How to organize a wedding in the rustic style - in small details. What is a rustic interior? hallmarks of style. Images of newlyweds without pretentious elements

The owners of modern apartments and private houses require designers to harmoniously intertwine comfort, coziness and style. For this, innovative engineering systems are used, original materials and the best ideas gleaned from books or the internet. For lovers of simplicity, those who pay little attention to pedantic details, the rustic style in the interior is suitable - rough, brutal and very natural. It is characterized by imperfect in form and appearance natural materials in combination with elegant dishes and decor.

Protection from moisture and noise on the first floors of tall residential buildings in the cities of Ancient Rome is the main reason why walls and floors began to be covered with dense, unhewn stone, and massive wooden beams were attached to the ceilings. Then its key details were transferred to France, Italy and Russian empire, where they fell in love not because of simplicity, but because it has become fashionable. There is a version that the rustic look of the room design came from America, but this is just a myth, since in the USA the rustic style was originally referred to as "country".

Rustic style in the interior of the apartment

At first glance, a room with a rustic design resembles a cave. primitive man, a lone wolf's lair or an abandoned house in the mountains. But if you look closely, you can see comfortable conditions for life and enjoyment. Due to the fact that a lot of stone and wood are needed to create such an interior, it is most often used in country houses, but if desired, a rustic corner can be created in a city apartment. To do this, you can use not too massive wooden beams on the ceiling, but replace them with artificially aged solid wood. Lay stone tiles on the walls and floor, the plastic balcony frame (if any) can be dismantled and instead create a nook with a wooden bench.

Beautiful rustic apartment design

Modern rustic interior design

Rustic style in the interior of the room

It is important that rustic simplicity capture even the most small detail. For example, instead of blinds (even wooden ones do not match the rustic), attach a rough wooden cornice to the windows and, along with it, thick dark-colored curtains without the slightest ornament or pattern. If we talk about rustic kitchens in a city apartment, then they too can be made both authentic and functional. To do this, it is enough to use metal instead of plastic (in objects household appliances).

Rustic room interior

Unusual rustic style in interior design

Rustic and country: what's the difference?

The main companion and neighbor of this type of design is rustic country, more precisely, rustic is its European prototype. They are distinguished from each other by the clarity of lines, the finishing of details and decor. Rustic is negligence, artlessness and the simplest simplicity, the purpose of which is comfort, and not the desire to surprise and attract attention. Country is a more refined rustic subspecies of design that looks slightly elegant and gentle (when using colorful textiles and other “feminine” elements).

Beautiful rustic apartment design

Modern rustic interior design

Rustic style in the interior of the room

What is a rustic interior? Distinctive features of style

In order to understand exactly what the rustic style is in the interior, it is necessary to study all the elements inherent in it.

  • The color palette is natural, inconspicuous and not bright colors. Pastel shades of brown, beige, sand, marsh colors are best suited in tandem with pale red and pale yellow details.
  • Materials - the basis of the interior is stone and natural wood. For decoration, types of stones are used: quartz, sandstone. Stone details are amenable to minimal processing, like wood. When decorating, natural aged brown wood is used (shades - from light oak to wenge).
  • Metal elements are not a key design trick, but their use is a must in decor: candlesticks, shelves, kitchen utensils.

In modern rooms, you also need to follow some rules in order for the rustic to turn out to be functional, natural and as comfortable as possible.

Small nuances in the design of the premises

In order for the design of a rustic-style living space not to turn into a parody of it, you need to take into account some points. The first one is the maximum natural materials. That is, plastic windows, MDF doors and linoleum with a wooden texture on the floor should not even be mentioned in conversations. Window frames should be made of solid wood, the same doors, walls and ceilings should complement each other.

Rustic room interior

Unusual rustic style in interior design

The second rule is no cutting-edge household appliances. Plasma TV, electric oven with liquid crystal display and air conditioning, leave it for other styles. And the third, concluding rule - in the design of the room there should not be fanciful furniture sets, shiny surfaces and a variety of bright colors.

Beautiful rustic apartment design

Modern rustic interior design

Rustic style in the interior of the room

Rustic style in the interior: a modern interpretation

Combining antique dilapidated or restored parts and modern things is a common practice in the work of professional designers and amateurs. The brutal rustic rustic style was slightly ennobled in the USA, after which it was awarded the name "rustic modern", a characteristic feature of which is eclecticism. It has also found its application in Europe, especially in Scandinavian countries (Norway, Sweden, Denmark). This species is characterized by a combination of massive aged wooden beams on the ceiling, rough masonry on the walls and floor with household appliances and natural textiles pastel shades.

Rustic room interior

Unusual rustic style in interior design

What can be combined with rustic style?

Most designers, whose favorite theme in their work is brutal rustic, present only those things with which it does not fit with a special emphasis. But, for those who decide to transform their home in this way, it will be much more interesting to learn about successful combinations.

Beautiful rustic apartment design

Modern rustic interior design

Rustic style in the interior of the room

  • Dark-colored furniture in tandem with light-colored textiles (pillows, covers, bedspreads and curtains).
  • The introduction of modern household appliances in ancient forms (for example, a TV under a picture, a refrigerator and an oven under a wooden cabinet).
  • The central detail of the room is a fireplace, more like an old stove for heating the house and cooking.

Also for decoration and additions can be used decorative crafts from wooden branches: hangers, chandeliers, shelves for small items. The floor will be decorated with a dull dense carpet or carpet without ornament and pattern.

