Epigrams about ladies' men. The best toasts. Epigram toasts. Eugene and Evgenia

The meaning of this name is controversial. Some researchers consider it to be Persian, while the majority is inclined to believe that it comes from the Old Russian word "vaditi" - to sow confusion, argue, accuse, slander; perhaps this is a shortened form of the name Vladimir.

Usually Vadim is a healthy, sociable, cheerful child. He, like a lamb, will jump around the room or run hopping along the alley of the park, scaring grandmothers sitting on benches or bystanders with cries. But it is not from disobedience. Vadim reacts very sensitively to his mother's remarks, dearly loves her and his father, his sisters and brothers, if he has them, but he has so much unspent energy ... Therefore, in childhood, you need to make sure that the boy does not ride a bicycle onto the roadway, does not fall from a tree or balcony. He studies well, but teachers complain about his restlessness.

The Vadimovs make good leaders. They feel people well, caring, remember their promises. Extremely hardworking and dedicated. Once they start something, they won't stop until they get it. They are not devoid of prudence and some cunning, they carefully think over their actions and statements. They have good "punching" abilities, it is a pleasure to get something rare and scarce for them, they see this as a certain game, a sporting interest, experiencing the feeling of an athlete who has defeated his opponent.

Vadim are passionate, addicted natures. They can be addicted to cards, reckless, risk-averse. In entertainment, they adhere to the principle of "walk - walk like that" and sometimes, following it, they grab it over the edge. They also like fast driving and a good table. They can date a girl for a long time, prepare for marriage, but under the influence of a fleeting passion, marry another. Having fallen in love, they love thoroughly: strongly and for a long time. And their jealousy is just as passionate. A wife for Vadim is more than a wife, she is his second "I". Vadimov's wives are usually satisfied with their fate.

"Winter" - "heavy", for a long time they can not decide on the choice of profession, wife, friends. "Summer" - softer, lazier.

He will find happiness in marriage with Alexandra, Vera, Dina, Ekaterina, Lilia, Ruslana, Svetlana. Marriage with Alina, Alla, Venus, Helena, Juliet, Elena, Maya, Olga, Polina, Tamara, Yana is unlikely.


It comes from the Latin word "valeo" - to be healthy. Widespread among the Slavic peoples, gained particular popularity in connection with the novel by George Sand "Valentine".

He grows up as an obedient and diligent child. As a child, he is friends with girls, protects them from offenders. He is observant and annoying. He reaches out to his grandfather, and it will be very good if he helps his grandson breed fish, as the boy is prone to contemplation and peace. As a teenager, Valentin begins to get involved in philosophy and psychology, and later he can make a good psychiatrist or psychotherapist. He is endowed with other abilities and, having the necessary strong-willed qualities, often achieves great success in various fields of activity.

Valentine is a true friend, comrades trust him with their secrets. He prefers a good book to a football match. He usually does not smoke, although he treats smoking people, including his smoking wife, indulgently. He likes to pick mushrooms, fish, just breathe fresh air in nature. But it is difficult to pull it into the mountains. And the summer cottage is also not one of his hobbies. Chess, crossword puzzles are for him. The wife's culinary skills are not of decisive importance for Valentine. He is content with a hastily prepared sandwich and a luxurious dinner, not noticing, however, that his wife expects praise from him in both the first and second cases. Do not be offended by him - this even has its own charm. So, Valentine will never quarrel because the refrigerator is empty. In a woman, she appreciates modesty, complaisance and a quiet disposition. He easily finds a common language with his wife's parents, does not refuse to help neighbors and relatives. You can't classify him as a drinker. He is not in love, remains faithful to his wife, which sometimes even serves as the subject of friends' jokes. It is better not to give Valentine a reason for jealousy.

Marriage with Angela, Valentina, Victoria, Daria, Lilia, Maria and Marina should be successful, which cannot be said about marriage with Albina, Alevtina, Antonina, Elizabeth, Nadezhda and Tamara.


It comes from the same stem as the previous name. Restless in childhood. He studies well, although he is not diligent. Likes noisy games, hide and seek, running. Already in childhood, he is not averse to taking risks, testing himself in extreme situations. He belongs to that breed of boys that "on a dare" they can go to the forest or to the cemetery at night. Running across the street in front of a moving car is also one of the risky pastimes of such children. He likes to read books about adventures, early discovers an interest in fantasy literature. Father's favorite. He treats his mother condescendingly, listens halfheartedly to her advice and instructions, although he does not enter into disputes with her. Adult Valery is persistent, trying to acquire a specialty that would make it possible not only to provide for his family, but also to travel and see the world. Valery has a strong psyche, he does not experience any complexes in communicating with people, he easily makes new acquaintances.

He goes in for sports, prefers boxing, can be a frequent and lucky visitor to the hippodrome. He likes to mess around in the ground and therefore he will definitely try to cultivate at least a small area near his house, even if this house is high-rise. As a last resort, plant greenery on the balcony. Scrupulous in choosing a future wife. He is looking for a spiritually rich wife, appreciates household neatness and cleanliness. In his search, he does not marry for a long time. The girls they meet often break up with them without waiting for an offer. But in vain. In marriage, Valery is a convinced monogamous. Valery's attachment to his wife sometimes takes on a purely physiological character, when he is simply not able to change her, although the desire to change almost never leaves him. Some presumptuous wives, sensing this, allow themselves to be dismissive of their husband. Proud Valery may not forgive this.

Homebodies. Touchingly treat newborns. Not without pleasure go shopping at the market. Drink moderately.

Those born in winter have a more complex character than those of "summers", they are despotic and stingy. Valery Nikolaevich, Dmitrievich, Borisovich, Igorevich are especially difficult to communicate with.

Zoya, Wanda, Galina, Louise, Nadezhda, Olesya, Roxana, Yana, Svetlana, Tatiana are suitable for their wives. A happy marriage with Alevtina, Vera, Zinaida, Irina, Clara, Larisa, Margarita, Tamara is unlikely.


The word of Germanic or English origin (Walter), literally means: to manage people.

As children, these boys are closer to adults than to classmates. They study well, go in for sports: barbell, acrobatics. But only "winter" achieve some success in sports. Bullies, like to argue, prove their own, often going from one extreme to another. Childhood is stormy, their knees are always broken. Kind, they are leaders among their peers. They are loved by friends, they will never let you down and will always stand up for the weak. Outwardly charming, sociable and always like girls.

Graduating from the institute, they almost do not work in their specialty. Among them are engineers, trainers, acrobats, mechanics, teachers, actors, dentists, welders, carpenters. Without shyness, they take on any work and do it perfectly.

They like to read historical literature, some of them compose epigrams. They get married late, they are married twice, but this applies only to the "December" ones. Indifferent to nature, fishing. "Summer" - not too talkative, more like to listen to what others say. They are vulnerable, tolerant of people. More often - fathers of daughters who are very attached to them. They should choose wives among those whose names are Muse, Olesya, Polina, Bella, Greta, Irina, Kapitolina, Xenia, Lyudmila, Anna, Diana, Stella, Elvira, Eleanor.


It comes from an ancient Greek word meaning: royal, regal. Appeared since the time of the Persian wars and at first had the meaning of "Persian king, prince, ruler."

As a child, he loves to mess around with different hamsters and parrots, he will never kick a dog with his foot. A favorite of grandparents. Can't get through the day without peers. And this trait will remain with him throughout his life. So, he would rather go into conflict with his wife than allow a comrade to suffer. Even his work is in second place, in the first place - friends, comrades. Although he loves his work, he tries to do it in such a way that he does not pass for a bad worker, but also does not surpass his comrades. He is gallant with women, strives to be a knight, and he is very flattered when they consider him as such. He loves football, hockey, tries not to miss a single match of his favorite team, a big fan of dominoes.

A strong minus of some Vasilyevs is their love for alcohol. At work, they usually know about his addiction, but they put up with him, remembering his conscientious attitude to work and good professional qualities. With a non-drinking Vasily, a woman feels confident. He is a man of duty. Having married, he will not think about a divorce in a week on the sole basis that his wife turned out to be a bad character or she does not want to cook for him. He meekly shares the hardships of life, not complaining to anyone about his fate. Vasily's responsibility increases after the birth of a child. His affection for children in terms of the strength of his feelings can only be compared with the feeling of a mother who passionately and blindly loves her only and long-awaited child. In difficult life and family situations, he closes, becomes secretive, then signs of indecision appear in his behavior. He almost always has an excellent relationship with his father-in-law, but he is a little afraid of his mother-in-law.

