Can a karmic relationship be happy. How to know if a karmic man or not? What does it mean

Throughout their lives, people intersect with thousands of others like themselves. We meet some of the people for the first time, and some we have already met in past incarnations. There are many such people, but not all of them leave an indelible mark on our lives.

Very often in life it happens that a seemingly absolutely sane person loses his head from love at first sight. It happens both in youth and in adulthood. This can also happen at the moment when a person is not free or there are so many relationships in his luggage that he decides - that's enough!

What happens at the moment when the eyes of two meet and a certain spark flares up between them? This can be explained by the birth of love. And yet, in most cases, this has the following explanation: there are former “halves”, those who in past lives were spouses, lovers, or had platonic relationships. When the eyes of two people meet, the energy of past lives that is recorded in their energy fields is activated. There is a "recognition".

Karmic meeting

Relationships begin. Two people may have a real coincidence of tastes, consonance of thoughts, etc. A whirlwind of emotions picks them up and makes them dizzy. These two did not know each other in this life before, but they may not know anything about past lives. And it seems to them that this meeting, when they felt such a craving for each other, such an inexplicable attraction, is the finger of fate.

Yes, of course, such a meeting is not accidental. But the reasons for it can be very different. Perhaps they have to complete something that they did not complete in a past life. Perhaps they need to understand something. Karmic energy can attract two, and they don’t even know about it. And it is not at all necessary in this incarnation that they will have happy love or even marriage. Very often such meetings occur precisely for karmic reasons.

When two people meet and “recognition” arises, and it seems to them that there is so much in common between them that fate “brought them together”, one must remember that, having the memory of past lives, which everyone has in the subconscious, a person begins to impose on a partner, certain expectations, their projections, etc., in connection with those qualities and circumstances that existed then, in that life.

But now the partner is a completely different person, somewhat similar to that one, but in many ways new, because, being at the moment the quintessence of our past incarnations, we still carry the features of many people, and not one particular person. And this other person (or rather, both new personalities who have entered into a relationship) think, feel, act in a completely different way. And it is not at all necessary that relationships from the past can continue now. Even if it was love to the grave.

When confronted with reality, such relationships often go out. A powerful attraction dissipates, everyday life invades, past and present realities collide and conflict.

Zeroing karma

If people are wise enough, if the feeling that they have is really strong and bright, they can find a common language, build relationships and, perhaps, somewhere on a deep level, realize or feel the reason that brought them together, and work it out. And continue a relationship free from karmic addiction.

More often it happens the other way around - people break up. Karma remains unworked and moves on to the next incarnation. Cases when men in adulthood "lose their heads" from love and leave the family for young mistresses are from the same series. Most often, this is also a meeting of former "halves". Even in families where there is love between spouses, but relationship problems constantly arise, when one or both do not want to understand, accept the closest person, the topic of parting constantly arises.

It is very easy, of course, to simply get away from a problematic relationship, leave and forget. This is the easiest way out. Yes, it's the easiest, and many do. But without understanding why they are not comfortable, without realizing WHAT exactly we are working with this person, without neutralizing karma and learning the lesson, such a separation will not remove the problem. Karma with this person will remain unsettled and will be transferred to the next incarnation, the message that he carries will not be deciphered, and the lesson will not be passed.

And in the near future, another person from a past life with the same message and the same lesson will be attracted, and everything will start all over again.

Many people all their lives do nothing but run away from their lessons and step on the same rake. But ask yourself, is this correct? And isn’t it worth it to more consciously approach the understanding of the true reasons for your connection and finally break the Gordian knot of karma?..

How do you know if a relationship is karmic?

The most reliable way is to make a synastry with a good astrologer. If for some reason this method does not suit you, then it remains to analyze the relationship by studying the main signs of a karmic connection given below.

So, the main signs that will help you understand that we are dealing with a karmic relationship:

- At the first meeting there is a strong mutual attraction to each other, a strong interest. You may get the feeling that you already know this person, have seen it somewhere.

