Esoteric Astrology (Bailey Alice Ann). Esoteric astrology. The peculiarity of the Age of Aquarius is that for the first time humanity has the opportunity to personally witness the death of the old civilization and the birth of a new one.

ESOTERIC (METAPHYSICAL) ASTROLOGY (from the Greek esoterikos - "internal" and meta ta physika - "after physics") is a branch of astrology that has a philosophical orientation and explores the hidden, occult principles of the structure and development of man and the cosmos. It is based on the occult and religious teachings of antiquity and has a large number of various manifestations.
In a broad sense, esoteric astrology is one of the two mainstreams in astrology, along with exoteric (practical) astrology. It deals with abstract reason, philosophy, and the inner, subtle point of view. Exoteric astrology, on the other hand, is content with practical action and a concrete, external picture; it prefers the attainable and visible to the speculative and theoretical. "Esoteric astrology deals with the internal activity of a person and his power to bring himself into line with the laws of nature. Exoteric astrology deals with human impulses that arise from the influence of the outside world. It shows the possibilities of uniting with the divine will in every person" (A. Leo ). With such an understanding of esoteric astrology, the scope of this concept includes such areas as karmic astrology, a number of areas of psychological astrology, astromeditation, religious and astrological practices, etc.
In a narrower sense, esoteric astrology refers to the secret teachings of ancient astrological schools and newer developments based on them.
If in the countries of the East metaphysical astrology has always been at a high level, then in the West its various schools received an impetus for development at the end of the 19th century, largely due to the active work of the Theosophical Society. At the same time, if earlier it was revealed only to those initiated into secret societies, after certain trials and initiations, then in the modern West, esoteric astrology has largely lost its "esoteric" nature and has become available to the general reading public. At its origins in the XX century. Alan Leo, Max Heindel, Rudolf Steiner, Alice Bailey stood. Among the most famous modern astrologers who develop the concepts of metaphysical astrology, Alan Oken, Michael Robbins, Absalom the Submarine, Pavel Globa and others should be noted.
Although, in general, esoteric astrology focuses more on philosophical speculation than on the application of astrological principles in everyday life, there are its concepts dedicated to the use of occult knowledge to help a particular person in his spiritual development. In particular, E. B. Donat discusses the system of metaphysical astrology, which considers the following types of individuals: the tempted, or ordinary person; seeker on the path of inner knowledge, or humane; possessing special knowledge, or dedicated. For these three types of people, there are special schemes of planetary controls for the houses of the horoscope and the signs of the Zodiac.
E. B. Donat gives the following table of planetary administrations in esoteric astrology, while recommending the use of the Porphyrian house system.
Esoteric planetary controls.

cusp sign Humane Dedicated
1 Aries Mars Mercury Sun
2 Taurus Volcano Saturn Venus
3 Twins Mercury Transpluto Volcano
4 Cancer Moon Neptune Ceres
5 a lion Sun Jupiter Transpluto
6 Virgo Ceres Moon Neptune
7 Scales Venus Uranus Saturn
8 Scorpion Transpluto Mars Mercury
9 Sagittarius Jupiter Volcano Uranus
10 Capricorn Saturn Sun Mars
11 Aquarius Uranus Venus Jupiter
12 Fish Neptune Ceres Moon

Ceres here stands for the asteroid belt.
The planets in this system are divided into categories of spiritual and non-spiritual. Vulcan (inframercurian), Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune (and possibly Transpluto) are considered spiritual, or incarnations of the sacred principle. The Sun, Moon, Earth, Mars and asteroids, including Pluto, are classified as non-spiritual planets, planets - the focus of principles that have not passed through five cosmic revelations or tests.
Donath points out that in esoteric astrology the individual is first trained to control his reactions to the planets that govern the affairs of each house, and the houses are seen as material limitations. A person is considered as a soul placed in a certain body, consisting of physical, ethereal, emotional (astral) and mental planes. Spiritual planets contribute to the fusion of higher and personal goals, while non-spiritual planets cannot help in this.
The characteristics of houses for humane and consecrated personalities are as follows:

  • house I - an incarnated causal body, the creation of a personality;
  • house II - the ability to receive prana, spiritualization and enlightenment;
  • house III - humility, reaction to the expressions of the soul, everyday wisdom;
  • house IV - the keeper of the vital essence, the harmony of form, the development of the laws of nature;
  • house V - occultism, concern for true individuality, selflessness;
  • house VI - synthesis of female traits, cosmic womb, revelation, purification;
  • house VII - legislation, connections of various bodies, unions, alternatives;
  • house VIII - separation, death, karma, suppression of desires and passions;
  • house IX - striving for the unknowable, the center of initiation;
  • house X - unfolding of the Divine plan, initiation, synthesis, chosenness;
  • house XI - freedom from personal dependence, the desire to know the purpose of the soul;
  • house XII - disintegration, isolation, death of the individual.

Zodiac and Rays

What I have to say on this occasion is purely preliminary. I seek to lay the foundations of a somewhat new, much more esoteric approach to astrological science. Conservative, uninspired astrologers may find some of my claims revolutionary or erroneous, unbelievable or unprovable. Nevertheless, despite numerous cases of obvious successes, astrology has not yet proved its worth to the world of thought and science. Therefore, I would ask all of you who read and study this section " Treatise on the Seven Rays”, remember the above and remain willing to consider hypotheses, weigh theories and assumptions, and test the conclusions over several years. By doing this, you can awaken the intuition that will turn modern astrology into something truly meaningful to the world. It is intuitive astrology that is called upon to eventually replace what is now known by that name, and thereby bring about a return to that ancient science that correlated the constellations with our solar system, drew attention to the nature of the Zodiac, and made mankind aware of the fundamental relationships that guide and controlling the phenomenal and subjective worlds.

1. Three fundamental statements

It is often argued that astrology is an exact science, which is far from the truth despite the abundance of mathematical calculations in it. Strange as it may seem, astrology is based on an illusion, for, as you well know, the Zodiac is nothing more than the imaginary path of the Sun in the sky, and seen from the position of our completely insignificant planet. Contrary to what people say, the Sun is not in any sign of the Zodiac. This is only the visible effect when the Sun passes between our little sphere, the Earth, and the constellations at certain times during the year.

In the distant past, there was a belief that the Earth is the center of the solar system, around which the Sun and other planets revolve. Such was the exoteric knowledge and attitude, far removed from esoteric understanding. Later, when scientific discoveries brought more light to human thinking, our planet lost its central position for it, and the truth appeared before people in a clearer light. However, there are still many discoveries ahead, which by their nature will be no less revolutionary. A similar decentralization must occur in astrological representations. As a result, our solar system will no longer be considered the point around which the Zodiac revolves, traversed by the Sun in its great cycle of approximately 25,000 years. Intuitive astrologers may deny that this is the accepted position. However, for simplicity and use by the general public, such a representation is allowed and easily accepted by the uninformed. It is upon this theory of the Zodiac that what we call the Great Illusion is largely based, and I want you to bear this in mind as you explore with me the new paths of this great and ancient of sciences. Astrology must be restored to its original beauty and truth before the world can gain a truer perspective and work out a more accurate and correct assessment of the divine Plan now expressed through the Wisdom of the Ages.

My next statement is that astrology is currently in fact the clearest and most distinct way of presenting occult truth in the world, for this science deals with those conditioning and governing energies and forces that manifest throughout all space and affect everything within that space. When this fact is perceived, the sources of energies understood, and the nature of space rightly understood, we will be able to see a far wider and yet nearer horizon; we will understand the relationship between individual, planetary, systemic and cosmic entities and we can begin to live in accordance with the scientific point of view. It is this life on a scientific basis that is the immediate goal to which astrology must lead.

Today, the average follower of astrology believes that he as a person has a certain degree of significance (at least for himself), that he lives on this significant (for humanity) planet Earth, and that with the help of astrology he can discover his destiny and find out your purpose. By noting this, I do not mean those astrologers who are in possession of true esoteric knowledge. There are really few of them, and only a small part of them find worthy practice. The modern researcher willingly believes that he is affected and flows through all those energies that come from the sign in which the Sun "was" at the time of his birth. He also considers himself capable of responding to the forces of the various planets ruling the houses in his horoscope and is convinced that his life tendencies and circumstances are thus preordained. This makes him feel like a factor of exceptional importance. Modern interpretations do not emphasize the meaning of the rising sign (ascendant), since so far only a few are able to function as souls. To a small extent, the energies that constantly affect our planet and come from other constellations and numerous "hidden" planets are also taken into account. The Ageless Wisdom states that there are about seventy of them in our solar system.

I strive to give you a truer and more accurate picture. This is now possible as group awareness, group relations and group unity come to the fore in human consciousness. With such a process of group integration, a separate, self-centered, separative personality will gradually fade into the background, and the soul, functioning as a part of the Whole, possessing group consciousness and the principle of containment, will gain more and more power. Therefore, interest in the individual horoscope will gradually die off, and the planetary, systemic and cosmic vision will be revealed to an increasing degree in the consciousness of the individual. He will then regard himself only as a component part of a greater whole, and his world group will interest him much more than he himself as an individual.