Rustic room interior

Unusual rustic style in interior design

Style Benefits

List positive aspects rustic style in the interior is more than impressive. The only drawback of rustic design is its high cost. But if we consider that in this case, mainly natural materials are used, the service life of which is several tens, hundreds of years, then all unpleasant thoughts on the financial topic are forgotten. If you correctly combine the key and complementary details, harmoniously choose the decor and reduce modern details to a minimum, then the rustic in the interior will turn out exactly as it originated in the urban conditions of Ancient Rome.

Video: Decorating a house in a rustic style

Tired of pomposity, do you want something simple and cozy on your wedding day? A rustic celebration meets all these needs. This article contains everything you need to organize it. You will find here its description, tips for choosing a place depending on the season, colors, wedding design, creating images and photo zones. We will also tell you what should be included in the menu and what is better to refuse.

The style "rustic" came to us from France, translated from this language into Russian, it means "rural" or "village". Other common names are "coarse" and "simple". In French, the word sounds like rustique. This direction is an analogue of "country", which is common in the United States. It is characterized by simplicity, naturalness and environmental friendliness. It involves the use of only natural materials.

Choosing a place depending on the season

The best time for a rustic wedding is early to mid-autumn. But in other seasons there are suitable places.

In summer

In the warm season, everything can be arranged on the shore of a lake, river or sea. To prevent the rain from ruining the holiday, you need to provide awnings. Tracks or boards must be laid on the ground or sand.

Another option is a golf course, where there will be enough space for both a banquet and a photo zone. In hot weather, it is better to give preference to a clearing in the forest, where you can hide from scorching fire. sun rays under the canopy of trees. Interesting solution- hold a wedding in a wheat field surrounded by haystacks.


In the golden season, it is worth taking a closer look at the apple orchards or city parks. In the second decade of autumn, it is best to choose a restaurant with an open terrace. In case of rain, which often happens in October-November, it will be possible to take shelter inside. Such a place is ideal, because here it will be possible to organize colorful photography against the background of yellowed leaves, ponds with floating wild ducks (if any) and swings.

In the forest in autumn

in winter

With sub-zero temperatures outside, the choice is small - go to a country cottage or stay in cozy restaurant. Both must be finished with natural materials - wood, brick, clay or savage stone. It is desirable that the interior of the building include a fireplace. A light crackling in it will add warmth to the celebration and pictures. Artsy design is inappropriate here - numerous draperies, gilding, elements of painting on the walls, crystal chandeliers.


In March-April, country hotels with a calm interior will come in handy. You can also have a wedding in an old wooden manor. The main condition for this is that the emphasis in design should be placed on naturalness and simplicity. Wooden or straw furniture, candlesticks, a fireplace, books, paintings on the walls, carts are welcome.

In late spring, at the end of April, May, you should pay attention to restaurants with a terrace or sit right in the forest. An interesting option is birch plantings, but it is better to refuse pine forest. At this time, there are a lot of ticks and various insects in it that can spoil the mood.

Rustic wedding colors

Considering that “rustic” is translated as “rustic”, you should choose something from this list from the flowers:

  • cream;
  • white;
  • cornflower;
  • yellow;
  • beige;
  • green;
  • ivory;
  • lactic.

Should be avoided too bright colors- purple, pink, golden, red. They look unnatural and are more suitable for the city.

table decoration

Important point- you can and should combine colors in the design. So that it does not look vulgar, it is better not to connect more than three. Ideally, there should be two shades. A good duet is cream + white, which is perfect for a winter wedding. In autumn, yellow and beige will be appropriate. In spring, green and cornflower blue will be relevant, and in winter it will be just right ivory + milky.

Rustic accessories and decor

When organizing a celebration, you need to consider decorating the following:

  • tuple;
  • location;
  • important little things - seating cards and invitations;
  • photozone;
  • wedding dinner.

Selecting and decorating a tuple

The rustic style implies the absence of cars, which need to be replaced by horses with a cart or a modest carriage. Another way to get around at a wedding is to use cycle rickshaws. This transport usually fits three people, the bride and groom can sit in the back, and the driver behind the wheel. This is a great alternative to the "iron horse", thanks to which the newlyweds will not be afraid of bad weather.

In the design of the cortege, live flower arrangements should lead. It can be spruce twigs, rosebuds, lilies. Natural fabrics - silk, batiste, bengalin, satin - will help to complement them. They can be rolled up in the form of a bow or a heart, which would be appropriate to fix on the roof of a cycle rickshaw.

To decorate a horse a twine is suitable, it should pull the reins. On the back, right on the saddle, you can throw the same chintz, the main thing is that it does not slip. It will be nice to put small haystacks and a wooden barrel in the cart.

Registration area

Venue decoration

Fresh flowers should become the main element of the decor. If the celebration is planned for the winter, you can use potted plants. You should decorate:

  • Tables. They should be covered with natural fabrics - cotton, linen or cambric. From above it will be beautiful evenly, every meter, arrange candlesticks with candles. Mandatory indoor flowers in wooden and clay pots - dracaena, gladioli, ruelia. Pots can be tied with twine. Dishes should be wooden or earthenware.
  • Chairs. It is important that they are wooden, plastic and metal should be left for later. It is best to drape them with burlap and tie them back to each small bows from white tape. Haystack benches covered with cloth are also welcome.
  • Painting area. If the event will be held surrounded by trees, you should definitely hang a planter with greenery to them. Pots with a lawn look especially cute. A large wooden barrel, a table on wheels, or an unnecessary bookshelf. It will turn out to be quite interesting when the registrar announces the young husband and wife and they pass through his doors. A separate point is fruit baskets, which should be placed around the site. Guests must be seated on chests.
  • Important little things. These include invitations, which decorators advise to arrange in the form of a scroll tied with a straw or twine. The text should be written in pen on gray paper. The same goes for seating cards.

