How to find out that a husband is cheating and deceiving: characteristic signs in behavior, an accurate psychological test. Does the husband have a mistress: the most accurate signs of infidelity

Signs of cheating husband - how to determine cheating? Faithful husbands are a rarity today. Statistics show that three out of four men cheat on their wives! At the same time, three out of four women assume that their husbands are faithful to them, and only one suspects betrayal ... Every year, many women are horrified to learn that their husband has an intrigue on the side and the faithful, as they always thought, husband wants a divorce. Others are, to put it mildly, unpleasantly surprised to discover that they have a sexually transmitted disease ... Still others are dumbfounded by the fact that family funds were spent on the maintenance of their mistress. There are many signs of betrayal. It is better to be moderately vigilant so as not to be the last to know about the betrayal.

A cheating husband always shocks a woman. What are the signs of infidelity and how to determine the betrayal of a husband or loved one? Here's what to look out for if you suspect your husband is cheating:

  • Appearance. A man tries to look especially attractive when he starts an affair on the side. He begins to monitor his appearance, visits the gym to emphasize his masculinity and updates his wardrobe. The simplest and most noticeable signs of a likely betrayal are increased attention to your body, underwear and hygiene.
  • attitude towards you. If a husband has another woman, this will inevitably change his attitude towards you. After all, now you own only a part of it and its energy, the other "walks by itself." A man becomes less attentive and detached or, according to the principle of hypercompensation, trying to make amends for his guilt, strengthens external signs of attention.
  • "Parks" and rush jobs at work. This is the most common way to “disguise” the time spent communicating with your mistress. Of course, if your husband is a workaholic and has always fanatically devoted himself to business, this is not a reason to suspect him of infidelity, but if he “suddenly” began to devote himself completely to work or his employment schedule changed, and he chose to travel, there is every reason to think in order to recognize treason in time.
  • Family budget. There is more work, and less money - a sure sign of infidelity and betrayal of her husband! Entertainment on the side costs money, and if a man cheats, this will affect his attitude to money: he will be less willing to invest in family affairs, because a calculator works in his head, which knows that “pleasant” expenses await him elsewhere . A man can cut the family budget, finding various reasons for this.
  • Mobile phone. The modern way to find out the truth about your husband's infidelity is to look at his mobile phone, where there will probably be text messages from his new mistress or calls from your rival. There is also a very extreme way to check treason - contact a detective agency that secretly makes the details of calls and sent SMS ok. The husband will be completely unaware of your "investigation"
  • Car. Mistresses sometimes deliberately leave "evidence" in the glove compartment, under the seats and other places in the car interior, which is a place of dates. Be attentive to all strange and incomprehensibly where things come from, as well as to a change in the location of the seats.
  • Sexual life and health. Of course, the appearance of a sexually transmitted disease is 100% proof of a husband's infidelity and infidelity. All talk about swimming pools, saunas and other "miracles" of possible infection is a play on naivety. If you suspect a man of infidelity, protect yourself from STDs first. A change in the usual schedule of sexual life is also a sign of his betrayal!
  • Habits in everyday life, food and sex. Over the years, certain habits have been developed in every movement, action, word and manner of expressing one's desires. If you notice some changes, then there is one that affects a man and changes his habits or vocabulary. Automatism in everyday life, food, sex changes only with a new, pleasant and relaxing communication.
  • Holidays. Time to give gifts and prepare them! Men are unusually distracted, confusing which woman has which favorite perfume or which sizes of underwear and clothes. If they give you "not your size" - this is no accident ... Someone is fooling your man's head.
  • Computers and dating sites. By the way, a completely non-obvious way of cheating on her husband. Often, dating sites really are a hotbed of light pleasures and a way to find entertainment on the side. A user hooked on such a “hook” of emotional dependence on the Internet can sit at a computer for hours, but sometimes a man there finds a way to pour out his soul to a stranger, restoring internal balance in this way.
  • Relationships with familiar women. Men do not like to go far and most often cheat with those whom they know well - with family friends, work colleagues, neighbors. Therefore, first of all, pay attention to his relationship with these women. Your mutual acquaintances are not always distinguished by the strictness of morality and are often ready to commit an unseemly act for their own pleasure.
  • Evidence and smell. If a man at the end of the working day smells not of sweat, but of women's perfume, this is a serious argument in favor of her husband's infidelity. Traces of lipstick on his shirt, the appearance of small new things in him are gifts and signs of attention from another woman, the disappearance of something that is dear to you, but which another woman wanted to take possession of, and the unfaithful husband “made her nice”, etc. .