For this reason, I will not touch on the subject of esoteric astrology from the point of view of the horoscope at all. The main part of our theme will be presented by universal relationships, the interaction of energies, the nature of what lies behind the Great Illusion, the deceptive "Appearance of things as such", and the fate of our planet, the kingdoms of nature and humanity in general.

It does not matter to me whether modern astrologers accept or reject these ideas. I will try to present certain facts to you in the form in which they are recognized by the Hierarchy. I will try to designate subjective realities, the phenomenal appearance of which is an external illusion, which has been fixed due to the limited human thinking over the centuries. I want to emphasize the fact vitality Sources from which all the energies and forces that manifest on our planet flow and emanate. I will try to demonstrate to you that all-pervading unity and that deep synthesis that is the basis of all religions and all the many manifested forces. I will try to move you as self-centered individuals out of the center of your separate consciousness and, without depriving you of your individuality and self-identity, I will try to show you how you are part of a greater whole that you will become consciously aware of when you begin to function as souls. For now, your response to the inner reality that you live, move, and have is mostly unconscious and instinctive.

This brings me to the third statement, which is so significant and fundamental that I would like to ask you to think about it, even if you do not yet understand everything that follows from it. Ancient Wisdom teaches that "space is essence." It is with the life of this great entity, with its impulses and rhythms, forces and energies, cycles and periods, that esoteric astrology deals. So E.P. Blavatsky in " Secret Doctrine. Let me remind you that there is an astrological key to " Secret Doctrine, which has yet to be revealed in its entirety. However, I can give a number of hints and suggest certain directions which, when consciously considered by enlightened astrologers, may help any of them later discover this key, in order to use it in the name of mankind to discover the fourth fundamental truth of the Ageless Wisdom. Three such truths have already been given in the preface to " Secret Doctrine" [*] .

Space is an entity, and the "vault of heaven" (as it is poetically called) is the phenomenal manifestation of that entity. Notice that I didn't say "material" manifestation, but "phenomenal". It is useless and meaningless to speculate about the nature and history of this entity. You can get some vague idea of ​​it, giving an analogy without too much detail, if you try to think of the human race, the fourth kingdom in nature, as a single entity expressing itself through a variety of human forms. Each individual is an integral part of humanity; however, each of you lives your own life, reacts to your own impressions, responds to external influences and impulses, and in turn exerts influence by radiating a certain quality, or expressing a set of characteristics. In this way, you also influence your environment and those with whom you come into contact. However, you remain part of the phenomenal entity that we give the name humanity. Now extend this idea to a larger phenomenal entity, the solar system, which in turn is part of an even larger life expressing Itself through seven solar systems, one of which is ours. If you can grasp this idea, a hazy picture of the great underlying esoteric truth will appear in your mind. The life and influences, radiations and emanations of this Essence and their combined effect on our planetary life, on the kingdoms of nature and successive human civilizations, is an incomplete picture of what we have to consider.

This topic is so vast that I had to solve the problem of the optimal method of its presentation. I have preferred brevity, concise presentation of facts (facts for those of us who work on the inside of life, but for you these are only hypotheses) and avoidance of details and detailed discussions. We will try to move from the universal to the specific and from the general to the particular, but with the emphasis on the universal and the general rather than on the particular and the specific. Those of you who study astrology will have to apply the truth adequately to particular cases. It is in this respect that modern astrology has gone astray. She has perverted the true, correct order by emphasizing the particular and the particular, the personal horoscope and individual destiny, and ignoring the great energies and their Source. Ultimately, it is these sources that are responsible for the manifestation of the particular. The current position and the present presentation of the truth must be changed.

Thus, in esoteric astrology we are dealing with Life and Lives that saturate the "points of light" within the universal Life. The constellations, solar systems, planets, natural kingdoms, and microscopic man are all the result of the activity and manifestation of the energies of certain Lives, whose cycles of expression and boundless purposes lie beyond the comprehension of the most advanced and enlightened minds of our planet.

The next thing you must realize is the fact that the ether of space is the medium in which and through which the energies that come from the numerous generative Sources operate. Thus, we are interested in the etheric body of the planet, the solar system and the seven solar systems, of which our system is one, as well as the general and larger etheric "body" of the part of the universe in which we are located. I deliberately used the word "located" because of the meanings it conveys. This vast area, as well as smaller and more localized areas, is the medium for the transmission of all energies acting on and through our solar system, our planetary spheres and all the life forms that reside in them. Thus, a single inseparable field of activity is formed, which is in constant, unceasing movement - an ever-existing environment for the exchange and transfer of energies.

Therefore, for the purpose of a more correct understanding, it will be useful to examine the individual man; in this way we can approach a feeble understanding of the fundamental deep truth. Students should never forget the Law of Analogy as a means of interpretation. Esotericism teaches (and modern science is quickly coming to the same conclusion) that behind the physical body and the complex system of nerves is the vital or etheric body, which is the counterpart and true form of its outer, sensible material aspect. It is also the medium for transmitting power to all parts of the human organism and the agent of the life and consciousness that saturates it. The etheric body determines and conditions the physical body, being a storehouse and transmitter of energy from various subjective aspects of a person and the environment in which a person (both internal and external) is located.

There are two additions to be made here. First, the individual etheric body is not a separate isolated human vehicle, but, in a sense, an integral part of the body of that entity which we call the planetary etheric body. The planetary etheric body, in turn, is not isolated from the etheric bodies of other planets, and their totality, including the etheric body of the Sun, constitutes the etheric body of the solar system. It is connected with the etheric bodies of the six solar systems, which together with ours form a cosmic unity, into which the energies and forces of certain great constellations flow. Space is ethereal in nature, and its vital body consists of the totality of the etheric bodies of all the constellations, solar systems and planets located in it. Through this cosmic golden web or web, there is a constant circulation of energies and forces, which is the scientific basis of astrological theories. Just as the forces of the planet and of the inner spiritual man (to mention only one factor out of many) pour through the etheric body of the individual man on the physical plane and condition his outward expression, activity and quality, so the various forces of the universe pour out through every part of the etheric body of that entity. , which we call space, conditioning and determining the outward expression, activity and qualities of each form within the cosmic periphery.

The second point I want to emphasize is that within the etheric body of man there are seven major centers of force, which are in their nature distributors and electric batteries, providing man with dynamic force and energy of various qualities. The centers produce a certain effect on its external manifestation. Through their constant activity, the quality of the man is manifested, and his ray tendencies also begin to manifest, which together clearly indicate his point of evolution.

This "control of form through the seven energies" (as stated in " Ancient Comments») represents an invariable rule of internal control for our Universe and in particular for our solar system, as well as for an individual person. For example, in our solar system there are seven sacred planets corresponding to the seven individual power centers in man, as well as seven solar systems, of which ours is one, which are the seven energy centers of the One Who has been referred to in my other books as the One of Whom Nothing Can't Be Said.

Much has been given in the occult books of which the average astrologer remains profoundly ignorant and unconscious. It is vital for him to learn to think in terms of the greater Whole and pay much more attention to the radiant Sources and eternal Causes than to the influences of these Sources on the ephemeral creation, the human being and his temporary existence on a very insignificant planet. In this case, he will discover for himself the signs of the essential divinity of man - divinity, which should be sought in the infinity of man's consciousness, when it is illuminated by the light of the soul, and in his ability to project his thoughts into the consciousness of those diverse Lives, in whose "magnetic movements" he will- willy-nilly have to participate, since his own more than modest energy reservoir is an integral part of Their energies.

There is an aspect of energy which the modern astrologer considers very little, in spite of its paramount importance. This is energy emanating from the Earth itself, or radiating from it. The human body, which, like all living beings, is on the surface of the Earth and, therefore, projected into the etheric body of our planet (due to its upright posture), is constantly immersed in its emanations and radiations, as well as in the integrating quality of our Planetary Logos, sending and transmitting energy into Your planetary environment. Astrologers have always emphasized the role of external influences and energies acting on our small planet and interacting on it, but omitted to consider the radiated qualities and forces that are the contribution of the Earth to the etheric body of a larger whole. We'll cover this topic later; but now I thought it necessary to draw your attention to it.

