Karmic debt hello from the past. I am a "Woman" - I "I can do anything." Karmic marriage - greetings from the past. So, blind passion. This is a classic example of a karmic marriage.

A karmic marriage is a union of two people who already knew each other closely in a past life, but they still have some debts to each other.

Ask yourself honestly, do I recognize karmic marriage? And now, please believe me: karmic relationships are not as rare a phenomenon as it might seem at first glance. The concept of “karma” comes from the East, but what it defines is not something alien to us. We all know proverbs like “What you sow, you will reap” or “As it comes around, so it will respond.” The doctrine of karma says exactly the same thing!

A karmic marriage is a union of two people who already knew each other closely in a past life, but they still have some debts to each other. In past incarnations, they could be husband and wife, relatives, each other's parents, lovers, or even enemies. And in this life, fate brought them together again so that they would repay each other's debts and work out their karma (atone for guilt, correct mistakes). After all, the union of two loving hearts is one of the biggest purgatories on Earth, where our characters and worldview are seriously tested.

Is everything too confusing? Let me explain with an example.

Let's suppose that in a past life you had a boyfriend who doted on you and dreamed of marrying you. But you left it because the son of your boss laid eyes on you. Marriage with him promised you mountains of gold: career advancement, business trips abroad, a comfortable existence ... And you, considering these arguments very convincing, left the one who loved you more than life ...

Be sure that in this life a similar situation will certainly arise and it will repeat itself until you learn the lesson and do the right thing. Like in a computer game: level two, try two.

However, before marriage, no one thinks about the bad and usually does not look at karma. But in vain. The very arguments that guide people when entering into marriage can say a lot about the future life of the spouses.

So, blind passion. This is a classic example of a karmic marriage. Let's consider it on a concrete example.

In a past life, Nikolai Lvovich was a promising young scientist, but he loved his bride Anya so much that he abandoned scientific research for her sake and did not justify his vocation. In this life, he is literally obsessed with work and career, and tries to avoid women. The soul of Nikolai Lvovich remembers the experience of previous mistakes, and therefore a man is subconsciously afraid of marriage, like others are afraid of water, confined spaces or heights.

But the laws of karma cannot be canceled, therefore, in this life, our hero finds himself in a similar situation. His fear and attempts to escape from love are blocked by a unique mechanism of blind passion: Nikolai Lvovich falls in love like a boy, lives with his beloved, raves about her. As a result, protective barriers collapse, fear recedes into the background ... It would seem, live and rejoice! An no. After some time, our hero will have to face the same problem again as in a previous life. Again, you will have to make a choice between vocation and love, and make the right decision, which in this case looks like this: love and work can be combined, you cannot betray yourself and refuse your vocation.

Another classic example is It's time. If you are getting married (getting married) not because you fell in love with all your heart, but because “the time has come” or because all your friends have already created a family for a long time, this should alert you. From a biological point of view, you have simply reached marriageable age and are ready to create your own family and have children (often unconsciously to yourself).

From a karmic point of view, the desire to get married appears at the age when you did it in a past life, especially if the marriage was unsuccessful. In other words, the mistake of a past life, deposited in karma, is waiting for its correction, and it seems that fate is pushing a person to action - try again.

Marriage of convenience. The epidemic of weddings, as a rule, begins in the last year of the institute. When old ties are broken, the usual rhythm of life changes, girls and boys are warmed by the hope that together it is not so scary to start a new stage of life. They are looking for a suitable partner - more promising, richer, with an apartment, with a car ... However, such a marriage is happy only when there are feelings and spiritual kinship between young people. If the decision is made solely for selfish reasons, the probability of a happy marriage is zero. Indeed, from a karmic point of view, such a marriage is nothing more than a desire to evade problems, to shift them onto the shoulders of the husband (wife).

The desire is both understandable and legitimate, but in reality no one will solve our problems for us. And no matter what misfortunes we are hiding from (loneliness, lack of money, parental dictates), they will certainly overtake us. And this will continue until we find the strength to solve the problem on our own.

Most of all, you value money in your husband - be sure that sooner or later he will lose them, and you will be left with nothing. Do you like its position and reliability? Alas, the day when he will be left without work is not far off ... And these are not the vagaries of the villain-fate, these are karmic lessons. Everyone will have to go their own way and learn a lot.

Lots of young girls jumping out to get married as a protest or out of a desire to get rid of excessive parental control.

