Energetic cleaning of jewelry. How to clean rings and other jewelry from someone else's energy and your own

Cleaning the energy of a ring (including an engagement ring) - as well as other jewelry "with history" - is simple and does not require special abilities and skills from a person. You can use the help of the element that you consider the most trustworthy and with which you are the most friendly.

1. Water

The easiest way to drive away unnecessary energy is with the help of the power of running water. To do this, you need to attach a bag with a piece of jewelry to the tap and keep it under the stream - the longer, the more reliable the cleaning. However, in the case of some stones (for example, painted) and copper alloys that are not protected by coatings, this number will not work: very significant damage can be done to their appearance.

2. Light

This is also not a method for all stones, since some of the "fastidious" do not like direct sunlight (for example, citrine or amethyst, yellow topaz). Therefore, you need to make inquiries in advance how a particular stone relates to such sunbathing. If they are not contraindicated for him, then all that needs to be done to clean the jewelry from the negative energy of the previous owners is to put them on the windowsill (but not in the bedroom) for several days and let the sunlight and moonlight work.

3. Fire

The cleansing power of a candle flame can be useful in this case too. Just keep in mind that not all pebbles also like heating. It is possible to clean rings and other jewelry with an imaginary fire, although this will be more difficult for many people. A lit candle is still needed: you need to look at it long enough for the flame to be imprinted on the retina. How to understand it? If you move your gaze to another place, then there will still be a candle in your eyes. Here it is with an imaginary light that you need to illuminate the decoration.

4. Sound

Certain sound waves also have a cleansing effect, including those emitted by the bell. The biggest solution is to make the jewelry being cleaned “listen” to the real bell ringing. But you can also turn on the appropriate recording or get by with the ringing of a miniature bell.

5. Salt

Salt is known as a substance that can effectively absorb negative energy. The magic spice will also help in the case of rings. You just need to immerse them in crystals, hold for a day, and then, without touching the salt, get it (pick it up, for example, with a pen). The spent salt must be disposed of, and it is desirable that it be immediately away from home.

6. "Complex" ritual for cleaning jewelry from negativity

If you want to inflict a “mass strike” on the bad energy of wedding rings and other jewelry, follow these steps.

  • Pour spring water into a wooden bowl and add three tablespoons of salt - preferably sea or pink Himalayan. Put the rings and place the bowl on the window sill during the full moon. Let it stand for 48 hours. The waning moon will help draw out bad energies from jewelry. If you have rock crystal, you can throw it into the bowl too.
  • Then take out wedding or simple rings and hold them over the flame and smoke of a white candle, imagining how white light streams from your third eye (between the eyebrows).
  • At the end of the ritual, put the rings that you cleanse from bad energy into the ground - in a pot in which some healthy plant grows, and leave it until the new moon.
  • Then rinse them under running water, wipe them off - and they will be like new and will not harm you in any way!

How often to clean the rings from energy - someone else's and your own? Approximately once a year or immediately after your jewelry had to go through an unpleasant event with you, for example, a funeral, a serious illness, problems at work, and so on.

It is not necessary to be an esoteric or clairvoyant in the fifth generation in order to feel the influence of someone else's energy. And if this energy is pure and inspiring, then it is certainly great. And if it is negative and sucks the life force out of you? Agree, it's annoying. Moreover, it can be dangerous both for health and for life if damage has been brought to the product. Often ordinary things or precious metal are able to accumulate the energy of their owner. How to clean jewelry from someone else's negative aura, we'll talk in our article.

Reasons for the accumulation of negative energy in jewelry

Any of our emotions are either negative or negative. Well, if the previous owner of the ring or bracelet was a positive and cheerful person, such jewelry will absorb less bad energy, but still none of us is immune from failures, illnesses and other circumstances that drive us into despondency. What reasons can become a source of the release of negative energy? Here are the main ones:

  • chronic depression;
  • Treason of a loved one;
  • Envy, resentment;
  • Diseases;
  • Death.

If jewelry or precious stones were inherited from your mother or grandmother, then such products absorbed many events in the life of several generations. Such valuables are subject to obligatory cleaning. Each person's own energy also differs in strength. Some people, even after buying a new piece of jewelry, need to clean it, because many bracelets are made by hand, and this is also someone else's energy.

