5 looks in grunge style. Hairstyles in grunge style for women. Accessories and shoes

(English grunge) a trend in fashion that implies a rejection of generally accepted norms of appearance. This is a kind of protest against following fashion trends. The phenomenon originated in America.

Origin of the style

The word “grunge” is of slang origin; in American vernacular it is used to describe something unpleasant, disgusting and repulsive.

The grunge style came to the world of fashion from rock music. The birthplace of this trend was the city of Seattle, from which groups such as Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Pearl Jeam and Nirvana emerged., it was they who created a new view of reality, which resulted in a whole subculture and grunge denial.

"Marginal chic"

The grunge style is heterogeneous, eclectic, its task is to combine the most incompatible textures, colors, patterns, lines. Everything at once - this is the meaning of this style. Representatives of this trend in fashion at the same time resembled punks and. Their appearance attracted attention with long tangled hair, old second-hand clothes, torn, faded T-shirts, wrinkled jackets, torn dresses and elongated sweaters, as well as ethnic details, sneakers and army boots. These people were indifferent to how others perceived them; they themselves did not care what they looked like.

Grunge fans were flattered when they were accidentally confused with street homeless people. The youth who created this style are children of world crises. They went through difficult times and began to perceive society as an enemy. They wanted to destroy his foundations and his stereotypes. The grungeists were most hated by luxury and classics.

They spoke:

“The style of Harlem bums who dressed up for a trip to Manhattan.”

Such reviews sounded like a compliment to the fashion designer. Thanks to his protest against high fashion, Marc Jacobs became one of the leading designers in the United States and Europe. Fashion magazines were filled with photographs of models in grunge style, in ragged clothes, dressed like homeless people under the headlines “marginal chic.”

There are many fans of the grunge style among world celebrities. For example, sometimes Drew Barrymore and Mischa Barton like to look like homeless people.

Grunge is a cultural revolution; it implies not only an external protest, but also a deeper meaning. Representatives of this movement advocate personal freedom and freedom of self-expression. They want sincere feelings and spirituality to come first for a person, and not material wealth. Clothes in the grunge style, for these people, are only needed to protect the body and for comfort; they cannot be taken seriously. Aesthetics cannot bring happiness to a person, grungeists believe.

This is the most provocative and daring direction of modern fashion.

How to create a grunge look?

  • Choose clothes in dark colors and muted shades. Bright and cheerful colors have never been associated with grunge style. Black, white, grey, dark green, brown and blue colors are popular among fans of this style.
  • Grow your hair long. Long and straight hair is equally popular among both men and women. Hair should look naturally unkempt, but clean. The hairstyle can be decorated with braids, beads or dreadlocks.
  • Buy a flannel shirt. Flannel shirts can be called the basis of the grunge style, for both women and men. They can be worn in different ways: buttoned, unbuttoned, tied around the lower back.
  • Make sure the ones you choose match the grunge style. Jeans should look worn. The most popular were baggy jeans. Also in the era of prosperity of the grunge style, overalls were in fashion. Sometimes girls wore flared jeans.
  • Shoes should be bulky, heavy chunky boots, Camelot or Dr. Martens are perfect. The famous Chuck Taylor sneakers from, as well as boots in the style, such as combat boots, will also fit into the grunge style.

Especially if it carries the traits of individuality and artistry. A grunge girl is a creative person who creates her own unique image without regard to standards. It is this approach that is valued by both designers and true fashion connoisseurs.

The style itself arose more than 30 years ago, it was created by the street, or rather informal teenagers of that time. The idea was so good that avant-garde designers were quick to take advantage of it. The first was the now iconic Marc Jacobs in 1993. What came of it?

Grunge style in clothes 2019: jeans and skirts

The literal translation from English of the word grunge is nothing more or less than “untidy” or “controversial.” Of course, this is just a metaphor; the style has nothing to do with generally accepted ideas about neatness. At one time, it became a kind of protest of the new generation against ostentatious luxury and glamor.

Today, the “grunge” style in clothing is a refined and slightly bohemian trend, aimed not only at the young creative intelligentsia, but also at everyone who is not alien to fashionable experiments. But at its core the same principles remained.

