The body does not lie (the meaning of the various postures of the human body). If a man wants to be closer to a woman

The Rules of the Road deal with a large number of definitions, one of which is Insufficient visibility". In this article, we will try to figure out what it is, how it differs from other similar definitions, what rules should be followed when driving in such conditions.

Section 1.2 is devoted to this concept. general provisions SDA, in which there is only one sentence.

  • snowing;
  • fog
  • rainy weather;
  • twilight.

Pay attention to the last point - twilight, according to the traffic rules, is the time when the sun sets below the horizon line, respectively, you can see at a fairly large distance without turning on the headlights. Twilight is both night and morning.

Features of limited visibility

There are other definitions in the SDA that need to be clearly distinguished:

  • limited visibility is when the driver's field of vision is limited by landscape, buildings, trees, bends in the roadway. That is, a limited view remains at any time of the day and on such sections of the road the motorist must adhere to the established one, there is also a ban on various maneuvers - a U-turn and overtaking;
  • dark time of the day - depends on the time of year. It refers to the time when the sun is not on the horizon, saying plain language, - night.

Well, there is daylight when there is no need for additional lighting, although according to the traffic rules, everyone in Russia is required to drive with running lights (DRLs) on, even when the sun is unbearably hot outside.

How to move in these conditions?

In principle, in the traffic rules there are no special requirements regarding driving in such conditions. The only thing that is required from the driver is to choose a speed mode taking into account the traffic situation and the quality of the surface.

It is also said that you need to turn on external lights, based on the circumstances:

  • dipped beam - in the conditions of the city, outside the city to avoid blinding drivers of oncoming vehicles, on the rise;
  • high beam - outside the city, provided that you do not overtake or there is no traffic in the opposite direction at a distance of 150-200 meters;
  • fog lights - snow, fog, rain, they are turned on together with the dipped beam.

In addition, you must leave the rear fog lights on, and if you make a forced stop, then the dimensions should also be on.

Also, drivers resort to simple rule speed mode selection - the speed should not exceed half the visibility in meters. That is, if the road in fog is visible at 20 meters, then you need to move no faster than 10 meters per second or 36-40 km / h. In any case, the driver must take into account the length of the braking distance, which will increase on a slippery, wet or snowy track.

Maintaining distance is of the utmost importance. Do not get too close to the vehicles in front. Please note that the reaction time is significantly reduced when driving for a long time at the same speed. At dusk, when it gets dark quickly, obstacles are more difficult to distinguish, so turn on the lights in time.

By adhering to these rules, you can protect yourself and passengers from an accident.

You already know what speeds you need to drive in order to avoid accidents, but what if you have another car sitting on your tail? This article provides guidance on what steps you can take to avoid potentially dangerous situations caused by a vehicle behind you.


Keep calm! Losing control over yourself, you simultaneously lose control over the control of the car, and this is already life-threatening. Some deep breaths usually helps to calm down. Focus on the situation, not on the radio, talking to passengers, or the cell phone (which should generally be avoided, especially in heavy traffic).

Find a comfortable distance for yourself. Drivers who frequently drive around the city are more accustomed to staying close to the vehicle in front, while drivers who rarely travel to the city are more comfortable keeping a long distance. Given this fact, your opinion that the driver behind you is not keeping your distance may not correspond to reality, or the opinion of the driver behind you. An important goal, in this case, is to reduce stress for both drivers, since each of them is subject to, in his opinion, aggressive behavior on road.

Be aware of local regulations traffic. As a rule, non-observance of the distance is considered a violation of traffic rules, since it can create an emergency on the road. In the event of a collision, the driver behind will be at fault. If the driver is aware of the consequences of a collision with you, then most likely he will not sit on your tail.

If it's safe to do so, pull over to the side of the road to let the car behind you pass. Usually, this is the most fast way get rid of the tail. If the car behind you quickly starts to catch up with you, this is an indicator that he wants to overtake you. If it's safe, skip it.

  • On narrow roads, use the emergency lane to let the pursuer pass. In many cities, it is customary for a slower vehicle to use the emergency lane, otherwise, it will just be a polite driver's gesture.
  • On a winding road, you should not accelerate sharply in the fast lane, as this will prevent others from passing. Many drivers drive slowly and smoothly around corners, and start accelerating only when they enter the straight lane and make sure they have enough room and visibility to overtake. Be patient while allowing others to pass.
  • If possible, slow down and move off the center of the road, allowing the car behind you to pass ahead. Often these drivers just want to go faster, so if you miss them, they will rush ahead and leave you alone. If you notice that they want to overtake you, pull out of the fast lane.