And they fall into no less bondage, only now - from husband. The fact is that they “carry” dependence on anyone and themselves “produce” it into the world around them. Even someone who was not born a domestic despot will become one only because you are subconsciously waiting for this. All you have to do is sigh and say: “Well, it’s clear that I have such a karma!”

Change! Become a person! Learn not to depend on anyone else's opinion. Then your life will change for the better.

For ladies aged or with a child in their arms, an incentive for marriage can be ... fear: “What if in a year it will be too late?”, “Who will need me?”, “Yes, and the child needs a father…”

Sometimes there is such an argument: "I'm tired of waiting for the prince, let there be at least some kind of husband." In other words, this is the case when a girl marries not the one she wants, but the one who turned up by the arm.

If after a while she can discover hidden virtues in her spouse, the marriage will be successful. But, most likely, she will remember all her life that she agreed to a compromise and married a man not of her level.

It is possible that a couple of years after her marriage, she will really meet her Prince. And this is not a cruel joke of fate, but the law of karma - each person attracts those circumstances and those people that he dreams of. It's just that not everyone has the patience to wait for their "request" to be received.

Let's say you are a young girl (boyfriend) with a good position, a good salary, an apartment, a car. But all this does not bring you happiness, you only dream of a family and children. In this case, you are either a person whom psychologists call a “non-self-sufficient person”, or an “ancient soul”. Distinguishing one type from another is quite simple.

Non-self-sufficient people believe that they can only be happy when someone needs them. They complain all the time about the amount of trouble they put on themselves.

And the "ancient souls", from the point of view of esotericists, have developed quite strongly themselves, but they come into this world to help others. The "Ancient Soul" does not complain about anything, on the contrary, others constantly come to her to cry. And they leave reassured.

And now let me draw conclusions about the features of a karmic marriage:

  • The marriage was unexpected for the partners themselves. Unexpected, because according to all the rules, orders and foundations, they are "not a couple." They may have, for example, a completely different social status, environment, financial situation or age difference.
  • There is a lot of iconic, “fatal” and predetermined in their relationship.. For example, their relationship outwardly looks incompatible with a happy coexistence. They can constantly quarrel and swear, but at the same time they simply cannot imagine life without each other.
  • Alcohol or drug addiction of one of the partners. Such a situation in the family is always accompanied by the suffering of one of the partners. Most likely, in this life they just switched places and now one is experiencing what the other experienced in a past life.
  • Absence of children. A sign of the closeness of the future for the clan. In marriage, not only two people are united, but also two clans. Such relationships exist in order for partners to rethink their own traits that the family does not want to pass on to future generations. If rethinking does not occur, that most often such a marriage is terminated.
  • Health problems in one of the partners. Such a situation is created to awaken the higher aspects of love, such as compassion and care, which might not manifest themselves in a prosperous situation.
  • Marriage happens unexpectedly and quickly, after which all ties with other people, including relatives, are broken by moving to another city or abroad.
  • Very quick marriage after a couple of weeks of dating or less.In such a relationship, everything happens as if according to the script and the couple understands their new position only after a while. Before that, they seemed to be driven by forces that they themselves were not aware of.
  • Rarely, but it happens that people live together for many years and cannot imagine life without each other. They are not in love, they truly love, accepting a partner for who he is, with all his shortcomings and virtues.

From a karmic point of view, such spouses have passed all the tests, worked out all the lessons, corrected all the mistakes and now enjoy each other, appreciating every moment allotted to them. Their destinies are intertwined, they are connected by strong threads, bonds, and not by chains or shackles.

An enticing prospect? So work on yourself! And remember that karma is not a dogma or a curse. It is just the result of how you lived in past lives and live in the present. Correct mistakes, go through life with an open heart, giving love. And then you will certainly meet your happiness.

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Ask yourself honestly, do I recognize karmic marriage? Now, please believe me: karmic relationships are not as rare as they might seem at first glance. The concept of "karma" comes from the East, but what it defines is not something alien to us. We all know proverbs like "What you sow, you will reap" or "As it comes around, so it will respond." The doctrine of karma says exactly the same thing!

A karmic marriage is a union of two people who already knew each other closely in a past life, but they still have some debts to each other. In past incarnations, they could be husband and wife, relatives, each other's parents, lovers, or even enemies. And in this life, fate brought them together again so that they would repay each other's debts and work out their karma (atone for guilt, correct mistakes). After all, the union of two loving hearts is one of the biggest purgatories on Earth, where our characters and worldview are seriously tested.