Lilia, Margarita, Albina, Juliet, Olesya, Yulia, Anna, Yana will bring family happiness to Vasily. It is hardly worth hoping for mutual understanding with Lydia, Nelly, Rimma, Inna, Ekaterina, Lyubov, Elena.


This name is European, there is no such name in the holy calendar. Most likely, it is Scandinavian, they were called children only in wealthy families. This name is often misunderstood as an abbreviated name for the Great October Revolution.

The nature of these boys gives parents a lot of excitement: they are mobile, stubborn, persistent, usually brought up in wealthy families. They look like mothers both externally and internally. They love animals and play music.

Those who are carried away and vulnerable, choose their friends with analysis and are friends with them until they come of age.

Interested in numismatics. At the age of ten to fifteen, a sore throat gives them a lot of anxiety.

"Winter" Velors are stubborn, like to be the first everywhere, pragmatic. They often admire themselves in front of a mirror. This habit has developed in those born in March. They are careerists and reach a certain level of success by the age of thirty. By profession, they can be drivers, teachers, military, lawyers, writers, artists, architects, dancers, singers, cooks, hairdressers. Marry late. They love pop music. They are hospitable and know how to entertain guests, often cook well.

It is preferable to choose life partners among those who bear the names of Valentina, Eva, Vera, Dominika, Nelly, Irina, Lyubov, Natalya. Polina and Emma. Apparently, you should not marry Albina, Lyudmila, Bogdana, Diana, Marina, Vladlena, Inna, Susanna.


Hebrew origin: Ben-yamin (son of the most beloved of wives). Benjamin is often talented. And since he is also stubborn in achieving the goal, it is clear that this person has all the opportunities for a high professional take-off. And it will take place. These men tend to get their way. But everything will turn out better if parents and teachers notice the boy's giftedness in time. In their youth, they are a little romantic, rarely one of them does not write poetry. At the same time, they are pragmatists, and poetry does not take them far from earthly affairs. The life of such men is not strewn with roses: they are very compliant and always ready to give up their benefits, so as not to infringe on the other. They yield not only in a dispute, but also when it comes to a higher position or a queue for an apartment, and, of course, they indulge the whims of their mother-in-law ...

A special passion of the Veniamins is collecting. He will most likely make a successful game with Anna, Vera, Natalya, but not with Ekaterina, Angela, Zinaida, Alla or Olga.


The name comes from the Latin word "victor" - the winner. You can teach the boy Vitya to play the violin or the piano, but you are unlikely to be able to make a little Mozart out of him. He will invariably be drawn to spy books and spy movies. He is not a dreamer. He prefers something concrete, tangible. This is a gullible boy who unconditionally believes everything that is said, but later, having learned about the deception. Extremely upset. Fortunately, these boys are not vindictive and quickly forget such incidents, again imbued with trust in people.

Adult Victor will feel great in that field of activity where there is no place for dreams and long thoughts. They make good electricians, there are many football players among them, and the profession of a football coach is also suitable for them. If they have the talent of an artist, then it is best realized in graphics. They are fond of playing tennis, love to drive a car.

They seek justice in everything and, if they witness the unseemly deeds of loved ones, they will exhort them for a long time, appealing to conscience and prudence.

These men have a lot of things that can make a marriage with them strong and happy. They are thorough, unhurried, willingly engaged in painstaking work, have great patience. If Victor is a teacher or a doctor, this does not mean at all that taps will flow in the apartment, he takes care of the material well-being of the family; not stingy. He treats his wife's command tone condescendingly, without making a problem out of it. The exception is the "winter" Victors: they have a stubborn, tough character.

Because of a sense of duty, which he understands very strictly, he can live with an unloved person for a long time. If he gets divorced and remarries, then almost all his life he is tormented by remorse.

He brings up children in strictness: he can draw up a "daily routine" for them, paint it by the hour and demand strict compliance. His pedantry often irritates the household, and children, growing up, tend to live away from their father. Alcohol can bring trouble to the family - Victor likes to drink. And if the "summer" Viktors can be quite easily cured of this addiction, then the "winter" ones are very difficult to treat.

A happy marriage awaits Victor with Angela, Agnia, Aza, Alevtina, Alina, Berta, Borislava, Valentina, Venus, Beta, Galina, Gella, Zoya, Inna, Claudia, Clara, Larisa, Lily, Lyubov, Maya, Maria, Nina, Oksana, Rimma, Roxana, Ella. For happiness with Veronica, Eugenia, Danuta, Ekaterina, Lada, Zinaida, Yana, Tatyana, one should hardly hope.


This name is rare, but kind and beautiful. Painful in childhood, very irritable, with poor appetite. Look like mother. They study well at school, make many friends, often get into unpleasant situations because of them. They are seriously engaged in music, they read a lot. By temperament choleric; like to argue with teachers, cocky. "Owls" - you won't get them in the morning, and you won't put them to bed in the evening. They love being around adults. They achieve success in life: they are charming and kind, they are popular among friends, they inspire people's trust. "Winter" - with a complex character, stubborn and persistent. "Autumn" - very prudent, think through every step. They have good intuition.

Men with this name can be found among singers, engineers, doctors, coaches, teachers, lawyers, artists, designers, cameramen, directors.

In the first marriage, they often fail. Hospitable, loved by many. In life, they have to be more ridiculous: they do not know how to adapt. They love animals, but do not keep them in the house. They like to travel, drive a car (but not repair it). More are at work than at home.

"Winter" - sexy, tend to be leaders everywhere. Talented, but their talent is revealed rather late. Parents are treated with great responsibility and warmth. Hardworking and diplomatic, but their life is full of surprises. With all this, they remain kind and affectionate.


This is an ancient Greek name, literally: giving life to some people; another meaning: forest.

People with a very complex character are stubborn in achieving their goals. Look like mother. Kind and at the same time, without the slightest regret, they can break off all relationships. Very inquisitive. Read historical novels. They don't like to repeat themselves. They are always looking for new ideas and developing them themselves. They don't tolerate being teased. They love to travel for holidays. Doing photography. They dress very modestly and do not envy anyone.

Successfully work in medicine, technology, on television. They get married very late, their wives have a very bad relationship with their mothers-in-law. These are people of faith.

"Winter" - persistent and stubborn. They have excellent business qualities, but they are quick-tempered and argue over trifles. These are very capable people, and thanks to their diligence they achieve a certain success in life. Careful, think through every step. Not too talkative. "Summer", on the contrary, are sociable and hospitable. Numismatists and book lovers. Reluctantly go on business trips, tied to the house. They tend to distrust people, because they have let them down more than once. They are very hardworking and reach their goals. They are not careerists, they do not tolerate being dictated to from above, and they never follow stupid orders.

Good wives are found among Ann, Irin or Natasha; neither Vladlena, nor Angela, nor Zinaida, nor Ruslana are suitable for them.


The name comes from the Latin word "vitalis" - vital. This affectionate and obedient boy can well be called a "mother's son": he does not leave his mother a single step. Most often, he is the youngest in the family and has an older brother, whom he is a little afraid of. This is a diligent boy who knows how to adapt to the situation. Shy: if he is friends with a girl, then so that they do not know about it at home. On a visit, he feels more confident in the company of kids, he will willingly take on the role of the good Gulliver. And it seems that he is actually interested in them.

Shows interest in music, plays chess. If possible, he will play cards with pleasure, although he is not reckless. Often gets a purebred dog, takes her to exhibitions. Purposeful, stubborn.

Vitaly has a flexible mind, he is a little cunning, but this cunning is such that it does not cause hostility of others. If Vitaly has a car, then it will be the center of the universe for him. He drives a car beautifully, with inspiration, takes it apart and assembles it with pleasure. He has the ability for engineering and design work, for doing science, but in a technical, and not in a humanitarian direction. Maybe a teacher of physics or geometry. Well oriented in the field of business.

As a wife, he chooses a woman who would be both his mother and a true friend. Love, passionate confessions, female beauty, charm and intelligence do not occupy the main place in Vitaly's value system. He is even with his wife, in public he does not show her marital disposition, he is too dry, although in fact he is temperamental. Faithful in marriage, afraid of losing his wife's love, reacts with great anxiety to the slightest changes in his sexual potency.