The next necessary remark is that the influence of the Moon is purely symbolic in nature and effect and is simply the result of ancient ideas and teachings inherited from the Lemurian age and not based on any real radiation or influence. In those distant times, before even Lemuria and already in the Lemurian era, representing deep antiquity, the Moon was a living vital essence. Today, the Moon is nothing more than a dead form, and I ask you to keep this in mind at all times. It is not a source of any emanations and radiations and therefore cannot exert any influence. From the point of view of a knowledgeable esotericist, the Moon is simply an obstacle in space, an undesirable form that must eventually disappear. In esoteric astrology, the influence of the Moon is regarded as the action of thought and as a consequence of a powerful and most ancient thought form. However, the Moon has no quality of its own and cannot transmit anything to the Earth. Let me repeat: the moon is a dead form; she doesn't emit anything. That is why the ancient teaching about the Moon says that it "hides Vulcan or Uranus." This hint or deduction was always available, so astrologers would do well to experiment with my hint regarding the Moon. Instead of working with the moon, they should work with Vulcan dealing with an ordinary undeveloped person and with Uranus, examining a highly developed person. Then they will come to interesting and convincing results.

Students of astrology should also remember that the twelve constellations that make up our Zodiac are themselves receivers of numerous streams of energy coming to them from other sources. These energies mix and fuse with the energy of one or another constellation and, being transformed and "occultly purified", eventually reach our solar system.

Here I would like to draw your attention to some of the remarks made by me in the Treatise on Cosmic Fire, which are now relevant and useful. I'll rephrase them slightly:

“Astrology investigates the influence or effect of the vibrations of the various planets on the substance of the sheaths. In the esoteric sense, this is the influence of one or another of the solar centers. The forces emanating from these centers affect the planetary centers... The reason for this is hidden in the karma of the Heavenly Man. When true esoteric astrology appears, more information will be given about it. The students of astrology have so far taught only the ABC of this immense subject, occupied with the exoteric fringe of that gigantic veil which has been wisely thrown over all knowledge of the planets. ("Treatise on Cosmic Fire", p. 1051)

Below is an incomplete, but sufficient for our purposes, list of the main influences that reach our planetary life from distant Sources and cause certain consequences in the individual person and in humanity as a whole.

I. 1. Constellation Ursa Major.
2. Seven Sisters of the Pleiades.
3. Sirius, the Dog Star.
II. 1. Seven solar systems, one of which is ours.
2. Seven sacred planets, including our planet do not belong.
3. Five non-sacred planets and "hidden" planets.
III. 1. Seven planetary centers.
2. Seven centers of power in the human etheric body.
IV. 1. Twelve zodiac constellations.

Thus, we have a ninefold energy impact. This is the main scheme, but it must be remembered that there are other, less significant, influences.

To these should be added other energy flows that affect our planetary life - the radiation of Betelgeuse, a giant star, or the influence of Antares and other great suns and solar systems associated with the zodiacal constellations; their energies do not reach us directly, but through the constellations of the Zodiac.

In addition, it should be remembered that, technically, we must also include here the influence of radiations coming to us directly from our own planet, that is, from the Earth on which we live. Then, and only then, will you get a truly complete analysis and picture of the energies to which the human etheric body must and does respond, which conditions the physical body, whose reactions to the etheric body are predominantly automatic and passive. The understanding of this response and the conscious control of individual reactions are extremely necessary, but will become possible only at a sufficiently advanced stage of evolution, when a person approaches the Path (in the technical sense). A person must first learn to control his reactions to the influence of the planets that direct his personal affairs and are in various positions in the twelve houses of the horoscope. There are two ways to achieve this:

First, having a properly drawn up horoscope, one should strive to determine what needs to be done in order to counter planetary influences when it seems desirable to control personality reactions. This must be done by the power of thought and requires full confidence in the clear understanding and interpretation on the part of the astrologer, as well as knowledge of the exact moment of birth. I wonder if it is now possible to meet the conditions of accurate knowledge of the moment of birth and the perfect wisdom of an astrologer?

Second: one should consciously take the position of a spiritual Observer and cultivate the ability to respond to one's Soul. Then it is necessary to learn to control from the position of the Soul the circumstances and the accompanying reactions of the personality.

It is also necessary to note the following attitudes and initial positions that the astrologer must accept:

  • 1.planetary influences indicate the direction of the circumstances of the outer life. Rightly interpreted for the average undeveloped man, they can, and do, point to his personal destiny. They condition and completely control the person who has no conscious soul experience. The moment a person begins to realize his soul and tries to determine his own "life path", the influence of the planets clearly and consistently weakens, and the map of his personality becomes incomplete and often quite inaccurate. Then he is guided and controlled by the force flowing through planet, not power most planets, and a person begins to perceive the more subtle and higher energies of the solar system and the twelve governing constellations.
  • 2. The so-called solar sign indicates the physical, mental and spiritual nature of man. It contains the mystery of the Ray of personality and the human response or lack of response to one's soul, or the real person. It also points to the integration already achieved and the point of disclosure of the qualities of the soul, to the equipment available, the quality of life and the directly possible group relations. From the point of view of the Ageless Wisdom, he does not indicate anything else, and this is contrary to the point of view of ordinary astrology. The reason why I say this is because of the development of mankind enough that the astrology of the soul will become possible in the near future; in many respects it is the opposite of the usual procedure. This is reasonable and necessary, as well as inevitable. Ultimately, astrologers will be divided into two classes: the exoteric astrologers, who deal with the horoscope of the personality, and the esoteric, who will be interested in the tasks of the soul.
  • 3. rising sign points to more distant possibilities, to the spiritual goal and task of this incarnation and the next subsequent incarnations. This sign itself refers to the spiritual man's struggle to "keep going" from the point reached, so that when the vital energy is exhausted and the "death of the personality" occurs, the person finds himself "closer to the center of his life, in closer contact with the center of his group and approaching the center of the divine life," as the Ageless Wisdom puts it. The special expression "personal death" has a double meaning:
    • a) It may signify the death of the physical body, which is inevitably followed by two stages of death: the disintegration of the emotional vehicle and the subsequent dissolution of the temporary and ever-changing form that a part of the mental energy took on during the period of incarnation.
    • b) Subjective mystical "personality death". This phrase means shifting the focus of energy distribution from the personality (a certain center of power) to the soul (another center).

I am aware that these concepts are at odds with the usual astrological postulates. Nevertheless, experiments and research in the field of these ideas would not be a waste of time. Astrologers would be able to uncover some very important and exciting problems, and probably reach an accuracy that is currently unknown. The little that we touch upon in our discussion can serve this purpose.

In connection with the solar sign, the rising sign, and the influence of the thought-form relating to the Moon, the position of esoteric astrology is as follows:

  • 1. solar sign points to current human problems; he sets the rhythm or tempo of his personal life; it refers to the quality, temperament and life tendencies seeking expression during a particular incarnation, and also to the rajasic or activity aspect of the inner man. Basically, the forces related to the sun sign point to the line of least resistance.
  • 2. Ascendant, or an ascending sign, indicates the life purpose, or the immediate task of the soul in this incarnation. He holds a secret future and represents the power that will lead to success if properly used. The Ascendant represents the sattwic or harmony aspect of life and can establish the right relationship between soul and personality in any particular incarnation.
  • 3. Moon. This type of force (coming from certain planets, not from the Moon itself) points to the past. Thus, it is the sum of the limitations and shortcomings of the present. He controls the physical body and shows where to look for the dungeon of the soul.

My next statement, which follows naturally from the foregoing, is that the zodiacal, systemic, and planetary energies act either as obstructive or stimulating forces, according to the type of vehicle or body upon which they act. The nature of these vehicles and their ability to attract, respond, reject, absorb and transform depends entirely on the point of evolution, as well as on the general planetary conditions and the psychological climate of the human race at any given time. An example of the latter can be seen in today's world, where the forces that give our planetary life a new, unthinkably stormy, overwhelming rhythm and tempo evoke an extremely intense response from the thinkers of the world, stimulating them to serious efforts in the ideological direction, and at the same time do not cause in the masses and underdeveloped people nothing but horror, a pitiful fatalism, widespread emptiness and various undesirable reactions from the nature of the form. Those who are able to comprehend the nature of the activity of the planet Saturn will easily understand these hindering or stimulating influences. This planet determines, first of all, that point in evolution at which a certain choice is possible, at which one can consciously accept or reject the existing opportunity, and at which the acceptance of personal responsibility becomes a conscious fact of a planned and ordered life. IN " Ancient Comments This point in the human evolutionary process is referred to in the following symbolic phrases:

“Surrounded by whirlwinds of forces, I stand bewildered. I do not know them, for throughout my past they have dragged me up and down here on earth, where I have moved blind and unconscious. From place to place, from point to point, they threw me on the ground, and there was no peace anywhere.

Now I know them, and here I will remain standing still until I recognize the Law that governs all this movement. I can turn around and look in the direction of many different paths. I see wide horizons, but now I'm standing here.

I will choose my own path. Then I will go ahead. I will not rush on the ground and I will not circle in space. But I will move forward."

