How to celebrate 50th anniversary. Banquet halls for an anniversary

Half a century is half a life's journey, a turning point in the lives of many men, when you can take stock and make new plans. For such an event, it is necessary to send out, order a hall, decorating it in the spirit of the holiday, in order to emphasize the solemnity of the moment.

The scenario of the 50th anniversary of a man cannot do without a toastmaster - too serious an event. In any case, one of the active relatives or friends with experience in public speaking or simply pronounced qualities of an unofficial leader can take on the role of leader. He must know the hero of the occasion and all the guests well. To be sure, it is worth writing down all the achievements of the hero of the day, interesting events childhood. A few toasts and congratulations must be learned by heart, and the guests will say the rest.


“We called all the guests on this day for the anniversary,

The hero of the day was looked after, decently dressed,

And we would like to clarify it with you at this hour.

Should know both young and old, who is the hero of the day today?

Who is ironed and shaved, just a presidential look?

Everyone recognized the hero of the day, only they did not name the age!

It’s not an easy road for you to walk 5 dozen, and now, I’ll tell you straight

It must be washed! (everyone answers, naming the name and age in chorus).

Dear Ivan Ivanovich! For you! Be healthy and lucky, we tell you loving!

After the toast, the presenter proposes an experiment

In front of you is a half-drunk bottle of wine. I start a thought and you finish. Is the bottle half...full? Fair! Empty? It is truth too. Only the first answer was from an optimist, and the second from a pessimist. Same with the anniversary. In this phrase "turned 50" is missing a short "already" or "still." Let's ask Ivan Ivanovich, what would he put in here? "More?" - it means that our hero of the day is an optimist in life. A toast: to the healthy optimism of Ivan Ivanovich - if he is still 50, then all 100 will definitely be!

Music screensaver


“Dear Ivan Ivanovich! Next to you today are the most dear people - wife Svetlana Sergeevna, children Alexander and Valentina, grandchildren Katyusha and Maxim, who have prepared many kind words for you.


“Dear Vanechka! Congratulations on an important date and I want to continue to have one road for both of us, where we could enjoy every day and such happy days to have more. Let the light in the window remind you that you are always welcome here. Here is my passionate kiss as a gift.”


"Dear daddy! Accept congratulations on this day from your grandchildren and children. For us, you are always the most important, even though we are much older. Years go by, the head turned gray, many worries and anxieties are behind. Only what does it matter to age if a warm heart is in the chest.

Grandchildren congratulate with a song to the melody "From a smile"

“Grandpa has an anniversary today, together with the sun everyone woke up today.

They ran to grandfather rather, kissed and, of course, smiled.

Chorus: birthday is your holiday, have fun and sing with us,

Rest your weary hands

For you, the whole family baked a big pie,

To congratulate you to all children and grandchildren!


“Dear guests, a toast - for congratulations! For those half a century that the hero of the day lived, he fulfilled his mission in full - the house was built, the children grew up and the trees too. What else was in his fate, the stars and our guests will tell.

Stars with questions hang on the wall. Guests take turns taking a star.

Sample list of questions

  1. How did you meet Ivan Ivanovich?
  2. What do you like most about a birthday party?
  3. Why can the hero of the celebration be given an order?
  4. Which happy events were in the life of the hero of the day?
  5. Guess his dream!
  6. What would you like to ask Ivan Ivanovich?
  7. Which interesting case was with your birthday?
  8. How many years does Ivan Ivanovich have a new name - grandfather?
  9. Where did the hero of the day start his career?


"Thank you nice words to the birthday man, for the achievements of Ivan Ivanovich!

Music screensaver


"Ivan Ivanovich! Accept congratulations from your best friends!”


“Our dear friend and colleague! We have known each other for half a lifetime, and all the years we have known you as an excellent family man, father and grandfather, true friend and professional. Health to you, happiness in the family, success!


“Dear guests, it’s a sin not to drink for such wishes!”


Scenario of the anniversary of 50 years for a man funny contests should include, and preferably thematic.

Contest "Happy Anniversary"

Props for the competition - 9 cards: S, Yu, B, I, L, E, E, M,! Exactly 9 volunteers are required to participate. The host distributes cards to everyone and asks them to line up so that they can read the inscription in the hall. Participants line up and raise their hands up. And now everyone in turn comes out and with his body depicts the letter chosen for greeting.

Musical pause

Team congratulations

It is best to prepare a colorful address folder for the hero of the day. Proposed toast to good words from the team.


Prepare a bottle of champagne with the "signature" label of the hero of the day - an autographed photo. You can start by placing a very small bet - 10 rubles.

The scenario of the anniversary of 50 years for a man can be beautifully completed with a ritual with an anniversary cake. At the end of the holiday, a cake is brought out to the music of the song “Closing the Circle”. The lights are turned off, the hero of the day blows out the candles. Guests with candles in their hands around the table sing the song "Here is one of those stories ...".