The main one is an absolutely free selection of things to create an image, comfortable and bright, self-sufficient things with a slightly defiant and even provocative appearance. Agree – a worthy alternative against the backdrop of global everyday (and rather boring) trends.

The basis of the image is a comfortable set of clothes, based on jeans, complemented by a top. The task is simple and complex at the same time - having dressed in the morning, you can spend a bright and active day in this outfit. Go to school or to an informal office, meet with friends and go to a night party.

How to complement such a basic set is a matter of taste and personal preferences. Over it you can wear a long and loose sweater, a poncho coat, and even. It is important to assemble an original and accurately verified kit.

This trend borrows a lot from classic American fashion of the end of the last century. So jeans in the “grunge” style are comfortable classic models or “boyfriend” ones, as well as skillfully decorated “torn” models.

There are no exceptions, especially in today's trends, stretch models with embroidery or original rocker-style trim with lace patches or metal studs. The range of such models is huge - it’s just important not to choose trendy and overly “glamorous” styles.

The key trends in the grunge style in clothing are in these photos:

Boots and shoes in grunge style

Unformatted images often become top ones. In the fashionable grunge style today, informality coupled with eclecticism still reigns. How do you like the combination of a classic men's cowboy jacket and a lace top? It is not only stylish, but also fashionable. By the way, a shirt can be tied on your hips, like a kind of skirt, especially since according to the canons of “grunge” it should be much larger than your real one.

Deserves special attention, or rather, boots in the “grunge” style; these are informal, often openly “masculine”. There is one “but”, such models look good only on very slender and long legs. It’s quite simple to check whether it will fit or not, clasp your ankle with your palm - if the fingers close easily, any shoes of “men’s” styles are yours. If not, don’t be upset, and especially don’t wear shoes with bulky styles – they will only make your silhouette heavier.

Boots of a cowboy or jockey style with a high and wide top are exactly the option that will fit perfectly into the image.

But the best options for getting into the trend would be Martins or Timberlakes in neutral or rich tones. In this style, high heels are excluded - only comfortable ones, 5-7 centimeters high, or absolutely flat and thick soles. A massive and reliable protector, by the way, can play the role of a heel or platform, and in addition, it does not slip in any weather.

The “grunge” style in clothing for girls is geared towards obvious comfort – in particular, comfortable shoes, jeans and tops and an informal look. Classic colors and open disregard for standards are exactly the combination that will allow you to get into the trend.

Grunge outerwear: informal urban looks

This year's trends willingly accept informal ideas and present them in their own way. The 2019 grunge style has become one of the main ones for original and fresh looks this season.

This year’s trend has evolved into a direction that only connoisseurs will appreciate. Things from frankly expensive and branded brands that look slightly aged, shabby and even downright worn - this effect is now achieved even during their production.

And even more so, shoes in such an image should in no case look “brand new”, but it is desirable that they look like expensive and recognizable or simply very high-quality things. This way of dressing is not a demonstration of cheap and rustic images, it is a kind of fashion game in which you need to look expensive and at the same time very simple and absolutely at ease.

Such images do not emphasize the cost of the outfit or social status, they allow you to emphasize individuality.

The “grunge” style in clothing 2019 is informal urban looks, certainly youthful, but frankly penetrating into more “adult fashion.” It is only important that your lifestyle does not contradict such an image.

This year's trend has strengthened many styles and. No glossy shine or glamorous shades. Black, purple or rich green, trimmed with studs, zippers or chains - this is exactly what fashionable jackets look like in this trend. This is exactly what grunge style outerwear looks like; woolen coats in “men’s” styles are a great alternative. The trend categorically does not accept fur, both natural and artificial.

A coat or jacket should definitely be combined with frivolous feminine dresses, textured shoes and original ones. These looks easily take on overtly masculine hat styles such as fedoras, berets and feminine wide-brimmed felt hats.