There is another revolutionary idea which the esoteric science of astrology brings into its modern and exoteric aspect: in the great cycle of many of its incarnations, man is known to traverse the zodiacal circle from Pisces to Aries, going backwards through the Zodiac and following the course of the Sun. This phrase has always bothered me, but the apparent backward movement based on the precession of the equinoxes is just an integral part of the Great Illusion. At the moment when a person begins to free himself from this illusion and ceases to be subject to it and the influence of world maya, the movement of the great Wheel of Life is reversed, and it begins to slowly and persistently move in the opposite direction. Then he passes the signs from Aries to Pisces. He begins to patiently and consciously function as a soul, breaking through to the light, until he finally reaches the final stage of the Path in the sign of Pisces, as the Conqueror of the World and the World Savior. Then the significance of the triumph of overcoming death is revealed to him, since he has conquered desires and risen above them.

The reversal of the path of man in motion through the signs of the Zodiac will require a revision of the astrological method in the charting of advanced aspirants, disciples and initiates.

Thus, the practicing astrologer will have to change the interpretation of the horoscope in accordance with the point in the evolution of a person on the Path, or (in other words) according to his position on the wheel of life. The interpretation and interpretation of the horoscopes of those who are active living souls at one of the final stages of the Path will require work based on the intuitive thinking of the astrologer, working through contact with one's own soul and through intense meditation. Drawing up a horoscope for an average undeveloped person does not cause such difficulties.

To this it may be added that the signs of the Zodiac are connected primarily with the life expression of the Heavenly Man (as far as our planet is concerned) and, consequently, with the purpose and life of the Planetary Logos. They are also associated with the great Heaven's Man, with the Solar Logos. Here I have in mind their influence, which manifests itself in the solar system as a whole (few among modern astrologers are able to deal with this influence). I want to remind you that for lives, Which saturate these great constellations and Whose dynamic and magnetic radiations reach our Earth, this influence is secondary and it is not given much attention. The main impact of these energies is made on our Planetary Logos and through Him reaches us, pouring out through the great planetary center, which we call Shambhala. This influence, therefore, is capable of producing a considerable response from the monads, who in their turn express themselves through the soul realm and the human realm; therefore it expresses itself through the Hierarchy and humanity as a whole. This is a very important point to be noted and related to all the teachings you are familiar with on this most interesting subject regarding the three major planetary centers. The work of the zodiacal influences is to awaken strong-willed aspect of the Heavenly Man and all the monads, souls and personalities that make up the planetary body of expression. Today this statement means little to you, but it will be of great importance to those students who will study everything I have said here for decades. Rightly understood, my words explain much of what is happening in the world right now.

As they pour through our planet and the planetary centers of power, these influences produce a twofold effect:

  • 1. They act on an advanced person, revitalizing and activating the centers above the diaphragm, which makes it possible for a person to respond to the radiation and activity of the Hierarchy.
  • 2. They influence the undeveloped person, allowing him to function as an ordinary, unenlightened human being.

It should be noted, however, that all energies - zodiacal, systemic and planetary - have a certain influence on all forms in all kingdoms of nature. Nothing can escape these radiating magnetic influences. The goal of human evolution is to become consciously and vitally aware of the nature of these energies, to recognize them and learn to use them, which is the area of ​​occult activity in accordance with the teachings of the Hierarchy. It may be added that the disciple needs to become consciously aware of the planetary influences and begin to apply them to the tasks of his own soul. The initiate must also be aware of the zodiacal influences emanating from sources wholly outside the solar system. They can be recognized as:

  • a Vibration registered in one or another of the seven centers.
  • b) Revelation of a certain type of light that gives the initiate a special color.
  • c) a special note.
  • d) Directional sound.

The entire history of the Zodiac can be figuratively but accurately unified in the following statement: there are three books studied by three types of human beings. These books from which people draw their knowledge are as follows:

  • 1. Book of Life - Initiates - 12 constellations.
  • 2. Book of Wisdom - Disciples - 12 planets.
  • 3. The Book of Form, or Manifestation - Humanity - 12 Creative Hierarchies.

In summary, we can say that:

1. Signs of the Zodiac affect mainly the person living below the diaphragm. This is the average person. These signs determine the activity of the four centers:

  • a) The base of the spine.
  • b) Sacred center.
  • c) solar plexus.
  • d) Spleen

2. The inner group of solar systems, acting in conjunction with the signs of the Zodiac, affects primarily those who live above the diaphragm. It conditions:

  • a) Heart center.
  • b) Throat center.
  • c) Ajna center.
  • d) Head center.

3. The three energies work through the head centre, but only after the third initiation.

There are a few more explanatory points to be mentioned. Of the many energies that come into contact with each other on our planet, pass through it and influence it, esoteric astrology distinguishes the following four types of forces, as they affect what can be called the personality of our Earth:

  • 1. The quality of our solar system. God is a consuming fire, but God is also love. This is taught by both esoteric and exoteric truth.
  • 2. The quality of the Logos of our planet, passing through the chains, circles, races and kingdoms of nature.
  • 3. The quality of the complementary planet of the Earth, which is esoterically regarded as the polar opposite of the Earth. This planet is Venus.
  • 4. The quality of the attraction of the three planets forming the esoteric triangle of force.

I have used the expression "pass through" centers and forms several times. This concept leads to the idea of ​​distribution centers to which energies can flow and from which they emanate as radiation. You can get some idea about this if I offer you a new (for you, but familiar to esotericists) concept of the centers of the human etheric body. The four centers above the diaphragm - heart, throat, ajna and head - are predominantly receptive centers. The centers below the diaphragm—the center at the base of the spine, the sacral, solar plexus, and splenic centers—are vitalized and energized by the four higher receptive centers. This functioning of the centers manifests itself as personal and physical magnetism (which is symbolized by the movement of the Sun from Aries to Pisces and further through the Zodiac), until the time comes when the movement reverses - and the person passes the zodiac circle as a soul (which is symbolized by the reverse movement from Aries to Taurus and beyond). The same happens in the human body, and the four lower centers eventually return what they have received, thereby reversing the normal process. At the same time, the centers above the diaphragm begin to actively radiate energy, becoming dynamic and magnetic. This occult theme is very complex and is devoted to the response of the etheric body to the incoming energies. Eventually a connection is established between the lower center at the base of the spine and the higher head center, which corresponds to the relationship of the earth to the sun. Think about it.

In our work on the study of these questions, we will always keep in mind the fact that the main subject of our consideration is the Seven Rays and their relationship in the cosmic process. Esoterically we are dealing with:

  • 1. Seven Rays and twelve signs of the Zodiac.
  • 2. Seven Rays and twelve Creative Hierarchies.
  • 3. The seven rays and planets that govern the twelve houses of external manifestation in the horoscope.

If we consider and correlate the various aspects of the teaching, we will discover three positions that govern the flow of vital energy to the planet and to the individual person. They have been outlined earlier in Treatise on the Seven Rays”, but it would be useful to recall them.

Proposition 1: Every ray life is an expression of the solar life, and therefore every planet is

  • 1. Associated with every other planetary life;
  • 2. Vitalized by the energy pouring into it from the seven solar systems, one of which is ours;
  • 3. Driven by three streams of force:
    • a) forces coming from other solar systems;
    • b) our own solar system;
    • c) our planetary life.

Statement 2: Each ray life is a receiver and custodian of energies coming from -

  • 1. Seven solar systems;
  • 2. Twelve constellations.

Statement 3: The phenomenal manifestation is determined by the quality of the ray life manifesting in space and time.

Before continuing our topic, I would like to emphasize the following two points:

  • First, we are considering esoteric influences and not astrology per se. The subject of our study is the Seven Rays and their relation to the zodiacal constellations. or, in other words, the interaction of the seven great Lives that saturate our solar system with the twelve constellations that form the Zodiac.
  • Secondly, we will inevitably have to investigate these energies and their interactions from the point of view of their influence on the planet, as well as their influence on forms in the various kingdoms of nature, especially in connection with the fourth kingdom, the human, and also in connection with the individual man - the average man. , disciple and initiate.

We will not deal with the technical side of astrology, and I will avoid the use of many technical terms. In presenting this vast subject and relation of the Ageless Wisdom to this new (and yet very ancient) "science of active energies" (as it is called), I hope that if I can present a new approach or note a new attitude and correct what is in terms of Considered erroneous by the Ageless Wisdom and the Masters on the inner side of life, then there will be astrologers who are able to perceive what I have said. I believe that there are enough unbiased researchers in the field of astrology who will accept the foregoing as plausible hypotheses and will conduct adequate experiments. Let me repeat: I am not writing an astrological treatise, but a treatise on the Seven Rays and their respective energies, on the influence of ray energy and the interaction of these energies with various planetary forces - especially with the influence of the Earth. I am looking for astrologers with an open mind who can properly experiment with the factors and ideas that I offer. With that in mind, let's continue.

So, I noted that these energies are divided into three groups:

  • 1. Coming from certain great constellations active in relation to our solar system and from ancient times always associated with it in myths and legends. These constellations are connected to us in a special way.
  • 2. Coming from the twelve constellations of the Zodiac. It is recognized that they have a certain influence on our system and on our planetary life.
  • 3. Those that come from the planets within the sphere of influence of the Sun.