Anniversary script for drivers


“I am glad to welcome everyone to the celebration on the occasion of the anniversary of the respected Ivan Ivanovich, a driver from God and just a wonderful person. On the eve of today's celebration, a special commission calculated the mileage that our hero of the day has run over for all the years of his labor activity. These kilometers would be enough to travel around the globe 10 times. And this is not the limit. He still has enough time in this life to double his personal record, which is what we all wish him.

After a short break, the floor is taken by a representative of the column or the fleet where the hero of the day works. The welcome address is read out.

Exam on the rules of the road

The scenario of the 50th anniversary of the male driver includes an exam on the rules of the road.


“Do you know which of the people is the most superstitious? Of course, drivers! They have so many different signs! Before passing the exam, their head is unwashed, and there must be a nickel under the heel. I wonder if the hero of the day foresaw how it could be useful to him, because he has to confirm his proud title - a virtuoso driver. Anyone who has ever passed exams at the traffic police knows that it consists of theory and practice. We will not break traditions, therefore we start with the theoretical part.

Props: print the relevant road signs. For each sign - three answers, from which the hero of the day must choose.

Stage one - a fun exam on the rules of the road "What the signs show"

  • excavations of archaeologists;
  • work in the garden;
  • Men at work.
  • side wind;
  • ce la vie: white stripe, black stripe;
  • Pinocchio goes for a swim.
  • butcher shop;
  • cattle drive;
  • bullfight in spanish;
  • ski jumping;
  • drawbridge;
  • you and I are 2 shores ...
  • rough road;
  • negro beach;
  • speed bumps in an embrace;
  • you can turn the steering wheel only counterclockwise;
  • roundabout intersection;
  • you can only move around its own axis;
  • reindeer riding;
  • so that's what you are;
  • wild animals;
  • I have an anniversary
  • prepared 50 liters - waiting for guests!

For the brilliant delivery of the theoretical part, the hero of the day is awarded the newest traffic rules.


  • “We are moving on to the second stage - the driving test. Before sending the test subject to the track, about some signs:
  • someone “kissed” your car while driving - go out and clarify: if in the back - to increase cash receipts, if in front - to expenses;
  • folk wisdom: if you forgot to warn the other person about the inspector hiding in an ambush, tomorrow he will leave you best friend. I saw it myself - tell it to another, so as not to anger God;
  • the most real omen: if you washed the car, it will rain soon;
  • the heaviest curse: so that you get a tipsy blonde on a Gazelle with a right-hand drive.

Driving test

“Attention, test time! I ask motorists to join the hero of the day! Competition props: three children's cars with long ropes tied to them and three pencils. Drivers are given pencils, the ends of the ropes are tied to them. The cars are at the start, at the other end of the room. On a signal, the drivers begin to wind the rope around the pencil, pulling the car to the finish line. Whose car arrives first, he wins.

For the scenario of the anniversary of 50 years, a man has a cool diploma - you need to prepare a certificate, and the most impressive dimensions. It would be wise to plan the result of the competition, but even regardless of the results of the competition, the presenter must note the skill of the birthday man and present the "Certificate of the virtuoso". At the same time, a present is also presented - a monthly pass for a tram or bus, because cherished dream any driver - at least someday to be a passenger.

Musical pause


“The certificate has been issued, the only thing left is to buy a car. And here we again have a bunch of signs:

  • bought a car on the 13th - found himself in eternal torment with her in this life;
  • study her number carefully - if it contains the number 13 or at least the sum of the digits is equal to this fatal number - the car's karma is hopelessly destroyed.

To prevent this from happening to our hero of the day, we pass the test:

How many times a year do we live "Friday the 13th" - 1, 2 or 3 times? (answer - 3 times).

Our Ivan Ivanovich is quite ready to purchase a new car, which is what we wish him. But a new certificate and a new car must be washed, otherwise it will break down every day. It is believed that the driver needs to drink as much as the height of the certificate fits in a glass. They pour the favorite drink of the hero of the day (non-alcoholic or low-alcohol) and drinks it to friendly applause.

Motorists consider cars to be living beings, divide them into boys and girls, reward them with compliments - “hero”, “beauty”, and this is understandable - if the driver loves his car, she reciprocates. Let's remember all the brands of cars. (The guests take turns calling the brands, the one who remembers the last name receives a car deodorant prize. You can also ask him to describe the named car.


“A lot of signs from drivers one way or another relate to money:

  • ; if the arrow of the gasoline level is at zero - to small expenses;
  • if you wash your car at home, thieves will clean it, although if you wash it under someone's windows and even turn on the music, then this is a crumpled face or roof;
  • “Autograph” of pigeons on a car - for money, if washed off - for expenses;
  • the situation with the ban on seeds in the salons is incomprehensible, they say, to unforeseen expenses, but the maximum that threatens in this case is the dry cleaning of the salon.”

Competition "Dry Cleaning"

Three participants are invited, they are given rollers with adhesive tape. Garbage is prepared on cardboard - chopped threads, etc. The task is to vacuum and clean up quickly. The winner receives a gift detergents for auto.


“The most fun signs associated with representatives of the traffic police:

  • do not whistle in the cabin - the inspector will slow down;
  • do not count money in the car - an experienced inspector hears the rustle of banknotes 10 km away;
  • disrespect will make any Friday the thirteenth, even the smallest inspector.