"Autumn" Vitaly is the most amorous. Ekaterina, Zinaida, Antonina, Clara, Lydia, Veta, Nina, Maria, Nadezhda, Polina, Tamara are most suitable for marriage with Vitaly, but Aurora, Zoya, Anastasia, Veronica, Victoria, Maya, Lilia, Margarita, Ruslana will not bring him the expected happiness.


Name of Germanic origin (forest ruler). It sounds hard and harsh, although in essence it is lyrical. This rare name is quite suitable to be given to children today. Let's decipher the name Witold.

Compliant character. In childhood, they get sick, like all children, they start walking early. Difficulty waking up in the morning. They do not like to go to kindergarten, but quickly get used to and converge with other children. They have good hearing and good plasticity. Children born in March have a weak throat and are susceptible to infectious diseases. Outwardly they look like a mother, but in character - like a father. They go in for swimming, gymnastics, hockey, but only for general physical development, they participate in choral and drama clubs. They read a lot of adventure literature, like to go to the cinema and to the circus. They have many friends. Bold and stubborn, but not selfish, they can lie, rather fantasize. Born in winter - with a complex character, neat to the point of pedantry. Fastidious. Talented and hardworking, they go to study at higher educational institutions, many graduate from the conservatory or theater institute. Friends rate them highly.

"Autumn" - very vulnerable, carefully select their friends. Calculating, never act rashly. Marry late. They have golden hands, and the wives are very pleased with this circumstance. They love fishing and hunting. In family life they are tolerant, they rarely diverge. "Summer" - extremely kind and often become a victim of their kindness.

A happy marriage is most likely if Anna, Maria, Galina, Larisa, Vera, Lyudmila, Natalya become their chosen ones. Happiness with Agnes, Nadezhda, Alla, Evgenia, Polina, Svetlana, Stella, Elizabeth, Angela, Ella, Emma is in doubt.


The name of Slavic origin, includes two roots: "vlad" (to own, power) and "mir" (peaceful, world) - "owning the world." According to another version, it comes from the German Voldemar.

Since childhood, Volodya has been distinguished by curiosity and the ability to apply his knowledge to everything, he has a propensity for risk and a certain adventurous nature. Besides, he always dominates. While he is small, he listens to the advice of his parents, he grows up - he will also listen, but he will do it his own way. Can become an avid gambler. At school and college, he usually masters the technical sciences well, but he prefers active social activities to persistent study. He never openly conflicts with anyone, diligently bypasses sharp corners.

Vladimirs appreciate comfort, love expensive beautiful furniture and feel more comfortable in a room with a lot of carpets. Maybe that's why the cleaners protest against having pets in the house. They respect strength and intelligence in people. Quite active, diplomatic, have a quick reaction. They are selfish, cannot contain their satisfaction when they are praised, they attach great importance to the opinions of others. And there are certain reasons for this, since creatively gifted personalities are not uncommon among the Vladimirs. Very enterprising, sociable, often achieve a high position in society, it is difficult to forgive insults. Most often, extraordinary women, whom they tend to idealize, fall into the field of view of Vladimirov. For them, a woman's ability to play music is sometimes more important than her ability to prepare a festive table. Amorous. If they remain faithful in marriage, it is mainly because of their eternal employment and unwillingness to complicate their lives. They don’t really like to raise children, shifting this work onto the shoulders of their wife, but they will be happy to help their son solve a difficult problem. They do not tell anyone about their grievances. They will not refuse to drink, but addiction to alcohol is usually not detected.

The chances of a successful marriage with Maya, Elizabeth, Lydia, Nadezhda and Nina are small, but how great are the hopes for happiness with those who are on this by no means small list and whose names are Agnessa, Alina, Gella, Danuta, Alla, Angelina, Eva, Angela, Borislava, Valentina, Zinaida, Barbara, Venus, Lilia, Veronica, Vesta, Dominika, Evgenia, Inna, Irina, Lilia, Love, Natalia, Raisa. Svetlana, Roxana, Sophia, Christina, Emma.


Slavic origin, calves "vlad" (to own) and "slav" (glory) - owning glory. The old Russian form of the name is Volodislav.

A boy with that name is drawn to fire, lighting matches is one of his favorite pastimes. At the same time, he is so impressionable that a newspaper that suddenly catches fire gives him the impression of a strong fire, and instead of immediately filling it with water, he will most likely run to call his neighbors. Well, if they are at home ... He loves to read and talk with his mother. If she is upset about something, she will begin to console her, bringing ingenuous "adult" consolations heard from her grandmother at one time. Since childhood, he has been tactful with girls, he keeps a caring attitude towards a woman throughout his life. The object of worship is usually the prettiest girl in the class.

Men with this name have a well-developed sense of beauty, with the right upbringing they make good musicians or artists, they are not without literary abilities. Vladislav will also find his calling in a profession that requires a sympathetic and kind soul (doctor, teacher, educator). Hardworking, they have a strong sense of responsibility and decency. They painfully perceive any injustice, but they cannot always defend the truth. Sharp, rude, with masculine behavior, women do not like Vladislav. He is attracted to sensitive and gentle weak natures - those who cannot stand up for themselves, protect themselves from the vicissitudes of everyday life. Alcohol and a woman, smoking and a woman - all this is extremely unpleasant for Vladislav, and only natural tact restrains him from wanting to express his overwhelming feelings. Vladislavs are born mainly girls, whom he loves very much. A homebody by nature, a non-drinker, he prefers home peace to parties. Helps his wife. More often monogamous. Maintaining fidelity in marriage does not require much effort from him.

Vladislav will be happy with Galina, Aurora, Inga, Claudia, Irina, Lyubov, Sophia, Marina, Olga, Julia, Tamara. Unlucky in alliance with Agnia, Ada, Juliet, Angela, Zinaida, Bogdana, Valeria, Margarita, Vera, Veronica, Vladislav, Helena, Diana, Eva, Maya, Natalia, Tatyana, Rimma, Christina.


Germanic origin, translated as "famous ruler", it is not very often you hear this beautiful and noble name. It is given to children in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Russia.

In childhood, these boys are mobile, they do not deliver special worries to their parents, although they are often fighters. They study well at school, even succeed. They are similar in character to their mother.

"Autumn" is more given to mathematics, physics and other exact subjects. They have a complex character, often quarrel with their father. Vulnerable. With a trick. Always insist on their own. It's hard to get along with people and just as hard to part. Many surprises happen in their life. They are generalists. Graduating from the institute, sometimes they do not work in their main profession. They experience self-doubt, despite the fact that they are capable and purposeful. In "winter" in adulthood, weak lungs, they often get sick. Just like the Vladimirs, they cannot bear the oppression of others. They make a career slowly, do not like to adapt to anyone. The "summers" may have a writer's gift, they have a well-developed intuition. Problems in life create themselves. Pragmatists and skeptics do not believe in anything, but sometimes they are engaged in the occult sciences. They marry late, sometimes to a woman with a child, but they create a good family. Some of them dedicate themselves to the church and change their name. They often emigrate. Although the name Voldemar sounds firm, its bearer inherits the gentle and kind nature of his father.

The girls, whose names are Elena, Irina, Alice, Arina, Natalya, Olesya, Rosa, will make Voldemar's happiness, but a successful marriage with Bella, Isolde, Louise, Wanda, Tatyana, Jadwiga is a big question.


This Slavic name, which is rare today, means: the ruler of everything (the people).

With a very stubborn nature. Talented and selfish. Careerists, in order to achieve their goal, do not disdain anything, they are cunning. Unlucky in marriage, often marry several times. Among them there are physicists, doctors, mathematicians, administrators, and they are always good workers. Sociable. They like their wives to obey them in everything. If they are offended, they hold a grudge for a long time. Always constrained, often act contrary to their beliefs. In old age, severe sclerosis can develop.

"Winter" - conflict. They are talented, love to subjugate people. Undoubtedly, it helps them in their work. They do not believe anyone, for the sake of appearance agreeing with the interlocutor, they do everything in their own way. Good speakers, but they are not suitable for teachers, because they do not like to repeat what has been said. Careers are made difficult. They do not like to resort to anyone's help. Curious, their area of ​​interest is very extensive. "Summer" - calm and patient, but very grumpy and squeamish. Overly sensitive and do not always understand jokes. Family life is difficult - their wives do not get along with their mother-in-law. However, thanks to patience and love for children, the family still does not collapse. They are very prudent and like to be consulted with them in everything.

