Signs of a very strong human energy. Do you have this power? What is human energy

The energy of life, as you know, is divided into several types: positive, negative and neutral. All of them are in constant motion, movement, circulation. Moreover, this dynamics concerns both a single person and objects, premises, and the street. Positive energy gives us strength, good mood, performance, activity. What is negative energy?

It is believed that the flow of information (thoughts, feelings, non-verbal messages) is an invisible substance that can influence living beings. And the impact is negative. The action of negative energy is diametrically opposed to positive.

Everyone felt this action on themselves. For example, in some building, house, when communicating with some person. But on the condition that these subjects were sources or keepers of negative energy. Obvious signs of negative energy nearby are the following:

  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Decreased performance.
  • Deterioration of general well-being (feeling stuffy, weakness, dizziness).

Such "symptoms" often appear after communicating with a person who wishes you harm, envies you, is jealous of someone. Also, these feelings can overtake you in some unpleasant place.

With a longer contact, the following are possible:

  • Deterioration of health.
  • Passivity, loss of interest in the environment and even in life.
  • Failures and disappointments.
  • Frequent quarrels and conflicts with people.
  • Diffidence.

This is more typical if negative energy constantly surrounds a person. For example, if she settled in his home. Or, if a bad person is a work colleague, a boss. That is, a person with whom you often have to contact.

negative energy in feng shui

Sha negative energy is negative energy according to feng shui theory. It is opposed to the positive energy of Qi.

Sha's companions are diseases, troubles at home and at work, grief and misfortune. It can appear in the house, especially in hard-to-reach, dusty corners. Also, its sources are unnecessary things (especially those that literally fill up the space), broken and damaged objects, sharp corners in the house, straight corridors, dead flowers. She “comes” into the house through the doors. Therefore, it is also called straight, like an arrow.

Sha energy can appear if in the radius where your house is located:

  • Hospital complexes, temples, cemeteries, a mortuary, a prison, etc. are located at a relatively close distance.
  • Grow old trees. It is especially dangerous to find them right in front of the front door.
  • There is a dense forest.
  • There is a reservoir such as a lake, a swamp, a pond.
  • There are monuments, especially on military subjects.

How does Sha energy affect a person? It may sound paradoxical, but it can even nourish a person with strength. However, more often Sha takes away vital energy, leads to stress. It can be hazardous to the health of residents. In addition, if there is Sha energy in the house, material difficulties, difficult relationships between family members, and disruption of plans are possible. Life can become absolutely unbearable.

Thus, negative energy is something that can and should be fought. Of course, you will not be able to protect yourself from it completely, but it's still worth trying.

Mantra removes negative energies from the path, creates magic!

April 19th, 2017

As each of us probably knows, human sensory abilities have a wide range. Some people see very well, others not so much. Some have excellent hearing, while others are deaf. The same applies to energy sensitivity. All things are made of vibrational energy. Some people are well aware of the energy that surrounds them, and they can easily tell when there is a lot or a little of it. They easily feel "good" and "bad" vibrations.

Not all energy sensitive people always have all of the following characteristics, but if you notice even a few of them, you are most likely quite sensitive to vibrational energy.

1. You have a deep empathy for other people.

Often a person with strong energy can be seen where someone is offended or in upset feelings. Energy sensitive people are often the first "recipients" of information about someone else's problem. At the same time, the victim always wants to hold the hand of such a person, hug him and cry to him.

Energy-sensitive people feel the emotions of other people very keenly (and sometimes physical pain), so they easily understand and empathize with those who suffer.

2. Emotional rollercoaster

Having a keen sense of vibrational energy often means that when a person senses "high" energies around them, they are on an emotional high and vice versa. Have a few options ready for you in the event of an emotional downturn.

3. Addiction

Being sensitive to energy, such a person feels much more than other people. To save themselves from feeling low vibrational energy, often such people can use alcohol or some other relaxing means to reduce the strength of feelings from negative energy.

These people may also be addicted to other types of addictions, such as food, gambling, or shopping.

