Law of Cause and Effect (2009). The law of cause and effect is the law of karma. (actions)



Any process can be viewed both from the inside and outside, and the description of the same phenomenon from two diametrically opposite points will be different and not similar to each other.

So, you can talk about a person as about a certain person who has lived some kind of life, that is, talk about the events of his life in literary, artistic or documentary. You can talk about the same person from the point of view of the flow in him chemical reactions– it will be a different story. From the point of view of biology - the third, from the point of view of "subtle" energies - the fourth, and so on in many different aspects. And all this will be different and not similar to each other, although it will belong to the same object of description.

Also, speaking of cosmic processes or laws, one and the same phenomenon can be described with different parties and completely contradictory. But in order to understand that this is one and the same, you need to find the links that unite them into one.

Thus, everything positive and negative in the Cosmos is united by a common living Substance called Nature, and everything that is created on Earth is united by the concept of the Creator who created both the planet and us, that is, the concept of God. Having created our earthly world, He determined the laws according to which the world should develop. It was God who introduced the law of causation or karma into the world he created on Earth, outlining the path of perfection of the soul in goodness.

So what is this law in its complex interconnection and interdependence, what is its great justice. Let's try to figure this out.

Karma is the law of cause-and-effect relationships, expressed in actions that follow after a person resolves a particular situation in some way. Or, speaking in everyday language, karma is the working off of sins, that is, the wrong deeds of a past life in the present.

In the language of energy, karma means the accumulation by the soul, through a series of complex energy processes, of energies of a certain quality into a matrix with the purification of those low energies that do not contribute to its evolution.

Karma can also be viewed from different perspectives:

1) event-related, through everyday situations;

2) how to pass the program;

3) as the energy construction of the human soul through the law.

Truly, this is the Great and Wise Law. And there is no more Great and Just law on Earth, because everyone, improving the soul, pays for his mistakes and committed deeds until he comprehends the full measure of the retribution of what he did.

A person cannot do without numerous reincarnations, since he is not capable of short life to know everything that is necessary for him to rise to the Higher spheres, just as a student who has graduated from the first grade is not capable of entering adulthood. independent life because for this he will need time to grow physically, and knowledge to grow spiritually.

It is the same in the higher realms. A person must grow energetically and constructively fit for the “subtle” world, that is, correspond to it in terms of vibration frequencies of “subtle” energies, and enrich himself with that stock of high knowledge that will help him get used to the new environment, and not appear there as a savage from the Hawaiian Islands.

The process of reincarnation itself, therefore, is necessary for a person for two main tasks:

1) on the one hand, a person is enriched with knowledge and life experience, which leads to the improvement of the soul;

2) and on the other hand, there is a working off of those sins that a person has committed in past lives.

Sins in the language of energy represent energies recruited by a person of a different quality than what he needs to gain according to the program. Therefore, “karma” is precisely the processes consisting of situations that produce the energies required to fill the human matrix according to the program. That is, a person is given such situations, resolving which he develops the qualities he needs, bringing the set of energies in the matrix to the normative indicators. The person is returned to similar situations until the matrix is ​​filled with the appropriate qualitative composition. Only after this will it pass to the next stage of development in a more high worlds.

The concept of "karma" is closely related to the concept of sin, which is an integral part of a comprehensive cosmic law.

In Christianity, this cosmic law is not presented as something whole and unified, but is given in separate fragments in such concepts as "sin", "punishment in the form of hell" and "forgiveness".

Supreme space law of causation consists of the accomplishment by a person of legal or illegal actions, entailing a chain of successive events and in real life, and in the next one.

Wrongful actions are called “sin”, and it is they that draw a person into an endless chain of reincarnations, repeating everyday situations on the earth level in which illegal actions were committed, until the situation is resolved correctly, that is, as required by cosmic norms. .

For some sins, a person can pay not one, but many lives in a row.

But what would happen to a person if he did not commit sin? Would reincarnations then exist or not? Yes, of course, they would exist, because the soul builds up new energies gradually, that is, any development is a sequential chain of acquiring new knowledge, and this is the process of integrating energies.

But if a person did not make mistakes, did not sin in life, then his development would be accelerated, and the soul would come to perfection on the earthly plane many times faster. After all, it is precisely due to the commission of sin that the soul is thrown back in development for thousands or more years ago. So the accomplishment of evil, punishment and redemption stretch for some for endless millennia of painful births and deaths. Therefore, everyone should know the law and what awaits him in case of deviation from the law.

A person who is developed, but does not believe in God, usually thinks that he lives once, and therefore it does not matter what he does in one life, everything will be forgotten, so he does everything that he considers necessary for himself.

Others, who believe in God and are afraid of his wrath, believe that it is enough to pray, repent, and you will be forgiven, because God forgives everyone. And although they already limit themselves more than the first, they still allow a lot, indulging their passions and desires and hoping that they will be forgiven.

Of course, God Himself forgives everyone and everyone, but besides Him, there are cosmic laws to which everything in the Cosmos obeys, and not a single Being can bypass them, because these laws are the basics of the alphabet, without studying which a person cannot learn to read, and therefore , will not be able to develop to the next Level. Moreover, a person is so naive in his knowledge of the Higher spheres that he believes that all his thoughts and intentions remain an eternal secret both for the people around him and for the existing Higher World, not suspecting that all his thoughts are easily read by the Determinants. And everything that he thinks is recorded on the "cassette" of his memory, so that at the right moment or on the day of the report on his earthly life (the Last Judgment) to be read and analyzed by the Higher Teachers for compiling new program in a later incarnation.

But knowing everything that a person thinks about, at the same time, no one interferes in his plans (without his request and consent) on the basis of another cosmic law "On non-interference" in other people's affairs, in order to give him the opportunity to manifest himself in all the meanness of his nature, and be able to identify all its flaws in an undeveloped soul, to follow all its inclinations, in order to work them out later, passing through the "Law of Cause and Effect" and bring the miserable little soul to full perfection, or, if it is too low and pernicious, lead it to complete decoding, that is, the destruction and termination of incarnations.

Real man should be aware of the existence space laws, defining the rules and norms for the development of all living things in the Cosmos, where no exceptions and forgiveness are made for anyone. Everyone works off his sins himself and in full accordance with the cruelty that he himself generates; that is, it can be said that by killing someone in the present life, a person kills himself in the next life; beating someone in the present, he is beating himself in the future, and so on.

And now let's try to understand that new understanding of sin, karma and forgiveness, which are directly given to a person on Earth.

In a further dialogue with God, in order to shorten the long name “the law of cause and effect,” we used the old but short term “karma”, and replaced the physical essence in the form of “a set of energies by a person that does not meet the required standards of development” with the short word “ sin".

But in the first word - "karma", and in the second - "sin" - everything is connected with the energies and the struggle for them in the course of the evolution of the soul.

Let's start the conversation with the concept of "sin" that is closest to us.

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Hello dear friends!!! With you again DV. Today we will talk about karma, or in other words - about the law of cause and effect. What it is? What is it eaten with? And where does such an attack on our head come from? After all, we associate karma with some kind of punishment. It seems like God punishes for something, or a harsh fate, rock, something that is associated with doom. Is it really? Let's figure it out.

Firstly, there are several types of karmas: personal, tribal, regional (the karma of the city or area in which you live), the karma of the country, the planet, and possibly solar system, galaxy, universe, etc. Let's start with personal karma. You come, for example, to a palmist or a fortune teller, they look at your hands or scatter cards, and begin to prophesy about what awaits you. And, in general, often everything starts to come true.

I will give, as always, an example from my own practice.

Maxim M., 30 years old, successful entrepreneur. Over time, business has gone from bad to worse. Turned to a fortune teller. She told him that he didn't have long to live. Her abilities are not enough to change this event. It's like there's nothing to worry about income if there is very little left to live.

It was in such an “elated” mood that Maxim came to see me. During the psycho-correction, it turned out that Maxim has been very sensitive to money since childhood. As he believed, he was lucky, he managed to establish a profitable business from scratch, but in the light of recent business development trends, there are more people who want to earn money, and there is often not enough intelligence to establish new directions, so money was invested, and is being invested in those areas in which someone is already making money. As a result, competition is growing, revenues are falling. The same fate befell my ward - the income, of course, was, but not the same as before. Attempts to develop other lines of business brought only disappointment and loss of money. Everything was aggravated by uncertainty about the future. Such internal tension created a strong point of pain. The minor failures that accompanied this were perceived with particular acuteness, as a continuation of the main failure. A picture of complete collapse was created. In such cases, the internal state is so terrible that the person begins to envy the dead, and death is perceived as a rest. Quite a bit separates him from suicide. Maxim was in the same condition. The reason was that Maxim worshiped money. In the process of psycho-correction, with great difficulty, it was possible to change his life priorities. After completing the course of healing, at my request, Maxim went to the same fortune teller. She threw out her cards twice and said that she did not understand anything. There was no near death. The lines on the arm have changed!!! Let's see what happened, shall we? After all, we have corrected what was inevitable or karma from the point of view of the fortune teller!!! How could this happen?!

In subtle energy there is such a thing as an ENERGY BLOCKER. What it is? The meaning of his work is as follows: the positive energy that we generate goes into the Universe and participates in the general universal energy exchange. The negative (negative), or the energy that is in dissonance with the Divine Plan of Existence, remains here on Earth, is blocked, which is why it is called an energy blocker. And it comes back to us, to those who released it so that we would re-plus it. It is overridden by the fact that a person, or people, change their views on life, beliefs, principles in accordance with the Divine Plan of Being. If for a long time If this does not happen, then the negative is overridden through suffering. From here - life problems, incl. and with health. The essence of karma is also hidden here - by sowing negativity, we have sowed the cause of our suffering, through which we will replicate this negativity. Suffering is a consequence. Or else the law of karma is called the law of cause and effect. One of the tasks of psycho-correction in Spiritual Healing is to identify and remove the cause of the problem that is being addressed. The cause goes away - the effect goes away !!! The removal of the cause is directly related to the return of a person's worldview to the Divine Plan of Existence. Thus, not only the human body is saved, but most importantly - the Soul! There are no limits in this direction of healing, there are no incurable diseases or unsolvable problems. Nothing is impossible for God. If God gives a problem, He is able to remove it. And if all this is tried on to the material that I give, it will sound like this: “If a Person has created a problem for himself, he is able to remove it.” After all, we are gods. Christ spoke to us about this. If someone does not believe, let him read the Gospel.

By the way, Maxim's business improved then. Recently I again came to the sessions - everything was fine, now it began to go wrong again. The world dictates its own conditions, much of what has been learned is erased, lost under the influence of everyday fuss and troubles, the process of generating income comes first, we push God to the second, or even third plan, i.e. We begin to worship the "golden calf". And the energy blocker, or the Law of Karma, begins to work again. It's hard to blame anyone for this. The world uses powerful leverage. And who is the prince of this world you know.

See what happens. We ourselves sow the problems from which we suffer, but we never blame ourselves for this. We blame anyone: partners, competitors, unfortunate fate, evil spirits))), but not ourselves.

By the way, have you ever wondered where the word “unhappiness” came from? “Happiness” is to feel and carry within oneself a PART of the Divine Existence, i.e. live WITH PART!!! What we have in Everyday life pronounced like HAPPINESS. And, it goes without saying, UNHAPPINESS is when a PART of the Divine Being is missing. We have already considered in previous articles what qualities are inherent in the Plan of Divine Being, opened the Gospel and made an analysis of the New Testament, or the Good News, where we found the Divine qualities that Jesus Christ tried to convey to us, these are: mercy, honesty, generosity, courage , sacrifice, non-judgment, modesty, repentance, love, etc. This is Christ Himself, not a man crucified on a cross, but precisely the inner Divine component of man. This is the kind of Christ who wants to pray, and it is not necessary to pray if you live the way He taught, because your whole life will be continuous prayer.

Let's look at another aspect of our lives: we are constantly being scared by something: either a harsh winter, or the end of the world, or the coming of the Antichrist))). Let's take a look at the word "antichrist" - "anti" - against, "Christ" - understandably - Christ, i.e. that which is against the teachings of Christ. Now let's look around, what reigns around us?! Cruelty, deceit, greed and redneck, sheer condemnation, cowardice, arrogance, perjury, hatred, etc. Nothing reminds of the Antichrist, huh?))) We have long and firmly lived in the kingdom of the Antichrist!!! And we are afraid of this))), but we are afraid)))

And it's all around us!!! We live in it!!! The energy blocker holds it all, we need to replicate all this through suffering !!! Hence the outbreaks of "incurable" diseases, with which traditional pharmaceutical medicine not only does not fight, but, on the contrary, is interested in the number of patients, because. became commercial organization. Hence the persecution of healers in the means mass media. They do not care about people's health, medicine and pharmaceuticals are afraid that there will be fewer patients))) The struggle for profit. Therefore, doctors themselves suffer from the same diseases as their patients. And they suffer more, because know that the medicine they served will not help. By the way, there are quite a lot of medical workers among my patients.