Is everything too confusing? Let me explain with an example. Let's suppose that in a past life you had a boyfriend who doted on you and dreamed of marrying you. But you left it because the son of your boss laid eyes on you. Marriage with him promised you mountains of gold: career advancement, business trips abroad, a comfortable existence ... And you, considering these arguments very convincing, left the one who loved you more than life ...

Be sure that in this life a similar situation will certainly arise and it will repeat itself until you learn the lesson and do the right thing. Like in a computer game: level two, try two.

However, before marriage, no one thinks about the bad and usually does not look at karma. But in vain. The very arguments that guide people when entering into marriage can say a lot about the future life of the spouses.

So, blind passion. This is a classic example of a karmic marriage. Let's consider it on a specific example.

In a past life, Nikolai Lvovich was a promising young scientist, but he loved his bride Anya so much that he abandoned scientific research for her sake and did not justify his vocation. In this life, he is literally obsessed with work and career, and tries to avoid women. The soul of Nikolai Lvovich remembers the experience of previous mistakes, and therefore a man is subconsciously afraid of marriage, like others are afraid of water, confined spaces or heights.

But the laws of karma cannot be canceled, therefore, in this life, our hero finds himself in a similar situation. His fear and attempts to escape from love are blocked by a unique mechanism of blind passion: Nikolai Lvovich falls in love like a boy, lives with his beloved, raves about her. As a result, protective barriers collapse, fear recedes into the background ... It would seem, live and rejoice! An no. After some time, our hero will have to face the same problem again as in a previous life. Again, you will have to make a choice between vocation and love, and make the right decision, which in this case looks like this: love and work can be combined, you cannot betray yourself and refuse your vocation.

Another classic example is the time has come. If you are getting married (getting married) not because you fell in love with all your heart, but because "the time has come" or because all your friends have already created a family for a long time, this should alert you. From a biological point of view, you have simply reached marriageable age and are ready to create your own family and have children (often unconsciously to yourself).

From a karmic point of view, the desire to get married appears at the age when you did it in a past life, especially if the marriage was unsuccessful. In other words, the mistake of a past life, deposited in karma, is waiting for its correction, and it seems that fate is pushing a person to action - try again.

Marriage of convenience. The epidemic of weddings, as a rule, begins in the last year of the institute. When old ties are broken, the usual rhythm of life changes, girls and boys are warmed by the hope that together it is not so scary to start a new stage of life. They are looking for a suitable partner - more promising, richer, with an apartment, with a car ... However, such a marriage is happy only when there are feelings and spiritual kinship between young people. If the decision is made solely for selfish reasons, the probability of a happy marriage is zero. Indeed, from a karmic point of view, such a marriage is nothing more than a desire to evade problems, to shift them onto the shoulders of the husband (wife).

The desire is both understandable and legitimate, but in reality no one will solve our problems for us. And no matter what misfortunes we are hiding from (loneliness, lack of money, parental dictates), they will certainly overtake us. And this will continue until we find the strength to solve the problem on our own.

Most of all, you value money in your husband - be sure that sooner or later he will lose them, and you will be left with nothing. Do you like its position and reliability? Alas, the day when he will be left without work is not far off ... And these are not the vagaries of the villainous fate, these are karmic lessons. Everyone will have to go their own way and learn a lot.

Many young girls jump out of marriage as a protest or out of a desire to get rid of excessive parental control.

And they fall into no less bondage, only now - from her husband. The fact is that they “carry” dependence on anyone and themselves “produce” it into the world around them. Even someone who was not born a domestic despot will become one only because you are subconsciously waiting for this. All you have to do is sigh and say: “Well, it’s clear that I have such a karma!”

Change! Become a person! Learn not to depend on anyone else's opinion. Then your life will change for the better.

For ladies aged or with a child in their arms, an incentive for marriage can be ... fear: "What if it will be too late in a year?", "Who will need me?", "Yes, and the child needs a father ..."

Sometimes there is such an argument: "I'm tired of waiting for the prince, let there be at least some kind of husband." In other words, this is the case when a girl marries not the one she wants, but the one who turned up by the arm.

If after a while she can discover hidden virtues in her spouse, the marriage will be successful. But, most likely, she will remember all her life that she agreed to a compromise and married a man not of her level.

It is possible that a couple of years after her marriage, she will really meet her Prince. And this is not a cruel joke of fate, but the law of karma - each person attracts those circumstances and those people that he dreams of. Just not everyone has the patience to wait for their "request".

