Folk signs about rings and real life. Why do men take off their wedding rings?

I'm 28 and my environment is mostly married ladies and married gentlemen, which, of course, pleases me. Despite the divorce, I am still FOR the institution of marriage. Only one fact upsets me - the periodic disappearance of the wedding ring from some ringed husbands. Yesterday he was with the ring, today without it. Tomorrow is difficult decoration adorns his ring finger again, and the day after tomorrow - the pocket of his favorite jeans. Why is this happening? I decided to find out directly from men and this is what turned out:

1) The first and most common reason among women is that he goes "for women." And it doesn't matter if he cheats with her, if he spends free time or just likes to meet girls. Most importantly, he does not want them to know that he is married. Although, in fairness, I note that married men basically they don’t lie and immediately give out their own Family status and wait for the girl's reaction. If she agrees to continue spending time with him, then the ring can not be removed. But no matter how ironic it may sound, the man prefers to remove the ring so that his conscience does not torment him so much. No ring - no obligation. The placebo effect at its most primitive.

2) Reason number two - playing sports. Girls can wash dishes, cross-stitch or shovel the floor of the garden with a ring on their finger and, believe me, they won’t even feel it. But men are not like that. Being originally women's accessory, men, feel the ring and usually take it off if they have, say, classes in gym. It really bothers and crushes them.

3) Men often take off their wedding band when they go to the bathhouse, pool, beach and other bodies of water. The reason is simple - the fear of losing the ring. In addition, in the bath it can get very hot, burning the skin.

4) There is another good reason - this is the profession of a man. Especially if it involves a risk to the family. These are police officers, KNB officers, and other law enforcement officers who sometimes have to infiltrate various dangerous groups or participate in no less dangerous tasks. There is no need for a dangerous criminal to see that the policeman who caught him has a family. Many people love revenge.

5) Allergy to metal. It would seem that everything was fine when buying, but with prolonged wear, the finger begins to itch, blush, and there is nothing left but to remove the ring. So when choosing a ring, you need to take this moment into account.

6) There is another reason - religious. Muslims believe that gold takes away the strength of men, and in Lately many couples started ordering silver rings. And for those who did not know, it remains only to take it off and put it in your pocket.

7) It's no secret that many men put on weight after marriage. Still would! He won the girl, he killed the dragon, now you can safely rest. And the conquered girl at this time will tasty feed. Weight gain can cause swelling, etc. and the ring won't fit. Another reason not to wear a wedding band.

8) The simplest banal reason that many wives simply do not want to understand and accept is that a man simply does not like to wear a ring: convenience, design, width, stone on the ring - whatever. I don't like the statement necklace, you don't like ear cuffs, and he doesn't like the ring. Why not?

9) Many men take off their rings during repair and construction work, as well as when digging into the bowels of their car. This is explained, firstly, by safety rules (when working with electrical appliances in general, you need to remove everything metal from yourself), and secondly, there is a risk of spoiling or staining the ring.

10) The ring interferes. We, women, know how to deftly and accurately pull out everything we need from the bag, while for men, the ring begins to cling to straps, laces and other things.

11) Field training, army, various military exercises, etc. often oblige to remove the ring. As one of my colleagues told me, there was a case in the army when (here I apologize in advance to readers, but purely female thinking did not remember correct name objects) some kind of string of some kind of projectile caught on the ring, and as a result, quite a well-meaning husband, almost lost his finger. More than a good reason.

As you can see, dear wives and future wives, if you caught your husband without a ring, then there are at least 10 good reasons for this. But the first reason immediately comes to mind for many. It should be noted that many husbands know that their wives do not like to see them without a ring, and, wanting to please their spouses, returning home, put the ring on their finger again, despite reluctance, allergies or a tight size.

I would be glad if the article helps at least one family to avoid quarrels for this worthless reason.

And thanks to my married colleagues, friends and acquaintances who shared their opinions and added some points!

All women, being in a relationship with a man, want to know how he really feels for her. In this girl, the study of facial expressions and gestures of a person can help. This is a very common tactic of psychologists. They can find out when a person is lying, and for years he is sincere.


If a young man lightly touches his head when talking to a girl, he just wants to please the lady and show that he is very sexy. These touches to the hair are very light. The man does it absolutely calmly and accurately. It is very easy to explain, many people associate hair with their attractiveness and sexuality. Therefore, he prolongs the same movement several times, as if boasting in front of the young lady.

If a man suddenly began to straighten his tie or watch, began to twist the buttons on his shirt, then most likely he is very worried. But at the first communication with the young lady you like, this is quite normal behavior. young man.

But it is possible that a man is not worried because a girl might not like him, but simply cares too much about how he looks. He strongly wants to please his interlocutor and subconsciously tries to make his appearance perfect.

If a man often looks in the mirror, while constantly straightening his back and straightening his clothes and hair, this also indicates that the man wants to impress his girlfriend.

Expression of feelings

A man can, when communicating with a lady, not control his movements. For example, he puts his hands in the same way as his partner, or repeats the position in which the chosen one sits. All this indicates a strong interest of a man in this particular lady. If a guy leans towards the lady and raises his eyebrows, then he is definitely already thinking about what future they will have.