From a certain point of view, one can make a broad generalization and say that in the solar system these three types of influences correspond to three main centers of power, generating and directing the manifestation of a human being and his evolutionary process:

  • 1. The great outer ruling constellations are analogous to that center of power which we call the Monad and its universal will-to-power, which is the hallmark of the first divine aspect.
  • 2. The twelve constellations can be seen as the embodiment of the soul aspect; at the present time their influence on the individual must be considered and studied in terms of the consciousness and development of the life of the soul. This is, in essence, will-to-love.
  • 3. The twelve planets (seven sacred and five non-sacred) are active (in a technical sense) in relation to the outer life, environment and circumstances of the individual. Their power contacts should be interpreted primarily in terms of the human personality, or the third divine aspect. They embody will-to-know.

I want you to remember that I am speaking exclusively in terms of consciousness and the response and reactions of the individual to these powerful forces at work. The influence of the emanations of our planet, the Earth, corresponds to the influence of that aggregate of atoms and molecules, which we call the dense body, and its response to the attraction of any other dense bodies.

As for the influence of the seven solar systems, I can only hint that they are astrologically connected with the constellations Ursa Major, Pleiades and Sirius. These seven systems are closely related to them, but their own action is transmitting and cannot yet be said to have a marked effect on humanity and other kingdoms in nature. The influence of the three great constellations is likewise imperceptible to the individual until, after the third initiation, he becomes conscious of the monadic vibrations. Many powerful influences are continuously working on our solar system and its planets, but, as far as man is concerned, his apparatus of response and mechanism of reactions remain, so to speak, "occultly immune," because they do not have a quality that allows them to be recognized in any noticeable way as in the dense as well as in the subtle vehicle, and even from the side of the soul. Such recognition and corresponding response will come in the course of a further evolutionary process, but at the present time they can be considered absent from the point of view of any astrological purposes and noticeable results, except for their influence on the fourth kingdom in nature as a whole, which forms a living unit in the body. Planetary Logos. Our conscious influence of these forces is as small as the impact of high contact in your morning meditation on the atom or molecule in the little finger of your hand. There may be a general response and stimulation throughout the body, but in the atom as a unit of consciousness this will not cause conscious response: vibration is too high.

It is useless to theorize on these topics. Throughout the entire cosmic etheric body, of which the etheric body of our system is an integral part, a huge system of intertwining energies is actively and rapidly circulating. However, speculative research in this direction and trying to navigate the intricate labyrinths of the mind is completely meaningless until a person can think in terms of a larger whole and acquires a greater ability to synthesize. We will confine ourselves to the broad field of energies that I have outlined for you, and consider only the basic circulating forces. This is sufficient for the present. We are interested in energies that can and do evoke a response, of which a person can be aware and of which he is often already aware.

It would be useful to make a general comment, with many necessary clarifications, on the wide range of these responses:

  • 1. Undeveloped humanity is conditioned in its life and circumstances primarily by the influence of the small Zodiac and, consequently, by the position of the planets in the twelve houses.
  • 2. Average educated humanity and those who are approaching the Path of Discipleship, being on the Path of Probation, consciously respond to:
    • a) Planets governing personality;
    • b) Sun sign, indicating the already established life tendencies, forming the line of least resistance;
    • c) Rising sign - to a lesser extent. It indicates the life purpose of this particular incarnation, or even a longer period of seven lives. The last two indicators - the solar and rising signs - make up the Great Zodiac.
  • 3. Disciples and initiates can begin to respond consciously to all the above influences, operating constructively with them, as well as those powerful, but infinitely subtle forces that pour into our solar system from the three main constellations mentioned above. In the early stages the response takes place in the subtle bodies and the brain is unable to register them, but after the third initiation they begin to be recognized on the physical plane.

Returning to the subject of this treatise, which is the seven rays, I wish to emphasize that these rays are closely related to the seven stars of Ursa Major (again, as always, three and four as a secondary differentiation) and to the seven Sisters, the Pleiades. The first constellation is the transmitter of the positive force to the Planetary Logos, and the second of the negative aspect. Thus a direct exchange of energies is established between the lives of the seven planetary Logoi and the great immeasurable Lives that saturate these major constellations. There are interconnected triangles of forces between the seven planets and two groups of seven stars each. Eventually it will be found that the deepest secret of astrological interpretation in the planetary sense is connected with these "sacred triangles", which in turn are represented by triangles (mobile and changeable) that can be built in connection with the seven centers.

In drawing up the horoscope of the planet (which will someday be possible), it will be found that the impact of these forces on our planet and its response to them is much more significant than the influence of the zodiac constellations on the human unit. This is a consequence of the immeasurably higher point in the evolution of the planetary Spirits Who (in Their individual lives) have largely transcended the influence of the twelve constellations and are rapidly becoming responsive to the higher vibrations of their great Prototypes, the "three hidden constellations" as they are esoterically called. The analogy of this phenomenon in the lives of these great Beings is the time when the advanced individual transcends the influence of the planets and thus becomes the master of his personal life to such an extent that it is no longer possible to accurately predict his activities and life circumstances. The soul dominates and the planets no longer condition life. So it is with the constellations and the planetary Logoi. They are able to eliminate the lower influences by awakening and responding to the infinitely higher vibrations of the three great constellations.

Esoteric astrology is based on the teachings of Alice Bailey. Fundamental in esoteric astrology is 7 rays theory.

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Treatise on the 7 Rays

The 7 rays theory is fundamental in esoteric astrology. Seven Rays are the main types of energies of manifestation of our Universe at all levels of existence. The real constellations manifest their energy through several planetary rulers who are the Divine Trinity of the Universe:

  • 1 Beam. Will and Power. The hierarchical ruler of the constellation is the energy with which the Teachers and Initiates interact. real constellations that are associated with the spiritual sphere of man, and also indicate the nature of the influence of objective external forces on the inner world of man. This is the projection of the constellations onto the ecliptic plane, that is, the plane in which the Earth moves around the Sun. The inner circle of the horoscope.
  • 2 Beam. Love and Wisdom. The esoteric ruler of the constellation is the energy that the Disciples interact with. The horoscope is expressed as follows: signs of the zodiac, which are associated with human psychology and indicate the main trends in his inner world. 4 main time points are taken as a basis: the spring and autumn equinoxes, the summer and winter solstices - this is also a consequence of the movement of the Earth around the Sun and reflects a certain reality. The remaining signs are obtained by dividing each quarter by three. It is drawn in the middle of the horoscope circle.
  • 3 Beam. Mind and Forms. The exoteric ruler of the constellation is the energy with which ordinary people interact. The horoscope is expressed as follows: houses that indicate the ways a person expresses himself in the outside world. This sphere is based on the rotation of the Earth around its axis. This area is well worked out by astrologers ... . It is drawn in the outer circle of the horoscope.
  • 4 Beam. Harmony through Conflict.
  • 5 Beam. specific knowledge.
  • 6 Beam. Idealism, Devotion
  • 7 Beam. Ceremonial Order

The Treatise on the 7 Rays says that the White Ray, consisting of the Seven Rays, enters our galaxy through the Pole Star. Further, this White Ray, decomposing into seven rays, is transmitted to the Big Dipper - these are the seven rays of the male principle (Yang), to the Pleiades constellation - these are the seven rays of the female principle (Yin) and to the constellation Sirius (Den).

Any of the rays is not "pure" by nature, but expresses through itself all the other rays, but its own is dominant.

The constellations in our galaxy are the agents or energy centers of these beams.

Our solar system also receives all seven rays and each planet has its own dominant ray, one of the planets is our Earth. Further, the energy is distributed through Shambhala through the kingdoms: mineral, vegetable, animal and human. From the human kingdom, the rays diverge through states, nations, and finally to a specific person.

The Age of Aquarius came in 1950 and the seven became fatal... There are three aspects to existence: matter, movement and consciousness. The number seven is the maximum number of different combinations of these three components of being. Everything in space is repeated on a changed scale, and at the same time, the values ​​​​of 3 and 7 remain constant, being the basis of the universe. The 49 worlds of space are divided into seven sevens of worlds. The seven highest worlds of the cosmos (1-7) is a prototype of the other six sevens of worlds. This seven is the basis of all other worlds, which are accurately copied from it in a reduced frequency of vibrations. The evolution of the consciousness of the monad takes place in turn in all 49 worlds of the cosmos. The evolution of the six higher divine realms takes place in the cosmic worlds (1-42). The evolution of the lower divine realm takes place in the worlds of the solar systems (43-49). In other words, God bless! Further, in the worlds (43-49) there are seven cosmic types. The first three types are fundamental and correspond to the three aspects of being. The energies of the other four types manifest in the worlds (46-49), developing the consciousness of the monads in the four lower kingdoms of nature.