Let's say you are a young girl (boyfriend) with a good position, a good salary, an apartment, a car. But all this does not bring you happiness, you only dream of a family and children. In this case, you are either a person whom psychologists call a "non-self-sufficient person" or an "ancient soul." Distinguishing one type from another is quite simple.

Non-self-sufficient people believe that they can only be happy when someone needs them. They complain all the time about the amount of trouble they put on themselves.

And the "ancient souls", from the point of view of esotericists, have developed quite strongly themselves, but they come into this world to help others. The "ancient soul" does not complain about anything, on the contrary, others constantly come to her to cry. And they leave reassured.

And now let me draw conclusions about the features of a karmic marriage:

- Marriage was unexpected for the partners themselves. Unexpected, because according to all the rules, orders and foundations, they are "not a couple." They may have, for example, a completely different social status, environment, financial situation or age difference.

- There is a lot of symbolic, "fatal" and predetermined in their relationship. For example, their relationship outwardly looks incompatible with a happy coexistence. They can constantly quarrel and swear, but at the same time they simply cannot imagine life without each other.

- Alcohol or drug addiction of one of the partners. Such a situation in the family is always accompanied by the suffering of one of the partners. Most likely, in this life they just switched places and now one is experiencing what the other experienced in a past life.

- Absence of children. A sign of the closeness of the future for the clan. In marriage, not only two people are united, but also two clans. Such relationships exist in order for partners to rethink their own traits that the family does not want to pass on to future generations. If rethinking does not occur, that most often such a marriage is terminated.

- Health problems in one of the partners. Such a situation is created to awaken the higher aspects of love, such as compassion and care, which might not manifest themselves in a prosperous situation.

- Marriage occurs unexpectedly and quickly, after which all ties with other people, including relatives, are broken by moving to another city or abroad.

- A very quick marriage after a couple of weeks of dating or less. In such a relationship, everything happens as if according to the script, and the couple understands their new position only after a while. Before that, they seemed to be driven by forces that they themselves were not aware of.

Rarely, but it happens that people live together for many years and cannot imagine life without each other. They are not in love, they truly love, accepting a partner for who he is, with all his shortcomings and virtues.

From a karmic point of view, such spouses have passed all the tests, worked out all the lessons, corrected all the mistakes and now enjoy each other, appreciating every moment allotted to them. Their destinies are intertwined, they are connected by strong threads, bonds, and not by chains or shackles.

An enticing prospect? So work on yourself! And remember that karma is not a dogma or a curse. It is just the result of how you lived in past lives and live in the present. Correct mistakes, go through life with an open heart, giving love. And then you will certainly meet your happiness.

Ask yourself honestly, do I recognize karmic marriage? Now please trust me karmic relationships are not as rare as they might seem at first glance. The concept of "karma" comes from the East, but what it defines is not something alien to us. We all know proverbs like “What you sow, you will reap” or “As it comes around, so it will respond.” The doctrine of karma says exactly the same thing!

A karmic marriage is a union of two people who already knew each other closely in a past life., but they still have some debts to each other. In past incarnations, they could be husband and wife, relatives, each other's parents, lovers, or even enemies. And in this life, fate brought them together again so that they would repay each other's debts and work out their karma (atone for guilt, correct mistakes). After all, the union of two loving hearts is one of the biggest purgatories on Earth, where our characters and worldview are seriously tested.

Is everything too confusing? Let me explain with an example.

Let's suppose that in a past life you had a boyfriend who doted on you and dreamed of marrying you. But you left it because the son of your boss laid eyes on you. Marriage with him promised you mountains of gold: career advancement, business trips abroad, a comfortable existence ... And you, considering these arguments very convincing, left the one who loved you more than life ...

Be sure that in this life a similar situation will certainly arise and it will repeat itself until you learn the lesson and do the right thing. Like in a computer game: level two, try two.

However, before marriage, no one thinks about the bad and usually does not look at karma. But in vain. The very arguments that guide people when entering into marriage can say a lot about the future life of the spouses.

So, blind passion. This is a classic example of a karmic marriage. Let's consider it on a concrete example.

In a past life, Nikolai Lvovich was a promising young scientist, but he loved his bride Anya so much that he abandoned scientific research for her sake and did not justify his vocation. In this life, he is literally obsessed with work and career, and tries to avoid women. The soul of Nikolai Lvovich remembers the experience of previous mistakes, and therefore a man is subconsciously afraid of marriage, like others are afraid of water, confined spaces or heights.

