Winter wedding in the new year and at Christmas. New Year's Eve wedding: advantages and disadvantages

Wedding - unique holiday, this is the day of the creation of your family, so it should reflect your personality. A photo shoot against the backdrop of a New Year's decorated city is magical. The Christmas tree in the middle of the banquet hall is too much.

Many restaurants decorate for the holidays, so be sure to check this point when booking your venue. Decorating empty space is easier than fixing someone else's mistakes. But at the same time, it will be possible to save on some decor details that the hall already has.

Do not abuse the red-green color scheme. These shades, combined with traditional snow-white, will create a New Year's atmosphere. There are many other winter details that will perfectly fit into the concept of the wedding and at the same time will not create the feeling of the New Year: candles, rowan berries, cinnamon, cones, etc.

Book everything in advance

The earlier the better. In winter, the demand for wedding services falls noticeably, and the future newlyweds relax, forgetting that at this time there is another "trouble" - New Year's holidays and corporate parties. A time when prices and interest in restaurant rentals are skyrocketing.

It is important to book in advance not only the wedding venue, but also contractors. After all, the schedule of decorators and photographers during the New Year holidays is quite tight, and the desired professional may already be busy on the desired date. If you resolve these issues at the very beginning of preparation, you can immediately relax and devote more time to developing the style and concept.

Choose the right date

These holidays are really better not to mix. You risk confusing yourself and your guests. Therefore, to arrange a celebration on December 31 is not the most best idea. The celebration of the wedding can drag on until late, and you are unlikely to like that closer to the night your personal holiday will turn into a New Year's Eve.

An avalanche of congratulations will fall on you and your guests for a completely different reason, and the wedding will completely fade into the background. In addition, your wedding anniversary automatically becomes a national event and deprives you of additional holiday. And, of course, gifts.

Remember that by the New Year holidays, prices for many necessary services increase significantly, and the wonderful plus of a winter wedding - savings - disappears.

Respect the interests of guests

You might be thinking, "Whoever really wants to be at my wedding will." But most people prefer to celebrate the New Year with family and close friends or leave for a while winter holidays to other cities and countries. Therefore, they will be forced to refuse you, having received an invitation. If you are planning a wedding in late December or early January, let your guests know as early as possible so they can adjust their plans.

The beginning of a new year is like the beginning of a new life, more interesting and happy. It is these expectations that a young couple usually have when they decide to unite their destinies. A wedding on New Year's holiday will be remembered for a lifetime as one of the most exciting, wonderful and wonderful events in life.

Advantages and features of a New Year's wedding

First, about all the advantages of a New Year's wedding:

  • On the eve of the New Year holiday, everyone usually has a festive, high spirits, which means that good mood guests at your wedding are already guaranteed, it is unlikely that someone will have sad faces on New Year's Eve,
  • No need to take care of any special wedding decorations hall. If the New Year's wedding is celebrated in a cafe or restaurant, the hall will be in the New Year's decor anyway. If the wedding is celebrated in a house, apartment, country cottage, they are still decorated for the New Year. And anyway Christmas decoration any room where the wedding will take place is perfect for wedding celebration. Small additions wedding decor, which will be discussed below, will create, in addition to New Year's, and the wedding atmosphere of the holiday,
  • When else can you ride a Russian troika to the sound of bells, instead of traditional cars with balls and rings, if not on New Year's wedding. And if Santa Claus himself sits on the goats, instead of a coachman, this will be a great addition to a winter fairytale wedding,
  • How often do newlyweds at a wedding host, instead of sometimes not very skillful toastmaster, there are such fairy tale characters like Santa Claus and Snow Maiden,
  • Fans of holidays that last more than one day (and a wedding is usually celebrated for two days) do not need to think about how to go to work, sleepy and with a headache,
  • No need to buy expensive fireworks for a New Year's wedding, festive fireworks will bloom for the newlyweds all new year's eve.
  • Features of the New Year's wedding, which, at first glance, look like minuses:
  • Someone from friends and relatives will not want to celebrate a wedding on New Year's Eve. You just need to worry about invitations in advance (long before the New Year holiday), because the wedding date is set at least 2 months in advance. Then you will know exactly the number of guests,
  • Prices in restaurants and cafes on New Year's Eve are more expensive than in common days. You can hold a New Year's wedding in an apartment, house, in a heated cottage. But even if you hold a wedding in a cafe or restaurant, you still get savings, because, firstly, you don’t need to spend money on decorating the hall (all restaurants and cafes decorate for the New Year celebration), and secondly, the cost of one holiday is still less than two,
  • New Year's wedding involves gifts not only for the young, but also for new Year gifts to all guests. But even regardless of the wedding, you still would have to give New Year gifts to relatives and friends. And if there are many guests, and among them those to whom you did not intend to give something for the New Year, prepare all the guests the same or different, but inexpensive New Year's souvenirs.