- Another person causes you feelings or emotions, the origin of which you cannot explain to yourself. These feelings may be completely illogical and out of character for you. This can also include inappropriate actions. That is, actions that are not characteristic of a person in relation to other people, but with this partner, as if something makes them act in this way and not otherwise.

Relationships develop quickly and unexpectedly. At the same time, it seems that even the partners themselves can change little here. There is a certain predestination in such relations.

It is very difficult to break such relationships. Even if you do it by force, then subsequently the image of this person will haunt you for many years. And all because you left the working off without finishing what you started.

- Karmic connection often resembles a love spell in its action. Even if people part, they are drawn to each other with irresistible force. This relationship is characterized by dissatisfaction with the current situation. Dissatisfaction and the inability to change anything.

— N unexpectedness. Relationships are tied unexpectedly for both partners or one of them. They can be completely different in character, differ in social and financial status, have a big difference in age. In another version, partners can know each other for years, but the very decision to get married turns out to be a sudden continuation of the relationship: for many years they talked only as friends, but suddenly one evening the situation turns into an intimate channel and after that the couple decides to get married.

Karmic marriage - greetings from the past

Karmic relationships are not as rare as they might seem at first glance. The concept of "karma" comes from the East, but what it defines is not something alien to us. We all know proverbs like “What you sow, you will reap” or “As it comes around, so it will respond.” The doctrine of karma says exactly the same thing!

A karmic marriage is a union of two people who already knew each other closely in a past life, but they still have some debts to each other. In past incarnations, they could be husband and wife, relatives, each other's parents, lovers, or even enemies. And in this life, fate brought them together again so that they would repay each other's debts and work out their karma (atone for guilt, correct mistakes). After all, the union of two loving hearts is one of the biggest purgatories on Earth, where our characters and worldview are seriously tested.

Is everything too confusing? An example will help you understand. Let's suppose that in a past life you had a boyfriend who doted on you and dreamed of marrying you. But you left it because the son of your boss laid eyes on you. Marriage with him promised you mountains of gold: career advancement, business trips abroad, a comfortable existence ... And you, considering these arguments very convincing, left the one who loved you more than life ...

Be sure that in this life a similar situation will certainly arise and it will repeat itself until you learn the lesson and do the right thing. Like in a computer game: level two, try two.

However, before marriage, no one thinks about the bad and usually does not look at karma. But in vain. The very arguments that guide people when entering into marriage can say a lot about the future life of the spouses.

So, blind passion. This is a classic example of a karmic marriage. Let's consider it on a concrete example.

In a past life, the conditional Nikolai Lvovich was a promising young scientist, but he loved his bride Anya so much that he abandoned scientific research for her sake and did not justify his calling. In this life, he is literally obsessed with work and career, and tries to avoid women. The soul of Nikolai Lvovich remembers the experience of previous mistakes, and therefore a man is subconsciously afraid of marriage, like others are afraid of water, confined spaces or heights.

But the laws of karma cannot be canceled, therefore, in this life, our hero finds himself in a similar situation. His fear and attempts to escape from love are blocked by a unique mechanism of blind passion: Nikolai Lvovich falls in love like a boy, lives with his beloved, raves about her. As a result, protective barriers collapse, fear recedes into the background ...

It would seem, live and rejoice! An no. After some time, our hero will have to face the same problem again as in a past life. Again, you will have to make a choice between vocation and love, and make the right decision, which in this case looks like this: love and work can be combined, you can’t betray yourself and refuse your calling.

Another classic example is It's time. If you are getting married (getting married) not because you fell in love with all your heart, but because “the time has come” or because all your friends have already started a family for a long time, this should alert you. From a biological point of view, you have simply reached marriageable age and are ready to create your own family and have children (often unconsciously to yourself).

From a karmic point of view, the desire to get married appears at the age when you did it in a past life, especially if the marriage was unsuccessful. In other words, the mistake of a past life, deposited in karma, is waiting for its correction, and it seems that fate is pushing a person to action - try again.