But the laws of karma cannot be canceled, therefore, in this life, our hero finds himself in a similar situation. His fear and attempts to escape from love are blocked by a unique mechanism of blind passion: Nikolai Lvovich falls in love like a boy, lives with his beloved, raves about her. As a result, protective barriers collapse, fear recedes into the background ... It would seem, live and rejoice! An no. After some time, our hero will have to face the same problem again as in a previous life. Again, you will have to make a choice between vocation and love, and make the right decision, which in this case looks like this: love and work can be combined, you cannot betray yourself and refuse your vocation.

Another classic example is It's time. If you are getting married (getting married) not because you fell in love with all your heart, but because “the time has come” or because all your friends have already created a family for a long time, this should alert you. From a biological point of view, you have simply reached marriageable age and are ready to create your own family and have children (often unconsciously to yourself).

From a karmic point of view, the desire to get married appears at the age when you did it in a past life, especially if the marriage was unsuccessful. In other words, the mistake of a past life, deposited in karma, is waiting for its correction, and it seems that fate is pushing a person to action - try again.

Marriage of convenience. The epidemic of weddings, as a rule, begins in the last year of the institute. When old ties are broken, the usual rhythm of life changes, girls and boys are warmed by the hope that together it is not so scary to start a new stage of life. They are looking for a suitable partner - more promising, richer, with an apartment, with a car ... However, such a marriage is happy only when there are feelings and spiritual kinship between young people. If the decision is made solely for selfish reasons, the probability of a happy marriage is zero. Indeed, from a karmic point of view, such a marriage is nothing more than a desire to evade problems, to shift them onto the shoulders of the husband (wife).

The desire is both understandable and legitimate, but in reality no one will solve our problems for us. And no matter what misfortunes we are hiding from (loneliness, lack of money, parental dictates), they will certainly overtake us. And this will continue until we find the strength to solve the problem on our own.

Most of all, you value money in your husband - be sure that sooner or later he will lose them, and you will be left with nothing. Do you like its position and reliability? Alas, the day when he will be left without work is not far off ... And these are not the vagaries of the villainous fate, these are karmic lessons. Everyone will have to go their own way and learn a lot.

Lots of young girls jumping out to get married as a protest or out of a desire to get rid of excessive parental control.

And they fall into no less bondage, only now - from husband. The fact is that they “carry” dependence on anyone and themselves “produce” it into the world around them. Even someone who was not born a domestic despot will become one only because you are subconsciously waiting for this. All you have to do is sigh and say: “Well, it’s clear that I have such a karma!”

Change! Become a person! Learn not to depend on anyone else's opinion. Then your life will change for the better.

For ladies aged or with a child in their arms, an incentive for marriage can be ... fear: “What if in a year it will be too late?”, “Who will need me?”, “Yes, and the child needs a father ...”

Sometimes there is such an argument: "I'm tired of waiting for the prince, let there be at least some kind of husband." In other words, this is the case when a girl marries not the one she wants, but the one who turned up by the arm.

If after a while she can discover hidden virtues in her spouse, the marriage will be successful. But, most likely, she will remember all her life that she agreed to a compromise and married a man not of her level.

It is possible that a couple of years after her marriage, she will really meet her Prince. And this is not a cruel joke of fate, but the law of karma - each person attracts those circumstances and those people that he dreams of. It's just that not everyone has the patience to wait for their "request" to be received.

Let's say you are a young girl (boyfriend) with a good position, a good salary, an apartment, a car. But all this does not bring you happiness, you only dream of a family and children. In this case, you are either a person whom psychologists call a “non-self-sufficient person”, or - "ancient soul". Distinguishing one type from another is quite simple.

Non-self-sufficient people believe that they can only be happy when someone needs them. They complain all the time about the amount of trouble they put on themselves.

And the "ancient souls", from the point of view of esotericists, have developed quite strongly themselves, but they come into this world to help others. The "Ancient Soul" does not complain about anything, on the contrary, others constantly come to her to cry. And they leave reassured.

