions, and so on.

It is not difficult to follow these rules, but it will significantly reduce the likelihood of complications.

40 789 0 Wrong choice of depilation method, lack of knowledge and experience in its implementation, as well as neglect of precautionary measures can lead to very unpleasant consequences, the most dangerous of which is a skin burn - it is painful, ugly, unpleasant and requires long treatment. When removing hair from your body, never forget that you are working on your skin! Your health always comes first, and no one wants to get a very serious injury, especially when it comes to “delicate” areas - the face or bikini area. Although, I think that burns on the legs will not bring joy to anyone either. What rules must be observed and what to do if burns after depilation still appear?

To begin with, a burn can be obtained with almost any method of hair removal. In many ways, further behavior depends on what procedure led to such consequences. The most common are burns from depilation with special creams, and. They will be discussed below.

In the picture below, you can clearly see what can happen to the skin if the depilation procedure (wax or cream) and hair removal (laser) are carried out incorrectly.

Burns after depilation cream

Who among us has not tried to remove hairs with depilation cream? Probably, any girl used this method. Someone realized that this was not for them, and switched to a different type of procedure, while someone quite successfully uses this tool all the time. There are two obvious pluses here: painlessness and a small amount of time spent.

Where do burns come from when removing hair with a cream? Any depilatory cream acts, one might say, as a “solvent”. Under its influence, your hairs should dissolve due to the presence of strong chemical acids in the cream. What effect do you think these acids will have on your skin if they dissolve hairs? If your skin is sensitive or you have overexposed the cream, then you are guaranteed a chemical burn.

What to do if such a burn occurs? If the burn is mild, then you can deal with it yourself. If everything is much more serious (ulcers, blisters appeared, very severe pain, etc.), we immediately go to the doctor, you yourself will only make things worse here.

How can you cureburn after depilatory cream? The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Clear the damaged area first. Remove interfering clothing. Place the burned part of the body under cold water for 15-20 minutes. These measures will ease the pain and discomfort.
  2. Then the burn must be lubricated with a medicinal ointment: an aloe-based gel or any ointment for burns is suitable. During treatment, it is recommended to drink a lot to maintain the moisture balance in the skin.

Folk remediesburns after depilatory cream

In the treatment of chemical burns from the cream, the following folk methods will help:

Aloe juice . If you have aloe on your windowsill, then you are great fellows for having this plant at home! Cut an aloe leaf, cut it in half and apply its juice on the burn.

Turmeric and milk mask . Mix milk (from the refrigerator) with turmeric (ground into powder can be found in the spice section), you should get a thick paste. We spread this paste on the burn site and hold it for a while, then wash it off. Turmeric in this duet is responsible for antiseptic properties, and milk is responsible for moisturizing.

If the burn has already begun to heal, you can additionally lubricate it with vitamin E oil - this will speed up healing and help avoid scarring.

Important! Treating a burn on your own is only possible if it is mild! If his condition worsens (the wound begins to bleed, an unpleasant liquid is released, blisters appear) - do not pull and do not self-medicate, urgently go to the doctor!

What can not be done with a chemical burn?

  • You can not rub the burn site and even more so use scrubs;
  • You can not wear tight and tight-fitting clothes, free the area of ​​​​skin with a burn - with the access of air, it will heal faster;
  • You can not sunbathe in the sun - in extreme cases, hide the burn under loose cotton clothing and lubricate the skin around with sunscreen;
  • You can’t use the same depilatory cream again - ideally, it’s better to refuse depilation with a cream altogether and choose for yourself another way to get rid of excess hair.

Burns after waxing

Waxing is another common way to get rid of hair at home. And here, too, there is a risk of getting a burn, only the nature of the damage to the skin will be completely different. A burn can be obtained due to the use of too hot wax. Experts recommend independently epilating with either cold or warm wax. For hot wax epilation, it is better to go to the salon to an experienced master, because any negligence during the procedure can lead to burns. The burn, in turn, will lead to pigmented dark spots, which may not disappear for a very long time.

What precautions should be taken when waxing?

  • Heat the wax according to the instructions and carry out the procedure clearly in accordance with the requirements - if you do not know how to do hot waxing, then it’s better not to start;
  • After epilation, do not wear tight clothes for a couple of days, and immediately after waxing, use a cold compress and a soothing lotion;
  • Avoid waxing if you already have burns or wounds on your skin.

What to do with a burn after waxing? The best option is Panthenol spray treatment. It is evenly applied to the damaged area and gives a quick effect. Panthenol is a tool that should be in every home first aid kit!

Folk remediesburns after waxing

If panthenol is not at hand, then you will have to cope with folk remedies:

  • Sea buckthorn oil (we generously lubricate the burn site) + bandage;
  • Aloe compress (apply twice a day with a fresh cut).

These funds will give a good healing effect, but they will not relieve pain and burning. Therefore, we apply an aloe leaf and go to the pharmacy for Panthenol.

Again, a slight burn can be treated with folk remedies, but with serious damage, it is better to immediately contact a specialist who will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Burn after laser hair removal

Many beauty salons, attracting clients, claim that laser hair removal is absolutely safe and certainly will not lead to burns. But it is not so. After laser hair removal, you can still get a burn for the following reasons:

  • Due to the characteristics of the laser used . The ruby ​​laser has a longer wavelength compared to the alexandrite, so the risk of burns when using the latter is less. There are practically no burns from a diode laser at all. There is an unspoken rule: the shorter the wavelength of the laser, the more likely it is to get burned.
  • Due to the presence of sunburn on the treated area of ​​the skin . Sunburn is very often the cause of burns during laser procedures. Many salons simply reduce the power of the laser pulse, but this already makes the epilation ineffective. The maximum risk of getting burned when epilating tanned skin exists when using ruby ​​and alexandrite lasers.
  • Due to the wrong actions of the master . Master errors include:
  1. hair removal on tanned skin (ideally, he should postpone the procedure for a while);
  2. incorrect technique of working with equipment (for example, the master may hold the working head incorrectly);
  3. untimely removal of burnt hair from the laser head;
  4. non-use of a special gel that should be applied to the skin before the procedure.
  • Due to machine malfunction . The laser machine may be defective or incorrectly configured.

What to do to avoid burns? Here are some tips:

  • Contact only a trusted salon, reviews of which were given to you by those who have already undergone a laser hair removal procedure and are really satisfied with the result;
  • Make sure that the master has the skills and experience in laser hair removal (at least standard training certificates);
  • Prepare for the procedure: the hairs should be approximately 5 mm long;
  • Talk to the master: discuss precautions, contraindications, the possibility of using anesthesia with a low pain threshold.

If you still got a burn after laser hair removal, then the same Panthenol spray will come to your aid! Gradually, the burn will begin to heal and become covered with a crust. Do not under any circumstances take it off! During recovery, use sunscreen, avoid sunlight and tanning beds. Stop using scrubs! Here, the recommendations for treating a burn are similar to those when you get a burn after waxing.

Please note that burns after laser hair removal can be serious if you have skin conditions or if you are taking antibiotics and sulfa drugs. In this case, a visit to the doctor is required! Be careful while depilating or epilating.