How to know if a guy likes you. The correct conclusion from male behavior. How to recognize love by speech

But let's say you do everything right: you use your gaze, gestures, voice to attract his attention, but he still does not show his attitude openly. After all, many guys are shy to show their feelings. You are tormented by the question - do you like him? How can this be known? What signs can tell that a guy is interested in you?

How to understand that a guy likes you by his gestures?

As you know, body language can tell us much more about any person than his words. This is what you need to use to find out if a guy likes you or not. To do this, just take a closer look at his gestures during your communication. Let's find out how a guy usually shows that he likes you.

Open gestures of sympathy

People who sympathize with each other take open poses. Look at how the guy stands in relation to you. If it is fully deployed in your direction, then this good sign!

Also, open gestures speak of sympathy for the interlocutor - the guy often shows his palms, slightly loosens his tie, unbuttons the top button of his shirt, unbuttons his jacket - all this testifies to his sympathy. This is a sign that he likes you.

Also, evidence of interest is usually attentive listening, accompanied by a slightly noticeable tilt of the head in your direction.

If you are talking while standing in a group, then his leg put forward a little and directed in your direction will show his sympathy.

By such unconscious postures, one can easily determine who likes whom, if you look from the side. Such gestures must be known, as they very accurately describe the attitude of people towards each other.

Close gestures

If a guy in a conversation takes closed poses - he crosses his arms over his chest or, sitting, crosses his legs, and standing, turns a little sideways to you, then even his smile will not hide the fact that communication does not give him much pleasure.

If he folds his palms with a pyramid finger to finger at chest level, then this is a signal that communication is over. Of course, seeing such gestures, you can understand that the guy does not feel much sympathy for you.

A very good sign of attention to you will be copying your gestures by the guy. This happens unconsciously and betrays sympathy with the head. If you see that he takes the same poses as you, then from this you can understand that he clearly likes you!

How to know that a guy likes you by his behavior?

If a guy feels sympathy, then it is easy to understand by his behavior.

In this case, he tries to get into your field of vision as often as possible. He tries his best to be there to help with something or just to exchange a few words.

Many girls do this fatal mistake, taking it as a manifestation of friendly relations and not taking it seriously.

The guy is not looking for friends among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, believe me. He will have enough of his friends among the guys. Usually, in the friendship of a man and a woman, one is always in love, and the other mistakenly takes this communication for friendship.

To make sure that a guy likes you, it is enough to pay attention to the fact that he does for you what he does not do for other girls. This is the most sure sign. If a girl is not attractive to a guy, he will never look for meetings with her, try to help in something, or just chat!

More Signs That You're a Boyfriend

In addition to the above evidence of sympathy, you can pay attention to some other signals that indicate his sympathy for you.

I didn’t even realize before how relevant this issue was for women. I thought women could see right through men. Indeed, in many cases it is so. However, almost all women do not understand when a man is in love. And they often ask questions:

How do I know if he likes me?

How to understand that a man is in love?

How to understand if a man likes you?

How to understand that he loves you?

How do you know if a guy likes you? Etc., etc.

And if a woman asks her friend over a cup of tea “How
understand if he likes me”, then we are usually talking about a man or a guy who already shows so many signs of attention, in such a huge amount, that they cannot be understood by the surrounding men seems completely impossible. But for women, for some reason, it remains a mystery.

For his friends, this man has long been "head over heels" in love. But for a woman, it's best case the man she got along with friendly relations(Otherwise, the question to a friend about “how to understand that he likes you” would not have arisen). And for such girls and women, I recorded a video where I told in detail all the signs of the behavior of a man in love. You can purchase the video course here.

I recently watched a Russian film, unfortunately, I do not remember the name. In this film, a man from school loved a woman. This man is rich, handsome, smart, caring, etc. It's been about 15 years since they met. For a woman, he was "a friend who will always help, always help out, listen and be there." He did love her. And only 15 years later, when a critical situation arose in the life of that woman, he told her "I love you".