If a woman is attentive to her husband or beloved, a lot of household trifles can betray a man and talk about his betrayals. Having found clear signs of a man’s infidelity, always remember your goal: is it important for you to get to the bottom of the truth or save your family? Maybe you want to know what's really going on, but at the same time try

There are two terribly sad and at the same time terribly funny spectacles in the world. When a bad cat from greed dives into a seething pan. And when the spree husband diligently portrays Stirlitz. Why both have the same programs during the left turn is a mystery of nature. But the Earth is spinning, and they are turning on!

Phone in poorly adapted places

That is practically in shorts. A strategically important gadget simply settles in the most interesting place. Without it, it becomes impossible to brush your teeth or dream on the toilet. The man, equipped only with shorts and a mobile phone, moves around the apartment in dashes, like a native in a bandage and with a spear. The phone is pulled out of there, only to be immediately tucked under a pillow. What if he misses the most important call from the pet store with a new promotion for hamsters?!

Night calls of national importance

The day before yesterday it was the general director, it was necessary to urgently save the company. Yesterday - Agent Scully, it was necessary to save the galaxy from the deadly centipedes. And today from the pet store, yes. Therefore, “kitty”, just about. Oh, just do not need these vulgar hints, why at half past one! Kittens, by the way, are nocturnal animals, you know.

You will be interested:

Extremely bizarre events

Employees, as if someone had bitten them, begin to marry and die in herds, and every day. Some secret Masonic corporate matinees take place at night. On weekends, the office requires urgent watering of cacti. Most of the events take place in places where there is no mobile connection. Even in the office it doesn’t catch, that’s an ambush. And right from the office, he rushes to seal his aunt's windows for the winter ... In June. And, it seems, to that aunt, whom he had already buried twice last week.

He is plagued by fatal misfortune

The battery of the phone sits down all the time, well, what a disgusting battery a brand new device has. TV repaired a friend five times - and he broke down again, you have to go. Into the deaf night. Suddenly decided to sell the old printer, so the sixth client refuses, after four hours of negotiations. During which the phone again sat down. He's already exhausted. Poor thing.

He is haunted by inexplicable inconsistencies

From the garage comes back clean as a baby. Not a drop of engine oil! On the contrary, it smells like flowers. And what is it, we have a democratic country, why a free person does not have the right to shave and change his underwear right there in the garage? I tried for you, ungrateful.

He becomes an adherent of the shaven sect

With inhuman passion, yesterday's snowman inspiredly shaves everything that his playful excited limbs reach. Armpits, heels, ears, abdomen and manly organ. Honey, this “w-w-w” is not without reason.

And in some places it is necessary to increase ...

You wouldn't even dream in a nightmare that your hero (Tarzan, smoothly turning into Die Hard) is able to go to a beauty salon. And smear the holes on the top of your head with something especially healing, expensive and smelly. But this is exactly what is happening - right in front of the astonished audience!

He is impatient to swing sharply and lose weight

Urgently give him a pedometer right here, he will run twenty laps from a low start. You got it, didn't you?! But now he will pull himself up five and a half times (did you think not?!), after which he will run to the scales. Fast, fast, to drop forty-one more calories along the way. In general, amazing nearby. If only I could try a little more - so my own wife could like it!

He is obsessed with his health

Yesterday, from the whole world of medicine, he was only familiar with analgin, and at the stage where a man’s state “I’m healthy as a bull” turns into a state “I’m dying right now”. Today, suddenly, he repairs something, straightens something, and even seems to remember the word “prevention”. I began to believe in highly beneficial supplements and magical herbs. Not trying to improve only the brain. Oh right!

His wardrobe is changing

Among his favorite gray sweatshirts, shirts suddenly turn up. Pink and lilac. And a tie. In parrots. And a scarf in some creepy roses. The image is called "I am forever young at heart and damn bold in thoughts."

He has sudden bouts of solicitude.

Such… some kind of convulsive… One day he dumps a slightly crushed stack of lilacs on you. On another day, he suddenly repairs a tap, which just the day before yesterday celebrated exactly two years of sluggish promises. Attacks happen suddenly - and just as lightning are replaced by tides of gloom. You're ungrateful, he knew.