It is likely that marriage with Vera, Veronica, Stella will be successful, but you should not marry Evgenia, Zhanna, Alla, Violetta, Marina, Oksana, Rimma, Svetlana, Roxana.


It comes from the old Russian "vyache" (more) and "slav" (glory). These boys grow up strong, and the "winter" ones, in addition, have endurance and good willpower. Therefore, parents will do exactly the right thing if they give Vyacheslav to the sports section.

In childhood, it is difficult to put up with injustice: being unable to protect the offended, little Vyacheslav may cry, in impotence, throw some thing. This feature will remain in the adult Vyacheslav. Faced with injustice, he can explode, flare up, write a letter of resignation. Hot temper makes itself felt in other situations. After an outburst of anger, he usually feels embarrassed, becomes more accommodating. He tries to take an intelligent woman as his wife, in his future wife he appreciates not only beauty, but also a sense of independence, originality and the absence of complexes. In family life, he is reliable, helps his wife in housekeeping, and takes care of the children. He, as a rule, does not need to be reminded of a failed faucet, a creaking door, and an unfed dog. He takes the distribution of household duties for granted, does not divide work into male and female. Moderately jealous, he builds relations with his wife on trust, once deceived, he never trusts. Women like their kindness and charm, courtesy. He remains faithful to his wife, which does not require much effort from him, since he is all in data, thoughts about work. Work always comes first. He always finishes the work he has started, he is punctual, conscientious about assignments. He does not give preference to any professions, he can equally succeed in any field, although there is a noticeable craving for technology. If Vyacheslav has a car, he will spend a lot of time caring for it. He welcomes guests with pleasure, likes to drink, but, fortunately, it rarely comes to alcoholism.

"Winter" - stubborn, stubborn, stronger than "summer". "Autumn" and "spring" are located to heart attacks, have a tougher character.

Vyacheslav needs to think hard before proposing to Helena, Vera, Gella or Tatyana.

An epigram is a small piece of writing, most often written in verse form. The epigrams ridicule the vices of society, the negative character traits of individuals. In friendly epigrams, there can be both critical motives and praising, praising the virtues and glorifying the merits of a friend. Famous people from A. Pushkin and K. Batyushkov to V. Gaft and L. Filatov wrote epigrams to their friends.

However, in order to compose an epigram for your friend or girlfriend, it is not at all necessary to have a poetic gift. Try, when gathering for a birthday, anniversary, or just a party, compose a couple of toasts in the form of epigrams glorifying the positive qualities of the hero or hero of the occasion, or simply the hospitality and cordiality of the hosts. Well, if it doesn’t work out or there’s simply no time to do it, read those epigram toasts that are presented in our book and choose the most suitable ones for your case.

Be sure that your utterance of such a toast will not go unnoticed and will bring a new stream to the atmosphere of the holiday and enliven it. This will help you stand out among those present, and the guests, in turn, will bring some fun, pleasant minutes and joyful memories in the future.

* * *

Piya nectar of fragrant flowers,

The bee gives us honey in return;

Although we also do not drink water,

Do not outdo us nature.

So let's drink to our wise mother nature, in which everything is so wonderfully arranged and which is perfect. So that people do not try to win over her and finally remember that they are all children of nature!

* * *

Epigram toasts about love.

* * *

Is love suffering?

No, she is a joy!

But is love bad luck?

No, she is a reward!

So let's drink to happy, shared love, which is a reward for a person!

* * *

There is only one feeling on Earth,

It is given only to the chosen ones.

Drunk and beckoning

Your mind is powerless before her!

I propose to drink for that amazing feeling that magically affects a person, transforming beyond recognition! For love!

* * *

Meeting. Acquaintance. Parting.

Despondency. Seeking a date.

Meeting again - and the soul sings!

Well, isn't life good?

For life and for love!

* * *

Love never asks for a reward

She is not afraid of any obstacles.

Its power can move mountains

And resolve any disputes!

So let's drink to love - a feeling that overcomes all obstacles in its path and elevates a person above the ordinary, revealing life in new colors! For true love!

* * *

Epigram toasts to friends and friendly companies, which glorify the value and importance of friendship in the life of every person.

* * *

Kin of his distant blood

I could call a fly -

But still there is no sweeter than that relative,

With whom you are related in spirit.

As you already understood, I want to raise my glass to you, my friends, to our company, which is close to me first of all in spirit. I really value friendship with you, without it my life would not be as full as it is now. I drink for you, friends!

* * *

I sit at the festive table -

Not to cover everything with a glance,

Eat what's closer

Get to know the people next to you!

I propose to drink for new acquaintances and for the fact that after a while they will definitely grow into a strong friendship! For acquaintances, new and not so!

* * *

A true friend is a support in everything,

He does not scratch his tongue in disputes!

Strong friendship is our strength

Friendship glory and praise!

So let's raise our glasses to friendship, which is an integral part of our lives. For strong friendship!

* * *

A good friend is like the wind in bad weather,

He will take away both sorrow and misfortune.

May there be so much happiness in your life

Like snow in December, in a snowy forest.

Let's drink to good and true friends. They are usually few and that is why we treasure them so much! For true friends!

* * *

All the value that is in my soul,

To the grave I owe a friend.

There is no merit in this

You just did me a valuable service!

Let's drink to the fact that such words could be uttered by each person to his close friend!

* * *

Let's diversify the subject and turn to a rather rare topic of ordinary toasts, but not epigram toasts - rest.

* * *

Rest is not an evil, but a good deed.

It is true when the whole body rests.

Useful when the soul rests

How good life is on vacation!

Let's drink for a vacation with friends in a quiet and peaceful environment!

* * *

So let's raise our glasses so that such joyful moments are always present in our lives and make it more diverse. For a fun, relaxing holiday!

* * *

Housewarming is always a joyful event for any person, one might say, a kind of holiday. Well, like any holiday, housewarming is usually accompanied by a feast. And epigram toasts about housewarming here will be just the way.

Epigram toasts in this case take the form of wishes for new settlers, promise a joyful and cloudless life in a new place.

* * *

Let's raise our glasses to ensure that no everyday trifles overshadow the life of new settlers in their new home!

* * *

New home, new home!

One hundred entrances, one hundred windows!

Housewarming we celebrate

And we drink to the house!

What do people need for happiness on Earth?

Just a few things:

A good house, where there is no place for trouble,

Beloved wife and a couple of friends!

* * *

So let's raise our glasses to the house where grief, misfortune, need and disappointment will never look. May an atmosphere of happiness and prosperity always reign in your home!

* * *

The most common occasions for a feast are birthdays, anniversaries and name days. And with these events, we congratulate a specific person: a relative, friend, acquaintance, work colleague, etc. And in this case, it is appropriate to dedicate the toast epigram to the hero of the occasion himself, and it should reflect their main advantages.

Try to choose from the epigram toasts below a few suitable for your case, insert the desired name into the context of the epigram and you can safely go to the celebration.

* * *

Caring hostess

And a kind soul

Irina, happy birthday,

Be just as good.

Let's drink to the hero of today's celebration, to Irina, may she always remain the same sweet, kind and wise woman. For the birthday girl!

* * *

There are no barriers for Tatyana.

She is the treasure of the universe.

And she always suits any outfit,

She's adorable and tastes amazing!

So let's fill our glasses with wine and raise them to our dear birthday girl, a woman of extraordinary beauty, who is always an adornment of any company! For you, Tatyana!

* * *

Everyone brings warmth and light.

And to have fun - there is no equal!

There is beauty in Elena

Wisdom, tenderness, kindness.

Let's raise our glasses for Lenochka, for a wonderful person who gives others the light and warmth of his soul and always radiates boundless goodness!

* * *

Svetlana loves to be alone,

Work for her is like a pleasure.

Knows how to restrain the streams of empty words

And never hide in the bushes!

I propose to drink for the birthday girl, who is for us the standard of female wisdom and diligence!

* * *

Loves, creates and inspires

She is like a sip of honey, like salvation.

Fortitude and patience always and everywhere

They will not leave her for anything and in trouble!