They require special attention. Let’s immediately put aside the recognizable branded ones and those made of gold. The times when complex piercings and “tunnels” in the ears and throughout the body were considered a mandatory attribute of style have long since sunk into oblivion. Firstly, these techniques have long gone out of fashion, and secondly, the trend itself is becoming universal, and therefore not so “rigid”.

Makeup and hair in grunge style

Looks in the grunge style will require not only an informal approach in choosing things. To create a complete image, you will need a grunge hairstyle.

Unlike the prototypes, today's hairstyles do not require a special approach. But the key remains free and relaxed design. Whether it's long flowing hair or a short crew cut, the trend welcomes natural shades of hair, which means that in order to create a fashionable look, it is not at all necessary to lighten, bleach and straighten your hair. And even more so, paint them in radical colors. Hair in the “grunge” style is a thoughtful and slightly tousled, voluminous but soft styling that allows you to demonstrate the beauty of the hair.

Various hairstyles, including asymmetrical ones, are one of the most successful techniques if the image literally requires you to put your hair in your hair. An alternative could be a “low”, voluminous knot literally on the back of the head or a loose “tail”.

An image cannot be complete without the right makeup. In the grunge style, it has two extremes. The ideal option, especially for daytime looks, is as natural as possible, correcting facial features, and at the same time almost invisible. No glitter or active eyeliners!

Neutral beige shades of eye shadow, eyeliner to match your eye color, a little mascara and blush to highlight your cheekbones. Any lip gloss of a neutral shade without pearl can serve as a lip gloss.

The classic option for such looks, designed for evening and certain circumstances, is “ Smoky eyes" or smoky, rather complex makeup with skillful shading of contours. In this case, it’s also not worth it actively, but just shading them with glitter.

The word “grunge” itself translated from English means “unpleasant”, “disgusting”. This style was invented by rock musicians from the city of Seattle; it became widespread among urban youth in the 90s. The essence of grunge is the combination of incompatible things. Teenagers, young girls and boys began to wear dark things of indistinct colors, giving the impression of being old and worn.

It is interesting that a girl from a wealthy family, dressed, for example, in a light dress, a worn khaki jacket and heavy laced boots, looked like a beggar. The purpose of this style is to cause rejection, to shock, to shock others. Grunge was created as a kind of subculture designed to challenge established cultural norms.

Grunge is the opposite of classic and glamorous style.

Do you want to dress in grunge style? Today it is very fashionable, stylish and speaks of good taste. Bold and outrageous grunge style becomes the hottest trend autumn 2013.

We've rounded up some simple stylist tips to follow the grunge style:

1. The main rule that you must remember: things should under no circumstances be cheap, but only seem so! In fact, each item must be of high quality; the worn effect is given to it artificially.

2. Clothes that look like they were bought many years ago, but now have a worn, faded look due to age and wear, are perfect. Choose sweatshirts and sweaters with elongated sleeves, T-shirts and shirts should have faded prints and inscriptions, jeans should have scuffs and holes.

3. Feel free to combine things in your costume that look unusual and even a little wild together. A light dress with heavy combat boots, a wide light skirt and trousers underneath, a leather miniskirt and a camouflage “sweatshirt” jacket... If you add modern accessories to this (with the exception of “glamorous” sparkles and rhinestones), you will look truly stylish .

4. When choosing colors, choose dark ones. Black, brown, gray, dark blue, brown... True, a combination of black and white or black and red is allowed - for example, a faded checkered shirt.

5. Try on a stretched T-shirt, on top of which you can put on a) ripped denim overalls; b) flannel shirt, c) T-shirt. Get yourself a few of these T-shirts, add faded and holey jeans in different colors and different lengths, and you'll have a whole grunge wardrobe.

6. Coarse knit sweaters, stretched and with dropped loops, must be present. And don’t forget about torn black tights, which look so impressive with a floral print dress.

7. For footwear, choose ankle boots, work boots, sneakers and tall, rough lace-up boots.

8. Don’t forget about accessories - a lot of wooden, leather and bone bracelets, wicker “baubles”, necklaces made of laces.

9. A mop of tangled hair is very important for creating an image. Agree, when dressed in rags, it’s stupid to do your hair! It is fashionable to leave your hair natural color or dye it some scandalous color.