At the same time, you have terrible shortcomings.

You are an evil, cruel, insensitive woman, how could you ask him to wash the dishes. He's traumatized by you. He will now suffer and cry for a week. Criticism of the quality of washing dishes is already the height of cynicism. Insulted, frustrated and never really understood. In a particularly severe form.

He starts calling you something else

For ten years you were Masha, Masher and Mice, and then suddenly you became the sun. Nameless, faceless and cosmically distant heavenly body. And you feel at the same time ... fantastically somehow. As if in some distant galaxy with several suns. Hellish astrophysics.

He begins to actively explore the world

Purely for information. He is so inquisitive and inquisitive. Dating sites - it is he who studies the contingent, conducts a sociological study. The assortment of “Women's Happiness” stores is already marketing. Multi-station explorer.

He gains knowledge in unexpected areas

In a mystical way, he becomes a doc in training Spitz, although in your house there was nothing dog-like, even in the form of images on coasters for hot. It turns out that he understands body wraps and distinguishes peeling from lifting. God forbid you get so hungry.

And new interests emerge. Very original

Previously, Joe Dassin was “pink snot” to him. And now he's some kind of continuous vaenga, God forgive me, in the car starts. And sings along falsely, with the same smile.

He suffers from chronic fatigue.

Came - fell - passed out. These endless corporate parties at my aunt's and Agent Scully with his centipedes completely rolled Sivka away. I only have enough strength to shove my trusty phone with my weakening hand into brand new shorts with parrots on smoothly shaven exhausted limbs.

You find someone else's aunt in your own bed

Hm. Surprise-surprise. But you could explain all the previous points so logically, so well! Maybe this one…somehow?

How do you know if your husband has a mistress? Does your husband have a mistress? Or is he loyal to you?
Such a delicate question has arisen in women since ancient times. For example, rich ladies specially hired detectives, spies, so that they would follow their husbands, or their beloved men. Russian women, as they say, are women from the people, they found out if their husbands had mistresses, with the help of some fortune-telling or signs.

Today, you can find out if your husband has a mistress or he is faithful to you using several signs, that is, you can analyze the behavior of your man. With the help of these few signs that we will now list, you can really find out if your man is faithful to you or he has found a new love on the side.

Signs that your husband has a mistress

E If your man has some kind of additional job, that is, I’ll enter, whether he began to linger at work, whether he had any frequent business trips, the boss gave him additional work, although this had never happened before. In this case, we do not have to introduce workaholics, because there are men who constantly work and get great satisfaction from this. Be sure to pay attention to why your husband began to linger, why, since on the side to have a relationship with a mistress, this naturally takes time, in 10-15 minutes you cannot establish any contact on the side, some kind of relationship, communication, on it just needs time.

T he also began to leave home often, began to meet with friends, some kind of constant meetings, or somewhere he spent the night there with a friend, or some kind of constant hiking, fishing. Perhaps they are, of course, in fact, but you better see for yourself. That is, if before he was not fond of sports, but then he took it and signed up for a gym for fitness and spends all day there on the simulators, just check his schedule of visiting the gym, whether he really goes there all day or is only booked for an hour, and spends the rest of the time with his mistress.

Husband takes good care of himself

You have noticed that your husband has become very attentive to himself. He began to take care of his body, began to take care of his appearance, his clothes, which I will introduce, he began to shave more often, watches how he is dressed, if he still could wear a trowel or a jumper that you bought him, and now he goes to shops and buys clothes without you. That is, he would like to be at his best in the eyes of his mistress and look 100%, so he must take care of his body and his appearance. You like him like this with a tummy, but he tries to lose weight, tries to use some new perfume, maybe even starts to take care of his skin, maybe he asks for anti-wrinkle cream, although he never did it. It's just that at this moment he is trying for another woman, not for you. If you see such an ambiguous behavior of your man, you should already be wary.

The husband became indifferent or rude

If your husband has become irritable towards you. If your husband says that you don’t dress like that, you don’t look like that, you don’t talk like that, you don’t do everything, then he compares you with his mistress. Especially if he starts making comments about your appearance. For example: your legs have become fat, or you have gained weight in your hips, your stomach has become large, and so on. It is he who simply compares you with someone, with the one whose figure is better, she is thinner, perhaps even she is younger than you. That is, when you got married, he did not make such remarks to you, everything was fine, but several years passed and reproaches began about your appearance, this suggests that there is simply a comparison with another woman. Pay attention to this.

