Conversation on the topic "Fruit" in the senior - preparatory group. Synopsis of a group lesson for children of the preparatory group with OHP on the topic: Fruit

Ludmila Poseukova
"Fruit, garden". Outline of the GCD for the development of speech of children in the preparatory group for school. NGO "Communication"

Theme: Fruit, garden


Area integration: "Cognition", "Communication", "Health"


To consolidate and clarify the knowledge of children about fruits, the ability of children to compose descriptive stories; form adjectives from nouns, diminutive - affectionate forms of nouns, agreement of nouns. with num.

Correctional- developing:

Develop an active vocabulary, attention, thinking, memory.


Cultivate a culture of communication, take care of a friend in time.

Material for the lesson:

Basket with natural vegetables, cards - schemes for drawing up descriptive stories, chef's hat, a set of pictures depicting vegetables.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment

The teacher shows a picture that shows a miracle - a tree. Reading a poem

Miracle - the tree is standing,

Looks very strange.

Fruits all grow on it:

There are a lot of pears and apples here,

oranges and lemons,

Grapes and apricots

Cherries, plums and pomegranates

We are asked to pick them from the branches.

2. Main body

D / and “What tree?”

Children name the tree or bush on which this or that fruit grows.

For example, Apples grow on an apple tree.

D / and “What and how much?”

The teacher gives the task to each child to pick a certain number of fruits. The child, “picking off” a given amount, makes up a sentence: “I picked three pears,” etc.

Finger gymnastics

Finger gymnastics "Compote"

We will cook compote

You need a lot of fruits. Here:

Let's chop apples

We will chop pears.

Squeeze lemon juice

Put the drain and sand.

We cook, we cook compote,

Let's treat honest people

Compilation of descriptive stories on cards-diagrams

Tell us about your favorite fruit and name it affectionately

D / and "Cook"

The child plays the role of a cook.

From a set of pictures of fruits, he “cooks” compote, juice, jam, jam, jelly, pronouncing which fruits he puts in a saucepan. The rest of the children guess the name of the compote. Then another chef is chosen.

(-I'll take plums and make plum jam).

3. Bottom line

Reading a poem.

The teacher brings in a fruit basket. Treats children

Half the fruits. What can you do to make sure everyone gets food?

Reads a poem by Y. Akim

ripe apple,

crunchy apple,

With smooth skin.

I'll break the apple in half

I will share an apple with my friend.

Used Books

1. E. V. Kuznetsova, I. A. Tikhonova "Development and correction of children's speech"

2. T. A Tkachenko "Learning to speak correctly"

Svetlana Agafonova
Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group on the topic "Fruit"

Lesson summary

around the world in the preparatory group

on the topic "Fruit"

Purpose: To consolidate previously acquired knowledge about fruits.

1. Organizational moment

Game "Guess the Fruit"

Green, juicy, ripe, sweet, looks like a light bulb .... (pear)

Red, ruddy, fragrant, sweet and sour, round .... (apples)

Blue, satiny, fragrant, delicious, oval…. (plums)

Dark yellow, ruddy, soft, sweet, oval .... (peach)

Orange, fragrant, juicy, round…. (oranges)

Yellow, sour, oval (lemon)

Q: How can I put it all in one word?


Q:- And today we will talk about fruits.

2. New theme

Q:- There are many different fruits that grow all over the world. Fruits are very tasty and healthy. They are sweet because they have special sugar in them. Most fruits can be eaten raw. Jam, compote, marmalade are also prepared from them .... And fruits can also be dried. Then they shrink and become even sweeter.

Juice is squeezed out of many fruits. People drink the juice of fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, apples, pineapples, grapes. If you mix fruit with milk or ice cream, you get a milkshake.

Fruits grow on fruit trees in the garden.