Everything in the cosmos belongs to one of the seven types, including energy. There are seven different kinds of energies. Energies of types 1,3,5,7 awaken objective consciousness, while energies of types 2,4,6 have a subjectivizing effect. Under the influence of the latter, the subjective philosophies of the era of Pisces, which ended in 1950, were formed. To each type of monads on our planet, energies are communicated from three of the twelve zodiac constellations. The era of Pisces that ended was the era of subjective energies of the sixth type, which influenced our planet for 2500 years. The Age of Aquarius is the era of objective energies of the seventh type! The time has come to pass from the subjective illusions of the emotional world to the objective physical reality, because in it the real qualities of the superman develop! During one zodiac era, certain stable conditions develop, which seem to be the culmination of the development of life. But the onset of a new zodiacal era, carrying energies of a completely new type, destroys the old foundations and entails a violent breakthrough.

The scheme of reincarnations is also built on this. The number of humanity is sixty billion souls (embodied and incorporeal). And all these billions of monads are at different levels of development in the human kingdom. At the same time, it is possible to exist on the planet in the flesh only for individuals close in their level of development. And it's not just natural resources. It makes no sense for people in the stage of humanity or ideality to incarnate with people in the stage of barbarism, because they have long passed this class of the earthly school, there is nothing for them to learn in this class. But at the moment of fundamental transformations on the border of one era with another, when there is a change of zodiacal energies directed to the Earth, the Planetary Hierarchy contributes to the fact that for the violent change of foundations people of the stage of barbarism incarnate in the overwhelming majority, which are ideally suited for the collapse of the old system and will pass under this inevitable school of barbarism. When this destructive work is done, people of higher levels of development of consciousness will begin to incarnate in order to build a new culture on the ruins of the old and obsolete for the development of a new type of consciousness. In space there is nothing absolute, eternal, unchanging (except for monads).

Civilizations are born for the development of consciousness! When the general consciousness of mankind has assimilated everything that the current civilization could teach, it must give way to new forms of culture and civilization. Just as a person is born, develops, and when a worn-out body can no longer serve the development of consciousness, it dissolves it in order to reincarnate in a new one and continue evolution - civilizations are born, develop the consciousness of people and, having served their purpose, disappear! There is no flesh that is not corruptible. As there is no such civilization that would exist forever. It is possible to see deep meaning in this only at a certain level of consciousness. And the meaning is that yesterday's barbarians, who incarnated in order to unleash the Second World War and defeat the system of views that has served its purpose, will in due time incarnate in the highest stages of the human kingdom, and even later in the divine kingdoms. The point is that the Atlanteans, the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, the Sumerians, as well as the people of future eras, are none other than us, sitting now in front of a computer and trying to decide whether to get angry, whether to despair, or to understand that we are witnessing the death of the old civilization and birth pangs of a new!

The peculiarity of the era of Aquarius lies in the fact that for the first time humanity has the opportunity to personally witness the death of the old civilization and the birth of a new one. Of course, on a cosmic scale, the final "restructuring" takes time, and this process can last up to 500 years, during which individuals will gradually incarnate, capable of perceiving energies of the seventh type and building a new civilization. And all this is explained by esoteric astrology. This is a serious science of cosmic energies of all types, requiring at least a causal consciousness to study.This is not the kind of quasi-astrology that misleads most of humanity for selfish purposes, and which the Planetary Hierarchy calls only gross superstition! Esoteric astrology is the science of cosmic energies, and how between solar systems and planets there is an exchange of different types of initial atoms, carriers of the corresponding types of energy Interstellar energies form, change, dissolve and restructure the matter of solar systems, allowing the development of the consciousness of monads in these systems of the seven lower cosmic worlds.

Atoms (energy), in which the Earth bathes in the era of Aquarius, are directed towards us from one of the solar systems in the zodiacal constellation of Aquarius, which entails fundamental changes in the views of mankind on life, a real revolution! In space there is a constant exchange of energies: the energies that animate the solar systems are emitted to them by the 7-balls of the solar systems, then the suns pour these energies, but at reduced vibration frequencies, onto their planets. At the same time, it must be taken into account that everything in space, stars, planets, are living beings developing their consciousness! Esoteric astrology demonstrates how the solar systems, at a higher level of development of the consciousness of their constituent monads, help the younger systems. Each solar system has its own special energies and consciousness. Thus, esoteric astrology is the science of cosmic energies, which directly, as well as through the planets of the solar system, influence the events taking place on Earth, contributing to evolution. From an individual point of view, in order to make a real horoscope, something more is required than the knowledge that astrologers supposedly have.

Zodiacal energies, in combination with karma and the influence of the subconscious, actually make us who we are in this incarnation and in any other. But in order to establish what type of vibrations (the energies of atoms from the corresponding constellations) will have a particularly powerful influence on an individual in a particular incarnation, it is necessary, first of all, to know the exact moment of birth of all his shells (organism, ethereal, emotional, mental, causal ). Even Indian yogis, who have achieved the heights of mastery, have an objective consciousness of only the emotional world, occasionally the lower mental one. But what about the causal shell? This already explains the fact that every quasi-astrologer you meet who fools people simply does not get it! Before you engage in true astrology, you need to master the causal consciousness and understand the charts for this is not enough, because consciousness is an esoteric term and, alas, is not a synonym for mental abilities. Moreover, it is not easy for even a causal astrologer to draw up a person's horoscope.

More precisely, it is easier to make a horoscope, the lower the level of development of the individual's consciousness. A person in the stage of barbarism is completely dependent on external vibrations, absorbing them and acting impulsively under their influence. Therefore, by calculating the vibrations of his constellation and taking into account karma, one can actually calculate his fate. Everything in space consists of energy vibrations of matter of 49 types. Cosmos is an incomprehensible, flawless, skillfully woven web of atomic energy threads, shaped like a ball. Each monad has its own character! And this individuality is manifested in all three aspects of being: matter, movement (energy), consciousness. Each kind of matter, therefore, from the very beginning possesses and constantly builds up a specific type of energy, belongs to one of the seven types, and follows its own individual purpose in the process of manifestation of the cosmos. All types of atoms in all 49 worlds radiate material energy by themselves.

In addition, all types of matter existing in the cosmos, from the lowest to the highest, are permeated by the flow of the original atoms - monads. This is the cosmic energy that sustains life in all kinds of matter! From the point of view of the aspect of consciousness, any matter of the cosmos is one or another combination of monads, possessing their collective consciousness. Depending on this, matter undergoes evolution either in one of the five kingdoms of nature, or in one of the seven divine kingdoms. In humans, each atom of the molecule, each molecule of the cell, each cell, each organ has its share of the total consciousness of the whole organism. Each thin shell of a person also has its own consciousness. Human consciousness is a set of aggregate consciousnesses of all its shells (organism, ethereal, emotional, mental). A person in the primitive stages of barbarism and civilization is entirely and completely driven by the consciousness of his various shells, which are influenced by vibrations from the outside.

Like all planets, the Earth captures energies from the zodiacal constellations, reduces the frequency of vibrations of these cosmic energies, decomposing them into its seven types, adapting the cosmic energies of the constellations to its needs and radiating them to us. Each of the seven types inherent in the Earth receives the energies of the three zodiac constellations, which have a different effect on the various shells of the individual, depending on the level of development of his consciousness. All this seemingly unimaginable complex determines the individual horoscope of a person, his stellar destiny. Only a causal person can see the correspondence between the 7-ball of solar systems, the planetary 7-ball and the 49-ball (see cosmology). And without this, it is impossible to make a correct horoscope, and according to the planetary hierarchy, at least 200 years will pass before people can engage in genuine astrology. This is the science of the future!

Part of this science is the esoteric doctrine of cycles, or the "rhythm of being." Unfortunately, esoteric terms, once they come into use, quickly lose their original meaning, becoming synonymous with anything but esoteric concepts! In addition, esotericism is in danger of falling into disrepute due to the growing popularity of the occult, erroneously also called esotericism. More and more dreamers, for selfish purposes, hastily replicate all sorts of nonsense, like other cheap reading material that sells well. To this it remains to add the Black Lodge, through such hacks exerting its emotional influence on humanity, to whom they wish everything but good. So, stuffed with all this "esoteric" fiction, people lose their sense of reality, lose the ability to distinguish truth from fiction, or generally prefer fantasy. Therefore, I ask you to forget for a moment what you probably already heard about the rhythms of being.

In true esotericism, the rhythm of being is determined by cosmic vibrations, and therefore is the subject of astrology. At certain intervals (cyclically) the energies of the seven types are repeated. Humanity could make a grand leap in the development of consciousness with the change of these cycles! Approximately so it is told about these cycles in ancient myths. But in reality, humanity prefers to follow not the laws of life, but the laws invented by itself, conducting cycle after cycle in captivity of systems of views built by people, leading to a dead end, and not to the development of consciousness. Mankind cannot on its own, without help from above, acquire the knowledge of reality that is necessary in order to build the right worldview, which makes it possible to develop consciousness. And the Planetary Hierarchy has been rejected by him since the time of Atlantis!