Of course, the righteous indignation of the woman knew no bounds. She screamed in his face something like this: “Why have you been silent for 15 years”? Moreover, several times and in different words. After that, she told him to go "to hell." Then, however, everything ended well.

So, the woman indignantly shouts to the man: “Why have you been silent for 15 years” and I have a similar question: “Where have you been looking for 15 years??” A handsome, courageous, rich and, as they say, trouble-free man who loves you walks next to you for so long, and you don’t understand people and men so much that you don’t even understand that a man is in love.

And if earlier similar cases I considered it as a kind of exception, but now I understand that women do not understand when men like them. The scale of this phenomenon is simply huge and amazing. For example, you can also watch the movie Pride and Prejudice. In this film main character burns with love for several months, and finally makes a marriage proposal to the girl. And she does not even suspect that he was a man in love with her all this time !!!

With rare exceptions, women do not understand when they like. And even more so, they don’t understand that a man loves and wants to establish a long-term relationship.

Of course, if a man approached a woman and said something like this: “I like you, let's meet”, etc., then of course the woman understands that the man likes her.

However, such words are spoken at best by 1 out of 20 men who really like you.

So how do you know if he likes you? This question is asked to me much more often than I would think.

First, let's see what signs that a woman likes a man are described in women's magazines. Approximately the following:

- a man looks at a woman a little more often than usual,

- nervously twists the ring (if he wears it), or the watch,

- pulls on the belt, etc.

These signs are working, but too superficial. After all, a man can like women five times a day. And we need signs that a woman is more than desirable. We need signs that for a man this woman is potentially the only one and the man is in love.

Here are my observations and reflections on this topic, collected over several years.

How to understand that he likes you?

First. The man is friends with the woman. This is a very strong sign that a man likes you. Especially if this “friendship” is accompanied by periodic one-sided help from a man.

Let's bring out life rule- A woman can be friends with a man, a man just never "befriends" a woman - that's it, this is an axiom!

There are exceptions, but they are very rare and do not tell me or yourself that: "My case is an exception to the rule." You don't have any exception, you just don't want, or don't know how, to see the truth.

Therefore, one of the very strong signs is when there is a man “allegedly a friend” in your environment. He is always there, often helping you with advice or something, in Hard time supports, rejoices with you in joyful moments, etc.

Then it immediately follows next question from a woman: “Why is he silent for 15 years”?

Second. The man “suddenly, by chance” met you again.

If a man really liked you, then he will look for you, even if he does not have your phone number and address, and very often finds you.

How does the "search" work? A man can wait for hours near the bus stop where you supposedly ride, can wait near the entrance, come to the dance. club, search at the institute, through acquaintances, follow you, etc.

And then there is a "random" meeting of a woman with a man. It turns out that he “accidentally” passed somewhere nearby and “accidentally” saw you. In 80% of cases, there is no smell of any “accident” here. The only chance here is that the man was waiting for you for several hours, and when he saw you, he "accidentally" came out to meet you.

I myself so "accidentally" met my future wife for the second time, however, I did not expect anyone, but asked for a visit to where I knew that she would be. This is one of the search methods.

Total. Very a strong sign the fact that a man likes you is that you repeatedly, or even several times, meet a man, although it seems that you should not have seen him again. Usually, when you meet again, a man notices you first and starts a conversation, and not just “hello, hello.” The "accidental meeting" is usually justified by some kind of fable, but do not believe everything you are told, especially men. He likes you a lot - that's 100%. A few examples of "fables":

- fell ill if you are a doctor,

- suddenly became interested in dancing, if you dance,

- passed by when he lives in another city, etc.