He flies in the clouds. Naturally, if a new feeling of new love has come to him, then he does not concentrate, that is, he is with you in body, in your house, he is with his family, he is with children, but he is somewhere in the clouds with his soul and thoughts. He has a natural feeling and this feeling is strong enough. If he is talking to you and simply does not look at you, does not look into your eyes, somewhere he is in the clouds, then this should also alert you. If your man doesn’t make contact with you, you just want to talk, he’s busy all the time, or he’s not in the mood right now, he just walks away from the conversation, he’s just afraid of making a mistake during a conversation with you, which may give himself away he has a mistress.

The husband began to "rush" with his mobile

Pay special attention to how your husband began to "rush around" with his mobile or laptop. If a man even goes to the toilet with his phone, then he has something to hide from you, from his family, if he receives frequent SMS in the evening, if he hides email or computer from you, or leaves the room to talk with a friend or a colleague and talking in a low voice, this should also alert you. As for SMS, mostly women in love like to write SMS, but during the day you don’t write to your husband how he is loved, how good he is, how desirable he is, and a young mistress usually starts to write to him which he is the best, she admires them. This is very pleasant for a man, and he must somehow answer this, that is, for this he will need to retire.

Financial condition of your family. Since the candy-bouquet period lasts quite a long time, a man spends a lot of money on his new passion. You noticed that he is somewhere greedy for you, does not want to buy you gifts that he easily gave you before, or asks you to save somewhere, his salary disappears somewhere or his income has decreased a lot, and it is not clear where it disappears. That is, it is clear that he spends money on his new girlfriend or mistress. Therefore, carefully monitor the financial situation of your husband, well, unless of course he saves for a new car or furniture.

The husband has cooled off, the husband does not want intimacy with his wife

The eighth sign is your intimate relationship. You must be very careful here. How often do you have sex, perhaps these classes have become much less frequent, and the husband says that he is tired today or he is not in a good mood, or something hurts him and it can last a week, two, three, then you should definitely pay attention to it's attention. Either everything is fine with you in this regard, but some new desires of your husband, new postures have appeared, that is, somewhere he has already experienced this on the side. Perhaps he has become too rude, or vice versa gentle, so he behaves with his mistress and then projects it onto you.
These are the simple signs by which you can analyze the behavior of your man and find out if your husband has a mistress and how

Adultery is a common phenomenon. Many women, after many years of marriage, begin to suspect their husband of infidelity. Sometimes suspicions are justified. Women have a developed intuition, and therefore they can feel something is wrong, even if the fact of infidelity is carefully hidden. How to know with 100% accuracy that the husband is cheating? How to check your husband for treason?

How to determine deceit and betrayal by a husband?

There are various signs by which you can determine whether a spouse is cheating. Many imperceptible trifles will indicate to a careful look at many facts of our biography. You can find evidence of treason if you look closely at the alleged cheater. It is not at all necessary to catch a husband red-handed in order to be convinced of his infidelity.

External physiological signs

First you need to take a good look at your spouse. When he returns home from work again, take a closer look at his things, try to smell the smell emanating from him, start a conversation on an abstract topic during dinner. You can understand that a spouse is unfaithful by physiological signs:

  • Sight. During a conversation, a person who feels guilty involuntarily avoids a direct look. Of course, there is such a category of people who can lie in the eyes. However, even they will not be able to constantly look directly at the deceived spouse. The cheater will try to quickly escape from conversations and be distracted by someone or something else.
  • Smell. You can recognize deception by the foreign smell from the missus. Not necessarily it will be the scent of women's perfume. Maybe the man suddenly began to smell of someone else's soap? Or is your hair washed with a shampoo that you don't have in your bathroom?
  • Alien hair on clothes. One hair that accidentally fell on a shirt is not yet a reason to arrange a family showdown. However, if a spouse systematically brings the same hair on his clothes, this is definitely not an accident.
  • Scratches on the body. Passionate lovers often leave marks on different parts of the body. Optionally, the faithful should have their entire back scratched. A small mark may appear on the buttocks, lower back, neck.
  • Traces of someone else's lipstick. Every man tries to erase his mistress's lipstick. However, he may not always notice small spots on the collar, and not all lipstick can be simply erased.