If a man twists some round object in his hand, then he unconsciously shows his interest to the girl. A man who has a wife, when communicating with a lady he likes, will twist the ring on his finger, as if trying to take it off.

If a man is interested in a girl, then he will attempt to touch her or her things. Thus, he wants to penetrate into her personal space and be closer to her.

It will also talk about love gaze men. If he does not look away looking at the lady of the heart, then she is definitely not indifferent to him.

Rings have many meanings. They can be a symbol of wisdom, a symbol of strength, a symbol of power, or a symbol of love. Often it is from the rings that talismans are made for themselves and their relatives, speaking them in such a way that they protect them from troubles and misfortunes and help in all matters. Talisman and amulet should always be carried with you. And what is the most convenient way to wear it so that you don’t lose it and don’t get in the way? Of course the ring . There are many signs and superstitions associated with these decorations. In addition, they are widely used in magic for a wide variety of rituals.

Wash yourself with rainwater with a gold ring on your finger - to a rich life.

Folk omens about rings were always interesting, and every girl knew them all. Gold has always been considered a symbol of wealth. And rain water has strong energy. That is why it is believed among the people that if you put on Golden ring on the ring finger and wash yourself with rainwater, you can soon get rich. Just one wash is not enough. The sign has come down to us, and the conspiracy that must be pronounced at the same time, unfortunately, has been lost. Without a conspiracy, this sign becomes just a superstition. And you need to say the following: "Gold clings to my hands, and the rain will beat wealth to me." Now, if you remember and pronounce these words at the moment when you get caught in the rain, then wealth itself will sail into your hands.

The most common folk signs about rings

Ring, ring, tell me who is my betrothed. With the help of a ring, young girls always guessed at their betrothed. It was believed that you need to put your ring on a saucer, which the girl had previously worn for at least three years, pour some water in the saucer and look at the very center without blinking. After some time, the girl must have seen the face of her betrothed there. It should be noted that this is the real superstition. Of course, many girls guess this way today, but few of them see anyone. And those who have a highly developed imagination can see someone who is in this moment occupies their heart. And in different periods such sensitive natures can see completely different people in their lives.

Signs wedding rings endow with powerful power

Anyone who allows another person to remove a ring from his finger shortens his life. Indeed, you should not allow anyone to remove the ring from your finger. As for the fact that by doing so you shorten your life, this is greatly exaggerated. However, no one has been able to follow this up to now. Perhaps to some extent this is true. But, what is really, really, is that if you allow someone to remove your ring from your finger, then your health and material well-being you definitely give it to him. And if it is also an engagement, then you can lose your happiness. Therefore, do not be afraid to make a remark to your friends and girlfriends who, without any ceremony, are trying to pull this jewelry off your finger. Personal happiness is more expensive, because girlfriends may not remember you if they successfully arrange their personal life, but whether you are lucky again in your life is not known.

The ring on the finger is the infinity of happiness. All young girls unconditionally believe in this sign. They believe that if they put this cherished decoration on their finger, now their beloved will not go anywhere. Yes, but it wasn't there. You still need to be able to keep your happiness next to you. The ring alone will not solve your problems. But you have to give him credit, with his help knowledgeable woman will be able:

  • and return the husband who has gone on a spree back to the family,
  • and cure the child
  • and save any household from damage and the evil eye.

Do not look that the ring is small . It is not in vain that they say that the ring has no end. This saying comes from those women who knew how to properly use the power of this item.

Losing your wedding ring is not a good omen.

Lose wedding ring- to an early death. This is not even a sign, but some kind of horror story. Of course, nothing so terrible because of this event will not happen. But, nevertheless, this fact can also bring negativity into your life. To begin with, if it so happened that you lost your wedding ring, then you, along with it, lost the most powerful amulet of your family. Most often, this sign means that the family will soon fall apart. Therefore, this item must be handled with great care. After all, it is not for nothing that the people believe that if a husband is about to leave the family, then the wife only needs to look at his back through the wedding ring, and he will definitely return. And if you get sick Small child, then he needs to put this family talisman under his pillow, and the baby will soon recover.

The ring prevents the woman from resolving the burden. Since ancient times, grandmothers and mothers have been telling their daughters that in no case should you go to give birth if there are rings on your fingers and a chain on your neck. The fact is that any closed object helps to calmly bear the child and protects against miscarriage, but during childbirth such an object will only interfere with giving birth. Today, many young women do not know about this sign, so the number of difficult births has recently increased significantly compared to the old days.

Folk sign: to lose the ring unfortunately

You can not give the newlyweds a widow's ring . If a woman was married and buried her husband, then in no case should she give her daughter a ring for the wedding. It must be hidden and kept as a family heirloom. If you neglect this rule, then you can pass on your widow's fate to your daughter. Then young and strong man who could live long and happy life, may soon die. If the family broke up, then these wedding rings are no longer used either. IN new family they will not bring happiness, because their purpose was to keep the family that broke up.