In general, so that there are no overlaps in holding a New Year's wedding, it is necessary in advance, and not in last days, take care of invitations, venue, toastmaster, wedding suits so that just before the New Year you don’t run around “with your tongue hanging out”, patching up all the gaps in the organization of the celebration.

And somewhere a wedding, a wedding, a wedding sang and danced

In order for your wedding to have a place to “sing and dance”, you need to decide in advance on the venue for the wedding celebration. Now rarely does anyone hold a wedding in an apartment or own house. In any apartment or house there is not enough space for a large number guests who usually attend a wedding, unless the wedding is celebrated in a very narrow family circle.

For a New Year's wedding, you can rent banqueting hall restaurant or cafe. And the best option for a New Year's wedding could be country cottage or a hotel, where, in addition to the hall, there are also several bedrooms for guests. Thus, the problem of overnight stays for guests who have come from afar is also solved.

In addition, a suburban wedding venue involves a lot of things. winter entertainment: organizing fireworks, playing snowballs, making a snowman, meeting the moment of the arrival of the New Year under the starry sky.

By the way, you will also need to think about the method of delivering guests (except for those who came from afar) home. A wedding, and especially a New Year's one, can end well after midnight, so you need to agree on transport to bring guests home in advance.

How to arrange invitations for a New Year's wedding

Naturally, invitations to a New Year's wedding should, in addition to wedding decor, have new year decoration. Most likely, such standard invitations that combine wedding and New Year's designs cannot be found on sale, and they will have to be ordered.

But, it will be a real exclusive, they will be the one and only. They can even be made in the form of a snowflake, snowman or Christmas ball. And be sure to mention in the invitation that in addition to the wedding, there will be a celebration of the New Year. For example, "We invite you to the wedding and the celebration of the New Year ...".

Moreover, it is necessary to take care of invitations to a New Year's wedding in advance, two to one and a half months, after all, this is the New Year, and many people make plans long before its onset, where they will celebrate this holiday.

Ah, this trio with bells ...

The best option for a New Year's wedding procession would, of course, be a Russian troika with Santa Claus as a coachman. And if there is an opportunity to order two or three more triples for guests, such a wedding procession will be remembered for a long time not only by young guests, but also by residents of your city.

But even if the option with the Russian troika does not work as a wedding cortege, the wedding auto-cortege can also look quite New Year's. Cars can be decorated with New Year's tinsel, balls, snowflakes, a Christmas wreath can be placed on the hood, and the driver can be dressed up as Santa Claus or Santa Claus. And the songs and music that will accompany the wedding procession must be selected not only for wedding, but also for New Year's themes.

Winter wedding dress

Holding a wedding in the winter suggests that the outfits of the bride and groom will be different from the summer outfits. Certainly Wedding Dress the bride should be beautiful, the groom's suit elegant, but how would they, the poor, not catch a cold in the December frost. For some time in the process of the wedding, the young people will have to spend on the street, this is the transition from the car to the room, and photographing against the background winter scenery, and some other moments of being outdoors.

Therefore, it is necessary to think over the combination in the suits of young wedding elegance with winter option suits. Nothing is new under the sun, people have already married and got married in the winter, if not on New Year's Eve, but in the winter cold. There are many options for winter bridal attire.

Firstly, the bride’s wedding dress may not be summer, airy, but made of warm, elegant, snow-white velvet, or patterned brocade, with long sleeves, but open neckline, decorated with rhinestones, large embroidery, trimmed with fur. Shiny jewelry and rhinestones will delightfully sparkle in the bright winter sun.

cape, cape, mini jacket, short fur coat from white fur not only set off the winter outfit of the bride, but also warm her on a winter day. You can complement the bride's winter outfit with a fur clutch and an original fur hat.

A bright color note in a snow-white bridal outfit will look great among the sparkling winter snows, it could be blue trim dresses, red belt, color embroidery, as long as this color matches the main color scheme wedding decor of the hall where the wedding will take place.

The groom's suit can be any color: black, gray, white, cream, and bright accent young winter wedding dresses can be bright scarves, mittens, snow-white or painted boots.

To highlight the New Year's variant weddings, guests at the entrance to the hall can be offered small fabulous half masks, hats of Santa Claus, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, New Year's tinsel as decoration for a dress or costume.

Hall decoration - New Year's wedding fairy tale

The peculiarity of the New Year's wedding is that you do not need to decorate the hall in any special way, it is quite suitable christmas decor. If it is a hall of a restaurant or cafe, then it will already be decorated in the New Year's style. It will be a little more difficult, and perhaps more interesting, to design some kind of room for a wedding on your own.

First you need to decide on the color scheme for the design of the hall intended for the New Year's wedding. Very well suited, both for a wedding and for the New Year, such combinations of colors: red and gold, blue and silver, green, red and gold.

Having decided on the color scheme, you can proceed to the design of the hall. All kinds of balls, cones, icicles, snowflakes, garlands, lanterns, bells, beautifully decorated candles, New Year's tinsel all this is suitable for decorating the hall.

On the tables among the dishes you can place New Year's compositions from small trees spruce branches, flowers, twigs with dried autumn berries. Bouquets and compositions can be additionally decorated with artificial snow or small sparkles.

Regardless of the color scheme of the hall decor, the dishes should be white, like snow, or transparent, like ice.
A Christmas tree or several small Christmas trees placed around the perimeter of the hall necessary element New Year's wedding. To emphasize that this is not only a celebration of the New Year, but also weddings, on the Christmas tree, among the toys, you can hang snowflakes or hearts with photographs of the newlyweds.

New Year's wedding table menu

New Year's wedding menu depends only on the skill of the cook and your financial opportunities, you can include any dishes, snacks and drinks in it. You can include several additional dishes in it, emphasizing the December New Year menu option, traditional dishes New Year's table, baked turkey or duck with apples, Olivier salad, will remind you that not only the wedding is celebrated, but the New Year's Eve. And for guests who are fasting, it is advisable to prepare several delicious lenten dishes.

Looks great a wedding cake, symbolizing the New Year's wedding. Decorated with figures of the bride and groom in the costumes of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, sprinkled with "sweet snow", it will be another element of the celebration of the wedding on New Year's Eve.

Hot drinks such as mulled wine, grog, hot chocolate, served at the end of the banquet, will be another extra nice touch to the New Year's wedding.

So, if you want to have a wedding in winter, hold it on New Year's Eve, and then your New Year's wedding will be remembered not only by you, but also by your guests, as a delightful winter fairy tale.

Under the chiming clock, what could be more romantic when they shout “Bitterly” to young people? A wedding on New Year's Eve essentially brings with it something new, the birth of a new stage in life, because these two holidays are magical in nature. And it's so important to combine important events in the life of lovers on the same day and share their joy with their loved ones and relatives.
Considering Christmas mood, joy and excitement in connection with the wedding, this day will be unforgettable for both lovers and guests. Before deciding to take such a step, you should first weigh all the pros and cons of such a decision.


  • mood and excitement, the scenery is immersed as if in a fairy tale;
  • a wedding on New Year's Eve is a rare occurrence, therefore a huge plus is an original and memorable holiday;
  • most couples who decide to celebrate their wedding on December 31st claim that New Year's Eve has magical properties, and their families have only become stronger;
  • the bride can be selected in connection with the theme original dress, which can emphasize an unsurpassed image;
  • room decor, a selection of suits for the bride and groom can be made in a variety of colors, while there will be no objectionable opinions.
  • the celebration of the wedding can be stretched for several days, since January 1 and 2, as a rule, are days off, so you can walk from the heart.


  • all the same, frost and cold can affect the mood and health of all participants in the celebration, so the photo session will take place quickly, without the possibility of a break, but you should not postpone or shorten the time. wedding photos in winter they turn out incredibly beautiful and natural;
  • a wedding on New Year's Eve can tighten the shoelaces in family budget, because the waste will be much more than, for example, in the summer. Holiday prices on the eve of the New Year, it's no secret, are skyrocketing. Still worth buying outerwear for the young. And it is doubtful that the bride will wear a down jacket under a beautiful wedding dress, definitely, she will want to buy a fur coat or a fur poncho.
  • New Year is family celebration, therefore, not all guests whom the newlyweds would like to see will be able to attend their celebration.
  • gifts should be given not only to guests, but also to congratulate guests. And these are additional expenses, while you still need to decide on gifts that would symbolize both the wedding and the New Year.


To properly organize a wedding on New Year's Eve and get a lot of positive emotions and impressions, you should follow:

  • ordering a room, which should be done in advance, after checking the quality and variety of dishes, agree with the administration, it is possible to rent a banquet hall, but this should be done 6 months in advance;
  • control or make changes to the scenario of the toastmaster, because the wedding can turn into a fairy tale with the help of the toastmaster, how it will be original to see Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden instead of competitions with chairs;
  • the design of the hall should be left to the administration of the restaurant, and if necessary, make adjustments.

Musical accompaniment

It can be a woven song about Santa Claus and Mendelssohn's waltz. The best option is if there will be live music at the wedding. It is original and memorable to dance your first dance to live music, by the way, you should also prepare for it in advance, up to visiting the choreographer.

If we take into account the theme of the wedding, no difficulties are foreseen with the decorations and the creation of compositions. Firstly, there are a lot of options for decorating the hall, a wedding procession or making a bouquet for the bride, it's all to the taste of the young. Secondly, it is the simplicity of design. It is enough to take a couple of sprigs of spruce, add Christmas decorations, cover it with artificial snow - and the composition is ready!

To make a decision to play a wedding on the eve of the New Year or not - this decision will be for the young. But it should be noted that before deciding to take such a step, one should take into account the opinions of all guests, because not everyone is ready to share such joy on New Year's Eve. For the New Year's wedding, you should prepare in advance, order a restaurant, issue invitations, invite a toastmaster. But such troubles are worth it, what could be more beautiful when, in the circle of those closest to the chiming clock, you are in the arms of a loved one?

The New Year is magic, the fulfillment of desires, because how you meet it, and spend it, directly depends on proper organization celebrations and from the bride and groom. The main thing to remember is that no matter what the situation is, nothing should spoil the fabulous mood.