It is important to avoid new things with sparkles, they should retain a touch of antiquity.

To decorate the site you will need carts, wooden barrels, hanging swings, decorative fences. It will be beautiful to hang window frames, bicycle wheels, tree fellings on the walls. If there are shelves, books can be placed on them. Wooden flowerpots with dahlias, daisies, cornflowers will help to add charm to the place. Bundles of firewood should be laid out on the floor, which can be tied with twine.

It should be noted that registration in the style of "rustic" is quite economical. Save even more and not lose money will help.

Information about the intricacies will also be useful. You can read about this in another article.

Special attention should be paid. Read about how to make it here.

Festive image of the bride

For the bride best outfit for a rustic wedding, a knee-length chintz sundress will become. In the warm season, you can choose a dress in the Greek style or. How to do this, read in another article. It should be sewn from light, flowing fabrics - chiffon or silk. Lush models with a corset and a “mermaid” are categorically not suitable. It is important that they do not have a large number decorative elements.

Complete the look of the bride a hat, a handbag in the form of a bag and a maximum simple shoes. In winter, you will need a sheepskin coat. To decorate the hairstyle, you can choose lilies that will be beautifully woven into the hair. The main rule is no curls, varnish and sparkles; they must be replaced with a scythe or a bun. Beads made of wood, earrings and bracelets made of polymer clay self made.

A bride can't do without a bouquet, for the preparation of which any wild flowers are suitable - chamomile, two-leafed Lyubka, dandelions, common flax. They can and should be combined in one composition. It should be made as simple as possible, without shiny wrappers, it is better to just tie the flowers with a thread or wrap them with paper.

Groom's clothes

The image of the groom

As for the rustic image of the groom, then it could be:

  • brown trousers made of linen or cotton without arrows, slightly rolled up at the bottom;
  • black sports shoes with laces;
  • White shirt short-sleeve;
  • brown butterfly;
  • suspenders to match trousers;
  • brown cap.

Another clothing option gray trousers+ white shirt with long sleeve+ brown belt. To this should be added the same color watch, tie and gray vest. It is better to choose cowboy shoes, in the form of rough boots with lacing, in which you will need to fill your pants. A cowboy and gangster hat, a bowler hat, a farmer's cap, a cap, a pork pie, a trilby, a fedora are suitable as a headdress.

Lacquered shoes with pointed nose, top hats, hat, trousers with arrows, tailcoats and jackets will not fit into the framework of a rustic wedding. They are more suitable for "shabby chic".

Finishing touch- boutonniere, which can be made from dandelions or chamomile. No need to use glamorous roses. You can add sprigs of mountain ash, lilac and "bells" to the composition.

We select clothes for friends of the newlyweds

Bridesmaids it is worth making a choice in favor of free long or short chiffon sundresses. Their color should be natural - beige, milky, green, most importantly - not white. Flowers and embroidery are allowed in the design. Among shoes, slates or flat sandals are worthy of attention. Perfect hairstyle- Loose hair, a little disheveled.

This is the bride's bouquet

Groom's Witnesses can pay attention to men's capri pants in a box of linen fabric, loose beige shirts and slippers.


On the table should be put:

  • plum and apricot compote;
  • knot;
  • cherry tincture;
  • cider;
  • Home wine;
  • kvass.

The menu should not contain vodka, cognac, carbonated drinks.

Dishes can be represented by pickles, sauerkraut, pancakes with cottage cheese and meat fillings. In priority, especially in summer, fresh fruits and vegetables. This applies to tomatoes, eggplants, pumpkins, zucchini, beans. They will allow guests who adhere to vegetarianism not to remain hungry. Home-made cheeses, liver and blood sausage, saltison, bacon rolls, baked potatoes with sour cream and herbs deserve special attention.

Here it is shown how a rustic wedding is arranged and takes place.

The most important dish is a cake that can be replaced with a loaf or apricot pie. Biscuits are allowed, but it is undesirable to cover them with mastic. If this is nevertheless done, it will be necessary to decorate each tier with burlap with twine and fresh flowers. For decoration, you can use Maple leaves with branches of rowan. The cake must be served on a wooden stand.

Rustic wedding photo zone

To create the right atmosphere, you need natural and simple materials. Accessories can be:

  • carts, bicycle wheels, old chests;
  • books, wooden vases with flowers, candles;
  • stacks of hay and bundles of logs;
  • benches, swings, straw furniture;
  • watering cans and buckets;
  • large barrels, fences, ladders, stairs;
  • candles with kerosene lamps;
  • bicycles, hammocks, boats and suitcases.

Organize a photo booth good weather possible in nature. The best place would be a green lawn adjacent to the wedding venue. It is necessary to use trees on which swings and kerosene lamps can be hung. Another good backdrop is a hayloft with stairs.

main background will serve as a wooden high fence, old doors or cabinets that can be decorated spruce twigs. Benches can be made from hay or straw, for which you will need to send several stacks of cloth. You can’t do without plates for a wedding photo shoot, from which it is better to choose chalk ones. It would be appropriate to use letters made of polystyrene, made by hand.

How is the event

The scenario looks something like this: the celebration begins with an unofficial registration (the official one is held before or after that). During it, the young exchange vows and wedding rings. A hired presenter “paints” them to live music, you can use a balalaika, guitar, accordion, button accordion. Then the newlyweds accept congratulations from the guests and go to the photo shoot. Prior to their return, invitees can take vivid pictures in the photo zone.

Next stage- a feast, presentation of gifts, toasting and entertainment. Competition program can be represented by tug-of-war, hammering a nail the first time, sawing a tree (who can do it faster). The entertainment is complemented by the dance of the newlyweds, after which the bride throws a bouquet into the hall for her bridesmaids. At this point, the fun ends.