Hence the outbreak of crime - the result of the commercialization of education. When the schools are full of commerce, the hands do not reach the educational process.

Hence the crisis of the legislative system, when a criminal and a politician, an official, a big businessman are synonymous words. The bottom line is this: if you bomb a lot of money or take a fairly high position in the state, then the existing system of punishments is not able to punish such a person for the crimes he commits. Moreover, the law enforcement system is in his service.

So you can go through all areas of our life. Everywhere is the same. The sick go to the hospital to die faster, the church has turned into a table of orders to God, criminals write laws... Anyone normal person, having analyzed the situation in the world, he will say: “It is impossible to live like this any longer!”. Yes. Probably not possible to live. This is not life, this is continuous suffering.

There is such a concept as the Negative Accumulation Limit, which should also be re-plused through great cataclysms. Many people will die. Only 5% of the world's population will be able to survive. It is with them that the New Civilization of the Earth will begin. "Who will survive?" - you ask. Let's try to figure it out.

Back in the 70s of the last century, scientists put forward a scientific hypothesis that our Universe is nothing but a huge hologram. In a nutshell, the essence of the holographic principle is as follows: if you take a holographic picture of any object, well, for example, a teapot, then when illuminated by a laser, the teapot will look quite natural, three-dimensional. If this picture is torn in half, then each piece will have a whole teapot, only of a smaller volume, if these halves are torn into even smaller pieces, into any amount, then each piece will have a whole small teapot. In esotericism there is a law of similarity - everything in the universe is reflected in each other, small - in great, great - in small.

Based on the foregoing, it turns out that all the negativity that we observe around us is in ourselves. I agree that the postulate “If you want to change the world, start with yourself” is already stuck in your teeth. But, whatever one may say, there is no other way. And the five percent of the survivors after the cataclysms of 2018 will most likely belong to those people who follow the Path of inner perfection. Why? Yes, because making the essence of the Good News the meaning of their lives, they adjust the frequency of vibrations of their body to the frequency of vibrations of the Future Age. under the so-called Fiery Energies. And what does not burn in the fire - Fire! Those who do not want to understand this, or are simply too lazy, will remain in positions existing world, simply will not be able to endure the new living conditions for terrestrial organisms. These will be the majority. And here neither money nor underground shelters will help. The Plan of the Golden Billion loses its meaning ... Management in New civilization will be built on the basis of the depth of acceptance of the Plan of Divine Existence. The Law of Karma will fulfill its purpose and will remain in existence only in the positive spectrum. there will be no conditions for the emergence of dissonant energies.

But these are events, albeit not far away, but the future. We are suffering now. In the next article, we will look at ways out of suffering. That's where we'll end for today.

Be blessed on your Path.

Any process can be viewed both from the inside and outside, and the description of the same phenomenon from two diametrically opposite points will be different and not similar to each other.

So, you can talk about a person as about a certain person who has lived some kind of life, that is, talk about the events of his life in literary, artistic or documentary. You can talk about the same person from the point of view of chemical reactions occurring in him - this will be a different story. From the point of view of biology - the third, from the point of view of "subtle" energies - the fourth, and so on in many different aspects. And all this will be different and not similar to each other, although it will belong to the same object of description.

Also, speaking of cosmic processes or laws, one and the same phenomenon can be described from different angles and completely contradictory. But in order to understand that this is one and the same, you need to find the links that unite them into one.

Thus, everything positive and negative in the Cosmos is united by a common living Substance called Nature, and everything that is created on Earth is united by the concept of the Creator who created both the planet and us, that is, the concept of God. Having created our earthly world, He determined the laws according to which the world should develop. It was God who introduced the law of causation or karma into the world he created on Earth, outlining the path of perfection of the soul in goodness.

So what is this law in its complex interconnection and interdependence, what is its great justice. Let's try to figure this out.

Karma is the law of cause-and-effect relationships, expressed in actions that follow after a person resolves a particular situation in some way. Or, speaking in everyday language, karma is the working off of sins, that is, the wrong deeds of a past life in the present.

In the language of energy, karma means the accumulation by the soul, through a series of complex energy processes, of energies of a certain quality into a matrix with the purification of those low energies that do not contribute to its evolution.

Karma can also be viewed from different perspectives:

1) event-related, through everyday situations;

2) how to pass the program;

3) as the energy construction of the human soul through the law.

Truly, this is the Great and Wise Law. And there is no more Great and Just law on Earth, because everyone, improving the soul, pays for his mistakes and committed deeds until he comprehends the full measure of the retribution of what he did.

A person cannot do without numerous reincarnations, because in one short life he is not able to know everything that is necessary for him to rise to the Higher spheres, just as a student who has graduated from the first grade is not able to enter an adult independent life, because for this he will need time. to grow physically, and knowledge to grow spiritually.

It is the same in the higher realms. A person must grow energetically and constructively fit for the “subtle” world, that is, correspond to it in terms of vibration frequencies of “subtle” energies, and enrich himself with that stock of high knowledge that will help him get used to the new environment, and not appear there as a savage from the Hawaiian Islands.

The process of reincarnation itself, therefore, is necessary for a person for two main tasks:

1) on the one hand, a person is enriched with knowledge and life experience, which leads to the improvement of the soul;

2) and on the other hand, there is a working off of those sins that a person has committed in past lives.

Sins in the language of energy represent energies recruited by a person of a different quality than what he needs to gain according to the program. Therefore, “karma” is precisely the processes consisting of situations that produce the energies required to fill the human matrix according to the program. That is, a person is given such situations, resolving which he develops the qualities he needs, bringing the set of energies in the matrix to the normative indicators. The person is returned to similar situations until the matrix is ​​filled with the appropriate qualitative composition. Only after this will his transition to the next stage of development in the higher worlds take place.

The concept of "karma" is closely related to the concept of sin, which is an integral part of a comprehensive cosmic law.

In Christianity, this cosmic law is not presented as something whole and unified, but is given in separate fragments in such concepts as "sin", "punishment in the form of hell" and "forgiveness".

Supreme space consists of the accomplishment by a person of lawful or illegal actions, entailing a chain of successive events both in this life and in the next.

Wrongful actions are called “sin”, and it is they that draw a person into an endless chain of reincarnations, repeating everyday situations on the earth level in which illegal actions were committed, until the situation is resolved correctly, that is, as required by cosmic norms. .

For some sins, a person can pay not one, but many lives in a row.

But what would happen to a person if he did not commit sin? Would reincarnations then exist or not? Yes, of course, they would exist, because the soul builds up new energies gradually, that is, any development is a sequential chain of acquiring new knowledge, and this is the process of integrating energies.

But if a person did not make mistakes, did not sin in life, then his development would be accelerated, and the soul would come to perfection on the earthly plane many times faster. After all, it is precisely due to the commission of sin that the soul is thrown back in development for thousands or more years ago. So the accomplishment of evil, punishment and redemption stretch for some for endless millennia of painful births and deaths. Therefore, everyone should know the law and what awaits him in case of deviation from the law.

A person who is developed, but does not believe in God, usually thinks that he lives once, and therefore it does not matter what he does in one life, everything will be forgotten, so he does everything that he considers necessary for himself.

Others, who believe in God and are afraid of his wrath, believe that it is enough to pray, repent, and you will be forgiven, because God forgives everyone. And although they already limit themselves more than the first, they still allow a lot, indulging their passions and desires and hoping that they will be forgiven.

Of course, God Himself forgives everyone and everyone, but besides Him, there are cosmic laws to which everything in the Cosmos obeys, and not a single Being can bypass them, because these laws are the basics of the alphabet, without studying which a person cannot learn to read, and therefore , will not be able to develop to the next Level. Moreover, a person is so naive in his knowledge of the Higher spheres that he believes that all his thoughts and intentions remain an eternal secret both for the people around him and for the existing Higher World, not suspecting that all his thoughts are easily read by the Determinants. And everything that he thinks is recorded on the “cassette” of his memory, so that at the right moment or on the day of the report on his earthly life (the Last Judgment) to be read and analyzed by the Highest Teachers to draw up a new program in a subsequent incarnation.

But knowing everything that a person thinks about, at the same time, no one interferes in his plans (without his request and consent) on the basis of another cosmic law "On non-interference" in other people's affairs, in order to give him the opportunity to manifest himself in all the meanness of his nature, and be able to identify all its flaws in an undeveloped soul, to follow all its inclinations, in order to work them out later, passing through the "Law of Cause and Effect" and bring the miserable little soul to full perfection, or, if it is too low and pernicious, lead it to complete decoding, that is, the destruction and termination of incarnations.

A real person should be aware of the existence of cosmic laws that determine the rules and norms for the development of all life in the Cosmos, where no exceptions and forgiveness are made for anyone. Everyone works off his sins himself and in full accordance with the cruelty that he himself generates; that is, it can be said that by killing someone in the present life, a person kills himself in the next life; beating someone in the present, he is beating himself in the future, and so on.

And now let's try to understand that new understanding of sin, karma and forgiveness, which are directly given to a person on Earth.

In a further dialogue with God, in order to shorten the long name “the law of cause and effect,” we used the old but short term “karma”, and replaced the physical essence in the form of “a set of energies by a person that does not meet the required standards of development” with the short word “ sin".

But in the first word - "karma", and in the second - "sin" - everything is connected with the energies and the struggle for them in the course of the evolution of the soul.

Let's start the conversation with the concept of "sin" that is closest to us.

– What is the sin of a person in everyday or social understanding?

– At the most primitive level of understanding sin - this is a violation of those moral and moral principles that are accepted by society for a certain period of time. Time plays a big role, since with the course of it the content of all norms and laws in society changes, and the concept of sin changes accordingly, since what was allowed in the present tense may already be prohibited in the future.

At a higher level of understanding, the concept sin expresses a retreat from the program, that is, a retreat to a given sub-variant of the main path of the program and thereby the performance of actions of a lower plan than outlined in the main variant.

And on the energy plane, the concept sin there is nothing else than the accumulation by the soul of energies that it does not need during this incarnation. From incarnation to incarnation, the soul, during evolution, must generate certain volumes of high energies, which contribute to its ascent along the steps, first of the earthly Hierarchy, and then of the cosmic one.

- You are talking about a deviation from the program to the side. And if a person has a program to bring evil, and he begins to bring good? How is it viewed? Is it considered a sin to deviate from the program in positive side?

- Programs are neither evil nor good. It's all relative. The program contributes to the development of personality lacking qualities.

– Programs for people are calculated?

– Yes, the programs are calculated by specialists who consider the “film” of the past life, determine what energies a person has accumulated and what they should accumulate, and on the basis of all this, the Supreme Founders draw up the direction in which, according to the laws of cause and effect, the soul should develop, after after which the program, that is, its plot, is transferred to the calculators, and they already accurately calculate it.

– Are several Senior Specialists involved in the preparation of the program?

- Yes, several.

– But if a program is drawn up for a person, doesn’t it mean that the sin is planned?

No, sins are never planned. They are committed at the will of a person, and the main reason for this is his low development and the freedom of choice given to him. Each person is given freedom of choice in the program, that is, the opportunity is given to deviate from the program in the direction of their desires or weaknesses.

Is it considered a sin to violate morality in society?

- Violations of morality are very different. And your society has sufficiently defined in human laws everything that belongs to violations, to the category of sin.

– But in human societies there are unspoken rules, the non-observance of which is regarded by a group of people as disrespect for them. For example, it is now customary to gather in companies and behave not quite up to par. For them it is moral, and more A tall man will come to their company and he is jarred by their behavior.

- A person always has a choice. There are many other societies that you can choose and feel normal and natural in. In the case when, for some reason, there is no society corresponding to his spiritual aspirations, he can, even being in a group of people who do not correspond to his level, behave in accordance with his moral standards and will honor not that which is low, but that which is highly moral. And such companies are a test of his sufficient resistance to immoral acts: he will decrease in his views and actions, or, conversely, he will rise even more above what shocks his soul.

– What is a sin for him at this level of human development in the everyday sense?

– Sin was and remains for a person in the following: murder, suicide, blasphemy and renunciation. This is the main thing.

Is it still a sin to eat meat while fasting?

– Eating meat primarily affects energy, and any fast is a cleansing of a person’s energy channels. So the use of meat or non-use - everything is brought to the level of awareness of the person himself: whether he wants to be cleansed or not. But the most important thing about sin is what I have listed. If a person is idle, how does this affect his karma?