10. Finally, makeup and manicure. Bright red or burgundy lips and nails, pale face - that's it! It turns out to be a mix of punk and hippie.

Let us repeat the main rule once again: all clothes, despite their terrible appearance, were purchased in expensive boutiques, sometimes even made by famous designers.

If you like grunge, but you're hesitant to dress like that from head to toe, choose an alternative. You can complement a military, vintage or casual look with one or two grunge items.

Image gallery

Appearing as a protest against glamor and fashion, “grunge” has become one of the most fashionable style trends of our time.

  • The grunge style in women's clothing has its significant differences from other fashion trends. Stylists call the following characteristic features and traits of this style:
  • Eclecticism. For the “grunge” direction in one image, it becomes possible to combine the incongruous - elements of different styles and fabrics. The external untidiness of the products is combined with their high quality and prestigious authorship in the person of the most famous designers.
  • Comfort and convenience. These two qualities for the grunge style are much higher than beauty and relevance. Young people who are fans and representatives of this fashionable style trend give preference to the most comfortable and convenient things that do not hinder movements while wearing them.
  • Deliberate negligence- one of the main features of the fashion trend. At the beginning of the 20th century, young people took to the streets en masse wearing jeans with holes and scuffs, clothes with patches, protruding threads from sweaters and creases on nylon tights.
  • Obsessive layering. The grunge style is characterized by layering, which can never be too much. Fashionistas wear a turtleneck directly over a T-shirt or T-shirt, with a shirt, sweater and a large one on top. Such a multi-layered outfit of a girl does not mean that she lacks a sense of style and taste; on the contrary, according to fashion experts, this is how modern people express their individuality and uniqueness.
  • Lack of bright colors. Grunge is strictly designed in light and dark natural tones; bright unnatural colors are unacceptable for images designed in the grunge style. Any designs and ornaments are not typical for the fashion trend.
  • Harmonious combination with other fashion trends. Grunge looks great in combination with styles such as casual and.
  • The combination of grunge and glamor is unacceptable, since these are completely opposite directions, completely excluding the existence of each other.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use sparkles, rhinestones and other bright decorative elements typical of glamor.

All these features are clearly visible in the “grunge” style in clothes for girls in this photo:

In order to choose such a fashionable direction in clothing for yourself, you need to become an internally free person and abandon the stereotypes established by the public.

Clothes in the grunge style for girls and women (with photos)

The grunge style in clothes for girls is represented by its great variety. If you decide to change your look in favor of the grunge style that is fashionable today, you can replenish your wardrobe with such fashionable outfit elements as:

torn and frayed jeans;

trench coats; faded, baggy shirts;

jackets with patches; multilayer;

stretched sweaters with elongated threads and loops; long, shapeless sundresses;

short shorts with a worn look; faded t-shirts and tank tops.

A variety of clothing options in the grunge style in the photo below:

Having familiarized yourself with numerous items of women's wardrobe designed in this fashionable direction, you can create a rebellious image yourself without the help of a stylist.

Surprisingly, clothes for women in the grunge style can also be represented by such a wardrobe element as a dress. For an image consistent with this fashion trend, long, loose models made of cotton and, as a rule, having a small floral pattern are ideal. These models also received the name “granny dresses” due to the choice of such material. Short slip dresses with distressed elements are also suitable for this look. They are worn with torn tights or leggings with holes.

These dresses can be combined with the following shoe options:

With a wide shaft and a stable heel; ankle boots;

sneakers – high and low; sandals and flat shoes without any decorative elements.

It is not difficult to create such images for girls in clothes in the grunge style; these things can be composed in a wide variety of options. In any case, the result will be a rather bold image that combines several opposing ideas at the same time..

When sewing clothes in the grunge style, many different fabrics are used, the main thing is that they are dark, plain or with discreet prints. Fashion meters work with fabrics such as leather, denim, wool, chiffon, cotton, organza, knitwear, suede.

Neo-grunge style in clothing: freedom of imagination

When creating rebellious looks, among shoes you can choose options such as sneakers and sneakers, and the more worn they look, the better, ballet flats, rough ones. Chunky shoes with a high platform would also be a good choice for this look.