In general, only a second, or even a third meeting, can serve as a more or less strong sign that a man likes you. At the first meeting, he may be too drunk, or there may be a “competitive atmosphere” in the company of fighting for a woman and he will court you with excitement. He may meet with you at the request of mutual acquaintances who will think that a couple will come out of you, they may simply not know you, etc. And only after coming to his senses, moving away from alcohol, etc., a man can appreciate how much he really likes you. And if this is the case, then he will definitely find you, you don’t need to call him or look for yourself.

It is much better if you ask about his hobbies, career, plans, etc. during the meeting. You will be confident, you will give non-verbal signs that you like a man, be friendly and smiling, and not with a sour expression on your face, etc., well, this is again off topic.

Third. A man does for you what he doesn't do for anyone else, or at least doesn't do for other women.

For example, it blows your jokes or "jokes". Finds what is difficult to find or requires a lot of time, money, energy. Responds to your requests, even if he is busy, etc. See example here

It also spoils you in one way or another. He tries to hide so that you don’t freeze, to make you see something if you can’t see it, he meets and behaves well with those people who are not very pleasant to him, for example, with your relatives, etc.

If I give an example from my life, then in order to please my wife, and at that time still the bride, I went to competitions with her ballroom dancing(I hate such events), before the wedding I looked through and said what models I like wedding dresses(for a man this is in moderation interesting activity), I bought for my favorite tights (for men this is a real feat), I learned to cook several “on-duty” dishes so that besides me my beloved woman could eat them (before, only I could eat what I cooked). In general, in order to please my woman, I have performed and still continue to perform a lot of heroes and real feats.

Fourth. The man arranges "cock dances".

Not good exact sign, as some men do it in front of almost every woman. Very young people can pull a pigtail or throw a snowball. The older ones are not much different. They can talk about what second cousin saw the President of America personally, or talk about what a powerful car he has, a strong right hand, what a smart programmer he is, etc., although the situation does not require it.

Fifth. A man, usually quite adequate, “suddenly” begins to be shy, is silent, does some stupid things, becomes overly caustic, that is, he makes fun of you more than other people, etc.

Therefore, if your boyfriend, real or potential, seems to you an "idiot", a person who is insecure and completely without manners, then he may really like you, especially if other people perceive him as completely normal and do not understand what happened to him, " What chain has he broken off? Why is this happening? If you are very important for a man, then some kind of shyness and insecurity are inevitable (greater than usual).

Well, that's all that I could collect so far on the question of "How to understand that he likes you." This should be enough for you. After all, the main thing is not even knowledge, but the ability to apply. Train first on colleagues and acquaintances, and then think about which of your men around you like you more or less, and why. Write down the answers. Think again. After a while, you will begin to understand men much better. After all, they are so simple and it is not at all difficult to understand a man, especially a man who likes you.

In more detail, all the signs of whether a man likes you or not, you can study in the video, which is sold on our website "Sunny Hands".

Sincerely, Rashid Kirranov.

Sympathy between a guy and a girl can easily be hidden from attentive eyes. But there are some psychological signs thanks to which you can guess about the interest in you from the guys - these are gestures, behavior, words. You just need to notice them and correctly interpret them. This is more a matter of practice than dry theory.

Here are the main signs by which you can determine whether a guy likes a girl:

When he notices you

His expression, eyes, and even the way he speaks change when you are around. From time to time he forgets what he wanted to say, stumbles, begins to smile more often and may even blush a little, especially when you accidentally meet eyes.

furtive glances

If he tries to steal a glance at you, he often looks around and glances even during exciting conversation with other people, then this is just one of the signs that he liked you.

If your eyes meet by chance, he may be a little confused. Try to look away at another object or at the window, perhaps it will automatically look after you. Then look at him again - he was frightened again, as if he had been taken by surprise!

careful study

With any, even the most insignificant and frisky communication, he looks straight into your eyes for a long time, looking at your facial features, trying to study and remember them. When talking to you, he is not distracted when someone passes by, and if someone turns to him, he quickly returns his attention to you.