People with strong energy often understand the motives of people's behavior very well, in some cases they catch and feel right on the go when someone wants to say something, good or bad, it doesn't matter.

This is a very useful feature, since no one can use such a person for their own purposes.

5. People with strong energy are most often introverts.

Not all sensitive people are introverts, but a lot of them are. The process of feeling the emotions and feelings of other people is very morally exhausting, so often energy-sensitive people after such "sessions" need rest and recovery. They often feel exhausted after prolonged social interactions.

6. A person can see the signs

People with strong energy are much more likely to understand the signs that the Universe sends them. They are more likely to find meaning in events and circumstances that most other people would consider coincidental.

Human Energy

As we can see, strong energy is a double-edged sword. Concentrating on vibrational energy allows for a deeper understanding of the universe, but on the other hand, it can also lead to some overstimulation and cause a lot of problems if left unattended.

If you think that you have a strong energy and are energetically sensitive, there are a number of things you can do to use your gift properly and not be so depleted.

First of all, the first thing that can help you strengthen your vibrational "receivers" or better feel the vibration of the environment is meditation or yoga for mental and physical uplift. It is also recommended to regularly declutter your home and work space.

Be mindful of the people you surround yourself with, stay away from toxic individuals, events, and circumstances, especially when you feel overwhelmed. It is very important to work on self-acceptance and learn to love yourself and your gift.

If you came into this world as a person sensitive to the perception of energy, then some responsibilities automatically fall on you. However, the constant influx of energy from the environment can overwhelm and hurt you.

But if you learn to control your gift, amazing things will start to happen. Reading energy from people and being able to empathize with others will be a huge advantage.

Energy sensitive people have the power to push the world for positive change, and they also have the ability to become the world's greatest leaders, healers and teachers.

Now let's look at what types of people's energy exist today.

1) People are energy mirrors

If energy is directed at such a person, whether positive or negative, it will always return to the one who directs it. That is, the man-mirror reflects energy.

These properties of the energy inherent in certain people can and should be used, and with a high degree of efficiency, in order to protect yourself from negative energy, and first of all, from its purposeful flows.

People - mirrors perfectly feel the surrounding people, so if they have to reflect negative energy, being near its carrier, they immediately understand who is in front of them and try not to enter into any contact with this person.

True, it is worth adding that the bearer of negative energy on a subconscious level tries not to meet with such "mirrors", because getting his own negativity back will not affect him in the best way, up to the development of various diseases or, at least, ailments.

And vice versa, for a carrier of positive energy, contact with people-mirrors is always pleasant, because the reflected positive returns to its owner, charging him with another portion of positive emotions.

As for the mirror man himself, after he quickly realized that he was in front of a carrier of positive energy, in the future he would only be glad to communicate with such a person and would maintain warm relations with him.

2) People are energy leeches

There are a lot of people with such energy, and each of us almost daily encounters and communicates with them. These can be work colleagues, relatives or good friends.

In fact, energy leeches are the same as energy vampires. That is, these are people who have problems replenishing their energy reserves, and the easiest way for them to do this is to cling to another person, taking away his energy, and with it his life force.

Such people are persistent and aggressive, they radiate negativity, and they have their own method of draining energy from others, which is quite simple. They create a conflict situation, start a quarrel or argument, and sometimes they can even humiliate a person when other methods do not help.

After what happened, their well-being improves significantly, vigor comes to them, and they feel a surge of strength, because they drank enough energy from a person to feed themselves. A person - a donor who has been exposed to an energy leech, on the contrary, feels emptiness, depression, and sometimes he may even experience physical ailments.

In order for a leech to feel good, there must always be donors around it, and they themselves strive to keep such people in their field of vision, whose energy field can be attached to.

3) People are energy walls

A person - an energy wall - is a person with a very strong energy. You can often hear about such people that they are impenetrable. All troubles, if any, appear on their life path, fly away from them literally like from a concrete wall.

However, there is a negative side to interacting with such people. Negative energy directed at them naturally rebounds and does not always return to the one who directed it. If at the moment there are other people near the "wall", then the negative can go to them.