    Keep your speed constant. This will allow the "pursuer" to determine when he can overtake you. Resist the urge to speed up or slow down to scold the violator - this will bring nothing but frustration.

    • When in doubt, use cruise control. This will help you drive at a constant speed, and avoid unwanted acceleration spurred on by the other driver. In addition, you will already be in a tense situation. Using cruise control allows you to less attention speed, and concentrate on finding a way out of the current situation.
  • Whatever happens, don't be the source of the problem. If for some reason you cannot change lanes, the laws of physics will not allow the violator to pass through you. However, if you catch up with another car traveling at the same speed as you, then it is better to slow down and clear the lane. Dangerous situations on the road are not worth defending your rights.

    If, while driving on a multi-lane highway, you notice that you often “sit on your tail”, try to slow down a bit and attach yourself to some trucker behind you. Drivers approaching you from behind, seeing a truck in front of you, will immediately change lanes without getting too close to you.

    Communicate. The driver, who alternates between low and high beams, asks you to give way to him in this way, but does not imply that this must be done abruptly. Stickers that say "Rookie Driver" or "If You Read This, You're Too Close" can be very effective. Turning on your hazard warning signal will let you know that you have technical problems that affect your speed (remember to pull over as soon as possible). On the other hand, offensive hand gestures will not help in any way, but rather, only escalate the situation. By spreading your arms, you may mean that you are unable to influence the situation, but this gesture may be perceived by another driver as defiant. Plus, you take your hands off the wheel!

    If you can't change the situation, prepare to be insulted by aggressive drivers. They may turn on their high beams, honk, shout insults, or make unfriendly gestures. In the event that someone turns on the high beam headlights, switch the rearview mirror to night mode, and by mentally preparing for possible beeps or abuse, you can react more calmly.

    If there are passengers in the cabin, try not to disturb them. Tell them not to worry and stay calm while you deal with the offended driver. They may offer some advice, but ultimately, distractions must be kept to a minimum.

    Do not perceive the aggressor as an enemy or "an ignorant driver who needs to be taught a lesson." Avoid the desire to lynch the intruder. This is not the time to teach him the rules of the road, which, anyway, will not bring him any benefit, except for insult. Just focus on defusing the situation. Let law enforcement enforce the law.

  • Lightly depress the brake pedal a few times so that the driver behind notices your brake lights, but don't fully depress the pedal to avoid slowing down. This is another way to show that you need to increase the distance. (Don't brake hard to "teach him a lesson" - that will only lead to an accident that will be worse for everyone.)

    • Remain calm when other drivers try to provoke you.
    • Try to always drive by the rules: let pedestrians and “racers” pass, smoothly fit into the lane when overtaking, always use signals, etc. The more drivers who behave like this, the more enjoyable driving will be for everyone.
    • Remember that you should always ride as safely as possible and lead by example.
    • Remember that it is safer to be predictable on the track, and if you are under pressure, use signals to communicate.
    • Don't make the problem worse. Even if you are not required to give way, change lanes anyway - this is best solution in terms of safety and stress.
    • Follow the rule: “Slow transport goes first”.
    • When an intruder overtakes you, pay attention to his license plate and consider whether it is necessary to report it to law enforcement agencies (for example, traffic police). If the car has a company logo or phone number, that's even better. Never argue with a violator in person, but you can help get him held accountable for bad driving.
    • Remember that it is safer to "go with the flow" than to be "a boulder in the stream". If the average traffic flow is too fast for you, consider alternative options.
    • Don't think that if you slow down, the driver will "get off your tail" - this is a false notion. If you slow down, he will also slow down to avoid a collision, but if you continue to slow down, he will not have a “retreat path” until you resume speed.


    • Never try to "teach someone a lesson" on the road. All drivers have the same rights and obligations. If you are not a law enforcement officer, then you can break the law by imposing your views on driving.
    • If you carry with you mobile phone then it would be nice to store the service number emergency assistance and law enforcement numbers under the speed dial buttons. If someone creates dangerous situations on the road, you must report this to the appropriate law enforcement authorities (it is better to have the passenger make the call!).
    • Do not intentionally do things that annoy other drivers. It's insulting to say the least. In the worst case, you can run into tough guys who carry weapons with them and are not distinguished by mental balance, which can end very badly. Under no circumstances make an already bad situation worse.
  • Padding around the form

    Every woman loves to be complimented and confess her love. But words are often deceiving. Any experienced heartthrob knows that women love with their ears, and therefore, wanting to conquer the woman they like, does not skimp on sweet speeches. How to distinguish sincerity from lies and not become the prey of a womanizer? And it’s very simple: you need to pay attention not so much to what a man says, but to his behavior. Gestures, facial expressions, body movements - all this non-verbal cues, having correctly deciphered which, you can understand how a man actually treats you - loves, or only pretends to be in love.