And now let me draw conclusions about the features of a karmic marriage:

  • The marriage was unexpected for the partners themselves. Unexpected, because according to all the rules, orders and foundations, they are "not a couple." They may have, for example, a completely different social status, environment, financial situation or age difference.
  • There is a lot of symbolic, “fatal” and predetermined in their relationship. For example, their relationship outwardly looks incompatible with a happy coexistence. They can constantly quarrel and swear, but at the same time they simply cannot imagine life without each other.
  • Alcohol or drug addiction of one of the partners. Such a situation in the family is always accompanied by the suffering of one of the partners. Most likely, in this life they just switched places and now one is experiencing what the other experienced in a past life.
  • Absence of children. A sign of the closeness of the future for the clan. In marriage, not only two people are united, but also two clans. Such relationships exist in order for partners to rethink their own traits that the family does not want to pass on to future generations. If rethinking does not occur, that most often such a marriage is terminated.
  • Health problems in one of the partners. Such a situation is created to awaken the higher aspects of love, such as compassion and care, which might not manifest themselves in a prosperous situation.
  • Marriage happens unexpectedly and quickly, after which all ties with other people, including relatives, are broken by moving to another city or abroad.
  • A very quick marriage after a couple of weeks of dating or less. In such a relationship, everything happens as if according to the script, and the couple understands their new position only after a while. Before that, they seemed to be driven by forces that they themselves were not aware of.
  • Rarely, but it happens that people live together for many years and cannot imagine life without each other. They are not in love, they truly love, accepting a partner for who he is, with all his shortcomings and virtues.

From a karmic point of view, such spouses have passed all the tests, worked out all the lessons, corrected all the mistakes and now enjoy each other, appreciating every moment allotted to them. Their destinies are intertwined, they are connected by strong threads, bonds, and not by chains or shackles.

An enticing prospect? So work on yourself! And remember that karma is not a dogma or a curse. It is just the result of how you lived in past lives and live in the present. Correct mistakes, go through life with an open heart, giving love. And then you will surely meet your happiness.

Ask yourself honestly, do I recognize karmic marriage? Now please trust me karmic relationships are not as rare as they might seem at first glance. The concept of "karma" comes from the East, but what it defines is not something alien to us. We all know proverbs like “What you sow, you will reap” or “As it comes around, so it will respond.” The doctrine of karma says exactly the same thing!

A karmic marriage is a union of two people who already knew each other closely in a past life., but they still have some debts to each other. In past incarnations, they could be husband and wife, relatives, each other's parents, lovers, or even enemies. And in this life, fate brought them together again so that they would repay each other's debts and work out their karma (atone for guilt, correct mistakes). After all, the union of two loving hearts is one of the biggest purgatories on Earth, where our characters and worldview are seriously tested.

Is everything too confusing? Let me explain with an example.

Let's suppose that in a past life you had a boyfriend who doted on you and dreamed of marrying you. But you left it because the son of your boss laid eyes on you. Marriage with him promised you mountains of gold: career advancement, business trips abroad, a comfortable existence ... And you, considering these arguments very convincing, left the one who loved you more than life ...

Be sure that in this life a similar situation will certainly arise and it will repeat itself until you learn the lesson and do the right thing. Like in a computer game: level two, try two.

However, before marriage, no one thinks about the bad and usually does not look at karma. But in vain. The very arguments that guide people when entering into marriage can say a lot about the future life of the spouses.

So, blind passion. This is a classic example of a karmic marriage. Let's consider it on a concrete example.

In a past life, Nikolai Lvovich was a promising young scientist, but he loved his bride Anya so much that he abandoned scientific research for her sake and did not justify his vocation. In this life, he is literally obsessed with work and career, and tries to avoid women. The soul of Nikolai Lvovich remembers the experience of previous mistakes, and therefore a man is subconsciously afraid of marriage, like others are afraid of water, confined spaces or heights.

But the laws of karma cannot be canceled, therefore, in this life, our hero finds himself in a similar situation. His fear and attempts to escape from love are blocked by a unique mechanism of blind passion: Nikolai Lvovich falls in love like a boy, lives with his beloved, raves about her. As a result, protective barriers collapse, fear recedes into the background ... It would seem, live and rejoice! An no. After some time, our hero will have to face the same problem again as in a previous life. Again, you will have to make a choice between vocation and love, and make the right decision, which in this case looks like this: love and work can be combined, you cannot betray yourself and refuse your vocation.

Another classic example is It's time. If you are getting married (getting married) not because you fell in love with all your heart, but because “the time has come” or because all your friends have already created a family for a long time, this should alert you. From a biological point of view, you have simply reached marriageable age and are ready to create your own family and have children (often unconsciously to yourself).

From a karmic point of view, the desire to get married appears at the age when you did it in a past life, especially if the marriage was unsuccessful. In other words, the mistake of a past life, deposited in karma, is waiting for its correction, and it seems that fate is pushing a person to action - try again.