4) People are energy sticks

These people from the very moment of meeting them begin to pour out a huge amount of negative energy on the interlocutor. Moreover, without waiting for the question, they immediately spread all the negativity that they have accumulated.

Sticky, like a leech, does not take energy directly. Such a person also tries to settle in the living space of others and stay in it for a long time. Stickies are people with very bad and low energy, they constantly impose themselves, always want to be around, constantly call their "victims", look for meetings, ask for advice, etc.

But if later some difficulties arise in their lives, then they are very fond of blaming those who were nearby for everything that is happening. Thus, sticky people do not create conflict situations, like leeches, but receive their portion of someone else's energy with the help of moral support, sympathy and advice.

That is, by imposing themselves on the people around them, as well as forcing them to communicate indirectly, the sticky people feed on the energy of these people. But it is worth adding that people who communicate with them do not suffer, as from contact with energy vampires.

5) People are energy absorbers

In this capacity, sinks can be both donors and recipients. These people are very sensitive, their energy-information exchange is always accelerated. They like to climb into someone else's life, showing a pronounced desire to help and influencing someone else's energy.

Absorbers are of two types: the first absorb both positive and negative energy, they like to be offended for no reason, but quickly forget insults; the second accept a lot of negative energy, while giving a lot of positive, they are sensitive to people's problems, positively influencing the biofields of others, but they themselves suffer.

6) People are Energy Samoyeds

These people are always fixated on their experiences. Samoyeds are closed and consciously do not want to communicate with others. They do not know how to properly redistribute energy, so they accumulate a lot of negativity in themselves.

7) People are energy plants

People - plants give energy, that is, they are real energy donors. This type of people is characterized by excessive curiosity. This feature brings them a lot of trouble, because it causes displeasure and anger of the people around them.

8) People are energy filters

A person - a filter has a strong energy that can pass through a huge amount of positive and negative energy. All information absorbed by such a person in a modified form returns to its source, but carries a different charge.

All the negative remains on the filter, to which the positive is added. "Filters" are often successful born diplomats, peacemakers, psychologists.

9) People are energy intermediaries

Intermediaries have excellent energy exchange. They perfectly accept energy, but it is extremely difficult for them to resist the effects of negative energy. For example, someone shared negative information with an intermediary and transferred negative energy to him. The intermediary cannot cope with it, so it passes the information on.

A similar situation occurs in the case of positive information. This type of people is one of the most common.

Negative energy is the root cause of disease

The habit of negative thinking is the most damaging to health. It is not only about anger and anger, but also about fears, worries, stresses and other negative states. And although diseases do not appear immediately, sometimes even after many years, you can get rid of ailments only by clearing your energy structure. But, when everything is already running and polluted, it is many times more difficult to do this.

Being in a depressed state of the Spirit for a long time, a person cannot get rid of negative energies, which leads to illnesses.

It is much more correct not to pollute the structure of your subtle body from the very beginning. This will then allow you not to spend months, or even years, on cleansing your energy.

You can determine on your own whether the structure of the subtle body is contaminated or not, according to a number of signs:

Lower body temperature

Muscle spasms

If the structure is contaminated with negative energy, then when probing the channels with your hands, you can feel cold areas under the skin.

A sign of contamination of the lower energy distributor is pain that appears when pressure is applied to the abdomen. And cold hands are a sign of contamination of the upper energy distributor.

However, the physical disease itself is a clear sign that the structure of the subtle body is polluted.

All pollution and problem areas are visible on the pictures of the aura. Gaps and irregularities of the biofield occur precisely in places of pollution by negative energy. It is for these violations that healers who “heal” with their hands determine diseases and treat ailments. In fairness, I will say that the treatment is effective, but sometimes it is ineffective. The fact is that the peak in healing people is Spiritual healing, which can be reached only by knowing God in oneself through Love. There are very few such healers who have a special spiritual energy that simply neutralizes any causes of human diseases. They differ from ordinary people in the level of Spirituality - the high energy of Spirit and Love radiated by them.

You can protect yourself from diseases and get rid of already acquired ailments. But for this it is necessary to fully realize, understand and believe that negative thinking is harmful to physical health. And then, step by step, go to healing.