A) Guess the tree

Q: - If pears grow on a tree, then what kind of tree is it? pear

Q: - If apples grow on a tree .... an apple tree

Q: -If apricots grow on a tree .... apricot

Q: -If plums grow on a tree .... plum

Q: -If peaches grow on a tree .... peach

Q: - If oranges grow on a tree .... orange

Q: - If lemons grow on a tree .... lemon

Q: - We talked about where, on which trees fruits grow. Do you know who takes care of the garden? (gardener)

B) The game "From grain to fruit"

Q: How do you think a tree appears?

D: - First, they plant a seed in the ground. A sprout emerges from it. From a sprout, a young tree. The tree blossoms and fruits appear. In order for a tree to bear fruit, it must be looked after, protected from pests, loosen the ground near the tree, spray, cut old branches.

Q: - Do you know where the fruit comes from in our stores?

Q: - There are gardens where many, many fruit trees grow, where apples, pears, oranges, plums are grown. And the gardeners take care of them. Also, during the harvest period, a lot of people work in the garden, technicians who harvest and send to shops and warehouses. And we come to the store and buy them.

C) Description of fruits outside and inside page 12

Q: - Let's look at the fruits in the cut, what they are inside.

Description sample.

This Apple. Outside, it is covered with a thin green (red, yellow, yellow-red) smooth skin. Inside it has juicy, white flesh with small grains in the middle.

This is a peach. Outside, it is covered with a thin red-yellow (red, yellow) velvety skin. Inside it has juicy yellow-pink flesh with a large bone.

This is a plum. Outside, it is covered with a thin blue-violet smooth skin. Inside it has juicy yellow-pink flesh with a large bone.

This is a lemon. Outside, it is covered with a yellow, thick skin. Inside it has juicy yellow flesh with small bones.

This is a pomegranate. Outside, it is covered with a red-pink smooth thick skin. Inside it has many red, juicy grains with small seeds.

Q: - Well, now let's see what can be prepared from them.

D) Game "Little Chefs" 10

Q: What can be prepared from apples?

D: - From apples you can cook .... applesauce, apple pie, marshmallow, apple jam, apple juice.

Q: What can be cooked from apricots?

D: - You can cook from apricots .... Apricot puree, apricot juice, apricot jam, apricot pie

Q: - What can be prepared from plums?

D: - You can make plum jam, plum juice, plum jam, plum cake from plums.

D) One-many game

Q: - Today a package came to our group from grandmother Marusya. Remember we were visiting her. She had a lot of fruits and she decided to send them to you by parcel.

(The child puts his hand into the parcel box, takes out one or more fruits from there and says:

My grandmother sent me a lot of apples or my grandmother sent me one apple.

3. Summing up the lesson

What did we talk about today? (fruit)

What does a tree come from? (seed)

Where do fruit trees grow? (in the tree garden)

Related publications:

Abstract of an orienteering lesson for children of the preparatory group "Funny Fruits" Goal: Creating conditions for improvement motor abilities children and the ability to navigate in space, to act in accordance.

Synopsis of a frontal speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group of children with ONR. Subject: Fruit. Purpose: activation, expansion and consolidation of pupils' knowledge about fruits, about the work of adults, seasonal work in the garden. Tasks: Cognitive:.

Synopsis of the subgroup speech therapy GCD in the second junior group on the lexical topic "Fruits" Theme: "Fruit". Tasks: Priority area - speech development: - development of the ability to coordinate quality adjectives with nouns;

Abstract of a lesson for children with mental retardation in the preparatory group for familiarization with the outside world and the development of speech "Fruits" Summary of classes for children with a delay mental development in the preparatory group, on familiarization with the outside world and the development of speech.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in middle group Subject: Fruit. Drawing on the theme "Favorite fruits" Purpose: To introduce the names of fruits.

Summary of the lesson on the lexical topic "Fruits" Program content: Purpose: expansion and activation of the dictionary. Tasks: 1. Learn to form adjectives from nouns. 2. Teach.