It is also possible to use accessories to complete a fashionable look, but they should not be overused. You can opt for accessories such as:

  • caps and baseball caps;
  • glasses of non-trivial shape;
  • and backpacks;
  • rough bracelets;
  • massive decorations.

As for makeup, when creating a grunge look, you should generally avoid using any cosmetics. If a girl or woman does not dare to go out without it, then preference should be given to dark tones; there should be no bright cosmetics, sparkles or glitter on the face.

The grunge style also places its own demands on hairstyles. The ideal option is loose hair, deliberate negligence on the head and tangled strands - all this is welcomed by this fashion trend. In some cases, a sloppy high ponytail or a disheveled bun is acceptable. The latest fashion trend, which has been relevant for several years in a row, is dyeing the ends of the hair in bright colors.

One of the varieties of this popular fashion trend is the “neo-grunge” style in clothing, which gives freedom of imagination and creative flight to designers and stylists. Neo-grunge can be expressed in mixing several styles, prints, and wearing shabby T-shirts. To look stylish in 2019, fans of this fashion trend can again wear checkered pants, ripped jeans and boldly tie a shirt at the waist.

“Soft” and “grunge”: a combination of clothing styles

Fashionable styles of “soft” and “grunge” in clothing can be skillfully combined in one look. Despite the softness, smoothness and tenderness of the Soft style, it can still be successfully combined with elements of rebellious “grunge”.

To highlight your individualism, you can wear a softly tailored jacket with a fitted silhouette with a dark long skirt and chunky boots. If desired, you can focus on the tenderness and femininity of the lower part of the outfit. To do this, just wear an elegant knee-length flared skirt and complement it with a distressed leather biker jacket.

Sticking to a combination of soft and grunge styles in one outfit, you can wear ripped, loose-fitting jeans and feminine chiffon blouses tucked into the pants. Among the shoes, boots with chunky soles are most suitable for this outfit.

Fashionable clothes in the style of "hippie grunge"

Clothing and accessories in the “hippie” style are designed to make the image more feminine, gentle and romantic. The completely opposite fashion trend “grunge” gives the female image a pronounced rebellion and audacity. However, those with extraordinary taste will be able to appreciate the incredibly fashionable looks presented by clothes in the “grunge” and “hippie” styles, which complement each other.

First of all, it is important to reconsider the color combinations you choose when putting together your outfits. If the “grunge” style presupposes the absence of bright colors, then in combination with “hippie”, on the contrary, explosive colors should be in the image along with dark tones.

Grunge style is the personification of a rebellious character. At all times, young people have been characterized by audacity and the desire to be different from others. This is reflected in subcultures, music and, of course, clothing items.

A bright, stylish wardrobe will help you express your unique individuality and originality. In this case, the emphasis is on protest, unwillingness to pay attention to such details as quality and style.

The grunge style in clothing is determined by carelessness and the desire to combine incongruous things. Old torn jeans, shapeless sweaters, worn-out shirts, etc. are very relevant.

The word grunge in American slang means something unpleasant, repulsive and disgusting. The trend is eclectic, combines a variety of textures, denies generally accepted stereotypes and combines different fashion trends.

It is believed that grunge originates in the American city of Seattle. It was there that such bright representatives of the trend as Nirvana, Pearl Jeam and others were born. Young people were captivated by the original music and bright, rather careless images in the grunge style.

Grunge music appeared in the 80s. An audience of millions was captivated by Nirvana. The vocalist of the group became the personification of the trend and a style icon among teenagers. This led to the gradual emergence of grunge style wardrobe.

This trend turned into a youth subculture in the early 90s. The emergence of unusual forms, ideas and images was determined by the desire of the younger generation to stand out, to be different from those around them, and also to show the whole world their personal individuality.

The founder of this style of clothing can be called the famous designer Marc Jacobs. In the 1993 season, he presented the world with original looks that combined light dresses with floral patterns and massive boots, worn-out jeans and stretched sweaters.