Take the first step - analyze your thoughts and emotions. Remember what you thought today, what you experienced during the day. Think about what kind of energy it is: nourishing and giving health, or polluting the structure of the subtle body and leading to diseases? Realize that negative thinking will not change the situation. But you can change your attitude to what is happening. Understand that no one will save you from negative thinking and state, only you can do it yourself, working on yourself and disciplining yourself every day.

In contrast to negative states, positive ones give positive energies. These are high and subtle energies that do not harm the structure of the subtle body and purify it. According to the laws of energies, the higher and subtler one is always stronger than the negative one, therefore, when they interact, the negative is gradually “erased”.

As evidence, I will cite a case where a person fell ill with cancer four times, but each time he cured himself with laughter therapy, watching comedies and cartoons. This example shows the invaluable health benefits of positive thinking.

It is the spiritual essence that nourishes the structure of the subtle body, that is, it fills the life of the person himself, all cells and organs. And your health depends on this food.

Negative thinking not only leads to illness, but also alienates a person from God, from his divine essence. Of course, going down is easier than climbing up, but this is the only correct path, the path of spiritual development of one's eternal essence - Soul and Spirit. And this is not just a path to health and happiness. This is the meaning of life. Self-improvement and development of your spiritual essence - that's what matters! To fill the cells of Co-Knowledge with energy-knowledge and to increase the level of Spirit's energies - that's what one should strive for.

If you raise your vibrations to the level of the Spirit of Love, all illnesses will become a thing of the past. As the saying goes, “a healthy mind in a healthy body”.

When the high energy of Love lives in you, all negative vibrations simply cannot appear, which means that all ailments and illnesses will bypass you.

But how to rise to the level of vibration of Love? Only sincerely striving for Love, for example, for another person or God. The very striving for Love is a striving for God, and it does not go unnoticed.

Prayer is one of the important and effective ways to increase the vibrations of the Spirit. Many cases of healing through prayer are known, although this sometimes takes months, and sometimes years.

The key to all miraculous healings is the cleansing of the subtle body from negative energies, which are the cause of diseases. As long as a person tries to influence the physical body with the help of drugs, the result will be weak.

It is with the pollution of the structure of the subtle body that the main number of diseases is associated.

You can come to a solution to health problems if you take as a basis the fact that the Soul and the structure of the subtle body are primary, and the body is secondary, if you understand that ailments appear due to energy disturbances. For those who have realized this, the road to understanding the essence of miraculous healings is open. And this essence is that in order to cure an illness, it is necessary to clean the structure of the subtle body using the influence of positive energies.

High positive vibrations are always stronger than negative ones, so when they collide, low energy loses, which leads to purification and healing. Moreover, the higher vibrations a person produces, the faster the purification from negative energies takes place, and the earlier a person gets rid of ailments. Of course, the path to health is sometimes not close, but knowing our inner essence and the mechanism of recovery, we can follow it step by step, realizing that protection against all diseases lies within ourselves, and not in a miraculous pill.

Everyone knows that diseases only increase with age. Many people take it for granted, as the essence of life. But ailments are actually an anomaly that people pass off as the norm. But what is the norm if one drinks and smokes, but does not get sick, while the other leads a healthy lifestyle, and ailments “mow down” him one after another. Ailments, according to some incomprehensible laws, come to one and bypass the other. Why? It is impossible not to notice the connection of diseases with negative states, although many people do not allow the idea that the cause of most health problems is bad emotions, bad thoughts. But that's just the way it is. During prolonged negative states, all the negative messages of a person are rejected by the Universe and return to him through those chakras of the subtle body in which the distortion occurred.

What happens? The structure of the subtle body is “choked” with negative energies, drowning in them. Clogging occurs, which leads to the fact that certain organs do not receive the necessary energy. But most importantly, negativity begins to affect our health. To counter this, it is important to understand the impact of energy on health. Since the properties of negative energies can be different, they cause a variety of disorders in the body. For example, spasm of blood vessels supplying the heart leads to a heart attack. It is possible to cite the consequences of the influence of negative energies on health further, but it is much more important to eliminate this factor of influence.