Jewelry cleaning methods

Experts advise every six months to clean from bad energy not only jewelry that was inherited from another person, but also your own. During this time, our favorite rings and beads also manage to absorb the destructive power of everyday troubles, stress, envious glances and other negativity. Esotericists and people close to magic recommend using natural elements for purification: fire, water, earth and light.


If everything is in order with your imagination, and you believe in the magic of fire, this method will suit you. Prepare decorations, light a candle (it is better if it is a lit church candle). Look at the flame for a while until its image is imprinted on the retina of your eye. Now you need to look at the jewelry and mentally imagine how all the negative energy burns in this fire. This method is also good because it can clean not only jewelry, but also wooden jewelry, handicrafts from a variety of materials. While cleaning with water for such jewelry is no longer suitable.


Running water has a powerful cleansing effect. To resort to this method, you need to place the jewelry in need of cleaning in a gauze or fabric bag and secure it under a tap. Turn on cold water for at least half an hour. To enhance the impact, you can sit nearby and imagine how, along with water, the jewelry loses all the accumulated negativity.

Important! If your rings or earrings contain mineral stones or copper alloys, it is better to use other cleaning methods. Copper will turn green from water, and some types of stones will lose their color under the influence of a stream of water. Read in advance on the Internet information about the stones in your jewelry. All rings, bracelets and are also banned.


It is known that the earth has the ability to absorb bad energy. So why not take advantage of such a natural gift and cleanse jewelry from all evil with its help? To do this, you need to place jewelry in a linen bag (and beads are not suitable for this method) and bury it in a place inaccessible to others. The best place for this is your own land.

The ritual should be performed on the waning moon, so the purification will be faster and better. Three or four days will be enough. Instead of earth, salt is also perfect. You can use ordinary table salt or crystals of sea salt, which is known as an excellent absorber of negative energy. The ritual is the same as with the earth. Waste salt should be removed from the home.


Jewelry can also be cleaned with the help of sunlight and moonlight. To do this, you just need to lay out the jewelry on the windowsill in such a way that they have good access to the sun during the day and the moon at night. Do not forget that some natural stones and natural wood jewelry do not withstand long exposure to direct sunlight. For example, citrine, yellow topaz, amethyst and other minerals are ardent opponents of such procedures.


A rather unusual, but very effective way to clean jewelry from negative energy. The big advantage of this ritual is that it can clean items made of any material, be it gold, pearls, precious and mineral stones, author's wooden jewelry. The positive point is that you can choose exactly the rite that suits you best:

  • Prayer- a powerful tool for cleaning not only things, but also your own consciousness. In this case, it does not matter which scripture you will pronounce - an Orthodox prayer, praise to Allah or hum Buddhist mantras, any of these sounds have a positive effect on the surrounding space. You can even use an audio recording of a church choir or the same mantras;
  • Bell. The overflow of sounds from a small church bell also helps to cleanse the jewelry from the accumulated negativity;
  • Tibetan singing bowls. Vibrations and healing sounds of singing bowls have long proven themselves if you need to remove blocks and clamps in the human body and get rid of negative energy. To clean the jewelry, you need to lay them out next to the bowl and start making sounds from it, simultaneously imagining how the vibrations “pull out” everything bad from the jewelry.

Which of the following methods of cleaning jewelry you choose depends on personal preferences, faith and experience. Esotericists recommend such cleansing twice a year or more often if life circumstances require it.

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Our distant ancestors noticed that gold is a precious metal that has not only material value, but also an undoubted energy potential. Many believed that it helps to get rid of diseases, will not allow the effects of poison, and will help to prepare a love potion. That is why the material began to be so highly valued. Later it was revealed that gold not only has a certain power, but is also able to absorb the energy of its owners, often not at all positive. Therefore, the question of how to clean gold from someone else's energy has become relevant. The article offers an overview of the most effective methods that can be used by a modern person.


Why is it important to clean up? Jewelry is not just beautiful and expensive trinkets. Created by the hands of the master, they embodied his most intimate experiences, became a reflection of his soul. That is why a new piece of jewelry, be it a ring or earrings, created with love, most often carries a positive charge, brings joy and good luck to its owner, and does not need any cleaning.

However, the further fate of the product may be different: often its owners lead a not entirely righteous life, die a violent death, some ancient necklaces and diadems could previously belong to families on which a family curse lies. That is why they need to be relieved of the energy burden of past owners, cleaned, positively recharged. And you can do it yourself, even without any magical experience.