The scenario of the anniversary of 50 years for a man of the game must necessarily include, and preferably, professional ones.

Game "Controller"

Volunteers stand in a circle. The host shows the movements of the traffic controller, each of which corresponds to a specific phrase:

  • hands to the sides - "no stop";
  • one hand at the top - “stop, auto!”;
  • right hand in front - “give way to the ski track”;

The leader shows the movements, the task of the players is not to go astray. Anyone who comments incorrectly is out of the game. The prize for the winner is a rod (toy) and the right to occupy any intersection.

Quiz "My car"


"Friends! Our Ivan Ivanovich spent his whole life behind the steering wheel and probably thoroughly studied his car. Let's check out our best auto mechanic." The hero of the day is shown slides or pictures with individual spare parts and parts of the car, he names them. In case of doubt, you can ask the hall for help or call a friend. The birthday boy is awarded a steering wheel with the inscription "To the Best Mechanic".

Walking track game

Stripes are drawn on the floor. Players are divided into teams. Gotta get over the track different ways– only on white or black stripes, rotating a hoop or inflating a balloon – both speed and result are important.


“Maybe someone has their own, exclusive signs? (guests call). And in my opinion, it is important just to be careful and follow the rules, and for Have a good mood- a song, I propose for the birthday man to sing it all together (everyone sings “Hold on tight to the steering wheel”).

Another video script for the anniversary of 50 years for a man.
45 years old woman -. How to celebrate a man's birthday, read on.

What does 50 mean for a man? The time when the house is not only built, but also inhabited and furnished; when the son not only grew up, but he himself, most likely, started a family; when the tree has already grown and rustles with leaves. How to celebrate the 50th anniversary of a man, so that it matches the importance of the date?

After all, those who consider 50 years old are mistaken. It's half a century. So, at least half a century is ahead! And if half of life has been lived, then this is a worthy reason to celebrate such a date magnificently and on a grand scale: to sum up, make plans, rejoice in the company of dear people.

Getting ready for the anniversary

You can't let the anniversary pass unnoticed by you. It must be real holiday souls! Some time before the onset solemn date(a month or even two or three months in advance) start thinking and planning your holiday. Not only experience and imagination will help you in this, but also professional organizers holiday events and celebrations. Turning to the masters in this field, you can be guaranteed to celebrate the anniversary so that everyone will remember it for another half a century.

Guest List: Invite everyone or just loved ones?

As we all remember, there are two types of holidays: for narrow circle loved ones and for everyone. “Everyone” can mean your work colleagues, former classmates and classmates, distant relatives, neighbors and just acquaintances.

You have to decide who to invite to your anniversary. The guest list needs to be thoughtfully compiled, taking into account the relationship between people, their tastes and interests - so that everyone likes it. There may be several dozen people. If you want a cozy holiday with your family, call only your loved ones. As a rule, it is impossible to be alone on such a significant occasion. Most likely, having learned about your intention to arrange a holiday, many themselves will begin to ask for a visit.

Place of the holiday: so that there is a place to roam

Based on the list of guests and from their financial opportunities, choose a place where you will celebrate. It is very important that all guests can comfortably accommodate there. In addition, this place must:

Be located where everyone can easily reach;

Correspond to the atmosphere of the holiday and your status;

Give guests the opportunity to “roam around” without disturbing anyone in the neighborhood.

Maybe it will be a restaurant or a club, or maybe a recreation center or a hotel (now many hotels have the possibility of organizing banquets). Perhaps in warm time year you will want to organize a celebration on your own site or in nature. This is also a good option, but guests may not always like this choice.

We compose the menu

For menu planning, it is best to consult with the event organizer. If you are celebrating an anniversary at a restaurant or other establishment, making a reservation in advance, then make a list of dishes that will be served on the table.

It must be festive dishes, salads and appetizers different taste. Hot meals are a must. If there are vegetarians among the guests, then take into account their tastes by providing several vegetarian dishes.

Of course, there must be birthday cake What is a holiday without it? Take care also of desserts and drinks. Men's anniversary without good alcohol it's hard to imagine, so agree on this menu item too. If there is a lot of alcohol, then it must be good so that the guests feel cheerful and fresh the next morning.

We choose a toastmaster so that no one gets bored

Usually any important holiday This is not just a gathering, this is a real action! Especially if you have invited twenty, thirty or even one hundred people. You definitely can't keep track of everyone at the same time.

And so that no one gets bored, order the services of a toastmaster. Of course, you can do without it, but then bored guests will be on your conscience. And a professional in the field of holding holidays will surely cheer everyone up and will not let guests get bored for a minute.

We make a script for the celebration

Yes, yes, because a holiday without a script can become completely unpredictable or even go bad! A script doesn't mean that everyone has to do the same thing. But if you turned to the services of a toastmaster, then he (or she) knows exactly how to spend a man’s 50th birthday.

You can write a script yourself, but this will require remarkable imagination. If you or someone you know has experience in hosting mass celebrations, then consider an approximate scenario for the celebration, including greeting guests, toasts, and a birthday speech.

We choose contests and games to make it fun

Many run into the question, what do guests do at the holiday? Not only eat and drink, really! So that guests do not wander around the corners, the time between the change of dishes should be taken up with funny jokes, games and contests.

On the one hand, it is always fun and will not let you get bored. On the other hand, it will allow you to warm up perfectly and improve your appetite before a new change of dishes. Finally, those who know little about each other will get to know each other and feel more confident and relaxed.

We select music and songs for the anniversary

Another important element any holiday is, of course, music. Can you imagine a holiday where the main sound is the sound of a spoon and forks? Of course, this cannot be allowed. Therefore, it is necessary musical accompaniment for a feast. In those moments when toasts or speeches are spoken, the music will need to be made a little quieter.

And within the framework of the script, there may well be songs that you and your guests like. You can turn on the recording so that the guests sing along. You can sing in chorus - but then you will need a backing track (the music of the song without words) and a sing-along - maybe it will be the same toastmaster. You'd better agree with him music program. There should be congratulatory songs for half a century, and purely masculine, and funny songs for dancing. You can get creative and remake a couple of songs for your own anniversary.

We decorate the room

Any banquet hall is just a place where you can put tables, seat guests and turn on music. To make it the place of your holiday, decorate it according to your taste.

Decorations can be very different - from banal garlands or the number 50 of balloons and ending with exclusive posters and full thematic decoration of the hall. Nobody will limit your imagination. Masters in organizing holidays will help you develop a design, and artists and designers will help with the practical implementation of your idea.

We order photo and video shooting for memory

Of course, we must not allow solemn, memorable and funny photographs, as well as video recordings from such an event as an anniversary, to remain! Now almost everyone has cameras and cameras, but it is better to order a professional photographer or videographer.

And it is better to order both one and the other type of shooting. If finances allow you, you can also order a holiday album to show to guests later, or a video that will be saved for you long memory about the last holiday.

Bottom line: the 50th anniversary will be unforgettable!

Having carefully prepared, you will make your anniversary not just a holiday, but a grandiose event. It will be great occasion get together and have a good time with friends, colleagues and old acquaintances.

Take fun seriously (as weird as it sounds). Consider the wishes of the guests and do not miss anything. Then you yourself will get great pleasure from the anniversary and such a supply of energy and positive mood, which will definitely last at least another half a century.

How to spend the anniversary of 50 years, if you decide to celebrate it alone, with friends, relatives, work colleagues? In all these cases, it will be necessary to provide a large number of nuances. We hope that the tips in this article will definitely help you organize your event properly.

Why not do what you have long dreamed of doing on your own birthday? Do you want to skydive? So do it at last! Everything is allowed on your birthday! Take advantage of this chance. You can celebrate your fiftieth birthday the way you want.

And even if you have always dreamed of spending your 50th anniversary alone, do it without remorse. If you are uncomfortable in front of friends and relatives, let them know in advance that on your birthday you will be unavailable for some reason. Reasons are not required.

On your birthday, just turn off your phone and do what you dreamed about. Someone just wants to sleep corny and spend the day away from the hustle and bustle. Often such a desire arises in people who are forced to stay in society for a long time.

You can watch your favorite movie, eat various goodies, take a walk, go shopping. The main thing is to come up with a celebration program for yourself personally, and then you will not be bored.

How to spend the anniversary of 50 years with relatives and friends? Make a list of guests in advance and think about where you can accommodate such a large number of people. If a birthday cannot be celebrated at home, consider the option of a restaurant, entertainment center, paintball club, country house, water park, cafe.

If you plan to hold an outdoor event, be sure to resolve the issue with transport. Will guests get to their destination and drive home on their own? If not, you will need to rent a minibus.

Think carefully about the menu before you celebrate your 50th anniversary. What are you planning to serve to the guests? If the event takes place in the office, it is very important that the food is easily divided into portions. People will eat in a working environment, and therefore, you need to prepare dishes that would not lead to discomfort. So, give preference to sandwiches and light snacks. Be sure to address the issue of drinks. Remember that frankly cheap alcohol is a sign of bad taste.

If you decide to start organizing a holiday, the tips from this article will definitely come in handy for you. We hope that the information that we bring to your attention will be necessary and useful.

How to celebrate your 50th anniversary

First, talk to the birthday person to find out if he has decided on a place to celebrate his birthday. If the hero of the occasion is confused, you can offer him a couple of options. So you can spend the anniversary of 50 years at home, in a restaurant, or even go out into the countryside.

A birthday that takes place at home gives peace and comfort. Invite guests, look at photos of the birthday boy together, talk on various topics, raise your glasses to the health of the hero of the day.

What should be taken into account when preparing for the holiday, if it takes place at home? First, decide on the number of guests. The average apartment can accommodate about 10-15 people. A larger number already needs to be brought to a cafe or restaurant. Home celebrations can be considered the most economical, though not always the most fun.

If you want more movement and joy, go to a restaurant. There you can dance and chat to your heart's content, because the banquet hall can accommodate a lot of more guests than a normal apartment. Of course, this option is more expensive, but there is no need to cook food and wash dishes - both the organizer of the holiday and the hero of the occasion get the opportunity to just relax and unwind, and this is also important.

With good weather, you can celebrate the fiftieth anniversary in nature. Go barbecue, fish or even sunbathe on the beach. In this case, do not forget to think about transporting guests to and from the place of celebration, because many may not have a car.

We will also dwell on those points that need to be taken into account, regardless of where you decide to spend your 50th anniversary. So you need to find out in advance whether there will be people among the guests who, for health reasons or ethical reasons, do not eat this or that product. In this case, you will either need to exclude the “forbidden” ingredient, or prepare a dish for the guest separately.

Also take care of entertainment program. Great if you hire a toastmaster. Do not forget to discuss the script, contests and games with him. Approach the process of organizing a holiday creatively, and everything will work out!

Now you know how to celebrate your 50th anniversary. It remains only to put all the tips into practice!

How to end your 50th anniversary

Usually the holiday goes on as usual: gifts are presented, then a feast follows, toasts are made, games, contests, and dances begin. But it is very important to finish the celebration so that the guests and the hero of the occasion have only positive impressions about the holiday. How to do it? You will find the answer in our article.

It’s great if your holiday develops according to a pre-planned scenario. Actually, this is one of the most better ways not only to finish, but to spend a birthday in general, as this means that neither you nor the guests will be bored. It is very important to calculate how much time in the script this or that event will take. For example, it is known that games and competitions should be held already in the middle of the celebration, and their duration should be a maximum of 15 minutes at a time. Intervals between competitive programs can last from 30 minutes - this time is enough for the guests to talk and get ready to play. The same goes for dances, feasts, toasts - everything needs to be calculated in time.

It is important that the hero of the occasion pays attention to the guests, and does not spend time in the kitchen, occasionally running out to listen to another toast. If a substantial amount of work is expected, invite an assistant (you can hire such a specialist through an agency), and have fun and have fun yourself. Today you can do it.

It is good if you entrust the organization of the holiday to a professional toastmaster. He knows how to end the anniversary competently, without offending the guests, who are still not averse to having fun. In addition, it can be interesting to spend a birthday, which is also important.

Usually the end of the holiday marks sweet table. This is a kind of hint to the guests that the celebration is coming to an end, and it's time to leave. Gather the guests, tell them a few nice words, raise your glasses and after that give each guest a piece of cake as a token of gratitude for the attention paid to your person.

Be sure to do group photo with guests - this will also become a symbol of the end of the holiday and at the same time will allow you to get a photo that will be nice to look at in years to come.

And yet, the holiday can be completed with the launch of fireworks. That's very beautiful!

Now you know how to end an anniversary the right way.

In ancient times, it was precisely the period of 50 years ago that was considered an anniversary. People gathered together, kindled a large fire and festively blew the deer horn. We continue the traditions of our ancestors and celebrate such an important date with pleasure.

It is better to start preparing for the anniversary of 50 years in advance, especially if we are talking about a man dear to you. This time, you can’t get by with an elementary feast. Let's look at the steps:

  1. You will need beautiful embossed invitation cards, decorated with ornate initials of the hero of the day, a personal signature, as well as short text, preferably handwritten;
  2. Celebrating a 50th anniversary usually involves an expensive restaurant with live music, but if a man is more comfortable in his home, you can celebrate widely at home.
  3. Take care of the decor. As you know, a half-century anniversary is a noble golden one, which means that the color scheme of the design is already predetermined.
  4. Perhaps it was worth starting with this point: delicious favorite food. If we are talking about a man, then his 50th birthday should be based on good wines, hearty snacks and mouth-watering dishes.
  5. Entertainment. It is worth considering how you will maintain a joyful mood at the evening, what music will sound, what will be anniversary scenario and who will be the ringleader. After all, your man is 50 years old, everything should be played brilliantly.

Spend some time on the scenario: what can entertain the birthday boy, what contests and jokes will make a cozy and fun evening. Prepare toasts for the 50th anniversary in advance, make a very personal text. You can help out the guests, and the man of the day will be pleased.

Scenario of the 50th anniversary of the man "Radiant hero of the day"

Suggested 50th Anniversary Celebration Scenario suitable for a man both for celebrations at home and in the restaurant hall. The room is decorated with gold ribbons, serpentine, sparkling gold foil balls, compositions of yellow and orange natural flowers would be appropriate.

IN invitation guests it is worth warning to decorate the clothes with a bright attribute: a catchy tie, a funny "butterfly", large flower in hair or a colored scarf.

Crystal chime of glasses, happy faces of friends.
We have gathered today not by chance, the anniversary united us!
So we wish the sea happiness, wishes of fulfillment soon,
Go under a lucky star and continue to look proudly in front of you!
And our joyful evening today
Will open the words that will seal our meeting!

For the official vow of the anniversary, I ask everyone to fill their glasses to the brim and stand up!

An oath for guests in honor of the anniversary

Today we will rest
Sing songs all evening.
That we stay all night
We are in that hero of the day ... We swear!
That we will poison sonorous jokes,
What will we praise the hero of the day,
All holiday we undertake to dance
We are in that hero of the day ... We swear!
Shout “Hurrah!” for every toast.
And if there is a competition or a game,
That we just don't give up
We are in that hero of the day ... We swear!

Leading: Happy birthday, (birthday name)!
We raise a glass in your honor!
The first toast has sounded today!
You are young today
You are golden today!
Appreciate your importance
Don't rush to say goodbye to her!
In the East they say:
Wealth is the pleasure of life
You are truly rich
Cheerful, healthy, impeccable!

The guests drink to the hero of the day.

Presentation of a diploma with a photo of the hero of the day and the medal "For the achievement of the 50th anniversary"

Leading: In honor of the honorable golden jubilee, we appoint (name and patronymic of the hero of the day) the supreme commander of the celebration and the general of the holiday! (The hero of the day is decorated with a gold ribbon) I ask everyone to stand up, a solemn three-time “Hurrah” sounds! (Fanfare)

Presentation of a diploma and a medal (The diploma, a medal and a bouquet of flowers are presented beautifully dressed girl, for example, the daughter of the hero of the day).

Leading: The golden diploma is solemnly presented
To those who are distinguished by health,
Who never despairs in life,
The one who succeeds in every task!

Presentation of a diploma.

The hero of the day is awarded with a brilliant medal,
That so nicely conquered the turn of the 50th anniversary!
For a medal, a carpet is supposed to be bought,
And hang it up for everyone to see!
The birthday boy was awarded a medal,
And henceforth he swears to be steadfast!
Now he is forbidden to get sick, grow old,
And only to be prettier and younger!
Wear the medal proudly like a general
Which in this life only won!
A medal is put on the neck of the hero of the day and a bouquet of flowers is presented.
And now we fill the glasses for a clear mind, a keen eye and a strong fist of our hero of the day!

(Guests drink while standing)

The song "About the hero of the day"

Leading: Noble hero of the day
I haven't lost my taste for life
And our guests are not a miss,
Let's celebrate the anniversary!

The minus of the song “About Hares” from the movie “Diamond Hand” is turned on, guests need to distribute pre-prepared words of the song.

In our hall there is comfort, together we celebrate
Everyone wants to say congratulations are heard.
The evening is clear, and we fill our glass
In your honor, well, let's sing a song from the heart!

Chorus: We don't care, we don't care
Let the calendar not know your years!

In admiration we are from such a fate,
You are an example for us, for the family you are a king!
On this anniversary day, we will tell you directly
May your dreams come true!
The eye burns, the heart beats, young, as before,
Ahead is a clear path full of new victories!

Leading: Dear guests, I ask everyone who honors and appreciates our hero of the day to raise their right hand! And those who love and adore the birthday man - left hand! And now applause in honor of the holiday!
Turn on all the attention
Let's do my job!
Thumb up,
And we put the left hand on the knee
On the knee of the native
On a dear neighbor!
And the right hand that hour embraces the neighbor's shoulder,
Shakes everyone to the music!
Let a smile sparkle on your face
And under the table, the leg beats the rhythm!
And now I do not regret the guilt,
Let's fill the glasses!
It's not a sin to clink glasses with a neighbor, which is on the left,
And so that our neighbor on the right is not angry
We clink glasses with him, and shout: “Congratulations!”
We empty our glasses to the bottom!

Dinner and dance break

Leading: Good word, congratulatory,
Good for the heart and ears
Family wants to say
Let's applaud, friends!

Congratulations from the family

Fate caressed, sometimes hit.
Relatives were the support of the dear hero of the day
For the duration of the whole journey.
And in honor of the family, I ask you to raise cups!

Chants for guests in honor of the birthday "Five: Zero"

Leading: You manage your affairs skillfully,
Try it, who cares
Keep your body healthy
And with life you won

Guests: Five:Nil

Leading: The fan club is running for your signature,
For them, you are a hero every day!
In the next winning match without being shy,
You leave with an advantage

Guests: Five:Nil

Leading: Your fate lay down in different ways,
And there was sweetness in it, there was a little bit of salt
But the twists and turns of life did not frighten you.
You beat fate in cards

Guests: Five:Nil

Leading: You made it to the top,
And therefore, if you please, live another hundred years.
Good game for you
With the score you lead

Guests: Five:Nil

Leading: Anniversary general,
Congratulate so happy today
Glorious colleagues, comrade friends,
I ask you to tell everything, without hiding the words!

Congratulations from colleagues and friends

Leading: Raise a golden glass
For the hero of the day, young man,
He gathered us around him
Native, lovely faces!
For precious words
What sounds so good here
Fly from heart to heart
And your head will spin.

Dance-game "Hello" in all languages"

Leading: I ask everyone to leave the comfortable chairs and go to the dance floor! Please form two rings: inner and outer. Dear guests, maybe not all of you know each other yet, so let's greet everyone! And we will do it to the music and in a special way. It is known that people of different cultures greet differently. In Japan, when they meet, they bow, in Africa they clap their hands and squat, in Latin America- hug, in France - kiss on the cheeks. Under national music you move in a circle, and as soon as the music stops, you need to say hello to the one who was in front of you.

Excursion into history

Showing a video greeting or a gallery of photographs of the birthday boy from birth to the present, the happiest, possibly funny fragments. At this time, the presenter comments on the photo. It is better to prepare comments in advance, small quatrains.

Table and dance break.

Game "Jubilee Resolutions"

Each guest is given 2-3 sheets of paper (if there are many guests, then one at a time) and a pen.

Leading: I ask everyone to write on the received paper the continuation of the phrase: “This year I ...”, bend the sheet in half and throw it into this magic hat. (Everyone writes) And now we pass the hat in a circle, all participants pull out two cards for themselves and read out, starting with the phrase “This year I ...”. I ask you to loudly confirm after each reading “So be it!”.

Anything can be written in the notes: “I will buy a goat”, “I will run a marathon blindfolded”, etc. The competition is cool, because often comes across a very accurate prediction.


Leading: What wonderful words you say this evening, may all wishes come true. To somehow thank you, the hero of the day gives each of you the golden keys to good luck. (The hero of the day goes around the tables with a decorated box of toffee candies. Pin a number to each candy with a stapler). You can probably guess what these magic numbers are for? Anniversary Lottery Begins! And I'm announcing the winning numbers!

The presenter raises a poster high above his head with a large written date of birth of the hero of the day. Gifts are awarded to those participants who come across numbers from this date.

Leading: Our holiday is noisy today for good reason,
We honor a man, a strong man, a hero!
For the heart of the highest standard we will raise a glass,
So that the fire in the soul never goes out!

Table and dance break.

obstacle course

Leading: In honor of the laureate certificate of honor"Golden Anniversary", the owner of the award medal "For the achievement of the 50th anniversary", I announce a festive obstacle course! I'll ask the general to announce the participants in the competition. (The microphone is passed to the birthday boy, he invites 6-8 volunteers)

First task: Each volunteer is given one flipper on one leg, and a balloon is tied to the other. It is necessary to slam the opponent's balloon. The three most persistent advance to the next level.

Second task: Plastic buckets with water are placed in front of the participants at a distance. Task: throw apples into the bucket. The one with the most apples in the bucket wins.

Third task: A chair is placed in front of the participant, on which the prize lies (Bottle of wine with a photo of the birthday man). The guest turns his back to the chair, takes 6 steps in a straight line, where he is blindfolded, rotated around his axis. The contestant must return to the chair after taking only 6 steps again and collect the prize.

After an agonizing attempt to find the prize, the contestant removes the bandage and approaches the chair. Only now, instead of a prize, there is a piece of drawing paper. The guest read out loud what was written: “Cake to the studio!”. Wine is handed to him to applause.

Takeaway cake

They take out a congratulatory cake with lit candles (you can light one candle in the form of the number 50). The guests sing “Congratulations, loving, happy birthday to you!”, the hero of the day blows out the candles. Everyone is treated to a cake, tea is served.

The wonderful evening ends
Warming with warmth.
Miracles happen here
The hero of the day is young again!
Repeat without hesitation
We speak from the heart.
We wish the birthday boy -
Stay like this
Cheerful, full of energy, ideas and thoughts
Purposeful, combative,
Active, wise, cherishing honor,
And know that we love you!
And finally, a toast to the hero of the day,
His guests, his beloved family!
Let the festive fanfare sound to you!
Glasses filled with pure love!

Holiday props:

  1. Comic diploma "Golden Anniversary", medal "For the capture of the 50th anniversary", a bouquet of flowers;
  2. Texts of the anniversary song for guests;
  3. Sheets of paper, pens;
  4. Sweets "Golden key", 8 gifts, plate "Date of birth";
  5. Flippers, Balloons, 3 buckets of water, apples, a bottle of wine with a photo, a sign "Cake to the Studio".

Video of the 50th anniversary of the hero of the day

A good holiday, it’s not a sin to shoot on video, especially when in question about the first serious anniversary in the life of a 50-year-old man, as the heroes of the next video did.

The fiftieth anniversary is the time to take stock. Therefore, when deciding on an independent organization of the anniversary, consider all the subtleties and nuances.

Carrying style

First, decide on the style of the holiday. How to spend the anniversary of 50 years depends, first of all, on the personality of the hero of the day. In order to take everything into account, and unmistakably identify the individual and unique style holiday for specific person, it is necessary to collect the maximum amount of information about him, his life, studies, work, zodiac sign, hobbies, hobbies, taste and musical preferences. People who are closely related to him will help you in this: relatives, colleagues, friends. The collected information will tell you what to stop at and what version of the style of the festive banquet to offer to the birthday man. What could it be?

  • Classic banquet.
  • Presentation of the award (Oscar, Nika, Nobel, etc.).
  • Fairy tale, literary or film plot.
  • Solemn meeting (pioneer, tourist, coming-of-age ball, party, coven, Woland's ball, fairies meeting).
  • Decorative, i.e. dictated by design elements (floral, marine, "ice and fire", apple, etc.).
  • Transfer in time (Stone Age, Ancient Greece, Middle Ages, etc.).