Let's drink to the hero of today's celebration, to the romantic, creative nature that does not allow us to drown in the gray whirlpool of our life!

* * *

Julia! You will see joy in everything

You won't offend anyone.

Always know the purpose in life

And you are clearly moving towards it.

Friends, let's drink to the mistress of this beautiful house, to her wonderful quality - the ability to maintain optimism and good spirits in all life situations!

* * *

In your heart, generosity, clarity,

And in the eyes - the surface of the sea.

White rose color, purity hello.

And the smile on the lips is light from kindness.

Let's drink to our unique and incomparable Natalya, who can truly be called a real woman. Natalia is a beautiful, smart, generous person! For you!

* * *

Let youth pass over the years

Whiskey is already graying, but everything seems to be again,

But with grandchildren, longing always goes away,

And you feel your blood getting younger.

I propose to raise glasses for the eternal youth of the soul of our birthday girl!

* * *

Nothing that the years are rushing

And it's not a problem at all

After all, age is real wealth,

Which is always valuable!

Let's drink to worldly wisdom and experience, which are gradually acquired throughout life and are invaluable wealth!

* * *

Now epigram toasts that can be dedicated to men, noting in the congratulations the main and unique features of the hero of the occasion.

* * *

Dmitry is savvy, gifted.

Standing firmly on the ground

And not afraid of work

The whole world embrace, seeks to understand!

I propose to raise glasses for the hero of the occasion, a person who never ceases to amaze me with his indefatigable energy and constant striving for perfection!

* * *

Anton is smart, handsome from the face,

Everything is brought to an end.

He is persistent and kind.

Everything boils obediently in the hands.

Well, why not raise a glass and drink for such a wonderful person who lives among us?! Let's drink to him!

* * *

Andrey! You shine in society with your mind,

Always the soul of the company.

Congratulations! Be an eagle!

We wish you prosperity!

So let's drink to ensure that your mind always remains bright, your heart is open, and your temper is cheerful! For the birthday boy!

* * *

Wish there were more people like you

And the sun would then shine brightly.

You are looking for perfection in everything,

But no one would call you a gift.

Let's raise our glasses to the culprit of today's holiday, for the fact that he is a principled and fair person who can serve as an example to follow!

* * *

We all know your kindness

And the fact that this is your main feature,

Sergey, go ahead, take more risk,

But never forget your loved ones!

For you! For your human dignity!

* * *

Artem is a cheerful, kind fellow,

He does not like boring people.

Prefers to live without fame

It's so much easier and sweeter for him.

I propose to drink for our Artyom, for the spontaneity and kindness of his character and cheerfulness of disposition!

* * *

A faithful husband and a good father,

In life, in work - everywhere well done.

In any trouble, Alexei will always support,

The word given, be sure, will keep!

Probably everyone guessed that I want to offer a drink to the owner of this house, a wonderful family man, a caring father and a faithful friend who will always come to the rescue in difficult times! We drink to you, Alexey!

* * *

He is young, blooming, beautiful,

Our beloved Alexander.

Gentle, humble, patient.

Decorates the team.

Let's raise our glasses to today's birthday boy! We all appreciate him as a wonderful sympathetic person and as a valuable employee - a true professional in his field!

* * *

And you are rich in health

And in work - just a treasure!

You won't find a better friend

At least go around the whole earth!

Let's drink to my best friend, with whom we have known for many, many years and, as they say, we ate more than one pood of salt together, but despite this, we are always glad to each new meeting with each other! For you!

* * *

He knows how to listen to others.

And help - just call.

Michael will forgive his friends so much

Forgive everything beloved, except lies.

I propose to drink for our mutual friend Mikhail, a strong and courageous person who, in spite of everything, never despairs and does not lose his presence of mind!

* * *

Denis! You are proud, brave, constant.

You are a very dangerous opponent.

Besides, you are a very good psychologist.

And you are a faithful husband, by the way!

I raise a glass for you, for the listed qualities of your character, which, of course, are your virtues! For you!

* * *

He is honest and reliable.

The whole weaker sex is in love with him.

He is a lover of life, our Valentine.

And, in general, we are proud of him!

I propose to raise our glasses for Valentine, the favorite of women and the soul of any company. I don’t even want to think about what we would do if he weren’t around! You are our pride! For you!

* * *

You are capable, talented, Maxim.

You do not hold evil, you do not remember insults.

Energetic, strong and beautiful.

May life give you good luck!

I propose to rise and once again drink for the birthday man, because, as they say, it’s not a sin to drink for a good person, but it’s not a sin for our today’s birthday man to drink and stand!

* * *

Like air we need

Our magnificent Maxim!

You are handsome, wonderful man,

Well, what a wise thinker!

So let's drink to a person whose whole life is filled with a special meaning and is subordinated to serving people. We can always turn to him for advice or help, and he will never refuse! Let's drink to the bearer of wisdom in our company!

* * *

Both talented and energetic

And our practical Cyril.

He is funny and cute

He is cheerful and very kind.

So let's drink to ensure that those positive qualities that Cyril possesses are preserved in his soul for life! For the constancy of character!

* * *

In the family, the breadwinner and worker,

A caring and loving father.

He is an athlete, he is a fisherman, he is a hunter,

Yes, however, he is a man, finally!

I propose to drink for Ivan and all the real men who are still among us!

Meaning: "Eastern" (Greek)
Anatoly is a gentle person by nature, inclined
to daydreaming, greedy for praise and even flattery,
secretive and with the closest people.
The name is saturated with light oriental splendor.

Anatoly congratulate
Happy Angel Day we want.
Why shouldn't we do
Tole in May name day?

We'll set the table, we'll say in toasts,
How we appreciate our Tolechka,
And on the day of the Angel we will prove
How we value friendship with him.

Anatoly, congratulations!
Be still loved
Dear to all and respect,
We keep our Angel!

Meaning: "winner" (lat)
Nikita is always confident in himself, knows exactly what he wants
from life, and usually achieves this. He is stubborn and
steadfast, but it is easy to injure him, affecting his self-
bee. Painfully endures any defeat. From-
tormented by resentment in heart and soul, he goes to sa-
to our close friends, to whom he allows himself

Nikita means "winner".
Capable Angel is your guardian
Lead you to victory.
Trust him on your way!

If so, victory means a lot,
You set feasible tasks -
And you will be invincible
We love and care for everyone!

We want to tell you this:
You are a joker and a merry fellow
And a good friend, kind, faithful
Why do you always have to be first?

May the Angel also rest:
Tired of pushing you forward
To appease your vulnerability
Promise new victories.

Today is your name day
We want to be with you
Not with triumphant and alien,
And with his own - so dear!

In short, there is simply no male name,
But this name means too much
And in its brevity is buried a great secret,
There are so many invisible "YaNachek" (stash) in it:
YaNachka the first: YAN is a terrible lover of life,
He loves life in all its manifestations.
He is hot-tempered, but ONE-LOVE:
All his fans in this about m - no doubt.
Jan, secondly, was born as a businessman,
He could be almost a billionaire
He could be cool like superman
Or at least a stuntman.
And thirdly, Yang is in love with his children,
Ready for any feats for their sake.
He draws strength from them, like Antei ("YANTEI"),
Stremglav runs to the first children's call.
Two letters in the name of everything, but it looks completely,
friends, not bad.
There is only one syllable in his name,
But how much power we hear in it and how much we see

From her Stepan

Today is Stepochka's holiday!
Birthday today!
Of course, in a pile
I will definitely drink with him.

I will come to him dressed up,
Like a birthday girl.
I will sit next to him,
And he will move towards me.

I said before
All wishes to him.
The answer was very strange:
“You are all my desires.
And there are no other desires.


Semyon is strong in stories.
Strong! But I'll be a bastard
One story, Semyon,
I won't ever forget!

How are you on a box of cognac
I argued once in a tavern:
Smaller in this world!>
Because you always are!
For the box won!
For real men!
For real women!


I will save Tolya
From hurt and pain.
I know the conspiracy
I conjure them:

For everything to happen
Just like you dreamed
For everything to fit
For everything to work out

Nothing would beat
And it didn't break
And just a little more -
To love all my life.

Well, to me from Tolya
Do not need anything -
Only for a long time
Be nearby.

From her Fedor

My Fedya is under the spell of dark forces.
But I have a response move:
I will become the most evil witch
To make my Fedya happy
So that he doesn't love me.