Here's how to make a rustic look:

That, in principle, is all that is needed to organize a rustic-style wedding in accordance with all the rules!

The style called "rustic" until recently was little known to us. However, every day the number of his admirers is growing. In the US and Europe, mass interest in this style arose a little earlier. This happened thanks to designers who actively combine modernity and “rusticism”. Rustic - from the Latin "rusticus", which means "rustic". In English, the word "rustic" is used in relation to the very simple and rough realities of rural life. This is the difference between the styles of "rustic" and "country" - the second does not imply brutal uncouthness.

Rustic style today: main features

Buying old wooden houses, new tenants, of course, started repairs. But, unable to give up all the delights of rural antiquity, they left some of the elements in their original form. These include plank or stone walls, wooden floors and window frames, heavy doors, etc. Having received in addition to the house and old furniture, the owners did not throw it away, but used the most interesting samples in their updated interior. At the same time, there was no desire to maintain a rustic style in everything. On the contrary, modern materials, pieces of furniture and household appliances were actively introduced into the interiors.

This mixture of rough rural textures and modern details has stood out in a separate style. In the USA it is called "rustic modern"(modern rural). It is this mixed style that has become widespread in the United States and Europe, especially in Scandinavia.

So, one of the main features of the rustic style in the interior is eclecticism.

In rustic interiors there is a lot of wood - brutal, often old and darkened. Although often this is just an imitation. The color of wood dried up under perennial winds is present everywhere: both in decoration and in furniture.

The beams on the ceiling are usually rough, unhewn.

Slightly less typical masonry. It gives the impression of a very old, clumsy, sloppy, but strong and reliable.

The color palette is quite poor: the colors of wood, stone, iron and dry plants are diluted, as a rule, with white or gray. Other colors, if introduced, are in very small doses.

Rustic and country: what's the difference?

1. When decorating interiors in country style, they strive to withstand it in everything: for example, they equip the house with household appliances with a vintage design, retro plumbing, “grandmother's” furniture, etc. By choosing the rustic style, you can use any modern details in unlimited quantities.

2. Country gravitates towards fullness, and rustic towards minimalism. Country interiors have a lot of decorative items and textiles. Rustic is a maximum of free space and a minimum of unnecessary components.

Modern rustic accepts interior "oxymorons". Near the brutal plank wall, as if it were a barn, there can be a table with chrome legs, and next to it - transparent plastic chairs.

If all the furniture in the room is modern, at least one rustic item is introduced. It becomes a spectacular accent. For example, in a kitchen with a glossy white set, you can put a heavy dinner table, as if migrated here from the farmer's house.

This word comes from the French "rustic" and in translation means: simple, rustic. Therefore, a sort of holiday style can be chosen by those who want to make it more homely and warm.

Such themed wedding Suitable for those who are limited in funds or do not want to spend extra money. No wonder this direction was jokingly called "burlap". After all, plain and simple materials, including fabrics, are used to decorate the festival.

It is best to celebrate a rustic wedding in nature. The warm season is perfect for this.

But if the event falls on the cold season, you should not give up your desire. Then you will need to arrange a restaurant or other place of celebration, adding a touch of country music to it.

It would be nice to have an outdoor wedding in nature near an arch decorated with natural materials. Decorate it with branches, flowers and a simple fabric. Can be used as a garland decoration. Fans of originality can install ancient doors here, which will symbolize the entry into a new life.

You can do it even easier - find a sprawling tree in advance, from which you can create a semblance of an arch and decorate it.

Tie the branches with threads so as to create a kind of arch or use not one, but two trees, near which there will be field registrar and those who are married. Dancing can also be arranged right in the clearing near this tree. Take care of the musical accompaniment in advance. It is best to invite musicians, but if this is not possible, then prepare compositions in the style of jazz, country, folk in advance.

To prevent sudden rain from being taken by surprise, make awnings or take with you a large fabric gazebo that can be unfolded and tables with treats can be placed here.

Wedding decoration in rustic style - photo

Take the calm pastel colors, bright for this style is not used. If possible, rent a hall that will be located in nature and already decorated as needed.

If not, then install chairs and simple benches here. Guests will be able to accommodate comfortably in such a natural space.

You need to arrange the tables on the same line so that they form a single whole, or you can put separate round tables and cover them with a matching tablecloth.

A rustic wedding allows you to use the simplest materials and save money. A wedding cake and drinks can be placed on one or two barrels, put trays here.

If you do not have enough tables for everyone, then barrels will also be a way out. And the countertop will be completely replaced by a round cut of a large tree. It just needs to be sanded first. sandpaper to achieve evenness. Rustic style wedding allows you to use even old wooden boxes. Put them in two piles, place a wooden tabletop on top. Here you can place food and drinks that are waiting in line.

For this style, you can use almost everything that is at hand. If you have wooden pallets, stack them up and you'll have a handy table.

Even a wooden cable spool can perform this function. It will fit quite a lot of dishes of the sweet table.

You don’t have to think long about the design of the surrounding space either. Do you have wooden boxes lying around? Place them as shown in the next photo, decorate with Provence-style flowers and the first letters of the names of the spouses.

Take framed photographs from relatives of the newlyweds in advance, put them in stacked boxes. Place flower pots between the photos.

A wooden chair will also be a great accessory for this celebration.

Place outdoor wooden tables, place drinks on them. Think about the lighting design of the evening in advance, as it will be already dark at this time of day. You can put the names of the newlyweds, wishes for them or the name of the bar with light bulbs.