Abstract of the frontal lesson in the senior group on the lexical topic “Fruits. Garden"

(First year of study)

Program content:

Target: expansion and activation of the dictionary.

1. Learn to form adjectives from nouns.

2. Learn to coordinate nouns with adjectives in gender, number and case.

3. Learn to coordinate numerals with nouns.

4. Develop coherent speech, learn to compose descriptive fruit stories.
5. Develop phonemic perception, thinking.
6. Develop coordination of speech with movement, work on the pace and rhythm of speech.
7. Develop fine motor skills.
8. Develop visual-subject gnosis.
9. Develop a smooth speech exhalation.

Equipment: pictures depicting fruits, a ball, fruits cut out of colored paper on strings, a plan for compiling a descriptive story, dummies or fruit pictures for an account.

I. Organizing time

1. Speech therapist:- The one who names the fruits will sit down.

Speech therapist:- Well done! Now I will put one picture on the panel, and you will answer the questions Which one? Which? Which?

Lemon - yellow, juicy, sour, oval;

Orange - orange, round, sweet, juicy;

Pear - sweet, yellow, juicy, hard;

Apple - sweet, red, juicy, round;

Plum - blue, oval, sweet, juicy;

Peach - round, juicy, pink, sweet;

Speech therapist:- Well done! Now let's play with the ball.

II. Game "Find the mistake quickly" (with a ball)

2. Speech therapist:- I will say a sentence and throw the ball to you, and you will find a mistake, correct the sentence and throw the ball back to me.

(beauty) apples grow on the tree. What kind of apples grow on a tree?

We have harvested (wealth) a harvest of pears. What kind of harvest do we have?

Mom bought her daughter a (sweet) peach. What peach did mom buy?

Grandmother forbids eating (dirty) fruits. What fruit does Grandma forbid eating?

The store bought (large) plums. What plums did you buy at the store?

3. Speech therapist: Guys, you did a good job. Take one fruit and name it. Now take it by the thread and blow it. A light breeze picked up and the fruits on the branches gently swayed. And now he blew strong wind, fruits on the branches sway strongly.

(Children blow on fruits cut out of colored paper on strings.)

Speech therapist:- Well done, the wind is over. Put fruit in an envelope.

Now let's play with fingers.

4. Finger gymnastics "To the garden for plums"

The finger is thick and large. Alternately bend the finger,

I went to the plum garden. which is being told

Index from the threshold and then unbend it.

Showed him the way.

The middle finger is the most accurate:

He knocks plums off the branch.

The nameless eats

And little finger mister

Plants bones in the ground.

5. Drawing up a descriptive story about fruits according to plan. (picture)

What is this?

What colour?

Where does it grow?

What form

What does it taste like?

What can be prepared from it?

1. Fizminutka "Gardener"

Yesterday we walked in the garden, They walk in a circle, holding hands.

We planted currants. "Dig" a hole and "plant" a bush in it.

We whitewashed apple trees with lime, whitewash. movements right hand up down.

We repaired the fence, "Hit" with a hammer.

We started a conversation: One child enters the circle.

- You say, our gardener,

What will you give us as a reward?

- I will give purple plums as a reward, They bend one finger at a time.

Honey pears, the largest,

Ripe apples, cherries a whole kilogram.

Here is what I will give you as a reward!

7. The game "What fruits do you see?"

Speech therapist: Look at the picture and name the fruits you see.

8. The game "Let's count the fruits"

One apple, two apples, three apples, four apples, five apples.

One banana, two bananas, three bananas, four bananas, five bananas.

One pear, two pears, three pears, four pears, five pears.

Speech therapist:- All the fruits were counted, well done.

9. The game "What will we cook from fruits"

Speech therapist:- Now I will name the fruit, and you will answer what can be cooked from it:
apple - apple juice, pie, compote orange
plum - plum juice, jam, watermelon compote

pear - pear juice, peach compote
pineapple - pineapple juice grapes

10. Game "Tell me a word"

We argue with my brother to this day, Oh, you are deceivers, lie,

What is tastier: watermelon or ... do not grow on Christmas trees ...