I will conjure, I will prophesy
I will send and smooth, and cold, and darkness
So that they will squirm from damage
All the women that call him.
Weld from feathers and roots
Infusion for love potions,
And I will have them all year round
Pour Fede into beer and compote.

And the infection will leave him -
He is cured of the evil eye.
Just look at me crazy
Hearing the phone buzzer. -

Then he wanders into the kitchen
Where there is both beer and compote.
And henceforth I wish him
Always love me alone.

Congratulate you, Pavel, glad
And with admiration we say:
Meeting with you is like a reward,
We all adore you.
Don't bow down to sadness
And do not be sad in the silence of the night.
Happy birthday, congratulations
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts!


If the day is clear, spring,
Smiling Arseny:

A beautiful autumn day
Arseny is surprised:

Let him be lucky, otherwise
We don't see any luck either.
And in the heat and in the cold -
Good luck gentlemen!
Smile brighter, Arseny
You are a genius in this area!

PLATO (gr.) -

Be, Plato, always broad-shouldered
and a pure soul,
to lean on your shoulder
if something is wrong,
and do not miss fate
in dry winds and in snowfall.
Even if it's heartless
Fortune will beat us
seeing such shoulders, -
at the same moment will reduce the agility.


Oleg confessed to me
I sip from the cup:
Ready to understand yourself!>

He took a glass of wine
Sat down with beauty
And drank with her to the bottom,
And sang a song with her.

I beg you, Oleg,
You drink that motive.
And every person
Let it go crazy with you!!!

You were watching the moon
Mysterious, in pitch darkness,
When the silvery light is thick
Does everything change shape?
That's it. And God's man,
Our glorious Alexey:
Is he mysterious to everyone?
That is not his sweeter!
Among beautiful young ladies
gallant enthusiastic,
He will hang noodles for you like that,
Pretending to be in love
What will become "the most expensive,
And smart, and scientists,
And he will be loved by all
Refined handsome!

From her Jacob

I have a lot of Jacobs
They wear patent leather shoes,
With overseas drinks
With the manners of Moscow.
They break into my apartment -
They wish to get acquainted.

Although I love Jacob,
But Jacob is not everyone.
But only such Jacob,
With whom I think alike.

He does not puff up from wealth,
But he works honestly.
And it's easy for me to breathe with him,
And I love it sweetly.

Let the holiday with dear Yasha
Our destinies will cross.


Villages sleep and cities sleep.
The gods doze, the people sniffle.
But Gregory never sleeps -
The ancient Greeks say so.

He does not climb the Internet -
His night sky will captivate.
Like the only light on the planet
In the dark, his dim nightlight.

Looking at the canopy of heaven at night,
He is a luminary studying flight,
And so Grisha knows
Everything that will happen in the future.

What will happen to anyone and everyone
He checked the stars, but you
Never tells anything
In this Grisha swore to the gods.

The birthday boy, of course, knows
What will happen to him, because
He accepts with a smile in his soul
Our wishes to him.


Crazy from this life
I will take my breath away.
And in the phone book, Leo,
I will find your number.

I will say: But do not change your temper;
There is no luck without a good fight!> .-
And I'll be right again.

You in the night light from the stars!
You take them hot! ..
Leo, I raise this toast
For your heavenly gift!!!

(Epigram toast)

Happy men-TIMOTHEIA!
Their wives are kind, like fairies.
If we add a FAIRY to TIM,
We will get as a result - TIMOTHEIA!
This means that Timoshina is a wife
Give or take - she is a magician.
He loves her and cherishes her,
And she, like a Fairy, knows how to do everything,
And they also have a good son.
Both the fairy and Timosha are happy.
Here is such an alliance with TIMOTHEY:
He is a Wizard and next to him is a Fairy.
And no matter what her name is -
They live great together!
And since he loves "Fairy" TIM,
They always have excellent intimacy.
So I have the right to say:

(Toast epigram)
(Almost idyllic)

What's in your name - it's time to say:
GAMBLING house and you are a gambler.
Love and women. Champagne and cards.
But you are different with us, you "faded away" a long time ago.
Playing dominoes with your neighbor friend.
That women, that vodka - all the same.,
And, if you rattle, then with a spoon at dinner.
But this, IGOR, also has a reason:
You - calmed down and your house became a paradise.
For a long time you do not start up in acceleration
We drink quietly with you.

Meaning: "Protected by God"
(ancient Greek)
Gleb is characterized by solidity and benevolence.
ness, strength of character, firmness, thriftiness.
All this is enhanced by a clear association of the name
with bread, without which, as you know, there is no life.
In men, Gleb himself respects courage and the ability to weight.
keep yourself worthy, even if there is an opponent in front of him.
And he does not sympathize with hard women, not without reason.
vanii believing that nature for a woman determines
la femininity and softness. Doesn't like it when people
give empty promises, and he tries not to quit
words to the wind. And in general, it’s better not to communicate with Gleb
in words, but in deeds - he believes them more.

We want to congratulate Gleb
Happy Orthodox Name Day!
Gleb himself is protected by God!
He is strong and strong in spirit.

Friendly with people
Responsible for your deeds
Reliable and smart in everything,
He will not throw words into the wind.

How can we not live life without bread,
So we can't live without Gleb!
And we are pleased to congratulate -
We can respect him!

Let's raise our glasses and drink to the bottom -
After all, life is given to everyone for fun.
On your birthday, you are glad to say
That life gave us you as a reward!
Today, relatives wish with love
You have a lot of happiness, good luck and health
And they believe that an angel protects you
And the risk from you, our Vadim, will take away!

25 February; 30th of March; May 7; 2 June;
October 18; December 6
Meaning: "God's man" (Staroslav),

"preserving" (ancient Greek)
Let the name not call its owner to leadership,
it still reliably shelters a person from all kinds of
troubles. A big role in the fate of Alexei
upbringing and the environment in which he grows up play
etc. Aleksey's poise makes him wonderful
listener and adviser. He is capable of
happy and ready to help in any way possible. Alek-
this one is not very talkative, his principle is less
words, more deeds. It's just not worth trying, what on-
called to put pressure on him.

Alexey - protecting forever.
And yet the meaning is God's man.
On the day of the Angel, we want to congratulate him!
Not only called to protect -
he himself keeps.

An angel named after Alyosha portends:
Be wise, be strong. Angel knows
In what does Alyosha need to show his will,
To maintain your authority.

Does an angel really help?
Alexei always acts wisely.
He will help you, share, tell you,
Neither advice nor support will be denied.

Alexei as a friend is indispensable to anyone.
As a man, we need and love him.
Be happy, Lesha, Lord
we store
The best we know

Daniel, Daniel
Where do you get so much power?
Burning at work
You sit on the football
And family and friends...
What is your secret?
Daniel was silent
And Daniel said,

Bogatyrsky full of strength:
"And with lions in the den,
So be it, I'll live
Because I didn’t drink, I didn’t smoke!”

From her Edward

The holiday is over for Edward.
I will not hide that I am glad about it.
Look at me Edward
And turn on the cassette player.
Let until dawn
We sing about love
An unknown singer.

Look at me Edward
And wipe the fatigue from your face
And until dawn
We will sing about love
Baritone of a young singer.

And now at night we are with you
We will always listen to music.
And the singer is young
Soon to be a star
After all, he knows what to sing and when.

Another will always come out sideways
Any ill-advised move.
But Gleb, "protected by God,"
Confidently looks forward.

Losses don't bother him.
Rather the opposite:

In the place where the ruble will lose,
He will certainly find a buck.

But Gleb will not stay with him for long,
The currency will drop at the moment.
But where he sows a dollar,
Find a lottery ticket.

And here Gleb checks it,
And the prize is a car!
We know it doesn't happen
But our Gleb deserved it.

From her Cyril

Cyril has a birthday
Well, I'm not in the mood.
Why are you, Kiryusha,
Our union with you destroyed?
You don't come, you don't call
Do you speak kind words?
I'll look at Cyril -
I'll tell him everything with a glance.

“Ah, Kiryusha, you, Kiryusha!
Wish listen:
A simple wish
Throw an idle business."

And my eyes will pass him
And Kirill will understand everything,
Will take me by the hand
And get married.

Here's how it ends -
If I feel like it!