Change in behavior and attitude

After adultery, husbands change their behavior dramatically. Deception can be determined by the way the spouse talks on the phone. A man will retire during a conversation, delete incoming calls and SMS, set his mobile to vibrate after hours. The cheaters are looking for an excuse to get out of the house. They are happy to go to work and do not tend to return home early, often go on business trips.

A previously silent man becomes talkative, and a talkative person may suddenly withdraw into himself. The attitude towards the spouse is also changing. A complaisant husband suddenly begins to criticize the figure, appearance, and culinary abilities of his wife (see also:). If a man feels guilty, he, on the contrary, can become affectionate and courteous.

A spouse's attitude to personal correspondence on social networks can help catch a spouse cheating. Approach unexpectedly when the husband is sitting at the computer. The cheater will try to quickly hide his messages and close the account. If, when asked why he did this, the husband denies everything, this is the first sign of his infidelity.

Sometimes a man's irritability is due to problems at work, and secrecy is due to attempts to surprise you. Male psychology is arranged in such a way that a sudden desire to find out about his plans can unsettle him. However, a change in behavior for no apparent reason should alert.

What other behavioral changes might reveal a cheater? Chat with his friends. Some people don't know how to cheat. No matter how cunning they may seem, disagreements can be found in the stories of friends. Some will assure you of your spouse's devotion, others will look away. Aware of the deception will behave differently than usual.

Changes in appearance

What changes in the husband's appearance may indicate infidelity? For a new passion, a man is ready to change his hairstyle, perfume, go to the gym, change the style of clothing. Previously, a spouse could go to work without combing his hair, but now he is standing at the mirror longer than you? New things appeared in his wardrobe, he began to carefully select a shirt for trousers, and socks for shoes? There is reason to be concerned.

You can convict a husband of deceit by the way he began to relate to his figure. Often, adult men try to match their young mistress and begin to lose weight, take care of their skin, do manicures, and strengthen muscles. “How can I check my husband for treason by his appearance (more in the article:)?” - often ask the question of deceived wives. Below are 10 ways to spot a cheater:

  1. pay attention to the hairstyle;
  2. check for new linen;
  3. look for a gym membership;
  4. count the number of new shirts;
  5. look at his nails (maybe he got a manicure);
  6. touch his stubble;
  7. pay attention to the intimate area;
  8. compare the new image with the old;
  9. look for traces of gray hair coloration;
  10. hide your new socks and see how quickly they get a replacement.

Changes in the daily routine

You can recognize cheating by changing your husband's daily routine. After the appearance of another woman, men are constantly "delayed at work." If earlier the need to stay at the workplace longer than expected caused dissatisfaction in the spouse, now he will begin to take this calmly.

Some men try to go to bed later and get up earlier than their wife. This is due to the reluctance to once again communicate with his wife. The husband may stop coming home for lunch because he is eating elsewhere.

Someone before cheating did not like to get up early, but now he gets up at 6 in the morning for a morning run. Perhaps the love for sports manifested itself after a new passion began to appear in the nearest park in the morning. You should ask your spouse to take you with them. If he starts coming up with excuses, his morning runs did not come from a love of sports.

Change in the financial situation of the family

How to catch a husband cheating on a change in the financial situation of the family? Men often buy expensive gifts for their mistresses, so your wealth will change. Perhaps a man is cheating if:

Changes in intimate life

Sex with a cheater takes on a different character. Sometimes after adultery, husbands try to avoid intimacy with their wife. Relationships in bed will be very rare, as the spouse will constantly be "tired at work." The husband will not take the initiative. His sudden fatigue is due to the fact that he gave all his passion to another woman.

However, sometimes a man tries to recreate the sensations that he experienced with his mistress. The wife will notice that the husband is constantly experimenting in bed. He suggests new poses, shows too much reaction. This happens due to the fact that the husband is trying to recreate the sensations received on the side. If he does not experience them, you can notice a clear disappointment.

Psychological test for treason

You can bring the traitor to clean water with the help of a psychological test. If you have already noticed oddities in your husband's behavior, answering the questions will not be difficult. The test "Is your husband cheating on you" is presented below.