This is known to healers who only need to hold their hand over a person’s heart for a few minutes to remove a stuck charge of negative energy and, thus, to the surprise of the patient, relieve both spasm and pain. In this case, nothing supernatural happens, the impact of the energy plan is simply performed. The growth of diseases of the cardiovascular system is due to an increasingly stressful and intense life in people, which leads to accelerated pollution of the structure of the subtle body.

Traditional medicine is now at an impasse, although it is in no hurry to admit it, from time to time loudly declaring the invention of this or that panacea, which turns out to be just another fiction. She was led to a dead end by the approach of doctors to diseases as to exclusively physical ailments. They relieve pain or spasms with medicines only for a while, but do not cure the disease. This approach does not work with serious diseases, which confirm the impotence of traditional medicine and justify people turning to healers in the hope of a cure.

When people can finally understand the importance of the discipline of thoughts and emotions, then they will not need medicines.

“How can I avoid the negativity that other people throw at me?” a client once asked me. Unfortunately not. But you can learn to manage these waves of destructive emotions without hurting you too much.

All of us are subject to mood swings. We now and then intersect with people who are not in a good mood at the moment. One is enraged by the morning quarrel with his wife, the other is offended by the boss, the third is frightened because of the diagnosis made by the doctor. The negative energy that they are filled with has nothing to do with us, but it is directed specifically at us. In the same way, however, as we can involuntarily throw out our anxiety or irritation on someone. Unfortunately, this is a common way to deal with a situation when our ego is hurt.

And this “outburst” can happen at any moment. If you do not have time to understand what is happening, even a caustic remark in the supermarket will unsettle you. Or the glare that someone you see for the first time will throw at you. One can only guess about the reasons: perhaps this person is experiencing strong jealousy, humiliation, or you remind him of someone with whom he is angry. It is possible that you yourself drilled it with your eyes, without even realizing it.

A wave of negativity is easy to recognize - at this moment, usually something in the stomach contracts or a heaviness appears on the heart.

But most often, the waves of negativity come from people we know well: a partner, child, parents, boss, colleague, or close friend. They can be recognized - at this moment, usually something in the stomach contracts or a heaviness appears on the heart. These sensations will let you know that there has been a release of negative energy - yours or someone else's. And the challenge is to notice these flows. And empathy will help to cope with each of them.

Empathy carries a tremendous amount of energy, much more powerful than any negative emotions you throw out or receive from someone. Imagine that negative energy is a dark room. And compassion is a bright light. The moment you turn on the light, darkness disappears. Light is much stronger than darkness. Likewise with empathy. It is like a shield of light that can protect you from any negative energy.

How to achieve this? First of all, you need to direct this energy of compassion towards yourself, fill your stomach, solar plexus or heart with it. And then you will hear his prompts. You will immediately know who the negativity is coming from - from you to others or from another person to you.

If you yourself are the victim, try to spread this energy of empathy outward, and a protective field will form around you. Negative energy will hit him like an obstacle, an invisible ball, and come back. You are inside this ball, you are safe.

It is impossible to achieve complete serenity, but it is necessary to be aware of how deeply this or that energy can affect us.

Over time, having mastered this technique, you will be able to induce this state very quickly, anticipating a meeting with a flow of negative energy. You will learn to feel and act like a loving adult who is in touch with your Self and empathizes with yourself and those around you. You can reach a point where you don't project negative energy onto others or even feel the destructive power of other people's emotions. You will notice the presence of this energy, but it will not touch you, it will not hurt you.

It is impossible to achieve complete serenity, but it is necessary to be aware of how deeply this or that energy can affect us. It is important to be attentive to the energy that we radiate to the outside world, and take care of ourselves with love and tenderness so that someone else's negativity cannot harm us.

You can, of course, choose another way of self-preservation - not to spend a lot of time with "toxic" people - but this will not solve the issue radically, because even the most calm and peaceful person has outbursts of irritation and a bad mood from time to time. By regularly practicing mindfulness, keeping in touch with your feelings, you will be able to maintain inner balance when encountering other people's outbursts of negativity and protect others from your own.