Making comfortable sofas is not difficult from straw. To do this, it is crushed with a special press. Lay thin blankets or a blanket here so that it is more comfortable to sit and the straw does not splinter. It remains to supplement such sofas with small pillows. You can put a fan on each place. If the guest gets hot, he can fan himself with this accessory.

Rustic style and eco style are close, so you can successfully combine these two techniques. Make napkins out of burlap and place them on the table. You can also sew decorations for chairs from this material. To do this, fold the burlap rectangle in half and stitch on the wrong side, then turn it on the face and sew up the small sidewalls. Fold the resulting ribbon in half and pass the two ends through its middle, while fixing this decoration on the back of the chair. Tighten the knot.

Don't forget to make a rustic wedding invitation. See what they can be.

How to make rustic wedding invitations with your own hands?

As you can see, natural materials are also used. To make this wedding invitation, you will need:
  • sackcloth;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • Printer;
  • invitation template with text;
  • dark cardboard;
  • canvas of white fabric;
  • some mesh.
Follow this step by step guide:
  1. Cut the burlap into rectangles of such a size that they are slightly smaller than the cardboard rectangle.
  2. Print an invitation to a specific guest on a piece of burlap. Trim the edges with scissors so that the threads do not stick out. Glue the burlap invitation onto cardboard.
  3. Fold a sheet of cardboard in half in advance if you want to write some kind of message to the guest inside.
  4. Cut off a strip of white fabric and twist it into a rose. Cut out a circle from this material and glue it on the corner of the postcard, and attach a flower on top. If you have a double invitation, then tie it with a rope.
A rustic wedding involves the use of light-colored natural materials such as paper, cardboard, twine. It is from these materials that you can make the following invitations.

Print them on beige paper. Glue each blank onto a white sheet of cardboard. Rustic wedding invitations are ready. some you can decorate cloth napkins, tying those to the base with twine.

If the guests have never been to the venue, draw a map so they can get there. Use the same discreet, touching pastel colors to design invitations.

If you plan to dress everyone in the same style, then write what dress code is welcome for this evening.

Rustic wedding invitations can be made from designer paper, You can also take cardboard. Decorate these products with dry flowers, wood buttons, sticks, lace.

Bark scrolls look very original. To do this, this natural material must be prepared in advance, cleaned, dried. It remains to write invitations and rewind with twine to make scrolls.

See how rustic wedding accessories can be decorated.

Here is a kit consisting of:
  • invitations;
  • cards;
  • boxes for rings;
  • bonbonnieres.
Products are made of burlap and white fabric. They are decorated with white plastic hearts and twine. Cards are placed next to the guests' devices so that those who come to the holiday know where their places are. Such signs can also be made of wood. To do this, a thin saw cut of the trunk is sawn across into identical circles. Then they need to be polished and write a number for each guest, his first and last name.

Decorating a rustic wedding also involves decorating the table according to this theme. Place each guest next to the appliance or on a plate with a napkin tied with a satin ribbon. Such accessories look at the same time simple, but also elegant. You can also decorate these napkins, which guests then put on their knees, with homespun lace.

It is necessary to place flowers on the tables. For this, use low specimens of soft tones by placing them in small vases with water, and install them on tree cuts. Tablecloths can be made of burlap and decorated with homespun lace. The heart is just as easy to make from this material. To do this, you need to cut two strips of burlap and bend each, connecting their ends to make a heart. Use a stapler for this, also using this tool you will attach the name of a particular guest to such a heart.

The bride and groom should be seated in the most honorable place, having made for them a cozy sofa made of straw, pillows and fabric bedspreads. In such a place, the newlyweds will feel much more at ease than, for example, sitting in a restaurant.

Rustic wedding photo shoot

As you can see, rustic wedding decoration involves the use of natural beauty of things. Place the juicy apples in a clean bag with the bag open. You will have a great composition. And you can place several apples on a spruce growing nearby, tie them to it with wire or rope. This composition also looks great. Combining hay and a tablecloth with a sack of apples, a wagon wheel and a pail of flowers makes for a great spot for a photo shoot. The photographer will capture the bride surrounded by cute and simple things.

Let her lie down on a knitted tablecloth. Significant event will remain not only in memory, but also in photographs. To do this, think in advance exactly where the newlyweds will be captured. If the event is planned on the bank of a reservoir, then make an arch and set it so that the river is visible.

Decorate the arch with burlap curtains, and strips of this fabric and fresh flowers will serve as tiebacks. If there is no reservoir, but there is a picturesque tree, as in the second photo, then install an arch next to it. So that those present can sit comfortably while watching the wedding ceremony, put poufs for them. They can also be sewn from fabric or burlap, or made from plastic bottles and cover with material. A photo session against such a background will also be a vivid reminder of this beautiful day.

Even autumn bad weather will not spoil the beauty of this day. Make a swing in advance. To do this, you need to wrap a strong bough with a rope rope, and attach a processed wooden board to it from below.

You can make an inscription from natural materials, make three-dimensional letters. Against their background, the spouses also look great.

Even a photo under the bridge will show the beauty of this day. See what unity with nature the newlyweds demonstrate.

You can also capture them near a low table covered with a lace tablecloth. Two glasses of wine and a couple of cones are enough to serve such a table for a photo shoot.

Against the backdrop of the forest, a couple in love also looks great. As you can see, you can place some sweets on the table, put a bottle of milk, pour it into transparent glasses. If there is a small openwork fence, it will complement the atmosphere of purity, love and tenderness.

Decide in advance what the wedding procession will be like. If the groom arrives for the bride on a horse harnessed to a cart, then all this can be an excellent component of another photo shoot. And if the girl is not afraid of the horse, let her take the reins and hold them with one hand, and the other will lie in the hand of the groom, who gently hugs his beloved.

By the way, the question of the tuple is not at all idle. After all, you can come not only on a horse, but also in a car, decorated in a certain way. Perfect retro car. You can tie satin ribbons to it, at the end of which there will be tin cans. Then the whole neighborhood will hear that this is a wedding coming. Such banks on the car of the newlyweds are a tradition. After all, it is believed that the louder the tin cans rattle, the better they will drive away evil spirits from the newlyweds.

The heroes of the occasion can travel not only in a cart, but also in a stroller. Then they will need to hire a person who knows how to handle this technique or horses. They may well be an invited guest, if he has the necessary skills.

If you like a rustic wedding, then you can organize the next photo shoot.

As you can see, an open-top car was chosen for transportation and a photo shoot. The bridesmaids are dressed in blue dresses slightly different styles. On their feet are cowboy boots. You can take pictures of the bride with the bridesmaids who are walking along the road.

These shades of white and beige harmonize wonderfully with the surrounding landscape and meet the requirements of a rustic wedding.

How to arrange a rustic bridal bouquet?

it's the same important question, but you need to think it through in advance.

To create such a bouquet, you need to use flowers of light colors. Suitable for this:

  • peonies;
  • small white garden roses;
  • daisies;
  • gypsophila;
  • dahlias;
  • lilies of the valley;
  • astilba;
  • decorative sunflowers.
Rewind the stems with burlap and decorate with lace. You can also decorate the bride's bouquet with branches, herbs, dried flowers, ears of corn, berries, moss.

And bridesmaids will suit bouquets of pastel colors. Let the hero of the occasion in the center have more large flower, and for girlfriends they will be a little smaller.

Bouquets of wild flowers look wonderful. If they are collected the day before, then this item of expenditure can also be excluded. cheap wedding is the dream of many. But this one will be no less fun and wonderful than the expensive one.

You can weave wreaths on the head of the bride and her girlfriends, while you need to take into account what the girls' bouquets consist of. These pairs of accessories should be in harmony with each other.

You can make a simple wreath on your head, to do this, wrap a plastic headband with fresh or artificial flowers. But it is better to use fabric materials, as they will not wilt.

Not only the bride and her bridesmaids will not do without flowers on this day. Make a boutonniere for the groom from natural materials. Daisies and even ordinary dried ears are suitable for this.

Attire for the bride and groom, clothes for wedding guests in rustic style

The bridal attire should be in harmony with the rustic style. On this day, you can not wear a formal suit, let the groom put on beautiful trousers and a wide shirt. You can wear a comfortable knitted jumper or vest.

The bride will not have to suffer all day in a tight corset, because a dress made of flowing fabric at the waist, made of natural materials and trimmed with silk, is well suited for such a holiday.

The bride should look elegant and romantic. You can dress up in a dress open back which has a beautiful knitted finish.

And for a wedding in the cold season, you will need to take care of a knitted cape or fur coat in advance. But you can also wear normal denim jacket or a plaid shirt - after all, a rustic wedding implies simplicity and convenience.

Like the bridesmaids, the groomsmen should dress in the same style. Trousers, light shirt, a bow tie and suspenders - that's all they need from clothes on this day. To make the groom different, let his outfit also be complemented by a vest of the same color.

Children at the wedding are frequent guests, and you also need to take care of the attire for them in advance. Let, like adult comrades, the baby put on jeans, a jacket and a wide hat.

Don't forget to invite a photographer or equip guests who can take good pictures as one. Then a simple but cozy and charming wedding will be captured for a long time.

Of course, this day is not complete without refreshments. See examples of dishes that can be served.

What to cook for a rustic wedding?

To keep everything in the same style, decorate the glasses by decorating them with rewound twine, pieces of lace and cardboard figures in the form of hearts.

Tables can be decorated with simple flowers, such as gypsophila. Put them in normal glass jars or metal buckets. All the same, these natural creatures will look amazing.

You can pre-put together a cache-pot from small boards and place small bouquets inside.

Rustic wedding dishes can be quite democratic. Organize a buffet table. To do this, you can even use a cart on wheels or put barrels next to it, connect them with a wooden tabletop.

Since this style does not involve frills, submit simple meals. It can be young potatoes cooked in their skins, chops, jellied fish, vegetable stew, canned fresh vegetables. For the buffet table, make canapés and a la carte snacks. A cheese bar, fruit will also be appropriate.

Guests can drink all this abundance with homemade fruit drinks, compotes, tinctures and wines.

If the wedding takes place in cold weather, prepare hot chocolate, mulled wine, grog.

For the sweet tooth, you can cook mint gingerbread, rolls, cupcakes, chocolate cookies. It would be nice to serve wafer rolls with filling, small cakes, marshmallows.

Abroad, sometimes hamburgers are made for such holidays, served with fried potatoes and sauce. That is, such dishes as they cook at McDonald's.

The cake must be made from natural products.

This is created from biscuit dough. You need to cook it in sufficient quantities and bake three high cakes. Each is cut in half and soaked in sweet syrup. You need to prepare a custard butter cream and coat the ingredients of the cake, collect it. Lay a napkin on a clean log and assemble the cake in descending order of the cakes. Decorate it with fresh berries, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

You can make a wedding cake in white colors and place it on a wooden coil from an electric cable. The light cake looks great and can be decorated as you wish or left like this snow-white.

Decorate this masterpiece with candied flowers and dried fruits. You can place it against the background of wooden scenery.

This is how a rustic wedding is held. If you like the idea of ​​holding such a themed wedding, then read it in more detail by looking at the plot of such a wedding.

Waiting for you in the first video touching wedding, which was noted in the forest area.

After looking at the second, you will see how you can arrange a rustic wedding, using the example of the marriage of Nikolai and Christina.

Recently, there has been great popularity themed holidays. To create an original wedding, you need to choose certain style, which will be present in everything: the design of the space, the dress code, the festive menu. If you love nature and are attracted to everything simple, natural, homely, then a rustic wedding is the perfect option for you!

What is a rustic wedding?

From French "rustique" is translated as "rustic", "simple", "rough".

If you are romantics, love field plants and dream of an open-air ceremony, then a rustic wedding is just for you!

In this style there is no luxury, lush decor, only exquisite simplicity. It is very popular in Europe and America, it is from there that he came to us.

Many newlyweds call this style burlap, as this material is most often used in decor. Character traits rustic style - rough decor elements, natural colors, natural materials. This style is also relevant because such a wedding can be held at any time of the year.

To decorate the festive space, cream, beige, dark green tones, as well as the color of aged wood are used.

Traditionally, rural weddings were held in early October after the harvest and the completion of the main field work. Therefore, the symbolic meaning of a rustic wedding is the unity of loving hearts and the triumph of abundant nature.

The main features of the rustic style

Stages of organizing a wedding

First you need to decide on the venue of the holiday. Most often, rustic weddings are held outdoors. With the help of a tent, you can protect guests from the scorching sun or rain.

Organizers need to take care of the delivery of invitation cards. It is necessary to decorate invitations beautifully, since it is with the help of this important detail that guests get the first impression of the style of the future wedding.

The third important point is the celebratory banquet. It is necessary to carefully consider the holiday menu. It can be dishes of Russian or European cuisine. The main condition is that all treats should be simple, no culinary delights. Festive table you need to decorate with confectionery, freshly baked bread.

You need to buy drinks. If you are planning an alcohol-free wedding, then treat guests with juices, water, and different types of tea. Fans of alcoholic drinks can be pleased with berry or fruit liqueurs, homemade wine, herbal tinctures.

You also need to order a wedding cortege. It can be a horse-drawn cart or a vintage car, decorated in your own way.

Do not forget to invite a professional photographer who will capture the best moments of the holiday. And the operator will create a whole film about your wedding.

The rustic style has European roots, and therefore the ransom traditional for Russia is not needed. Representatives of the young can come up with entertainment that will fit the desired style.

  1. On the day of the wedding, the young people gather separately, then they go to the registration.
  2. After the ceremony, a photo session is held in nature.
  3. Then a banquet is arranged with a professional host. Concerning musical accompaniment events, then the best option is country or jazz. During the break, the newly-made spouses dance, after which all the guests join them.

Beautiful fireworks are a great end to a wedding celebration.

Venue for the ceremony

In the warm season, you can register in a forest clearing, chamomile, poppy or wheat field, on the river bank, a picturesque cliff or in a cherry orchard. The main thing is to get acquainted with the weather forecast in advance so that strong wind or the rain didn't spoil the registration. For safety, use canopies or portable hangars.

Autumn gives a lot of materials for decorating a wedding celebration. A wedding ceremony in a forest or park will look especially beautiful. You can register a marriage in the open air, and hold a banquet in a restaurant or cafe. For such a program, a country house is perfect.

Looks very nice winter wedding rustic style! With the help of decorative elements, the lack of warmth and comfort, which is so lacking in the cold season, is compensated. For a wedding, a country hotel is most suitable. Hold the wedding ceremony in a large hall with wooden trim and a fireplace. And organize a banquet in a specially designated room, the main thing is that the interior should have stone, brick and wooden beams. The advantage of a country hotel is that guests can spend the night and leave in the morning.

Festive space design

Rustic wedding decor should be sophisticated and simple at the same time. The place for the ceremony must be zoned with the help of an arch, near which registration will take place and places for guests will be located. Use branches or roots as the basis for the arch. You can decorate it with wild flowers, textile garlands, antique lace. You can experiment with the shape of the arch.

It can be old doors or gates. It looks very solemn and symbolic!

Furniture for the ceremony should be made exclusively from natural materials. Guests can sit on folding chairs, haystacks or burlap-covered stumps. Hemp can serve as stands for various decorative elements.

Ordinary wooden tables can be replaced with homemade ones. To do this, take two large wine barrels and cover them with a wooden cover. It looks very stylish!

From briquettes
hay, you can create tables, chairs or even sofas for newlyweds and guests. Cover the hay with a natural thick cloth, decorate with cushions and wildflowers.

Rustic style involves minimal use of fabrics. Most often, the festive space is decorated with burlap, linen, chintz. These materials cover chairs, tables, create composite elements and accessories for the wedding. Linen or chintz napkins with lace or ribbon trim look very nice.

To decorate the space, twine is used. With the help of this thin rope, lamps, candlesticks, flower arrangements, cones, textile garlands. Also, glass containers are decorated with twine, which are used as flower vases.

Decorate the festive space with daisies, bluebells, cornflowers, sweet peas. To decorate bouquets, use paper, twine and burlap. Contrasting combination delicate flowers with rough materials looks very stylish and elegant. Bouquets can be placed in hanging vases decorated with fabric, lace or paper, or baskets. To keep them fresh and fragrant longer, pour water into a container.

The registration area can be decorated with paper garlands, aged furniture, books with yellowed leaves from age, wooden barrels, window frames or carts. Refuse shiny materials in the decor, they will look ridiculous.

Design of invitations

Invitations are the visiting card of the newlyweds, you can create them yourself. It can be an invitation card decorated with lace, a scroll tied with a rope or a piece of cloth, or a piece of bark with text cut out. You can't do without cardboard, kraft paper, openwork napkins, homespun lace, thick fabric, wrapping paper. You can experiment as much as you like, the main thing is to stick to natural colors, avoid synthetic materials and glitter.