Be prepared for the fact that the spouse may not pass the test with a simple test. Evaluate the result sensibly, consider all circumstances. The test is just an attempt to look at the situation from the outside, it can make you think. Conclusions are up to you.

How to deal with change?

There is no universal advice for every woman. The attitude towards infidelity depends on many factors: upbringing, the desire to save the family, the reasons for the romance on the side, the presence of children. Sometimes the woman herself pushes her husband to cheat. Constant scandals, dissatisfaction with appearance, reproaches can provoke a man to search for new, comfortable living conditions.

Before making a cardinal decision, you need to understand what you want for yourself. Save the family? Break up with a cheater? Sometimes the willingness to change and meet each other halfway allows you to maintain and strengthen family ties. If you cannot forgive the betrayal, bring the cheater to clean water and leave yourself. Don't make scandals. Pretend you don't care.

If you want to save your family, try ignoring your husband's infidelity. Find out what he is unhappy about. Try to make him want to come home every day. Maybe after the birth of children you stopped watching your appearance? Get a manicure, give the children to kindergarten and get a job. Buy a new dress and get your hair done. Now let him convict you of treason.

Sometimes girlfriends insistently offer to expose her husband. They claim that all men, and yours in particular, are prone to adultery. They offer many ways to convict a husband of treason. However, signs of envy can be seen in their behavior. Maybe it’s not the spouse who is deceiving, but the girlfriends?

When a spouse begins to cheat, a woman is not only beginning to understand this, her intuition is simply torn from screaming, trying to convey this information to her mind. In addition, women tend to catch the slightest emotional changes. There are ways to help recognize a male traitor, thereby confirming your guesses.

Spouse check at a distance

If a loved one is far away, but there is a feeling of anxiety and anxiety, longing and expectation of meeting with him, the most unpleasant thoughts can creep into your head. There may be suspicions about his fidelity. Care must be taken. Signs of infidelity may be that the spouse often forgets to contact his wife via Skype at the scheduled time, or he looks agitated and absent-minded. If the spouse does not rush home, is little interested in the life of his family, claims that he will be delayed for several days, because there are more cases, this may indicate the presence of a mistress.

When a spouse says that he has a blockage at work and he has to work overtime, you can call him or go to make sure that he is actually doing what he said. If he is not at work, and employees and colleagues will be surprised that he had to be late, there is only one conclusion, he is not only lying, but also cheating.

Husband went on a business trip, stopped calling often, says that there are many difficulties that need to be solved? If he is often drunk, does not ask about family affairs and talks little about work, and business trips become longer than usual, he may have taken a mistress.

Signs of an unfaithful spouse

Women's intuition is not always confirmed, and guesses can remain just guesses. A woman is not always right in her conjectures, and therefore it is possible to recognize if a woman has a rival in certain ways. How can you understand that your husband is cheating? You can, if you go to the tricks.

Trap for a man: to cheat and not get caught

Often, husbands do not bother about rented housing, and therefore bring their mistress home while the wife is at work or has gone on business to another city. You can take advantage of this. For example, warn your spouse that you need to go on a business trip for a few days, visit your mother or go to relatives in a neighboring city. In fact, you need to show up home at the most piquant moment in order to catch lovers in the hot. The spouse will not be able to get out and come up with another story that it is not his fault. You can turn on the camera on your phone before entering the house and record everything on video - this will be a serious confirmation of treason.

Help car

You can also use another method - check the car's odometer (the thing on the speedometer that shows the distance). This may seem like a trifle, but if you follow the readings of the device for a month, you can learn a lot. For example, the spouse said that friends would go out of town to go fishing. You can calculate the approximate distance to find out the mileage. When the spouse returns, it will be enough to look at the odometer to verify the readings. If the mileage shows less than 10 km, this can be a wake-up call. You can also put a car voice recorder under the seat, which is activated during a conversation. But you should be more careful not to get caught, because the spouse can find the recording device, and then not he, but the wife will have to explain himself.

Sudden changes in daily routine

First of all, you should pay attention to the temporary daily routine of the spouse. Has he changed? What caused it? Walking to the left takes time. A man needs to communicate with his mistress, stay alone with her, have sex with her - that's what he needs another woman for. Of course, 10 minutes for treason is incredibly short. Therefore, if a spouse has a mistress, then he needs to come up with ridiculous stories for his wife, such as, for example, “he was late at work”, “gasoline ran out”, “he got drunk and stayed overnight with a friend.” The systematic appearance of excuses should alert a woman.

Mobile phone will tell about treason

A man definitely needs to keep in touch with his mistress, because you need to somehow arrange meetings and the like. Therefore, he is likely to remove the phone from the reach. It will be extremely difficult for a spouse to check all his contacts, read SMS messages or see incoming and outgoing calls. But sometimes a man is inclined not to hide the phone, because he learned to delete SMS after reading them, and he signed his mistress as “Valery work” or “Technology store”. In this case, in order to convict the spouse of treason, you need to pay close attention to who he writes to and who constantly calls him. At any convenient opportunity, you can simply dial the number of this very “Valera” to check who is on the other end of the wire.

Lack of money in the family

In addition to the fact that a mistress needs time, the financial issue is also relevant. It’s not necessary for a wife to give gifts, but how not to give flowers to her mistress and not to take her to a restaurant. A new woman needs courtship, expensive gifts, fashionable clothes. And this is very expensive. If the spouse notices that the money began to disappear, and not to arrive, you need to sound the alarm - look for the reason why finances disappear in the family. Then it will be possible to find where or on whom the money is spent.

Sexual Chill

If a husband has a mistress, then he will definitely become less demanding of his wife in bed. It is women who can have sex several times in a row, enjoy it, and they can even pretend. This is not typical for men, and it is beyond their power, therefore, his satisfaction on the side of the spouse will be able to notice immediately. If a man began to pay less attention in an intimate way, or he has problems with a "friend", it is very difficult to reach a climax in sex, you should think about it - perhaps another woman has already satisfied him.

Change in dress style = treason

When a man likes a woman, he begins to closely monitor his clothes. If earlier he did not care what T-shirt he wears - torn, dirty, now he began to buy new things for himself and send them to the wash after the first putting on. He may also dislike the style of clothing that was previously liked. For example, yesterday he wore loose jeans, and today he put on tight trousers that emphasize the buttocks. Such behavior should make a woman think, because maybe her husband has an adviser, whom he is trying in every possible way to please.

Regular shaving

A new woman is a new relationship, at the beginning of which the man acts as a sexual conqueror. The desire to look perfect makes a man shave more often. If earlier it was impossible to force him to do this, and he could walk unshaven for 1-2 weeks, now he is without a reminder to shave 2-3 times a week. And for his wife, he will not do this, because he is sure that for her he already looks good. But the mistress should see how cool he is, smooth and gentle to the touch. For example, if you accidentally break your husband's razor, you can check whether he will make a scandal. If so, it’s worth considering, because, for sure, he is very angry that he will have to go unshaven to his passion.

Change in gaze

You can distinguish a man who has a mistress by a spatial look. Often he seems to be flying in the clouds, thinking about something of his own, remembering the wonderful moments spent in bed with the “girl of his dreams”. Has your spouse become less interested in family life? It means that the relationship with his mistress is more important to him, and it is more interesting for him with another woman than with his wife, who speaks on topics that are indifferent to him. Because he is here with his wife, and thoughts with his mistress.

In order to find out for sure whether a spouse is cheating, you need to carefully monitor his clothes, check e-mail, calls and messages. Sometimes just being alert is enough to frighten off a potential mistress. And sometimes it’s enough just to ask your spouse directly: “Do you have another? They told me they saw you with her." Then the man begins to take a sober look at the situation, if he is really to blame. Someone will refuse relations with his mistress, if they were, and someone will continue them without a twinge of conscience.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to simply achieve the separation of a spouse from his mistress. Sometimes you have to spend an incredible amount of time, effort and a lot of nerves just to prove that your spouse has another woman. Of course, at some point a man will make a mistake - he will forget to clear the dialogue on the network, delete messages, call her, and his wife will hear the conversation. There are so many options, and it's all the time. And I want to know right now whether my husband has a mistress or not. Therefore, you need to better observe your spouse, remember his habits and desires, so that in the event of sudden changes, you can judge the presence of another woman.

It is very important to pay attention to the little things, and if something changes in his behavior, you should carefully double-check whether the woman has cheated the appearance of a rival. Sometimes, the best way to open the curtain is a heart-to-heart talk. Perhaps the man himself wanted to talk about treason, but did not dare until his wife asked directly.