Negative energy of quarrel

Cleansing the negative memory at home will save you from the consequences of unpleasant events that took place in the house, your life will become brighter, more joyful, positive energy will begin to prevail in it. Cleaning the walls of the house, not forgetting to keep our thoughts, feelings, intentions clean, we thereby change our destiny for the better. But so that the house does not again acquire bad karma, try not to bring negative energies into it. And above all, swearing, scandals and quarrels must be avoided. No matter how hard people try to portray a family idyll, the house will betray them. The energy of quarrels in a dark cloud will seep from walls, ceilings, corners. Such a house is cold and uncomfortable. It is bad for both guests and the owners themselves.

If there was a lot of swearing and scandal in the house, the accumulated negative energy can leave a very serious mark, even if nothing terrible happened at first glance: no one died, did not collapse, did not lose property, etc. Quarrels in the truest sense of the word are dangerous for health, as they fill the house with negative energy, which then harms its inhabitants. Like caustic smoke, it interferes with breathing, clouds the clarity of thoughts, does not allow one to be in harmony, in a bright and sunny state of mind and feelings.

All people living in the same house, in the same family, under the same roof, are united by common energy flows, they are connected with each other by these energies, therefore it is impossible to offend a loved one without offending oneself. Swearing with loved ones, you destroy both your aura and the aura of the house.

Remember that any conflict can be resolved peacefully. All it takes is a little wisdom and the ability to control your feelings. There is no need for rude words when everything can be solved with a smile, understanding and a warm look. The mistake is that many people try to assert themselves in a quarrel, to prove their strength, power and superiority. This is the position of the weak, not the strong. The strong do not need to demonstrate their strength and power at all costs. On the contrary, he will be the first to take a step towards reconciliation and will not start shouting to achieve his victory and rightness. He does not seek to emerge victorious, because he knows that there are no winners in quarrels with loved ones. He will not scream because he knows that screaming is destructive. He will calmly listen to the interlocutor and answer gently, calmly, without swearing, without condemnation, without labeling. Such is the position not of the weak, but of the strong; such is the position of the wise.

If there are quarrels in your house, analyze their causes and think: at least two people are involved in a quarrel, and everyone is responsible, but even if only one person changes his behavior, the second one also has to change. Confrontation is impossible if one of the parties suddenly stops supporting and building up negative energies.

Skirmishes do not arise from scratch, and if you identify their causes, it will be easier for you to avoid them. Often quarrels flare up because the other person does not live up to our expectations. We want him to have only those habits that we like, so that he behaves in a way that pleases us, it seems to us that he owes us both this and that, and most importantly, to be the way we would like to see him . But in fact, not a single person, even the closest one, is obliged to meet our expectations. He has the right to be as he is and behave as he pleases, whether we like it or not.

Sometimes you just need to think: are my claims justified? Why do I demand so much from others? Why am I dissatisfied? Maybe you just need to learn to accept people for who they are? To understand that they do not live at all in order to please you in everything? And if there are really serious claims, if the other person actually offends or infringes on you with his behavior, this can be discussed calmly, without shouting and swearing.

The hidden cause of many quarrels is the struggle for power, when one person wants to prove to another that it is he who is the main and strongest here, and everyone is obliged to obey him. But if you are wise and strong in spirit, you cannot be forced to obey what you do not want to obey, and your offender obviously remains a loser, since his goal is unattainable. Knowing this, you may well not explain or prove anything to him. If he wants to have the last word, then let him say whatever he wants, and keep your opinion. For the strong and wise is always not the last, but the penultimate word.

If you are provoked into a quarrel, teased and try to evoke negative emotions in you, just try not to react to it. Do not give in to provocations. A smile and good wishes addressed to such a provocateur is the best defense.