New Year - magical holiday, one of the favorites of most people. Wedding - exciting, the most significant event in the life of almost everyone ... And why not combine these two celebrations into one?! In the New Year, we walk with the expectation of a fairy tale, with faith in the best and most beautiful, but isn't that what we are waiting for when we marry our loved one? Even the preparation for these two events is similar - both there, and there, as a rule, there is a lot of trouble with registration and other things. There is really one significant difference - the New Year happens annually, and the wedding is once in a lifetime (alas, ideally, of course, but we all strive for it!). The latter may be the reason that someone does not want to mix two celebrations into one, but for lovers of originality, the New Year for a wedding is the best fit! Moreover, then every year it will be possible to celebrate the anniversary of the wedding and the next New Year

And yes, we are talking about the holiday from December 31 to January 1 - that is, the wedding will drag on until at least 2 am However, it seems to us that many wedding festivities and so ends well after midnight.

New Year's wedding outfits

Outfits for a wedding scheduled in New Year's celebration, can be, as the most familiar, classic: White dress the bride and an elegant suit in dark colors the groom, and original ones - costumes of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, princes and princesses, snowmen, etc. White fur coats and dresses-coats on brides look very good, in winter and, at the same time, festively. original element outfit will be real winter accessories: mittens, scarves, hats and felt boots.

New Year's wedding decor

One of the advantages of a New Year's wedding is the ease of registration - that's where you don't have to rack your brains! Obviously, a New Year's wedding needs appropriate paraphernalia, which is abundant in almost all stores, from specialized boutiques to hyper-markets and stationery. For such a wedding, everything that is good for the New Year is suitable: tinsel, "rain", garlands, candles in various candlesticks, Christmas decorations, lanterns, bells, Christmas socks and, of course, a Christmas tree!

Imagine your most ideal New Year and arrange a wedding in this style. Invitations and wedding cards should be appropriate.

Musical accompaniment, by the way, may include elements New Year's songs! With the celebration itself, we think there will be no problems either, because, apart from wishing a happy family life, everyone will congratulate both the newlyweds and each other on the New Year, everyone will receive gifts and universal happiness, along with good mood guaranteed!

Pros and cons of getting married on New Year's Eve

Disadvantages of a New Year's Eve wedding:
- if you want there to be more holidays and that each of them corresponds to its name, then the New Year's wedding is not for you;
- whatever one may say, but the New Year is a large-scale holiday and people invited to the wedding will certainly want to congratulate not only you, but also their relatives, which means: they will either start making phone calls, or simply will not be able to come;
- the employment of restaurants, clubs and presenters - all this is very popular on New Year's Eve;
- prices - the same restaurants and toastmaster services can cost you more than on another day;

- gifts from you - you will have to buy gifts for all guests;
- gifts for newlyweds - someone will give you gifts only for the wedding and not for the New Year;
- in the midst of the celebration, some guests may forget that they are celebrating not only the New Year, but also the wedding.

However, New Year's Eve has its perks, and even minuses turned into pluses:
- New Year's Eve wedding is a lot of fun;
- price - yes, yes - celebrating the wedding and the New Year on the same day, you save anyway (unless, of course, you were not going to spend New Year's Eve in silence on your own sofa);
- gifts - yes, you really have to buy them for all the guests, but didn’t you invite those to whom you would have bought gifts for the New Year anyway ?, and if there are a lot of guests, then prepare the same symbolic souvenirs for them (only cute and good quality!) or, in the end, chocolate figurines wrapped in foil;
- someone who prefers to celebrate the New Year in narrow circle family, will not be able to come, and someone, on the contrary, will be delighted with the opportunity to have fun celebrating the New Year with friends and relatives.

And how to get around the disadvantage of organizing a wedding on New Year's Eve? Just take care of everything in advance - the restaurant, the toastmaster, and the gifts. By the way, one of good options to celebrate the New Year's wedding will be renting a nice cottage in a picturesque place.

Although winter is not the most popular wedding time, nature seems to have created this time of year for birth. new family. After all, when else can you see such a snow-white extravaganza outside the window?

The whole earth is dressed in white, and the trees, bare by autumn leaf fall, put on festive outfit- as if the whole world is waiting for your wedding.

Why did you do it: put on a white dress? Choosing a wedding dress for a winter wedding!

One of the burning questions in our latitudes: "?". Indeed, a double-edged sword: on the one hand, you need to look like a queen, but on the other, you don’t want to freeze, because the frosts are not funny on New Year’s Eve. How to find the golden mean?

Bride in winter in a white fur cape

Look at this problem from the other side: this is just the case when you can show off unusual outfits and be very elegant. There are a lot of options for warming on the street: a fur coat and a hat, snow-white mittens, unusual boots or stylized boots.

Winter wedding dress just can not be royal: heavy dense fabrics, fur trim and large jewelry will look just brilliant in the winter sun. In order not to freeze indoors, you can throw a shawl or cape over your shoulders.

Boiling white color of the dress for the New Year's wedding is what you need. You can add color accents in the form of a red or green belt or frill. Dresses decorated with embroidery or rhinestones will look very impressive.

The “chip” of your couple can be sets of bright warm scarves and a mitten. And if the snow blinds your eyes, you can wear bright glasses to match their color.

Orange scarves and glasses of the newlyweds at the New Year's wedding

Eh, three white horses ... Nice features of a winter wedding

A New Year's wedding is an event that simply must be remembered by everyone and forever.

Russian will look spectacular winter wedding if there are three frisky horses on it ...

Well, when else can you come for a bride not in a limousine, but in a sleigh pulled by a trio of white horses and with Santa Claus instead of a coachman?

When else will the real Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden be the hosts at your wedding?

When else can you easily celebrate a wedding for several days without worrying that someone from those invited to work tomorrow?

And finally, when else will festive fireworks be fired from every house for your wedding?

Wedding decor for the New Year: features in detail

Little Christmas tree is cold in winter...

Of course, the Christmas tree and everything connected with it should become the main decor at the New Year's wedding: snowflakes, garlands, cones, icicles, balls, confetti, etc. Green beauty can be one large or several small ones.

Decorations for them can serve not only Christmas decorations, but also sweets and fruits. Hearts or snowflakes with photographs of the bride and groom will look unusual on the Christmas tree.

Beautiful Christmas tree in the wedding hall

Wedding Palette for a Winter Wedding

If you love elegance in everything, choose two or three colors for the interior, for example, gold and red (burgundy), blue and silver, green and gold. Such a metered amount of colors will look strictly and at the same time solemnly - just what you need.

White and silver textiles will look very elegant. To soften a bit such an ice palace Snow Queen, you can add green, burgundy or gold colors.

Wedding hall decor like in a winter fairy tale

Place candles on the tables spruce twigs and add cones to flower arrangements, use artificial snow and clear crystals. Serving utensils are better to choose white or transparent like snow or ice.

New Year's decor will make any banquet hall charming. However, if possible, it is better to choose somewhere outside the city. Firstly, it is very romantic, and secondly, there are much more opportunities in nature: you can play snowballs, make snowman and just admire this beauty.

Very winning option- a manor or a cottage with a large living room and a fireplace. Just what you need on cold winter days! The entrance can be decorated with illumination and ice sculptures.

Winter wedding table decor and wedding menu

White beauty all around! I just want to take a brush and capture this magnificence on canvas.

- this is the pinnacle of culinary art, however, not as durable as paintings.

But, nevertheless, the winter theme of the main delicacy of the table will look amazing and will remain in the memory of the guests for a long time. New Year's style can complement the figures of deer, elves, snowflakes, icicles.

The figurines of the bride and groom can be "dressed up" in the costumes of the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus.

Well, if you are still closer to the floral theme in decorating cakes, you can beat this option by slightly “sprinkling” the bouquet with sweet snow or frost.

It’s nice to add a few dishes to the menu for fasting guests, as well as something traditional without which the New Year is unthinkable. For example, Olivier salad or duck with apples.