Marriage of convenience

The epidemic of weddings, as a rule, begins in the last year of the institute. When old ties are broken, the usual rhythm of life changes, girls and boys are warmed by the hope that together it is not so scary to start a new stage of life. They are looking for a suitable partner - more promising, richer, with an apartment, with a car ... However, such a marriage is happy only when there are feelings and spiritual kinship between young people. If the decision is made solely for selfish reasons, the probability of a happy marriage is zero. Indeed, from a karmic point of view, such a marriage is nothing more than a desire to evade problems, to shift them onto the shoulders of the husband (wife).

The desire is both understandable and legitimate, but in reality no one will solve our problems for us. And no matter what misfortunes we are hiding from (loneliness, lack of money, parental dictates), they will certainly overtake us. And this will continue until we find the strength to solve the problem on our own.

Most of all, you value money in your husband - be sure that sooner or later he will lose them, and you will be left with nothing. Do you like its position and reliability? Alas, the day when he will be left without work is not far off ... And these are not the vagaries of the villainous fate, these are karmic lessons. Everyone will have to go their own way and learn a lot.

Lots of young girls jumping out to get married as a protest or out of a desire to get rid of excessive parental control.

And they fall into no less bondage, only now - from husband. The fact is that they “carry” dependence on anyone and themselves “produce” it into the world around them. Even someone who was not born a domestic despot will become one only because you are subconsciously waiting for this. All you have to do is sigh and say: “Well, it’s clear that I have such a karma!”

Change! Become a person! Learn not to depend on anyone else's opinion. Then your life will change for the better.

For ladies aged or with a child in their arms, an incentive for marriage can be ... fear: “What if in a year it will be too late?”, “Who will need me?”, “Yes, and the child needs a father ...”

Sometimes there is such an argument: "I'm tired of waiting for the prince, let there be at least some kind of husband." In other words, this is the case when a girl marries not the one she wants, but the one who turned up by the arm.

If after a while she can discover hidden virtues in her spouse, the marriage will be successful. But, most likely, she will remember all her life that she agreed to a compromise and married a man not of her level.

It is possible that a couple of years after her marriage, she will really meet her Prince. And this is not a cruel joke of fate, but the law of karma - each person attracts those circumstances and those people that he dreams of. It's just that not everyone has the patience to wait for their "request" to be received.

Let's say you are a young girl (boyfriend) with a good position, a good salary, an apartment, a car. But all this does not bring you happiness, you only dream of a family and children. In this case, you are either a person whom psychologists call a “non-self-sufficient person”, or - "ancient soul". Distinguishing one type from another is quite simple.

Non-self-sufficient people believe that they can only be happy when someone needs them. They complain all the time about the amount of trouble they put on themselves.

And the "ancient souls", from the point of view of esotericists, have developed quite strongly themselves, but they come into this world to help others. The "Ancient Soul" does not complain about anything, on the contrary, others constantly come to her to cry. And they leave reassured.

And now let me draw conclusions about the features of a karmic marriage:

  • The marriage was unexpected for the partners themselves. Unexpected, because according to all the rules, orders and foundations, they are "not a couple." They may have, for example, a completely different social status, environment, financial situation or age difference.
  • There is a lot of symbolic, “fatal” and predetermined in their relationship. For example, their relationship outwardly looks incompatible with a happy coexistence. They can constantly quarrel and swear, but at the same time they simply cannot imagine life without each other.
  • Alcohol or drug addiction of one of the partners. Such a situation in the family is always accompanied by the suffering of one of the partners. Most likely, in this life they just switched places and now one is experiencing what the other experienced in a past life.
  • Absence of children. A sign of the closeness of the future for the clan. In marriage, not only two people are united, but also two clans. Such relationships exist in order for partners to rethink their own traits that the family does not want to pass on to future generations. If rethinking does not occur, that most often such a marriage is terminated.
  • Health problems in one of the partners. Such a situation is created to awaken the higher aspects of love, such as compassion and care, which might not manifest themselves in a prosperous situation.
  • Marriage happens unexpectedly and quickly, after which all ties with other people, including relatives, are broken by moving to another city or abroad.
  • A very quick marriage after a couple of weeks of dating or less. In such a relationship, everything happens as if according to the script, and the couple understands their new position only after a while. Before that, they seemed to be driven by forces that they themselves were not aware of.
  • Rarely, but it happens that people live together for many years and cannot imagine life without each other. They are not in love, they truly love, accepting a partner for who he is, with all his shortcomings and virtues.