“In the next incarnation, he will have to work very hard. He will have very Difficult life, the program will be built in such a way that in one life he will have to work out for two at once.

– Does karma increase for every sin?

Yes, for everyone.

- That is, freedom of choice is given, but a person is punished for deviation from the main program?

- Yes, this is the balance of energy that a person violates, and the balance in the Cosmos is very strict. And a person should intuitively feel where he should go and what to choose. In addition, there are norms in society that guide in which direction one should direct one's development, and ideals and religion are given for this.

– High Personalities also work out karma?

- Everyone is worked out in accordance with their behavior at the Level, which owns specific rules and regulations.

– Did Christ work out karma, being the Great Messenger of God to Earth? How did His great mission and karma fit together?

“Christ had no karma of his own. He, as you know, came to atone for human sins, which by that time had accumulated a lot on Earth, and this threatened the death of the entire civilization. It was necessary to produce energy cleansing the lower layers of the earth.

Was the fact that He was crucified on the cross chosen in accordance with His program?

– The death of Christ had to combine two requirements: it was necessary to connect the new religion with the cross and the sign of the cross, which perfectly entered your faith. And besides, He redeemed through torment all the karma of mankind for that period of time. So His death combined two things at once.

– Did Christ incarnate on Earth again after his miraculous resurrection?

He only incarnated on Earth once.

– How accurately did he fulfill his mission, did he have deviations in the program?

– He did not and could not have any deviations from the program, since He subtly felt his program and acted in exact accordance with it. If everyone living on Earth felt their task in the same way, humanity would not deviate from Our goals.

– Why doesn’t the Bible say anything about a person’s karma, that is, about working off the sins of the past in the present? Or did they consider that it is enough for a person to say that any sin is punishable?

– It is said about the forgiveness of sins, it is all laid down in the Bible, but is not understood by people. This entry has not been deciphered. Of course, the name “karma” is Indian, Hindu, but in the Bible everything is expressed somewhat differently, allegorically.

– But, probably, in the teachings of Christ there was the concept of both karma and reincarnations, and the scribes, for their own reasons, could remove them?

– No, the Bible has it, We repeat once again. It's just that it's not encrypted.

—Two thousand years have passed since the mission of Christ. Many people have developed enough, and we have many decent and highly spiritual personalities. Are there people on Earth now who are free from karma?

- There is none of them. Even the prophets, Our messengers, have this or that karmic situation.

– Are there worlds in the Cosmos that develop without karma?

- No. All are subject to the same laws of the Cosmos.

– Are there worlds where they develop without sins?

– Yes, there are such worlds on some material planets.

– So, there is no law of karma?

“Karma exists, but in a different form. Karma's forms different worlds- are different.

– Are the laws of karma the same for the lower and higher planes?

- Myself Law of Cause and Effect exists everywhere in the Cosmos, but for each world its manifestations are individual. For a person, the laws of karma are the same, that is, the ways and methods of correcting the committed actions and punishments for them. For the Higher Beings - others, because their way of life is different and the energy potential of souls is different, on which the ability to endure difficulties depends. And this means that the punishment, which for a low-potential soul will seem unbearably heavy, for a high-potential soul will pass with ease and will not have the desired effect. On the other hand, the higher the Being rises in development, the higher its consciousness. And such a Person will never do what a man will do. Therefore, at different levels of development, the cause-and-effect relationship has inadequate forms of manifestation, hence the offenses and methods of punishment will be different.

– Are the Higher Hierarchs freed from karma?

- It's all relative. The Higher, the less karmic obligations, that is, karma decreases, as the level of consciousness and spirituality of Essences changes. The higher, the fewer mistakes they make.

– How do the Higher associate karma with events?

– Karma and everything connected with it is worked out by each individual up to a certain level of development. In the higher worlds, events are expressed in a different form than in people, but there are actions there, so the law of cause and effect is reflected in actions of various kinds. The title of the law is karma accepted by people, and we have it law of causation . You can call it in different ways, but the essence remains the same. From a certain level of development, the method of the law changes. The adjustment of the cause-and-effect relationship is carried out by calculation. Suppose some Higher Personality needs to work out such and such amount of energy in some place and She is sent there. There, the Personality, according to the calculation, collects what it needs. Another Personality is required to gain energy of a different quality - and She is sent to another place. Everything that the Personality has squandered for some of its own purposes, She works off, eliminates debts and builds up additional potential.

– And can there be God’s punishment besides karma for a person, that is, in addition, you personally can punish a person for something?

- No. I never punish. Man acts only in accordance with his karma.

– But can you interfere in the fate of a person at the moment of his residence on Earth, that is, when he is already following the program drawn up?

– Everything is possible: you can change your destiny, change your future program, but only if We see that a person has atoned for all his sins. If there are minor past misconduct, then you can redo the program in the direction of some improvement.

- Are the programs changing in the direction of deterioration?

“Never-EVER,” He said, drawing out the word slightly, very impressively.

- Some psychics claim that they are able to correct a person's karma. Is it possible?

“They can't fix anything on their own. Only with the permission of the Supreme Determiner and the Founder is it allowed to change something in the program of a person. Everything is considered beforehand, the consequences of the changes being made are weighed, and if after that the Higher Determinant allows, for some reason of his own, to remove karma from a person, then it is removed only for one life. And the next - it doubles.

– But if a psychic prompts a person to change his consciousness, will this somehow affect the karma of his patient?

– Yes, by working on his consciousness towards improvement himself, a person naturally improves his own karma, as he begins to make fewer mistakes and tries to correct something in his behavior, in himself.

2. Specific karma*

- If a person is given wealth, what does it express according to the laws of karma?

Wealth is given as a test or a reward.

– We see that wealth often comes to low-spiritual people. Why?

“This is a test for them.

– And if wealth comes to the highly spiritual?

This is their reward.

– If a person, while convincing another that he loves him, at the same time hurts him, is this permissible from the point of view of cosmic morality?

- Never. Never.

What if the person is doing it on purpose?

He earns his own karma.

What punishment awaits him in this case?

He will get the same that he does to another. What he sows, that he will reap. Evil will return to him like a boomerang.

Will he return in this life?

“Maybe in the present, and in the next.

- Is the karma of one person transferred to his relative?

– Remember: there is no karma that is passed on to someone.

“We had information that children could suffer for their parents.

- Yes they can. But if there are generic karmas, then the corresponding souls are selected for this. In this version, two karmas are always combined: the karma of parents and children, so nothing just happens, and no one works out someone else's karma.

- Does a scientist who creates an atomic bomb or other weapons earn karma if he himself does not kill, but then others are killed with his weapons?

- No, he does not earn karma on this, as he works for science.

- Do you perceive such a person simply as a scientist and nothing more?

– Yes, as a scientist, an inventor. But in general, many scientists and inventors work for the negative System of God, since everyone who owns computational operations, calculates and invents constructions, belongs to the negative System, but this is not the System of the Devil.

– Our scientists already know how to interfere in the psyche of people, influencing situations in the program of another person out of a desire to subjugate others. How will this affect their karma?

– It all depends on what goal or desire the scientist himself has when creating something. If he creates something from the desire to subjugate others, then in this case he earns karma for himself. And if its goal is creativity, then everything is different here. And the one who wants to subjugate someone will work out the karma. And whoever simply works and wants progress in science, who works for the sake of people and the common good, will not have any karma. Many scientists see their goal only in creativity. And those who manage them and use their inventions for their own purposes earn personal karma.

– For what sins is a person punished with blindness from the moment of birth? There are a lot of blind people in our city, so I would like to know why they are so severely punished?

– There are many of them not only in your city, but also in others. But to clarify karma, you always need to take a specific person, since any karma is individual.

- What are some of the main reasons why they are punished with blindness?

- Several reasons ... The main one is that sometime in the past he deprived another person of physical sight. This is the first reason. The second is that the life of a blind man is the life of a person who in the past was completely insensitive to others. Nothing touches him: neither the suffering of people, nor some cases and incidents in life, everything is indifferent to him. And the third reason is the sharpening of feelings for the development of specific centers. So basically those are the reasons.

- What kind of karma awaits a person for promiscuity in sex?

- The main thing is ugliness in the future incarnation. Although in this case lots of retreats. There may be such punishments as childlessness, celibacy, all kinds of chronic sexual diseases. But the main punishment, of course, remains ugliness.

- Many people live decently. Are they earning some kind of karma for themselves?

“You can’t live in your world without karma. But you know that good man can earn karma for himself, even by doing, in his opinion, a good deed.

– How does this happen?

- A person can do such a good thing, which in the end will result in evil. In order not to accumulate karma, he must always think about what will follow one or another of his actions.

“Some rich people give their kids a lot of money to keep them out of pocket, and they use it to buy drugs. Is this precisely the good for which they are subsequently punished?

- Yes. But there is also such an option that a good person will not do anything, but will accumulate karma due to the fact that he does not prevent evil in some kind of situation. And on the other hand, preventing evil, he can also earn karma, for example, a student is given a harsh teacher who teaches him with harsh measures. They change it for a soft character, and their child just needed a harsh upbringing. IN mild conditions he grew up an alcoholic, that is, in this version, it was just not necessary to prevent evil. The only way not earning karma is to think about the consequences that will follow after the participation or non-participation of a person in the current situation. If the consequences of participation or non-participation lead to evil, to degradation, then a person earns karma for himself. Therefore, one must be far-sighted, develop the logic of thinking.

– But how then is the next life built for decent people?

– Very decent, as you call them, can earn a small, insignificant karma, and their subsequent life will proceed relatively calmly, with dignity and without any special upheavals. But completely create them perfect life on Earth is impossible, since the society surrounding them remains at a fairly low level in their relationships and spiritual ties, therefore decent people they will suffer the most from the imperfection of the society in which they live, from dissatisfaction with the relationships and connections that are available to them. And it is impossible to transfer them, for example, to higher spheres of existence, where relationships are at a higher level, until their souls gain the appropriate energy potential, that is, until they reach the development corresponding to the next stage of evolution. So the main road that helps to escape from a low plane of being to a higher one, where karma is more loyal, lies through the self-improvement of the soul.

- Why do people die in car accidents and accidents. What do they have in past karmas, why are they removed in this way?

– To die in an accident, you do not have to have something in the past. The reasons, again, are very different. When, for example, a train crash occurs, where there are a lot of people, they are collected:

1. one according to karma - for punishment,

2. another - because he is ripe,

3. third - for testing,

4. fourth, if he remains alive according to the program - to gain some experience,

5. And one more reason - so, for example, it is more convenient for the Determinant to pick up his ward, easier than through illness or some other way. For the Determinant, the fence of the soul led by Him is also a dirty and unpleasant job. And in a disaster, it's all easier. So it can be faster and more painless for the person himself. It is only when viewed from the outside that the catastrophe seems terrible and leads to awe, but for the participant in it everything happens instantly, so that he does not even have time to be frightened. Therefore, the motives for the death of people in accidents are very different.

3. Karma for killing

- You said that the this moment time sin is murder and suicide. Why is suicide punished?

– Suicide is the unwillingness of a person to obey the Highest Teachers, the unwillingness to solve complex life problems. Through suicide, he tries to find an easy way for himself, and violates the laws of development. One person is connected with many, and premature death breaks the programs of other people, so the Determinants have to spend a lot of energy on restoring broken connections in many programs at once. And the energy in space is highly valued.

- But it happens that a person kills himself according to the program?

Yes, but it rarely happens.

What is the punishment for committing suicide?

- He earns ordeals until the end of the life that was assigned to him according to the program. In this case, his soul is not allowed to go up, and she experiences severe suffering from this. Thus the ordeals of the soul continue on Earth.

- Are suicides punished by decoding?

– No, decoding is not given to them at all. He is given just the next life with the addition of those qualities that he did not have time to gain in a previous life, plus the program doubles, which means that situations intensify in complexity, and life itself can lengthen. In addition, it still turns out to be an overlay for the next life, that is, three lives are already involved in the punishment. And all of them will be difficult, so it is difficult to withstand them. But if he does not stand it, then We are already looking at what to do with him next.

A person commits suicide always consciously. But even whales are thrown ashore, swans crash on the ground when they lose a partner. Are they doing it consciously?

- IN similar cases Does their mind work like a human?

- Their suicide is carried out according to the program.

- And can they have it, like a person, falling out of the program?

- No, always only according to the program. But for them, suicide does not entail karma, because it is precisely in these animals that it is absent in the form in which it is defined for humans.

- If a person commits a murder, then, therefore, according to the laws of karma, he must also be killed in the next life?