In one style, you can create all wedding accessories: invitations, gift boxes, wedding pillows. For decoration, use coarse fabric, lace, beads and ribbons.

Gift boxes can contain sweets, jars of jam, honey, homemade soap, etc. These are souvenirs for guests to remember your wedding.

wedding flower arrangement

A rustic style wedding bouquet is created mainly from wildflowers. You can complement the bride's bouquet with bright ornamental plants. You can dilute the composition with cereal herbs, which give positive symbolism to the bouquet.

To create a contrasting bouquet, combine blue or purple flowers with bright sunflower. A rich and juicy composition is obtained with clusters of viburnum, mountain ash or sea buckthorn. Most often, the bride's bouquet is decorated with daisies, cornflowers, lilies of the valley, bluebells, small roses, daisies, etc.

The image of the young should be light and tender. Straight, slightly fitted style, flowing, natural material: cotton, linen or silk. It could be a sundress lace trim or a dress with long sleeves, open back or shoulders. Winter outfit of the bride can be supplemented with a shawl, voluminous scarf, cape or cardigan.

The hairstyle should be slightly careless and natural, as if the bride had just collected her hair. It can be different types weaving or loose curls, decorated with flowers, rim, beads. You can complement the image with a wreath of wild flowers, twigs, dried flowers, etc. The wreath must be created from the same flowers as bridal bouquet, and the groom's boutonniere.

As accessories, use bracelets from field plants, miniature earrings, thin chains.

You can decorate the bride's legs with summer ballet flats, open sandals, low-heeled shoes or cowboy boots. Shoes can be decorated with burlap or linen.

A young make-up should be natural and only in pastel colors. Use a foundation that is as close to natural skin tone as possible, light lipstick, a little mascara and a little blush. Eyes can be slightly emphasized with eyeliner.

Rustic Groom

The groom can safely refuse classic tuxedos, trousers with arrows, patent leather shoes. Most good option- casual style. For example, a light checkered shirt that can be unbuttoned at the top, a vest or a tweed jacket. Pants can be of any shade, but not black, the material is linen or thin cotton.

Ideal color combination- blue with sand. You can complement the image with suspenders, a colorful bow tie, a hat or a boutonniere. Replace patent leather shoes with sandals, moccasins or boots.

Wedding rings

Rustic style rings should be simple, best material- silver or white gold. Taboo - big gems, fine work.

Classic stand for wedding rings looks like a thick pillow natural fabric, decorated with lace. A stand made of a wooden frame with carved names of the newlyweds and the date of marriage can be decorated with a ribbon. A stand in the form of a nest of grass and twigs looks very original and symbolic.

Put a small napkin in the nest, and on top of the ring. Use sprigs of needles, cones or field plants as decoration.

Ideas for a wedding photo shoot

Rustic wedding will give unforgettable emotions, the main thing is to capture them correctly. Best Ideas for photo:

  • Shooting against the backdrop of a rural fence made of slats, a wheat, sunflower or poppy field.
  • A dilapidated barn or a herd of cows grazing in a meadow is suitable as a background.
  • Photos with animals look beautiful: horses, dogs, goats, etc.

Use whatever old stuff you find:

  • bike;
  • gardening Tools;
  • rocker;
  • large barrels;
  • wooden bench, etc.

You can take a photo near a haystack, an old well, a swing.

Festive menu and table decoration

Tables should be covered with tablecloths made of natural fabrics, decorated with fresh flowers, glass candlesticks, vases, wicker baskets, rough wooden boxes, etc. Dilute flower bouquets with dried flowers and green twigs. Don't forget the natural fabric napkins with lace trim.

guests on hay briquettes, hemp, benches or wooden chairs. Cover the furniture with textiles and decorate at your discretion. If the day is cool, then you can offer guests blankets. Guest cards can be made on wooden discs.

As for the menu, you will not see any frills in the form of chocolate fountains, cheese fondue or salmon in wine sauce. According to the concept of the event, simple village dishes are welcome: young jacket potatoes, jellied fish, chops, vegetable stew, fresh and canned vegetables. You can't do without fruit and a cheese bar. Treat guests with compotes, fruit drinks, homemade wines, tinctures. In cold weather, warm up with mulled wine, grog and hot chocolate.

Delight the sweet tooth with mint gingerbread, berry muffins, chocolate cookies, cupcakes, rolls. Concerning wedding cake, then it can be a simple biscuit with milk cream, decorated with fresh fruits or berries. It can be served on a tray or a wooden frame.

Festive dress code

You need to warn about the dress code even in the invitation, so that the guests have time to think over their image. It is better for ladies to dress in light linen sundresses or dresses in pastel shades, and for men - in wide shirts and thin trousers.

Bridesmaids should set off the bride, and therefore it is better to choose a beige or cream color for their outfits. You can complement the image with original ballet flats or cowboy boots. A careless hairstyle and the absence of bright accessories are a must. Bridesmaids can be given bouquets that vaguely resemble a flower arrangement in the hands of the bride.

Wedding entertainment and a procession of young people

Concerning entertainment program there are many ways to have fun. You can hang swings decorated with ribbons on the trees. The most popular games are twister, tower, towns, Cossack robbers, etc. You can include music competitions in the program.

young - this is also a very important point. For this, a country-style car, decorated with branches, flowers, textile frills, paper garlands and figurines of young people, is suitable. By tradition, cars can be decorated with tin cans tied to ribbons.

The ideal option is a horse cart filled with hay. Such a trip will bring a lot of pleasure to young people. A rustic wedding is a unique event that will be remembered for a long time!