If we are visiting Nata, she sings proudly on a branch,

Safe grenades, Blue with a bone ...

Soldiers don't leave them

Oh, delicious, juicy pomegranates.

We have a tropical guest, we need a sugar wagon,

Long-tailed ... To eat with a smile ...

Tasks: Expand children's ideas about fruits;
Enrich the subject vocabulary;
Develop visual perception, attention and memory;
Develop fine motor skills;
Develop coherent speech (compose sentences, stories)
Develop phonemic awareness.

Course progress.
1. Organizational moment.
-Children are given cards with the image geometric shapes different colors. Everyone is invited to go to the chair on which there is a picture of a fruit that is most suitable in shape and color to the card that the child has.
2. Didactic game "Fruit Bag"
The speech therapist has fruits on the table (apple, plum, pear, lemon, orange, banana). The speech therapist puts the fruits in a bag, naming them. Then he asks the children to take turns putting their hand into the bag, choose any fruit, identifying by touch and name it. Then the child takes the fruit out of the bag and checks his guess.

3. Finger gymnastics
This finger is an orange, fingers from the cam are unbent one by one,
He is certainly not alone, starting with the big one.
This finger is a plum
Delicious, beautiful.
This finger is an apricot,
It grew high on a branch.
This finger is a pear
He asks: "Come on, eat!"
This finger is a pineapple
Fruit for you and for us. They point with their palms around and at themselves.
4. Production of the application "Fruit basket" from plasticine.
Children are given blanks with the image of a fruit basket, multi-colored pieces of plasticine and colored crayons.
-Guys, we have prepared our fingers for work, and now look at what beautiful fruit baskets you have on your table.
- Take a brown chalk in your hand. Shade the basket (speech therapist shows shading with slanted lines).
-Now look at the multi-colored pieces of plasticine that are on your table.
What do you think, what color of plasticine should be taken for an apple?
-Take red plasticine, warm it well in your hands.
-Then pinch off a small piece of plasticine and apply it to the contour of the apple, press it with your finger to smear it. Thus, we will fill the entire outline of the apple.
What color do we need for an orange?
-Take the orange plasticine and fill in the contour of the orange.
We have a banana and a plum. What colors do we use for these fruits?
Children fill in the contour of a banana and plum
-Tell the guys what is left unpainted in the basket?
-Take a piece of blue plasticine, pinch off a small piece and roll a ball out of it. Attaching to the contour of the grapes, press the ball a little. He stuck to the paper. Then roll the next ball and press it on the outline of the grapes nearby. Thus, we will fill the entire contour of the bunch of grapes.
-There was a leaf and a branch of an apple, paint it with green chalk.
-Look what a beautiful basket each of you got.
Works are placed on the exhibition.
5.Result of the lesson
- Guys, tell us what we talked about in class and what we did.

Calendar planning of educational work


Senior teacher MADOU No. 161

Topic: “Fruits. Garden"

Group #9 ( preparatory group)


Continue to form and consolidate children's ideas about fruits. Repeat the general concept of "fruits", the names of various fruits, their beneficial features Strengthen the ability to classify fruits according to hallmarks(color, shape, taste, etc.) To introduce children to the preparation of fruits: canning, making jam, compotes and juices. Expand your understanding of fruits from different climatic zones. To consolidate knowledge about the organization of agricultural labor and its significance. Continue to teach descriptive storytelling and riddles using models. To form a positive attitude towards the place of growth of the gifts of nature. Raise respect for the work of rural residents.