Strives to communicate

Tries to start a conversation, questions and studies you whenever possible. During the conversation, it often switches to topics about your hobbies, desires, personal life, goals and dreams. At the same time, enthusiasm for the latest things speaks of his mood for a serious relationship.

Language of the body

During a conversation, he tries to come closer and, at any opportunity, touch. This sign correctly indicates his interest in you more than in a friend. When you communicate, his body is completely turned towards you, the open position of the body indicates sympathy. If his legs are crossed, this is also a good sign, which says that he is not going anywhere. Crossed arms can say the opposite - he closes himself from the conversation, you are not really interested in him.


He often betrays his interest, hiding it behind jokes, for example, "I know where you live now, and I will visit for tea." At the same time, he will monitor your reaction. Depending on how you feel about the guy, you can continue the game with hints and also joke back, letting him know that you are also interested in him. Or, conversely, is it time to comic form let him know that you're not in the mood for intimate communication with him.

Tries to help

He comes to the rescue when you ask and when you have not yet had time to ask. He will always wonder if he can do something for you. This behavior is typical for a guy in love, because they dream of one that can be patronized and protected from all sorts of difficulties. Do not deny him the opportunity to help you if you are interested in him, even if in fact you are able to do it yourself.
It's actually not difficult to determine a guy's sympathy for you if you watch him a little. Pay attention to his attitude towards other girls. If it special characters attention will be repeated with others, do not be naive and do not fall for them - this will only flatter his pride. But if you notice in him sincerity and all or many of the signs from the above, then you have no reason to doubt his feelings.

Love to you and strong relations!

By his behavior with you and towards you Guys try to take care of the girls they like. If he offers you help even when you did not ask for it, this clearly indicates that you are of his interest, and he wants to work on you good impression. For example, you casually mentioned that you don’t know how to restore some function on your phone - in response, he will offer to see what the problem is. Or, he will let you wear his jacket, seeing that you are dressed lightly and obviously cold. In general, any manifestations of concern are a good sign. The opposite is also possible - he wants you to take part in his affairs. For example, he may ask him for a choice of some thing, showing that he trusts your opinion. He also consults with you on various issues- cooking a certain dish, which series or movie to watch, and the like. By the way a guy communicates with you He constantly tries to maintain a dialogue, regardless of whether you communicate in person or by correspondence. If there are awkward pauses, he tries to fill them with some stories or asks you questions. Similar behavior in in social networks(in contact, classmates, etc.) - even if the last message in the conversation was from him, then, without waiting for your reaction, he will write to you again. Also a good sign the fact that a guy likes you is the fact that he wants to treat you to something - coffee, an apple, sweets and the like. If you notice that a young man is trying to joke to cheer you up, then this is also a long-winded "signal" - he clearly hopes to impress you. By his gestures, look, smile When you appear in the company, his behavior changes a little - he may become more tense or, on the contrary, behave more cheekily. When communicating with you, he tries to be as close as possible - he leans towards you and for several seconds, or even longer, looks at you intently, listens carefully to everything you say. It is possible that he is trying to touch you no matter what. convenient moment– crossing the road, showing something on your phone, adjusting your scarf, etc. A smile can appear on his face completely involuntarily when he sees you - during a conversation, in the first seconds of a meeting, when he catches your eye on him. By the appearance of a guy, a change in appearance He is concerned about his appearance, and even if he doesn’t directly ask if everything is all right with him, it’s still noticeable that this is important for him - he tries to straighten some elements of clothing, touches his hair, and on occasion looks at his reflection in mirror surfaces. He tries to sit straight, straightening his shoulders, turning towards you - while his posture may look somewhat tense. By the way, dilated pupils when looking at you can also say a lot!