Marriage of convenience. The epidemic of weddings, as a rule, begins in the last year of the institute. When old ties are broken, the usual rhythm of life changes, girls and boys are warmed by the hope that together it is not so scary to start a new stage of life. They are looking for a suitable partner - more promising, richer, with an apartment, with a car ... However, such a marriage is happy only when there are feelings and spiritual kinship between young people. If the decision is made solely for selfish reasons, the probability of a happy marriage is zero. Indeed, from a karmic point of view, such a marriage is nothing more than a desire to evade problems, to shift them onto the shoulders of the husband (wife).

The desire is both understandable and legitimate, but in reality no one will solve our problems for us. And no matter what misfortunes we are hiding from (loneliness, lack of money, parental dictates), they will certainly overtake us. AND this will continue until we find the strength to solve the problem on our own.

What you value most in your husband is money- be sure, sooner or later he will lose them, and you will be left with nothing. Do you like its position and reliability? Alas, the day when he will be left without work is not far off ... And these are not the vagaries of the villainous fate, these are karmic lessons. Everyone will have to go their own way and learn a lot.

Lots of young girls jumping out to get married as protest or from desire to get rid of excessive parental control. And they fall into no less bondage, only now - from her husband. The fact is that they “carry” dependence on anyone and themselves “produce” it into the world around them. Even someone who was not born a domestic despot will become one only because you are subconsciously waiting for this. All you have to do is sigh and say: “Well, it’s clear that I have such a karma!”

Change! Become a person! Learn not to depend on anyone else's opinion. Then your life will change for the better..

For ladies aged or with a child in their arms, an incentive for marriage can be ... fear: “What if it’s too late in a year?”, “Who will need me?”, “Yes, and the child needs a father ...” Sometimes there is such an argument: “I’m tired of waiting for the prince, let there be at least some kind of husband.” In other words, this is the case when a girl marries not the one she wants, but the one who turned up by the arm. If after a while she can discover hidden virtues in her spouse, the marriage will be successful. But, most likely, she will remember all her life that she agreed to a compromise and married a man not of her level.

It is possible that a couple of years after her marriage, she will really meet her Prince. And this is not a cruel joke of fate, but the law of karma - each person attracts to himself those circumstances and those people about whom he dreams. It's just that not everyone has the patience to wait for their "request" to be received..

Let's say you are a young girl (boyfriend) with a good position, a good salary, an apartment, a car. But all this does not bring you happiness, you only dream of a family and children. In this case, you are either a person whom psychologists call a “non-self-sufficient person”, or an “ancient soul”. Distinguishing one type from another is quite simple.

Non-self-sufficient people believe that they can only be happy when someone needs them. They complain all the time about the amount of trouble they put on themselves. And the "ancient souls", from the point of view of esotericists, have developed quite strongly themselves, but they come into this world to help others. The "Ancient Soul" does not complain about anything, on the contrary, others constantly come to her to cry. And they leave reassured.

And now we will draw conclusions about the features of karmic marriage:

Marriage was unexpected for the partners themselves. Unexpected, because according to all the rules, orders and foundations, they are "not a couple." They may have, for example, a completely different social status, environment, financial situation or age difference.

There is a lot of iconic, “fatal” and predetermined in their relationship.. For example, their relationship outwardly looks incompatible with a happy coexistence. They can constantly quarrel and swear, but at the same time they simply cannot imagine life without each other.

Alcohol or drug addiction of one of the partners. Such a situation in the family is always accompanied by the suffering of one of the partners. Most likely, in this life they just switched places, and now one experiences what the other experienced in a past life.

Absence of children. A sign of the closeness of the future for the clan. In marriage, not only two people are united, but also two clans. Such relationships exist in order for partners to rethink their own traits that the family does not want to pass on to future generations. If rethinking does not occur, that most often such a marriage is terminated.

Health problems in one of the partners. Such a situation is created to awaken the higher aspects of love, such as compassion and care, which might not manifest themselves in a prosperous situation.

Marriage happens unexpectedly and quickly, after which all ties with other people, including relatives, are broken by moving to another city or abroad.

Very quick marriage after a couple of weeks of dating or less. In such a relationship, everything happens as if according to the script, and the couple understands their new position only after a while. Before that, they seemed to be driven by forces that they themselves were not aware of.

Rarely, but it happens that people live together for many years and cannot imagine life without each other. They are not in love, they truly love, accepting a partner for who he is, with all his shortcomings and virtues. From a karmic point of view, such spouses have passed all the tests, worked out all the lessons, corrected all the mistakes and now enjoy each other, appreciating every moment allotted to them. Their destinies are intertwined, they are connected by strong threads, bonds, and not by chains or shackles.

An enticing prospect? So work on yourself! And remember that karma is not a dogma or a curse. It is just the result of how you lived in past lives and live in the present. Correct mistakes, go through life with an open heart, giving love. And then you will certainly meet your happiness!

Based on materials from,, Oracle newspaper

It happens that a man and a woman meet for the first time, begin to communicate, and the feeling that they have known each other for many years does not leave them - they say phrases one after another, they understand from a half-word and a half-look. Often this happens if there is a karmic connection between them, which occurs when in a past life they had emotional outbursts or had any debts left, that is, they could not solve some situations, so they hung in the air. Fate, having arranged a meeting for them, gives a chance to get rid of the traces of the past, parting forever, or, conversely, to get closer.

How to understand whether an acquaintance is accidental or predetermined by fate? You can turn to clairvoyants, tell fortunes on cards or runes, and also make an astrological forecast. And there is another method that is easy to use at home - numerological. To do this, it is necessary to subtract 22 from the birthday of a man and a woman (a dual number that can both attract and repel, this is how karmic relationships develop). For example, a man was born on May 8, 1972 (his birthday number is 8+5+1+9+7+2=32), and a woman was born on September 2, 1979 (her birthday number is 2+9+1+9+ 7+9=37). We add these two numbers: 32+37=69; and subtract 22 to a number less than or equal to 22: 69-22-22-22=3. The number of this pair is 3.

Calculate karmic relationships by date of birth:

Date of birth of one partner: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November de December 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1 946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1 996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Date of birth of the other partner: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November de December 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1 946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1 996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

The meaning of numbers in numerology

Such karmic relationships will be quite difficult, as partners will constantly compete for the right to be a leader. To maintain such an alliance, it is important to stick to the golden mean.

Such relationships can hardly be called karmic, since love is more important here. Tenderness and mutual understanding reign in the union, which is usually not inherent in karmic marriage. Spouses often live to see a golden wedding.

If this marriage is called karmic, then with only one caveat: partners have karma - always live in love. Their union rests on three pillars - trust, romance and mutual respect. The main thing is that no outsider interferes in their harmonious relationship.

In these karmic relationships, there is a complete patriarchy. They constantly swear, moreover, in a raised voice, reminiscent of an Italian family, which, most likely, has some truth, perhaps in a past life they lived in Italy and were passionate and zealous spouses.

Such a marriage can be considered unequivocally karmic, because it is in it that such patterns are observed as: one of the partners is more than seven years older than the other or same-sex partners. One of the spouses will be a mentor, the second - a student.

A strong relationship, which is usually not inherent in a karmic marriage, therefore, such a union can be called strong and durable, where respect and mutual understanding reign, but not love. It suits both.

This union is more business than love, so it’s not even worth talking about karmic relationships. In such a marriage, both will be happy, as they can completely trust each other, without fear of being deceived.

Spouses each live their own separate lives, which is unacceptable for karmic relationships, so such a union will fall apart very quickly.

In such a union, financial relations are more important, which are unacceptable for a karmic marriage, so you should not talk about it. Partners in such an alliance are usually happy, unless there is a third person nearby - a child, parents or other relatives.

A karmic marriage in which everyone pulls the blanket over themselves, because of which they suffer a lot, but such partners cannot part. Even if they decide to break up, fate will bring them together again.

These karmic relationships will be difficult for the beautiful half - the spouse will constantly go to the left, but something will not work out. Most likely, in a past life, he was abandoned by his beloved for the sake of another man. This is a kind of revenge on a woman for past grievances.

An unfavorable karmic relationship that cannot be ended now, so the marriage will be short and very difficult.

Karmic relationships will be short, but memorable. There is a high probability that the spouses will soon part, but will forever maintain friendship.

These are insincere karmic relationships - deceit, blackmail and betrayal of both partners. Most likely, in this life it will not be possible to finish them if you do not start working on yourself and your vices. In order not to torment each other, it is better to break immediately.

Sexual attraction, colossal passion, but no more - seven partners cannot be created. Even if the couple decides to marry, it will be very short, since karmically they should not be together.

This couple will not be happy in marriage, but they will not be able to change anything, since they are karmically dependent on each other. To improve coexistence is possible only by ignoring the vices of each other.

In such a union, one should not talk about a karmic connection, rather, it is a marriage of two loving hearts that will carry their feelings through their whole lives.

Difficulties in such a marriage may arise, but they will not be of a karmic nature, there will be a conflict of characters that are very different. However, spouses will be able to find common ground in order to live a happy family life.

In such a pair, tender karmic relationships will reign, which will last a lifetime. Many children are born in such a marriage. Spouses will live soul to soul, will be near both in joy and in sorrow.

Problems may arise in the family, but only in the first year of marriage. They will not be connected with karma, since a man and a woman are not related to each other in such a relationship. Spouses will respect each other and value the interests and desires of their partner.

This couple has a 100% karmic relationship - today they cannot tolerate each other, and tomorrow they will not live even a minute without a voice and a kiss from their partner. At the beginning of the week, they make joint plans for the future, and on Sunday they go on long business trips. They often and violently swear and also loudly reconcile. They live like on a powder keg, but they cannot change anything.

Few people have not experienced such sensations: you meet a person for the first time, you begin to communicate, and it seems that you have known him for many years. Understanding from a half-word, interaction from the first days of acquaintance between people can appear only if there is a karmic connection between them.

What is karma?

Karma is the influence of the past on today's circumstances, the fate of a person. Surely a karmic connection arose for a reason - the knowledge of the soul means that the souls have known each other for a long time and met in one of their past lives.

If a karmic connection arises between a woman and a woman - in a past life they could be friends or be closely related, between a woman and a man - the connection was either related or love. Karmic partners meet in order to end past relationships in this life: to get closer or finally part.

Signs of a karmic connection

How to understand that the meeting is predetermined by fate? Signs of a karmic connection between people can be explicit and implicit. To clarify whether the souls really knew each other before, perhaps with the help of additional actions that can only be performed by people who have contact with higher powers.

To determine the degree of communication, clairvoyant sessions are performed, fortune telling on Tarot cards, runes, gypsy cards, or an astrological forecast is made.

It is possible to recognize a karmic meeting by obvious signs - an inexplicable craving for strangers
people to each other. We met by chance, talked a little, and after parting, they remember the meeting, as if they gave the counterpart part of the soul. Many years pass, and people still remember this meeting.

In order to return the experienced emotions, people are ready to do things that are unusual for them by nature.

If a relationship is established, the emotions in them are quite strong - both positive and negative. If you know how to recognize a karmic connection, then you will not resist the will of higher powers and save yourself from destructive emotions.

Relationships can arise not only because of the meeting of souls in the past - the karmic connection is determined by the date of birth, linking astral entities.

New destinies

Astral entities fill human bodies, fueled by energy. They are constantly evolving, their subtle bodies are depleted after they inhabit a person. At the moment of meeting with the karmic half, a person opens up, and it is easier for the ethereal creature to penetrate inside. They can completely change a person, and loved ones will no longer recognize him.

There are the following types of astral entities from living people:

  • angels - carry positive;
  • demons - destroy the inner world, push to acts that cause negativity, are able to completely destroy the personality - if a person tries to resist rebirth, he develops mental illnesses, for example, schizophrenia.

Astral entities also leave the bodies of dead people, and go out in search of new victims.

They can be classified:

  • demons or laurels - they are attracted by lust, greed, adultery - rough energy;
  • bastards - they make you create conflict situations, switch to profanity.

There are several more forms of entities with different habits - some of them choose victims depending on energy, certain habits, others are looking for a new body for themselves by gender. For example, demons prefer to move into women, reptiles - into men.

Sometimes sorcerers and shamans prepare essences specifically to deal with certain people - by order. They are transported in the astral dimension.

If a karmic meeting took place with a person whose soul is filled with someone else's astral essence, the relationship will cause pain to both parties, since the connection is artificially created.

It is very likely that the energy field, created without changes in incarnation, would not have dragged out the second side. However, breaking such relationships is just as difficult as true ones.

Link Validation

Karmic marriage is considered one of the strongest unions. But how do you know that the relationship is true and the essence of a person is involved in them, and not astral guests who have changed their character?

Astrology and numerology can help with this. If for astrological predictions you need to have special knowledge and inner instinct, then you can figure out the basics of numerology on your own by making a calculation using special tables. Of course, only specially trained psychics and astrologers can make full-fledged predictions, but even an amateur can understand what is happening on the basis of systematic observations.

For example, marriages are considered non-random if the age difference between a man and a woman is a multiple of 5. The strongest unions are those in which, after meeting, they find out that the difference is 15 years.

Marriage karma is calculated by date of birth. Partners add up all the numbers in the date of birth.
For example: 19.04. 1957. After summing up, the number 36 is obtained - for this person every 36 years something global will happen in his life.

The partner's age is calculated in the same way: 08/28/1962. The age of change is also 36. Marriage is karmic.

Another pair of partners: 08/10/1965 and 07/19/1963.

The age of change - 31 - must be borne in mind, a dozen is added in full; and 47. Even multiple numbers do not match. The connection is not karmic, although marriage can be successful.

Numerology can help everyone individually understand the main character traits, find out addictions, and outline the area of ​​activity in which it is possible to achieve success.

How are karmic relationships formed?

  • Karmic relationships develop in different ways, just like any relationship. Partners can communicate for a very long time, and the fact of their marriage comes as a surprise to others;
  • Huge difference in tastes and social status;
  • Marriage is concluded at lightning speed, and after a few years people cannot say what pushed them to it;
  • A very important sign of karmic connections is moving. People, having got married, leave to live in another place, in some way breaking ties;
  • Childless marriage - a closed future is predetermined by karma;
  • Fatality and complex relationships - people, according to others, need to leave. One of them is an alcoholic, a drug addict, a sadist and the like, he torments his soulmate, but she is not able to leave.

Psychics explain difficult relationships with karma - in a past life the situation was the opposite, and now a partner who receives constant negativity is responsible for his own sins. But not everyone agrees to suffer and periodically try to get rid of such relationships. How to break the karmic connection with a man or woman who makes life hard labor, and is it possible to do this?

Not only spouses ask about this, sometimes friends who cannot be left behind cause physical and moral suffering, since you evaluate your own act as a betrayal.

Breaking up a difficult relationship

The possibility of a break is largely determined by the quality of the relationship.

Psychologists say that only those relationships in which there is no need to grind will develop harmoniously. It’s easy in them from the very beginning, as if people have known each other for many years, they know each other’s pain points perfectly, skillfully bypass “sharp corners”. It happens differently: it is difficult for partners to find a common language, but some inexplicable force keeps them close. Perhaps such meetings are predetermined by fate?

What is a karmic relationship?

Why do men and women get into a relationship? This is understandable - to be with your loved ones every minute, to create a happy couple, to give birth to children. Over time, many ask themselves the question: did I make a mistake with the choice?

Why does a smart, sweet woman meet on the way lovers of drinking and dragging behind every skirt, and a successful businessman - stupid beauties, ready for anything, just to get the next new thing and a ring with a scattering of diamonds.

A person understands that he is not the right one, but he cannot do anything. This phenomenon is called "karmic relationship between a man and a woman." The origins of choice lie outside of conscious reality. How to recognize a fateful meeting?

Karma refers to the influence of the past on a person's life. To believe or not in such astrological things is a personal matter for everyone. There is no doubt that additional knowledge has not prevented anyone from becoming happy.

What is a karmic connection and how can it manifest itself? A striking example is the following situation: the spouses decided to leave, love is gone, the children have grown up, there are fewer and fewer points of contact.

However, on the way to the gap, obstacles arise all the time that the couple is forced to overcome together - illnesses of parents, problems of children, neighbors flood their apartment, and robbers enter the country house. The situation lasts indefinitely, deliverance will not come until the debts of the past are worked off.

A karmic connection arises for a reason - the souls of people were familiar in the past, they are connected at the mental level. They were given a new chance to find happiness or, breaking the vicious circle, to leave forever.

Connections arise as a result of the concluded karmic agreements. For example, a man and a woman met and fell madly in love. Both are bound by marriage, out of respect for the spouses, they cannot leave the family.

The attraction between the souls is so strong that they agree to meet again in a future life. The energy tension in such couples is incredible, even after saying goodbye, they do not find the strength to remain at a distance. People quarrel, suffer, but do not find the strength to stop and get out of the relationship.

How to recognize them?

A meeting with a karmic partner always causes unreasonably strong emotional outbursts. In his presence, you are unable to control your feelings, overreact or, on the contrary, fall into a stupor.

With a closer acquaintance, you understand that relations do not add up, disputes and conflicts arise for any reason, no one wants to give in, it is almost impossible to reach a compromise, but none of the two dare to break the connection. If we imagine energy connections in the form of threads connecting a couple, then it will be entangled by them from head to toe. Communication cannot be stopped.

Love at first sight? Not at all, love from the past. When a karmic partner is nearby, something inexplicable happens. Your moral principles did not allow you to meet with a married man, acquiring the status of a mistress?

And now, after the first informal communication, you do not let go of the phone, forget to eat, waiting for a call, cancel important things for the sake of a date with him. By no effort of will you are able to get rid of the obsession.

Sometimes there is a poorly logical irrational craving for a complete stranger. They made eye contact on the subway, exchanged a few words on vacation, exchanged posts on social networks, and both cannot stop thinking about a stranger, they are attracted by an unknown force. Getting to know each other closer, you never cease to be surprised, every word, habit, gesture falls on the soul, like relatives.

Karmic connection between a man and a woman, the main signs:

  • uncontrollable physical attraction;
  • inexplicable trust in a stranger;
  • the rapid development of relations;
  • crazy intensity of emotions - jealousy, passion, endless showdown;
  • powerful emotional attachments, a love triangle gives rise to a strong sense of guilt;
  • a marriage union in which one of the spouses is an alcoholic, drug addict, not quite healthy mentally or physically;
  • a large age difference, a multiple of 5 years;
  • absence of children in marriage.

Karmic scenarios

The reason for the karmic connection is unfulfilled promises that leave a mark on the energy shell. The following situations can be a manifestation of the relationship:

  1. Unrequited love. You understand that there is no chance, but you can not get rid of attraction. What does it mean? In the past, a person took an oath of allegiance to another partner.
  2. Insurmountable barriers to marriage. The reason is the same.
  3. The inability to love. An unfulfilled promise to consecrate oneself to God.
  4. Aggression born of guilt.
  5. Communication with a person suffering from a harmful addiction. His partner needs to eradicate the role of the victim in himself.

Types of karmic relationships

Experts distinguish between two types of karmic relationships:

  1. Healing. Having met, people complement each other, respect and care, without trying to change the partner. Their compatibility is perfect. Sometimes there is a misunderstanding between them, but such situations do not degenerate into a conflict, but are resolved easily and quickly.
  2. Destructive. New relationship seems perfect? Do not hurry. Over time, unresolved problems of the past will certainly come out, the lesson will have to be worked out. Strong suffering most often has nothing to do with true love, emotions are exhausting, but painful addiction is very difficult to break. All this will last until you find reasonable arguments for leaving the relationship. Hoping that everything will eventually change is useless. Some women whose husbands drink heavily are not going to leave and break the connection, they are sure that they must stay close, such is their fate.

How long do karmic relationships last

The duration of karmic relationships depends on the type of connection. No reason can separate a couple if they have healing bonds, people have already become so close that they have become one. Such couples can be happy in several lives.

A destructive relationship will last until the partners get tired and find the strength to understand that the connection between them only causes suffering. It's time to untie the knot.

Prospects for karmic relationships

A couple in a karmic relationship has three paths:

  • admit that both have exhausted their resource of patience, make a decision to leave;
  • discuss problems, understand that it is possible to maintain relationships and break out of the vicious circle, outline ways, agree to take good care of each other, and act in accordance with the plan, without stepping aside;
  • act on a whim, continuing to go with the flow, maintaining a position that is obviously losing from the point of view of psychology.

How to calculate karmic relationships by dates of birth?

Entering into a new relationship, people are on the rise of emotions, no one thinks about the bad. However, when concluding a marriage union, it would not hurt to make a horoscope and try to determine the compatibility of the couple.

Karmic marriages, in the presence of a healing connection, are considered the most durable. People are united not only by feelings, but also supported by higher powers. Deciphering astrological charts, compiled according to the signs of the zodiac, allows you to determine the prospects for the harmony of relationships.

Numerology comes to the rescue, providing the opportunity to calculate according to the dates of birth of partners, and to understand whether they have a karmic relationship. The calculation method is quite simple. All the digits of the date of birth of a man and a woman are added up, and then the amounts are compared.

  • For example. The man was born on 21.12. 1970. Determine the sum 2+1+1+2+1+9+7+0=23.
  • Date of birth of a woman 02/01/1973. 0+1+0+2+1+9+7+3=23.
  • 23=23 - karmic connection. The resulting amount is significant. For these people, the cycle between fateful events will be 23 years, it is also called the age of change.

If there is a ten in the date of birth - a day or a month -, it is added in full, this is important. The mismatch of the amounts does not mean at all that the marriage will be unhappy.

Numerological calculation allows you to look into the future of karmic relationships by the dates of birth of partners. It is required to sum the numbers in the dates of birth of a man and a woman, as in the previous example, with the only difference that all zeros are not taken into account: 10=1 and 01=1.

  • 2+1+1+2+1+9+7+0+0+1+0+2+1+9+7+3=46. subtract the karmic number 22 so many times to get a number less than 22.
  • In our case 46-22-24, 24-22=2. We are looking for the number 2 in the table for decoding karmic connections.

The roots of your connection come from the depths of the past. The union will be filled with romance, mysticism and many secrets. However, do not lose touch with reality. Pretty positive omen. Is not it? If the prophecy turns out to be filled with many warnings and promises misfortune, perhaps it makes sense to look for another chosen one?

How to end a karmic connection

No one will live your life, only you yourself can untie the karmic knot. How to break the karmic connection with a man? This will happen when the mind takes over the feelings. You will receive incredible relief and will not be able to find reasonable explanations why you did not decide on this earlier, which made you suffer, endure pain and humiliation.

It’s like a stone will fall from your soul, and when you remember the person with whom you have been connected with invisible threads for so long, nothing will respond in your soul, only a feeling of gratitude for science, happy moments that, no doubt, were.

There is nothing holding you against his will. You are not interested in sorting things out with him, your mind is able to listen. You can talk about anything, laugh, you are not drawn to him, the painful addiction is defeated. With a light heart, you wish your ex-partner happiness.

At this point, it's safe to say: "happy ending to the story." All the best in your life is yet to come!