(Epigram toast)

Of course, the word is heard in RUSLAN: Rus'!
But that's not why I'm proud of RUSLAN.
On his own, he is an excellent man.
He is not afraid of the transitional dusk.
Our RUSLAN was not lost, not confused,
And he tried to find a place in life.

Tall, slender, golden-haired,
Determined, resourceful and wise.
Lyudmila, Uncle Chernomor and the Sea-ocean - Today, all the fashionable.
He conquered all the beauties
His gallantry.

Always sociable and nice.
And fresh as a young lord.
Our new outfit KIRILL
Always extremely proud.

You were loved. And he loved it.
Not once, not two, not three.
And you had it, KIRILL
"KIRILLITS" - a dime a dozen.

But the years are ticking by. gray hair
Turns white at the temples.
And here is "CYRILLIC" one
Remained in hand.

Let youth not return back ...
Not all have succeeded.
Our very first toast!

(Toast epigram)

Not at all SEREDnyak Sergey in a love affair.
And, if he does not have heart victories,
He is ANGRY for a week.
But there are plenty of compassionate girls.
They, like a serpentine, curl around SEREZHA.
And, sooner or later, anyway
They surrender themselves with delight.
Two EARRINGS are not enough for them (in the ears!)
And we are ready to fight for our SEREZHA,
And many have long wanted in dreams
Pinned to Serezha's heart.
Raise glasses TOAST calls us all
In honor of our SEREZHA-heartthrob!
And let SERGEY "get it" as soon as possible
Last and marriage victory!


You! T and to and m that was born!
This name was given from birth.
Determined, assertive and smart.
And brave, of course! There is no doubt about it.

At your name of Victory, thunder is heard.
You can overcome any obstacle.
Although he was not awarded the George Cross.
But your name is inscribed in the award!

Noting your strength and luck, and become,
We wish you to continue to win and life

But at the same time, I would like to wish you...

GRIGORY (lat.) -
awake, sleepless

You are always awake, Gregory,
and therefore to your family
afraid of approaching grief,
wandering around somewhere.
Live, Gregory, without meeting
obstacles in all your affairs
and every holiday celebrating
all with the same cheerfulness in their eyes.


Though my pen rewards
Praise to only one Maro,
You, brother, don't complain about me:
I would be happy to praise you
But you yourself are a hundred times better
You cope with this task.
( Mellin de Saint Jelly. To some poet )

No place for those at the meal who are full,
To those at the ball who cries and mourns,
To those in the war who hold themselves cowardly,
To those at court who speak truthfully.
( Guy du Fort de Pibrac. quatrain)


"When is a love game appropriate?" —
The beauty asked the doctor.
To this the doctor answered clearly:
"Pleasant in the evening, healthier in the morning."
The beauty said: “Her, in the end, I
I can with my beloved in silence
Have a night out for the soul
And again in the morning - for health
(Jean Vauquelin de la Frenay)

In Russia, the real flowering of the epigram began only with A.S. Pushkin, who turned it into a living sketch. For Karamzin, Zhukovsky, and even Tyutchev, it was rather an artificially constructed rhyme without that zest, more precisely, without the spice that makes the epigram real.

Pushkin's epigram is a small masterpiece, easy to remember, capturing the very essence of a phenomenon, event or person. The epigrams of Alexander Sergeevich were good because they did not require printing and were passed from mouth to mouth, which made them, due to the ease of memorization, a cruel weapon. Who does not know a clear, like a formula, epigrams on Count Vorontsov.

Half my lord, half merchant
Half wise, half ignorant,
Semi-scoundrel, but there is hope
What will be complete at last.

Or on Arakcheev:

The oppressor of all Russia,
Governors tormentor
And he is a teacher of the Council,
And he is a friend and brother to the king.
Full of malice, full of revenge
Without mind, without feelings, without honor,
Who is he? A devotee without flattery
Fucking penny soldier.

Pushkin even wanted to publish a collection of his epigrams, for which he wrote a kind of preface:

O muse of fiery satire!
Come to my call!
I do not need a thundering lyre,
Give me the Juvenal scourge!

Peace be upon you, unfortunate poets,
Peace to you, magazine slanderers,
Peace be upon you, you humble fools!
And you guys are scoundrels -
Forward! All your bastard will
I torture the penalty of shame!
But if I forget someone
Please, gentlemen!
Oh, how many shamelessly pale faces,
Oh, how many foreheads of wide copper
Ready to accept from me
An indelible seal!

A real and good epigram is not so much a kind laughter, although there are some as a weapon against vulgarity, mediocrity, stupidity and political obscurantism. Epigrams are especially effective where there are communities in which an epigram is born and spreads at lightning speed, sometimes without even an author.

In Soviet times, the epigram was one of the most popular genres, not least because it did not require censorship. Epigrams were passed from mouth to mouth, like an anecdote, like folklore, mockingly ridiculing what was impossible to say openly. And the presence of various Unions (filmmakers, writers, artists, composers, etc.) contributed to their instant spread.

The well-known Russian philologist, Doctor of Science, member of the Union of Soviet Writers, dissident Efim Etkind, expelled from the country for political reasons (he defended Brodsky at trial, then spoke in defense of Solzhenitsyn and Sakharov) collected 323 epigrams that circulated in the twenties and up to the sixties. Here are some epigrams from this collection.

Yefim Etkind

I think of the state as a statue,
A man in bronze is a symbol of authority;
Hidden under a fig leaf
Huge security agency.


I look at the world from under the table:
The twentieth century, an extraordinary century!
What is more interesting for a historian,
So much sadder for a contemporary. (Nikolai Glazkov))


What is your shell made of, turtle?
I asked and got the answer:
From the fear I've experienced
And there is no more reliable armor in the world.
Lev Khalif


We are all Jews
Sometime and somehow
So circumcision, thank God,
It's easy for us to shine.


A wave splashes on the shore
And people are sour from the heat ...
How much shit floats
Literally and figuratively!
K. Simonov


Marshak once said so,
As one Marshak could say:
— I am a translator in Rus'
And I value this
But I, unlike a taxi,
I don't transfer everyone.
Ya. Kozlovsky


B. Pilnyak
Even if you're not young anymore
But you will not forget the main goal:
What are you waiting for, Boris Pilnyak?
Fight, Pilnyak, you will be Maxim!



Alexander Rodchenko. Portrait of O. Brik


On S.Ya. Marshak
Leaving for the station
He kissed Chukovsky,
And when I arrived at the station,
"What a bastard!" He said...
Here's how scattered
From Basseinaya Street!
S. Lipkin 30s


To Evgeny Yevtushenko
I am Eugene, you are Eugene
I'm not a genius, you're not a genius.
I'm shit and you're shit
You are new, I am a long time ago.
On behalf of Evg. Dolmatovsky


To Olga Bergholz
Olya, Olechka, lu-lu,
Filled with fun.
Virgin with a hangover
Or an angel in hops?
M. Dudin


A. Fadeev

On A. Fadeev
When do we see the general?
When he drinks a mineral.
When will he drink natural,
Then we do not see the general.
3. Paperny


On K.Simonov
He still
As you can see, you want
be known as a liberal
Among the Black Hundreds.


On Sun. Kochetova
Literary uncle lives in Moscow,
I won't name him.
I will say one thing: there was a holiday in Leningrad,
When he was transferred to Moscow. 1955


On Sergei Mikhalkov
What he lacked
He immediately delivered
The most important got
I got it from Moscow.
Lev Nikulin


On V. Pikul
Dear Comrade Pikul,
You are a great original
You got drunk on the Jews.
And pissed off Russia.


On emigrant topics
Everyone moved away a long time ago
Even Ernst's window is dark.
Only Yura Vasiliev and Borya Messerer
that's who was still in Es Es Es Er.
Bulat Okudzhava 1980


Although I can not compete with Pushkin

(I'm even afraid to get close to him!),

But on you, my Vent,

I have been praying for so many years.

As with faith in God in a novice

I remain with this feeling.

And unlike ALINA, Pushkin

I will not be deceived in my love!

I know that love is not worth it

But do not calm the fire in the chest.

ALINA! Dominate me:

You are the mistress, I am the slave of Love!


In ANGELSKI - kind, gentle, hardworking.

In ANGELSKY - faithful, modest and patient.

You are an ANGEL in the flesh, an earthly ANGELINA.

And the one with whom you are next to is the happiest man!