- Yes. If for some reason a person hides his atrocity and he manages to avoid punishment in real life, then everything that he does is recorded on his “tape” of life, therefore he cannot hide from Heavenly justice. This "film" will record not only the actions themselves, but also the motives of the crime and all the thoughts leading to it. Therefore, the very reason that caused a person to commit a crime will also be evaluated.

- If our scientists could penetrate into the memory blocks of a person, then it would be possible to accurately determine whether a person committed a murder or not?

- Yes. Though you humans don't need it. The person himself must repent of his crime. His goal in this life is the correct awareness of his actions. Not others should blame him, but he himself.

– Is any murder punishable by Cosmic Justice? After all, there are murders that are committed in self-defense or protection. loved one.

- Any murder is punished. A person shouldn't kill at all. In order to protect him, he can injure him, somehow neutralize him, he can do anything, but not kill him. You can stop the aggressive actions of the attacker in many ways that do not pose a threat to human life itself.

How is the punishment for intentional murder different from the punishment for manslaughter?

- The difference, of course, is in the degree of severity of the crime and, accordingly, the degree of punishment will be applied - more severe or less. Basically the soul will experience this difference after death when passing through the cleansing layers. In case of malicious murder due to the fact that the soul has accumulated a lot dark energies she will experience strong pain that a person associates with the torments of hell. When killing at the moment of self-defense or protection of relatives, a person draws other energies into the soul, and they can even be very high if it concerns the protection of others, therefore, when passing through the cleansing layers, he will experience suffering to a lesser extent. And this is a significant difference - the difference in the quality of the energies gained by the soul due to the performance of an action. Otherwise, any measure of punishment is also determined individually. But the main thing that a person must remember when committing a murder or any other crime is that a triple punishment awaits him: the court of people, that is, your earthly justice and prison; very painful sensations in the layers-filters of the Earth and Heavenly justice with a corresponding program of punishment for the next life, in which he will also be killed by someone.

- If a person killed someone, then according to karma, another must also kill him. And this other - the third. Won't such killings turn into infinity?

- There is such a pattern.

– But how then can such a vicious circle be interrupted?

“We are looking at how a murder is committed. Basically, these chains end in random murders, when the deprivation of the life of another occurs inadvertently, due to unforeseen circumstances. This “accidentally” is the end of the chain of karmic murders, and it (this “accidentally”) will be regarded differently in the next karma. Punishment will follow, but the karma for killing is already removed. Although once the murder has occurred, the punishment will be mandatory, but it’s different: a person can be sent some kind of torment or something else very unpleasant in his life.

- What punishment awaits a person who heads the state and unleashes new wars in which many people die?

- This person will serve his sentence on another planet in harsher and more terrible conditions for a person than on Earth. There he will incarnate many times, and each time his life will be cut short by force, that is, he will be killed.

- Can there be karma for the actions of a person in a dream, when, for example, he kills someone?

“Of course there is karma. But its working out will also take place in a dream. Everything is identical. Such aspirations of the soul cannot go unpunished. In a dream, the soul manifests those shortcomings and shortcomings in itself that can be hidden in real life, since in ordinary reality there are other conditions, a certain social environment, which often does not allow the lowest sides of nature to appear, and in a dream, when reality changes and the absence control on the part of the physical body - this is precisely what is detected, its internal defects are highlighted, as on an X-ray.

- And what kind of karma will he have in a dream?

“He will be killed too. Or he may be severely crippled in his sleep. And he will strongly feel this punishment, or rather he should feel it. And if there is no corresponding reaction of the soul, then he will be killed again, again in a dream.

– In our time (1998), many maniacs have appeared in real life. One person kills fifty. Does this mean that, according to the laws of karma, he must also be killed fifty times in subsequent lives?

“Yes, the same amount, unless a decision is made to dispel it altogether after this life. His soul can be immediately destroyed for fifty murders if he does not belong to the negative Devil System.

– Medicine is looking for in maniacs mental illness and tries to explain their cruelty precisely by violations in the psyche.

- Partly, of course, their psyche is distorted, because a normal person is not capable of producing such a thing. But there are other things, known to people.

- For what reasons is the human psyche distorted so that he becomes a maniac?

Wrong upbringing from childhood family scandals, fights, rudeness, and also the influence of TV: watching horror films, action movies with endless murders has a very bad effect on children's consciousness. As a result, all this leads to a distortion of the normal perception of the world of the child and to the deformation of his psyche.

- Does the abnormal psyche of a person affect his program, distorting it?

- Violations in the human psyche distort the correct docking of a person with his program. Sometimes the connection with the program is completely broken, and the person begins to act not according to the program. The Determinant leading him tries to direct him to the right path, and when this does not happen, he removes him. This is the case if a person belongs to a positive System.

But there are also people on Earth who belong to the negative System of the Devil, and they are specially selected from there to clean up some souls. Therefore, such a maniac cannot speak of mental disorders. His psyche is normal, but he acts according to the program of the negative System, that is, from the Devil. This is exactly what a person does not know, and such a person has an absolutely normal psyche.

- People still do not understand why one person is allowed from Above to kill 50 people, especially if there are programs?

- You should know that no one is killed just like that, without guilt. This means that this is his karma, and in a past life he killed someone himself. And we must remember that any maniac, if he was given the opportunity to grow up and manifest himself, and not removed at an early age, then this is a messenger of the negative System, or, in your opinion, a servant of the Devil.

According to the program, it is necessary for him to free a certain number of souls from the material shell, and he makes a purge. Those people who are not from the negative System and take the path of murder due to mental disorders or for other reasons, as I have already said, they will either be decoded or they will work off karma afterwards.

- By killing people, does a maniac help them atone for their sins?

No, there is no atonement for sins.

- What happens to the maniac in next case? For example, according to the program, he was scheduled to kill 20 people, but he only killed two, after which he was arrested, sentenced to death and killed. He did not fulfill his program, therefore, he also earned some kind of karma?

– In the negative System, everything is organized differently. The Devil has no karma. He has a rigid execution of the program. And in this main difference that exists between our Systems. I (God) have karma, the Devil does not.

- But then the maniac who did not complete the program will be forced to refine it in the next life?

- No, the programs are being finalized - this is with me. And with the Devil, in case of underfulfillment of the program due to the fact that he was prevented from finalizing it, they think how to act in the existing situation in order to bring it to the previously planned result. And this incomplete program will be carried out by someone else. A new calculation starts. The soul, which was prevented from fulfilling its program, receives a new one, but more tough than before.

– If the Devil has no karma, then what underlies the development of souls with Him?

– It is based on progressive development corresponding to the world of the Devil. The Soul generates energies of a completely different quality than in My System. But due to the absence of karma, the soul in the Devil's world comes faster to perfection in negative direction . Following a tough program, she has no right to take a single step to the side. For the slightest willfulness or disobedience - death. Therefore, usually the Devil has a clear execution of the program. And those individuals who are admitted to the earthly world for certain purposes, working from Him, fulfill their program accurately.

I have any soul passing through law of causation , that is, obeying the law of karma, it goes a very long way in its development, correcting the mistakes made, as I achieve their realization.

And another one important detail which distinguishes evolution in My world is that a person earns karma because of the freedom of choice in a programme. The Devil has no freedom of choice . In My worlds, the soul can choose, make mistakes, after which it is obliged to correct the mistakes made, and thus the evolution of awareness takes place. With the Devil, the soul has no right to choose, it must do what it is ordered to do. This, like a soldier in the army, has no opinion.

“Death releases energy from a person. Where does it go in the case of a murder of a man by a maniac: to the Determinant of the killer in the negative System?

- Energies go to their Determinants: from the victim - to their Determinant into a positive System, and from a maniac - to their own. This negative energy of the murder itself is received by the negative System.

– How can karma be viewed energetically?

- According to karma, the soul accumulates those energies that require its development, and which it did not get in the last incarnation. Each new incarnation presupposes the production of new qualitative energies by the soul and a certain quantitative build-up of those already present in the matrix up to the required standards.

The situations that are given to a person in life to work through contribute to the development of the planned types of energies in his soul, and a person, having gone through the given situations, must fill the soul matrix with a certain set of energies.

If he passes the situation correctly, then the matrix is ​​​​filled the right energies. If he goes through the situation incorrectly, then he produces energies of a lower quality than those planned for the main program. And since they are of a lower quality, then such energy is initially not allowed into the matrix, but fills the temporary shells and is cleared after death.

Therefore, if a person has not accumulated through given situations the energies he needs in one life, having produced at the expense of freedom of choice other types of energies, then in her next life she will again have to work out what she needs through repeated situations or similar ones. Takova energy background of karma.

– Doesn't karma mean that the energy of suffering must be compensated by the energy of joy? Is there a balance of energies?

– No, not necessarily. It all depends on how much a person has gone through in his development and how much energy he needs to gain, that is, it depends on the given qualities of a person, which just form the energy required for him in the process of life.

And the program drawn up from Above determines for him those energies that he lacked in past reincarnations or still has nothing at all due to his low development. For example, it is given from one situation to receive such and such energy, from another - another, and its proper amount. That is, it can be programmed for him in the course of life to receive unit - one type of energy and one hundred units - another. So the balance for the soul is not required and is not required.

- So, according to the laws of karma, a person generates the energies that he needs in order to move to the next stage of development?

- Yes. Until the soul accumulates energies of a certain quality and quantity, it will never be able to rise to the higher worlds. Therefore, the program determines what types of energies it needs to receive, and its qualitative developments are regulated by the law of karma. The Devil's soul, developing according to a rigid program, immediately generates those types of energies that are necessary in His world, without repeating incarnations with the same program, therefore, it quickly comes to perfection. Only these perfections - in My world and the world of the Devil - are different, or rather, they are opposite.

- People do not understand why on Earth it is allowed to commit all sorts of atrocities?

We don't allow it. But a person commits crimes because of the presence of aggression in himself and the Freedom of Choice given to him. There is always a choice:

1. The first is to be killed yourself;

2. The second is to kill another and stay alive yourself;

3. And the third - if you have enough ingenuity, a person can beat the situation in such a way that both he and the enemy will remain alive.

Human aggression - from its animal basis, low level development, the presence of fear, from ignorance, many vices and very little spirituality. All the low passions and vices of man use negative systems for their own purposes, one of which is located in the Earth and absorbs the rough spectrum of energies produced by man, the other is located above the Earth and performs its tasks. Therefore, they are interested in human provocations. There are also other negative Systems in the nominal worlds, from which there is also a lot of evil on Earth. It happens that they capture a lot of extra people for themselves, that is, they go against the program of a person. They break the programs, and this leads to chaos in certain places on the Earth.

- What does the expression “they capture ... people for themselves” mean?

– Negative Systems, opponents of humanity, subdue the will of very low spiritual Units, for this they have their own methods. And people, unaware of this, begin to carry out their orders through suggestions. The man turns into a machine that is out of control. His consciousness is completely turned off, and he works under hypnosis. This is another kind of emerging maniacs. Otherwise, they can be called "zombies". And a zombie is no longer a person, since he himself no longer understands anything. So there are many reasons for the appearance of maniacs, but the main one is the low spirituality of a person.

- Low plans, like the negative System that is in the Earth, have a very strong influence on people's behavior. What measures will be taken from Above to limit their influence in the future and to make people better?

– We are doing it. Right now, We have a whole System to limit the influence of low plans on people. And in connection with the limitation of influence, there is a very large destruction of individuals who interfere. But a small part of them, nevertheless, must be left, because they are needed for the improvement of other people. A small amount, but it must be left.

- Will they be limited by the application of some laws?

- No. Limitations must come from the consciousness of everyone. Consciousness is the law. The higher a person rises, the higher his consciousness and the more perfect his actions, meeting more cosmic norms.

4. Killing animals

“Now there are many cripples among animals. Doesn't this mean that they have karma?

- First of all, it speaks of human baseness and cruelty. People mutilate animals, venting their anger and disappointment in life on them.

– Can highly developed animals have karma: wolves, dogs, tigers, elephants, and so on?

- Yes. There are some subtleties here. Small animals and herbivores have no karma. But, for example, the souls of predators can sometimes incarnate, for some reason, into the bodies of herbivores for a karmic purpose.

- Most animals do not have karma, probably because they lack will and freedom of choice?

- No. They have the will and freedom of choice. But karma is absent for another reason. Basically, karma is tied up with all sorts of selfish qualities. For example, a person commits some evil for the purpose of revenge, envy. He can say: “I will do it in such a way that he feels bad, and I will rejoice at this and benefit for myself.” And animals have neither self-interest, nor gloating, nor greed. But developed animals and predators still have karma. Small and herbivores do not have it. It all depends on the type of animal.

– Such herbivores as cows, giraffes, gazelles do not have karma, because they are lower than such predators as lions, tigers?

