Removing a clerical touch: simple wisdom. Effective ways to clean clothes from the corrector, step by step recommendations

Schoolchildren, office workers and those who simply work with papers know that it is possible to correct any blot in records quickly and easily. To do this, you only need a couple of seconds of time and a clerical "touch". This is the name of the usual white corrector.

However, it must be handled with extreme caution. One awkward movement, and a stain may appear on the table or clothes. If you have come across such a situation, then you probably know that it is quite difficult to wipe off the putty. But still it is possible, and in this article we will talk in detail about how to remove traces of corrector from different surfaces.

So, before proceeding to the description of methods for removing traces from a stroke, an important remark should be made. We will only talk about how to wash an already dried corrector. After all, if the stain is fresh, it can almost always be easily removed with wet wipes or alcohol wipes. The main thing is to do it quickly and accurately.

However, when the correction fluid has already solidified, the process of removing it becomes much more difficult. The fact is that a dried stroke forms a kind of film on the surface, and therefore it will no longer be possible to wash it with a simple cloth. We list specific types of surfaces and methods for their purification.


If you have soiled your favorite blouse or jacket with corrector, do not be upset. After all, things can still be washed off. But before proceeding with the stain removal procedure, you should carefully study the composition of the stroke. Because your next steps depend on it. Let's analyze the features of each type of composition.

water base

Removing a stain from such a corrector is easy. The main thing to remember is that if a fresh drop of liquid gets on the fabric, it should never be rubbed. Since in this way you will only aggravate the situation - the stroke will eat into the fibers of clothing even more. So, just wash the item in the washing machine according to the instructions for caring for this type of fabric. There will be no trace left of the stain. And for maximum effect, you can achieve if you pre-soak the product in cool soapy water for about twenty or thirty minutes.

Emulsion or alcohol

This type of pollution is already more complex. Before you start cleaning, you must wait until the stroke is completely dry. Then, if the stain is large, try to remove it very carefully. using a dull knife or a regular nail file. Next, soak a cotton pad in alcohol, lotion, or alcohol-based cologne. Moisten the trace of the corrector in alcohol liquid, then gently clean the stain. To completely remove clerical marks, wash the garment following the instructions on the label.

It is worth noting that if contamination appeared on clothes made of delicate fabric or things of a saturated shade, then you should be extremely careful. After all, you can very easily damage the structure of the fabric or spoil the color of the product. Therefore, in such cases, it is better to seek help from a professional dry cleaner.

Solvent based

Cleaning a stain from such a stroke is perhaps the most difficult thing. As in the previous version, it is necessary to act according to the “wedge knock out with a wedge” scheme. Therefore, for the stain removal procedure, you will need any solvent, be it white spirit or ordinary nail polish remover. And also a small piece of clean cloth.

You must first check how the solvent acts on the fabric. This can be done in an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing, for example, its seam.

If the textile does not lose its color, structure or shape, then you can proceed to the process of removing the stroke. To do this, turn the product on the wrong side, while placing a pre-prepared fabric under the front. Carefully, with light movements, moving from the edge to the center, treat the stain. After that, wash the item by hand or in the washing machine on a delicate cycle.

In a situation where a stroke stain has fallen on velvet, silk or similar fabric, it is better to immediately give things to professionals. Under no circumstances should you pre-wash them. Since the chances of removing the stain after washing are greatly reduced.

It is worth noting that some stationery stores sell special solutions that are designed to remove stains from liquid corrector. They are accompanied by detailed instructions that will help you easily and quickly cope with the stain removal process.

Other surfaces

So, now you know exactly how to properly remove corrector stains from clothes. So you will not be upset by a drop of corrective agent accidentally falling on a thing. I must say that removing traces of a stroke from clothes is the most difficult. After all, to remove a stroke from a table, plastic or tile, you do not have to make a lot of effort.

In the vast majority of cases, simply scrape off the stain with a soft spatula. Or just blot with a napkin that is dipped in a solution of alcohol or acetone. Even old stains will disappear without a trace.

When it comes to removing stains from a sofa or other upholstered furniture, then the steps will be similar to those used to clean clothes. Also, first of all, it is necessary to study the composition of the corrective agent, and already on this basis, select the cleaning option.

Always make sure that the solvent or detergent does not spoil the color and structure of the material. As soon as you notice something like this, immediately stop the process.