    Result on the face

    If a man likes you a lot, being next to you, he will definitely be a little nervous and worried. Excitement men give out the following signs: breaking, hoarse voice, stuttering, abrupt, clumsy movements, reddening of the face, dilated pupils. All these signs are so obvious that even if you do not understand anything in gestures and facial expressions, it will still not be difficult for you to distinguish a worried man from a completely calm and relaxed one. Consider: if a man compliments you or confesses his feelings, but does not show any signs of excitement, you have every reason to doubt his sincerity!

    There are many specific non-verbal gestures that give out true attitude men to woman. For example, when a man sees you, he begins to preen - smoothes his hair, straightens his tie, straightens his back and draws in his stomach - this clearly indicates that he cares about you and that he really wants to please you.

    The fact that you excite a man as a woman, and that he dreams of intimacy with you, will tell you non-verbal gestures with sexual overtones. For example, if a man, looking at you, licks his lips, this may indicate that he wants to kiss you. A man playing with the button of his own jacket, at this moment, probably imagines how he will undress you. Both women and men experiencing sexual attraction to the interlocutor, may unconsciously touch their erogenous zones- to the lips, to the neck, to the shoulders, to stroke them.

    So many important information his eyes can tell about the feelings of a man at the moment when he looks at you. If a man likes you a lot, he will look into your eyes for a long time and intently, while his pupils will be dilated and his eyebrows slightly raised. This view expresses not only sexual desire but also delight, admiration. Trembling nostrils and parted lips are a clear sign of strong passion in both women and men. If a man looks at you appraisingly, squinting slightly, most likely, at this moment he is calmly considering how to seduce you quickly.

    So what if all of the above verbal signs missing? So, most likely, the man is indifferent to you. Some men control themselves better, others worse, but no man can seem indifferent when he likes a woman!

    The whole truth is in the legs

    Notice the man's legs. If a man sits opposite you with his knees wide apart, this is sure sign that he doesn't mind having sex with you. And don't let it offend or anger you - in men, sex and love are combined into one. If you absolutely do not like a man, cross your legs or cross your legs, symbolically, as if closing from him. Do not hesitate, he will correctly interpret this gesture of yours.

    If a man is talking to you while standing, pay attention to which way the toes of his shoes are pointing. If in your direction, then he is interested in communicating with you. If aside front door, apparently, he can not wait to say goodbye to you and leave.

    There is another sure sign that you caused a man desire- he literally devours your figure with his eyes. It also suggests that you are a woman of his type. It is unlikely that a man will take a long and intent look at a woman whose appearance he did not like.

    All in your hands

    woman experiencing sexual passion to a man, during a conversation with a man, he can turn various oblong objects in his hands, as if symbolizing the male phallus. A woman can also play with her bracelet or fiddle with the chain around her neck - all these are signs that she does not mind giving herself to a man. The same is true for men. If a man fiddles in his hands and strokes some rounded object, vaguely resembling female breast, which means that at this moment he is probably thinking about sex. If a man plays metal bracelet his watch - this speaks of his subconscious desire to draw the attention of the interlocutor to his manhood. But if a man stealthily glances at the dial, you can safely get up and leave - he will only be happy about this.

    If a man strokes his face, touches his lips with his fingers, you can be sure that he wants to kiss you. But if a man nervously fiddles with his earlobe and looks away, most likely he is not interested in talking with you.

    If a man behaves with you emphatically gallantly and attentively - he opens the door for you, puts a chair for you, throws his jacket around your shoulders so that you don’t freeze, etc. - this is not just a tribute to courtesy, but active courtship. Thus, a man is trying to win you over, as well as show other men that you are his woman.

    clear sign falling in love, when a man looks into your eyes for a long time and tenderly, as if he is unable to take his eyes off your face. If looking at a man female figure can rather speak of purely carnal passion, then gaze eye to eye very often gives out strong, elevated feelings.