Women's summer dress in grunge style, straight cut, short sleeves, dark gray with a white pattern, knee-length, looks perfect with black low-top boots and a black-brown handbag.

A spring women's look in the grunge style in the form of a blue and white checkered shirt, loose fit, combined with tight black pants, a large black bag and low-cut black ankle boots.

A fashionable summer look in the grunge style in the form of a short blue-red checkered shirt, combined with blue-red checkered shorts, a black clutch and low-top black leather boots.

An autumn look in the grunge style in the form of a voluminous knitted sweater in a marsh shade from the collection of the fashion house BLK DNM, combined with a black leather skirt just above the knees and black leather low-top boots BLK DNM.

A leather jacket for a grunge style look, black from the autumn-winter collection from BLK DNM, combined with a black mini skirt, a voluminous dark green sweater and black low-top boots from BLK DNM.

Stylish leather jacket in grunge style, black from the collection of the fashion house BLK DNM, combined with a black tunic, skinny black leather pants and black leather flats BLK DNM.

The daring grunge style has become the opposite of luxury, pretentiousness and bourgeoisness. He has a predisposition to the anti-culture of street teenagers.

The popularity of the rebellious style is due to a combination of several trends. It contains elements of hippie and punk culture. Characteristic features of the trend are considered to be negligence, the presence of holes, scuffs and patches on denim clothing, loose loops and protruding threads on jackets and sweaters, multi-layering, etc.

Grunge style 2018 is not only clothes for teenagers. In the modern world, such things can be seen in the wardrobe of women, men and children. Clothes are made from expensive, high-quality fabrics. The combination of different textures, colors and styles has remained unchanged.

An asymmetrical grunge-style tunic, red in color, with a loose silhouette from the Edun collection, combined with narrow leather pants in a dark blue shade and red heeled boots from Edun.

A fashionable women's look in the grunge style in the form of a gray-red long-sleeved shirt from the Givenchy collection, combined with a black midi skirt with a floral print and red-black Givenchy heeled boots.

A short dress for a grunge style look, yellow, with a deep neckline from the collection of the fashion house Saint Laurent, combined with a long blue-black shirt and chunky black boots from Saint Laurent.

A long grunge style shirt, blue and black, with long sleeves from the Saint Laurent collection, combined with a short black leather dress and chunky black low-top boots from Saint Laurent.

A voluminous long sweater in grunge style, black with silver inserts from the collection of the Saint Laurent fashion house, combined with chunky black low-top leather boots from Saint Laurent.

A denim mini skirt in a grunge style, blue, decorated with metallic jewelry from the Saint Laurent collection, combined with a black shirt with a white collar, a voluminous black cardigan and leather boots from Saint Laurent.

Women's clothing in grunge style

Women's clothing in the grunge style has elements of sensual maturity and acts as a provocation. It emphasizes sexuality, combined with hidden aggression. The clothes look sloppy, but neat, a little arrogant, but not aimless. Women's clothes are very different from men's style, as they carry a gender accent.

The main part of a woman's grunge wardrobe is denim, which should be dirty gray, ruffled or faded black. The fabric should look absolutely worn to the point of holes and as shabby as possible. A straight or tapered cut is preferred.

A casual grunge look in the form of a leather jacket combined with light blue cropped jeans, a red and beige striped top, a knitted black hat and dark plum low-top shoes.

A long straight-cut skirt in grunge style, burgundy and white checkered tones will perfectly complement the look in combination with a milky top, a short blue denim jacket, a black and silver bag and chunky black heeled ankle boots.

A spectacular spring look in grunge style in the form of a red checkered shirt combined with a short leather jacket, skinny light gray jeans, a red handbag, a gray hat and beige high-heeled shoes.

Ripped, grunge-style cropped jeans in a light blue shade will look good with a leopard-print shirt, a black leather jacket and black flat-soled sneakers.

A women's long shirt in grunge style, red and white checkered, goes perfectly with a gray top, light blue denim shorts and black sneakers on a small platform.

A long denim jumpsuit in a grunge style, light blue, with a loose fit will go well with a long blue-and-white checkered shirt and black-and-white flat-soled sneakers.

They look very stylish with a checkered or striped print that resembles an American school uniform. This part of the wardrobe can be very catchy. The bruises on display are welcome. In addition, knitted sweaters with skipped loops and long stretched sleeves fit well into the style.

Leather jackets look great, having a biker jacket cut and not fitting to the figure, but as if from a man’s shoulder. Jackets should also be worn and tattered. Gray, black and dark brown colors are preferred.

Dresses in grunge style are not excluded. They should be distinctly feminine, can have a naive floral print and a completely varied cut. Anything will fit into the style if it has holes in it and is properly accessorized.

Fashion designers treat this style with trepidation, since thanks to its freedom it allows you to create many variations of execution. The grunge style is inspired by images of bad girls with a bright future. The easy game of rebellion is designed to help show your individuality without overstepping the bounds of decency.

A winter look in the grunge style in the form of an insulated black leather jacket from the collection of the fashion house BLK DNM, combined with narrow leather trousers in a dark plum shade and massive black low-top boots BLK DNM.

A women's evening look in grunge style in the form of a long black skirt from the Edun collection in combination with a red and black checkered blouse, a black leather vest and black patent leather boots with Edun heels.

A fashionable autumn look in the grunge style in the form of a black leather vest from the Edun fashion house collection in combination with a short dress in a dark gray shade of a fitted style and black heeled boots from Edun.

An original look in the grunge style in the form of a plum-colored leather jacket from the collection of the fashion house Jean Paul Gaultier, combined with a long brick-colored chiffon skirt and massive black boots from Jean Paul Gaultier.

An evening look in the grunge style in the form of a short black dress with golden inserts from the autumn-winter collection from Saint Laurent, combined with a black and red checkered cardigan and chunky black Saint Laurent leather boots.

A stylish female look in the grunge style in the form of a short black leather jacket from the collection of the Saint Laurent fashion house, combined with a short black dress and low-top leather boots from Saint Laurent.

Fashionable shoes in grunge style

The main features of grunge style boots are heavy soles with tread, rough texture, and metal fittings. The main rule of the grunge look is the combination of rough boots with feminine clothes.

The more massive the shoes, the lighter and more feminine the rest of the wardrobe will be. Conversely, light shoes will help smooth out a heavy set.

Shoes that meet all style rules are made of thick leather and have a natural texture. The material looks great with elements of wear such as wrinkles and abrasions.

Summer low-top sandals in grunge style, black and silver, will go perfectly with a gray leather jacket, a black and white top, light gray shorts and a dark blue clutch with metal rivets.

Chunky leather boots in grunge style, black, decorated with metal rivets, look perfect with short gray denim shorts and a light gray T-shirt.

Stylish chunky boots in grunge style, red, with wide heels will perfectly complement the look in combination with a red and black checkered shirt, a black and white T-shirt and a light red clutch.

Fashionable red sneakers in a grunge style will go well with tight pants in black and white with a print, a long blue denim shirt, a slate T-shirt and a red and beige backpack.

A distinctive feature for this trend is shoes with wide tops. It should create the effect of being several sizes larger than necessary. Army motifs in grunge shoes are no less relevant. Boots or boots made in a military style look great.

These shoes are characterized by punk details such as pins, zippers and rivets. Grunge ensembles actively use shoes with similar decorative elements. It is worth noting that in this version the shoes may not be of a heavy, rough shape. Boots or ankle boots with stable heels are welcome.

Worn sneakers of discreet colors, which can be either high or low, also fit well into the style. Lace-up shoes, reminiscent of men's boots, look great. Gorgeous chic will create the effect of shoes worn on bare feet.

A casual grunge look in the form of a denim jacket in a light blue shade, a voluminous silhouette, combined with leopard-print leggings, a black top and black sneakers with flat soles.

Chunky leather boots in grunge style, black, will ideally complement the look in combination with a voluminous long sweater in a light gray shade, a gray hat and a small black hat.

Black leather boots for a grunge style look will look good with skinny gray-green pants, a slate-colored blouse, a dark gray cardigan, a voluminous style, and a red-black checkered shirt.