How to know if a guy likes you by text or phone

Some young people cannot decide to express their sympathy in person, preferring telephone conversations or SMS. In this case, there are several signs that clearly demonstrate his sympathy:
    More often than not, the initiative for phone calls comes from him. Even if you do not have such a tradition - to talk to each other just like that, he will find a reason to call. This may be some kind of clarification on study or work issues. He may also say that he is looking for contacts of a mutual friend. Pay attention to the length of your conversations. The guy called you for a specific reason, but after clarifying the issue, is he in no hurry to hang up? This is a sure sign that he likes you and the reason for the call was most likely far-fetched. Also, if there was no special reason for the call, and you understand that the young man is trying with all his might to prolong your dialogue, this indicates that you are attractive to the interlocutor. He tries to keep in touch with you regularly. If you don’t have a meeting scheduled or you haven’t appeared on the Web for a long time, he still keeps in touch with you via SMS or calls. Perhaps, during personal meetings, he is embarrassed to talk to you once again, but he fully compensates for this by talking on the phone. Some guys get very excited being in close proximity to the object of sympathy, so it is much easier for them to make the right impression on the girl from a distance. Perhaps the most obvious sign is that the guy found your phone number on his personal social network profile, got it through mutual friends or got it some other unknown way. However, even if he asks you personally for a phone number, this also speaks of his undoubted interest in your person.

How to understand that you like by correspondence on the network

Correspondence on the Web takes more and more time, however, even without “live” communication with a young man, it is easy to determine that he has certain feelings for you. He is waiting for you. Now many VK users have the opportunity to be on their page in such a way that their friends are not even aware of it. If you went online and saw that the young man also appeared online, despite the fact that before that he had not been there for several hours or days, and this is not the first time this has happened, it looks like he was waiting for you. Surely, being in the status of "invisible", he watched when you appeared in VK, and as soon as this happened, he decided to go in himself. Attention. As soon as it appears on your "wall" new post, he usually likes it. The same applies to your new photos. He also often does not skimp on comments on certain entries. In general, any activity on your page does not hide from his gaze, and, of course, this indicates an interest in you. He is active. Even if you never write to him first, it is not difficult for him to take on this mission. He may be interested in how your day went, just throw off funny pictures or video, send you songs on the "wall", ask various questions. It also asks you about the photos that appear on your profile - when they were taken, who is with you in the pictures, and so on.

He is jealous. If posts from other male users appear on your “wall”, he can accompany them with unflattering comments or write something to you personally about this - make fun of the post, just ask about the guy’s personality, etc. It can also clarify whether you like someone. If you do not respond to his message for a long time, he jokingly or offendedly suggests that you are communicating with a more interesting interlocutor. He tries to please. In his profile there were entries that are clearly related to you. Perhaps some time ago you were discussing some musical artist, film or show, and now there is a record on its “wall” that develops this topic - a quote from a film, a song, some kind of picture. the interest of his friends. His friends or relatives suddenly began to “like” you some pictures or posts, or even add them as friends. This certainly indicates that the guy is talking about you to other people and, apparently, this is happening in a positive way. He is alert. He does not disappear in the middle of a conversation with you for a couple of days. If he needs to go away, he usually tries to warn you about it. He also talks about his plans, even if you didn't ask about them. He is worried. If you have not been online for several days, this will by no means hide from his attention. As soon as you enter VK, at the very first dialogue he will try to find out why you have been absent for so long.