Final event: exhibition creative works on the topic "Autumn leaf"

Introduce d / games on the topic, children's books, illustrations and pictures depicting vegetables, fruits. Center for role-playing games: Selection of attributes for role-playing game"Shop fruit - vegetables", "Market", "Family"

Center for productive activities: create conditions for independent creativity; offer children strokes of stencils various kinds: materials and tools for drawing, modeling, application and artistic work.

Interaction with parents

Consultation "Developing the speech of children"

Ind. conversations with children about observing the daily routine of a preschooler at home and in kindergarten

Interaction with society: Announce the "Autumn Leaf" contest in the kindergarten (crafts from natural material)




cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Morning gymnastics. .D / I "Guess by the description" Purpose: to learn to describe vegetables and fruits. D / I "What happens in this color" Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of colors Situational conversation "Vegetables for food - good or bad" Considering the illustrations "What this autumn is rich in" - repeat the names of vegetables and fruits. Visual gymnastics. "Vegetables". Introduce diagrams and models "Vegetables", "Fruits" for self-compilation of descriptive riddles.

Individual work on the development of speech with Ramil, .Dasha G., Elina.Tasks: exercise children in the formation of adjectives from nouns (maple leaf - maple, linden - linden); learn to work in pairs; tactfully correct the mistakes of a partner.

Purpose: to cultivate a caring attitude towards plants.

Examination of illustrations on the topic "Fruit"

D / and "Pick fruit" - orientation in space, the ability to distinguish fruits from vegetables.

Riddles about fruits - develop logical thinking, speech..


FEMP knowledge


Lesson 3. Continue to learn to make the numbers 7 and 8 from units. Clarify ideas about the number 8. Consolidate the consistent naming of the days of the week to develop the ability to compose a thematic composition according to the model. (I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina "FEMP" p. 32).

Speech therapy /

Speech development


According to the plan of the speech therapist// Theme "Garden". Objectives: to activate the active and passive vocabulary on this topic; fix the names of fruits and fruit trees, exercise in the use of the accusative case, learn to form relative adjectives, coordinate numerals with nouns, develop memory, attention, perseverance.

Physical education in the air

Speak Tat/ Drawing


According to the plan of the Tatar teacherlanguageSubject: “Whom nishli” Suzlar өstendә esh: Nishli? Yokly, utyra.Ash torlare: 1.U/s “Uenchyklar Yokly” 2.S/u “Kaytavaz”. 3.S/u “Sora – җavap bir” 4.Audioyazma tynlau.// Drawing "Juicy fruits". Target : learn to convey in the drawings the characteristic shape and color of familiar fruits. Continue to develop compositional skills (arranging objects evenly across the entire sheet of paper). Develop the ability to work on a plan (in advance, before starting work, mentally imagine the content of your drawing


cognitive development. Physical development. Speech development


Purpose: to expand knowledge about the state of plants in the fall (cessation of growth, yellowing and fall of foliage, the presence of fruits and seeds).

Work : cleaning up fallen leaves.

Individual work on

development of movements (Ulyana, Lida, Nikita K.).

Objectives: To develop the skills of throwing the ball at the target.

Sport game football.

Tasks: to teach children to play together, to act as one team. To promote the development of accuracy, coordination of movements, determination, courage.

Stand alone games children with portable material.


cognitive development

Speech development

S.r.i. "Fruit Cafe" - to develop a game dialogue, the ability to compose a game plot, combine several games, educate a socially active person. Exercise after sleep. Reading thin. literature R.Sc. "Tops - roots" Purpose: to recall the text, staging a fairy tale in roles.

Articulation gymnastics "Delicious jam"

C / R game "Vegetable Store" Purpose: to introduce the name of fruits into children's speech, to cultivate a culture of speech.

repeat the name of the trees

consolidate the autumn months

game "Finish the sentence.Ind. exercise in cutting out the silhouettes of vegetables and fruits according to the template

Work in the book corner - looking at illustrations, photographs, dummies, sets of postcards on the topic.

UMK- "Dialogue" - consolidation of the studied words.