Finally, here are some useful tips to help you maintain the integrity and beauty of the fabric while removing the corrector from it:

  • Do not rub in cleanser. It doesn't matter if it's a solvent, alcohol or acetone. After all, in this way you can damage the textiles. Act carefully and carefully.
  • Use extra fabric. This is necessary so that the cleaner does not spread over the entire surface of the product.
  • Always process textiles from the inside only.

The proofreader has long been adopted by office workers, schoolchildren with students and people who constantly work with documentation. A slight wave of the brush, and the error disappears. The main thing is that your hands do not tremble, and no one distracts, otherwise the magic tool will spread like an ugly white spot on your favorite blouse or skirt.

Don't panic

Fresh traces of a stroke are immediately wiped with a dry or damp cloth. Move from the edges to the center, and not vice versa, so as not to smear the stain and not increase the scale of the tragedy. First aid has been provided to clothes, now you need to arm yourself with a jar and read the composition. Further steps to remove the corrector depend on the basis used for its manufacture.

Water, alcohol or oil

You can wash off the water stroke by locking yourself in the nearest toilet with a sink. A handkerchief or a piece of cloth will come in handy, and a paper napkin will do. Wet a rag under the tap, wring it out and run it over the stain several times, being careful not to rub it into your clothes. The traces of the corrector will become invisible.

Arriving home, the soiled thing should be soaked in a bowl of warm water. Find in the nightstand or buy a bar of laundry soap that removes almost any stain. The place where the stroke has spilled, rub, rinse and hang the clothes to dry.

If laundry soap is not at hand, powder, dish detergent or shampoo will come in handy. Squeeze a pea on the stain, lather, leave for 10 minutes, dip in clean water.

Important: The dried corrector should be scraped off the fabric with a toothbrush, and then proceed to washing.

Alcohol varieties of corrector
The presence of alcohol in the composition of the stroke complicates the problem. You can’t get rid of ordinary soaking and soap, you will have to arm yourself with vodka, cologne or shaving lotion. A tonic that contains alcohol, or a special solvent for corrector, is suitable. You can buy the latter at a hardware store.

Remove dried putty from clothing with a brush or nail file, being careful not to stain the fabric around the stain. Turn the skirt or blouse inside out, placing a white fabric under the trace of the stroke.

Arm yourself with a cotton swab or a makeup remover pad. Moisten the cloth around the stain with water so that the corrector does not spread. Apply vodka or cologne to the stick and gently move towards the center, trying to clean off the product. You can not press hard so that the stroke is not absorbed into the fabric more strongly.

Keep a piece of white cloth or cotton wool handy to remove the remnants of the cleaner along with the corrector. Immediately put the processed thing in the washing machine, setting the maximum mode. It is advisable to add a product like Vanish, designed to combat various contaminants.

Important: You can not treat the stain from the proofreader with toilet water or perfume. They have little alcohol, but a rather persistent smell, which is not easy to get rid of.

Hard case
Emulsion-based putties are rare. Not lucky enough to meet just such a stroke? You will have to make every effort to get rid of it.

Items must not be pre-soaked or washed. Be sure to remove dried residues with a brush. Apply the anti-corrector agent from the wrong side, placing a clean, light-colored fabric without patterns that will absorb dirt.

An oil or emulsion base can be dissolved:

  • white spirit;
  • methylated alcohol;
  • kerosene;
  • ammonia diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 2;
  • nail polish remover or acetone;
  • paint thinner.

Some use gasoline. It does remove the corrector, but the lingering smell is absorbed into the garment and doesn't fade after the fifth wash with fabric softener.

Apply 2-3 drops of the selected agent to the problem area of ​​the tissue, spreading it over the entire surface of the stain with a cotton swab. Detect for 15 minutes, allowing ammonia or acetone to dissolve the putty. Soak a cotton pad in the liquid from the corrector, clean off the stroke from the edges with gentle and gentle movements. After blotting with a paper towel, removing the remnants of the stain. Wash the item immediately with a quality powder.

Tip: You should check how the fabric reacts to a particular substance. A drop of liquid intended to remove the corrector is applied to the internal seams. If the color of the clothes in that place has not changed, there is no threat.