As usual, a guy shows his sympathy

If a guy likes you, then you will immediately understand it by the signs below:
    He is interested in your phone number and how you can be found on VK. If you met on a social network, he will initiate a meeting. Perhaps, after personal communication, without further questions, he himself found your page on VK - this is also an obvious sign of his sympathy. You constantly catch his eye on yourself, being in the same company, in the cinema or on a walk. He tries to keep looking into your eyes. At the same time, he can suddenly look away, feeling embarrassed. Paradoxically, this behavior can also indicate that you like young man. He probably doesn't know what to say to interest you, or he's just afraid to say something stupid, so he doesn't try to start a conversation with you. As a rule, a guy can distinguish himself with such behavior in a company, but if you are left alone, he will try to prove himself somehow. He wants you to feel light and relaxed in his presence, and for this he calls for help all his wit. If this happens in a certain team, then, among other things, the young man probably wants to assert himself in your eyes, demonstrating that he may well be the “soul of the company.” If one of your friends allows himself offensive or tactless jokes about you , the young man draws attention to this, trying to steer the conversation in a different direction. It is possible that you were accidentally pushed in the crowd or some stranger tried to strike up a conversation with you - most likely, the guy who likes you will try to intervene in the situation, making sure that no one else hurts you or "bounces" a new potential admirer. He wonders if you have a lover and how long ago the last relationship ended. He may be interested in this unobtrusively, asking indirect questions. For example, he will start talking about some cozy place, adding: “Go there with your boyfriend.” In fact, in return, he hopes to hear what you're up to. this moment you are not in a romantic relationship. If you find out that a young man asks some questions about you to mutual friends or acquaintances, then do not even doubt that he feels sympathy for you. Does the guy learn from third parties some details of your personal life, is he interested in your plans, area of ​​​​residence, and the like? He definitely wants to get to know you better! Have you noticed that being next to you, he loses concentration, cannot collect his thoughts, everything falls out of his hands? He is clearly thinking about something, and it is likely that we are talking it's about you. Some guys get lost at the sight of a girl they care about, while others begin to behave overly self-confidently, trying with all their might to make a lasting impression. He can joke a lot, make fun of others, brag about some of his achievements, and authoritatively talk about this or that issue. If you know that, as a rule, such behavior is completely atypical for him, then you probably aroused serious interest. When talking with you, he recalls some details concerning you: “You, as usual, put one spoonful of sugar ?”, “Are you still watching that show?”, “How is your cat?” etc. It also manifests itself in remembering dates - your birthday, the first meeting with you.

How to warm up his interest in you or sue the ardor

The fact that a man likes you can cause you an ambiguous reaction. With mutual sympathy, of course, you want to provoke the chosen one to more active actions, but it also happens that there is no reciprocal interest, and, accordingly, there is a desire to get rid of the persistent admirer.

How to increase sympathy

1. Show interest in it. Ask about how his day went, what kind of music he is interested in. Also specify what genres of cinema he prefers, what he enjoys, what places he likes to visit. 2. When meeting with the object of sympathy, try to look spectacular. Let your clothes not be defiant, but emphasize your most advantageous sides. Do not forget about the details - manicure, hairstyle, suitable makeup. If while your communication takes place on the Web, then try to add the most successful photos more often. 3. Compliment him more often. Praise his musical preferences, external data (hairstyle, eye color, figure, etc.), ask him to recommend a film, and then thank him for his choice. 4. Be friendly when communicating with him - smile, show interest in the topic that he touched on, do not interrupt him or ignore him. 5. Show him that you are a rather versatile person who is not used to being bored. Sign up for some courses, master classes, group lessons fitness or dancing. Go to different places more often, mentioning this in a conversation with a young man. 6. Let him know that you are not in any relationship. If you want the guy you like to take more active steps, flirt exclusively with him. Of course, this does not mean that you should ignore other fans. Just show the guy that he is the one that interests you the most. 7. Show him signs of attention, but do not be intrusive, observe the measure. From time to time, you can be interested in his affairs in VK, but if he does not particularly develop the topic, then press him. Let him know that you care about him, but you are not going to impose yourself. 8. If it seems to you that he pays little attention to you, and could be more active, do not tell him about it and do not express complaints and grievances. He may not realize that you expect more decisive behavior from him, and you can hint at this not with reproaches, but with flirting. 9. Invite him somewhere - just in a cafe for coffee, to the cinema, to the skating rink or for a walk in the park. Say that you had a few free hours and you had an idea to call or write to him about this. It is desirable if at this time the guy will not be busy with anything.