- No, in terms of development, predators are lower than herbivores. And herbivores have no karma. But a predator, just to work out karma, can be instilled into the body of a herbivore. That is, higher animals that already have awareness, such as dogs, wolves, elephants, have karma. It all depends on the type of animal and on the stage of its development in this form. An animal at the lowest stage of a given species may not have karma, but an animal at the last stage of the same species will already have it. So all this is individual.

- If a person voluntarily chooses to kill animals as his profession, what karma awaits him in the next incarnation?

- If he chooses a profession for the reason that it is the need to feed his children, his family, then karma will be insignificant or may even be absent altogether. If he chooses this profession because he likes it, then there will be karma, since such a soul already has aspirations to increase negative energies. And re-education measures in the form of karma will be taken immediately. And the more animals he kills, the bigger and harder it will be. He may even be decoded if he has killed too many animals for satisfaction.

- Is it possible that a person is specially made up of a program according to which he must kill animals?

- Yes, this is again connected with his karma: if he needs to develop some kind of energy that he lacks, or develop qualities of character.

– How is the killing of animals considered when determining the measure of his guilt?

- Depending on how a person killed, the main thing is that the internal motives for their murder are taken into account. If he did this out of necessity to feed his family, since he has a hopeless situation, then in this case the destruction of animals is considered as work. Herself this work- this is already his karma and for this he will not be decoded. If he specifically wants to kill from his own malice or some kind of internal need, then this already turns out to be a maniac and he can be decoded, but at the same time - only in the case of a murder very a large number animals, for example, from fifty or more. The severity of the crime also depends on the type of animal. Views matter. When considering his life, be sure to consider the species of animals he killed.

- The more intelligent the animal, the more responsible the person for his life?

- Yes. But, for example, insects, birds, fish are almost not valued.

Is there any punishment given to a person for killing an animal while hunting?

- Certainly. For each person, punishment corresponds to the aspirations of his soul.

- Is there a difference in punishments when an animal is killed for pleasure while hunting and when it is killed because there is nothing to feed the family?

“Those are two big differences. From the day of his creation, man was allowed to kill animals only for food. And hunting for pleasure was invented later by low people.

- What kind of karma will people work out who hunt animals for fun?

- Methods of working out can be different: a person can be instilled into an ugly body, he will break his arms, legs, and so on many times. And this can happen over several lifetimes, until the energy of one's own suffering balances the energy of the joy that he received from hunting.

- In fact, the reason for the action of karma is any shortfall in the qualitative and quantitative set of energies in the matrix?

- Yes. Each cell requires a certain quantitative filling and it is the amount established by the standard of this type energy forms the required quality necessary for a given personality. A stable quality of character is a complete cell. Unstable - when the cell is not filled, and this leads to the fact that the individual can do good and bad alternately. And we strive to obtain durable quality. One cell sometimes has to be filled during many lives, because the individual, due to his low consciousness and the freedom of choice given to him, constantly makes the wrong choice, that is, he makes mistakes. With the wrong choice in situations, the cells of the matrix remain unfilled with energies desired type(or there may not be enough of it). This is where energy debt comes in. The individual could not go through the situation correctly, therefore, it will be repeated to him in the next lives until he goes through it the way his development requires and fills the cells of the matrix with the necessary type of energy. Any situation is a set of energy of a certain quality in a cell. Therefore, in the language of energy, karma means the forcible recruitment into the matrix of those energies that are necessary for the progression of the soul and which should ensure the transition to the next stage of evolution for a person. But at the same time, following the path of improvement in goodness and succeeding, some individuals gain unscheduled energies, for which they are encouraged in development.

– How exactly is the soul encouraged for success in development?

- They can reward just material benefits, a calm existence, endow them with some abilities. We also have many incentive programs. But any encouragement is individual and should not impede the progress of the soul or be a reason for its degradation.

– What energies should the soul generate in the future?

- Certainly. There is a regular sequence in the production of energies from a low spectrum to a high one. Mathematically, this is all easily determined by calculators. They know what energies the soul will generate in the next life or after five incarnations.

5. Karma of the clan, collective, nation

– When did karma appear on Earth?

– Since the appearance of the first man, since the foundation of mankind.

– Did the savage already have karma in the first civilization?

- Certainly.

- Why do ancestral karmas exist?

– Everything depends again on the production of high-quality energies. If we consider family cells, then they are all built mainly on a single energy production, so the situations they go through are similar. All families are divided into different levels of development and generate energies of a certain quality. In turn, these qualities are also divided into Levels, and their accumulation over decades and hundreds of years by family clans that exist during these periods of time may turn out to be incomplete. That is, this clan has not completed the required energies for the period of time allotted to it according to the program, energy debts are created. Therefore, everything that was not completed by one generation is transferred to another generation. The development of the kind is carried out through situations that can be repeated, or new situations can become more complicated, and thus the energy of a certain quality is refined. And for processing they are also given energy of the appropriate type.

– Can any souls get into this family clan with ancestral karma?

- No, only those that are energetically suitable for this clan. Be sure to link personal karma with the karma of the family, the team, and so on. Always, working out personal karma, an individual either helps to remove the karma of the clan, the collective, or aggravates it. Everything is in close relationship.

– Is it for this reason that collective karmas exist, and the karmas of countries?

- Yes, on this one.

– And what does the karma of a nation express?

- The same. All souls are gathered together, work out into their matrix the energy of a certain type, a certain quality, and at the same time produce energy of the required type for the Hierarchical Systems. To do this, they are built accordingly, and their life is organized as a specific technological process.

– Are there types of karma, that is, do nations have their own measure of punishment, their own measure of responsibility?

– Yes, each nation has its own karma. Just as everything in your world is different, so are karmas.

6. Repentance

- Why was it decided to transfer punishment for atrocities to a person to the next life?

– If retribution followed in this life, it would be too light a punishment.

When a person knows what he is being punished for, this is tolerated by his psyche much easier than when he does not know this, and the work of the soul is reduced to a minimum. Therefore, in the first variant, he receives a lighter punishment. It is much harder and more painful to endure the punishment of karma when a person does not know why this or that difficult situation occurs in his life. And he constantly exclaims: “Why am I suffering so much, because it seems that I didn’t do anything like that?” These questions torment him until the end of his life, and the soul is constantly in search.

The soul should not remember what is good and what is bad, but must feel and reject what is unworthy of it. And for this, in the process of self-improvement, she must accumulate such high energies in the matrix that they will start to repel everything low, and not because the soul remembers that this is not good, but because everything low no longer corresponds to it and causes rejection. And this is the purity of the experiment.

- If in life a person has not realized anything, does the realization of the wrongness of his actions come to him after death?

- Yes. After death, he understands why he is punished, and draws some conclusions for himself. Although, if they are not deeply realized enough, then during incarnation, when the memory of the past is blocked, the soul will repeat the same mistake. If awareness occurs at the proper level of understanding, that is, deep enough, then in a new incarnation it does not repeat the previous mistakes and interrupts the chain of karmic dependence in one direction or another.

– We know that in the everyday sense, a person's repentance means the recognition of his sins. What does repentance express? energy point vision?

- Repentance is cleansing. A part of karma is removed from a person, but an insignificant part. And the main thing remains, since to pay their own karmic debts everyone needs.

- Does it exist energy interaction between the one who forgives and who is forgiven?

- Yes, there is.

Can any offense be forgiven?

Everything depends on the spirituality of the person. The higher it is, the more he can forgive. And the lower, the less. And sometimes he is not able to forgive at all in his inner essence. Such a person can prevaricate: forgive in words and not forgive in heart.

- Which is better: when we are forgiven or when we forgive someone?

It's better when you forgive. The offender, of course, will not care, because if he offended you, then this karma has already been imprinted on him, and he will atone for it. But when you forgive your offender, then you have a certain work soul, an analysis of his actions or his situation, and some energy developments are made by the soul, which are important to you.

– And if the offenses of the offender are repeated, endlessly forgive him everything?

- We need to change the situation. So you are doing something wrong.

– How can universal forgiveness be connected with universal love, because highly spiritual people love everyone?

– Forgiveness comes from love, so we can say that universal forgiveness follows from universal love, is its consequence. Therefore, the more highly spiritual a person is, who has universal love, the more he should forgive everyone and everything.

Is it permissible for a person to ask God to punish his offender?

- Allowed. You can ask for everything, but not all requests are considered.

Is it possible for a person to correct his own karma?

- Can. To do this, he must go through everything that he did himself in all the nuances of the deed, that is, he must put himself in the place of the person whom he harmed and realize the depth of his deed on the part of the victim. Moreover, he must also realize all the motives that made him commit a crime, find a vice in himself and understand the evil that is hidden in him. And after that, repentance should follow, the positive energies of which partially neutralize those negative energies that the soul has accumulated when committing bad deeds (in a past or present life).

It is possible in real life. And if karma stretches from a past incarnation, and we don’t remember what we did, what should we do in this case?

- If karma is connected with a past life, then this is already a program and a person will have to go through everything according to it, and there will be no concessions to him. He will be able to work out past karma only through programmed situations.

How are karmic knots untied?

- A karmic knot is a programmed situation at a given moment in time, obtained by connecting several karmic lines for one period of time and place. The knot is unbundled by the person or entity itself when passing a given point in a time interval.

- At one of the contacts it was said that some souls would be decoded, and the karma for one or three lives would be removed from the persons affected by them. That is, it turns out that if the killer killed someone, then he will be decoded, and karma for one or three lives is removed from the victim.

- This happens in rare cases.

- For what reason is the karma removed from the victim?

– Again, everything depends on the quality of energy. At the moment of unexpected death and strong emotions, due to strong emotions, such high-quality energies are generated that the soul had to accumulate in the course of fulfilling its karma in the next life, that is, it gains into the matrix those types of energy that are planned to be generated for it in the future. But in the process of death, the victim has already produced what he was supposed to produce in the next one or even three lives, so her karma is removed. And if there are no such developments, and the cells of the matrix remain unfilled, then there can be no question of any removal of karma. That is, as a result of the current tragic situation, there should be a very powerful outburst of energy, the soul usually experiences severe stress. The energy released during stress and death can be multi-qualitative and is produced in full at the same time.

- And the killer will be decoded by herself karmic connection him with the victim disappears?

“After death, no one remains connected to each other.

– But it happens that the victim and the killer are connected in a later life?

- It happens, but not always, since souls can incarnate in different time. If, however, it is the souls that were already in a relationship in the past that bind, then an interchange occurs: in the past this one killed him, and in the future, the victim kills the former killer. They switch places, and as a result of this, both have no karma.

– Therefore, karma can be destroyed in this way?

Yes, in some cases.

7. Karma in the future

– At the junction of two epochs, after the year 2000, people of the fifth race will pass into the sixth race. Will their karma continue or will they start a new relationship?

- Their karma remains and passes on, since there will not be any new and supernova relations between people right away. After the year 2000, those souls that have not developed to the proper perfection will continue their progression further with a new program and the same karma new level development.

“We have heard some people say that by the end of the year 2000 people will have no karma. What are these statements based on?

– Yes, you can say so, depending on what point of view you look at karma. If we take the souls that will be wiped off the face of the Earth, then they have no karma. The destroyed souls have no karma. Therefore, they are now doing what they want, and everything goes with impunity. And for those people whom they harm now, the karma for the next life is automatically removed, because the karma will not be worked out by those souls that do evil. And moreover, those affected by those souls that will be decoded, karma can be removed later in two or three incarnations. This is due to the flow of some energy processes.

But karma itself, as a principle of punishment and education, remains for the people of the sixth race. And the second reason why souls may not have karma is that some of the souls will pass to the Devil, who, according to his laws of development, has no karma. Therefore, they will not have karma either.

And thirdly, it can be said about karma that it does not exist, if we speak in another language - energy. In this case, karma is considered as a physical process, and therefore it can be said that there is no karma, but there is an accumulation by a person of certain types of energies of the required quality, expressing some progression of development through the situations specified by the program.

- Some souls did not have time to rise one step higher by the year 2000. Will they linger in their development for another thousand years?

No, they won't last a thousand years. We will find a place for them to further improve, and their consistent development will continue. But basically all the worthy will move to the sixth race.

- Where will the souls of people who, by karma, are not suitable for creating new relationships in the sixth race, be sent?

“They will be sent to the lower planets in the worlds corresponding to their level of development and karma.

– When souls from Earth move to other planets, to other civilizations, do their karmas continue?

– Yes, absolutely.

– But doesn’t it happen that someone’s karma is eliminated during this transition?

– Not in my world. Eliminated only by the Devil.

– If the soul is given a program without freedom of choice, will the soul have karma then?

– No, freedom of choice remains in the sixth race. If it were absent, then the person would turn into a robot.

- What about the Devil? He has no freedom of choice.