Do not try to cover everything at once, mixing styles. It is better to stop at one thing and develop it in all its splendor, from invitations, script, selection of artists and ending with the design of the hall, table, sweets.


Based on the chosen style of the holiday, decide on the venue. Evening dresses on a bare forest edge or a tourist rally in a restaurant will look at least ridiculous. Therefore, take into account all the points: a kitchen, tables and chairs in the required volume, a dance floor, sockets, the availability of musical equipment, access roads and parking lots.


Now let's figure out who needs to be invited to the 50th anniversary.

  • Colleagues. Not only those with whom the hero of the day works to this day, but also especially close people from past jobs. Naturally, not everyone, but only those with whom the birthday boy is closely connected in work processes and communication, who made a contribution to his career growth.
  • Friends.
  • Relatives (parents, sisters, brothers). It is absolutely not necessary to gather all relatives, but it is quite possible that the birthday man wants to see someone else at his celebration.
  • Husband, children and grandchildren.

As you can see, the company is going to be motley. But these are all the people who have contributed to the life of the hero of the day, and their congratulations on the anniversary of 50 years, their kind words are very important to him.


For all guests without exception, even the husband and children, it is necessary to prepare invitation cards. Design them according to the chosen style and send them a month before the chosen date. In these postcards, it is necessary to indicate the place and time of the event, the essence of the holiday, and note the dress code conditions if a costume party is planned. At the end, make a small note with a request to inform about the possibility of attending the holiday by phone or e-mail not later than two weeks before the celebration. This will help to avoid unnecessary expenses and frustration.

Seating cards

When the situation is finally clear with the number of guests, make a seating chart for guests at the tables and individual cards that will be waiting for each guest in front of his plate. You can buy ready-made cards that suit your design, or have them made by an advertising agency. Or you can create small masterpieces with your own hands by printing out the names of the guests and drawing vignettes by hand on each card.


When forming the holiday menu, be sure to consult with the hero of the day about the preferences of the guests. Among them may be people who do not use certain products or have any disease. Considering all the subtleties, discuss with the chef appearance dishes and their serving, entering festive table in the general style of the holiday. To enhance the effect, you can prepare a comic menu and place it on the tables so that guests know what kind of feast of taste awaits them. For example: "Starfall" salad, "Tourist's Breakfast" appetizer, "Love Potion" wine, etc.


A modern banquet involves the gradual arrival of guests. To keep those who have already arrived, rather than forcing them to wander around the laid tables, dying of thirst, plan a small buffet of soft drinks and small canapes.

Hall decoration

The decoration of the holiday depends solely on the chosen style and preferences of the hero of the occasion. If this is a woman who loves daisies, then she will be especially pleased with the abundance of these flowers in the design. And it doesn't matter what materials they are made of. Men's anniversary, as a rule, is more restrained, balanced and ascetic, but it also contains the same materials: fabric, flowers, balloons, cardboard. The main design points of a classic banquet: the number "50" above the presidium and the pompous design of the table of the hero of the day, all kinds of coats of arms and crowns, arches at the entrance and air clearance dance hall areas.


To write a script, you need to make 2 lists:

A detailed autobiography of the hero of the day with the obligatory inclusion of people whose presence is expected for the anniversary. 50 years of human life in events and persons. When, where and under what circumstances their paths crossed;

List of guests, where they are located in order of giving the floor at the celebration.

Combining these two documents, coloring them with the chosen style, adding a couple of numbers from professional artists or guest volunteers, having “pepped” with a small number of competitions, we get the scenario of our holiday.

Guests can also create a show for the anniversary on their own, if they are previously "make happy" with the text of a song or skit. But everyone wants not only to participate, but also to watch. To satisfy the audience's hunger for guests, offer them at least one large-scale show - sand, twisting, soap bubbles.

They help to create a unique atmosphere of the holiday and imperceptibly activate the audience for their own "exploits".

Props and memorable ideas

The anniversary of 50 years, as a memorable milestone, should be remembered for a long time by everyone without exception - both guests and the hero of the day. To do this, make a kind of hooks for memory - a "film strip of life" (a fabric strip designed to look like a film, where in each frame there is a photo important points life of the hero of the day), an album or tree of congratulations, an anniversary newspaper, a tantamaresque for photo shoots (a comic drawing with carved ovals for faces). Some styles will require additional props (award figurines, ties autographed by the birthday man, magic ball And so on).

Gifts for guests

Particular attention should be paid to the return compliment to guests - memorable gifts from the hero of the occasion. Usually they are taken out with the accompaniment of the cake. response word hero of the day. Classically, these are bonbonnieres filled with sweets or special cakes, but small ones are also possible. memorable souvenirs(magnets, toys, pens) associated with the past holiday.

Holiday finale

Small fireworks in the final, fire show, launch balloons with wishes or lanterns will help to beautifully and logically complete the anniversary of 50 years. It will be useful to note that after the guests have left the hall, it will be much easier for you to complete the holiday to watch the final show than to disappoint them with the announcement: "Our holiday has come to an end!"

The holiday was a success!

That's all wisdom. I hope that using these tips, you can easily and naturally make an unforgettable 50th anniversary for a loved one.