Fashionable flat-soled sneakers in grunge style, black, will go well with black shorts, a black and white T-shirt, a long blue checkered shirt and a small black backpack.

A stylish casual grunge look in the form of a black leather jacket combined with a red checkered shirt, a gray T-shirt, a gray and white checkered scarf and chunky black boots with metal studs.

Low-top boots with metal buckles in a grunge style, black, look good with a blue-pink checkered shirt, a khaki jacket and a dark green knitted hat.

Acceptable in a summer look. The main thing is that there are no decorations on them. As a rule, the color of grunge shoes is very conservative. These are such classic colors as black, gray and brown. Shoes must be made from high-quality material.

Grunge style: hairstyles, makeup, accessories

Hairstyles in the grunge style are characterized by an emphasized external lack of grooming of the hair. The strands should look uncombed, slightly unwashed, a little shaggy, a greasy effect is welcome. The basis of the trend is loose, unsecured hair.

Hair length doesn't matter. The grunge look may include hairstyles with long hair and. Hair color can be any. Natural shades and bleached blonde are welcome. Such careless details as overgrown roots or faded colored strands fit well into the image.

A long summer shirt in a grunge style, blue and beige, sleeveless, will complement the look well in combination with a short black skirt, a black star decoration, a black hat and black and brown sneakers with flat soles.

Straight-cut jeans in grunge style, light blue, look great with a black-raspberry tunic, a black hat, a black leather backpack and black boots with wide heels.

A summer casual look in grunge style in the form of a black leather jacket combined with light blue denim shorts, a red bag, a red and blue backpack and black boots with wide heels.

A women's long-sleeve shirt in grunge style, blue and white, will go perfectly with blue denim shorts, a black top and fashionable black sneakers with metal studs.

The most striking hairstyle is a careless ponytail or a knot from which strands fall out. Asymmetry in haircuts is also typical. Those with short hair are recommended to do wet styling.

Grunge style makeup focuses on the lips. For this, red or dark lipstick is suitable, which should stand out on a pale face. At the same time, there is practically no eye makeup.

Ideally, the grunge style is due to the lack of makeup. It is acceptable to use a face tone, but it should be very light. Tanning is not encouraged. In some options, light eye makeup is allowed. For example, in cases where eyelashes and eyebrows are too light.

Fashionable boyfriend jeans in a grunge style, in a light blue shade, will ideally complement the look in combination with a medium-length black coat, a white T-shirt, a large black bag and low-cut black ankle boots.

A female look in the grunge style for the autumn-winter period in the form of a long coat in a dark gray shade, loose fit, combined with a light gray pullover, blue jeans and black platform boots.

A spectacular evening look in the grunge style in the form of a short leather jacket combined with a black mini dress, a gray and black checkered shirt, a black and brown bag and chunky black boots with metal studs.

An evening look in the grunge style in the form of a purple jacket from the Jean Paul Gaultier collection, combined with a gray chiffon midi skirt, burgundy trousers and high burgundy boots with Jean Paul Gaultier heels.

A long shirt in grunge style, gray and red checkered from the collection of the Saint Laurent fashion house, combined with a black and blue dress in a loose silhouette, a black and white scarf and massive black Saint Laurent ankle boots.

A stylish look in the grunge style in the form of a black leather top, a fitted style from the Versace fashion house collection, combined with a black and white checkered knee-length skirt and high black heeled boots from Versace.

When selecting accessories, you should remember the main rule of the grunge style - minimalism. You should not wear bright or fashionable jewelry. The style is well emphasized by several baubles and an original amulet pendant on a leather cord.

This direction excludes all kinds of feminine handbags. You should give preference to comfortable backpacks. To complement the look, a knitted hat of a not flashy color or an old frayed bandana that can be tied around the neck or head are suitable.

How to create a grunge look

To create a grunge look, you need to look casual. No need to worry about a harmonious combination. and a T-shirt may not suit each other at all.

The distinguishing features are larger size clothing. Dark muted shades are preferred.

Photo shoot in grunge style by Hedi Slimane