From a karmic point of view, such spouses have passed all the tests, worked out all the lessons, corrected all the mistakes and now enjoy each other, appreciating every moment allotted to them. Their destinies are intertwined, they are connected by strong threads, bonds, and not by chains or shackles.

An enticing prospect? So work on yourself! And remember that karma is not a dogma or a curse. It is just the result of how you lived in past lives and live in the present. Correct mistakes, go through life with an open heart, giving love. And then you will surely meet your happiness.

Karmic relationship- sounds a little scary. And this is understandable - after all, relationships are connected with karma, and for many, the word karma is associated with something bad, with something that was once perfect and what you need to answer for now, especially when you don’t understand at all “why such happiness fell on me ?

But let's go in order, karmic relationships - what are they?

Some people have them like this:

“The first kiss, when our teeth collided and our tongues intertwined, was only the beginning of that hunger that made us bite and gnaw each other to the very essence of our being,” wrote Salvador Dali about his wife and muse Gala. They fled together, locked themselves in a room in the castle of Cary-le-Roue near Marseille and cut themselves off from the rest of the world. The flight continued throughout their married life, despite the fact that Gala was 10 years older than Dali.

And someone develops like this, like Lidia Chashchina and Vasily Shukshin:

... That's how, in Shukshin's way, he loved me - with some strange, wild love. With scuffles, insults, betrayals, greed ... Loving all of Russia, Shukshin indifferently looked at the suffering of a particular person, shedding burning tears about the fate of a Russian woman, treated me absolutely consumerist, was cruel, ignorant and inattentive.

Why didn't you leave right away?
- If I knew the answer to this question. From the position of today I say: I was a fool with brains on one side ...

As you can see, everything happens differently for everyone. Neither age difference, nor different social status, nor appearance matter. On the contrary, such an obvious incompatibility of partners is one of the hallmarks of a karmic relationship.

The one who comes into our life carries a lesson for us, but the karmic partner is special, he clings to the living. This happens because deep feelings remained between the souls of karmic partners towards a friend from previous incarnations. It can be hatred, enmity, resentment, guilt. The emotions and feelings were so strong that they brought them into their current incarnation to experience again and correct their mistakes.

Stages of development of karmic relationships

Karmic relationships between partners are often built quickly and suddenly, a person, as it were, is drawn into the relationship. Sometimes it feels like love at first sight. Sensitive people may have the feeling that it has happened before, that they have met this person before.

After a close relationship develops, a situation of mutual misunderstanding inevitably arises that brings pain to both partners. But it is difficult to break such a relationship, because a very strong attraction remains between the partners. Only by realizing the cause and going through the situation in the right way, you can get rid of these relationships and the pain that accompanies them. If you broke off the relationship, but the reason remained unrecognized, then either the image of this person will haunt you for many years, or this plot will be repeated with other partners, maybe even in a tougher form.

I really liked how, at one of the seminars, Luula Viilma answered a question about relationships:

If you understand that this is not love, stop torturing a person. Stop torturing yourself too. Be human. Divorce calmly, without scandals. If you have children, they will also be grateful to you for this human act. But if you have separated, then do not immediately run to the next marriage, because whoever does not give himself time to think about what happened, he ends up in the next same situation. As I say, the next bucket is always bigger, deeper and heavier.

A sign of the denouement of a karmic knot is a state of inner peace, sincere forgiveness of a partner and a feeling of gratitude to him.

Signs of a karmic relationship

In addition to the external signs of the relationship described above, synastry allows you to identify karmic relationships. It is the astrological analysis of the overlay of partner cards that provides information about relationships in past incarnations and can shed light on the reasons for the meeting now.

It is also very useful to make a family tree. In psychology, there is such a phenomenon as the “ancestral syndrome”. The meaning of the phenomenon is that the same situation occurs in every generation. Each of us is a link in the chain of generations, and bears the burden of the debts of our ancestors. After all, it is not by chance that we come to a certain genus, our individual karma resonates with the karma of the family. The most interesting thing is that not only the situation itself is repeated, but the dates and age of a person at the time of the event may also coincide, this is the so-called “anniversary syndrome”.

Analysis of the birth charts of mothers and fathers, grandparents can help to understand the causes of difficult situations in a person's life. My advice is to collect information about your family, analyze it yourself or with the help of specialists, draw parallels between your life and the life of your ancestors.

Do not hang out in karmic relationships for a long time, understand the current situation, do not be afraid to ask yourself questions and answer them honestly. If you fail to forgive and let go with gratitude of your partner now, he will come to you again.

You need it?

This music will last forever if I change the batteries...

Article continued: