School of Violence. Promotion of violence and cruelty in the media (criminological aspect)

Subjectabuse with children in the media on the example of the media of the Altai Territory

Bessarabova Alexandra, 8th grade student

Scientific director: Vishnyakova Natalia Nikolaevna

KGBOU "Regional Pedagogical Lyceum - boarding school",

Regional Center for Distance Education of Disabled Children

(Altai Territory, Barnaul)

Relevance of the problem

The problem of violence and abuse of children in modern Russia- one of the most acute and relevant. The child is easily harmed. Children cannot protect themselves physically; their very survival depends on adults.

Harsh treatment of children and neglect of their interests can have various types and forms, but their consequence is always: serious damage to the health, development and socialization of the child, often a threat to life, not to mention the violation of the rights of the child.

The prevalence of child abuse in the family, despite the hidden nature of its individual forms, is quite significant, as evidenced by statistics. About 2,000 children under the age of 14 are beaten by their parents, which ends in death for many, 50,000 leave their families, 6,000 leave orphanages and boarding schools. In total, 25-26 thousand minors annually become victims of criminal attacks, of which about 2 thousand die, 8-9 thousand are injured.

IN modern society the media play important role in shaping people's ideas about social problems, about social phenomena and processes. Most often, people learn about cases of child abuse, crimes, terrorist acts, etc. from television news, newspapers, radio broadcasts and Internet site messages.

On the one hand, the media is one of the sources (a kind of broadcaster) necessary information to enlighten and educate society. On the other hand, the media reflect the current situation in the world, in Russia, in the Altai Territory in terms of protecting children from abuse.

When covering the problem of child abuse, the media focuses public attention on dramatic cases of child abuse. Stereotypes and prejudices arise from this, negative emotions appear.

We see that in newspapers, news stories, talk shows, in the Internet space they use topics related to aggression, violence and cruelty against different people.

Experts say that society actually knows little about child abuse in the family, about its prevalence.

Object of study: child abuse

Item: reflecting the problem of child abuse in the media

Targetwork: Examine how the media portrays the issue of child abuse

Task: identify typical perceptions when covering the problem of child abuse in the media

The basis of the work is the results of the analysis of the websites of news agencies and regional print media covering the topic of child abuse in the Altai Territory for January-September 2015. The analysis of Internet publications of regional newspapers was used: Altaiskaya Pravda, Evening Barnaul, Komsomolskaya truth in Altai”, as well as websites of news agencies: Official website of the Altai Territory, Amik-ru, NPO 22, Infodom-Altai. In addition to these media, the programs of the regional TV channel Katun-24 were analyzed.

Studies show that the social problem of child abuse is not important issue from the point of view of the Russian media. When covering the problem of child abuse, the media focuses on dramatic, cruel cases.

In this regard, we decided to conduct a study on the reflection of the problem of child abuse in the media on the example of the media in the Altai Territory.

Main terms of this study:

Child abuse is any intentional action or inaction on the part of parents, persons replacing them, as well as persons obliged to supervise the child, which caused harm to the physical or mental health of the child or as a result of which the natural development of the child was disturbed or real threat for his life or health.

Child abuse is any intentional act against a child that infringes on his constitutional rights and freedoms as a citizen, causes him physical pain and harms or contains a threat of harm to physical or personal development.

Media (Mass media) - a channel for disseminating information (through print, radio, television, cinema, Internet sites, sound recording, video recording) in order to assert the spiritual values ​​of a given society and provide an ideological, political, economic or organizational impact on people's assessments, opinions and behavior .

Social perceptions of society about child abuse.

IN last years child protection is one of the important issues of social policy Russian Federation. The President and the Government of the Russian Federation have set tasks to take systematic measures in the field of combating crimes against children, ensuring their safety, organizing the timely detection of family problems, creating infrastructure preventive work, prevention of social orphanhood and ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of orphans and children left without parental care .

The results of the study "Family and Parenthood in Modern Russia", which was conducted by the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences at the request of the Foundation for the Support of Children in Difficult life situation, they say that physical punishment are the norm in Russian families. The rule prohibiting physical punishment is either ignored or is seen as humanitarian, but more as a guide to the future. Until now, child abuse, including physical, psychological and sexual abuse, as well as neglect of the basic needs of the child, is widespread and does not meet with due opposition and condemnation in society. Often, child abuse is hidden and is revealed only in extreme cases.

About half of the respondents (46.0%) stated that they were subjected to physical punishment in childhood. 51.8% modern parents resorted to physical punishment for educational purposes; 1.8% say they did it often, 17.8% sometimes, and 31.4% rarely. Only 36.9% of the respondents are sure that physical punishment is harmful and should be excluded from the practices of education; almost a third of the respondents (33.6%), although they recognize the harm of physical punishment, believe that in some cases they can be used. About a fifth of the respondents believe that in some cases physical punishment can even be beneficial for the child, and 5.6% are convinced that it is impossible to do without it.

This study showed that in Russia people have different points of view on the issue of physical punishment for educational purposes: some recognize this method, others believe that physical punishment should be in the family until a certain age of the child, others say that physical punishment is not allowed. admit.

People also do not know that violence is not only a physical impact. Many people think that violence is the threat of an object, the threat of being kicked out of the house, or being starved. And only a few consider that a slap below the belt is also violence. Some people think that slapping, locking a child in a room alone, forcing a child to do extra activities, or exercise This is also cruelty. Another part considers refusing to speak or cursing as violence. The following conclusions follow from the obtained results:

  1. The population believes that some "soft" forms of physical abuse, such as slapping or pulling on the ears, although they are violence, are acceptable and can be used for educational purposes.
  2. The prohibition policy is not seen as violence by the population. For example, a ban on walking is not considered as such, although it is fraught with forcible retention at home. Most do not consider banning television or denial of pocket money as violence.
  3. A significant part of the population does not consider some forms of physical abuse as violence. Slaps have already been mentioned above, the same “contradictory” category includes a slap on the back of the head, which about half of the population does not consider violence.
  4. From the point of view of the majority of the population, scolding a child with a rude swear word or refusing to communicate with him also cannot be qualified as violence. To summarize, it turns out that verbal aggression is considered by the majority as violence only if it contains threats of radical action - expulsion from the house, the use of some sharp object, such as a knife. If such threats do not sound, then scolding, abuse are not considered violence.

Modern parents believe that they raise their children better than their grandparents raised them. It can be said that the attitude of society towards violence and cruelty is slowly changing.

Lighting social problem child abuse by the media on the example of publications in the Altai Territory

The media are newspapers, magazines, TV and radio programs, Internet sites. As part of this study, the method of analyzing Internet publications of regional newspapers was used: Altaiskaya Pravda, Vecherniy Barnaul, Komsomolskaya Pravda in Altai, as well as websites of news agencies: Official website of the Altai Territory, Amik-ru, NPO 22, Infodom - Altai. In addition to these media, the programs of the regional TV channel Katun-24 were analyzed.

The search criteria for the analyzed publications were the phrases “child abuse”, “child abuse”.

A total of 42 materials were analyzed (the total number where the phrases “child abuse”, “child abuse” are used).

The number of materials devoted to the topic of child abuse in the media of the Altai Territory was distributed as follows: Altaiskaya Pravda - 3 publications, Vecherny Barnaul - 2 publications, Komsomolskaya Pravda in Altai - 6 publications, Official website of the Altai Territory - 4 articles , Amik - ru - 10 articles, NGOs 22 - 6 articles, Infodom - Altai - 9 articles, TV Katun - 24 - 2 stories. The leaders were the site Amik-ru, Infodom-Altai and the Internet portal of the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda in Altai".

We considered how many and which articles published in these media were devoted to the topic of child abuse. They were grouped into 4 themes: domestic violence against children, crimes against children, child abuse laws, prevention of child abuse (activities).

Media (mass media)

Child abuse in the family

Crimes against children

Child Abuse Laws

Child Abuse Prevention (Activities)

Official website of the Altai Territory

"Evening Barnaul"

Komsomol truth in Altai

"Altai Truth"

Three topics received the most media attention: crimes against children (10 publications), domestic violence against children (9 publications) and prevention of child abuse (21 publications).

The publications of the newspaper "Altaiskaya Pravda" cover more crimes against children living in the Altai Territory - 4 publications. Legislation and preventive measures are not reflected at all.

There are only 2 publications in the Vecherny Barnaul newspaper - one of them is about the work of the All-Russian Children's Helpline and one is about a crime against a child. Issues related to the formation of an intolerant attitude towards physical punishment were discussed there, positive examples are given of changing the situation in the family, where the main method of education was physical measures of influence on the child.

As the study showed, journalists from the regional news agency Amik-ru cope best with the task of covering all aspects of the problem of child abuse. They are a real public platform from which any person can speak, expressing their opinion on the problem of child abuse. When covering complex, controversial problems and phenomena, different points of view are almost always given. In one of the publications, the reader is told about bills in the field of child abuse, as well as comments on them.

Unlike the publications of the newspapers Altaiskaya Pravda and Vecherniy Barnaul, the Komsomolskaya Pravda na Altai newspaper contains information not only on the types of violence against children, statistics on crimes against children, the actions of social services to prevent this problem, but also as many as 4 publications devoted to crimes against children. Also, journalists in materials devoted to child abuse are critical of the punishment of persons who have committed crimes against children. Since, in their opinion, today the legal system is imperfect and parents or persons replacing them can, at best, get off with a “fine” or lose parental rights. In the articles of this newspaper, one can trace the idea that society is tolerant of manifestations of cruelty towards children.

When covering the problem of child abuse, the Infodom-Altai news agency pays attention to measures to prevent child abuse. But there are 3 materials that talk about physical violence. Almost every article describes: “beating”, “burning with cigarette butts”, “quilting with a boiler cord”, “locking for a long time in the cellar of a house”, etc. Mostly these actions were performed by parents with alcohol addiction, single mothers. Journalists noted that in most cases the problem of child abuse occurs in dysfunctional families.

When covering the problem of ill-treatment, the Official Website of the Altai Territory covers as many aspects of the prevention of this problem as possible.

It should be noted that not all materials containing the phrases “child abuse”, “child abuse” were devoted to the topic of child abuse. Often these phrases were mentioned in the list of other childhood problems - neglect and homelessness, abandonment, social orphanhood, prevention of family troubles, etc. As the analysis showed, the number of publications on the problem of child abuse is insignificant. The main topics of publications relate to cruel cases of violence against children in the family, assistance to children who have suffered from abuse, as well as police actions against citizens who have committed crimes against children. In materials describing cases of child abuse, journalists highlight the most dramatic situations.

It also seems negative to us that in almost all articles that touch on this topic, the authors frankly demonstrate the results of violent influence (photographs showing visible injuries to a child, or a detailed verbal description of them).

So, having reviewed and analyzed for 2008-2011. the most famous newspapers and news agencies of the Altai Territory, we can conclude:

  1. Attention in the media of the Altai Territory is most of all topics: family violence over children, crimes against children, prevention of child abuse.
  2. The media, when talking about child abuse, pay attention to dramatic, sensational reports and articles.
  3. The problem of child abuse is limited to physical abuse. Thus, the population does not have complete information.
  4. There is no information at all on such issues: what to do in case of child abuse, who to ask for help in cases, about the responsibility of citizens for actions directed against children, about the rules of safe behavior.

The problem of child abuse in modern society is perceived differently. The perception of the social problem of child abuse depends on the prevailing stereotypes, social perceptions in society, and the influence of the media. To date, research results suggest that in Russian families, physical punishment is a sustainable practice of influencing children. Therefore, many authors write that it is necessary to change the attitude of society towards the problem of child abuse and form an intolerant attitude towards corporal punishment.

The media should work not to reduce child abuse, but to make people understand what it is and do everything to stop it!


  1. Problems of violence against children and ways to overcome them / Ed. E.N. Volkova - M .: Publishing house Peter, 2008.-144p.
  2. Report on the results of the study "Family and parenthood in modern Russia" [Electronic resource]: Access mode: http - Head. from the screen.
  3. Report on the results of the study "Culture of education, encouragement and punishment of children in Russian families" [Electronic resource]: Access mode: http // - Head. from the screen.

The problem of influencing human behavior worries both specialists who use the media for the purpose of advertising, propaganda, etc., and psychologists who are concerned about the large-scale impact on a person's personality from information technologies. Is it possible to change people's behavior with the help of mass media? If the answer is yes, this opens up huge opportunities for personality manipulation, a person becomes a puppet in someone's hands. However, not everything is so simple, and there are many factors that mediate and limit the impact of mass communications on behavior. How much effort in the form of advertising and social campaigns is spent, for example, on the modification of such behavior as smoking, but many people continue to smoke! Promoting a healthy lifestyle is also not always effective. At the same time, socially disapproved forms of behavior are assimilated much more efficiently.

From the point of view of the impact on the behavior of the audience, the following problems can be distinguished:

  • the problem of actualization of socially undesirable forms of behavior, primarily violence and sexual deviations, as well as suicide (auto-aggression);
  • the problem of the formation of socially desirable forms of behavior, such as healthy lifestyle life, helping behavior, safer sex, building a strong family, having children, etc.

For a number of reasons, the first problem has received wider coverage in research.

Mechanisms of influence of QMS on behavior

The following psychological mechanisms of the influence of mass communications on behavior can be distinguished:

  • excitation; an increase in the level of general arousal due to observation of the behavior of the TV character, especially aggressive or sexual;
  • imitation (imitation). Humans tend to learn observable behaviors and then replicate them in appropriate situations. The tendency to imitate is especially strong in children, since this is one of the ancient ways transfer of social experience to new generations;
  • reinforcement (operant conditioning); reinforced behavior is more likely to be reproduced. In this case, reinforcement can be a reward for the hero, receiving attention from other people or persons of the opposite sex, as well as the approval of the observed behavior from the immediate environment of the viewer himself;
  • disinhibition (disinhibition) - as a result of observing the behavior of TV heroes, previously taboo or restrained forms of behavior, for example, a tendency to violence or suicide, can be released. It is known that after television reporting on a case of suicide, the number of cases of suicide increases, especially among adolescents;
  • desensitization; those. loss of sensitivity as a result of frequent observation to observed forms of behavior, for example, to violence, suffering of victims, terrorist attacks;
  • sensitization - an effect opposite to desensitization; in some people, on the contrary, there is an increased sensitivity to observed suffering, so that they cannot bear the observation of such scenes;
  • catharsis; this term is associated with a psychoanalytic approach to understanding the impact of the media on behavior and means liberation from arousal, and primarily from aggressive or sexual impulses, as a result of viewing the relevant scenes.

The problem of demonstration of violence in the media

"Violence" usually refers to intentional physical harm to another person. Episodes of accidental infliction of pain, psychological abuse, researchers do not take into account.

Studies on the impact of violent demonstrations are usually viewed in terms of the following theories:

  • theories of social learning;
  • cultivation theories;
  • psychoanalysis.

From the point of view of social learning theory, the demonstration of violence in the media leads to the simulation of similar behavior in real life, especially in children and adolescents. A. Bandura's experiments with the Bobo doll clearly demonstrated the effectiveness of modeling. In these experiments, Bandura removed short film, in which a woman scolds, kicks and even hits a large rubber doll Bobo. Then I showed this film to a group of children preschool age. A control group was shown a non-violent video, while another group did not watch any video at all. Then each group of children was brought to a room containing a Bobo doll. The children of the first group, who watched the video from aggressive behavior, they immediately began to reproduce the actions seen in the film: hitting the doll, hitting it with a hammer, etc. In the control groups, children did not demonstrate violent behavior, but played quietly (Fig. 3.9).

Rice. 3.9. "Games" of children with a Bobo doll (2nd, 3rd row of photos) after watching a movie with violence (1st row of photos)

It is noteworthy that children imitated the model more actively if the model's behavior was rewarded (for example, with a candy), and to a lesser extent - if the model's behavior was punished.

An example from practice. Quite often there are feature films with a plot in which the main characters are thieves or gangsters, nevertheless they are shown quite positively and the viewer begins to empathize with them, wishes that they could escape from the police ... If the viewer’s wishes are justified and the criminals successfully hide, for example, in Mexico, and live happily ever after on stolen money - we get a simulation effect with positive reinforcement. Especially if the process of bank robbery is shown with minute details. This is already a textbook on robbery ...

Naturally, for an adult, modeling works more indirectly than for children. Watching a movie with karate scenes does not lead to instantaneous playback, as children do. However, A. Bandura demonstrated the presence of cognitive changes as a result of modeling. The subjects were given to watch scenes of rape, and before viewing and after it were asked to evaluate what punishment should be given for rape. After watching the film, the punishment offered by the subjects for committing rape was reduced, and this applied not only to men, but also to women. Thus, A. Bandura demonstrated that watching scenes of violence and cruelty, which abound on television, contributes to a change in viewers' attitudes and leads to an assessment of violence as a natural form of behavior.

Learning through observation, according to the social learning model of A. Bandura, includes four main processes:

  • 1) attention - for the simulation to occur, the observer must pay attention to this form of behavior. Attention depends both on the characteristics of the stimulus (functional value of behavior, attractiveness, distinctness, suitability) and on the characteristics of the observer himself (his past experience, habits, motives, attitudes, sensory abilities, etc.);
  • 2) preservation - memorization of the modeled behavior. The storage of information about behavior can occur in a figurative or verbal form. Conservation is facilitated by: repetition of behavior in practice; imaginary repetition of behavior; connection of new behavior with past experience of the observer; the observer's motivation for learning, etc.;
  • 3) production - the embodiment of behavior in action. The efficiency of production depends on the abilities of the observer, as well as on his ability to correct - sensitivity to feedback and the ability to correct behavior on its basis;
  • 4) motivation: not all modeled forms of behavior are realized in action. There must be adequate motivation for implementation. Motivation can be influenced by the reinforcement of the model, as well as by the internal positive assessment of the behavior by the person himself.

Thus, in order for behavior modeling to take place, it is necessary that the viewer pay attention to the behavior of the model; remembered this way of behavior; had the appropriate motivation to reproduce the modeled behavior, and also had the abilities necessary for one hundred reproduction.

As a result of modeling, new form behavior, and already existing, but taboo forms of behavior can be disinhibited. Thus, watching films with episodes of violence can lead to the disinhibition of a person's aggressiveness and the removal of the taboo on its manifestations.

In addition, there may be a generalization effect as a result of viewing scenes with scenes of violence - the extension of the observed behavior to other situations or the use of other ways of violent behavior than was shown in the film. For example, after watching an action movie in which the hero fired from a machine gun, a person may punch or kick someone. In addition, an increase in overall arousal levels after watching action films may result in faster activation and a more aggressive reaction than in a normal situation. Therefore, it is not so easy to prove the existence of a connection between the episode observed in the film and the subsequent aggressive behavior.

Simulation efficiency factors. The efficiency of modeling is affected by both the features of the model and the characteristics of the personality of the observer.

Factors that increase the efficiency of modeling from the side of the model (compositions of QMS products):

  • the attractiveness of the character demonstrating the model; the attractiveness of the hero enhances the viewer's identification and tendency to imitate him. An unattractive character, on the other hand, reduces the likelihood of imitation and thus the effectiveness of the simulation;
  • the violence seems justified in terms of the plot;
  • violence is not followed by retribution (criminal acts do not cause repentance, are not condemned, are not punished);
  • the criminal actions of the hero are rewarded (for example, a hero who shows cruelty receives power, money, love of women, etc.). Often in films, the violence of the positive hero is shown as justified and rewarded, while the violence of the negative hero is punished, so the violence " good guy"even more dangerous than the violence of the" villain ";
  • demonstrating the value of the use of force is a form of reinforcement for violence. When a person, especially a child, sees that disagreements are most effectively resolved by forceful methods, he decides that violence is quite effective method conflict resolution in real life;
  • Negative consequences for the victim are minimal (in many films, the characters after severe beatings are safe and sound), which will create the illusion of "safety" of violence;
  • the scene of violence seems realistic to the viewer. This is especially true for young children who have not yet learned to distinguish between reality and fictional scenes, so scenes of cruelty can produce extremely negative impact.

Personal factors - characteristics of the recipient. The following features of the viewer's personality can reduce or increase the effectiveness of violence modeling:

  • empathy (negatively correlated with addiction to violence). People with high level empathy prone to sensitization when perceiving violence;
  • striving for novelty and exploration thrill(positively correlates with addiction to violence);
  • level of aggressiveness (positively correlates with predilection for violence);
  • age: the strongest modeling effect is manifested at the age of 8 to 12 years;
  • a person's initial level of arousal, which may have arisen for some other reason, may enhance the effectiveness of the simulation and lead to the reproduction of violent behavior.

According to the theory of cultivation, the demonstration of violence changes a person's attitudes, and his ideas about the world and people's relationships are built on television reality. Unlike social learning theory, cultivation theorists emphasize the viewer's interaction with perceived reality rather than passive learning. However, the more often a person is exposed to mass communications, the more his ideas about the world begin to approach the image of the world that is shown by the media, even if his initial beliefs were different. Research by Gerbner and colleagues has shown that the more television people watch, the more they perceive the world as a dangerous place and people as criminals. However, studies have not proven whether the change in attitudes is due to the frequent consumption of television products, or whether people who are anxious, prone to fear, are more likely to watch television to confirm their ideas about the world.

The psychoanalytic approach to the problem of demonstration of violence in the media differs from the theories of social learning and cultivation, as it defends the point of view that there are benefits from viewing scenes containing violence. From the point of view of psychoanalytic theory, a person constantly experiences the influence of repressed instincts - Eros and Thanatos - i.e. sexual and aggressive impulses. These impulses can build up and eventually break through the ego's defenses. Watching violence on television, a person experiences liberation from these impulses - experiences catharsis. Thus, his tension and tendency to show aggression in real life is reduced.

If the theory of social learning suggests an increase in violence after watching programs containing violence and cruelty prices, then the psychoanalytic approach, on the contrary, predicts a decrease in aggressiveness and violent forms of behavior after watching such programs. However, in experimental studies, social learning theory is more often confirmed. In some cases, it is concluded that in relation to children and adolescents, the theory of social modeling is more applicable, while in relation to adults, especially men with a high level of aggressiveness, the theory of catharsis may sometimes turn out to be correct.

Coping strategies and protection from television violence. It is very difficult to fully protect yourself or a child from the perception of violence in the media. Basically, of course, the issue of protecting children from the perception of violence on television is raised. The introduction of legislation limiting the time of showing certain films does not solve the problem, since, firstly, children often watch TV at "non-childish" times, bypassing all prohibitions; secondly, many films and programs, even news ones, which are shown during the daytime, also contain a sufficient number of scenes of violence.

The problem of violence in the media is also complex because violence is not always clearly present in some products of mass communications. For example, violence can be found in popular songs, computer games, entertainment programs, and even sports broadcasts. Therefore, completely eliminating violence from the media is an unrealistic task, rather, we need to teach people to cope with the consequences of its perception.

The following approaches can be used to reduce negative effects:

  • video violence limiter (V-chip) - a special device that turns off the TV when showing scenes of violence. However, any prohibitions, as you know, only increase desire, and smart children will surely be able to bypass contraptions;
  • discussions about the films they have watched, the violence in them, can reduce the tendency to reproduce the behavior seen. The combination of discussions with essay writing proved to be especially effective. Apparently, understanding own experience and experiences enhances empathy and reduces the tendency to aggression;
  • systematic desensitization - a well-known method of psychotherapy in the case of phobias, can also be used to treat media-induced fears in children;
  • cultivation of empathy. Since people with a high degree empaths are less prone to violence, the development of empathy is a kind of coping strategy in dealing with modeling violence. Some techniques can increase the viewer's empathy for TV characters, for example, showing the victim's face close-up; stimulation of identification with the victim, not with the perpetrator;
  • training programs that combine the above methods (discussions, desensitization, empathy development) can also be successfully applied to the therapy of children and adolescents.
  • Harris R. Decree. op.
  • Gerbner G „ Gross L, Morgan M., Signorielli N. Living with television: The dynamics of the cultivation process // Perspectives on media effects. Hillsdale, N. J.: Lawrence Eribaum Associates, 1986, pp. 17–40.

Armed attacks on schoolchildren in Perm and Buryatia and the murder of a HSE student committed by a Baumanka student stirred up society. What is the reason for teenage and youth aggression, have there become more mentally unstable people, and what can be done right now to prevent another tragedy? Psychiatrists, psychologists, sociologists, lawyers and teachers discussed these issues at a round table in Izvestia.

mental instability

Izvestia: What is behind the aggression of teenagers and their destructive behavior - social causes, protest or just an unhealthy psyche?

Zurab Kekelidze, CEO FSBI "National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology named after N.N. V.P. Serbsky” of the Ministry of Health of Russia, chief freelance specialist psychiatrist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation: Of course, what happened in Perm and Buryatia is connected with the mental state of the attackers. But here we need to talk not only about the state specific person but also about the situation as a whole.

Zurab Kekelidze

Raising a child should be a system, and a break always leads to sad consequences. Eat Various types personalities - they have long been described. Some people are easily suggestible, manageable, while others, on the contrary, try to manipulate other people. And society as a whole should try to control the behavior of teenagers and young people. It is necessary to create such a system in the school and beyond, so that human values ​​are in the first place. This is called education - not only at home, but also school, public.

Anatoly Kucherena, lawyer, chairman of the public council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation: Sometimes it seems that we are in some kind of chaos. See how the ant community lives, who performs what function, what an ant family is. Everything is clearly structured and hierarchical. You can nod to imperfect laws, imperfect power. But this is secondary. The main thing is the environment in which the child is placed. The first thing he sees is mom and dad, if it's a complete family. Customs, habits, traditions, conversations - he absorbs all this like a sponge. If there is negativity, rudeness, irritation in the family, the norms of decency are not observed, over time the child will begin to demonstrate the habits of family members.

But this doesn't just apply to families. Look who is standing at the entrance in schools, listen to how they talk: “What are you doing? Where are you going?" These are CHOP employees. I understand that we don’t have others, but why can’t we say the same thing, but with a smile. Children entering the school should be met by friendly people, there should not be irritation, because this in any case affects the behavior of a teenager.

And society, teachers, parent committees must take for granted that there is a certain percentage of children with mental disabilities. And you have to think about how to work with them.

Maria Novikova, psychologist, researcher at the Antisocial Behavior Laboratory, HSE Institute of Education: The culture of the fist and the hierarchy in which the one who is higher is right is everywhere in society. The school as an institution of this society is now reproducing such a system of relations.

Maria Novikova

A lot comes from the family. Research shows that among children who bully their classmates at school, the majority are brought up in families where there is violence, and not necessarily physical. In such families, the “master” has the right to put pressure on those who are dependent on him, and they do not have the right to vote or defend their position. The child sees that the mother is dependent on the father and often becomes the object of his attacks, that the mother breaks down on older children, the older ones break down on the younger ones. And he finds himself an object of attack at school. Unlike simple aggression, bullying is always an attack on someone who is weaker than you.

Yakov Turbovskoy, teacher, expert on juvenile delinquency: When I tried to find out the causes of juvenile delinquency, I found that in a school with 800-1000 students, there are 5-6 such children. It's a tiny percentage, right? And the school, as a rule, reported as follows: "We overlooked, missed, talked rudely, put the wrong person on duty." Moreover, mothers and teachers explained what happened solely by the situation itself: “It happened and it happened that way.”

I traveled all the children's colonies from Chukotka to Kaliningrad. amazing thing: when there are 500, 600, 1000 people in a colony, it turns out that juvenile delinquents have similar typological characteristics.

For example, out of a thousand convicted adolescents, 97 are characterized by poor school performance. This means that the child has low self-esteem, he is looking for an environment where they behave and evaluate differently, where he can imagine himself differently. Poor school performance is social factor personality formation.

Moreover, I looked at the work of the school from the colony, and it turned out that the school forms children who are potentially ready for criminal activity. The child comes to school, wants to study, but after two years the desire disappears. And a person who does not want to study is potentially ready for illegal actions.

Yakov Turbovskoy

Izvestia: Does this mean that each child needs an individual approach?

Yakov Turbovskoy: Yes. But it is impossible to ensure an individual approach of a teacher to a student without providing individual approach to the teacher. We do not form a single teacher individually: passed the exams - the teacher. What kind of teacher is he? He does not know how to keep discipline, build relationships. The government still cannot realize that it is not the economy that determines the existence of the people, but education and culture. This is where the most the main thing. We are trying to save on what cannot be saved.

Izvestia: Have there been more mentally unstable children in the adolescent environment?

Yakov Turbovskoy: Certainly!

Zurab Kekelidze: Yes. And I will explain the reasons for this. If we talk systematically, then care for the child should begin a month before the parents submit an application to the registry office.

But according to statistics, 18% of smoking women, having learned about pregnancy, do not quit smoking, and children are born with nicotine addiction. IN women's consultations there must be days that concern men. Knowledge of women about men and men about women is simply dense. Surrogacy- a separate problem, because the surrogate mother first of all wants to earn money. Five years after we came into contact with this problem, we realized that we should not give them money for food - you need to bring ready-made perishable products, because they save on food! Therefore, the fetus suffers. It's just a way for her to make money.

The same goes for donor eggs and sperm. No one is seriously interested in the heredity of donors.

Psychiatrists and neurologists say that the achievements of obstetrics and gynecology are theirs headache. We learned how to nurse 600-gram children, the heart and lungs work. But with artificial insemination, the formation nervous system takes place outside the mother's womb, which has its consequences.

From zero and up

Izvestia: Is it possible to somehow reduce the percentage of mentally ill children?

Zurab Kekelidze: Now a psychiatrist examines a child prophylactically from the age of three, up to three years - a neurologist. But there are disorders that are visible from the first year of life. Therefore, it is necessary that preventive examinations of a psychiatrist be at an early age.

In addition, a psychologist is required in kindergarten. If a child has certain deviations, a completely different approach to education is needed. A psychologist in a kindergarten should observe children, their behavior: they play alone, they play with others - there are a lot of factors that must be taken into account.

We are now trying to introduce the subject "psychology" into the school. About 10 years ago we gathered directors of schools in the Central Administrative District of Moscow. I asked from what year such an item is needed. I assumed that from the fifth. They said: "No, from the third." "Grass" is brought in at four, or even earlier.

Izvestia: When will psychology lessons appear in the school curriculum?

Zurab Kekelidze: Our center has already written textbooks on psychology from grades 3 to 11. There are workbooks for students with questions and answers. Everything is transferred to Russian academy education and children's ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova for review. By the end of February, we expect to receive a review in order to make changes. After that, we intend to give benefits to the Ministry of Education. And after the assessment of the Ministry of Education, it will be possible to implement. But we still need those who will teach. And they also need textbooks. We will do this together with the Ministry of Education.

Another program has also been written - for refresher courses for teachers every five years. All this needs to be implemented. The school should have people who will help the child grow up.

Yakov Turbovskoy: A terrible event happened - the students chopped each other. What else needs to happen to shout: “Sentry, it’s time to do something!” I agree with what you are suggesting.

Izvestia: No one doubts the need for psychologists. But perhaps teenagers would have given up armed attacks if they had known about the legal consequences.

Anatoly Kucherena: Terrible legal nihilism and legal illiteracy lead to what we see today. All the troubles in our society - from the very bottom to the very top - due to the fact that few people understand even elementary issues. As part of the work of the public council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, we held meetings with schoolchildren and teachers on the subject of knowledge of the Constitution.

Anatoly Kucherena

Izvestia: And what is the level?

Anatoly Kucherena: Of course, they were preparing, but the level of their knowledge is really a problem. It's not just about students, it's about everyone. During my professional career, I have done a lot of cases and I can say that a person is defeated only because he does not know his rights. This applies to both criminal and civil law cases. He does not know what and how to say, how to protect himself from his opponent.

Izvestia: Now in many regions, due to cuts in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the position of inspectors for minors is disappearing. Could the lack of inspectors be one of the reasons for the attacks?

Anatoly Kucherena: It is clear that the inspector performs a preventive function, but registration is not always fair, and a protest arises. We dealt with some situations when a minor is registered because he climbed some kind of pipe. This is also wrong. I do not think that it is necessary to reduce the juvenile inspectors, because they carry out an important mission. But they are also in a difficult position. The inspectors say: “How will we go to the family? Who will let us in? How can we prevent something? There are complex problems here and a systematic approach is needed.

Could the tragedy have been avoided?

Izvestia: If these schools - in Ulan-Ude and Perm - had high-quality professional psychologists, would they be able to prevent attacks?

Maria Novikova: Statistics show that about 3/4 of the “school shooters” around the world were victims of bullying or school bullying, which was quite long and hard. We, as teachers, psychologists and representatives of related professions, cannot but touch on this topic. At school, she is now very acute.

Just a month ago, the HSE Institute of Education finished collecting research data by region. Among the 1,500 respondents, only 30% had never experienced bullying as a victim. 2/3 experience this, some more often, some less.

It would be strange for me to say that psychologists in schools could not correct the situation. But here the work of a psychologist is supposed to be very different from that which we have in the education system. Unfortunately, a few years ago, the position of psychologist was no longer necessary in the staff of schools. He was not at school in Ulan-Ude. But even if there is a psychologist, then, as a rule, there are more than 1 thousand children.

What can he do even with the highest qualifications? Among other things, he has a lot of paper administrative work. He ends up testing at the beginning of the year, testing at the end of the year, and sharing the results with parents at meetings. It happens that these results do not even go anywhere further.

There are effective programs around the world to deal with bullying at the school level, with school violence. They cover all elements of the school community, work with parents and teachers, which is also very important.

Izvestia: Will such programs appear in Russian schools?

Maria Novikova: We really hope that anti-bullying programs will be introduced in the near future. They work in many countries, in Scandinavia for 30 years.

The Russian program is now at the development stage. You can not take a foreign one and mechanically drag it. We must conduct research throughout Russia, we must understand what to focus on. I really hope that our programs will start working in the next two years.

speak and show

Izvestia: Should we talk about attacks in schools? There is an opinion that the more this is discussed in the media, the higher the risk that the tragedy will happen again.

Zurab Kekelidze: Every year at the Serbsky Institute on the Day mental health we hold seminars for the media. Society reacts to such tragedies depending on how the events are covered. No one says that you need to tell a lie, absolutely not. But there is the concept of "sparing". It is very important how everything is presented. After all, someone wants to repeat.

Yakov Turbovskoy: There is another reason for what is happening. From the TV screen, blood is pouring endlessly, the price human life became insignificant. What games do our children play? Where are we heading, what kind of society are we building, what do we want, what are we proud of? We do not have a single teacher today, whose name would be significant for the whole nation. For 20 years we have not created works of art about the hero of our time. And who is this hero? The school is losing to television. We cannot resist him. I can't stop screaming that a systemic solution is needed. The state must intervene. You can't swear, you can't smoke, and shed blood on the screen - please. I would very much like us to see the forest for the trees, to see that this specific case highlights our social disadvantage.

Network control

Izvestia: Can certain groups in social networks cause aggression? Can virtual violence turn into real?

Natalia Minaeva, psychologist, lecturer at the Institute of Industry Management (IOM) of the RANEPA: In my opinion, a lot of time on social networks is mainly spent by children who do not receive something in the family - the same attention. Parents have no time to listen to their child. Mom works, is busy with household issues, dad also works a lot or drinks. Children communicate on social networks, compensating for the lack of love and attention in the family.

Natalia Minaeva

I teach psychology and psychodiagnostics at the Presidential Academy. And I can say that our psychological literacy is at zero. Guys at the age of 17-18 come to the university and do not even know the basic - four types of human temperament. When I ask if there is a psychologist at school, about 60% of the guys answer that there was a psychologist and conducted career guidance. The rest do not even know that the school has a psychologist. To the question: “Did you turn to the school psychologist in case of problems?” Most of the guys answer in the negative.

I already adult daughter, she, like most young people, from time to time communicates with friends on the VKontakte network, and then tells me what, in addition to news, she sees in this social network photos with scenes of violence. Even for an adult, such photographs have an extremely negative impact, injure the psyche. What then to say about the psyche of adolescents? Why is no one in control of social media?

Maria Novikova: As soon as there were attacks on schools in Perm and Buryatia, many began to say that it was necessary to introduce access to the Internet with a passport. That teenagers should not be allowed on the Internet before the age of 15. How can you not let them in?

But I agree that there should be content filtering, because not everyone wants to see dismemberment.

Maria Novikova: Here again the question arises of the relationship between parents and children. If they have trusting relationship, they can talk, the parent can use it, no matter how strange it may sound, to their advantage. There is a chance that the child will come to his mother and say: “I saw something at a classmate, look.”

The parent should be ready for any information, for any conversation. And maybe then he will have time to help and prevent the tragedy. Almost always, those who attack in schools give advance warning in one way or another: sometimes they speak directly, sometimes in hints.

Zurab Kekelidze: Also, behavior.

Maria Novikova: When the Columbine shooting happened in 1998, the internet was in its infancy. But the guys who started the shooting and then shot themselves, corresponded for several months, discussing the preparations for this. Nobody cared.

Our guys also corresponded, there were warnings on the Web: “Don’t go to school tomorrow, there will be meat.” And no one paid attention to this either, so let's not build illusions about ourselves. Although 20 years have passed.

Izvestia: Zurab Ilyich, you traveled to Perm and Ulan-Ude. What was done wrong there, what moments were missed?

Zurab Kekelidze: In Perm, one of the attackers was registered with a psychiatrist, and no one imagined that this could happen. It's not about how they got into the school, but about the fact that they agreed to do it.

I also asked, but did not receive an answer: is the use of the Internet taught as a subject in school? There is informatics, but as far as I know, no one tells what is happening on the Internet, what sites are there. But the Internet is a separate world. Be sure to learn how to navigate it. You can show the way, where to go and where not to go.

Maria Novikova: This is necessary, because there is cyberbullying, there are many people with a penchant for pedophilia who find victims on social networks. The child must be told simple rules. Most importantly: everything that you posted on the Web, whether it's a photo or words, ceases to belong to you.

Don't read diaries

Izvestia: What are the signs of problem children?

Natalia Minaeva: They tend to have problems with interpersonal communication. It can also be hyperactivity - the child cannot sit still for a long time. Or closedness. Behavior is always visible.

Izvestia: What advice can parents and children have on how to resist bullying?

Maria Novikova: More than half of parents are unaware that their children are being bullied at school. Here plays a very important role classroom teacher, the relationship of the parent with him is important so that you can come and talk. After all, in modern school he spends more time with the child than his own mother.

One more piece of advice: all efforts and attention should be directed to building and maintaining a trusting relationship with the child. Do not hack into children's pages on social networks, do not read diaries without the permission of children.

The ideal case to aim for is that when the page is launched, the parent has the right, as the person legally responsible for the child, to say, “I need passwords. I swear I only use them in a life-and-death situation." It happens that children disappear, and it is not clear how to look for them. In this situation, the parent can go into correspondence, but if they just have a desire to follow what is happening in the child's life, this is no longer the most honest way.

It is highly desirable that the parent's child "friends". If for some reason the child says that this is not possible, you can ask an adult friend, family member with whom the child has a trusting relationship. Let him “friend” him, and if something egregious happens, from the point of view of an adult, he will let you know.

And it is also important for the child how it is customary in the family to talk about experiences, emotions. When someone feels bad, does he come, share, or seek support from family members.

For the first time in history, Uzbek media journalists came together to agree on active coverage of the problem of violence in educational institutions in Uzbekistan. “Violence is not the norm” - such a motto was decided to be promoted by the participants of the conference organized by UNICEF on September 6 in Tashkent.

On September 5, Uzbek children went to school. Many of them may face violence from teachers, peers and psychological bullying in the classroom. According to a UNICEF study, one child dies as a result of violence every five minutes on Earth. In schools around the world, 150 million children are subjected to violence and bullying, which is half of all students aged 13 to 15 years on the planet.

school violence injures all participants in this process - the organizers of the persecution, the victim, and observers. Children lose self-esteem, their ability to learn and attendance decrease. Systematic bullying and violence at school cripple the psychological state of the child and may deprive him of the possibility of success in the future.

UNICEF estimates that the entire planet loses $7 billion every year because children traumatized by violence and bullying are unable to fulfill their potential once they reach adulthood.