Quarrels often break out in families related to a showdown, and this happens when one or both parties are not sure of the reliability of these relations, of good feelings on the part of the other. It is necessary to talk about feelings, but at the same time swearing and blaming each other is not at all necessary. Leave aside accusations, insults, and instead, calmly listen to each other and calmly tell each other what each of you would like from your relationship. If they are based on warmth and love, you can find a common language. If there are no feelings for a long time and you are inclined to believe that it is time to leave, - well, such a decision can be made calmly, without scandal, in order to break up as friends and keep not painful memories of each other, but only a good memory.

Once and for all, it is worth remembering that very often strife arises only because people lack the attention, understanding and love of loved ones. The only opportunity for communication is a quarrel, because you are too busy with yourself and your affairs to talk to your loved ones every day, compliment them, take an interest in their life. Make it a rule to give each other a little more attention, to give a little more warmth. So you will create the necessary energy flows between you, and you will not need scandals to create these flows.

The main rule, if a quarrel nevertheless began: do not answer anger with anger, irritation with irritation. So you will only fall into a giant black energy hole, which is very difficult to get out of: it, like a funnel, will drag you in again and again. Try not to lose a positive attitude towards yourself and towards another, and even in conflict, do not allow destructive thoughts and feelings. This does not mean that one must remain silent in response to angry caustic remarks, this does not mean that one must avoid talking altogether. Try to take control of the quarrel, control your emotions and lower the tone of the conversation to bring the quarrel to a simple conversation. If your interlocutor still loses his temper, calmly tell him that you are alarmed by his condition, that he should calm down, come to his senses, and then you will definitely continue the conversation. Make tea for him, explain that you understand him and are ready to listen. Do not become either a winner, or a loser, or a victim, or an executioner, conduct a dialogue on an equal footing, hold your position, and then you will not offend anyone and will not remain offended yourself. And your house will not suffer from the negative energy you splashed out in the heat of a quarrel.

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Where does negative energy come from? Disorder in the apartment, blockages of things slow down the flow of energy and impede its course, which is why the energy stagnates and loses its strength. Energy also stagnates in dark and unused spaces such as closets or corners.

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Vlad Kadoni: “Raise your finger up after a quarrel” Vlad Kadoni (according to his passport - Viktor Golunov) is a famous warlock from Siberia, also considered a fairly well-known black sorcerer. Kadoni operates mainly with black forces, which he is able to direct to the transformation of evil

From the book I AM Eternity. Literary Conversations with the Creator (collection) author Klimkevich Svetlana Titovna

03. Energy, force, momentum, kinetic energy, caloric ... In physics, there is considerable confusion associated with the use of the concepts of "energy", "force", "momentum" and "kinetic energy". I must say right away that, despite the fact that these four concepts exist in physics

From the book Waiting for a Miracle. Children and parents author Sheremeteva Galina Borisovna

Angel - Universal Energy - Life Energy 958 = There are many things that cannot be seen with the eyes, they must be seen with the soul - that's the difficulty = "Numeric codes". Book 2. Kryon Hierarchy And the one in whom the light of reason burns, Will not commit evil deeds in the world. Livy Titus (380 BC)

From the book The Ins and Outs of Love [Psychoanalytic epic] author Menyailov Alexey Alexandrovich

Quarrels A peaceful life is the dream of many. However, conflicts often arise in families. These conflicts are natural, since each person has his own opinion and idea of ​​the world. Parents quarrel with each other, parents with children, grandchildren with grandparents. A man must

From the book How to Enslave the World in 6 Months. 101 Clear Tips for Solving Problems with Feng Shui author Pokrovsky Dmitry

From the book of Kryon. I choose you. Channeling through Nam Ba Hala author Kryon Nam Ba Hal

From the author's book

Quarrels in front of a child 1. Define the problem using neutral language, do not "lash out" at each other. Indiscriminate criticism and humiliation of each other do not help.2. Tell your spouse what you expect him/her to do. Be specific. Explain

From the author's book

MAGNETIC ENERGY - THE ENERGY OF A NEW TIME (KRYON) My dear friend, you are the radiant Supreme Light, who once decided in the human body in order to gain life experience to plunge into a phantom reality, which, in fact, does not exist. I, Kryon, welcome you