Let's get acquainted with how to clean gold from someone else's energy with salt. To carry out this ritual, you will need a container of water and any salt (both table and sea). The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Pour salt into a container, it is enough to take a small amount of the substance, sufficient to fill the bottom.
  2. Place the required amount of gold items into the solution. It can be earrings, rings, chains, bracelets. The main rule is that they must be completely hidden under the liquid. The number can be any, but it is important for one cleaning procedure to immerse products of approximately the same degree of contamination in salt. So, it can be your own jewelry, which is recommended to be cleaned about once a year. Or, several products inherited from one person are immersed in a container with a saline solution; as a rule, they also have the same energy potential. Finally, if the ring or earrings are purchased at a pawnshop, then individual cleaning is recommended for them.
  3. Next, a container with salt and products is placed on the windowsill.

The duration of exposure depends on the contamination of the energy field of gold. Own jewelry can be cleaned for a day, products from a pawnshop - a week.

Choice of time of day

Consider some of the secrets of how to clean gold from someone else's energy with salt. A container with saline solution can be placed on the windowsill both in the morning and at night. If you plan to do this in the dark, then it is important to look at the lunar calendar and choose the growing moon to start cleansing. Carrying out rituals on a waning one can have the exact opposite effect and not clean the product, but charge it with negativity.

If the beginning of the cleansing action falls on the morning or noon, it should be remembered that not all stones and minerals can be placed under the direct rays of the sun. So, yellow topazes, citrines, amethysts can burn out, so they need to be protected from sun exposure.

Do I need to clean new jewelry

The answer to this question seems obvious - the product is new, never worn by anyone, where does the negative energy come from? And yet she is present. Let's take a look at the production technology. Modern workers in the jewelry industry do not resemble craftsmen of past eras who put their soul into their creation.

Many riveters, assemblers, grinders come to the workplace in a bad mood, work with irritation, charging the product with their negativity. Then the decoration goes to the couriers, who will not always treat it with due respect (for sure, everyone watched the delivery service employees throw and kick packages and parcels). And, finally, a beautiful product ends up on the shop window. How many people will look at it with greed, because such a purchase is not available to everyone!

That is why it is important to subject even new products to rituals. The simplest way to clean gold from someone else's energy with salt, we have already considered. It is ideal for neutralizing novelties; in this case, keep the product in a container for 3 days. However, let's make a reservation - if there are stones on the jewelry, then it is better not to expose them to salt, there is a risk of spoiling them.

Holy water

Let's get acquainted with how to clean gold from someone else's energy with holy water. This method is suitable exclusively for trusting people, you will need a small amount of water taken in the church and consecrated, as well as a church candle. Let's describe the procedure step by step:

  1. Pour water into a container.
  2. Light a candle.
  3. Submerge jewelry in water.
  4. Taking a candle in your hand, make circular movements around the container. At this moment, you can read the words of the prayer to yourself.

As a rule, the believer, by his own well-being, will understand that the decoration has been cleaned and the procedure can be stopped. If this does not happen, faith is not strong enough, so it is recommended to choose a different method.

Indian way

Consider how to clear gold from a pawnshop from someone else's energy. The tips are quite numerous, but the simplest and most effective method is the use of incense. It can be aroma lamps, incense sticks, candles. The procedure is simple:

  1. Light the wand.
  2. Place the product to be cleaned into the smoke that was formed during the burning process.
  3. The duration of exposure is 3-5 minutes.

A week later, at about the same time, the procedure is repeated. Twice exposure to the aroma is enough to completely rid the jewelry from the pawnshop of the negative.

Other options

In addition, you can use other simple methods.

  • Running water. The decoration is placed under a stream of cold water, gradually the negative energy comes out of it. Suitable for cleaning those products that have not been exposed to ill-wishers for a long time. For example, if at work the owner of a gold ring realized that a colleague was jealous of her, then it is better to clean the ring with water.
  • Fire. The method is very accessible, but effective. You should light a candle and look at its flame for a while, fully concentrating. After that, put on the jewelry and visualize the effect of the fiery element on it, which seems to burn all the negativity.

sound method

Let's continue our consideration of how to clean gold from someone else's energy. For this simple method, you will need a regular bell. You should take it and “ring out” the decoration for at least 3-5 minutes. It is very important to focus on the process itself, not to be distracted by extraneous noise. In addition to the usual bell, you can also use a recording of its ringing, the main thing is the very fact of the sound of certain motives.