Among the people there are many signs that are used by both men and women. But signs about rings have always been more closer to women. They want to get married more, have a good, prosperous family, a loving husband.

It was women who always knew how, with the help of magic and their wedding ring save the family, rekindle the extinguished fire of passion between husband and wife. Perhaps for this reason, these signs are relevant even now, because what worked before continues to operate now.

Absolutely all women in a relationship think about what feelings a man has for them. It is very easy to find out. Practical psychology is a science that can tell us a lot about men by postures, facial expressions and gestures. It is imperative to study gestures if you have even a slight doubt about the sincerity of your relationship with you, declaring him in love. Communication on a non-verbal level is usually unconscious. It is out of control. Therefore, hiding feelings at this level is impossible or very difficult. Having studied the non-verbal signs of falling in love, a woman will be able to correctly build her behavior in the company of a man, and a man will fall in love with her even more.

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Photo gallery: A man in love will be given away by his gestures

The feelings of a young man can betray light touch to your head while talking to a girl. He can easily touch his hair or stroke it. He will do it carefully and calmly. This is explained simply: people's hair is associated with their sexuality. He emphasizes his eroticism and attractiveness by moving his hand through the hair of his head.

If a man without apparent reason began to straighten his tie or watch, touch buttons or some other of his accessories, then perhaps he is experiencing great excitement. For a young man in love, this is typical.

Gestures of a man in love and their meaning But perhaps he is just preoccupied with his own appearance. Wants to please the interlocutor, on a subconscious level, wants to put himself in order.

If a man spends some time in front of a mirror, looks at his posture, draws in his stomach, stands on his toes, then he tries to be slimmer, taller, more attractive, stronger. It also symbolizes his desire to please a woman.

The gestures of the non-verbal nature of a person in love certainly have a sexual hint. This is due to his strong attraction to the woman he likes. And even on a subconscious level, he wants to draw her attention to himself, thus emphasizing his "male superiority." He spreads his legs very widely, not only sitting, but also standing. Often young people put their hands or just their fingers in the pockets of their clothes, for the belt and belt, just keep their hands in this part of the body when communicating with the lady they like.

Expression of feelings
The behavior of a man can tell a lot about his feelings. A young man can, without hesitation, copy the behavior of the chosen one. He repeats her movements, the position of the hands and head, the posture of the body when sitting. It means strong interest Or a guy's crush. If he often leans towards the lady and raises his eyebrows, then he thinks about continuing the acquaintance and long-term communication.

If a man manipulates any round objects, then this indirect sign falling in love. married man will twist the wedding ring on his finger, making attempts to remove it.

When talking with a girl, a man touches a wedding ring. A sign of the manifestation of his feelings for a girl is an invasion of her personal space. This is caused by the desire to get closer to the lady of the heart in order to be able to allegedly accidentally touch her or some of her things.

To others non-verbal signs include his pupils, greatly enlarged in size when looking at an adored object. This is explained by the excitement that occurs at the time of communication and the release of adrenaline into the blood.

Shyness, strongly pronounced embarrassment also speaks of the young man's sympathy for the girl. It may even noticeably blush the entire face or just the cheeks.

His gaze will also tell about the sincere interest in a woman. A man in love will always have a desire to look longer at his lady.

The ring as an ornament has a long history. If now many people wear rings as decoration or as a sign of their marital status, then initially the rings were worn in order to protect themselves and concentrate positive energy.

Over time, the fashion of wearing a ring on the finger has grown various stories, signs and beliefs.

Signs about rings

The ring has always been considered a charm by virtue of its form. The circle is a symbol of protection and security. The territories outlined by the circle have long been a guarantor of purity and inviolability of dark forces to them.

They say that if a golden ring is lost, then, it means that a certain amount of human sins was lost along with it. And here omen to find a ring promises an early marriage. True, it is not recommended to wear such a find.

If wearing a ring With big stone on the middle finger right hand you can attract wealth. wear the ring on ring finger- fortunately and good luck. And on the index - to promotion. The ring on the little finger contributes to success on the love front.

If ring darkened, that is Bad sign, meaning that the owner of the ring is in danger or illness. Also, the ring may darken due to the fact that a person has been damaged, negative, or jinxed.

You can't let your ring be measured. no one, otherwise you can lose your luck. It is dangerous to let an engagement ring be measured - you can lose your family happiness.

There is a sign according to which, if you look at a man who has left the family through the wedding ring he will be back soon.

It is believed that a gold ring relieves pain. Gold jewelry was used to get rid of toothache and joint pain. In order to stop the toothache, the mouth was rinsed with water, in which gold lay for about an hour. And in order to get rid of pain in the joints, the ring was carried out through aching places.

If the ring is cracked, then this portends trouble. It can also mean that they tried to send negativity or damage to you, but the decoration took all negative energy upon itself and from this split.

Find out ! Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.05.2015 09:57

Wedding rings are not only a symbol of love and fidelity, but are also talismans for a young woman.

Since ancient times, rings have been attributed magical properties. This piece of jewelry was worn as a charm or talisman, ...