Everything is subject to the law of change. Everything in space undergoes changes, including planets. The types of energies that affect the planets also change. And this is manifested in the transition from one zodiacal era to another. In each zodiac era, the original atoms of a different type, carriers of a different consciousness and energies, permeate the atoms and molecules of the planet. It affects all three aspects of the planet: matter, energy, consciousness. Completely new conditions are being created! The changes in the cosmic scale taking place in the era of Aquarius may not even be felt in one incarnation. And causal people observe this with ease, not to mention the Planetary Hierarchy and above, for whom it is generally like hockey on the table! This is the whole point of what the Buddha said: a person cannot cognize the nature of being without outside help!

Evolution occurs in cycles, in an ascending spiral. Each time the departed zodiacal energies return after 30,000 years. The effect of these energies is similar, but only approximately, since evolution has already moved forward since the last similar cycle. Nothing stands still in space! Moreover, the cycles of evolution cannot be a continuous process. With the onset of a new era, which entails a complete upheaval in all respects, a break occurs. The emotional energies of the Age of Pisces are replaced by the mental energies of the Age of Aquarius, which entails a complete transformation of all aspects of life, in all kingdoms of nature. Unnoticeably, this is in the course of one incarnation, because the transformation takes at least 500 years. That is how much the complete replacement of the energies of one zodiac constellation with the energies of another takes place! But what is 500 years on a cosmic scale?

Mental energies give those who incarnate during the Age of Aquarius a unique chance to make a leap in the development of consciousness! This imposes on them a great responsibility, because if the energies intended for the development of consciousness are not used properly, they mechanically turn into destructive forces, which happens on the scale of the organism, organization, society, nation, humanity, planet, system, etc. . It will take another 250 years from the actual equinoctial line of change of the zodiac constellations for the mental vibrations of the Age of Aquarius to completely sweep out the emotional vibrations of the Age of Pisces. Changes manifest themselves in emotional and mental chaos, when habitual views on life, religions, beliefs, foundations, everything that seemed unshakable during the Piscean era, with its subjective emotional energies, dissolve with new energies.

New vibrations also have a physical effect, transforming our organisms, influencing the lower kingdoms of nature: animals, plants, minerals. Many species of plants and animals will disappear, and new ones will appear in their place. The culture of the old era, having served its purpose in the development of consciousness, disintegrates, leaving room for a new one. Barbaric dominance in times of transition is necessary to hasten the decay of the old culture. For the development of a new type of consciousness, a new culture must also be born! Therefore, barbarians in the centuries of transition are allowed to stand at the helm of the planet. In the last change of the zodiacal era, during the transition to the era of Pisces, theologians stood at the helm. With the advent of the Age of Aquarius, power was concentrated in the hands of politicians of all sorts. From an astrological point of view, the Age of Aquarius is unique in that almost simultaneously with the moment the equinox entered the zodiac constellation Aquarius, our solar system came into contact with cosmic energies also emanating from this constellation. This contact will last 30,000 years.

The planet, like humanity, has fallen to take advantage of a double energy impact that provides unimaginable opportunities for the development of consciousness, for the first time in the history of the planet! Consciousness becomes perspective, and more developed individuals can even notice this in the course of one life! During the Age of Aquarius, involved in the lower types of matter (mental, emotional, ethereal, physical), the atoms of the essential world (46) will create the necessary conditions for the awakening of essential consciousness (consciousness of unity) in people. Following the law of unity, people of the stages of culture, humanity and ideality, literally in one or two incarnations, will be able to reach the fifth kingdom of nature! All the energies of the physical world come from the higher worlds. Usually, by acquiring the ability to use these higher energies, a person reaches higher levels of consciousness development gradually. In the era of Aquarius, striving for emotional ennoblement and increasing the mental abilities of perception, a person, without realizing it, makes this process impetuous!

The Age of Aquarius came in 1950 and the seven became fatal... There are three aspects to existence: matter, movement and consciousness. The number seven is the maximum number of different combinations of these three components of being. Everything in space is repeated on a changed scale, and at the same time, the values ​​​​of 3 and 7 remain constant, being the basis of the universe. The 49 worlds of space are divided into seven sevens of worlds. The seven highest worlds of the cosmos (1-7) is a prototype of the other six sevens of worlds. This seven is the basis of all other worlds, which are accurately copied from it in a reduced frequency of vibrations. The evolution of the consciousness of the monad takes place in turn in all 49 worlds of the cosmos. The evolution of the six higher divine realms takes place in the cosmic worlds (1-42). The evolution of the lower divine realm takes place in the worlds of the solar systems (43-49). In other words, God bless! Further, in the worlds (43-49) there are seven cosmic types. The first three types are fundamental and correspond to the three aspects of being. The energies of the other four types manifest in the worlds (46-49), developing the consciousness of the monads in the four lower kingdoms of nature.

Everything in the cosmos belongs to one of the seven types, including energy. There are seven different kinds of energies. Energies of types 1,3,5,7 awaken objective consciousness, while energies of types 2,4,6 have a subjectivizing effect. Under the influence of the latter, the subjective philosophies of the era of Pisces, which ended in 1950, were formed. To each type of monads on our planet, energies are communicated from three of the twelve zodiac constellations. The era of Pisces that ended was the era of subjective energies of the sixth type, which influenced our planet for 2500 years. The Age of Aquarius is the era of objective energies of the seventh type! The time has come to pass from the subjective illusions of the emotional world to the objective physical reality, because in it the real qualities of the superman develop! During one zodiac era, certain stable conditions develop, which seem to be the culmination of the development of life. But the onset of a new zodiacal era, carrying energies of a completely new type, destroys the old foundations and entails a violent breakthrough.

The scheme of reincarnations is also built on this. The number of humanity is sixty billion souls (embodied and incorporeal). And all these billions of monads are at different levels of development in the human kingdom. At the same time, it is possible to exist on the planet in the flesh only for individuals close in their level of development. And it's not just natural resources. It makes no sense for people in the stage of humanity or ideality to incarnate with people in the stage of barbarism, because they have long passed this class of the earthly school, there is nothing for them to learn in this class. But at the moment of fundamental transformations on the border of one era with another, when there is a change of zodiacal energies directed to the Earth, the Planetary Hierarchy contributes to the fact that for the violent change of foundations people of the stage of barbarism incarnate in the overwhelming majority, which are ideally suited for the collapse of the old system and will pass under this inevitable school of barbarism. When this destructive work is done, people of higher levels of development of consciousness will begin to incarnate in order to build a new culture on the ruins of the old and obsolete for the development of a new type of consciousness. In space there is nothing absolute, eternal, unchanging (except for monads).

Civilizations are born for the development of consciousness! When the general consciousness of mankind has assimilated everything that the current civilization could teach, it must give way to new forms of culture and civilization. Just as a person is born, develops, and when a worn-out body can no longer serve the development of consciousness, it dissolves it in order to reincarnate in a new one and continue evolution - civilizations are born, develop the consciousness of people and, having served their purpose, disappear! There is no flesh that is not corruptible. As there is no such civilization that would exist forever. It is possible to see deep meaning in this only at a certain level of consciousness. And the meaning is that yesterday's barbarians, who incarnated in order to unleash the Second World War and defeat the system of views that has served its purpose, will in due time incarnate in the highest stages of the human kingdom, and even later in the divine kingdoms. The point is that the Atlanteans, the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, the Sumerians, as well as the people of future eras, are none other than us, sitting now in front of a computer and trying to decide whether to get angry, whether to despair, or to understand that we are witnessing the death of the old civilization and birth pangs of a new!

The peculiarity of the era of Aquarius lies in the fact that for the first time humanity has the opportunity to personally witness the death of the old civilization and the birth of a new one. Of course, on a cosmic scale, the final "restructuring" takes time, and this process can last up to 500 years, during which individuals will gradually incarnate, capable of perceiving energies of the seventh type and building a new civilization. And all this is explained by esoteric astrology. This is a serious science of cosmic energies of all types, requiring at least a causal consciousness to study.This is not the kind of quasi-astrology that misleads most of humanity for selfish purposes, and which the Planetary Hierarchy calls only gross superstition! Esoteric astrology is the science of cosmic energies, and how between solar systems and planets there is an exchange of different types of initial atoms, carriers of the corresponding types of energy Interstellar energies form, change, dissolve and restructure the matter of solar systems, allowing the development of the consciousness of monads in these systems of the seven lower cosmic worlds.