Physical development

Speech development

Suggest d / and What does autumn smell like? Purpose: to teach children to choose words to describe own feelings. P / I "Zhmurki". Independent play activity Location on.



Integration educational areas

Cooperative activity adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Group, subgroup





cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Morning gymnastics music. hall

Articulation gymnastics

Speech therapy five minutes.

W familiarization of children with books of encyclopedic content. Purpose: to teach to work with books.

And / at "Playing with a fairy tale" - to teach to come up with a different ending to fairy tales.

D / I “Whose children” Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the fruits of plants.

Situational conversation "How to show respect for people."

"Smart lacing" - development fine motor skills, imagination

Work in the dining room Purpose: to consolidate the ability to set the table for breakfast D / and "The Fourth Extra" to develop thinking operations


PIP knowledge


Acquaintance with the outside world

Topic: “Two vases” Purpose: To strengthen the ability of children to recognize objects made of glass and ceramics, to distinguish them from each other, causal connections between the purpose, structure and material of the object. Develop an interest in learning about the world around you. Cultivate the ability to work together.



We speak tat


Topic: “Ayu balasy donya belәn tanysha” Suzlәr өstendә esh: Tanysh suzlarAsh torlare: 1.A/s carau. Ҙңгәмә. 2. D / y “Who did you do?”


Physical development.

Speech development

Social and communicative development

cognitive development.


Objectives: to contribute to the generalization of ideas about the structure, growth and development of plants; develop the ability to generalize according to essential features; expand children's ideas about parts of plants; educate interest in plants; accumulate experience of attentive and caring attitude towards them.

Labor - to collect large debris on the site. Purpose: to cultivate industriousness. Independent gaming activity on the site.

Work on the formation of rules of safe behavior.

Signs: late leaf fall - to a harsh long winter; although the leaf has turned yellow, it falls off weakly - frosts will not come soon.


They fly, spin, fall to the ground.

They don’t get up from the ground and disappear here.

(Leaves of trees.)

Didactic game "Name three objects."

mobile game "Hunter and Hares".


Social and communicative development

Speech development

Free play activity.

The game "We count fruits" to form the ability to use counting skills in everyday life.

Game activities in the music corner. "Find out which child sings" - improve children's hearing

A game " magic chair"- to cultivate the ability to be affectionate, to activate gentle, affectionate words in the speech of children.

Individual work with children is registered in the register

game situation

Situations: What would happen if:

1. Do not water plantings in the garden.

2. Do not wash vegetables before eating.

3. The orchard will suddenly disappear.

4. Eat dirty fruits.


Physical development

Speech development

mobile game

Ball games. Wind observations. Purpose: to find out how the wind affects changes in the weather. P / I "Get up, where

I will say." Independent play activity

Educational activities V regime moments




cognitive development

Physical development

Social and communicative development

Speech development

Friendly meeting of children, greeting, inspection, receiving necessary information from parents

Morning gymnastics

Articulation gymnastics.

Finger gymnastics "Orange"

Individual work with children is registered in the register

make sentences on two reference pictures.

modeling "Vegetables and fruits for the game" Shop ""

Labor in the corner of nature: caring for indoor plants

Goal: fostering respect for plants

Examination of encyclopedias and books about the work of adults in gardens

The game "What is eaten raw and what is boiled" to develop phrasal speech, voluntary attention


FEMP knowledge


Lesson 9. Introduce the composition of the number 9 from units. Clarify ideas about the number 9. Improve the ability to name numbers and the direct and reverse order from any number .. Develop an eye. To consolidate the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, to determine and name its sides and angles.9 I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina.FEMP.str. 34).

Physical training


According to the plan of the physical education instructor.


cognitive development.

Physical development.

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic

Watching the color change of the leaves, how did they change, why? Purpose: to develop observation, the ability to draw conclusions in the course of observations. D / I “What first - what then?” Purpose: to fix the stages of growth and development of plants.