How to wash dry concealer

Is there a dash tape stuck to the skirt? You will need a solution of laundry soap, which is moistened with a corrector. Carefully separate the tape from the clothes, brush off the remaining putty with a brush. Fix the result with washing.

Rescuing clothes from the corrector does not take much time and will cost less than buying a new thing. But it is better to dry-clean silk and other delicate fabrics, because only professionals know what products to use so as not to completely ruin the thing.

Video: how to remove the corrector from clothes

A stroke corrector (putty) is used to correct errors in the text and is always at hand for schoolchildren, students, and accountants. There are annoying situations when the corrector gets on trousers, a skirt, a sweater. It is important to know how to remove putty from clothes with a high degree of reliability.

Before deciding how to wash the corrector from clothes, it is advisable to carefully study the label to determine the composition of the product. This will allow the putty to be rubbed off without visible consequences for the fabric.

Cleansing should begin immediately. First of all, wipe the fresh stain with a napkin. Perform movements from the edges to the center so as not to increase the size of the pollution. It is impossible to rub the putty that has not yet dried strongly: this will lead to further penetration of the substance into the fibers and increase the area of ​​​​contamination. It will become more difficult to remove such a mark.

Now let's figure out how to remove the corrector from clothes, taking into account the basis on which it was created - water, alcohol or emulsion.

Water based putty

This corrector is safe to use, non-flammable, so it is readily purchased for children.

The need to solve the problem of how to remove a stroke from clothes arises due to its slow drying. However, it is not difficult to remove such a putty. Explain to children who have had such a misfortune at school to wet a handkerchief or tissue and gently wipe the spot just made.

If the trace of the putty could not be completely removed, then at home they soak the thing in cool water, dissolving grated laundry soap in it, which easily removes the stain. Suitable for soaking and washing powder.

After half an hour, the clothes can be washed in the machine, setting the mode suitable for the fabric. Hand wash is acceptable, but in this case we clean the contamination carefully, without strong friction.


If you find a voluminous dried blot from the corrector on your clothes, then first remove its particles with a hard toothbrush, and then soak and wash.

Alcohol based concealer

The popularity of the alcohol variety of putty is due to the speed of drying. But it has a strong characteristic smell.

When solving the problem of how to wash a stroke corrector containing alcohol, keep in mind that water will not help. Of the available funds, use cologne, vodka, lotion or tonic on alcohol.

To wipe a stroke from clothes, perform the following steps:

  1. With the help of a nail file, brushes remove dried particles.
  2. The clothes are turned inside out.
  3. Place a piece of white cloth under the area with the stain to be erased.
  4. Before cleaning the contamination, the cloth around the stain is moistened. This will prevent spreading of the corrector.
  5. A cotton swab is dipped into the selected agent and, without strong pressure, they begin to move along the stain from the edges to the center. With care, the putty is removed quickly. The remains are removed with a cloth.

After such processing, things are washed in the usual way with the addition of a stain remover.

Among the techniques showing how to remove alcohol putty from fabric, the use of ammonia deserves attention. The drug (8-10 drops) is poured into warm water (25 ml). A cotton swab soaked in the solution is placed on the stain. After 15 minutes, the clothes can be washed.

Emulsion based putty

It is more difficult to remove a stroke corrector on an emulsion basis. It has many advantages: it is non-flammable, dries quickly, odorless, but when it gets on the fabric, it forms persistent pollution.

In this situation, when deciding how to wash the putty, they resort to the help of aggressive liquids:

  • kerosene;
  • paint thinner;
  • white spirit;
  • acetone;
  • a solution of ammonia in water (1: 2);
  • gasoline;
  • methylated alcohol.

Before wiping the stain from clothes with the chosen agent, apply a few drops on the wrong side of the seam and check the reaction of the fabric. If it has not shed and is not deformed, proceed to processing.

Ammonia solution has long been considered the safest. Usually, the housewife moistened the stain with a cotton swab, and then rubbed the stain towards the center. After 20 minutes, the contaminated area was washed with clean water and the thing was washed.

If the old technique did not help to remove putty from clothes, use paint thinner or kerosene. Keep in mind that these liquids are flammable, so take safety precautions.

Before removing the putty, it is necessary to place a white textile napkin under the treated area. With a cotton swab, apply the composition to the contamination from the front side. Repeat the operation after 15 minutes. After a quarter of an hour, turn the product out and soak the stain again, now from the wrong side. After 20 minutes, wash the item in warm soapy water by hand and complete the process in the washing machine.