    Behavior of a knight in love

    Not all men know how to correctly express their feelings and beautifully care for the woman they like. Keep in mind: many men, having fallen in love, become so shy and lost that they become stupid before our eyes, begin to behave inappropriately and commit one stupid thing after another. It is only experienced womanizers who are always confident in themselves, never embarrassed, and when caring for women, they look like impeccable gentlemen. So, do not judge strictly a man who blurts out something off topic and makes jokes out of place. Most likely, he behaves this way because he is hopelessly in love with you and is trying his best to please you.

    Men in love are excessively annoying and annoying. If a man constantly asks you indiscreet questions, trying to find out from you all the details of your life, you can be sure that you are seriously interested in him. Thus, he is trying to understand what kind of person you are, so that it would be easier for him to find an approach to you and conquer you. If such behavior of a man irritates you, carefully hint to him about this, but in such a way as not to offend him in the best of feelings.

    Love can also be indicated by a man’s attempts to enter your personal space. If a man very often comes closer to you than half a meter, as if accidentally touches you, touches your arm, shoulder, tries to hug your waist, then there is no doubt that he dreams of becoming more than just a friend or acquaintances.

    If you still decide to reciprocate a man in love, then here are some tips on how to keep him near you as long as possible and not let his feelings cool down:

    * Praise your man as often as possible. Men love praise and compliments just as much as women. They just don't show it. But do not overdo it and try to keep your compliments sincere. Otherwise, a man may suspect that you are mocking him.

    * Remember: Men Don't Understand Subtle Hints. Therefore, if you want to get some specific actions from a man, do not be obscure, do not beat around the bush, but ask him directly to do this and that. Otherwise, your communication will resemble a dialogue between the blind and the deaf, and in the end you will start conflicts.

    * Take care of yourself, be beautiful and well-groomed- and then your man will never stop loving you. So many women make one common mistake - having got a man, they soon stop making sure that with a man they always look beautiful, well-groomed, sexy. And then they are surprised when the passion of a man cools down.

    * Judge a man's attitude towards you solely by his actions. Do not forget that true love manifests itself in care and attention, and not in beautiful words. Do not be like women who first put on pink glasses and take wishful thinking, and then bitterly disappointed. Padding around the form

    You can see it in the way he looks at her, even trying to hide his gaze and seem indifferent. This can be seen from his gestures, when he accidentally or as if, as a joke, touches her hand. This can be seen in his poorly concealed emotion of loss when a woman slips from his arms. In fact, if a man wants to be closer to a woman, he always wants to get a response from her and mutual feeling. Psychology and physical attraction makes us try to get closer to those who mean too much to us. A man can constantly give up his feelings, say that a woman annoys him, but non-verbal signs tell a completely different story. For example, when a man loves a woman, he tries to take a seat near her. But, so that others do not understand his feelings, he does not take a place nearby, but on the contrary, so that she is in sight. A man wants to look at his beloved. This is not surprising, because a loved one is always pleasing to the eye. But, if you watch such a man, he tries to hide his eyes so that no one guesses about love. Therefore, the guy looks as if from a joke, and when someone pays attention to him, he tries to hastily look away. Often, young people think that they can hide their feelings, but still, they subconsciously give themselves away. You need to be a person with iron nerves and endurance in order to constantly control your emotions. Not many men are capable of this, fortunately or unfortunately.

    How does a man hide his feelings for a woman?

    If you have such questions, it means that you want to understand the attitude of some guy towards yourself or another girl. By various gestures and facial expressions, experienced psychologist can quickly and accurately determine the emotions of a person, even if he hides them very carefully. If you suspect that someone likes you or, conversely, your boyfriend likes some lady, watch how he behaves in the company of a lady. This does not mean that the young man will do everything for her to give gifts and curl around, but, nevertheless, he will definitely show himself.

    To begin with, observe how often he can look a girl in the eyes and whether these views express any emotions. Lovers try to look away, because emotions of joy are unmistakably read in their eyes when they still look at dear person. If the guy and the object of his attention are walking down the street, he tries to be close to her, but not near, believing that this will reveal his feelings. If a girl asks for something, a man often pretends that he is not particularly eager to fulfill the request, but, nevertheless, he always fulfills everything. He closely monitors the behavior of other men, which can be seen from the tense behavior and look, but is always silent. If a guy notices that a girl is showing signs of attention to another, he barely noticeably tenses up and looks away, or, on the contrary, looks intently, without looking away. Also, you can see that he clenches his fists or grinds his teeth. To all questions, young people in such situations answer only with jokes or ask them not to pay attention, strenuously pretending that everything is fine. Probably, most of all, in such a situation, a man gives out a desire to be indifferent. He tries too hard to play his role, so his actions look extremely unnatural. Of course, this can be noticed by those who know him well or who carefully observe him.