P / I "Obstacle track" Purpose: development of movements.

Situational communication "Safety on a walk" Purpose: to give knowledge about the rules of behavior on the territory of the kindergarten: when meeting with various pets, to promote the development of caution.

Labor: collection of leaves of various trees and shrubs for the herbarium.

Individual work on FIZO I / y “Who will jump higher” - practice high jumps from a place ..Ind. exercise in jumping on two legs and one leg in p / and "Classes"


The worm dreams of a miracle-yudo on a bitch at night:

Long beak and two wings...

And who is the worm afraid of?

Guessed? This…(bird).

Didactic game "What is this bird?"

Mobile game "Geese-swans". Remote material - skipping ropes, consolidate the ability to jump over them. Independent play activity.


cognitive development.

Physical development.

Cognitive research activity:

Show how an apple turns black on a cut - this iron in the air changes its useful properties for us.

D / I “Whether in the garden, in the garden” Purpose: to consolidate the classification of vegetables and fruits.

Individual work with children is registered in the register

to fix through the game "Bring fruit back to the tree" that fruits grow on fruit trees, name them, use a noun in the plural.

fix the colors and the name of the fruit.

classify fruits and vegetables according to their characteristics, call a generalizing word

Creative workshop: application "Stocks for the winter." Purpose: to continue learning how to create an image from parts, to develop a sense of composition.

D / I "Potato" Purpose: to fix the stages of plant development.

Reading L.V. Voronkov "Pear Apple" -415

Teach children to listen carefully and answer questions.


Physical development

Speech development

Observation of the onset of twilight. D / I “What first, what then” Purpose: to fix parts of the day. P / I "Paints"

Independent play activities of children.

NRK-Russian folk game "Tsar Potato" Purpose: to exercise in catching the ball, to develop dexterity.




cognitive development.

Physical development.

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic

Friendly meeting of children, greeting, inspection, obtaining the necessary information from parents

Morning gymnastics. hall

Articulation gymnastics.

Finger gymnastics "Orange"

Speech therapy five-minute "Cheerful cook"

Work on the development of speech by Elina N-D / I “Speak correctly” To form the ability to correctly use nouns. in plural the number of births. case

D / and "Find by description" - develop memory, attention


Speech Development / Speech Therapy


According to the plan of the speech therapist / M-exercise in sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words like “moss”, “fly”.

Physical training


According to the plan of the physical education instructor.


cognitive development

Physical development

Speech development

Birch observation. Purpose: to continue acquaintance with birch, highlighting characteristics and changes associated with the seasons, educate careful attitude to the tree as a living object of nature. "Safety on a walk" Purpose: to give knowledge about the rules of behavior on the territory of the kindergarten Labor activity: sweeping paths, garbage collection Purpose: to cultivate the ability to work together. Competition "The most beautiful autumn bouquet"(from fallen leaves)

Work on developing safe behavior skills on the street with Rail Sh.

Didactic games"Search", "And I".

NRK-Mobile game "Trap" - follow the rules of the game. Proverb: "In October, before lunch, autumn, and in the afternoon - winter-winter." A. Fet's poem “In the Autumn.” Riddles: This month, every year, seven weather meets us: Sows, blows, twists, cools, whistles, snows, pours from above. (October.) The days have become shorter, the nights have become longer, Who can say, who knows when this happens? (In autumn.) C / R games at the request of the children. Remote material: equipment for labor


Speech development

Social and communicative development

cognitive development.

Free play activity.

S.r. and "Fruit Shop" to develop emotions that arise during role-playing and story-based game actions

D / I "Return the fruit to the tree" to develop thinking operations (generalization, comparison, perception)Constructive game "Berries for a Giant" Purpose: to teach how to make fakes from Lego.

Individual work with children is registered in the register

concept of number within 20

learn to determine the number of objects by touch (by touch)

develop focused attention, quantitative counting.