When choosing how to wash an emulsion-based corrector, be careful with gasoline because of the persistent unpleasant odor. It is allowed to use only purified gasoline purchased at a hardware store. It is contraindicated to apply it to synthetics, since the thing will melt.

Solid corrector

Less often you have to solve the problem of how to remove the stain from the corrector from clothes, having putty in the form of roller tapes: it leaves a dry mark on paper. It can stain a thing if a torn piece of tape sticks to clothes. To remove, soak the product for an hour in a cool soapy solution. Remove the remnants of the tape and wash the item by hand or in the machine.

Contaminated clothes made of delicate fabrics - velvet, silk, fine wool - should be dry-cleaned so as not to cause harm when removing the putty by home methods.

Each type of putty has its own washing method. The water stroke is washed off by soaking in water with laundry soap. Alcohol with vodka, medical alcohol, and solvent-based is removed with nail polish remover or drying oil. Soak a cotton pad in the product and wipe off the stain, but do not go beyond the soiling so as not to discolor the fabric.

Educational institutions have long banned the use of strokes for text correction, but schoolchildren and students still continue to use them. With a manufacturing defect or inaccurate use, the corrector may leak, forming persistent marks on things. In rare cases, it is not possible to remove them without the use of special means. This is due to the basis on which the stationery is made. But knowing how to wash the corrector from clothes, you will get rid of stains and restore your favorite shirt / trousers.

Types of correctors

Before you start washing, pay attention to 2 factors: the material from which the pants are sewn and the composition of the corrector.

Stationery strokes are made on the basis of:

  • alcoholic;
  • oil;
  • one.

Alcohol and oil leave stains that are difficult to remove, as they actively eat into the structure of the fabric and stain it from the inside. Such pollution should be dealt with by special means, starting from the type of fabric / color. For example, it is difficult to clean jeans from an oil proofreader, because solvents can discolor the material, making clothes completely unusable.

The first actions when putty gets on clothes

Seeing a white spot on black trousers, colored or white clothes, the main thing is not to panic, but immediately start cleaning before the putty has time to soak into the fabric.

Before removing the stain, do the following:

  • take a nail file or other flat object, gently scrape off a drop of corrector;
  • using a damp cloth, wipe off the residue, moving from the edges to the center so as not to smudge the stain.

In most cases, this is enough to put the clothes in order without damaging them. But if these actions were carried out out of time, because of which the stain had time to dry out, think about how to remove the corrector putty, and study the composition of the stationery (to find out its basis).

Stain removal methods

It is important to choose a cleaning method based on the composition of the stroke, otherwise the result will be ineffective. At home, you can wash the putty with improvised means, such as soda, vinegar, ammonia.

For white, use hydrogen peroxide. She will remove the stain and additionally without damaging its structure.

You can use them in different ways:

  1. Combine to make a powerful remedy. Mix 1 tsp. liquid funds. Pour a little baking soda on the stain and pour it over with the prepared solution. After the end of the reaction between the components, wash the contamination with laundry soap.
  2. Pour liquid products on the stain (for half an hour) and wash with dish detergent.
  3. Use soda in a mushy form, mixing it with a small amount of water, and apply for 20 minutes on the contaminated area.

Typically, these methods are used when it was not possible to wash clothes on time, but a preliminary cleaning was carried out, which left an insignificant mark. Improvised means will easily remove the pigment from the fabric and return it to its original appearance.

Water based concealer

Removing a stain from a water corrector is the easiest, because it is enough to return the right level of liquid to it, and it can be easily washed off.

water stroke

As in previous cases, it is important to have a product on hand that can dissolve the stain by returning the right amount of solvent to it.

Note! Aggressive means harm colors. Initially, check whether the selected substance will harm your clothing by testing on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric.


  • nail polish remover;
  • white spirit;
  • drying oil;
  • refined gasoline (for refueling lighters).

Be careful with these tools. Firstly, observe safety precautions: do not bring the products close to the olfactory organs and avoid contact with the eyes and skin. Secondly, they can damage the color.

Use an ear stick to process the fabric. Soak it in the product and gently swipe over the stain without going beyond it. Be sure to wash the product at home, as it will continue to affect the structure of the fabric and colors.