– In His world, development takes place in completely different qualitative energies and there is a completely different level of both consciousness and intellect, that is, at a higher level, the soul goes beyond robotization. Robots can only be among people. And here, indeed, those people who work from the negative System without freedom of choice turn into robots, because they don’t realize a lot and don’t understand why they do certain actions. They simply do everything that is necessary for them according to the program, and they do not experience any struggle of contradictions or torment in their souls. And these are robots.

Summing up the chapter on karma, let us dwell on one important point: what is the difference of action law of causation with God and the Devil.

If God, when constructing a person's program, proceeds from the positions of generating energies according to a certain plan for the development of the soul, then the Devil proceeds from the same positions. And in His System, a negative personality generates energies according to the program, and in His System there is also a certain scheme or plan for the development of personality. This is a complete analogy.

But God says that he has karma as such. The devil, on the other hand, claims that he has no karma, but only one program.

Based on the positions that we indicated above, we can say that neither one nor the other has karma, but there is one energy development of the soul. The difference here is in some subtleties that can be overlooked and passed off as one thing. The subtleties are as follows.

Firstly, those programs that come from God provide a person with several options to choose from and therefore have a multi-branch scheme in their construction.

And in the programs of the Devil there is no freedom of choice and therefore the program has a single-branch scheme.

God gives a person an indulgence in the course of development: if it is very difficult for the soul to perform the main task in a given life, then it is allowed to move from the main version of the program to one of the secondary sub-options, with weaker situations where less effort will be expended and the person will suffer less.

The soul is not ready to fulfill the set main task and it is allowed to wait, taking a step back in development. But, having bypassed some difficult situation due to the presence of a choice in the program, further towards the end of life, the soul can mature due to the passage of weaker situations. And already in the next incarnation, she will be ready to go through that difficult situation, before which she gave up in the past.

Therefore, it can be said that by giving a person the opportunity to choose, God shows mercy and great patience in the education of the soul. He does not press, does not force, but gently directs, leading the soul to maturity and gradually increasing its power potential.

The Devil's programs are always tough, strict, and therefore - whether an individual wants or does not want, likes or dislikes, and he must fulfill everything that is written in the program. The desires of the individual and his desire to develop in one direction or another are not taken into account. From the soul they do what is required by His System.

And as the Devil himself says - for failure to fulfill what is included in the program - death. Therefore, one can even say that His programs are super-hard, super-hard, although the Devil also considers what energies a person has already accumulated in a past life and which ones need to be developed in the next.

God's programs are more humane, they go through the awareness of the individual. The soul is allowed to make mistakes until in situations of the same type, until it realizes its mistakes and itself comes to right decision. This is the main thing in the purpose of God's programs - He achieves the emergence of High Consciousness in a person.

The Devil develops through violence, an order that cannot be disobeyed. The Devil's programs develop automatism in the work of subordinates.

And another feature that distinguishes the programs of the One and the Other is that the quality of the energetics that fill the cells of the matrix of souls in the positive Hierarchy of God and the negative Hierarchy of the Devil are completely opposite, that is, the types of energy generated by souls are antagonistically incompatible.

And therefore, individuals participating in the same situations with such programs and the presence of already corresponding energies in the soul will behave in the opposite way, and where one will save, the other will kill.

Therefore, in their programs, the situations themselves will be qualitatively different, and the goals that individuals in similar situations will lead to will be opposite. For example, God's goal is through this situation to develop nobility, sacrifice in a person, and the Devil's goal is to teach his ward prudence, ruthlessness. Therefore, the entire program of the personality in the Devil's System will be qualitatively built in a completely different way than that of God: on other goals, on other principles, on other energies, which leads to the filling of the soul matrix with energies of completely different quality.

As a result, one personality will be creative, the other will be destructive.

Proceeding from what has been said, let us now single out four main principles that distinguish the programs in the Development System of God and in the System of the Devil.

1. In God's program, the soul is given FREEDOM OF CHOICE.

The Devil has no freedom of choice in programs.

2. God's programs are loyal and softer.

The Devil's programs are tough, even cruel. The soul is forced to develop in the direction in which the Devil's System requires.

3. The quality of the energies generated by the soul in the programs of God and the Devil are directly opposite.

4. Due to the presence of karma, the development of souls with God slows down when they move along the evolutionary path, since the soul is repeatedly returned to incorrectly resolved situations.

Due to rigid programs and the absence of working off karma, the development of the Devil is accelerated.

Otherwise, we can say that God's soul develops slowly and takes longer to reach perfection.

The Devil's souls develop rapidly and at a certain stage they are ahead of God's soul in perfection. But the directions of their movement are opposite to each other - good and evil.

However, such a slowdown in the development of souls with God exists only up to the middle of His Hierarchy, and above such an acceleration of progression begins, which many times exceeds the speed of development in the Hierarchy of the Devil.

A person who is developed, but does not believe in God, usually thinks that he lives once, and therefore it does not matter what he does in life, everything will be forgotten, and he does everything that he considers necessary for himself.

Others who believe in God and are afraid of His wrath believe that it is enough to pray, repent, and you will be forgiven, because God forgives everyone. And although they already limit themselves more than the first, they still allow a lot, indulging their passions and desires and hoping that they will be forgiven.

Of course, God Himself forgives everyone and everyone, but besides Him, there are cosmic Laws to which everything in the Cosmos obeys, and not a single Being can bypass them. Including God. It was He who introduced the law of causation or karma into the world created by Him on Earth, outlining the path of perfection of the soul in goodness.

People are afraid of going to "hell" after death. And God calls life on Earth a living hell. And in the World where God lives, it is dazzlingly beautiful, and most importantly, fair. Goodness, Love, Mutual Understanding reign there. And God wants the soul of each of us to reach that world, that's why the soul is eternal.

A person cannot do without numerous reincarnations, since he is not able to rise to the Higher Spheres in one life. Thanks to reincarnations, a person is enriched with knowledge and life experience, which leads to the improvement of the soul, and the sins that a person committed in past lives are worked off.

Sins on energy level represent energies recruited by a person not of the quality that he needs according to the program. And karma just helps to develop the energies that the soul needs. For some sins, a person can pay not one, but many lives in a row.

Modern man should be aware of the existence of Cosmic Laws that determine the rules and norms for the development of all living things in the Cosmos, where no exceptions and forgiveness are made for anyone. Everyone works off his sins himself and in full accordance with the cruelty that he himself generates. By killing someone in the present life, one is killing oneself in the next life; beating or deceiving someone in the present, he is beating or deceiving himself in the future, and so on. Truly the Law of Karma is a Great and Wise Law. And there is no more Great and Just Law on Earth, because everyone, improving the soul, pays for his mistakes and perfect deeds until he comprehends the full measure of retribution of what was perfect for him.

For promiscuity in sex, the main karma is ugliness in a future incarnation. But there can be punishments like childlessness, celibacy, all kinds of chronic sexual diseases.

Many people consider themselves good decent people. They try not to interfere in anything. And they earn karma due to the fact that they do not prevent evil in some kind of situation.

On the other hand, by preventing evil, they can also earn karma. For example, soft and kind parents have a mild-mannered child. This child is given a strict and stern teacher at school. Protecting from the seeming evil on the part of the teacher, the parents transfer the child to another school. In mild conditions, an alcoholic grew up. So in this case it was not necessary to prevent evil.

The only way not to earn karma is to always think about the consequences that will follow after the participation or non-participation of a person in the current situation. If the consequences of participation or non-participation lead to evil, to degradation, then a person earns karma for himself.

Very decent people also do not do without karma. It is impossible to create an ideal life on Earth, since the society around them is still at a low level in its relationships and spiritual ties, therefore decent people suffer the most from the imperfection of the society in which they live. Dissatisfaction with life in such a society contributes to the accumulation of karma, even if insignificant.

Many are concerned about the question of why people die in car accidents and accidents. It may not be karma. This is how often people who have completed the Program are removed. There may be other reasons: testing, punishment, gaining experience.

Suicide has always been considered the most serious sin. And many are interested in how the Higher Teachers punish for this.

Suicide is a person's disobedience to the One who created him, unwillingness to solve complex life issues. For himself, a person is looking for an easy way to get away from problems, and by doing this he violates the Laws of development. One person is connected to many people, and leaving prematurely breaks the programs of many people. Heavenly Teachers have to spend a lot of energy on restoring broken connections in many programs at once. And the energy in space is very valuable. Such a person earns ordeals until the end of the life that was assigned to him according to the program. The soul is not allowed to ascend, and it suffers greatly from this. After all the ordeals, such a soul is given the next life with the addition of those qualities that it did not have time to gain in a past life, plus the program is doubled. And these situations intensify in complexity, and life itself lengthens. In addition, the overlay is obtained for the next life, the third. And all lives will be very difficult, so it's hard to endure. And a person throws his soul back by this deed thousands of years ago in development.

It happens that a person has committed a murder, and the crime can be hidden. Useless. This atrocity is fixed on the "film of life", and no one can hide from Heavenly justice.

A person shouldn't kill at all. People should know that in case of murder, especially intentional, in addition to the fact that they will do the same in the next life, the soul after death experiences tremendous pain when ascending, which a person associates with the torments of hell, due to the fact that the soul is on earth accumulated a lot of dark energies. Any soul passes through layers-filters to cleanse itself from "earthly dirt", dark energies. Above, before the Judgment of the soul, the purified and repentant ones stand. And cleaning is very, very painful. And it is impossible to avoid it.

But the most important thing is to know and remember. Committing a murder or any other crime - a triple court awaits him, a triple punishment: the court of people, prison (earthly justice); very painful sensations in the layers - filters of the Earth and heavenly justice with a corresponding punishment program for the next life, in which he will be killed by someone else.

People are interested in the karma or punishment of those politicians or statesmen who unleash wars in which many people die. As, for example, in the case of the war in Afghanistan.

The soul of this person will serve his sentence on another planet in harsher and more terrible conditions for a living being than on Earth. There she will incarnate many times, and each time her life will be cut off by force.

Many do not understand why punishment for atrocities is transferred to a person to the next life. The Higher Teachers explain that retribution in this life is a light punishment. When a person knows what he is punished for, his psyche endures it much easier than when he does not know, and the work of the soul is reduced to a minimum. It is much harder and more painful to endure the punishment of karma when a person does not know why he has such a hard life. And he constantly exclaims: "I am so good, correct, and my life is full of suffering." And these questions torment him all his life, forcing his soul to constantly be in search. The soul should not remember what is good and what is bad, but should feel and reject the unworthy. The soul in the process of perfection accumulates high energies into the matrix, which do not let the low ones through. And not because it is good, but because everything low does not correspond to it and causes rejection. After death, the soul understands what it will be punished for and draws some conclusions. And if the awareness is deep, then in the next incarnation such mistakes do not occur.

Repentance is very important. And if in the everyday sense repentance is the recognition of one's mistakes, then in the energy sense it is purification. An insignificant part of karma is removed from a person, but the main part is still worked out.

Exists energy connection between the one who forgives and the one who is forgiven. And it depends on spirituality. The more spirituality, the more a person can forgive. And he who forgives will be greatly benefited. The offender will already work out for the evil done, but after forgiveness, the offended person undergoes a certain work of the soul, some energy developments are made that are very important for him.

There is an opportunity for a person to correct his own karma. To do this, he must go through everything that he did himself in all the nuances of the deed, that is, he must put himself in the place of the person whom he harmed, and realize the depth of his deed on the part of the victim. Moreover, he must also realize all the motives that made him commit a crime, find a vice in himself and understand the evil that sits in him. And after that, repentance should follow, the positive energies of which partially neutralize the negative energies accumulated during the commission of bad deeds.

But this is only possible in this life: "Whatever you gather up on earth, you will gather up in Heaven."

Any process can be viewed both from the inside and outside, and the description of the same phenomenon from two diametrically opposite points will be different and not similar to each other.

So, you can talk about a person as about a certain person who has lived some kind of life, that is, talk about the events of his life in literary, artistic or documentary. You can talk about the same person from the point of view of the flow of chemical reactions in him - this will be a different story. From the point of view of biology - the third, from the point of view of "subtle" energies - the fourth, and so on in many different aspects. And all this will be different and not similar to each other, although it will belong to the same object of description.

Also, speaking of cosmic processes or laws, one and the same phenomenon can be described from different angles and completely contradictory. But in order to understand that this is one and the same, you need to find the links that unite them into one.

Thus, everything positive and negative in the Cosmos is united by a common living Substance called Nature, and everything that is created on Earth is united by the concept of the Creator who created both the planet and us, that is, the concept of God. Having created our earthly world, He determined the laws according to which the world should develop. It was God who introduced the law of causation or karma into the world he created on Earth, outlining the path of perfection of the soul in goodness.