Dramatization of the fairy tale: "Tops and roots."

Strengthen children's ability to use various means expressiveness in the transfer of images of the heroes of fairy tales.

Exercise children in expressive reading of poetry.

Sculpting: “A treat for rabbits and hedgehogs” To improve the ability to sculpt the main shape of an object with the hands of both hands, and the details with the fingers.


Physical development

Speech development

Observations of twilight, note that daylight hours are noticeably reduced. Fix the signs of autumn. Y/N “When does this happen?” P / I "Hurry to run out"

cognitive development.

Physical development.

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Friendly meeting of children, greeting, inspection, obtaining the necessary information from parents

Morning gymnastics

Articulation gymnastics

Finger gymnastics "Orange".

Board game « Pick a couple"

To form the ability to select pairs of objects according to a given attribute.

Dining room duty to teach conscientiously to fulfill the duties of dining room attendants

D / and "Name the color of fruits" to develop thinking.

UMK-game "Commander" - fixing words in the imperative mood




According to the plan of a speech therapist / Acquaintance with nature.

Theme: Gifts of Autumn. Purpose: To consolidate the generalization of the concept of vegetables and fruits, the characteristic properties of vegetables and fruits, to talk about the benefits to humans. Systematize children's knowledge about the work of people in the fall.



According to the plan of the music director.

We speak Tat.//Modeling/Applique


Subject:Subject:" Duslarny sylybyz” Sүzlәr өstendә esh: Ashy, echAsh torlare: 1.S / y “Akbai Belan Miyauny Sylybyz”. 2. U/s “Iptashene syyla”. 5. Audio yazma tynlau, җyrlau. Gyr. “Nishli// Application: "Vase with fruits, branches and flowers" - to consolidate the ability of children to cut symmetrical objects from paper folded in half. Develop visual control over the actions of the hands. Learn to beautifully arrange an image on a sheet, look for the best option, select the image by color. Cultivate artistic taste. (T.S. Komarova " Visual activity V kindergarten» p.45)./ /Relief modeling Theme: Vegetables and fruits. Purpose: To introduce the genre of "still life", to teach children to recreate in memory and name the fruits growing in the garden, their color, shape, to teach to depict various forms while composing a still life; give an idea of ​​the correct arrangement of still life objects continue to teach sculpting different forms(apples, pears, plums, grapes from a whole piece), convey the characteristics of each of them, develop diligence


cognitive development

Physical development

Speech development

Insect Watching Goals: clarify the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bpreparing insects for winter; bring up cognitive interest to insects; develop observation and a desire to communicate with nature. Labor: harvesting land for planting in the winter.

Work on safe behavior on the site with Artur, AdelExercise children in orientation in space (turns left, right, around)

Independent gaming activity on the site. Remote material: equipment for work.Didactic game "Let's solve riddles" Purpose: to expand the stock of nouns in the active dictionary.


Social and communicative development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Performance graphic dictations in notebooks in a box to form graphomotor skills

Free play activity.

D / I "Fruits" dominoes - develop attention

Speech therapy five minutes:exercise "Cheerful cook".

Palchik gymnastics "Orange", Nishcheva

games in sports corner(skittles, jump ropes, hoops, ring tosses, serso)

Purpose: development of motor activity.

Individual work with children is registered in the register

to consolidate the ability to cut symmetrical objects from paper folded in half.

exercise in drawing near fruit outline with a simple pencil, filled in with colored pencils.

Work in the book corner - looking at illustrations, photographs, dummies, sets of postcards on the topic.

Models of mushrooms, fruits, cereals, illustrations.Reading poems about vegetables and fruits.Final days by lexical topics E. Alyabieva str 50


Physical development.

Speech development

Monitoring the movement of cars on the road.

Purpose: to generalize and expand children's knowledge of the rules traffic. P / and "Weigh by eye"

Teach children to determine the distance to nearby objects by eye.