How to quickly remove the putty means "VD-40", see the video:

Removing the corrector is not difficult. The main thing is to have the necessary tools on hand. If you have a stroke in your pencil case, study its composition, determine the removal method in advance and fill a small bottle with the desired substance. Perhaps it will help you get rid of not only putty stains, but also help out if suddenly.

Larisa , August 28, 2018 .

It will not be possible to remove the mark left by the stroke corrector from clothes with the help of ordinary washing: first it must be carefully processed. How exactly, largely depends on the composition of the corrective substance with which the stain was placed, as well as how soon measures will be taken to eliminate pollution: it is extremely difficult to remove an old trace from a stroke corrector.

With the help of a stroke corrector, they correct (correct) errors in the text that was printed or written on paper. To do this, the corrective substance is applied to the text in need of proofreading with an even white layer, as a result of which a thin, barely noticeable strip appears, on which you can write, making corrections.

The stroke corrector can be liquid or dry. Dry is a tape with a width of 4 to 6 mm, on which a dry layer of corrective agent is applied. It is convenient in that it immediately leaves behind a dry strip on which corrections can be applied.

There are four types of liquid correctors:

  • Water - odorless, dries for a long time;
  • Alcohol - dries quickly, with a pungent odor;
  • Emulsion - dries quickly, without a strong odor;
  • Solvent based.

The trace left by the stroke corrector on clothes, except for water and tape, cannot be washed off with ordinary washing powder, and stain elimination requires an individual approach. Moreover, it is necessary to act immediately and it is advisable to apply the product to the pollution at work, and wash it at home.

Therefore, when buying a stroke corrector, it is advisable to purchase a suitable solvent for it along with it. It will come in handy in any case: you can get dirty even with the most accurate work, and it will be best suited for removing stains from clothes.

To do this, moisten the stain with it and carefully remove it with a blunt metal object (for example, a nail file), then wipe it with water. At the same time, before applying the product, you need to check its effect on the material: before using it, you need to make sure that the fabric does not fall apart and does not shed.

Water corrector mark

The mark left by the water-based stroke corrector is the easiest to process: it can be easily washed off with laundry soap. If the trace is not immediately removed, the product must be soaked for thirty minutes, after lathering the stain. After there is no trace of the strip, the clothes will need to be completely washed in the washing machine.

The trace of the tape corrector

The mark from the dry corrector is washed off almost as easily. To do this, the clothes must be soaked for forty minutes in warm soapy water, and then remove the tape, which by this time will soften and easily move away from the fabric.

If not, you need to rub the place of contamination with a rag, and then completely wash the clothes in the washing machine or by hand.

A trace of alcohol corrector

The mark left by the alcohol stroke corrector is harder to remove. First, it must be treated with an agent containing alcohol (vodka, technical or medical alcohol, shaving lotion, cologne, tonic, toilet water). To do this, soak a piece of cloth in liquid and wipe off the mark. After getting rid of the mark, wash the clothes.

Emulsion corrector trace

Emulsion-based correction fluid consists of a mixture of alcohol and water. Therefore, the trace of it can be removed from clothes by analogy with the mark left by the alcohol corrector. Ammonia is also suitable, which will need to be diluted with water (1: 1).

To remove the mark, you can use alcohol-containing liquids: apply to clothing with a piece of cloth or cotton wool, and then wash the product.

Solvent-based corrector trace

The hardest thing is to remove the mark that the solvent-based stroke corrector left: you have to use solvents with aggressive components: acetone, gasoline, kerosene, nail polish remover, white spirit.

They are not suitable for any material: if woolen, silk, velvet clothes were contaminated, in order to remove the stain, they will have to be dry-cleaned or applied (solvents with aggressive components will spoil the material).

Before using a thinner on an inconspicuous area, it is necessary to check whether the fabric is shed due to the solvent and whether the material is dissolved. If the drug has successfully passed the test, it will be possible to remove the stain.

To do this, you need to apply the solvent on a cotton pad, wipe the stain and leave for twenty minutes, then moisten the cotton wool again with the product and wipe the place contaminated with the stroke corrector (you may have to change several discs to completely remove the stain).

If possible, it is desirable to process the fabric from the inside out. After getting rid of the stain, when you return home from work, do not forget to wash your clothes.