Once upon a time there lived ANTON with his wife NINA.

And as a result, the daughter ANTONINA appeared.

And so, believe it or not,

There are no happier women in the world.

She wanted to find ANTON-husband

And at the age of 20 (with difficulty), but found.

And after the wedding, in accordance with the law,

Happily combined Tonechka with Anton.

We bought a cottage, and then a car.

Then they created a daughter - also ANTONINA.

And after the daughter to their cozy home

The son also came. Of course - ANTON!

What ANTONINA dreamed about - she has everything:

Beautiful, cheerful and not sick.

And, you know, what is the reason for Antonina's happiness?


We have no doubts now.

ANTONOV will be many generations.

"Chicken" is not a bird. The hat is not "Budenovka".

This is not a family, but an apple tree - "ANTONOVKA!"


SHE: both simple-minded and smart.

And good: full face and profile.

And "ANFILADA" - her years - is calm and even.

And there is no coquetry and guile in it - not a crumb!

And she does not need a General-ANshef,

And a rich businessman is not needed.

Her husband, both in life and according to the horoscope, is Leo!

She is delighted with such a husband!


When it's cold, it's always warm to sleep with her.

When the heat, on the contrary, is fresh and so cool,

Wherever the impassability suddenly skidded,

A guiding thread will be given by ARIADNA!

I am not Theseus, my father is not Aegeus.

But life is like a maze. And that's why it's gratifying

That every evening at home at the door

ARIADNA will meet me with love!


Aryan blood in you was not and is not.

You are only an aristocrat in spirit, ARINA!

But a name as poetic as a morning sonnet

Reminiscent of the sounds of the Harp and the fruits of Rowan.


How rarely do you see a name: BRONISLAVA!

Calculation - her ARMOR, reliability - GLORY!

She is always incredibly even.

Not a fashionista. But the appearance is understandable.

(Dressed modestly, but always neat!)

BRONISLAVA has a thin, tenacious mind:

She won't say anything randomly.

She is practical. Extremely economical

But, nevertheless, lives quite modestly.

Therefore, BRONI has capital!

(More than once I myself borrowed money!)

"And how is the husband?!" - ask me a question.



You are probably the most talented of all!

You are the TOP of grace and fidelity of deep feelings.

And I'm sure you will succeed

Upon reaching the peaks - cherished and high.


Beloved VARVARU VARYUSHA will tie his hands

And how to behave in front of a woman will tell.

By his kindness, he will forgive his sins.

A decoction prepared for itself will bewitch.

VARYA (addition)

What do you hear, VARYA, in your name:

Scream of BARBARA? Or the deliciousness of JAM?

How many OPTIONS can be heard in it -

There are a lot of VARIATIONS here, no doubt about it.

You've been friends with VARezka for many years

And from childhood you did not know VARnak.

In a home variety show, I composed a verse

About how you ate jam.

You will boil in your own juice,

Varangian will not become, Varya, your husband

(I can give a lot of OPTIONS

On the topic that you don’t need Varya at all.)

You are free in Russian variations.

And in the Russian style you will ruin your life.

We hope you are smart

And cook delicious "porridge" from your life.

Let foreigners call Barbara.

In response, you smile softly,

Let there be beauty in Barbie, but not comfort.

And you are comfortably called VARENKA!


You are for me: either the descent of life, or the rise of my feelings.

Either the sweetness of silence, or the bitterness of a squabble.

And often I hear in your name:

Paul VALERIE and drops of VALERIAN!


You are a warm "VALenok" and the ninth SHAFT of the sea.

Now - smooth - Waltz, then - exuberant rock and roll.

But, if the heart of friends suddenly ache from grief,

Then you, VALUSHA, are the best "VALidol".


I've always been considered a "bump"

There are many reasons for this.

Spent all the time with Vali and then,

When exhausted from all other dates.

I often dreamed of falling for her,

To clear all your blockages.

Again I speak about my feelings without melting:

VALUSHA is the best of the halts!

You are to me like a Mason's lodge.

Like a ship - a reliable port and dock.

Like the finish of a long-awaited marathon,

You are like a zavalinka and a warm light!


You are like a clearing in an abandoned forest,

You are like a thawed patch in a snowy desert.

Your image in memory tirelessly carry.

You are my salvation from now on.

I hear in your name - unknown distances

And something new, but what - I do not understand.

Let's go with you, GALYA, to Kostroma:

They say there is such a city - Galin!


You are Pebbles on the Cote d'Azur

With a romantic Galera on land.

I can't see the galaxy in your eyes

And I can’t help but feel ... the wonderful taste of Dumplings in my mouth.


(Light as helium and gentle as gel)

GELENA is not Elena, she is just GELE.

She is more carefree than other girls.

But she has "seven Fridays in the week"

Even including a couple of days off.

Otherwise, GELENA is perfect.

Good, like a fairy, affectionate, like a breeze.

The art of cooking is also super-commendable:

Pelmeni blinds - everyone shouts to her: "Bis!"

The character of GELI is easy for me to describe:

She does not hold optimism from others.

Dislikes complaining, crying and moaning

Friends are always ready to help.

It is soft and fragrant, like a gel.

It is light, like helium on the rise.

But, fortunately, the house is also dear to GELE.

And in the family all relatives smile sweetly,

When GELA lands at home.

But there will be a day, another and again "to the clouds."

I like GEL very much. How about you?


Divine VIRGO, you are like a Queen!

The Gospels have written about you for a long time.

But still, wherever you look: right or left -

Adam is more regal than EVE anyway!


Whenever you marry a genius

Happier than now, you wouldn't be EUGENIA!

Your husband may not be a Genius,

But you are the happiest of all Eugene:




INGA! What is the name! Ringing like a gong!

But only with a gentle bell overflow.

It sounds like a simple old "zong"

In a beautiful guitar frame.


(Love-healing epigram)

When the patient is lying down with a temperature

And in the throat - lump. And I'm not me anymore

I do not need - compresses, procedures!

You are my magic inhalation!!


What happiness and luck!

EUGENE - you! She is EUGENE!

You have a mutual attraction

You have a mutual burning!

You have everything together: light and shadows,

Since you are under the sign of "WOMAN".

And this sign promises you and Zhenya

Happy life elongation.




Fig sweet taste and pungent smell of cumin

I hear when I whisper: "INNA ..."!

And in this name of the well DEEP

And clouded consciousness from WINE ...

You are never KARTINNA.

Natural, trusting, smart.

Being with you is happiness, INNA.

With you, life is like eternal spring.


Your "Inauguration" took place in the maternity hospital,

Then dissent was revealed, not melting.

And maybe that's why I broke up with a foreigner,

That "Inokhod" is not your gait.


All friends know about this for a long time:

She has been given a lot of talent by nature.

She is a dressmaker, cook and builder,

She is a designer, educator and teacher.

She was a pioneer in her profession,

And INNA's husband was not ... "pacer".

But here is what INNA did not expect from herself:

Now she wants to switch to "INOKHOD" herself!


You are witty as a rapier

And musical, like a LYRA.

I won't lie when I say that the IRA -

One of the best women in the world!

In love, she always leads.

And this leadership of men is traumatic.

Missing man if IRA

Give ... make yourself an idol!


IRINA - like Iranian lilac.

IRINA - Iris and Iris at the same time.

That is the real passion of chiaroscuro,

Either ironic or good alternately.

She is like the sparkle of Iridium in the night.

And, like the Irish Setter - affectionate, playful.

SHE - irradiation magic rays,

And "Irrigation" souls are spring waterings.


Spring passed through the countries of the WORLD,

In the colors of Love byra apartment ...

I did not create an idol for myself

And suddenly my lyre fell silent!

Although sadness was not unreasonable,

Though it was not deep.

Sadness was just a little picture

And at that hour INNA appeared!

Luckily, he wasn't shy.
He was young and smart, and handsome beyond measure.
He knew languages ​​and adored women ...
But the one who does not honor us cannot be an example.

You are not a womanizer, you are a woman's man!
Everything in moderation: a blasphemer and a fashionista,
Slightly oblique condescending look,
Ease of gestures and words flying,
And on the forehead - a trace of eternal work
(mixed with the rest of a yawn)
“Where would you find a stupid detachment of girls!?”

She is not a woman, but simply a phenomenon.
Men surrender to her in March.
She can line them up
And make a soldier's song sing.