How to make it clear that there is no reciprocity

Say it straight. Call him on straight Talk and admit that your sympathy does not go beyond friendship. hint that you have long liked another young man, and you do not want to build a relationship with anyone else. Don't pay attention to him, answer his questions briefly and dryly, do not ask counter questions. In social networks do not reply to his messages immediately. Wait for some time, and only then give a monosyllabic answer or not react at all, if, in principle, his message did not contain direct question. Do not write to him first. Feel free to flirt with others young people around him or talking about a guy you like. Avoid private meetings. If you have to see each other in a company, then do not pay more attention to him than to others.

"Men don't take hints," goes the popular expression. It may well be that this is indeed true for some. At the same time, men themselves often use hints, body language and other indirect methods of influencing people in order to convey their thoughts and desires to them. For example, to express sympathy for a girl you like,. The dictionary of translation from the language of male allusions to normal human speech is rich in various techniques.

1. He closes the distance

Psychologists believe that it is normal for social and business contacts to keep a distance of 1 to 3 meters, depending on where you are. If you are communicating with good friend, then it is reduced to 60 cm - 1 m. Less - already " intimate area where only loved ones and strangers from public transport at rush hour.

If a man changes the distance, then this signals his extreme interest in your person. It is unlikely that he will immediately attack the zone for loved ones. This will be a very obvious sign. But suddenly he can shorten the distance to a friendly one. Especially pay attention to where it will be located. Enamored (and interested) men usually try to sit sideways or obliquely, and not directly opposite their interlocutor.

2. His speech changes

In any case, if he speaks to you in a completely different way than to others, this is a sure sign that he likes you.

By the way, if he is just trying not to talk to you, although he usually chats with everyone, then this is also a sign of speech that has changed from embarrassment, and not at all evidence of hostility, as you might think.

3. He tries to make you laugh

A man's sense of humor is one of his main virtues, which he is most proud of. Even if in fact it is not so big and powerful. So the guy who likes you will try his best to make you laugh, or at least cause a slight smile. In addition to this, he will laugh at all your jokes, and openly and joyfully. Do not be surprised and do not think about changing careers and going into stand-up - this is a normal consequence heightened attention to your person.

4. Sign language speaks for him

A man may be silent about his sympathy, but the body language will betray him with his head. The main features are as follows. Firstly, he will draw himself up and straighten up every time in your presence, as if trying to show himself taller and more open to communication. Secondly, he may show nervousness (pulling on his tie, cufflinks, belt, button), constantly looking at his watch or touching own face. Thirdly, he will definitely preen or at least straighten his hair or clothes before contacting you.

5. He tells the secret

Of course, a man who sympathizes with you will not tell you really personal and intimate things in ordinary communication. But he may quite suddenly begin to talk about things that are dear to him and which are associated with his sentimental or pleasant memories. For example, about pets, about parents or a sister, or maybe about childhood. Such topics are put on the table by the person who wants to create an emotional connection with you. There will be no really hidden things in such stories, but is it really a story about dear to my heart things are not intimate and very personal?

6. The timbre of the voice goes down

If a man wants to give the impression of strength and self-confidence, then he lowers his usual timbre of voice and does not even notice it himself. Some guys with great vocal abilities also use velvety notes in their voice, although this very technique can be quite conscious. If it seems to you that the voice of the interlocutor has become more charming and deep, then most likely he turned to you Special attention And now he wants you to pay attention to him too.

7. He touches you

Some guys behave quite relaxed and often touch the surrounding girls: shake hands, pat on the back and even hug. But this is a certain extrovert psychotype, most often men do not behave like this in the presence of ladies and strictly observe their personal space. If you notice that a man is looking for excuses to touch you, although he is not usually famous for such behavior, then this is the surest sign of emerging warm feelings.

For example, he can help you pick up fallen objects, although you can handle it yourself and at the same time, as if by chance, touch your hand.

He may ask you to transfer a folder or documents to another person, lean over the monitor or give a coat and open the door a little. Take a closer look at him and try to start something more than formal communication.