UNICEF staff spoke at the conference and presented global mechanisms to combat bullying and violence, as well as told journalists about methods for reporting children's problems. Primary school teacher and defectologist Rano Makarenko spoke about the specifics of bullying in Uzbek schools and the necessary reforms. “We need to convey to every parent that if your child is beaten and humiliated at school, this is not normal, this cannot be tolerated. Beating and fighting will not make your child stronger and tougher, they will only hurt him. Unfortunately, many parents not only approve of such “education”, but also engage in domestic violence themselves. All this must be fought with the help of education,” Rano Makarenko told She noted that in the country's schools, bullying and violence are not made public by students and teachers, they are hidden. Parents do not receive information about cases of violence, indifference and unprofessionalism on the part of school staff flourishes.

As effective norms for combating violence, Rano Makarenko proposed to train teachers in conflict management, to introduce a staff social worker at school, relieve psychologists of unnecessary workload, create a school response protocol to violence, and secure school spaces by installing surveillance cameras everywhere.

The participants of the conference noted that in Uzbekistan the issues of bullying and school violence had not previously been widely covered. It was believed that this problem does not exist. The journalists concluded that it is necessary to constantly raise the issue of school violence in the media and call for reforms, as well as educate teachers and parents.

Mikhail FEDOTOV, Secretary of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation

The topic of violence in the media has long been considered by the world community. There are even special commissions - both international and national, there are a lot of initiatives to combat violence on television, violence in computer games, comics, and so on. But things are still there, and nothing but good wishes is being worked out, because inevitably the problem of violence in the media collides with the problem of censorship. As soon as a Western observer or politician hears the word "censorship", he begins to tremble, and this is reasonable, because our Russian experience suggests that it is enough to start small. Suffice it to say that censorship should be introduced only in relation to the display of corpses, for example. But give censorship a chance to come into being. This is the same genie, which is enough to release from the bottle, and then he himself will build castles and destroy them. That is why the problem of violence in the media, in computer networks, in my opinion, can be solved, first of all, through self-regulation. And today we already know very convincing examples. When war on child pornography was declared on the Internet, several tens of thousands of sites were removed - removed by the operators and providers themselves, and not by the authorities with the help of some kind of prohibitive measures. Another thing is that a lot of things remain, but still this is already a step forward. That is, it is not the mechanisms of rigid legal regulation, but the mechanisms of self-regulation, including the mechanisms of market regulation.

In international law today there are a number of conventions dedicated to the fight against violence. Basically, these are conventions related to countering terrorism. In addition, there are several declarations, but in international law the declaration is not considered as a source of law; it's rather good wishes which are not legally binding. Unlike a declaration, a convention is legally binding. One such convention is the Council of Europe Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism. Russia is a state party to all these conventions.

Within the framework of the problem of violence, there is also the theme of incitement to violence - the so-called "hate speech", and the theme of the protection of journalists. In connection with these topics, there are very detailed Recommendations adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. When the war in Chechnya began, we repeatedly referred to these documents, explaining how the work of journalists in the conflict zone should be organized. But those who organized their work proceeded from completely different ideas. In the end, the Constitutional Court recognized one of the paragraphs of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, concerning the activities of the mass media in the Chechen Republic, as contrary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

It is also necessary to pay attention to such a moment as the problem of the work of journalists who directly cover terrorist acts and counter-terrorist operations. The topic "Terrorism and the Media" became especially popular after September 11, 2001. In May 2002, a special international conference of UNESCO was even held in Manila. At this conference, the UNESCO Declaration "Media and Terrorism" was adopted. It contains very important provisions that relate to the activities of journalists covering terrorist acts. It notes that it is open public debate and the free flow of information that are necessary in any case to achieve long-term solutions to the problem of terrorism. The Declaration emphasizes that the events of September 11, 2001 led to the fact that in many countries, under the banner of the fight against terrorism, an attack on human rights began. In this regard, the Declaration states that any strategy to combat the threat of terrorism should be based more on respect for freedom of expression than on a serious restriction of this fundamental right. That is, unlike people dealing with security issues, people dealing with media issues say that security can only be ensured when human rights are ensured, and not when each person is followed by four, eight or ten couples. eye. That is why the Declaration emphasizes that, in order to ensure the public's right to know, the media have the right and the obligation to fully report on terrorism and to promote open public debate on terrorism. At the same time, media organizations, broadcasters, civil society actors should take steps to enhance the ability of the media to professionally report on terrorism and promote tolerance through, among other things, training journalists and providing opportunities for discussion ethical issues related to media coverage of terrorism.

In continuation of this document, the Russian Union of Journalists tried to formulate ethical principles that relate to the activities of journalists covering a terrorist act. This document was adopted back in 2001, after which additions and changes were made to it, making it more and more accurate. The document consists of three parts. The first is the ethical principles that a journalist must follow when he collects information about a terrorist act, the second - when he disseminates this information, and the third section - these are the principles that relate to ensuring the journalist's own safety. Here we are talking, in particular, that a journalist should not wear camouflage or military uniforms, should not take up arms, should not act as an agent of special services, should not act as an intermediary between terrorists and special services, and so on.

After the events at Dubrovka, the Industrial Committee of the Media turned to the same topic, which also developed a kind of anti-terrorist convention. It included many provisions from the document of the Union of Journalists of Russia. And now these two documents operate in parallel, largely repeating each other. The attitude towards them is rather skeptical, because we generally have a skeptical attitude towards self-regulation mechanisms, unlike many other countries where self-regulation mechanisms have been operating for centuries, not decades. And in those countries where such mechanisms have developed and are well established, they operate very, very effectively. They make it possible to largely remove the problems associated not only with terrorism, but also, in general, with the problem of violence. In almost any Code of Journalistic Ethics, one can find provisions regarding the coverage of the topic of violence, showing acts of violence, victims of violence, and so on.

Thus, in modern world there are fully justified legal and professional ethical standards, as well as the practice of their application. We are faced with the task of transferring these norms to Russian soil, establishing practice and giving it the necessary dynamism.