So what is this law in its complex interconnection and interdependence, what is its great justice. Let's try to figure this out.

Karma is the law of cause-and-effect relationships, expressed in actions that follow after a person resolves a particular situation in some way. Or, speaking in everyday language, karma is the working off of sins, that is, the wrong deeds of a past life in the present.

In the language of energy, karma means the accumulation by the soul, through a series of complex energy processes, of energies of a certain quality into a matrix with the purification of those low energies that do not contribute to its evolution.

Karma can also be viewed from different perspectives:

1) event-related, through everyday situations;

2) how to pass the program;

3) as the energy construction of the human soul through the law.

Truly, this is the Great and Wise Law. And there is no more Great and Just law on Earth, because everyone, improving the soul, pays for his mistakes and committed deeds until he comprehends the full measure of the retribution of what he did.

A person cannot do without numerous reincarnations, because in one short life he is not able to know everything that is necessary for him to rise to the Higher spheres, just as a student who has graduated from the first grade is not able to enter an adult independent life, because for this he will need time. to grow physically, and knowledge to grow spiritually.

It is the same in the higher realms. A person must grow energetically and constructively fit for the “subtle” world, that is, correspond to it in terms of vibration frequencies of “subtle” energies, and enrich himself with that stock of high knowledge that will help him get used to the new environment, and not appear there as a savage from the Hawaiian Islands.

The process of reincarnation itself, therefore, is necessary for a person for two main tasks:

1) on the one hand, a person is enriched with knowledge and life experience, which leads to the improvement of the soul;

2) and on the other hand, there is a working off of those sins that a person has committed in past lives.

Sins in the language of energy represent energies recruited by a person of a different quality than what he needs to gain according to the program. Therefore, “karma” is precisely the processes consisting of situations that produce the energies required to fill the human matrix according to the program. That is, a person is given such situations, resolving which he develops the qualities he needs, bringing the set of energies in the matrix to the normative indicators. The person is returned to similar situations until the matrix is ​​filled with the appropriate qualitative composition. Only after this will his transition to the next stage of development in the higher worlds take place.

The concept of "karma" is closely related to the concept of sin, which is an integral part of a comprehensive cosmic law.

In Christianity, this cosmic law is not presented as something whole and unified, but is given in separate fragments in such concepts as "sin", "punishment in the form of hell" and "forgiveness".

Supreme space consists of the accomplishment by a person of lawful or illegal actions, entailing a chain of successive events both in this life and in the next.

Wrongful actions are called “sin”, and it is they that draw a person into an endless chain of reincarnations, repeating everyday situations on the earth level in which illegal actions were committed, until the situation is resolved correctly, that is, as required by cosmic norms. .

For some sins, a person can pay not one, but many lives in a row.

But what would happen to a person if he did not commit sin? Would reincarnations then exist or not? Yes, of course, they would exist, because the soul builds up new energies gradually, that is, any development is a sequential chain of acquiring new knowledge, and this is the process of integrating energies.

But if a person did not make mistakes, did not sin in life, then his development would be accelerated, and the soul would come to perfection on the earthly plane many times faster. After all, it is precisely due to the commission of sin that the soul is thrown back in development for thousands or more years ago. So the accomplishment of evil, punishment and redemption stretch for some for endless millennia of painful births and deaths. Therefore, everyone should know the law and what awaits him in case of deviation from the law.

A person who is developed, but does not believe in God, usually thinks that he lives once, and therefore it does not matter what he does in one life, everything will be forgotten, so he does everything that he considers necessary for himself.

Others, who believe in God and are afraid of his wrath, believe that it is enough to pray, repent - and you will be forgiven, because God forgives everyone. And although they already limit themselves more than the first, they still allow a lot, indulging their passions and desires and hoping that they will be forgiven.

Of course, God Himself forgives everyone and everyone, but besides Him, there are cosmic laws to which everything in the Cosmos obeys, and not a single Being can bypass them, because these laws are the basics of the alphabet, without studying which a person cannot learn to read, and therefore , will not be able to develop to the next Level. Moreover, a person is so naive in his knowledge of the Higher spheres that he believes that all his thoughts and intentions remain an eternal secret both for the people around him and for the existing Higher World, not suspecting that all his thoughts are easily read by the Determinants. And everything that he thinks is recorded on the “cassette” of his memory, so that at the right moment or on the day of the report on his earthly life (the Last Judgment) to be read and analyzed by the Highest Teachers to draw up a new program in a subsequent incarnation.

But knowing everything that a person thinks about, at the same time, no one interferes in his plans (without his request and consent) on the basis of another cosmic law "On non-interference" in other people's affairs, in order to give him the opportunity to manifest himself in all the meanness of his nature, and be able to identify all its flaws in an undeveloped soul, to follow all its inclinations, in order to work them out later, passing through the "Law of Cause and Effect" and bring the miserable little soul to full perfection, or, if it is too low and pernicious, lead it to complete decoding, that is, the destruction and termination of incarnations.

A real person should be aware of the existence of cosmic laws that determine the rules and norms for the development of all life in the Cosmos, where no exceptions and forgiveness are made for anyone. Everyone works off his sins himself and in full accordance with the cruelty that he himself generates; that is, it can be said that by killing someone in the present life, a person kills himself in the next life; beating someone in the present, he is beating himself in the future, and so on.

And now let's try to understand that new understanding of sin, karma and forgiveness, which are directly given to a person on Earth.

In a further dialogue with God, in order to shorten the long name “the law of causation”, we used the old but short term “karma”, and the physical essence in the form of “a set of energies by a person that does not meet the required standards of development” was replaced by the short word “ sin".

But in the first word - "karma", and in the second - "sin" - everything is connected with the energies and the struggle for them in the course of the evolution of the soul.

Let's start the conversation with the concept of "sin" that is closest to us.


What is a person's sin in everyday or social understanding?

At the most primitive level of understanding sin - this is a violation of those moral and ethical guidelines that are accepted by society for a certain period of time. Time plays a big role, since with the course of it the content of all norms and laws in society changes, and the concept of sin changes accordingly, since what was allowed in the present tense may already be prohibited in the future.

At a higher level of understanding, the concept sin expresses a retreat from the program, that is, a retreat to a given sub-variant of the main path of the program and thereby the performance of actions of a lower plan than outlined in the main variant.

And on the energy plane, the concept sin there is nothing else than the accumulation by the soul of energies that it does not need during this incarnation. From incarnation to incarnation, the soul, during evolution, must generate certain volumes of high energies, which contribute to its ascent along the steps, first of the earthly Hierarchy, and then of the cosmic one.

You are talking about deviating from the program to the side. And if a person has a program to bring evil, and he begins to bring good? How is it viewed? Is it considered a sin to deviate from the program in positive side?

Programs are neither evil nor good. It's all relative. The program contributes to the development of personality lacking qualities.

Programs for people are calculated?

Yes, the programs are calculated by specialists who consider the “film” of a past life, determine which energies a person has accumulated and which must accumulate, and on the basis of all this, the Highest Founders draw up the direction in which, according to the laws of cause and effect, the soul should develop, after which the program, that is, its plot, is transferred to the calculators, and they already accurately calculate it.

Are several Senior Specialists involved in the preparation of the program?

Yes, several.

But if a program is drawn up for a person, does it not turn out that sin is planned?

No, sins are never planned. They are committed at the will of a person, and the main reason for this is his low development and the freedom of choice given to him. Each person is given freedom of choice in the program, that is, the opportunity is given to deviate from the program in the direction of their desires or weaknesses.

Is it considered a sin to violate morality in society?

Violations of morality are very different. And your society has sufficiently defined in human laws everything that belongs to violations, to the category of sin.

But in human societies, unspoken rules are adopted, the failure to comply with which is regarded by a group of people as disrespect for them. For example, it is now customary to gather in companies and behave not quite up to par. For them, this is moral, and a taller person will come to their company and will be jarred by their behavior.

A person always has a choice. There are many other societies that you can choose and feel normal and natural in. In the case when, for some reason, there is no society corresponding to his spiritual aspirations, he can, even being in a group of people who do not correspond to his level, behave in accordance with his moral standards and will honor not that which is low, but that which is highly moral. And such companies are a test of his sufficient resistance to immoral acts: he will go down in his views and actions, or, conversely, he will rise even more above what shocks his soul.

What, at this level of human development, is a sin for him in the everyday sense?

Sin has been and remains for man in the following: murder, suicide, blasphemy and renunciation. This is the main thing.

Is it still a sin to eat meat while fasting?

Eating meat primarily affects energy, and any fast is a cleansing of a person’s energy channels. So the use of meat or non-use - everything is brought to the level of awareness of the person himself: whether he wants to be cleansed or not. But the most important thing that relates to sin is what I have listed. If a person is idle, how does this affect his karma?

In the next incarnation, he will have to work very hard. He will have a very difficult life, the program will be built in such a way that in one life he will have to work for two at once.

Does karma increase for every sin?

Yes, for everyone.

That is, freedom of choice is given, but a person is punished for deviation from the main program?

Yes, this is the balance of energy that a person violates, and the balance in the Cosmos is very strict. And a person should intuitively feel where he should go and what to choose. In addition, there are norms in society that guide in which direction one should direct one's development, and ideals and religion are given for this.

Do High Personalities also work out karma?

Everyone is worked out in accordance with their behavior at the Level to which specific rules and norms belong.

Did Christ work out karma, being the Great Messenger of God to Earth? How did His great mission and karma fit together?

Christ had no karma. He, as you know, came to atone for human sins, which by that time had accumulated a lot on Earth, and this threatened the death of the entire civilization. It was necessary to carry out an energy cleansing of the lower layers of the Earth.

Was His crucifixion chosen according to His program?

The death of Christ had to combine two requirements: it was necessary to connect the new religion with the cross and the sign of the cross, which perfectly entered into your faith. And besides, He redeemed through torment all the karma of mankind for that period of time. So His death combined two things at once.

Did Christ incarnate on Earth again after his miraculous resurrection?

He incarnated on Earth only once.

How accurately did he fulfill his mission, did he have deviations in the program?

He did not and could not have any deviations from the program, since He subtly felt his program and acted in exact accordance with it. If everyone living on Earth felt their task in the same way, humanity would not deviate from Our goals.

Why does the Bible say nothing about a person's karma, that is, about working off the sins of the past in the present? Or did they consider that it is enough for a person to say that any sin is punishable?

It is said about the forgiveness of sins, it is all laid down in the Bible, but not understood by people. This entry has not been deciphered. Of course, the name "karma" is Indian, Hindu, but in the Bible everything is expressed somewhat differently, allegorically.

But, probably, in the teachings of Christ there was the concept of both karma and reincarnations, and the scribes, for their own reasons, could remove them?

No, the Bible has it, We repeat again. It's just that it's not encrypted.

Two thousand years have passed since the mission of Christ. Many people have developed enough, and we have many decent and highly spiritual personalities. Are there people on Earth now who are free from karma?

There is none of them. Even the prophets, Our messengers, have this or that karmic situation.

Are there worlds in the Cosmos that develop without karma?

No. All are subject to the same laws of the Cosmos.

Are there worlds where they develop without sins?

Yes, there are such worlds on some material planets.

So there is no law of karma?

Karma exists, but in a different form. The forms of karma in different worlds are different.

Are the laws of karma the same for the lower and higher planes?

Myself Law of Cause and Effect exists everywhere in the Cosmos, but for each world its manifestations are individual. For a person, the laws of karma are the same, that is, the ways and methods of correcting the committed actions and punishments for them. For the Higher Beings - others, because their way of life is different and the energy potential of souls is different, on which the ability to endure difficulties depends. And this means that the punishment, which for a low-potential soul will seem unbearably heavy, for a high-potential soul will pass with ease and will not have the desired effect. On the other hand, the higher the Being rises in development, the higher its consciousness. And such a Person will never do what a man will do. Therefore, at different levels of development, the cause-and-effect relationship has inadequate forms of manifestation, hence the offenses and methods of punishment will be different.

Are the Higher Hierarchs freed from karma?

It's all relative. The Higher, the less karmic obligations, that is, karma decreases, as the level of consciousness and spirituality of Essences changes. The higher, the fewer mistakes they make.

How do the Higher associate karma with events?

Karma and everything connected with it is worked out by each individual up to a certain level of development. In the higher worlds, events are expressed in a different form than in people, but there are actions there, so the law of cause and effect is reflected in actions of various kinds. The title of the law is karma accepted by people, and we have it law of causation . You can call it in different ways, but the essence remains the same. From a certain level of development, the method of the law changes. The adjustment of the cause-and-effect relationship is carried out by calculation. Suppose some Higher Personality needs to work out such and such amount of energy in some place and She is sent there. There, the Personality, according to the calculation, collects what it needs. Another Personality is required to gain energy of a different quality - and She is sent to another place. Everything that the Personality has squandered for some of its own purposes, She works off, eliminates debts and builds up additional potential.