Considering how to clear gold from a pawnshop from someone else's energy, we suggest that you get acquainted with some tips that will help you avoid mistakes.

  1. During the cleaning, envious people, ill-wishers or just people with heavy energy should not be allowed to appear in the house, they will reduce all efforts to zero.
  2. When using salt, it is important not to place gold and silver jewelry in the same container. Each metal will protect its charge, they will certainly come into conflict, which, in turn, will negatively affect the energy potential.
  3. Further, if salt was used, after removing the product from the container, it should be washed with running water and wiped gently, only after that it can be worn.

We got acquainted with how to clean gold from someone else's energy. Note that the importance of this procedure should not be neglected. Metal really absorbs the mood of the owner, and the envy and anger of others, so it is important to clean it from this in a timely manner. Only in this way will wearing jewelry be safe and give joy.

An old brooch that you got from your grandmother, a chain with a pendant of unknown origin bought at a flea market, or a ring donated by an ex-boyfriend - all these things have already managed to accumulate someone else's energy - positive or negative, but, no doubt, affecting you - as a new one the owner of this item. If you are in doubt whether it is worth putting on these things and whether there will be unpleasant consequences, clean the jewelry from someone else's energy.

1. Cleansing with water

For energy cleaning of jewelry and stones, you can use running water - put them under running water for 10-15 minutes.

2. Cleansing with salt

Pour sea salt into a clean crystal (or just glass) vase, place decorations and sprinkle salt on top. Leave for three days. Salt will clean the energy of your jewelry, bring harmony to them. After three days, wash the jewelry with running cold water, dry it in the sun, discard the salt.

3. Moonlight cleansing

Leave the decorations on the windowsill so that they get moonlight. They must be left for three nights (from evening to morning), starting from the night of the full moon. If you succeed, try not to get sunlight on the decorations during these three days. Naturally, during these three days of cleansing, jewelry should not be worn, and it is undesirable.

4. Sunlight cleansing

Everything is the same as with the moon, only we leave jewelry from dawn to noon under bright sunlight. We also hide them in a dark place at night so that the moonlight does not fall on the jewelry, and in the same way these days we do not wear them on ourselves.

5. Purification by fire

For such a cleansing, it is necessary to create a continuous field of fire energy. Place 8 lighted candles (preferably yellow, red, orange) on the table, arranging them in an octagon.

Carefully take the decoration, and over the fire, where there is no excessive heat, draw it in as many closed circles clockwise as you like. Jewelry does not need to be heated. This procedure must be repeated three days in a row at the same time.

When - listen to your intuition and decide for yourself ... It may well be that some products will want morning cleaning, others will agree only at midnight ... For some time after such cleaning, jewelry needs to lie down, but after a day or two you can use them for their intended purpose.

As you know, all things absorb the energy that every person has. Gold jewelry has always been popular, which leads to the presence of numerous jewelry stores. Each person can try on any product there, thereby leaving part of the energy on it. In addition, many relatives and friends often borrow jewelry from each other, which also leads to energy changes.

How to clean gold from someone else's energy?

Psychics and other people associated with recommend that after buying or borrowing any gold jewelry, clean it, which does not take much time.

Available ways to cleanse gold of negative energy:

  1. Cleansing with fire is considered strong, for which it is necessary to take a candle and it is best if it is church. It must be lit, and then, for several minutes, look at the flame. As a result, the image of fire is imprinted. After that, pick up the jewelry and for some time imagine how fire surrounds it, burning all the existing negativity.
  2. There is another option, how to clear bad energy with a candle. Place the gold jewelry on the table and take a lit candle in your hands. Start making circular movements with a candle over the object, and do it counterclockwise. The number of turns depends on your own feelings. If you feel that the gold is pure, then you should stop.
  3. The easiest way to clean gold involves the use of ordinary running water. Turn on the faucet and put the jewelry under the faucet and mentally imagine how the existing negative disappears from the gold. After that, it is necessary to imagine how the object radiates light energy.
  4. Another effective way to clear gold of negativity is to use sound vibrations. The sounds of a bell or a gong are suitable. Turn on the music and put a decoration next to it. After that, imagine how sound waves penetrate the gold, thereby purifying it.