    In such situations, young people themselves never volunteer to see the girls off, but they always try to model the situation so that this role goes to them. Of course, the guy does not take the lady by the hand and talk to her about something intimate. He tries to act cheerfully or indifferently, pretending that he wants to quickly return to the company. It is quite difficult to convict him of feelings, but it is possible, for example, by casually offering to take a walk a little longer. Most likely, he will agree without enthusiasm, but will remain with the girl for as long as she wishes and will not show by word or gesture that he has even the slightest desire to leave. Men are not so strong emotionally as they try to appear. On the contrary, guys are much weaker than us girls. They do not know how to deal with their emotions next to the object of sighing, at least at the moment when the girl asks for something or offers something. From a distance, guys can talk about the deep hatred they feel for this lady, but their behavior when they are near each other says quite the opposite. Precisely because of the inconsistency male behavior, the easiest way to guess about his true, sincere feelings and experiences.

    That is why, if a man wants to be closer to a woman, then you should carefully look at everything he says and does. Even the words and phrases spoken by a young man can give him away. The fact is that the guy is trying to subconsciously like the girl. He behaves in such a way that she appreciates some of his qualities. Even if it is swagger, but the young man considers it his plus, he will diligently stick it out.

    Hiding love is actually very painful and difficult. That is why, even being in the company of a beloved woman, guys often behave nervously and embittered. This only says that feelings reach the upper limit and they can no longer cope with them. This leads to the fact that it may seem to some that the young man treats the girl extremely negatively. In fact, he most likely hates, but not her, but himself. And let him say and invent everything that comes to his mind, real feelings can always be read in the looks and gestures, in those emotions that slip on the face in passing. If a man wants to be closer to a woman, then he definitely needs her.

    5 chose

    Today wonderful holidayHug Day. The idea, in my opinion, is very good: people hug their acquaintances and strangers, raising each other's mood and conveying such in a simple way mental and physical warmth. Yes, and psychologists assure that hugging . The only problem is that not all people enthusiastically accept the hugs of strangers. Some would gladly put out sharp spikes, as long as they were not touched, and in general, did not come too close. In a word, they would not violate their personal space.

    Personal space is our comfort and safety zone, and when strangers invade it, we begin to feel anxious and annoyed. It's funny that the concept of personal space exists even in some species of animals, and when one individual gets too close to another, a fight inevitably breaks out. We, fortunately, do not fight so often, but subconsciously, with the help of personal space, we try to isolate ourselves from possible aggression. Not without reason the radius of this zone is approximately equal to the impact distance.

    Psychologists share several comfort zones. The narrowest of them is an intimate space with a radius of up to half a meter. In it we admit the closest people whom we absolutely trust. Next comes the personal space (up to one meter), here we let friends and good acquaintances. We try to keep strangers outside this border.

    However, personal space is a very individual concept, and its size depends on many factors. For example, extroverts tend to be more accepting of people than introverts. Violation of personal space is very painful for people with an increased sense of anxiety, and self-confident individuals are not so annoying. People from big cities are less worried about the excessive proximity of strangers than rural residents - they are simply not used to it. Temperamental southerners usually have less personal space than more restrained northerners, they are used to hugging when meeting, touching each other during a conversation. For teenagers who stop sharing everything with their parents, the sense of personal space is often exacerbated even during communication with the family, which is why they are so "prickly". Our subconscious attitude to this issue can change in different periods life and, what is there, in different days month.

    When communicating with people, it is worth paying attention to whether we are violating their personal space. If the person tenses up when you approach, tries not to look at you during a conversation, or quietly steps back, this may be the case. However, some deliberately use the violation of personal space as an aggressive negotiating tactic. This makes the interlocutor nervous and uncomfortable. And in such a situation, it is difficult for a person to stand his ground. How it works can be seen even in the movies. For example, this is how Ostap Bender communicated with Kislyarsky, persuading him to enter into an alliance "Sword and plowshare".

    But back to hug day. On the one hand, close physical contact is an expression of trust, so cuddling with someone we don't trust can make us feel uncomfortable. On the other hand, inviting us to embrace, a person opens up to us, showing that he does not wish us harm. Therefore, not everyone perceives "free hugs" as a violation of their personal space. So, for example, I have. I avoid people who communicate with me at too close a distance. But in honor of the holiday, I can happily hug even strangers, while experiencing extremely positive emotions.