And can there be, in addition to karma for a person, God's punishment, that is, additionally, you personally can punish a person for something?

No. I never punish. Man acts only in accordance with his karma.

But can you interfere in the fate of a person at the time of his residence on Earth, that is, when he is already following the program drawn up?

Everything is possible: you can change your destiny, change your future program, but only if We see that a person has atoned for all his sins. If there are minor past misconduct, then you can redo the program in the direction of some improvement.

Are programs changing in the direction of deterioration?

NEVER, - slightly stretching the word, He said very impressively.

Some psychics claim to be able to correct a person's karma. Is it possible?

They can't fix anything on their own. Only with the permission of the Supreme Determiner and the Founder is it allowed to change something in the program of a person. Everything is considered beforehand, the consequences of the changes being made are weighed, and if after that the Higher Determinant allows, for some reason of his own, to remove karma from a person, then it is removed only for one life. And the next - it doubles.

But if a psychic prompts a person to change his consciousness, will this somehow affect the karma of his patient?

Yes, by working on his consciousness towards improvement himself, a person naturally improves his own karma, as he begins to make fewer mistakes and tries to correct something in his behavior, in himself.

2. Specific karma*.

If a person is given wealth, what expresses it according to the laws of karma?

Wealth is given as a test or reward.

We see that wealth often comes to low spiritual people. Why?

This is a test for them.

And if wealth comes to the highly spiritual?

This is their reward.

If a person, while convincing another that he loves him, at the same time hurts him, is this permissible from the point of view of cosmic morality?

Never. Never.

What if the person is doing it on purpose?

He earns his own karma.

What punishment awaits him in this case?

He will get the same that he does to another. What he sows, that he will reap. Evil will return to him like a boomerang.

Return in this life?

Maybe in the present, and in the next.

Is the karma of one person transferred to his relative?

Remember: there is no karma passed on to someone.

We had information that children could suffer for their parents.

Yes they can. But if there are generic karmas, then the corresponding souls are selected for this. In this version, two karmas are always combined: the karma of parents and children, so nothing just happens, and no one works out someone else's karma.

Does a scientist who creates an atomic bomb or other weapon earn karma if he does not kill himself, but then others are killed with his weapon?

No, he does not earn karma on this, as he works for science.

Do you perceive such a person simply as a scientist and nothing more?

Yes, as a scientist, an inventor. But in general, many scientists and inventors work for the negative System of God, since everyone who owns computational operations, calculates and invents constructions, belongs to the negative System, but this is not the System of the Devil.

Our scientists already know how to interfere in the psyche of people, influencing situations in the program of another person out of a desire to subjugate others. How will this affect their karma?

It all depends on what goal or desire the scientist himself has when creating something. If he creates something from the desire to subjugate others, then in this case he earns karma for himself. And if its goal is creativity, then everything is different here. And the one who wants to subjugate someone will work out the karma. And whoever simply works and wants progress in science, who works for the sake of people and the common good, will not have any karma. Many scientists see their goal only in creativity. And those who manage them and use their inventions for their own purposes earn personal karma.

For what sins is a person punished with blindness from the moment of birth? There are a lot of blind people in our city, so I would like to know why they are so severely punished?

There are many of them not only in your city, but also in others too. But to clarify karma, you always need to take a specific person, since any karma is individual.

What are some of the main reasons why they are punished with blindness?

Several reasons ... The main one is that sometime in the past he deprived another person of physical sight. This is the first reason. The second is that the life of a blind man is the life of a person who in the past was completely insensitive to others. Nothing touches him: neither the suffering of people, nor some cases and incidents in life, everything is indifferent to him. And the third reason is the sharpening of feelings for the development of specific centers. So basically those are the reasons.

What karma awaits a person for promiscuity in sex?

The main thing is ugliness in the future incarnation. Although in this case there are many deviations. There may be such punishments as childlessness, celibacy, all kinds of chronic sexual diseases. But the main punishment, of course, remains ugliness.

Many people live decently. Are they earning some kind of karma for themselves?

You cannot live in your world without karma. But you know that a good person can earn karma for himself, even by doing, in his opinion, a good deed.

How does this happen?

A person can do such a good thing, which in the end will result in evil. In order not to accumulate karma, he must always think about what will follow one or another of his actions.

Some rich people give their kids a lot of money to have pocket money, and they use it to buy drugs. Is this precisely the good for which they are subsequently punished?

Yes. But there is also such an option that a good person will not do anything, but will accumulate karma due to the fact that he does not prevent evil in some kind of situation. And on the other hand, preventing evil, he can also earn karma, for example, a student is given a harsh teacher who teaches him with harsh measures. They change it for a soft character, and their child just needed a harsh upbringing. In mild conditions, he grew up an alcoholic, that is, in this version, it was just not necessary to prevent evil. The only way not to earn karma is to think about the consequences that will follow after the participation or non-participation of a person in the current situation. If the consequences of participation or non-participation lead to evil, to degradation, then a person earns karma for himself. Therefore, one must be far-sighted, develop the logic of thinking.

But how then is the next life built for decent people?

The very decent, as you call them, can accumulate a small, insignificant karma, and their subsequent life will proceed relatively calmly, with dignity and without much upheaval. But it is impossible to completely create an ideal life for them on Earth, since the society around them remains at a fairly low level in their relationships and spiritual ties, so decent people will suffer the most from the imperfection of the society in which they live, from dissatisfaction with those relationships. and the connections that are available to them. And it is impossible to transfer them, for example, to higher spheres of existence, where relationships are at a higher level, until their souls gain the corresponding energy potential, that is, until they reach the development corresponding to the next stage of evolution. So the main road that helps to escape from a low plane of being to a higher one, where karma is more loyal, lies through the self-improvement of the soul.

For what reason do people die in car accidents and accidents. What do they have in past karmas, why are they removed in this way?

To die in an accident, it is not necessary to have something in the past. The reasons, again, are very different. When, for example, a train crash occurs, where there are a lot of people, they are collected:

1. one by karma - for punishment,

2. another - because he is ripe,

3. third - for testing,

4. fourth, if he remains alive according to the program - to gain some experience,

5. And one more reason - so, for example, it is more convenient for the Determinant to pick up his ward, easier than through illness or some other way. For the Determinant, the fence of the soul led by Him is also dirty and unpleasant work. And in a disaster, it's all easier. So it can be faster and more painless for the person himself. It is only when viewed from the outside that the catastrophe seems terrible and leads to awe, but for the participant in it everything happens instantly, so that he does not even have time to be frightened. Therefore, the motives for the death of people in accidents are very different.

Karma for killing.

You said that even at this point in time, murder and suicide are sins. Why is suicide punished?

Suicide is the unwillingness of a person to obey the Higher Teachers, the unwillingness to solve complex life problems. Through suicide, he tries to find an easy way for himself, and violates the laws of development. One person is connected with many, and premature death breaks the programs of other people, so the Determinants have to spend a lot of energy on restoring broken connections in many programs at once. And the energy in space is highly valued.

But does it happen that a person kills himself according to the program?

Yes, but this rarely happens.

What is the punishment for committing suicide?

He earns ordeals until the end of the life that was assigned to him according to the program. In this case, his soul is not allowed to go up, and she experiences severe suffering from this. Thus the ordeals of the soul continue on Earth.

Is a suicide punished by decoding?

No, decoding is not given to them at all. He is given just the next life with the addition of those qualities that he did not have time to gain in a previous life, plus the program doubles, which means that situations intensify in complexity, and life itself can lengthen. In addition, it still turns out to be an overlay for the next life, that is, three lives are already involved in the punishment. And all of them will be difficult, so it is difficult to withstand them. But if he does not stand it, then We are already looking at what to do with him next.

A person commits suicide always consciously. But even whales are thrown ashore, swans crash on the ground when they lose a partner. Are they doing it consciously?

In such cases, their consciousness works like a person's?

Their suicide is carried out according to the program.

And can they have it, like a person, falling out of the program?

No, always only according to the program. But for them, suicide does not entail karma, because it is precisely in these animals that it is absent in the form in which it is defined for humans.

If a person commits a murder, then, therefore, according to the laws of karma, he must also be killed in the next life?

Yes. If for some reason a person hides his atrocity and he manages to avoid punishment in real life, then everything that he does is recorded on his “tape” of life, therefore he cannot hide from Heavenly justice. This "film" will record not only the actions themselves, but also the motives of the crime and all the thoughts leading to it. Therefore, the very reason that caused a person to commit a crime will also be evaluated.

If our scientists could penetrate the memory blocks of a person, then it would be possible to accurately determine whether a person committed a murder or not?

Yes. Though you humans don't need it. The person himself must repent of his crime. His goal in this life is the correct awareness of his actions. Not others should blame him, but he himself.

Is any murder punishable by Cosmic Justice? After all, there are murders that are committed for the purpose of self-defense or the protection of a loved one.

Any murder is punished. A person shouldn't kill at all. In order to protect him, he can injure him, somehow neutralize him, he can do anything, but not kill him. You can stop the aggressive actions of the attacker in many ways that do not pose a threat to human life itself.

How is the punishment for intentional murder different from the punishment for manslaughter?

The difference, of course, is in the degree of severity of the crime and, accordingly, the degree of punishment will be applied - more severe or less. Basically the soul will experience this difference after death when passing through the cleansing layers. In case of malicious murder due to the fact that the soul has accumulated a lot of dark energies, it will experience strong painful sensations that a person associates with the torments of hell. When killing at the moment of self-defense or protection of relatives, a person draws other energies into the soul, and they can even be very high if it concerns the protection of others, therefore, when passing through the cleansing layers, he will experience suffering to a lesser extent. And this is a significant difference - the difference in the quality of the energies gained by the soul due to the performance of an action. Otherwise, any measure of punishment is also determined individually. But the main thing that a person must remember when committing a murder or any other crime is that a triple punishment awaits him: the court of people, that is, your earthly justice and prison; very painful sensations in the layers-filters of the Earth and Heavenly justice with a corresponding program of punishment for the next life, in which he will also be killed by someone.

If a person killed someone, then according to karma, another must also kill him. And this other - the third. Won't such killings turn into infinity?

There is such a pattern.

But how then can such a vicious circle be broken?

We're watching a murder. Basically, these chains end in random murders, when the deprivation of the life of another occurs inadvertently, due to unforeseen circumstances. This “accidentally” is the end of the chain of karmic murders, and it (this “accidentally”) will be regarded differently in the next karma. Punishment will follow, but the karma for killing is already removed. Although once the murder has occurred, the punishment will be mandatory, but it’s different: a person can be sent some kind of torment or something else very unpleasant in his life.

What punishment awaits a person who heads the state and unleashes new wars in which many people die?

This person will serve his sentence on another planet in harsher and more terrible conditions for a person than on Earth. There he will incarnate many times, and each time his life will be cut short by force, that is, he will be killed.

Can there be karma for the actions of a person in a dream, when, for example, he kills someone?

Of course, karma exists. But its working out will also take place in a dream. Everything is identical. Such aspirations of the soul cannot go unpunished. In a dream, the soul manifests those shortcomings and shortcomings in itself that can be hidden in real life, since in ordinary reality there are other conditions, a certain social environment, which often does not allow the lowest sides of nature to appear, and in a dream, when reality changes and the absence control from the side of the physical body - this is precisely what is detected, its internal defects are highlighted, as on an x-ray.

And what kind of karma will he have in a dream?

He will be killed too. Or he may be severely crippled in his sleep. And he will strongly feel this punishment, or rather he should feel it. And if there is no corresponding reaction of the soul, then he will be killed again, again in a dream.

In our time (1998), many maniacs have appeared in real life. One person kills fifty. Does this mean that, according to the laws of karma, he must also be killed fifty times in subsequent lives?

Yes, the same amount, unless a decision is made to dispel it altogether after this life. His soul can be immediately destroyed for fifty murders if he does not belong to the negative Devil System.

Medicine looks for mental illness in maniacs and tries to explain their cruelty precisely as mental disorders.

Partly, of course, their psyche is distorted, because a normal person is not capable of producing such a thing. But there are other things that people don't know.

For what reasons is the human psyche distorted so that he becomes a maniac?

Wrong upbringing from childhood, family scandals, fights, rudeness, as well as the influence of TV: watching horror films, action movies with endless murders has a very bad effect on children's consciousness. As a result, all this leads to a distortion of the normal perception of the world of the child and to the deformation of his psyche.

Does the abnormal psyche of a person affect his program, distorting it?