Atoms (energy), in which the Earth bathes in the era of Aquarius, are directed towards us from one of the solar systems in the zodiacal constellation of Aquarius, which entails fundamental changes in the views of mankind on life, a real revolution! In space there is a constant exchange of energies: the energies that animate the solar systems are emitted to them by the 7-balls of the solar systems, then the suns pour these energies, but at reduced vibration frequencies, onto their planets. At the same time, it must be taken into account that everything in space, stars, planets, are living beings developing their consciousness! Esoteric astrology demonstrates how the solar systems, at a higher level of development of the consciousness of their constituent monads, help the younger systems. Each solar system has its own special energies and consciousness. Thus, esoteric astrology is the science of cosmic energies, which directly, as well as through the planets of the solar system, influence the events taking place on Earth, contributing to evolution. From an individual point of view, in order to make a real horoscope, something more is required than the knowledge that astrologers supposedly have.

Zodiacal energies, in combination with karma and the influence of the subconscious, actually make us who we are in this incarnation and in any other. But in order to establish what type of vibrations (the energies of atoms from the corresponding constellations) will have a particularly powerful influence on an individual in a particular incarnation, it is necessary, first of all, to know the exact moment of birth of all his shells (organism, ethereal, emotional, mental, causal ). Even Indian yogis, who have achieved the heights of mastery, have an objective consciousness of only the emotional world, occasionally the lower mental one. But what about the causal shell? This already explains the fact that every quasi-astrologer you meet who fools people simply does not get it! Before you engage in true astrology, you need to master the causal consciousness and understand the charts for this is not enough, because consciousness is an esoteric term and, alas, is not a synonym for mental abilities. Moreover, it is not easy for even a causal astrologer to draw up a person's horoscope.

More precisely, it is easier to make a horoscope, the lower the level of development of the individual's consciousness. A person in the stage of barbarism is completely dependent on external vibrations, absorbing them and acting impulsively under their influence. Therefore, by calculating the vibrations of his constellation and taking into account karma, one can actually calculate his fate. Everything in space consists of energy vibrations of matter of 49 types. Cosmos is an incomprehensible, flawless, skillfully woven web of atomic energy threads, shaped like a ball. Each monad has its own character! And this individuality is manifested in all three aspects of being: matter, movement (energy), consciousness. Each kind of matter, therefore, from the very beginning possesses and constantly builds up a specific type of energy, belongs to one of the seven types, and follows its own individual purpose in the process of manifestation of the cosmos. All types of atoms in all 49 worlds radiate material energy by themselves.

In addition, all types of matter existing in the cosmos, from the lowest to the highest, are permeated by the flow of the original atoms - monads. This is the cosmic energy that sustains life in all kinds of matter! From the point of view of the aspect of consciousness, any matter of the cosmos is one or another combination of monads, possessing their collective consciousness. Depending on this, matter undergoes evolution either in one of the five kingdoms of nature, or in one of the seven divine kingdoms. In humans, each atom of the molecule, each molecule of the cell, each cell, each organ has its share of the total consciousness of the whole organism. Each thin shell of a person also has its own consciousness. Human consciousness is a set of aggregate consciousnesses of all its shells (organism, ethereal, emotional, mental). A person in the primitive stages of barbarism and civilization is entirely and completely driven by the consciousness of his various shells, which are influenced by vibrations from the outside.

Like all planets, the Earth captures energies from the zodiacal constellations, reduces the frequency of vibrations of these cosmic energies, decomposing them into its seven types, adapting the cosmic energies of the constellations to its needs and radiating them to us. Each of the seven types inherent in the Earth receives the energies of the three zodiac constellations, which have a different effect on the various shells of the individual, depending on the level of development of his consciousness. All this seemingly unimaginable complex determines the individual horoscope of a person, his stellar destiny. Only a causal person can see the correspondence between the 7-ball of solar systems, the planetary 7-ball and the 49-ball (see cosmology). And without this, it is impossible to make a correct horoscope, and according to the planetary hierarchy, at least 200 years will pass before people can engage in genuine astrology. This is the science of the future!

Part of this science is the esoteric doctrine of cycles, or the "rhythm of being." Unfortunately, esoteric terms, once they come into use, quickly lose their original meaning, becoming synonymous with anything but esoteric concepts! In addition, esotericism is in danger of falling into disrepute due to the growing popularity of the occult, erroneously also called esotericism. More and more dreamers, for selfish purposes, hastily replicate all sorts of nonsense, like other cheap reading material that sells well. To this it remains to add the Black Lodge, through such hacks exerting its emotional influence on humanity, to whom they wish everything but good. So, stuffed with all this "esoteric" fiction, people lose their sense of reality, lose the ability to distinguish truth from fiction, or generally prefer fantasy. Therefore, I ask you to forget for a moment what you probably already heard about the rhythms of being.

In true esotericism, the rhythm of being is determined by cosmic vibrations, and therefore is the subject of astrology. At certain intervals (cyclically) the energies of the seven types are repeated. Humanity could make a grand leap in the development of consciousness with the change of these cycles! Approximately so it is told about these cycles in ancient myths. But in reality, humanity prefers to follow not the laws of life, but the laws invented by itself, conducting cycle after cycle in captivity of systems of views built by people, leading to a dead end, and not to the development of consciousness. Mankind cannot on its own, without help from above, acquire the knowledge of reality that is necessary in order to build the right worldview, which makes it possible to develop consciousness. And the Planetary Hierarchy has been rejected by him since the time of Atlantis!

Everything is subject to the law of change. Everything in space undergoes changes, including planets. The types of energies that affect the planets also change. And this is manifested in the transition from one zodiacal era to another. In each zodiac era, the original atoms of a different type, carriers of a different consciousness and energies, permeate the atoms and molecules of the planet. It affects all three aspects of the planet: matter, energy, consciousness. Completely new conditions are being created! The changes in the cosmic scale taking place in the era of Aquarius may not even be felt in one incarnation. And causal people observe this with ease, not to mention the Planetary Hierarchy and above, for whom it is generally like hockey on the table! This is the whole point of what the Buddha said: a person cannot cognize the nature of being without outside help!

Evolution occurs in cycles, in an ascending spiral. Each time the departed zodiacal energies return after 30,000 years. The effect of these energies is similar, but only approximately, since evolution has already moved forward since the last similar cycle. Nothing stands still in space! Moreover, the cycles of evolution cannot be a continuous process. With the onset of a new era, which entails a complete upheaval in all respects, a break occurs. The emotional energies of the Age of Pisces are replaced by the mental energies of the Age of Aquarius, which entails a complete transformation of all aspects of life, in all kingdoms of nature. Unnoticeably, this is in the course of one incarnation, because the transformation takes at least 500 years. That is how much the complete replacement of the energies of one zodiac constellation with the energies of another takes place! But what is 500 years on a cosmic scale?

Mental energies give those who incarnate during the Age of Aquarius a unique chance to make a leap in the development of consciousness! This imposes on them a great responsibility, because if the energies intended for the development of consciousness are not used properly, they mechanically turn into destructive forces, which happens on the scale of the organism, organization, society, nation, humanity, planet, system, etc. . It will take another 250 years from the actual equinoctial line of change of the zodiac constellations for the mental vibrations of the Age of Aquarius to completely sweep out the emotional vibrations of the Age of Pisces. Changes manifest themselves in emotional and mental chaos, when habitual views on life, religions, beliefs, foundations, everything that seemed unshakable during the Piscean era, with its subjective emotional energies, dissolve with new energies.

New vibrations also have a physical effect, transforming our organisms, influencing the lower kingdoms of nature: animals, plants, minerals. Many species of plants and animals will disappear, and new ones will appear in their place. The culture of the old era, having served its purpose in the development of consciousness, disintegrates, leaving room for a new one. Barbaric dominance in times of transition is necessary to hasten the decay of the old culture. For the development of a new type of consciousness, a new culture must also be born! Therefore, barbarians in the centuries of transition are allowed to stand at the helm of the planet. In the last change of the zodiacal era, during the transition to the era of Pisces, theologians stood at the helm. With the advent of the Age of Aquarius, power was concentrated in the hands of politicians of all sorts. From an astrological point of view, the Age of Aquarius is unique in that almost simultaneously with the moment the equinox entered the zodiac constellation Aquarius, our solar system came into contact with cosmic energies also emanating from this constellation. This contact will last 30,000 years.

The planet, like humanity, has fallen to take advantage of a double energy impact that provides unimaginable opportunities for the development of consciousness, for the first time in the history of the planet! Consciousness becomes perspective, and more developed individuals can even notice this in the course of one life! During the Age of Aquarius, involved in the lower types of matter (mental, emotional, ethereal, physical), the atoms of the essential world (46) will create the necessary conditions for the awakening of essential consciousness (consciousness of unity) in people. Following the law of unity, people of the stages of culture, humanity and ideality, literally in one or two incarnations, will be able to reach the fifth kingdom of nature! All the energies of the physical world come from the higher worlds. Usually, by acquiring the ability to use these higher energies, a person reaches higher levels of consciousness development gradually. In the era of Aquarius, striving for emotional ennoblement and increasing the mental abilities of perception, a person, without realizing it, makes this process impetuous!